Hark! there is a sound of creaking boots, descending11, apparently12, from some loft13 at the top of the house, so distant is the noise they make at first. This sound, coming heavily nearer and nearer, only stops at the drawing-room door, and heralds14 the entry of —
Mr Wray, of course? No! — no such luck: my belief is, that we shall never succeed in getting to Mr Wray personally. The individual in question is not even any relation of his; but he is a member of the family, for all that; and as the first to come downstairs, he certainly merits the reward of immediate15 notice.
He is nearly six feet high, proportionately strong and stout16, and looks about thirty years of age. His gait is as awkward as it well can be; his features are large and ill-proportioned, his face is pitted with the smallpox17, and what hair he has on his head — not much — seems to be growing in all sorts of contrary directions at once. I know nothing about him, personally, that I can praise, but his expression; and that is so thoroughly19 good-humoured, so candid20, so innocent even, that it really makes amends21 for everything else. Honesty and kindliness22 look out so brightly from his eyes, as to dazzle your observation of his clumsy nose, and lumpy mouth and chin, until you hardly know whether they are ugly or not. Some men, in a certain sense, are ugly with the lineaments of the Apollo Belvedere; and others handsome, with features that might sit for a caricature. Our new acquaintance was of the latter order.
Allow me to introduce him to you:— THE GENTLE READER— JULIUS CAESAR. Stop! start not at those classic syllables23; I will explain all.
The history of Mr Martin Blunt, alias24 ‘Julius Caesar’, is a good deal like the history of Mr Reuben Wray. Like him, Blunt began life with strolling players — not, however, as an actor, but as stage-carpenter, candle-snuffer, door-keeper, and general errand-boy. On one occasion, when the company were ambitiously bent25 on the horrible profanation26 of performing Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, the actor who was to personate the emperor fell ill. Nobody was left to supply his place — every other available member of the company was engaged in the play; so, in despair, they resorted to Martin Blunt. He was big enough for a Roman hero; and that was all they looked to.
They first cut out as much of his part as they could, and then half crammed27 the rest into his reluctant brains; they clapped a white sheet about the poor lad’s body for a toga, stuck a truncheon into his hand, and a short beard on his chin; and remorselessly pushed him on the stage. His performance was received with shouts of laughter; but he went through it; was duly assassinated28; and fell with a thump29 that shook the surrounding scenery to its centre, and got him a complete round of applause all to himself.
He never forgot this. It was his first and last appearance; and, in the innocence30 of his heart, he boasted of it on every occasion, as the great distinction of his life. When he found his way to London; and as a really skilful31 carpenter, procured32 employment at Drury Lane, his fellow-workmen managed to get the story of his first performance out of him directly, and made a standing33 joke of it. He was elected a general butt6, and nicknamed ‘Julius Caesar’, by universal acclamation. Everybody conferred on him that classic title; and I only follow the general fashion in these pages. If you don’t like the name, call him any other you please: he is too good-humoured to be offended with you, do what you will.
He was thus introduced to old Wray:—
At the time when Reuben was closing his career at Drury Lane, our stout young carpenter had just begun to work there. One night, about a week before the performance of a new Pantomime, some of the heavy machinery34 tottered35 just as Wray was passing by it; and would have fallen on him, but for ‘Julius Caesar’ (I really can’t call him Blunt!), who, at the risk of his own limbs, caught the tumbling mass; and by a tremendous exertion36 of main strength arrested it in its fall, till the old man had hobbled out of harm’s way. This led to gratitude37, friendship, intimacy38. Wray and his preserver, in spite of the difference in their characters and ages, seemed to suit each other, somehow. In fine, when Reuben started to teach elocution in the country, the carpenter followed him, as protector, assistant, servant, or whatever you please.
‘Julius Caesar’ had one special motive39 for attaching himself to old Wray’s fortunes, which will speedily appear, when little Annie enters the drawing-room. Awkward as he might be, he was certainly no encumbrance40. He made himself useful and profitable in fifty different ways. He took round handbills soliciting41 patronage42; constructed the scenery when Mr Wray got private theatrical43 engagements; worked as journeyman-carpenter when other resources failed; and was, in fact, ready for anything, from dunning for a bad debt, to cleaning a pair of boots. His master might at times be as fretful as he pleased, and treat him like an infant during occasional fits of crossness — he never replied, and never looked sulky. The only things he could not be got to do, were to abstain44 from inadvertently knocking everything down that came in his reach, and to improve the action of his arms and legs on the principle of the late Mr Kemble.
Let us return to the drawing-room, and the breakfast-things. ‘Julius Caesar’, of the creaking boots, came into the room with a small work-box (which he had been secretly engaged in making for some time past) in one hand, and a new muslin cravat45 in the other. It was Annie’s birthday. The box was a present; the cravat, what the French would call, a homage46 to the occasion.
His first proceeding47 was to drop the work-box, and pick it up again in a great hurry; his second, to go to the looking glass (no such piece of furniture ornamented48 his loft bedroom), and try to put on the new cravat. He had only half tied it, and was hesitating, utterly49 helpless, over the bow, when a light step sounded on the floor-cloth outside. Annie came in.
‘Julius Caesar at the looking-glass! Oh, good gracious, what can have come to him!’ exclaimed the little girl with a merry laugh.
How fresh, and blooming, and pretty she looked, as she ran up the next moment; and telling him to stoop, tied his cravat directly — standing on tiptoe. ‘There,’ she cried, ‘now that’s done, what have you got to say to me, sir, on my birthday!’
‘I’ve got a box; and I’m so glad it’s your birthday,’ says Julius Caesar, too confused by the suddenness of the cravat-tying to know exactly what he is talking about.
‘Oh, what a splendid work-box! how kind of you, to be sure! what care I shall take of it! Come, sir, I suppose I must tell you to give me a kiss after that,’ and, standing on tiptoe again, she held up her fresh rosy50 cheek to be kissed, with such a pretty mixture of bashfulness, gratitude, and arch enjoyment51 in her look, that ‘Julius Caesar’, I regret to say, felt inclined then and there to go down upon both his knees and worship her outright52.
Before the decorous reader has time to consider all this very improper53, I had better, perhaps, interpose a word, and explain that Annie Wray had promised Martin Blunt, (I give his real name again here, because this is serious business,) yes; had actually promised him that one day she would be his wife. She kept all her promises; but I can tell you she was especially determined54 to keep this.
Impossible! exclaims the lady reader. With her good looks she might aspire55 many degrees above a poor carpenter; besides, how could she possibly care about a great lumpish, awkward fellow, who is ugly, say what you will about his expression?
I might reply, madam, that our little Annie had looked rather deeper than the skin in choosing her husband; and had found out certain qualities of heart and disposition56 about this poor carpenter, which made her love — aye, and respect and admire him too. But I prefer asking you a question, by way of answer. Did you never meet with any individuals of your own sex, lovely, romantic, magnificent young women, who have fairly stupefied the whole circle of their relatives and friends by marrying particularly short, scrubby, matter-of-fact, middle-aged57 men, showing, too, every symptom of fondness for them into the bargain? I fancy you must have seen such cases as I have mentioned; and, when you can explain them to my satisfaction, I shall be happy to explain the anomalous58 engagement of little Annie to yours.
In the meantime it may be well to relate, that this odd love affair was only once hinted at to Mr Wray. The old man flew into a frantic59 passion directly; and threatened dire18 extremities60 if the thing was ever thought of more. Lonely, and bereaved61 of all other ties, as he was, he had, in regard to his granddaughter, that jealousy62 of other people loving her, which is of all weaknesses, in such cases as his, the most pardonable and the most pure. If a duke had asked for Annie in marriage, I doubt very much whether Mr Wray would have let him have her, except upon the understanding that they were all to live together.
Under these circumstances, the engagement was never hinted at again. Annie told her lover they must wait, and be patient, and remain as brother and sister to one another, till better chances and better times came. And ‘Julius Caesar’ listened, and strictly63 obeyed. He was a good deal like a large, faithful dog to his little betrothed64: he loved her, watched over her, guarded her, with his whole heart and strength; only asking in return, the privilege of fulfilling her slightest wish.
Well; this kiss, about which I have been digressing so long, was fortunately just over, when another footstep sounded outside; the door opened; and — yes! we have got him at last, in his own proper person! Enter Mr Reuben Wray!
Age has given him a stoop, which he tries to conceal65, but cannot. His cheeks are hollow; his face is seamed with wrinkles, the work not only of time, but of trial, too. Still, there is vitality66 of mind, courage of heart about the old man, even yet. His look has not lost all its animation67, nor his smile its warmth. There is the true Kemble walk, and the true Kemble carriage of the head for you, if you like! —there is the second-hand68 tragic grandeur69 and propriety70, which the unfortunate ‘Julius Caesar’ daily contemplates71, yet cannot even faintly copy! Look at his dress, again. Threadbare as it is (patched, I am afraid, in some places), there is not a speck72 of dust on it, and what little hair is left on his bald head is as carefully brushed as if he rejoiced in the love-locks of Absalom himself. No! though misfortune, and disappointment, and grief, and heavy-handed penury73 have all been assailing74 him ruthlessly enough for more than half a century, they have not got the brave old fellow down yet! At seventy years of age he is still on his legs in the prize-ring of Life; badly punished all over (as the pugilists say), but determined to win the fight to the last!
‘Many happy returns of the day, my love,’ says old Reuben, going up to Annie, and kissing her. ‘This is the twentieth birthday of yours I’ve lived to see. Thank God for that!’
‘Look at my present, grandfather,’ cries the little girl, proudly showing her work-box. ‘Can you guess who made it?’
‘You are a good fellow, Julius Caesar!’ exclaims Mr Wray, guessing directly. ‘Good morning; shake hands.’—(Then, in a lower voice to Annie)—‘Has he broken anything in particular, since he’s been up?’ ‘No!’ ‘I’m very glad to hear it. Julius Caesar, let me offer you a pinch of snuff,’ and here he pulled out his box quite in the Kemble style. He had his natural manner, and his Kemble manner. The first only appeared when anything greatly pleased or affected75 him — the second was for those ordinary occasions when he had time to remember that he was a teacher of elocution, and a pupil of the English Roscius.
‘Thank ye, kindly76, sir,’ said the gratified carpenter, cautiously advancing his huge finger and thumb towards the offered box.
‘Stop!’ cried old Wray, suddenly withdrawing it. He always lectured to Julius Caesar on elocution when he had nobody else to teach, just to keep his hand in. ‘Stop! that won’t do. In the first place, “Thank ye, kindly, sir”, though good-humoured, is grossly inelegant. “Sir, I am obliged to you”, is the proper phrase — mind you sound the i in obliged — never say obleeged, as some people do; and remember, what I am now telling you, Mr Kemble once said to the Prince Regent! The next hint I have to give is this — never take your pinch of snuff with your right hand finger and thumb; it should be always the left. Perhaps you would like to know why?’
‘Yes, please, sir,’ says the admiring disciple77, very humbly78.
‘ “Yes, if you please, sir,” would have been better; but let that pass as a small error. — And now, I will tell you why, in an anecdote79. Matthews was one day mimicking80 Mr Kemble to his face, in Penruddock— the great scene where he stops to take a pinch of snuff. “Very good, Matthews; very like me,” says Mr Kemble complacently81, when Matthews had done; “but you have made one great mistake.” “What’s that?” cries Matthews sharply. “My friend, you have not represented me taking snuff like a gentleman: now, I always do. You took your pinch, in imitating my Penruddock, with your right hand: I use my left— a gentleman invariably does, because then he has his right hand always clean from tobacco to give to his friend!"— There! remember that: and now you may take your pinch.’
Mr Wray next turned round to speak to Annie; but his voice was instantly drowned in a perfect explosion of sneezes, absolutely screamed out by the unhappy ‘Julius Caesar’, whose nasal nerves were convulsed by the snuff. Mentally determining never to offer his box to his faithful follower82 again, old Reuben gave up making his proposed remark, until they were all quietly seated round the breakfast table: then, he returned to the charge with renewed determination.
‘Annie, my dear,’ said he, ‘you and I have read a great deal together of our divine Shakespeare, as Mr Kemble always called him. You are my regular pupil, you know, and ought to be able to quote by this time almost as much as I can. I am going to try you with something quite new — suppose I had offered you the pinch of snuff (Mr Julius Caesar shall never have another, I can promise him); what would you have said from Shakespeare applicable to that? Just think now!’
‘But, grandfather, snuff wasn’t invented in Shakespeare’s time — was it?’ said Annie.
‘That’s of no consequence,’ retorted the old man: ‘Shakespeare was for all time: you can quote him for everything in the world, as long as the world lasts. Can’t you quote him for snuff? I can. Now, listen. You say to me, “I offer you a pinch of snuff?” I answer from Cymbeline (Act iv, scene 2): “Pisanio! I’ll now taste of thy drug.” There! won’t that do? What’s snuff but a drug for the nose? It just fits — everything of the divine Shakespeare’s does, when you know him by heart, as I do — eh, little Annie? And now give me some more sugar; I wish it was lump for your sake, dear; but I’m afraid we can only afford moist. Anybody called about the advertisement? a new pupil this morning — eh?’
No! no pupils at all: not a man, woman, or child in the town, to teach elocution to yet! Mr Wray was not at all despondent83 about this; he had made up his mind that a pupil must come in the course of the day; and that was enough for him. His little quibbling from Shakespeare about the snuff had put him in the best of good humours. He went on making quotations84, talking elocution, and eating bread and butter, as brisk and happy, as if all Tidbury had combined to form one mighty85 class for him, and resolved to pay ready money for every lesson.
But after breakfast, when the things were taken away, the old man seemed suddenly to recollect86 something which changed his manner altogether. He grew first embarrassed; then silent; then pulled out his Shakespeare, and began to read with ostentatious assiduity, as if he were especially desirous that nobody should speak to him.
At the same time, a close observer might have detected Mr ‘Julius Caesar’ making various uncouth87 signs and grimaces88 to Annie, which the little girl apparently understood, but did not know how to answer. At last, with an effort, as if she were summoning extraordinary resolution, she said:—
‘Grandfather — you have not forgotten your promise?’
No answer from Mr Wray. Probably, he was too much absorbed over Shakespeare to hear.
‘Grandfather,’ repeated Annie, in a louder tone; ‘you promised to explain a certain mystery to us, on my birthday.’
Mr Wray was obliged to hear this time. He looked up with a very perplexed89 face.
‘Yes, dear,’ said he; ‘I did promise; but I almost wish I had not. It’s rather a dangerous mystery to explain, little Annie, I can tell you! Why should you be so very curious to know about it?’
‘I’m sure, grandfather,’ pleaded Annie, ‘you can’t say I am over-curious, or Julius Caesar either, in wanting to know it. Just recollect — we had been only three days at Stratford-upon-Avon, when you came in, looking so dreadfully frightened, and said we must go away directly. And you made us pack up; and we all went off in a hurry, more like prisoners escaping, than honest people.’
‘We did!’ groaned90 old Reuben, beginning to look like a culprit already.
‘Well,’ continued Annie; ‘and you wouldn’t tell us a word of what it was all for, beg as hard as we might. And then, when we asked why you never let that old cash box (which I used to keep my odds91 and ends in) out of your own hands, after we left Stratford — you wouldn’t tell us that, either, and ordered us never to mention the thing again. It was only in one of your particular good humours, that I just got you to promise you would tell us all about it on my next birthday — to celebrate the day, you said. I’m sure we are to be trusted with any secrets; and I don’t think it’s being very curious to want to know this.’
‘Very well,’ said Mr Wray, rising, with a sort of desperate calmness; ‘I’ve promised, and, come what may, I’ll keep my promise. Wait here; I’ll be back directly.’ And he left the room, in a great hurry.
He returned immediately, with the cash box. A very battered92, shabby affair, to make such a mystery about! thought Annie, as he put the box on the table, and solemnly laid his hands across it.
‘Now, then,’ said old Wray, in his deepest tragedy tones, and with very serious looks; ‘Promise me, on your word of honour — both of you — that you’ll never say a word of what I’m going to tell, to anybody, on any account whatever — I don’t care what happens — on any account whatever!’
Annie and her lover gave their promises directly, and very seriously. They were getting a little agitated93 by all these elaborate preparations for the coming disclosure.
‘Shut the door!’ said Mr Wray, in a stage whisper. ‘Now sit close and listen; I’m ready to explain the mystery.’
1 lodgings | |
n. 出租的房舍, 寄宿舍 | |
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2 possessed | |
adj.疯狂的;拥有的,占有的 | |
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3 landlady | |
n.女房东,女地主 | |
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4 tragic | |
adj.悲剧的,悲剧性的,悲惨的 | |
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5 suavity | |
n.温和;殷勤 | |
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6 butt | |
n.笑柄;烟蒂;枪托;臀部;v.用头撞或顶 | |
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7 earthenware | |
n.土器,陶器 | |
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8 spout | |
v.喷出,涌出;滔滔不绝地讲;n.喷管;水柱 | |
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9 sumptuous | |
adj.豪华的,奢侈的,华丽的 | |
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10 tempt | |
vt.引诱,勾引,吸引,引起…的兴趣 | |
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11 descending | |
n. 下行 adj. 下降的 | |
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12 apparently | |
adv.显然地;表面上,似乎 | |
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13 loft | |
n.阁楼,顶楼 | |
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14 heralds | |
n.使者( herald的名词复数 );预报者;预兆;传令官v.预示( herald的第三人称单数 );宣布(好或重要) | |
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15 immediate | |
adj.立即的;直接的,最接近的;紧靠的 | |
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17 smallpox | |
n.天花 | |
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18 dire | |
adj.可怕的,悲惨的,阴惨的,极端的 | |
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19 thoroughly | |
adv.完全地,彻底地,十足地 | |
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20 candid | |
adj.公正的,正直的;坦率的 | |
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21 amends | |
n. 赔偿 | |
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22 kindliness | |
n.厚道,亲切,友好的行为 | |
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23 syllables | |
n.音节( syllable的名词复数 ) | |
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24 alias | |
n.化名;别名;adv.又名 | |
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25 bent | |
n.爱好,癖好;adj.弯的;决心的,一心的 | |
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26 profanation | |
n.亵渎 | |
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27 crammed | |
adj.塞满的,挤满的;大口地吃;快速贪婪地吃v.把…塞满;填入;临时抱佛脚( cram的过去式) | |
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28 assassinated | |
v.暗杀( assassinate的过去式和过去分词 );中伤;诋毁;破坏 | |
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29 thump | |
v.重击,砰然地响;n.重击,重击声 | |
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30 innocence | |
n.无罪;天真;无害 | |
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31 skilful | |
(=skillful)adj.灵巧的,熟练的 | |
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32 procured | |
v.(努力)取得, (设法)获得( procure的过去式和过去分词 );拉皮条 | |
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33 standing | |
n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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34 machinery | |
n.(总称)机械,机器;机构 | |
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35 tottered | |
v.走得或动得不稳( totter的过去式和过去分词 );踉跄;蹒跚;摇摇欲坠 | |
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36 exertion | |
n.尽力,努力 | |
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37 gratitude | |
adj.感激,感谢 | |
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38 intimacy | |
n.熟悉,亲密,密切关系,亲昵的言行 | |
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39 motive | |
n.动机,目的;adv.发动的,运动的 | |
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40 encumbrance | |
n.妨碍物,累赘 | |
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41 soliciting | |
v.恳求( solicit的现在分词 );(指娼妇)拉客;索求;征求 | |
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42 patronage | |
n.赞助,支援,援助;光顾,捧场 | |
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43 theatrical | |
adj.剧场的,演戏的;做戏似的,做作的 | |
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44 abstain | |
v.自制,戒绝,弃权,避免 | |
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45 cravat | |
n.领巾,领结;v.使穿有领结的服装,使结领结 | |
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46 homage | |
n.尊敬,敬意,崇敬 | |
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47 proceeding | |
n.行动,进行,(pl.)会议录,学报 | |
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48 ornamented | |
adj.花式字体的v.装饰,点缀,美化( ornament的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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49 utterly | |
adv.完全地,绝对地 | |
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50 rosy | |
adj.美好的,乐观的,玫瑰色的 | |
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51 enjoyment | |
n.乐趣;享有;享用 | |
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52 outright | |
adv.坦率地;彻底地;立即;adj.无疑的;彻底的 | |
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53 improper | |
adj.不适当的,不合适的,不正确的,不合礼仪的 | |
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54 determined | |
adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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55 aspire | |
vi.(to,after)渴望,追求,有志于 | |
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56 disposition | |
n.性情,性格;意向,倾向;排列,部署 | |
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57 middle-aged | |
adj.中年的 | |
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58 anomalous | |
adj.反常的;不规则的 | |
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59 frantic | |
adj.狂乱的,错乱的,激昂的 | |
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60 extremities | |
n.端点( extremity的名词复数 );尽头;手和足;极窘迫的境地 | |
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61 bereaved | |
adj.刚刚丧失亲人的v.使失去(希望、生命等)( bereave的过去式和过去分词);(尤指死亡)使丧失(亲人、朋友等);使孤寂;抢走(财物) | |
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62 jealousy | |
n.妒忌,嫉妒,猜忌 | |
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63 strictly | |
adv.严厉地,严格地;严密地 | |
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64 betrothed | |
n. 已订婚者 动词betroth的过去式和过去分词 | |
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65 conceal | |
v.隐藏,隐瞒,隐蔽 | |
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66 vitality | |
n.活力,生命力,效力 | |
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67 animation | |
n.活泼,兴奋,卡通片/动画片的制作 | |
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68 second-hand | |
adj.用过的,旧的,二手的 | |
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69 grandeur | |
n.伟大,崇高,宏伟,庄严,豪华 | |
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70 propriety | |
n.正当行为;正当;适当 | |
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71 contemplates | |
深思,细想,仔细考虑( contemplate的第三人称单数 ); 注视,凝视; 考虑接受(发生某事的可能性); 深思熟虑,沉思,苦思冥想 | |
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72 speck | |
n.微粒,小污点,小斑点 | |
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73 penury | |
n.贫穷,拮据 | |
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74 assailing | |
v.攻击( assail的现在分词 );困扰;质问;毅然应对 | |
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75 affected | |
adj.不自然的,假装的 | |
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76 kindly | |
adj.和蔼的,温和的,爽快的;adv.温和地,亲切地 | |
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77 disciple | |
n.信徒,门徒,追随者 | |
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78 humbly | |
adv. 恭顺地,谦卑地 | |
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79 anecdote | |
n.轶事,趣闻,短故事 | |
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80 mimicking | |
v.(尤指为了逗乐而)模仿( mimic的现在分词 );酷似 | |
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81 complacently | |
adv. 满足地, 自满地, 沾沾自喜地 | |
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82 follower | |
n.跟随者;随员;门徒;信徒 | |
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83 despondent | |
adj.失望的,沮丧的,泄气的 | |
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84 quotations | |
n.引用( quotation的名词复数 );[商业]行情(报告);(货物或股票的)市价;时价 | |
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85 mighty | |
adj.强有力的;巨大的 | |
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86 recollect | |
v.回忆,想起,记起,忆起,记得 | |
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87 uncouth | |
adj.无教养的,粗鲁的 | |
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88 grimaces | |
n.(表蔑视、厌恶等)面部扭曲,鬼脸( grimace的名词复数 )v.扮鬼相,做鬼脸( grimace的第三人称单数 ) | |
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89 perplexed | |
adj.不知所措的 | |
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90 groaned | |
v.呻吟( groan的过去式和过去分词 );发牢骚;抱怨;受苦 | |
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91 odds | |
n.让步,机率,可能性,比率;胜败优劣之别 | |
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92 battered | |
adj.磨损的;v.连续猛击;磨损 | |
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93 agitated | |
adj.被鼓动的,不安的 | |
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