The following brief narrative2 contains a faithful account of one of the many strange incidents which chequered the life of Hardress Fitzgerald — one of the now-forgotten heroes who flourished during the most stirring and, though the most disastrous3, by no means the least glorious period of our eventful history.
He was a captain of horse in the army of James, and shared the fortunes of his master, enduring privations, encountering dangers, and submitting to vicissitudes4 the most galling5 and ruinous, with a fortitude6 and a heroism7 which would, if coupled with his other virtues8 have rendered the unhappy monarch9 whom he served, the most illustrious among unfortunate princes.
I have always preferred, where I could do so with any approach to accuracy, to give such relations as the one which I am about to submit to you, in the first person, and in the words of the original narrator, believing that such a form of recitation not only gives freshness to the tale, but in this particular instance, by bringing before me and steadily10 fixing in my mind’s eye the veteran royalist who himself related the occurrence which I am about to record, furnishes an additional stimulant11 to my memory, and a proportionate check upon my imagination.
As nearly as I can recollect12 then, his statement was as follows:
After the fatal battle of the Boyne, I came up in disguise to Dublin, as did many in a like situation, regarding the capital as furnishing at once a good central position of observation, and as secure a lurking13-place as I cared to find.
I would not suffer myself to believe that the cause of my royal master was so desperate as it really was; and while I lay in my lodgings14, which consisted of the garret of a small dark house, standing15 in the lane which runs close by Audoen’s Arch, I busied myself with continual projects for the raising of the country, and the re-collecting of the fragments of the defeated army — plans, you will allow, sufficiently16 magnificent for a poor devil who dared scarce show his face abroad in the daylight.
I believe, however, that I had not much reason to fear for my personal safety, for men’s minds in the city were greatly occupied with public events, and private amusements and debaucheries, which were, about that time, carried to an excess which our country never knew before, by reason of the raking together from all quarters of the empire, and indeed from most parts of Holland, the most dissolute and desperate adventurers who cared to play at hazard for their lives; and thus there seemed to be but little scrutiny17 into the characters of those who sought concealment18.
I heard much at different times of the intentions of King James and his party, but nothing with certainty.
Some said that the king still lay in Ireland; others, that he had crossed over to Scotland, to encourage the Highlanders, who, with Dundee at their head, had been stirring in his behoof; others, again, said that he had taken ship for France, leaving his followers19 to shift for themselves, and regarding his kingdom as wholly lost, which last was the true version, as I afterwards learned.
Although I had been very active in the wars in Ireland, and had done many deeds of necessary but dire20 severity, which have often since troubled me much to think upon, yet I doubted not but that I might easily obtain protection for my person and property from the Prince of Orange, if I sought it by the ordinary submissions21; but besides that my conscience and my affections resisted such time-serving concessions22, I was resolved in my own mind that the cause of the royalist party was by no means desperate, and I looked to keep myself unimpeded by any pledge or promise given to the usurping23 Dutchman, that I might freely and honourably24 take a share in any struggle which might yet remain to be made for the right.
I therefore lay quiet, going forth25 from my lodgings but little, and that chiefly under cover of the dusk, and conversing26 hardly at all, except with those whom I well knew.
I had like once to have paid dearly for relaxing this caution; for going into a tavern27 one evening near the Tholsel, I had the confidence to throw off my hat, and sit there with my face quite exposed, when a fellow coming in with some troopers, they fell a-boozing, and being somewhat warmed, they began to drink ‘Confusion to popery,’ and the like, and to compel the peaceable persons who happened to sit there, to join them in so doing.
Though I was rather hot-blooded, I was resolved to say nothing to attract notice; but, at the same time, if urged to pledge the toasts which they were compelling others to drink, to resist doing so.
With the intent to withdraw myself quietly from the place, I paid my reckoning, and putting on my hat, was going into the street, when the countryman who had come in with the soldiers called out:
‘Stop that popish tom-cat!’
And running across the room, he got to the door before me, and, shutting it, placed his back against it, to prevent my going out.
Though with much difficulty, I kept an appearance of quietness, and turning to the fellow, who, from his accent, I judged to be northern, and whose face I knew — though, to this day, I cannot say where I had seen him before — I observed very calmly:
‘Sir, I came in here with no other design than to refresh myself, without offending any man. I have paid my reckoning, and now desire to go forth. If there is anything within reason that I can do to satisfy you, and to prevent trouble and delay to myself, name your terms, and if they be but fair, I will frankly28 comply with them.’
He quickly replied:
‘You are Hardress Fitzgerald, the bloody29 popish captain, that hanged the twelve men at Derry.’
I felt that I was in some danger, but being a strong man, and used to perils30 of all kinds, it was not easy to disconcert me.
I looked then steadily at the fellow, and, in a voice of much confidence, I said:
‘I am neither a Papist, a Royalist, nor a Fitzgerald, but an honester Protestant, mayhap, than many who make louder professions.’
‘Then drink the honest man’s toast,’ said he. ‘Damnation to the pope, and confusion to skulking31 Jimmy and his runaway32 crew.’
‘Yourself shall hear me,’ said I, taking the largest pewter pot that lay within my reach. ‘Tapster, fill this with ale; I grieve to say I can afford nothing better.’
I took the vessel33 of liquor in my hand, and walking up to him, I first made a bow to the troopers who sat laughing at the sprightliness34 of their facetious35 friend, and then another to himself, when saying, ‘G— damn yourself and your cause!’ I flung the ale straight into his face; and before he had time to recover himself, I struck him with my whole force and weight with the pewter pot upon the head, so strong a blow, that he fell, for aught I know, dead upon the floor, and nothing but the handle of the vessel remained in my hand.
I opened the door, but one of the dragoons drew his sabre, and ran at me to avenge36 his companion. With my hand I put aside the blade of the sword, narrowly escaping what he had intended for me, the point actually tearing open my vest. Without allowing him time to repeat his thrust, I struck him in the face with my clenched37 fist so sound a blow that he rolled back into the room with the force of a tennis ball.
It was well for me that the rest were half drunk, and the evening dark; for otherwise my folly38 would infallibly have cost me my life. As it was, I reached my garret in safety, with a resolution to frequent taverns39 no more until better times.
My little patience and money were well-nigh exhausted40, when, after much doubt and uncertainty41, and many conflicting reports, I was assured that the flower of the Royalist army, under the Duke of Berwick and General Boisleau, occupied the city of Limerick, with a determination to hold that fortress42 against the prince’s forces; and that a French fleet of great power, and well freighted with arms, ammunition43, and men, was riding in the Shannon, under the walls of the town. But this last report was, like many others then circulated, untrue; there being, indeed, a promise and expectation of such assistance, but no arrival of it till too late.
The army of the Prince of Orange was said to be rapidly approaching the town, in order to commence the siege.
On hearing this, and being made as certain as the vagueness and unsatisfactory nature of my information, which came not from any authentic44 source, would permit; at least, being sure of the main point, which all allowed — namely, that Limerick was held for the king — and being also naturally fond of enterprise, and impatient of idleness, I took the resolution to travel thither45, and, if possible, to throw myself into the city, in order to lend what assistance I might to my former companions in arms, well knowing that any man of strong constitution and of some experience might easily make himself useful to a garrison46 in their straitened situation.
When I had taken this resolution, I was not long in putting it into execution; and, as the first step in the matter, I turned half of the money which remained with me, in all about seventeen pounds, into small wares47 and merchandise such as travelling traders used to deal in; and the rest, excepting some shillings which I carried home for my immediate48 expenses, I sewed carefully in the lining50 of my breeches waistband, hoping that the sale of my commodities might easily supply me with subsistence upon the road.
I left Dublin upon a Friday morning in the month of September, with a tolerably heavy pack upon my back.
I was a strong man and a good walker, and one day with another travelled easily at the rate of twenty miles in each day, much time being lost in the towns of any note on the way, where, to avoid suspicion, I was obliged to make some stay, as if to sell my wares.
I did not travel directly to Limerick, but turned far into Tipperary, going near to the borders of Cork51.
Upon the sixth day after my departure from Dublin I learned, CERTAINLY, from some fellows who were returning from trafficking with the soldiers, that the army of the prince was actually encamped before Limerick, upon the south side of the Shannon.
In order, then, to enter the city without interruption, I must needs cross the river, and I was much in doubt whether to do so by boat from Kerry, which I might have easily done, into the Earl of Clare’s land, and thus into the beleaguered52 city, or to take what seemed the easier way, one, however, about which I had certain misgivings53 — which, by the way, afterwards turned out to be just enough. This way was to cross the Shannon at O’Brien’s Bridge, or at Killaloe, into the county of Clare.
I feared, however, that both these passes were guarded by the prince’s forces, and resolved, if such were the case, not to essay to cross, for I was not fitted to sustain a scrutiny, having about me, though pretty safely secured, my commission from King James — which, though a dangerous companion, I would not have parted from but with my life.
I settled, then, in my own mind, that if the bridges were guarded I would walk as far as Portumna, where I might cross, though at a considerable sacrifice of time; and, having determined54 upon this course, I turned directly towards Killaloe.
I reached the foot of the mountain, or rather high hill, called Keeper — which had been pointed55 out to me as a landmark56 — lying directly between me and Killaloe, in the evening, and, having ascended57 some way, the darkness and fog overtook me.
The evening was very chilly58, and myself weary, hungry, and much in need of sleep, so that I preferred seeking to cross the hill, though at some risk, to remaining upon it throughout the night. Stumbling over rocks and sinking into bog-mire, as the nature of the ground varied59, I slowly and laboriously60 plodded61 on, making very little way in proportion to the toil62 it cost me.
After half an hour’s slow walking, or rather rambling63, for, owing to the dark, I very soon lost my direction, I at last heard the sound of running water, and with some little trouble reached the edge of a brook64, which ran in the bottom of a deep gully. This I knew would furnish a sure guide to the low grounds, where I might promise myself that I should speedily meet with some house or cabin where I might find shelter for the night.
The stream which I followed flowed at the bottom of a rough and swampy65 glen, very steep and making many abrupt66 turns, and so dark, owing more to the fog than to the want of the moon (for, though not high, I believe it had risen at the time), that I continually fell over fragments of rock and stumbled up to my middle into the rivulet67, which I sought to follow.
In this way, drenched68, weary, and with my patience almost exhausted, I was toiling69 onward70, when, turning a sharp angle in the winding71 glen, I found myself within some twenty yards of a group of wild-looking men, gathered in various attitudes round a glowing turf fire.
I was so surprised at this rencontre that I stopped short, and for a time was in doubt whether to turn back or to accost72 them.
A minute’s thought satisfied me that I ought to make up to the fellows, and trust to their good faith for whatever assistance they could give me.
I determined, then, to do this, having great faith in the impulses of my mind, which, whenever I have been in jeopardy73, as in my life I often have, always prompted me aright.
The strong red light of the fire showed me plainly enough that the group consisted, not of soldiers, but of Irish kernes, or countrymen, most of them wrapped in heavy mantles74, and with no other covering for their heads than that afforded by their long, rough hair.
There was nothing about them which I could see to intimate whether their object were peaceful or warlike; but I afterwards found that they had weapons enough, though of their own rude fashion.
There were in all about twenty persons assembled around the fire, some sitting upon such blocks of stone as happened to lie in the way; others stretched at their length upon the ground.
‘God save you, boys!’ said I, advancing towards the party.
The men who had been talking and laughing together instantly paused, and two of them — tall and powerful fellows — snatched up each a weapon, something like a short halberd with a massive iron head, an instrument which they called among themselves a rapp, and with two or three long strides they came up with me, and laying hold upon my arms, drew me, not, you may easily believe, making much resistance, towards the fire.
When I reached the place where the figures were seated, the two men still held me firmly, and some others threw some handfuls of dry fuel upon the red embers, which, blazing up, cast a strong light upon me.
When they had satisfied themselves as to my appearance, they began to question me very closely as to my purpose in being upon the hill at such an unseasonable hour, asking me what was my occupation, where I had been, and whither I was going.
These questions were put to me in English by an old half-military looking man, who translated into that language the suggestions which his companions for the most part threw out in Irish.
I did not choose to commit myself to these fellows by telling them my real character and purpose, and therefore I represented myself as a poor travelling chapman who had been at Cork, and was seeking his way to Killaloe, in order to cross over into Clare and thence to the city of Galway.
My account did not seem fully49 to satisfy the men.
I heard one fellow say in Irish, which language I understood, ‘Maybe he is a spy.’
They then whispered together for a time, and the little man who was their spokesman came over to me and said:
‘Do you know what we do with spies? we knock their brains out, my friend.’
He then turned back to them with whom he had been whispering, and talked in a low tone again with them for a considerable time.
I now felt very uncomfortable, not knowing what these savages78 — for they appeared nothing better — might design against me.
Twice or thrice I had serious thoughts of breaking from them, but the two guards who were placed upon me held me fast by the arms; and even had I succeeded in shaking them off, I should soon have been overtaken, encumbered79 as I was with a heavy pack, and wholly ignorant of the lie of the ground; or else, if I were so exceedingly lucky as to escape out of their hands, I still had the chance of falling into those of some other party of the same kind.
I therefore patiently awaited the issue of their deliberations, which I made no doubt affected80 me nearly.
I turned to the men who held me, and one after the other asked them, in their own language, ‘Why they held me?’ adding, ‘I am but a poor pedlar, as you see. I have neither money nor money’s worth, for the sake of which you should do me hurt. You may have my pack and all that it contains, if you desire it — but do not injure me.’
To all this they gave no answer, but savagely81 desired me to hold my tongue.
I accordingly remained silent, determined, if the worst came, to declare to the whole party, who, I doubted not, were friendly, as were all the Irish peasantry in the south, to the Royal cause, my real character and design; and if this avowal82 failed me, I was resolved to make a desperate effort to escape, or at least to give my life at the dearest price I could.
I was not kept long in suspense83, for the little veteran who had spoken to me at first came over, and desiring the two men to bring me after him, led the way along a broken path, which wound by the side of the steep glen.
I was obliged willy nilly to go with them, and, half-dragging and half-carrying me, they brought me by the path, which now became very steep, for some hundred yards without stopping, when suddenly coming to a stand, I found myself close before the door of some house or hut, I could not see which, through the planks84 of which a strong light was streaming.
At this door my conductor stopped, and tapping gently at it, it was opened by a stout86 fellow, with buff-coat and jack-boots, and pistols stuck in his belt, as also a long cavalry87 sword by his side.
He spoke76 with my guide, and to my no small satisfaction, in French, which convinced me that he was one of the soldiers whom Louis had sent to support our king, and who were said to have arrived in Limerick, though, as I observed above, not with truth.
I was much assured by this circumstance, and made no doubt but that I had fallen in with one of those marauding parties of native Irish, who, placing themselves under the guidance of men of courage and experience, had done much brave and essential service to the cause of the king.
The soldier entered an inner door in the apartment, which opening disclosed a rude, dreary88, and dilapidated room, with a low plank85 ceiling, much discoloured by the smoke which hung suspended in heavy masses, descending89 within a few feet of the ground, and completely obscuring the upper regions of the chamber90.
A large fire of turf and heath was burning under a kind of rude chimney, shaped like a large funnel91, but by no means discharging the functions for which it was intended. Into this inauspicious apartment was I conducted by my strange companions. In the next room I heard voices employed, as it seemed, in brief questioning and answer; and in a minute the soldier re-entered the room, and having said, ‘Votre prisonnier — le general veut le voir,’ he led the way into the inner room, which in point of comfort and cleanliness was not a whit75 better than the first.
Seated at a clumsy plank table, placed about the middle of the floor, was a powerfully built man, of almost colossal92 stature93 — his military accoutrements, cuirass and rich regimental clothes, soiled, deranged95, and spattered with recent hard travel; the flowing wig96, surmounted97 by the cocked hat and plume98, still rested upon his head. On the table lay his sword-belt with its appendage99, and a pair of long holster pistols, some papers, and pen and ink; also a stone jug100, and the fragments of a hasty meal. His attitude betokened101 the languor102 of fatigue103. His left hand was buried beyond the lace ruffle104 in the breast of his cassock, and the elbow of his right rested upon the table, so as to support his head. From his mouth protruded105 a tobacco-pipe, which as I entered he slowly withdrew.
A single glance at the honest, good-humoured, comely106 face of the soldier satisfied me of his identity, and removing my hat from my head I said, ‘God save General Sarsfield!’
The general nodded
‘I am a prisoner here under strange circumstances,’ I continued ‘I appear before you in a strange disguise. You do not recognise Captain Hardress Fitzgerald!’
‘Eh, how’s this?’ said he, approaching me with the light.
‘I am that Hardress Fitzgerald,’ I repeated, ‘who served under you at the Boyne, and upon the day of the action had the honour to protect your person at the expense of his own.’ At the same time I turned aside the hair which covered the scar which you well know upon my forehead, and which was then much more remarkable107 than it is now.
The general on seeing this at once recognised me, and embracing me cordially, made me sit down, and while I unstrapped my pack, a tedious job, my fingers being nearly numbed109 with cold, sent the men forth to procure110 me some provision.
The general’s horse was stabled in a corner of the chamber where we sat, and his war-saddle lay upon the floor. At the far end of the room was a second door, which stood half open; a bogwood fire burned on a hearth111 somewhat less rude than the one which I had first seen, but still very little better appointed with a chimney, for thick wreaths of smoke were eddying112, with every fitful gust113, about the room. Close by the fire was strewed114 a bed of heath, intended, I supposed, for the stalwart limbs of the general.
‘Hardress Fitzgerald,’ said he, fixing his eyes gravely upon me, while he slowly removed the tobacco-pipe from his mouth, ‘I remember you, strong, bold and cunning in your warlike trade; the more desperate an enterprise, the more ready for it, you. I would gladly engage you, for I know you trustworthy, to perform a piece of duty requiring, it may be, no extraordinary quality to fulfil; and yet perhaps, as accidents may happen, demanding every attribute of daring and dexterity116 which belongs to you.’
Here he paused for some moments.
I own I felt somewhat flattered by the terms in which he spoke of me, knowing him to be but little given to compliments; and not having any plan in my head, farther than the rendering117 what service I might to the cause of the king, caring very little as to the road in which my duty might lie, I frankly replied:
‘Sir, I hope, if opportunity offers, I shall prove to deserve the honourable118 terms in which you are pleased to speak of me. In a righteous cause I fear not wounds or death; and in discharging my duty to my God and my king, I am ready for any hazard or any fate. Name the service you require, and if it lies within the compass of my wit or power, I will fully and faithfully perform it. Have I said enough?’
‘That is well, very well, my friend; you speak well, and manfully,’ replied the general. ‘I want you to convey to the hands of General Boisleau, now in the city of Limerick, a small written packet; there is some danger, mark me, of your falling in with some outpost or straggling party of the prince’s army. If you are taken unawares by any of the enemy you must dispose of the packet inside your person, rather than let it fall into their hands — that is, you must eat it. And if they go to question you with thumb-screws, or the like, answer nothing; let them knock your brains out first.’ In illustration, I suppose, of the latter alternative, he knocked the ashes out of his pipe upon the table as he uttered it.
‘The packet,’ he continued, ‘you shall have to-morrow morning. Meantime comfort yourself with food, and afterwards with sleep; you will want, mayhap, all your strength and wits on the morrow.’
I applied119 myself forthwith to the homely120 fare which they had provided, and I confess that I never made a meal so heartily121 to my satisfaction.
It was a beautiful, clear, autumn morning, and the bright beams of the early sun were slanting122 over the brown heath which clothed the sides of the mountain, and glittering in the thousand bright drops which the melting hoar-frost had left behind it, and the white mists were lying like broad lakes in the valleys, when, with my pedlar’s pack upon my back, and General Sarsfield’s precious despatch124 in my bosom125, I set forth, refreshed and courageous126.
As I descended127 the hill, my heart expanded and my spirits rose under the influences which surrounded me. The keen, clear, bracing108 air of the morning, the bright, slanting sunshine, the merry songs of the small birds, and the distant sounds of awakening128 labour that floated up from the plains, all conspired129 to stir my heart within me, and more like a mad-cap boy, broken loose from school, than a man of sober years upon a mission of doubt and danger, I trod lightly on, whistling and singing alternately for very joy.
As I approached the object of my early march, I fell in with a countryman, eager, as are most of his kind, for news.
I gave him what little I had collected, and professing130 great zeal131 for the king, which, indeed, I always cherished, I won upon his confidence so far, that he became much more communicative than the peasantry in those quarters are generally wont132 to be to strangers.
From him I learned that there was a company of dragoons in William’s service, quartered at Willaloe; but he could not tell whether the passage of the bridge was stopped by them or not. With a resolution, at all events, to make the attempt to cross, I approached the town. When I came within sight of the river, I quickly perceived that it was so swollen133 with the recent rains, as, indeed, the countryman had told me, that the fords were wholly impassable.
I stopped then, upon a slight eminence134 overlooking the village, with a view to reconnoitre and to arrange my plans in case of interruption. While thus engaged, the wind blowing gently from the west, in which quarter Limerick lay, I distinctly heard the explosion of the cannon135, which played from and against the city, though at a distance of eleven miles at the least.
I never yet heard the music that had for me half the attractions of that sullen136 sound, and as I noted137 again and again the distant thunder that proclaimed the perils, and the valour, and the faithfulness of my brethren, my heart swelled139 with pride, and the tears rose to my eyes; and lifting up my hands to heaven, I prayed to God that I might be spared to take a part in the righteous quarrel that was there so bravely maintained.
I felt, indeed, at this moment a longing140, more intense than I have the power to describe, to be at once with my brave companions in arms, and so inwardly excited and stirred up as if I had been actually within five minutes’ march of the field of battle.
It was now almost noon, and I had walked hard since morning across a difficult and broken country, so that I was a little fatigued141, and in no small degree hungry. As I approached the hamlet, I was glad to see in the window of a poor hovel several large cakes of meal displayed, as if to induce purchasers to enter.
I was right in regarding this exhibition as an intimation that entertainment might be procured142 within, for upon entering and inquiring, I was speedily invited by the poor woman, who, it appeared, kept this humble143 house of refreshment144, to lay down my pack and seat myself by a ponderous145 table, upon which she promised to serve me with a dinner fit for a king; and indeed, to my mind, she amply fulfilled her engagement, supplying me abundantly with eggs, bacon, and wheaten cakes, which I discussed with a zeal which almost surprised myself.
Having disposed of the solid part of my entertainment, I was proceeding146 to regale147 myself with a brimming measure of strong waters, when my attention was arrested by the sound of horses’ hoofs148 in brisk motion upon the broken road, and evidently approaching the hovel in which I was at that moment seated.
The ominous149 clank of sword scabbards and the jingle150 of brass151 accoutrements announced, unequivocally, that the horsemen were of the military profession.
‘The red-coats will stop here undoubtedly,’ said the old woman, observing, I suppose, the anxiety of my countenance152; ‘they never pass us without coming in for half an hour to drink or smoke. If you desire to avoid them, I can hide you safely; but don’t lose a moment. They will be here before you can count a hundred.’
I thanked the good woman for her hospitable153 zeal; but I felt a repugnance154 to concealing155 myself as she suggested, which was enhanced by the consciousness that if by any accident I were detected while lurking in the room, my situation would of itself inevitably156 lead to suspicions, and probably to discovery.
I therefore declined her offer, and awaited in suspense the entrance of the soldiers.
I had time before they made their appearance to move my seat hurriedly from the table to the hearth, where, under the shade of the large chimney, I might observe the coming visitors with less chance of being myself remarked upon.
As my hostess had anticipated, the horsemen drew up at the door of the hut, and five dragoons entered the dark chamber where I awaited them.
Leaving their horses at the entrance, with much noise and clatter157 they proceeded to seat themselves and call for liquor.
Three of these fellows were Dutchmen, and, indeed, all belonged, as I afterwards found, to a Dutch regiment94, which had been recruited with Irish and English, as also partly officered from the same nations.
Being supplied with pipes and drink they soon became merry; and not suffering their smoking to interfere158 with their conversation, they talked loud and quickly, for the most part in a sort of barbarous language, neither Dutch nor English, but compounded of both.
They were so occupied with their own jocularity that I had very great hopes of escaping observation altogether, and remained quietly seated in a corner of the chimney, leaning back upon my seat as if asleep.
My taciturnity and quiescence159, however, did not avail me, for one of these fellows coming over to the hearth to light his pipe, perceived me, and looking me very hard in the face, he said:
‘What countryman are you, brother, that you sit with a covered head in the room with the prince’s soldiers?’
At the same time he tossed my hat off my head into the fire. I was not fool enough, though somewhat hot-blooded, to suffer the insolence160 of this fellow to involve me in a broil161 so dangerous to my person and ruinous to my schemes as a riot with these soldiers must prove. I therefore, quietly taking up my hat and shaking the ashes out of it, observed:
‘Sir, I crave162 your pardon if I have offended you. I am a stranger in these quarters, and a poor, ignorant, humble man, desiring only to drive my little trade in peace, so far as that may be done in these troublous times.’
‘And what may your trade be?’ said the same fellow.
‘I am a travelling merchant,’ I replied; ‘and sell my wares as cheap as any trader in the country.’
‘Let us see them forthwith,’ said he; ‘mayhap I or my comrades may want something which you can supply. Where is thy chest, friend? Thou shalt have ready money’ (winking at his companions), ‘ready money, and good weight, and sound metal; none of your rascally163 pinchbeck. Eh, my lads? Bring forth the goods, and let us see.’
Thus urged, I should have betrayed myself had I hesitated to do as required; and anxious, upon any terms, to quiet these turbulent men of war, I unbuckled my pack and exhibited its contents upon the table before them.
‘A pair of lace ruffles166, by the Lord!’ said one, unceremoniously seizing upon the articles he named.
‘A phial of perfume,’ continued another, tumbling over the farrago which I had submitted to them, ‘wash-balls, combs, stationery167, slippers168, small knives, tobacco; by — — this merchant is a prize! Mark me, honest fellow, the man who wrongs thee shall suffer —‘fore Gad169 he shall; thou shalt be fairly dealt with’ (this he said while in the act of pocketing a small silver tobacco-box, the most valuable article in the lot). ‘You shall come with me to head-quarters; the captain will deal with you, and never haggle170 about the price. I promise thee his good will, and thou wilt171 consider me accordingly. You’ll find him a profitable customer — he has money without end, and throws it about like a gentleman. If so be as I tell thee, I shall expect, and my comrades here, a piece or two in the way of a compliment — but of this anon. Come, then, with us; buckle165 on thy pack quickly, friend.’
There was no use in my declaring my willingness to deal with themselves in preference to their master; it was clear that they had resolved that I should, in the most expeditious172 and advantageous173 way, turn my goods into money, that they might excise174 upon me to the amount of their wishes.
The worthy115 who had taken a lead in these arrangements, and who by his stripes I perceived to be a corporal, having insisted on my taking a dram with him to cement our newly-formed friendship, for which, however, he requested me to pay, made me mount behind one of his comrades; and the party, of which I thus formed an unwilling175 member, moved at a slow trot176 towards the quarters of the troop.
They reined177 up their horses at the head of the long bridge, which at this village spans the broad waters of the Shannon connecting the opposite counties of Tipperary and Clare.
A small tower, built originally, no doubt, to protect and to defend this pass, occupied the near extremity179 of the bridge, and in its rear, but connected with it, stood several straggling buildings rather dilapidated.
A dismounted trooper kept guard at the door, and my conductor having, dismounted, as also the corporal, the latter inquired:
‘Is the captain in his quarters?’
‘He is,’ replied the sentinel.
And without more ado my companion shoved me into the entrance of the small dark tower, and opening a door at the extremity of the narrow chamber into which we had passed from the street, we entered a second room in which were seated some half-dozen officers of various ranks and ages, engaged in drinking, and smoking, and play.
I glanced rapidly from man to man, and was nearly satisfied by my inspection180, when one of the gentlemen whose back had been turned towards the place where I stood, suddenly changed his position and looked towards me.
As soon as I saw his face my heart sank within me, and I knew that my life or death was balanced, as it were, upon a razor’s edge.
The name of this man whose unexpected appearance thus affected me was Hugh Oliver, and good and strong reason had I to dread181 him, for so bitterly did he hate me, that to this moment I do verily believe he would have compassed my death if it lay in his power to do so, even at the hazard of his own life and soul, for I had been — though God knows with many sore strugglings and at the stern call of public duty — the judge and condemner of his brother; and though the military law, which I was called upon to administer, would permit no other course or sentence than the bloody one which I was compelled to pursue, yet even to this hour the recollection of that deed is heavy at my breast.
As soon as I saw this man I felt that my safety depended upon the accident of his not recognising me through the disguise which I had assumed, an accident against which were many chances, for he well knew my person and appearance.
It was too late now to destroy General Sarsfield’s instructions; any attempt to do so would ensure detection. All then depended upon a cast of the die.
When the first moment of dismay and heart-sickening agitation182 had passed, it seemed to me as if my mind acquired a collectedness and clearness more complete and intense than I had ever experienced before.
I instantly perceived that he did not know me, for turning from me to the soldier with all air of indifference183, he said,
‘Is this a prisoner or a deserter? What have you brought him here for, sirra?’
‘Your wisdom will regard him as you see fit, may it please you,’ said the corporal. ‘The man is a travelling merchant, and, overtaking him upon the road, close by old Dame184 MacDonagh’s cot, I thought I might as well make a sort of prisoner of him that your honour might use him as it might appear most convenient; he has many commododies which are not unworthy of price in this wilderness185, and some which you may condescend186 to make use of yourself. May he exhibit the goods he has for sale, an’t please you?’
‘Ay, let us see them,’ said he.
‘Unbuckle your pack,’ exclaimed the corporal, with the same tone of command with which, at the head of his guard, he would have said ‘Recover your arms.’ ‘Unbuckle your pack, fellow, and show your goods to the captain — here, where you are.’
The conclusion of his directions was suggested by my endeavouring to move round in order to get my back towards the windows, hoping, by keeping my face in the shade, to escape detection.
In this manoeuvre187, however, I was foiled by the imperiousness of the soldier; and inwardly cursing his ill-timed interference, I proceeded to present my merchandise to the loving contemplation of the officers who thronged188 around me, with a strong light from an opposite window full upon my face.
As I continued to traffic with these gentlemen, I observed with no small anxiety the eyes of Captain Oliver frequently fixed189 upon me with a kind of dubious190 inquiring gaze.
‘I think, my honest fellow,’ he said at last, ‘that I have seen you somewhere before this. Have you often dealt with the military?’
‘I have traded, sir,’ said I, ‘with the soldiery many a time, and always been honourably treated. Will your worship please to buy a pair of lace ruffles? — very cheap, your worship.’
‘Why do you wear your hair so much over your face, sir?’ said Oliver, without noticing my suggestion. ‘I promise you, I think no good of thee; throw back your hair, and let me see thee plainly. Hold up your face, and look straight at me; throw back your hair, sir.’
I felt that all chance of escape was at an end; and stepping forward as near as the table would allow me to him, I raised my head, threw back my hair, and fixed my eyes sternly and boldly upon his face.
I saw that he knew me instantly, for his countenance turned as pale as ashes with surprise and hatred191. He started up, placing his hand instinctively192 upon his sword-hilt, and glaring at me with a look so deadly, that I thought every moment he would strike his sword into my heart. He said in a kind of whisper: ‘Hardress Fitzgerald?’
‘Yes;’ said I, boldly, for the excitement of the scene had effectually stirred my blood, ‘Hardress Fitzgerald is before you. I know you well, Captain Oliver. I know how you hate me. I know how you thirst for my blood; but in a good cause, and in the hands of God, I defy you.’
‘You are a desperate villain193, sir,’ said Captain Oliver; ‘a rebel and a murderer! Holloa, there! guard, seize him!’
As the soldiers entered, I threw my eyes hastily round the room, and observing a glowing fire upon the hearth, I suddenly drew General Sarsfield’s packet from my bosom, and casting it upon the embers, planted my foot upon it.
‘Secure the papers!’ shouted the captain; and almost instantly I was laid prostrate194 and senseless upon the floor, by a blow from the butt195 of a carbine.
I cannot say how long I continued in a state of torpor196; but at length, having slowly recovered my senses, I found myself lying firmly handcuffed upon the floor of a small chamber, through a narrow loop-hole in one of whose walls the evening sun was shining. I was chilled with cold and damp, and drenched in blood, which had flowed in large quantities from the wound on my head. By a strong effort I shook off the sick drowsiness197 which still hung upon me, and, weak and giddy, I rose with pain and difficulty to my feet.
The chamber, or rather cell, in which I stood was about eight feet square, and of a height very disproportioned to its other dimensions; its altitude from the floor to the ceiling being not less than twelve or fourteen feet. A narrow slit198 placed high in the wall admitted a scanty199 light, but sufficient to assure me that my prison contained nothing to render the sojourn200 of its tenant201 a whit less comfortless than my worst enemy could have wished.
My first impulse was naturally to examine the security of the door, the loop-hole which I have mentioned being too high and too narrow to afford a chance of escape. I listened attentively202 to ascertain203 if possible whether or not a guard had been placed upon the outside.
Not a sound was to be heard. I now placed my shoulder to the door, and sought with all my combined strength and weight to force it open. It, however, resisted all my efforts, and thus baffled in my appeal to mere204 animal power, exhausted and disheartened, I threw myself on the ground.
It was not in my nature, however, long to submit to the apathy205 of despair, and in a few minutes I was on my feet again.
With patient scrutiny I endeavoured to ascertain the nature of the fastenings which secured the door.
The planks, fortunately, having been nailed together fresh, had shrunk considerably206, so as to leave wide chinks between each and its neighbour.
By means of these apertures207 I saw that my dungeon208 was secured, not by a lock, as I had feared, but by a strong wooden bar, running horizontally across the door, about midway upon the outside.
‘Now,’ thought I, ‘if I can but slip my fingers through the opening of the planks, I can easily remove the bar, and then ——’
My attempts, however, were all frustrated209 by the manner in which my hands were fastened together, each embarrassing the other, and rendering my efforts so hopelessly clumsy, that I was obliged to give them over in despair.
I turned with a sigh from my last hope, and began to pace my narrow prison floor, when my eye suddenly encountered an old rusty210 nail or holdfast sticking in the wall.
All the gold of Plutus would not have been so welcome as that rusty piece of iron.
I instantly wrung211 it from the wall, and inserting the point between the planks of the door into the bolt, and working it backwards212 and forwards, I had at length the unspeakable satisfaction to perceive that the beam was actually yielding to my efforts, and gradually sliding into its berth213 in the wall.
I have often been engaged in struggles where great bodily strength was required, and every thew and sinew in the system taxed to the uttermost; but, strange as it may appear, I never was so completely exhausted and overcome by any labour as by this comparatively trifling215 task.
Again and again was I obliged to desist, until my cramped216 finger-joints recovered their power; but at length my perseverance217 was rewarded, for, little by little, I succeeded in removing the bolt so far as to allow the door to open sufficiently to permit me to pass.
With some squeezing I succeeded in forcing my way into a small passage, upon which my prison-door opened.
This led into a chamber somewhat more spacious218 than my cell, but still containing no furniture, and affording no means of escape to one so crippled with bonds as I was.
At the far extremity of this room was a door which stood ajar, and, stealthily passing through it, I found myself in a room containing nothing but a few raw hides, which rendered the atmosphere nearly intolerable.
Here I checked myself, for I heard voices in busy conversation in the next room.
I stole softly to the door which separated the chamber in which I stood from that from which the voices proceeded.
A moment served to convince me that any attempt upon it would be worse than fruitless, for it was secured upon the outside by a strong lock, besides two bars, all which I was enabled to ascertain by means of the same defect in the joining of the planks which I have mentioned as belonging to the inner door.
I had approached this door very softly, so that, my proximity219 being wholly unsuspected by the speakers within, the conversation continued without interruption.
Planting myself close to the door, I applied my eye to one of the chinks which separated the boards, and thus obtained a full view of the chamber and its occupants.
It was the very apartment into which I had been first conducted. The outer door, which faced the one at which I stood, was closed, and at a small table were seated the only tenants220 of the room — two officers, one of whom was Captain Oliver. The latter was reading a paper, which I made no doubt was the document with which I had been entrusted221.
‘The fellow deserves it, no doubt’ said the junior officer. ‘But, methinks, considering our orders from head-quarters, you deal somewhat too hastily.’
‘Nephew, nephew,’ said Captain Oliver, ‘you mistake the tenor222 of our orders. We were directed to conciliate the peasantry by fair and gentle treatment, but not to suffer spies and traitors223 to escape. This packet is of some value, though not, in all its parts, intelligible224 to me. The bearer has made his way hither under a disguise, which, along with the other circumstances of his appearance here, is sufficient to convict him as a spy.’
There was a pause here, and after a few minutes the younger officer said:
‘Spy is a hard term, no doubt, uncle; but it is possible — nay225, likely, that this poor devil sought merely to carry the parcel with which he was charged in safety to its destination. Pshaw! he is sufficiently punished if you duck him, for ten minutes or so, between the bridge and the mill-dam.’
‘Young man,’ said Oliver, somewhat sternly, ‘do not obtrude226 your advice where it is not called for; this man, for whom you plead, murdered your own father!’
I could not see how this announcement affected the person to whom it was addressed, for his back was towards me; but I conjectured227, easily, that my last poor chance was gone, for a long silence ensued. Captain Oliver at length resumed:
‘I know the villain well. I know him capable of any crime; but, by — — his last card is played, and the game is up. He shall not see the moon rise to-night.’
There was here another pause.
Oliver rose, and going to the outer door, called:
‘Hewson! Hewson!’
A grim-looking corporal entered.
‘Hewson, have your guard ready at eight o’clock, with their carbines clean, and a round of ball-cartridge each. Keep them sober; and, further, plant two upright posts at the near end of the bridge, with a cross one at top, in the manner of a gibbet. See to these matters, Hewson: I shall be with you speedily.’
The corporal made his salutations, and retired228.
Oliver deliberately229 folded up the papers with which I had been commissioned, and placing them in the pocket of his vest, he said:
‘Cunning, cunning Master Hardress Fitzgerald hath made a false step; the old fox is in the toils230. Hardress Fitzgerald, Hardress Fitzgerald, I will blot231 you out.’
He repeated these words several times, at the same time rubbing his finger strongly upon the table, as if he sought to erase232 a stain:
There was a kind of glee in his manner and expression which chilled my very heart.
‘You shall be first shot like a dog, and then hanged like a dog: shot to-night, and hung to-morrow; hung at the bridge-head — hung, until your bones drop asunder233!’
It is impossible to describe the exultation234 with which he seemed to dwell upon, and to particularise the fate which he intended for me.
I observed, however, that his face was deadly pale, and felt assured that his conscience and inward convictions were struggling against his cruel resolve. Without further comment the two officers left the room, I suppose to oversee235 the preparations which were being made for the deed of which I was to be the victim.
A chill, sick horror crept over me as they retired, and I felt, for the moment, upon the brink236 of swooning. This feeling, however, speedily gave place to a sensation still more terrible. A state of excitement so intense and tremendous as to border upon literal madness, supervened; my brain reeled and throbbed237 as if it would burst; thoughts the wildest and the most hideous238 flashed through my mind with a spontaneous rapidity that scared my very soul; while, all the time, I felt a strange and frightful239 impulse to burst into uncontrolled laughter.
Gradually this fearful paroxysm passed away. I kneeled and prayed fervently240, and felt comforted and assured; but still I could not view the slow approaches of certain death without an agitation little short of agony.
I have stood in battle many a time when the chances of escape were fearfully small. I have confronted foemen in the deadly breach242. I have marched, with a constant heart, against the cannon’s mouth. Again and again has the beast which I bestrode been shot under me; again and again have I seen the comrades who walked beside me in an instant laid for ever in the dust; again and again have I been in the thick of battle, and of its mortal dangers, and never felt my heart shake, or a single nerve tremble: but now, helpless, manacled, imprisoned243, doomed244, forced to watch the approaches of an inevitable245 fate — to wait, silent and moveless, while death as it were crept towards me, human nature was taxed to the uttermost to bear the horrible situation.
I returned again to the closet in which I had found myself upon recovering from the swoon.
The evening sunshine and twilight246 was fast melting into darkness, when I heard the outer door, that which communicated with the guard-room in which the officers had been amusing themselves, opened and locked again upon the inside.
A measured step then approached, and the door of the wretched cell in which I lay being rudely pushed open, a soldier entered, who carried something in his hand; but, owing to the obscurity of the place, I could not see what.
‘Art thou awake, fellow?’ said he, in a gruff voice. ‘Stir thyself; get upon thy legs.’
His orders were enforced by no very gentle application of his military boot.
‘Friend,’ said I, rising with difficulty, ‘you need not insult a dying man. You have been sent hither to conduct me to death. Lead on! My trust is in God, that He will forgive me my sins, and receive my soul, redeemed247 by the blood of His Son.’
There here intervened a pause of some length, at the end of which the soldier said, in the same gruff voice, but in a lower key:
‘Look ye, comrade, it will be your own fault if you die this night. On one condition I promise to get you out of this hobble with a whole skin; but if you go to any of your d —— d gammon, by G — before two hours are passed, you will have as many holes in your carcase as a target.’
‘Name your conditions,’ said I, ‘and if they consist with honour, I will never balk248 at the offer.’
‘Here they are: you are to be shot to-night, by Captain Oliver’s orders. The carbines are cleaned for the job, and the cartridges249 served out to the men. By G — I tell you the truth!’
Of this I needed not much persuasion250, and intimated to the man my conviction that he spoke the truth.
‘Well, then,’ he continued, ‘now for the means of avoiding this ugly business. Captain Oliver rides this night to head-quarters, with the papers which you carried. Before he starts he will pay you a visit, to fish what he can out of you with all the fine promises he can make. Humour him a little, and when you find an opportunity, stab him in the throat above the cuirass.’
‘A feasible plan, surely,’ said I, raising my shackled251 hands, ‘for a man thus completely crippled and without a weapon.’
‘I will manage all that presently for you,’ said the soldier. ‘When you have thus dealt with him, take his cloak and hat, and so forth, and put them on; the papers you will find in the pocket of his vest, in a red leather case. Walk boldly out. I am appointed to ride with Captain Oliver, and you will find me holding his horse and my own by the door. Mount quickly, and I will do the same, and then we will ride for our lives across the bridge. You will find the holster-pistols loaded in case of pursuit; and, with the devil’s help, we shall reach Limerick without a hair hurt. My only condition is, that when you strike Oliver, you strike home, and again and again, until he is FINISHED; and I trust to your honour to remember me when we reach the town.’
I cannot say whether I resolved right or wrong, but I thought my situation, and the conduct of Captain Oliver, warranted me in acceding252 to the conditions propounded253 by my visitant, and with alacrity254 I told him so, and desired him to give me the power, as he had promised to do, of executing them.
With speed and promptitude he drew a small key from his pocket, and in an instant the manacles were removed from my hands.
How my heart bounded within me as my wrists were released from the iron gripe of the shackles255! The first step toward freedom was made — my self-reliance returned, and I felt assured of success.
‘Now for the weapon,’ said I.
‘I fear me, you will find it rather clumsy,’ said he; ‘but if well handled, it will do as well as the best Toledo. It is the only thing I could get, but I sharpened it myself; it has an edge like a skean.’
He placed in my hand the steel head of a halberd. Grasping it firmly, I found that it made by no means a bad weapon in point of convenience; for it felt in the hand like a heavy dagger256, the portion which formed the blade or point being crossed nearly at the lower extremity by a small bar of metal, at one side shaped into the form of an axe214, and at the other into that of a hook. These two transverse appendages257 being muffled258 by the folds of my cravat259, which I removed for the purpose, formed a perfect guard or hilt, and the lower extremity formed like a tube, in which the pike-handle had been inserted, afforded ample space for the grasp of my hand; the point had been made as sharp as a needle, and the metal he assured me was good.
Thus equipped he left me, having observed, ‘The captain sent me to bring you to your senses, and give you some water that he might find you proper for his visit. Here is the pitcher260; I think I have revived you sufficiently for the captain’s purpose.’
With a low savage77 laugh he left me to my reflections.
Having examined and adjusted the weapon, I carefully bound the ends of the cravat, with which I had secured the cross part of the spear-head, firmly round my wrist, so that in case of a struggle it might not easily be forced from my hand; and having made these precautionary dispositions261, I sat down upon the ground with my back against the wall, and my hands together under my coat, awaiting my visitor.
The time wore slowly on; the dusk became dimmer and dimmer, until it nearly bordered on total darkness.
‘How’s this?’ said I, inwardly; ‘Captain Oliver, you said I should not see the moon rise to-night. Methinks you are somewhat tardy262 in fulfilling your prophecy.’
As I made this reflection, a noise at the outer door announced the entrance of a visitant. I knew that the decisive moment was come, and letting my head sink upon my breast, and assuring myself that my hands were concealed263, I waited, in the attitude of deep dejection, the approach of my foe241 and betrayer.
As I had expected, Captain Oliver entered the room where I lay. He was equipped for instant duty, as far as the imperfect twilight would allow me to see; the long sword clanked upon the floor as he made his way through the lobbies which led to my place of confinement264; his ample military cloak hung upon his arm; his cocked hat was upon his head, and in all points he was prepared for the road.
This tallied265 exactly with what my strange informant had told me.
I felt my heart swell138 and my breath come thick as the awful moment which was to witness the death-struggle of one or other of us approached.
Captain Oliver stood within a yard or two of the place where I sat, or rather lay; and folding his arms, he remained silent for a minute or two, as if arranging in his mind how he should address me.
‘Hardress Fitzgerald,’ he began at length, ‘are you awake? Stand up, if you desire to hear of matters nearly touching266 your life or death. Get up, I say.’
I arose doggedly267, and affecting the awkward movements of one whose hands were bound,
‘Well,’ said I, ‘what would you of me? Is it not enough that I am thus imprisoned without a cause, and about, as I suspect, to suffer a most unjust and violent sentence, but must I also be disturbed during the few moments left me for reflection and repentance268 by the presence of my persecutor269? What do you want of me?’
‘As to your punishment, sir,’ said he, ‘your own deserts have no doubt suggested the likelihood of it to your mind; but I now am with you to let you know that whatever mitigation of your sentence you may look for, must be earned by your compliance270 with my orders. You must frankly and fully explain the contents of the packet which you endeavoured this day to destroy; and further, you must tell all that you know of the designs of the popish rebels.’
‘And if I do this I am to expect a mitigation of my punishment — is it not so?’
Oliver bowed.
‘And what IS this mitigation to be? On the honour of a soldier, what is it to be?’ inquired I.
‘When you have made the disclosure required,’ he replied, ‘you shall hear. ’Tis then time to talk of indulgences.’
‘Methinks it would then be too late,’ answered I. ‘But a chance is a chance, and a drowning man will catch at a straw. You are an honourable man, Captain Oliver. I must depend, I suppose, on your good faith. Well, sir, before I make the desired communication I have one question more to put. What is to befall me in case that I, remembering the honour of a soldier and a gentleman, reject your infamous271 terms, scorn your mitigations, and defy your utmost power?’
‘In that case,’ replied he, coolly, ‘before half an hour you shall be a corpse272.’
‘Then God have mercy on your soul!’ said I; and springing forward, I dashed the weapon which I held at his throat.
I missed my aim, but struck him full in the mouth with such force that most of his front teeth were dislodged, and the point of the spear-head passed out under his jaw273, at the ear.
My onset274 was so sudden and unexpected that he reeled back to the wall, and did not recover his equilibrium275 in time to prevent my dealing276 a second blow, which I did with my whole force. The point unfortunately struck the cuirass, near the neck, and glancing aside it inflicted277 but a flesh wound, tearing the skin and tendons along the throat.
He now grappled with me, strange to say, without uttering any cry of alarm; being a very powerful man, and if anything rather heavier and more strongly built than I, he succeeded in drawing me with him to the ground. We fell together with a heavy crash, tugging279 and straining in what we were both conscious was a mortal struggle. At length I succeeded in getting over him, and struck him twice more in the face; still he struggled with an energy which nothing but the tremendous stake at issue could have sustained.
I succeeded again in inflicting280 several more wounds upon him, any one of which might have been mortal. While thus contending he clutched his hands about my throat, so firmly that I felt the blood swelling281 the veins282 of my temples and face almost to bursting. Again and again I struck the weapon deep into his face and throat, but life seemed to adhere in him with an almost INSECT tenacity283.
My sight now nearly failed, my senses almost forsook284 me; I felt upon the point of suffocation285 when, with one desperate effort, I struck him another and a last blow in the face. The weapon which I wielded286 had lighted upon the eye, and the point penetrated287 the brain; the body quivered under me, the deadly grasp relaxed, and Oliver lay upon the ground a corpse!
As I arose and shook the weapon and the bloody cloth from my hand, the moon which he had foretold288 I should never see rise, shone bright and broad into the room, and disclosed, with ghastly distinctness, the mangled289 features of the dead soldier; the mouth, full of clotting290 blood and broken teeth, lay open; the eye, close by whose lid the fatal wound had been inflicted, was not, as might have been expected, bathed in blood, but had started forth nearly from the socket291, and gave to the face, by its fearful unlikeness to the other glazing292 orb293, a leer more hideous and unearthly than fancy ever saw. The wig, with all its rich curls, had fallen with the hat to the floor, leaving the shorn head exposed, and in many places marked by the recent struggle; the rich lace cravat was drenched in blood, and the gay uniform in many places soiled with the same.
It is hard to say, with what feelings I looked upon the unsightly and revolting mass which had so lately been a living and a comely man. I had not any time, however, to spare for reflection; the deed was done — the responsibility was upon me, and all was registered in the book of that God who judges rightly.
With eager haste I removed from the body such of the military accoutrements as were necessary for the purpose of my disguise. I buckled164 on the sword, drew off the military boots, and donned them myself, placed the brigadier wig and cocked hat upon my head, threw on the cloak, drew it up about my face, and proceeded, with the papers which I found as the soldier had foretold me, and the key of the outer lobby, to the door of the guard-room; this I opened, and with a firm and rapid tread walked through the officers, who rose as I entered, and passed without question or interruption to the street-door. Here I was met by the grim-looking corporal, Hewson, who, saluting294 me, said:
‘How soon, captain, shall the file be drawn295 out and the prisoner despatched?’
‘In half an hour,’ I replied, without raising my voice.
The man again saluted296, and in two steps I reached the soldier who held the two horses, as he had intimated.
‘Is all right?’ said he, eagerly.
‘Ay,’ said I, ‘which horse am I to mount?’
He satisfied me upon this point, and I threw myself into the saddle; the soldier mounted his horse, and dashing the spurs into the flanks of the animal which I bestrode, we thundered along the narrow bridge. At the far extremity a sentinel, as we approached, called out, ‘Who goes there? stand, and give the word!’ Heedless of the interruption, with my heart bounding with excitement, I dashed on, as did also the soldier who accompanied me.
‘Stand, or I fire! give the word!’ cried the sentry297.
‘God save the king, and to hell with the prince!’ shouted I, flinging the cocked hat in his face as I galloped299 by.
The response was the sharp report of a carbine, accompanied by the whiz of a bullet, which passed directly between me and my comrade, now riding beside me.
‘Hurrah!’ I shouted; ‘try it again, my boy.’
And away we went at a gallop298, which bid fair to distance anything like pursuit.
Never was spur more needed, however, for soon the clatter of horses’ hoofs, in full speed, crossing the bridge, came sharp and clear through the stillness of the night.
Away we went, with our pursuers close behind; one mile was passed, another nearly completed. The moon now shone forth, and, turning in the saddle, I looked back upon the road we had passed.
One trooper had headed the rest, and was within a hundred yards of us.
I saw the fellow throw himself from his horse upon the ground.
I knew his object, and said to my comrade:
‘Lower your body — lie flat over the saddle; the fellow is going to fire.’
I had hardly spoken when the report of a carbine startled the echoes, and the ball, striking the hind123 leg of my companion’s horse, the poor animal fell headlong upon the road, throwing his rider head-foremost over the saddle.
My first impulse was to stop and share whatever fate might await my comrade; but my second and wiser one was to spur on, and save myself and my despatch.
I rode on at a gallop, turning to observe my comrade’s fate. I saw his pursuer, having remounted, ride rapidly up to him, and, on reaching the spot where the man and horse lay, rein178 in and dismount.
He was hardly upon the ground, when my companion shot him dead with one of the holster-pistols which he had drawn from the pipe; and, leaping nimbly over a ditch at the side of the road, he was soon lost among the ditches and thorn-bushes which covered that part of the country.
Another mile being passed, I had the satisfaction to perceive that the pursuit was given over, and in an hour more I crossed Thomond Bridge, and slept that night in the fortress of Limerick, having delivered the packet, the result of whose safe arrival was the destruction of William’s great train of artillery300, then upon its way to the besiegers.
Years after this adventure, I met in France a young officer, who I found had served in Captain Oliver’s regiment; and he explained what I had never before understood — the motives301 of the man who had wrought302 my deliverance. Strange to say, he was the foster-brother of Oliver, whom he thus devoted303 to death, but in revenge for the most grievous wrong which one man can inflict278 upon another!
1 legacy | |
n.遗产,遗赠;先人(或过去)留下的东西 | |
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2 narrative | |
n.叙述,故事;adj.叙事的,故事体的 | |
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3 disastrous | |
adj.灾难性的,造成灾害的;极坏的,很糟的 | |
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4 vicissitudes | |
n.变迁,世事变化;变迁兴衰( vicissitude的名词复数 );盛衰兴废 | |
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5 galling | |
adj.难堪的,使烦恼的,使焦躁的 | |
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6 fortitude | |
n.坚忍不拔;刚毅 | |
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7 heroism | |
n.大无畏精神,英勇 | |
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8 virtues | |
美德( virtue的名词复数 ); 德行; 优点; 长处 | |
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9 monarch | |
n.帝王,君主,最高统治者 | |
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10 steadily | |
adv.稳定地;不变地;持续地 | |
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11 stimulant | |
n.刺激物,兴奋剂 | |
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12 recollect | |
v.回忆,想起,记起,忆起,记得 | |
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13 lurking | |
潜在 | |
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14 lodgings | |
n. 出租的房舍, 寄宿舍 | |
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15 standing | |
n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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16 sufficiently | |
adv.足够地,充分地 | |
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17 scrutiny | |
n.详细检查,仔细观察 | |
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18 concealment | |
n.隐藏, 掩盖,隐瞒 | |
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追随者( follower的名词复数 ); 用户; 契据的附面; 从动件 | |
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20 dire | |
adj.可怕的,悲惨的,阴惨的,极端的 | |
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21 submissions | |
n.提交( submission的名词复数 );屈从;归顺;向法官或陪审团提出的意见或论据 | |
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22 concessions | |
n.(尤指由政府或雇主给予的)特许权( concession的名词复数 );承认;减价;(在某地的)特许经营权 | |
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23 usurping | |
篡夺,霸占( usurp的现在分词 ); 盗用; 篡夺,篡权 | |
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24 honourably | |
adv.可尊敬地,光荣地,体面地 | |
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25 forth | |
adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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26 conversing | |
v.交谈,谈话( converse的现在分词 ) | |
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27 tavern | |
n.小旅馆,客栈;小酒店 | |
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28 frankly | |
adv.坦白地,直率地;坦率地说 | |
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29 bloody | |
adj.非常的的;流血的;残忍的;adv.很;vt.血染 | |
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30 perils | |
极大危险( peril的名词复数 ); 危险的事(或环境) | |
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31 skulking | |
v.潜伏,偷偷摸摸地走动,鬼鬼祟祟地活动( skulk的现在分词 ) | |
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32 runaway | |
n.逃走的人,逃亡,亡命者;adj.逃亡的,逃走的 | |
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33 vessel | |
n.船舶;容器,器皿;管,导管,血管 | |
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34 sprightliness | |
n.愉快,快活 | |
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35 facetious | |
adj.轻浮的,好开玩笑的 | |
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36 avenge | |
v.为...复仇,为...报仇 | |
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37 clenched | |
v.紧握,抓紧,咬紧( clench的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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38 folly | |
n.愚笨,愚蠢,蠢事,蠢行,傻话 | |
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39 taverns | |
n.小旅馆,客栈,酒馆( tavern的名词复数 ) | |
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40 exhausted | |
adj.极其疲惫的,精疲力尽的 | |
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41 uncertainty | |
n.易变,靠不住,不确知,不确定的事物 | |
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42 fortress | |
n.堡垒,防御工事 | |
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43 ammunition | |
n.军火,弹药 | |
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44 authentic | |
a.真的,真正的;可靠的,可信的,有根据的 | |
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45 thither | |
adv.向那里;adj.在那边的,对岸的 | |
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46 garrison | |
n.卫戍部队;驻地,卫戍区;vt.派(兵)驻防 | |
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47 wares | |
n. 货物, 商品 | |
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48 immediate | |
adj.立即的;直接的,最接近的;紧靠的 | |
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49 fully | |
adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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50 lining | |
n.衬里,衬料 | |
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51 cork | |
n.软木,软木塞 | |
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52 beleaguered | |
adj.受到围困[围攻]的;包围的v.围攻( beleaguer的过去式和过去分词);困扰;骚扰 | |
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53 misgivings | |
n.疑虑,担忧,害怕;疑虑,担心,恐惧( misgiving的名词复数 );疑惧 | |
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54 determined | |
adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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55 pointed | |
adj.尖的,直截了当的 | |
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56 landmark | |
n.陆标,划时代的事,地界标 | |
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57 ascended | |
v.上升,攀登( ascend的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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58 chilly | |
adj.凉快的,寒冷的 | |
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59 varied | |
adj.多样的,多变化的 | |
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60 laboriously | |
adv.艰苦地;费力地;辛勤地;(文体等)佶屈聱牙地 | |
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61 plodded | |
v.沉重缓慢地走(路)( plod的过去式和过去分词 );努力从事;沉闷地苦干;缓慢进行(尤指艰难枯燥的工作) | |
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62 toil | |
vi.辛劳工作,艰难地行动;n.苦工,难事 | |
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63 rambling | |
adj.[建]凌乱的,杂乱的 | |
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64 brook | |
n.小河,溪;v.忍受,容让 | |
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65 swampy | |
adj.沼泽的,湿地的 | |
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66 abrupt | |
adj.突然的,意外的;唐突的,鲁莽的 | |
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67 rivulet | |
n.小溪,小河 | |
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68 drenched | |
adj.湿透的;充满的v.使湿透( drench的过去式和过去分词 );在某人(某物)上大量使用(某液体) | |
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69 toiling | |
长时间或辛苦地工作( toil的现在分词 ); 艰难缓慢地移动,跋涉 | |
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70 onward | |
adj.向前的,前进的;adv.向前,前进,在先 | |
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71 winding | |
n.绕,缠,绕组,线圈 | |
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72 accost | |
v.向人搭话,打招呼 | |
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73 jeopardy | |
n.危险;危难 | |
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74 mantles | |
vt.&vi.覆盖(mantle的第三人称单数形式) | |
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75 whit | |
n.一点,丝毫 | |
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76 spoke | |
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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77 savage | |
adj.野蛮的;凶恶的,残暴的;n.未开化的人 | |
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78 savages | |
未开化的人,野蛮人( savage的名词复数 ) | |
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79 encumbered | |
v.妨碍,阻碍,拖累( encumber的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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80 affected | |
adj.不自然的,假装的 | |
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81 savagely | |
adv. 野蛮地,残酷地 | |
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82 avowal | |
n.公开宣称,坦白承认 | |
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83 suspense | |
n.(对可能发生的事)紧张感,担心,挂虑 | |
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84 planks | |
(厚)木板( plank的名词复数 ); 政纲条目,政策要点 | |
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85 plank | |
n.板条,木板,政策要点,政纲条目 | |
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87 cavalry | |
n.骑兵;轻装甲部队 | |
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88 dreary | |
adj.令人沮丧的,沉闷的,单调乏味的 | |
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89 descending | |
n. 下行 adj. 下降的 | |
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90 chamber | |
n.房间,寝室;会议厅;议院;会所 | |
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91 funnel | |
n.漏斗;烟囱;v.汇集 | |
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92 colossal | |
adj.异常的,庞大的 | |
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93 stature | |
n.(高度)水平,(高度)境界,身高,身材 | |
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94 regiment | |
n.团,多数,管理;v.组织,编成团,统制 | |
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95 deranged | |
adj.疯狂的 | |
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96 wig | |
n.假发 | |
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97 surmounted | |
战胜( surmount的过去式和过去分词 ); 克服(困难); 居于…之上; 在…顶上 | |
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98 plume | |
n.羽毛;v.整理羽毛,骚首弄姿,用羽毛装饰 | |
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99 appendage | |
n.附加物 | |
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100 jug | |
n.(有柄,小口,可盛水等的)大壶,罐,盂 | |
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101 betokened | |
v.预示,表示( betoken的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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102 languor | |
n.无精力,倦怠 | |
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103 fatigue | |
n.疲劳,劳累 | |
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104 ruffle | |
v.弄皱,弄乱;激怒,扰乱;n.褶裥饰边 | |
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105 protruded | |
v.(使某物)伸出,(使某物)突出( protrude的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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106 comely | |
adj.漂亮的,合宜的 | |
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107 remarkable | |
adj.显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的 | |
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108 bracing | |
adj.令人振奋的 | |
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109 numbed | |
v.使麻木,使麻痹( numb的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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110 procure | |
vt.获得,取得,促成;vi.拉皮条 | |
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111 hearth | |
n.壁炉炉床,壁炉地面 | |
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112 eddying | |
涡流,涡流的形成 | |
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113 gust | |
n.阵风,突然一阵(雨、烟等),(感情的)迸发 | |
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114 strewed | |
v.撒在…上( strew的过去式和过去分词 );散落于;点缀;撒满 | |
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115 worthy | |
adj.(of)值得的,配得上的;有价值的 | |
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116 dexterity | |
n.(手的)灵巧,灵活 | |
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117 rendering | |
n.表现,描写 | |
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118 honourable | |
adj.可敬的;荣誉的,光荣的 | |
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119 applied | |
adj.应用的;v.应用,适用 | |
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120 homely | |
adj.家常的,简朴的;不漂亮的 | |
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121 heartily | |
adv.衷心地,诚恳地,十分,很 | |
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122 slanting | |
倾斜的,歪斜的 | |
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123 hind | |
adj.后面的,后部的 | |
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124 despatch | |
n./v.(dispatch)派遣;发送;n.急件;新闻报道 | |
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125 bosom | |
n.胸,胸部;胸怀;内心;adj.亲密的 | |
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126 courageous | |
adj.勇敢的,有胆量的 | |
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127 descended | |
a.为...后裔的,出身于...的 | |
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128 awakening | |
n.觉醒,醒悟 adj.觉醒中的;唤醒的 | |
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129 conspired | |
密谋( conspire的过去式和过去分词 ); 搞阴谋; (事件等)巧合; 共同导致 | |
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130 professing | |
声称( profess的现在分词 ); 宣称; 公开表明; 信奉 | |
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131 zeal | |
n.热心,热情,热忱 | |
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132 wont | |
adj.习惯于;v.习惯;n.习惯 | |
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133 swollen | |
adj.肿大的,水涨的;v.使变大,肿胀 | |
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134 eminence | |
n.卓越,显赫;高地,高处;名家 | |
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135 cannon | |
n.大炮,火炮;飞机上的机关炮 | |
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136 sullen | |
adj.愠怒的,闷闷不乐的,(天气等)阴沉的 | |
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137 noted | |
adj.著名的,知名的 | |
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138 swell | |
vi.膨胀,肿胀;增长,增强 | |
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139 swelled | |
增强( swell的过去式和过去分词 ); 肿胀; (使)凸出; 充满(激情) | |
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140 longing | |
n.(for)渴望 | |
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141 fatigued | |
adj. 疲乏的 | |
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142 procured | |
v.(努力)取得, (设法)获得( procure的过去式和过去分词 );拉皮条 | |
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143 humble | |
adj.谦卑的,恭顺的;地位低下的;v.降低,贬低 | |
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144 refreshment | |
n.恢复,精神爽快,提神之事物;(复数)refreshments:点心,茶点 | |
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145 ponderous | |
adj.沉重的,笨重的,(文章)冗长的 | |
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146 proceeding | |
n.行动,进行,(pl.)会议录,学报 | |
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147 regale | |
v.取悦,款待 | |
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148 hoofs | |
n.(兽的)蹄,马蹄( hoof的名词复数 )v.(兽的)蹄,马蹄( hoof的第三人称单数 ) | |
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149 ominous | |
adj.不祥的,不吉的,预兆的,预示的 | |
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150 jingle | |
n.叮当声,韵律简单的诗句;v.使叮当作响,叮当响,押韵 | |
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151 brass | |
n.黄铜;黄铜器,铜管乐器 | |
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152 countenance | |
n.脸色,面容;面部表情;vt.支持,赞同 | |
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153 hospitable | |
adj.好客的;宽容的;有利的,适宜的 | |
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154 repugnance | |
n.嫌恶 | |
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155 concealing | |
v.隐藏,隐瞒,遮住( conceal的现在分词 ) | |
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156 inevitably | |
adv.不可避免地;必然发生地 | |
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157 clatter | |
v./n.(使)发出连续而清脆的撞击声 | |
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158 interfere | |
v.(in)干涉,干预;(with)妨碍,打扰 | |
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159 quiescence | |
n.静止 | |
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160 insolence | |
n.傲慢;无礼;厚颜;傲慢的态度 | |
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161 broil | |
v.烤,烧,争吵,怒骂;n.烤,烧,争吵,怒骂 | |
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162 crave | |
vt.渴望得到,迫切需要,恳求,请求 | |
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163 rascally | |
adj. 无赖的,恶棍的 adv. 无赖地,卑鄙地 | |
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164 buckled | |
a. 有带扣的 | |
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165 buckle | |
n.扣子,带扣;v.把...扣住,由于压力而弯曲 | |
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166 ruffles | |
褶裥花边( ruffle的名词复数 ) | |
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167 stationery | |
n.文具;(配套的)信笺信封 | |
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168 slippers | |
n. 拖鞋 | |
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169 gad | |
n.闲逛;v.闲逛 | |
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170 haggle | |
vi.讨价还价,争论不休 | |
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171 wilt | |
v.(使)植物凋谢或枯萎;(指人)疲倦,衰弱 | |
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172 expeditious | |
adj.迅速的,敏捷的 | |
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173 advantageous | |
adj.有利的;有帮助的 | |
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174 excise | |
n.(国产)货物税;vt.切除,删去 | |
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175 unwilling | |
adj.不情愿的 | |
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176 trot | |
n.疾走,慢跑;n.老太婆;现成译本;(复数)trots:腹泻(与the 连用);v.小跑,快步走,赶紧 | |
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177 reined | |
勒缰绳使(马)停步( rein的过去式和过去分词 ); 驾驭; 严格控制; 加强管理 | |
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178 rein | |
n.疆绳,统治,支配;vt.以僵绳控制,统治 | |
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179 extremity | |
n.末端,尽头;尽力;终极;极度 | |
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180 inspection | |
n.检查,审查,检阅 | |
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181 dread | |
vt.担忧,忧虑;惧怕,不敢;n.担忧,畏惧 | |
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182 agitation | |
n.搅动;搅拌;鼓动,煽动 | |
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183 indifference | |
n.不感兴趣,不关心,冷淡,不在乎 | |
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184 dame | |
n.女士 | |
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185 wilderness | |
n.杳无人烟的一片陆地、水等,荒漠 | |
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186 condescend | |
v.俯就,屈尊;堕落,丢丑 | |
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187 manoeuvre | |
n.策略,调动;v.用策略,调动 | |
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188 thronged | |
v.成群,挤满( throng的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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189 fixed | |
adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 | |
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190 dubious | |
adj.怀疑的,无把握的;有问题的,靠不住的 | |
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191 hatred | |
n.憎恶,憎恨,仇恨 | |
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192 instinctively | |
adv.本能地 | |
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193 villain | |
n.反派演员,反面人物;恶棍;问题的起因 | |
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194 prostrate | |
v.拜倒,平卧,衰竭;adj.拜倒的,平卧的,衰竭的 | |
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195 butt | |
n.笑柄;烟蒂;枪托;臀部;v.用头撞或顶 | |
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196 torpor | |
n.迟钝;麻木;(动物的)冬眠 | |
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197 drowsiness | |
n.睡意;嗜睡 | |
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198 slit | |
n.狭长的切口;裂缝;vt.切开,撕裂 | |
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199 scanty | |
adj.缺乏的,仅有的,节省的,狭小的,不够的 | |
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200 sojourn | |
v./n.旅居,寄居;逗留 | |
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201 tenant | |
n.承租人;房客;佃户;v.租借,租用 | |
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202 attentively | |
adv.聚精会神地;周到地;谛;凝神 | |
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203 ascertain | |
vt.发现,确定,查明,弄清 | |
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204 mere | |
adj.纯粹的;仅仅,只不过 | |
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205 apathy | |
n.漠不关心,无动于衷;冷淡 | |
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206 considerably | |
adv.极大地;相当大地;在很大程度上 | |
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207 apertures | |
n.孔( aperture的名词复数 );隙缝;(照相机的)光圈;孔径 | |
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208 dungeon | |
n.地牢,土牢 | |
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209 frustrated | |
adj.挫败的,失意的,泄气的v.使不成功( frustrate的过去式和过去分词 );挫败;使受挫折;令人沮丧 | |
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210 rusty | |
adj.生锈的;锈色的;荒废了的 | |
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211 wrung | |
绞( wring的过去式和过去分词 ); 握紧(尤指别人的手); 把(湿衣服)拧干; 绞掉(水) | |
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212 backwards | |
adv.往回地,向原处,倒,相反,前后倒置地 | |
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213 berth | |
n.卧铺,停泊地,锚位;v.使停泊 | |
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214 axe | |
n.斧子;v.用斧头砍,削减 | |
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215 trifling | |
adj.微不足道的;没什么价值的 | |
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216 cramped | |
a.狭窄的 | |
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217 perseverance | |
n.坚持不懈,不屈不挠 | |
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218 spacious | |
adj.广阔的,宽敞的 | |
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219 proximity | |
n.接近,邻近 | |
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220 tenants | |
n.房客( tenant的名词复数 );佃户;占用者;占有者 | |
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221 entrusted | |
v.委托,托付( entrust的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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222 tenor | |
n.男高音(歌手),次中音(乐器),要旨,大意 | |
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223 traitors | |
卖国贼( traitor的名词复数 ); 叛徒; 背叛者; 背信弃义的人 | |
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224 intelligible | |
adj.可理解的,明白易懂的,清楚的 | |
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225 nay | |
adv.不;n.反对票,投反对票者 | |
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226 obtrude | |
v.闯入;侵入;打扰 | |
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227 conjectured | |
推测,猜测,猜想( conjecture的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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228 retired | |
adj.隐退的,退休的,退役的 | |
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229 deliberately | |
adv.审慎地;蓄意地;故意地 | |
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230 toils | |
网 | |
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231 blot | |
vt.弄脏(用吸墨纸)吸干;n.污点,污渍 | |
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232 erase | |
v.擦掉;消除某事物的痕迹 | |
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233 asunder | |
adj.分离的,化为碎片 | |
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234 exultation | |
n.狂喜,得意 | |
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235 oversee | |
vt.监督,管理 | |
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236 brink | |
n.(悬崖、河流等的)边缘,边沿 | |
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237 throbbed | |
抽痛( throb的过去式和过去分词 ); (心脏、脉搏等)跳动 | |
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238 hideous | |
adj.丑陋的,可憎的,可怕的,恐怖的 | |
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239 frightful | |
adj.可怕的;讨厌的 | |
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240 fervently | |
adv.热烈地,热情地,强烈地 | |
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241 foe | |
n.敌人,仇敌 | |
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242 breach | |
n.违反,不履行;破裂;vt.冲破,攻破 | |
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243 imprisoned | |
下狱,监禁( imprison的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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244 doomed | |
命定的 | |
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245 inevitable | |
adj.不可避免的,必然发生的 | |
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246 twilight | |
n.暮光,黄昏;暮年,晚期,衰落时期 | |
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247 redeemed | |
adj. 可赎回的,可救赎的 动词redeem的过去式和过去分词形式 | |
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248 balk | |
n.大方木料;v.妨碍;不愿前进或从事某事 | |
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249 cartridges | |
子弹( cartridge的名词复数 ); (打印机的)墨盒; 录音带盒; (唱机的)唱头 | |
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250 persuasion | |
n.劝说;说服;持有某种信仰的宗派 | |
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251 shackled | |
给(某人)带上手铐或脚镣( shackle的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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252 acceding | |
v.(正式)加入( accede的现在分词 );答应;(通过财产的添附而)增加;开始任职 | |
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253 propounded | |
v.提出(问题、计划等)供考虑[讨论],提议( propound的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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254 alacrity | |
n.敏捷,轻快,乐意 | |
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255 shackles | |
手铐( shackle的名词复数 ); 脚镣; 束缚; 羁绊 | |
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256 dagger | |
n.匕首,短剑,剑号 | |
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257 appendages | |
n.附属物( appendage的名词复数 );依附的人;附属器官;附属肢体(如臂、腿、尾等) | |
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258 muffled | |
adj.(声音)被隔的;听不太清的;(衣服)裹严的;蒙住的v.压抑,捂住( muffle的过去式和过去分词 );用厚厚的衣帽包着(自己) | |
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259 cravat | |
n.领巾,领结;v.使穿有领结的服装,使结领结 | |
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260 pitcher | |
n.(有嘴和柄的)大水罐;(棒球)投手 | |
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261 dispositions | |
安排( disposition的名词复数 ); 倾向; (财产、金钱的)处置; 气质 | |
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262 tardy | |
adj.缓慢的,迟缓的 | |
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263 concealed | |
a.隐藏的,隐蔽的 | |
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264 confinement | |
n.幽禁,拘留,监禁;分娩;限制,局限 | |
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265 tallied | |
v.计算,清点( tally的过去式和过去分词 );加标签(或标记)于;(使)符合;(使)吻合 | |
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266 touching | |
adj.动人的,使人感伤的 | |
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267 doggedly | |
adv.顽强地,固执地 | |
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268 repentance | |
n.懊悔 | |
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269 persecutor | |
n. 迫害者 | |
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270 compliance | |
n.顺从;服从;附和;屈从 | |
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271 infamous | |
adj.声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的,邪恶的 | |
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272 corpse | |
n.尸体,死尸 | |
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273 jaw | |
n.颚,颌,说教,流言蜚语;v.喋喋不休,教训 | |
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274 onset | |
n.进攻,袭击,开始,突然开始 | |
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275 equilibrium | |
n.平衡,均衡,相称,均势,平静 | |
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276 dealing | |
n.经商方法,待人态度 | |
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277 inflicted | |
把…强加给,使承受,遭受( inflict的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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278 inflict | |
vt.(on)把…强加给,使遭受,使承担 | |
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279 tugging | |
n.牵引感v.用力拉,使劲拉,猛扯( tug的现在分词 ) | |
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280 inflicting | |
把…强加给,使承受,遭受( inflict的现在分词 ) | |
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281 swelling | |
n.肿胀 | |
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282 veins | |
n.纹理;矿脉( vein的名词复数 );静脉;叶脉;纹理 | |
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283 tenacity | |
n.坚韧 | |
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284 forsook | |
forsake的过去式 | |
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285 suffocation | |
n.窒息 | |
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286 wielded | |
手持着使用(武器、工具等)( wield的过去式和过去分词 ); 具有; 运用(权力); 施加(影响) | |
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287 penetrated | |
adj. 击穿的,鞭辟入里的 动词penetrate的过去式和过去分词形式 | |
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288 foretold | |
v.预言,预示( foretell的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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289 mangled | |
vt.乱砍(mangle的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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290 clotting | |
v.凝固( clot的现在分词 );烧结 | |
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291 socket | |
n.窝,穴,孔,插座,插口 | |
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292 glazing | |
n.玻璃装配业;玻璃窗;上釉;上光v.装玻璃( glaze的现在分词 );上釉于,上光;(目光)变得呆滞无神 | |
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293 orb | |
n.太阳;星球;v.弄圆;成球形 | |
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294 saluting | |
v.欢迎,致敬( salute的现在分词 );赞扬,赞颂 | |
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295 drawn | |
v.拖,拉,拔出;adj.憔悴的,紧张的 | |
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296 saluted | |
v.欢迎,致敬( salute的过去式和过去分词 );赞扬,赞颂 | |
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297 sentry | |
n.哨兵,警卫 | |
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298 gallop | |
v./n.(马或骑马等)飞奔;飞速发展 | |
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299 galloped | |
(使马)飞奔,奔驰( gallop的过去式和过去分词 ); 快速做[说]某事 | |
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300 artillery | |
n.(军)火炮,大炮;炮兵(部队) | |
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301 motives | |
n.动机,目的( motive的名词复数 ) | |
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302 wrought | |
v.引起;以…原料制作;运转;adj.制造的 | |
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303 devoted | |
adj.忠诚的,忠实的,热心的,献身于...的 | |
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