To unravel2 the threads of the story is a task very difficult. My table is strewn with pamphlets, papers, genealogies3, essays; the authors taking opposite sides as to the question, Was Jeanne d’Arc burned at Rouen on May 30, 1431? Unluckily even the most exact historians (yea, even M. Quicherat, the editor of the five volumes of documents and notices about the Maid) (1841–1849) make slips in dates, where dates are all important. It would add confusion if we dwelt on these errors, or on the bias5 of the various disputants.
Not a word was said at the Trial of Rehabilitation6 in 1452–1456 about the supposed survival of the Maid. But there are indications of the inevitable7 popular belief that she was not burned. Long after the fall of Khartoum, rumours9 of the escape of Charles Gordon were current; even in our own day people are loth to believe that their hero has perished. Like Arthur he will come again, and from Arthur to James IV. of Scotland, from James IV. to the Duke of Monmouth, or the son of Louis XVI., the populace believes and hopes that its darling has not perished. We destroyed the Mahdi’s body to nullify such a belief, or to prevent worship at his tomb. In the same way, at Rouen, ‘when the Maid was dead, as the English feared that she might be said to have escaped, they bade the executioner rake back the fire somewhat that the bystanders might see her dead.’114 An account of a similar precaution, the fire drawn10 back after the Maid’s robes were burned away, is given in brutal11 detail by the contemporary diarist (who was not present), the Bourgeois12 de Paris.115
114 Quicherat, iii. p. 191. These lines are not in MS. 5970. M. Save, in Jehanne des Armoises, Pucelle d’Orleans, p. 6 (Nancy, 1893), interpolates, in italics, words of his own into his translation of this text, which improve the force of his argument!
115 Quicherat, iv. p. 471.
In spite of all this, the populace, as reflected in several chronicles, was uncertain that Jeanne had died. A ‘manuscript in the British Museum’ says: ‘At last they burned her, or another woman like her, on which point many persons are, and have been, of different opinions.’116
116 Save, p. 7, citing Bibliotheque de l’Ecole des Chartes, ii., Second Series.
This hopeful rumour8 of the Maid’s escape was certain to arise, populus vult decipi.
Now we reach a point at which we may well doubt how to array the evidence. But probably the best plan is first to give the testimony13 of undoubted public documents from the Treasury14 Accounts of the town of Orleans. In that loyal city the day of the Maid’s death had been duly celebrated15 by religious services; the Orleanese had indulged in no illusions. None the less on August 9, 1436, the good town pays its pursuivant, Fleur-delys, ‘because he had brought letters to the town FROM JEHANNE LA PUCELLE’! On August 21 money is paid to ‘Jehan du Lys, brother of Jehanne la Pucelle,’ because he has visited the King, Charles VII., is returning to his sister, the Maid, and is in want of cash, as the King’s order given to him was not fully16 honoured. On October 18 another pursuivant is paid for a mission occupying six weeks. He has visited the Maid at Arlon in Luxembourg, and carried letters from her to the King at Loches on the Loire. Earlier, in August, a messenger brought letters from the Maid, and went on to Guillaume Belier, bailiff of Troyes, in whose house the real Maid had lodged17, at Chinon, in the dawn of her mission, March 1429. Thus the impostor was dealing18, by letters, with some of the people who knew the Maid best, and was freely accepted by her brother Jehan.117
117 Quicherat, v. pp. 326–327.
For three years the account-books of Orleans are silent about this strange Pucelle. Orleans has not seen her, but has had Jeanne’s brother’s word for her reappearance, and the word, probably, of the pursuivants sent to her. Jeanne’s annual funeral services are therefore discontinued.
Mention of her in the accounts again appears on July 18, 1439. Money is now paid to Jaquet Leprestre for ten pints19 and a chopine of wine given to DAME20 JEHANNE DES ARMOISES. On the 29th, 30th, and on August 1, when she left the town, entries of payments for quantities of wine and food for Jehanne des Armoises occur, and she is given 210 livres ‘after deliberation with the town council,’ ‘for the good that she did to the said town during the siege of 1429.’
The only Jehanne who served Orleans in the siege was Jehanne d’Arc. Here, then, she is, as Jehanne des Armoises, in Orleans for several days in 1439, feasted and presented with money by command of the town council. Again she returns and receives ‘propine’ on September 4.118 The Leprestre who is paid for the wine was he who furnished wine to the real Maid in 1429.
118 Quicherat, v. pp. 331–332.
It is undeniable that the people of Orleans must have seen the impostor in 1439, and they ceased to celebrate service on the day of the true Maid’s death. Really it seems as if better evidence could not be that Jeanne des Armoises, nee Jeanne d’Arc, was alive in 1439. All Orleans knew the Maid, and yet the town council recognised the impostor.
She is again heard of on September 27, 1439, when the town of Tours pays a messenger for carrying to Orleans letters which Jeanne wrote to the King, and also letters from the bailli of Touraine to the King, concerning Jeanne. The real Jeanne could not write, but the impostor, too, may have employed a secretary.119
119 Quicherat, v. p. 332.
In June 1441 Charles VII. pardoned, for an escape from prison, one de Siquemville, who, ‘two years ago or thereabouts’ (1439), was sent by the late Gilles de Raiz, Marechal de France, to take over the leadership of a commando at Mans, which had hitherto been under ‘UNE APPELEE JEHANNE, QUI SE DISOIT PUCELLE.’120 The phrase ‘one styled Jehanne who called herself Pucelle’ does not indicate fervent21 belief on the part of the King. Apparently22 this Jeanne went to Orleans and Tours after quitting her command at Mans in 1439. If ever she saw Gilles de Raiz (the notorious monster of cruelty) in 1439, she saw a man who had fought in the campaigns of the true Maid under her sacred banner, argent a dove on an azure23 field.121
120 Quicherat, v. p. 333.
121 She never used the arms given to her and her family by Charles VII.
Here public documents about the impostor fall silent. It is not known what she was doing between August 9, 1436, and September 1439. At the earlier date she had written to the town of Orleans; at the later, she was writing to the King, from Tours. Here an error must be avoided. According to the author of the ‘Chronicle of the Constable24 of Alvaro de Luna,’122 the impostor was, in 1436, sending a letter, and ambassadors, to the King of Spain, asking him to succour La Rochelle. The ambassadors found the King at Valladolid, and the Constable treated the letter, ‘as if it were a relic25, with great reverence26.’
122 Madrid, 1784, p. 131.
The impostor flies high! But the whole story is false.
M. Quicherat held at first that the date and place may be erroneously stated, but did not doubt that the False Pucelle did send her ambassadors and letter to the King of Spain. We never hear that the true Maid did anything of the sort. But Quicherat changed his mind on the subject. The author of the ‘Chronicle of Alvaro de Luna’ merely cites a Coronica de la Poncella. That coronica, says Quicherat later, ‘is a tissue of fables28, a romance in the Spanish taste,’ and in this nonsense occurs the story of the embassy to the Spanish King. That story does not apply to the False Pucelle, and is not true, a point of which students of Quicherat’s great work need to be warned; his correction may escape notice.123
123 Revue des Questions Historiques, April 1, 1881, pp. 553–566. Article by the Comte de Puymaigre.
We thus discard a strong trump29 in the hand of believers that the impostor was the real Maid; had a Pucelle actually sent ambassadors to Spain in 1436, their case would be stronger than it is.
Next, why is the false Pucelle styled ‘Jeanne des Armoises’ in the town accounts of Orleans in 1439?
This leads us to the proofs of the marriage of the false Pucelle, in 1436, with a Monsieur Robert des Armoises, a gentleman of the Metz country. The evidence is in a confused state. In the reign30 of Louis XIV. lived a Pere Vignier, a savant, who is said to have been a fraudulent antiquary. Whether this be true or not, his brother, after the death of Pere Vignier, wrote a letter to the Duc de Grammont, which was published in the ‘Mercure Galant’ of November, 1683. The writer says that his brother, Pere Vignier, found, at Metz, an ancient chronicle of the town, in manuscript, and had a copy made by a notary31 royal. The extract is perfectly33 genuine, whatever the reputation of the discoverer may be. This portion of the chronicle of the doyen of Saint–Thibaud de Metz exists in two forms, of which the latter, whoever wrote it, is intended to correct the former.
In the earlier shape the author says that, on May 20, 1436, the Pucelle Jeanne came to Metz, and was met by her brothers, Pierre, a knight34, and Jehan, an esquire. Pierre had, in fact, fought beside his sister when both he and she were captured, at Compiegne, in May 1430. Jehan, as we have already seen, was in attendance on the false Maid in August 1436.
According to the Metz chronicle, these two brothers of the Maid, on May 20, 1436, recognised the impostor for their sister, and the account-books of Orleans leave no doubt that Jehan, at least, actually did accept her as such, in August 1436, four months after they met in May. Now this lasting35 recognition by one, at least, of the brothers, is a fact very hard to explain.
M. Anatole France offers a theory of the easiest. The brothers went to Lorraine in May 1436, to see the pretender. ‘Did they hurry to expose the fraud, or did they not think it credible36, on the other hand, that, with God’s permission, the Saint had risen again? Nothing could seem impossible, after all that they had seen. . . . They acted in good faith. A woman said to them, “I am Jeanne, your sister.” They believed, because they wished to believe.’ And so forth37, about the credulity of the age.
The age was not promiscuously38 credulous39. In a RESURRECTION of Jeanne, after death, the age did not believe. The brothers had never seen anything of the kind, nor had the town council of Orleans. THEY had nothing to gain by their belief, the brothers had everything to gain. One might say that they feigned40 belief, in the hope that ‘there was money in it;’ but one cannot say that about the people of Orleans who had to spend money. The case is simply a puzzle.124
124 Anatole France, ‘La Fausse Pucelle,’ Revue de Famille, Feb. 15, 1891. I cite from the quotation41 by M. P. Lanery d’Arc in Deux Lettres (Beauvais, 1894), a brochure which I owe to the kindness of the author.
After displaying feats42 of horsemanship, in male attire43, and being accepted by many gentlemen, and receiving gifts of horses and jewels, the impostor went to Arlon, in Luxembourg, where she was welcomed by the lady of the duchy, Elizabeth de Gorlitz, Madame de Luxembourg. And at Arlon she was in October 1436, as the town accounts of Orleans have proved. Thence, says the Metz chronicle, the ‘Comte de Warnonbourg’(?) took her to Cologne, and gave her a cuirass. Thence she returned to Arlon in Luxembourg, and there married the knight Robert des Hermoises, or Armoises, ‘and they dwelt in their own house at Metz, as long as they would.’ Thus Jeanne became ‘Madame des Hermoises,’ or ‘Ermaises,’ or, in the town accounts of Orleans, in 1439, ‘des Armoises.’
So says the Metz chronicle, in one form, but, in another manuscript version, it denounces this Pucelle as an impostor, who especially deceived tous les plus grands. Her brothers, we read (the real Maid’s brothers), brought her to the neighbourhood of Metz. She dwelt with Madame de Luxembourg, and married ‘Robert des Armoize.’125 The Pere Vignier’s brother, in 1683, published the first, but not the second, of these two accounts in the ‘Mercure Galant’ for November.
125 Quicherat, v. pp. 321–324, cf. iv. 321.
In or about 1439, Nider, a witch-hunting priest, in his Formicarium, speaks of a false Jeanne at Cologne, protected by Ulrich of Wirtemberg, (the Metz chronicle has ‘Comte de Warnonbourg’), who took the woman to Cologne. The woman, says Nider, was a noisy lass, who came eating, drinking, and doing conjuring44 feats; the Inquisition failed to catch her, thanks to Ulrich’s protection. She married a knight, and presently became the concubine of a priest in Metz.126 This reads like a piece of confused gossip.
126 Quicherat, v. pp. 324–325.
Vignier’s brother goes on to say (1683) in the ‘Mercure Galant,’ that his learned brother found the wedding contract of Jeanne la Pucelle and Robert des Armoises in the charter chest of the M. des Armoises of his own day, the time of Louis XIV. The brother of Vignier had himself met the son of this des Armoises, who corroborated45 the fact. But ‘the original copy of this ancient manuscript vanished, with all the papers of Pere Vignier, at his death.’
Two months later, in the spring of 1684, Vienne de Plancy wrote to the ‘Mercure Galant,’ saying that ‘the late illustrious brother’ of the Duc de Grammont was fully persuaded, and argued very well in favour of his opinion, that the actual Pucelle did not die at Rouen, but married Robert des Armoises. He quoted a genuine petition of Pierre du Lys, the brother of the real Maid, to the Duc d’Orleans, of 1443. Pierre herein says he has warred ‘in the company of Jeanne la Pucelle, his sister, jusqu’a son absentement, and so on till this hour, exposing his body and goods in the King’s service.’ This, argued M. de Grammont, implied that Jeanne was not dead; Pierre does not say, feue ma soeur, ‘my late sister,’ and his words may even mean that he is still with her. (‘Avec laquelle, jusques a son absentement, ET DEPUIS JUSQUES A PRESENT, il a expose son corps46.’)127
127 The petition is in Quicherat, v. pp. 212–214. For Vienne–Plancy see the papers from the Mercure Galant in Jeanne d’Arc n’a point ete brulee a Rouen (Rouen, Lanctin, 1872). The tract32 was published in 100 copies only.
Though no copy of the marriage contract of Jeanne and des Armoises exists, Quicherat prints a deed of November 7, 1436, in which Robert des Armoises and his wife, ‘La Pucelle de France,’ acknowledge themselves to be married, and sell a piece of land. The paper was first cited by Dom Calmet, among the documents in his ‘Histoire de Lorraine.’ It is rather under suspicion.
There seems no good reason, however, to doubt the authenticity47 of the fact that a woman, calling herself Jeanne Pucelle de France, did, in 1436, marry Robert des Armoises, a man of ancient and noble family. Hence, in the town accounts of Tours and Orleans, after October 1436, up to September 1439, the impostor appears as ‘Mme. Jehanne des Armoises.’ In August 1436, she was probably not yet married, as the Orleans accounts then call her ‘Jehanne la Pucelle,’ when they send their pursuivants to her; men who, doubtless, had known the true Maid in 1429–1430. These men did not undeceive the citizens, who, at least till September 1439, accepted the impostor. There is hardly a more extraordinary fact in history. For the rest we know that, in 1436–1439, the impostor was dealing with the King by letters, and that she held a command under one of his marshals, who had known the true Maid well in 1429–1430.
It appears possible that, emboldened48 by her amazing successes, the false Pucelle sought an interview with Charles VII. The authority, to be sure, is late. The King had a chamberlain, de Boisy, who survived till 1480, when he met Pierre Sala, one of the gentlemen of the chamber49 of Charles VIII. De Boisy, having served Charles VII., knew and told Sala the nature of the secret that was between that king and the true Maid. That such a secret existed is certain. Alain Chartier, the poet, may have been present, in March 1429, when the Maid spoke50 words to Charles VII. which filled him with a spiritual rapture51. So Alain wrote to a foreign prince in July 1429. M. Quicherat avers52 that Alain was present: I cannot find this in his letter.128 Any amount of evidence for the ‘sign’ given to the King, by his own statement, is found throughout the two trials, that of Rouen and that of Rehabilitation. Dunois, the famous Bastard54 of Orleans, told the story to Basin, Bishop55 of Lisieux; and at Rouen the French examiners of the Maid vainly tried to extort56 from her the secret.129 In 1480, Boisy, who had been used to sleep in the bed of Charles VII., according to the odd custom of the time, told the secret to Sala. The Maid, in 1429, revealed to Charles the purpose of a secret prayer which he had made alone in his oratory57, imploring58 light on the question of his legitimacy59.130 M. Quicherat, no bigot, thinks that ‘the authenticity of the revelation is beyond the reach of doubt.’131
128 Quicherat, Apercus Nouveaux, p. 62. Proces, v. p. 133.
129 For the complete evidence, see Quicherat, Apercus, pp. 61–66.
130 Quicherat, v. p. 280, iv. pp. 258, 259, another and ampler account, in a MS. of 1500. Another, iv. p. 271: MS. of the period of Louis XII.
131 Apercus, p. 60, Paris, 1850.
Thus there was a secret between the true Maid and Charles VII. The King, of course, could not afford to let it be known that he had secretly doubted whether he were legitimate60. Boisy alone, at some later date, was admitted to his confidence.
Boisy went on to tell Sala that, ten years later (whether after 1429 or after 1431, the date of the Maid’s death, is uncertain), a pretended Pucelle, ‘very like the first,’ was brought to the King. He was in a garden, and bade one of his gentlemen personate him. The impostor was not deceived, for she knew that Charles, having hurt his foot, then wore a soft boot. She passed the gentleman, and walked straight to the King, ‘whereat he was astonished, and knew not what to say, but, gently saluting61 her, exclaimed, “Pucelle, my dear, you are right welcome back, in the name of God, who knows the secret that is between you and me.”’ The false Pucelle then knelt, confessed her sin, and cried for mercy. ‘For her treachery some were sorely punished, as in such a case was fitting.’132
132 Quicherat, v. p. 281. There is doubt as to whether Boisy’s tale does not refer to Jeanne la Feronne, a visionary. Varlet de Vireville, Charles VII., iii. p. 425, note 1.
If any deserved punishment, the Maid’s brothers did, but they rather flourished and prospered62, as time went on, than otherwise.
It appears, then, that in 1439–1441 the King exposed the false Pucelle, or another person, Jeanne la Feronne. A great foe63 of the true Maid, the diarist known as the Bourgeois de Paris, in his journal for August 1440, tells us that just then many believed that Jeanne had not been burned at Rouen. The gens d’armes brought to Paris ‘a woman who had been received with great honour at Orleans’— clearly Jeanne des Armoises. The University and Parlement had her seized and exhibited to the public at the Palais. Her life was exposed; she confessed that she was no maid, but a mother, and the wife of a knight (des Armoises?). After this follows an unintelligible64 story of how she had gone on pilgrimage to Rome, and fought in the Italian wars.133 Apparently she now joined a regiment65 at Paris, et puis s’en alla, but all is very vaguely66 recorded.
133 Quicherat, v. pp. 334, 335; c.f. Lefevre–Pontalis, Les Sources Allemands, 113–115. Fontemoing, Paris, 1903.
The most extraordinary circumstance remains67 to be told. Apparently the brothers and cousins of the true Maid continued to entertain and accept the impostor! We have already seen that, in 1443, Pierre du Lys, in his petition to the Duc d’Orleans, writes as if he did not believe in the death of his sister, but that may be a mere27 ambiguity68 of language; we cannot repose69 on the passage.
In 1476 a legal process and inquest was held as to the descendants of the brother of the mother of Jeanne d’Arc, named Voulton or Vouthon. Among other witnesses was Henry de Voulton, called Perinet, a carpenter, aged70 fifty-two. He was grandson of the brother of the mother of Jeanne d’Arc, his grand-maternal71 aunt. This witness declared that he had often seen the two brothers du Lys, Jehan and Pierre, with their sister, La Pucelle, come to the village of Sermaise and feast with his father. They always accepted him, the witness, as their cousin, ‘in all places where he has been, conversed72, eaten, and drunk in their company.’ Now Perinet is clearly speaking of his associations with Jeanne and her brothers AFTER HE HIMSELF WAS A MAN GROWN. Born in 1424, he was only five years old when the Maid left Domremy for ever. He cannot mean that, as a child of five, he was always, in various places, drinking with the Maid and her brothers. Indeed, he says, taking a distinction, that in his early childhood —‘son jeune aage’— he visited the family of d’Arc, with his father, at Domremy, and saw the Maid, qui pour lors estoit jeune fille.134
134 De Bouteiller et de Braux, Nouvelles Recherches sur la Famille de Jeanne d’Arc, Paris, 1879, pp. 8, 9.
Moreover, the next witness, the cure of Sermaise, aged fifty-three, says that, twenty-four years ago (in 1452), a young woman dressed as a man, calling herself Jeanne la Pucelle, used to come to Sermaise, and that, as he heard, she was the near kinswoman of all the Voultons, ‘and he saw her make great and joyous73 cheer with them while she was at Sermaise.’135 Clearly it was about this time, in or before 1452, that Perinet himself was conversant74 with Jehan and Pierre du Lys, and with their sister, calling herself La Pucelle.
135 Op. cit. p. 11.
Again, Jehan le Montigueue, aged about seventy, deposed75 that, in 1449, a woman calling herself Jeanne la Pucelle came to Sermaise and feasted with the Voultons, as also did (but he does not say at the same time) the Maid’s brother, Jehan du Lys.136 Jehan du Lys could, at least, if he did not accept her, have warned his cousins, the Voultons, against their pretended kinswoman, the false Pucelle. But for some three years at least she came, a welcome guest, to Sermaise, matched herself against the cure at tennis, and told him that he might now say that he had played against la Pucelle de France. This news gave him the greatest pleasure.
136 Op. cit. pp. 4,5, MM. de Bouteiller and de Graux do not observe the remarkable76 nature of this evidence, as regards the BROTHERS of the Maid; see their Preface, p. xxx.
Jehan Guillaume, aged seventy-six, had seen both the self-styled Pucelle and the real Maid’s brothers at the house of the Voultons. He did not know whether she was the true Maid or not.
It is certain, practically, that this PUCELLE, so merry at Sermaise with the brothers and cousins of the Maid, was the Jeanne des Armoises of 1436–1439. The du Lys family could not successively adopt TWO impostors as their sister! Again, the woman of circ. 1449–1452 is not a younger sister of Jeanne, who in 1429 had no sister living, though one, Catherine, whom she dearly loved, was dead.
We have now had glimpses of the impostor from 1436 to 1440, when she seems to have been publicly exposed (though the statement of the Bourgeois de Paris is certainly that of a prejudiced writer), and again we have found the impostor accepted by the paternal77 and maternal kin4 of the Maid, about 1449–1452. In 1452 the preliminary steps towards the Rehabilitation of the true Maid began, ending triumphantly78 in 1456. Probably the families of Voulton and du Lys now, after the trial began in 1452, found their jolly tennis-playing sister and cousin inconvenient79. She reappears, NOT at Sermaise, in 1457. In that year King Rene (father of Margaret, wife of our Henry VI.) gives a remission to ‘Jeanne de Sermaises.’ M. Lecoy de la March, in his ‘Roi Rene’ (1875) made this discovery, and took ‘Jeanne de Sermaises’ for our old friend, ‘Jeanne des Ermaises,’ or ‘des Armoises.’ She was accused of ‘having LONG called herself Jeanne la Pucelle, and deceived many persons who had seen Jeanne at the siege of Orleans.’ She has lain in prison, but is let out, in February 1457, on a five years’ ticket of leave, so to speak, ‘provided she bear herself honestly in dress, and in other matters, as a woman should do.’
Probably, though ‘at present the wife of Jean Douillet,’ this Jeanne still wore male costume, hence the reference to bearing herself ‘honestly in dress.’ She acknowledges nothing, merely says that the charge of imposture80 lui a ete impose, and that she has not been actainte d’aucun autre vilain cas.137 At this date Jeanne cruised about Anjou and the town of Saumur. And here, at the age of forty-five, if she was of the same age as the true Maid, we lose sight for ever of this extraordinary woman. Of course, if she was the genuine Maid, the career of La Pucelle de France ends most ignobly81. The idea ‘was nuts’ (as the Elizabethans said) to a good anti-clerical Frenchman, M. Lesigne, who, in 1889, published ‘La Fin53 d’une Legende.’ There would be no chance of canonising a Pucelle who was twice married and lived a life of frolic.
137 Lecoy de la Marche, Le Roi Rene, ii. 281–283, 1875.
A more serious and discreet82 scholar, M. Gaston Save, in 1893, made an effort to prove that Jeanne was not burned at Rouen.138 He supposed that the Duchess of Bedford let Jeanne out of prison and bribed83 the two priests, Massieu and Ladvenu, who accompanied the Maid to the scaffold, to pretend that they had been with her, not with a substituted victim. This victim went with hidden face to the scaffold, le visage embronche, says Percival de Cagny, a retainer of Jeanne’s ‘beau duc,’ d’Alencon.139 The townspeople were kept apart by 800 English soldiers.140 The Madame de Luxembourg who entertained the impostor at Arlon (1436) was ‘perhaps’ the same as she who entertained the real Jeanne at Beaurevoir in 1430. Unluckily THAT lady died in November 1430!
138 Jehanne des Armoises, Pucelle d’Orleans, Nancy, 1893.
139 Quicherat, iv. 36.
140 Quicherat, ii. 14, 19.
However, the Madame de Luxembourg who entertained the impostor was aunt, by marriage, of the Duke of Burgundy, the true Maid’s enemy, and she had means of being absolutely well informed, so the case remains very strange. Strange, too, it is that, in the records of payment of pension to the true Maid’s mother, from the town of Orleans, she is ‘mere de la Pucelle’ till 1452, when she becomes ‘mere de feue la Pucelle,’ ‘mother of the LATE Pucelle.’ That is to say, the family and the town of Orleans recognised the impostor till, in 1452, the Trial of Rehabilitation began. So I have inferred, as regards the family, from the record of the inquest of 1476, which, though it suited the argument of M. Save, was unknown to him.
His brochure distressed84 the faithful. The Abbe, Dr. Jangen, editor of ‘Le Pretre,’ wrote anxiously to M. P. Lanery d’Arc, who replied in a tract already cited (1894). But M. Lanery d’Arc did not demolish85 the sounder parts of the argument of M. Save, and he knew nothing of the inquest of 1476, or said nothing. Then arose M. Lefevre Pontalis.141 Admitting the merits of M. Save’s other works, he noted86 many errors in this tract. For example, the fire at Rouen was raked (as we saw) more or less (admodum) clear of the dead body of the martyr1. But would it be easy, in the circumstances, to recognise a charred87 corpse88? The two Mesdames de Luxembourg were distinguished89 apart, as by Quicherat. The Vignier documents as to Robert des Armoises were said to be impostures. Quicherat, however, throws no doubt on the deed of sale by Jehanne and her husband, des Armoises, in November 1436. Many errors in dates were exposed. The difficulty about the impostor’s reception in Orleans, was recognised, and it is, of course, THE difficulty. M. Lefevre de Pontalis, however, urges that her brothers are not said to have been with her, ‘and there is not a trace of their persistence90 in their error after the first months of the imposture.’ But we have traces, nay91 proofs, in the inquest of 1476. The inference of M. Save from the fact that the Pucelle is never styled ‘the late Pucelle,’ in the Orleans accounts, till 1452, is merely declared ‘inadmissible.’ The fact, on the other hand, is highly significant. In 1452 the impostor was recognised by the family; but in that year began the Trial of Rehabilitation, and we hear no more of her among the du Lys and the Voultons. M. Lefevre Pontalis merely mentions the inquest of 1476, saying that the impostor of Sermaise (1449–1452) may perhaps have been another impostor, not Jeanne des Armoises. The family of the Maid was not capable, surely, of accepting TWO impostors, ‘one down, the other come on’! This is utterly92 incredible.
141 Le Moyen Age, June 1895.
In brief, the family of Jeanne, in 1436,1449–1452, were revelling93 with Jeanne des Armoises, accepting her, some as sister, some as cousin. In 1439 the Town Council of Orleans not only gave many presents of wine and meat to the same woman, recognising her as their saviour94 in the siege of 1429, but also gave her 210 livres. Now, on February 7, 1430, the town of Orleans had refused to give 100 crowns, at Jeanne’s request, to Heliote, daughter of her Scottish painter, ‘Heuves Polnoir.’142 They said that they could not afford the money. They were not the people to give 210 livres to a self-styled Pucelle without examining her personally. Moreover, the impostor supped, in August 1439, with Jehan Luillier, who, in June, 1429, had supplied the true Maid with cloth, a present from Charles d’Orleans. He was in Orleans during the siege of 1429, and gave evidence as to the actions of the Maid at the trial in 1456.143 This man clearly did not detect or expose the impostor, she was again welcomed at Orleans six weeks after he supped with her. These facts must not be overlooked, and they have never been explained. So there we leave the most surprising and baffling of historical mysteries. It is, of course, an obvious conjecture95 that, in 1436, Jehan and Pierre du Lys may have pretended to recognise the impostor, in hopes of honour and rewards such as they had already received through their connection with the Maid. But, if the impostor was unmasked in 1440, there was no more to be got in that way.144 While the nature of the arts of the False Pucelle is inscrutable, the evidence as to the heroic death of the True Maid is copious96 and deeply moving. There is absolutely no room for doubt that she won the martyr’s crown at Rouen.


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n.烈士,殉难者;vt.杀害,折磨,牺牲 | |
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v.弄清楚(秘密);拆开,解开,松开 | |
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n.系谱,家系,宗谱( genealogy的名词复数 ) | |
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n.家族,亲属,血缘关系;adj.亲属关系的,同类的 | |
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n.偏见,偏心,偏袒;vt.使有偏见 | |
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n.康复,悔过自新,修复,复兴,复职,复位 | |
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adj.不可避免的,必然发生的 | |
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n.谣言,谣传,传闻 | |
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n.传闻( rumour的名词复数 );风闻;谣言;谣传 | |
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v.拖,拉,拔出;adj.憔悴的,紧张的 | |
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adj.残忍的,野蛮的,不讲理的 | |
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adj./n.追求物质享受的(人);中产阶级分子 | |
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n.证词;见证,证明 | |
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n.宝库;国库,金库;文库 | |
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adj.有名的,声誉卓著的 | |
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adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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v.存放( lodge的过去式和过去分词 );暂住;埋入;(权利、权威等)归属 | |
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n.经商方法,待人态度 | |
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n.品脱( pint的名词复数 );一品脱啤酒 | |
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n.女士 | |
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adj.热的,热烈的,热情的 | |
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adv.显然地;表面上,似乎 | |
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adj.天蓝色的,蔚蓝色的 | |
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n.(英国)警察,警官 | |
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n.神圣的遗物,遗迹,纪念物 | |
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n.敬畏,尊敬,尊严;Reverence:对某些基督教神职人员的尊称;v.尊敬,敬畏,崇敬 | |
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adj.纯粹的;仅仅,只不过 | |
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n.寓言( fable的名词复数 );神话,传说 | |
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n.王牌,法宝;v.打出王牌,吹喇叭 | |
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n.统治时期,统治,支配,盛行;v.占优势 | |
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n.公证人,公证员 | |
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n.传单,小册子,大片(土地或森林) | |
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adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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n.骑士,武士;爵士 | |
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adj.永久的,永恒的;vbl.持续,维持 | |
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adj.可信任的,可靠的 | |
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adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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adv.杂乱地,混杂地 | |
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adj.轻信的,易信的 | |
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a.假装的,不真诚的 | |
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n.引文,引语,语录;报价,牌价,行情 | |
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功绩,伟业,技艺( feat的名词复数 ) | |
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v.穿衣,装扮[同]array;n.衣着;盛装 | |
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n.魔术 | |
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v.证实,支持(某种说法、信仰、理论等)( corroborate的过去式 ) | |
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n.(通信等兵种的)部队;(同类作的)一组 | |
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n.真实性 | |
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v.鼓励,使有胆量( embolden的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.房间,寝室;会议厅;议院;会所 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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n.狂喜;全神贯注;着迷;v.使狂喜 | |
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v.断言( aver的第三人称单数 );证实;证明…属实;作为事实提出 | |
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n.鳍;(飞机的)安定翼 | |
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n.坏蛋,混蛋;私生子 | |
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n.主教,(国际象棋)象 | |
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v.勒索,敲诈,强要 | |
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n.演讲术;词藻华丽的言辞 | |
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恳求的,哀求的 | |
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n.合法,正当 | |
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adj.合法的,合理的,合乎逻辑的;v.使合法 | |
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v.欢迎,致敬( salute的现在分词 );赞扬,赞颂 | |
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成功,兴旺( prosper的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.敌人,仇敌 | |
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adj.无法了解的,难解的,莫明其妙的 | |
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n.团,多数,管理;v.组织,编成团,统制 | |
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adv.含糊地,暖昧地 | |
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n.剩余物,残留物;遗体,遗迹 | |
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n.模棱两可;意义不明确 | |
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v.(使)休息;n.安息 | |
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adj.年老的,陈年的 | |
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adj.母亲的,母亲般的,母系的,母方的 | |
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v.交谈,谈话( converse的过去式 ) | |
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adj.充满快乐的;令人高兴的 | |
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adj.亲近的,有交情的,熟悉的 | |
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v.罢免( depose的过去式和过去分词 );(在法庭上)宣誓作证 | |
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adj.显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的 | |
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adj.父亲的,像父亲的,父系的,父方的 | |
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ad.得意洋洋地;得胜地;成功地 | |
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adj.不方便的,令人感到麻烦的 | |
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n.冒名顶替,欺骗 | |
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卑贱地,下流地 | |
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adj.(言行)谨慎的;慎重的;有判断力的 | |
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v.贿赂( bribe的过去式和过去分词 );向(某人)行贿,贿赂 | |
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痛苦的 | |
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v.拆毁(建筑物等),推翻(计划、制度等) | |
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adj.著名的,知名的 | |
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v.把…烧成炭( char的过去式);烧焦 | |
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n.尸体,死尸 | |
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adj.卓越的,杰出的,著名的 | |
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n.坚持,持续,存留 | |
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adv.不;n.反对票,投反对票者 | |
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adv.完全地,绝对地 | |
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v.作乐( revel的现在分词 );狂欢;着迷;陶醉 | |
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n.拯救者,救星 | |
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n./v.推测,猜测 | |
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adj.丰富的,大量的 | |
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