好评 | 88.00% | 22 | |
中评 | 4.00% | 1 | |
差评 | 8.00% | 2 |
第 11 楼
IP:14.18.*.* 于 2016-02-19 18:57 评论道:
I love Martin's books which have spelendid spectacles.
举报 |
支持(5) |
反对(0) |
第 12 楼
IP:113.140.*.* 于 2016-06-17 21:49 评论道:
why all repeat use English?
第 13 楼
IP:36.5.*.* 于 2017-01-22 21:13 评论道:
第 14 楼
IP:222.67.*.* 于 2017-05-14 08:59 评论道:
haven't read the whole book , just a few pages . want to know whether the order of the pragraph is right
第 15 楼
IP:39.187.*.* 于 2017-08-04 17:58 评论道:
This novel is fascinating,which has a plot of the ups and downs.
第 17 楼
IP:218.16.*.* 于 2017-10-07 14:43 评论道:
good job!but i've paid money to buy complete 7 real books! With no regrets ,Maybe one day i'll hand it to my offsprings.
第 19 楼
IP:101.231.*.* 于 2018-05-02 15:46 评论道:
666love it, a wonderful book.