Section 1. — Reputation.
By a peculiar1 weakness of human nature, people generally think too much about the opinion which others form of them; although the slightest reflection will show that this opinion, whatever it may be, is not in itself essential to happiness. Therefore it is hard to understand why everybody feels so very pleased when he sees that other people have a good opinion of him, or say anything flattering to his vanity. If you stroke a cat, it will purr; and, as inevitably2, if you praise a man, a sweet expression of delight will appear on his face; and even though the praise is a palpable lie, it will be welcome, if the matter is one on which he prides himself. If only other people will applaud him, a man may console himself for downright misfortune or for the pittance3 he gets from the two sources of human happiness already discussed: and conversely, it is astonishing how infallibly a man will be annoyed, and in some cases deeply pained, by any wrong done to his feeling of self-importance, whatever be the nature, degree, or circumstances of the injury, or by any depreciation4, slight, or disregard.
If the feeling of honor rests upon this peculiarity5 of human nature, it may have a very salutary effect upon the welfare of a great many people, as a substitute for morality; but upon their happiness, more especially upon that peace of mind and independence which are so essential to happiness, its effect will be disturbing and prejudicial rather than salutary. Therefore it is advisable, from our point of view, to set limits to this weakness, and duly to consider and rightly to estimate the relative value of advantages, and thus temper, as far as possible, this great susceptibility to other people’s opinion, whether the opinion be one flattering to our vanity, or whether it causes us pain; for in either case it is the same feeling which is touched. Otherwise, a man is the slave of what other people are pleased to think — and how little it requires to disconcert or soothe9 the mind that is greedy of praise:
Sic leve, sic parvum est, animum quod laudis avarum
Subruit ac reficit.34
34 Horace, Epist: II., 1, 180.]
Therefore it will very much conduce to our happiness if we duly compare the value of what a man is in and for himself with what he is in the eyes of others. Under the former conies everything that fills up the span of our existence and makes it what it is, in short, all the advantages already considered and summed up under the heads of personality and property; and the sphere in which all this takes place is the man’s own consciousness. On the other hand, the sphere of what we are for other people is their consciousness, not ours; it is the kind of figure we make in their eyes, together with the thoughts which this arouses.35 But this is something which has no direct and immediate12 existence for us, but can affect us only mediately13 and indirectly14, so far, that is, as other people’s behavior towards us is directed by it; and even then it ought to affect us only in so far as it can move us to modify what we are in and for ourselves. Apart from this, what goes on in other people’s consciousness is, as such, a matter of indifference15 to us; and in time we get really indifferent to it, when we come to see how superficial and futile16 are most people’s thoughts, how narrow their ideas, how mean their sentiments, how perverse17 their opinions, and how much of error there is in most of them; when we learn by experience with what depreciation a man will speak of his fellow, when he is not obliged to fear him, or thinks that what he says will not come to his ears. And if ever we have had an opportunity of seeing how the greatest of men will meet with nothing but slight from half-a-dozen blockheads, we shall understand that to lay great value upon what other people say is to pay them too much honor.
35 Let me remark that people in the highest positions in life, with all their brilliance18, pomp, display, magnificence and general show, may well say:— Our happiness lies entirely19 outside us; for it exists only in the heads of others.]
At all events, a man is in a very bad way, who finds no source of happiness in the first two classes of blessings21 already treated of, but has to seek it in the third, in other words, not in what he is in himself, but in what he is in the opinion of others. For, after all, the foundation of our whole nature, and, therefore, of our happiness, is our physique, and the most essential factor in happiness is health, and, next in importance after health, the ability to maintain ourselves in independence and freedom from care. There can be no competition or compensation between these essential factors on the one side, and honor, pomp, rank and reputation on the other, however much value we may set upon the latter. No one would hesitate to sacrifice the latter for the former, if it were necessary. We should add very much to our happiness by a timely recognition of the simple truth that every man’s chief and real existence is in his own skin, and not in other people’s opinions; and, consequently, that the actual conditions of our personal life — health, temperament22, capacity, income, wife, children, friends, home, are a hundred times more important for our happiness than what other people are pleased to think of us: otherwise we shall be miserable23. And if people insist that honor is dearer than life itself, what they really mean is that existence and well-being25 are as nothing compared with other people’s opinions. Of course, this may be only an exaggerated way of stating the prosaic26 truth that reputation, that is, the opinion others have of us, is indispensable if we are to make any progress in the world; but I shall come back to that presently. When we see that almost everything men devote their lives to attain27, sparing no effort and encountering a thousand toils29 and dangers in the process, has, in the end, no further object than to raise themselves in the estimation of others; when we see that not only offices, titles, decorations, but also wealth, nay30, even knowledge36 and art, are striven for only to obtain, as the ultimate goal of all effort, greater respect from one’s fellowmen — is not this a lamentable31 proof of the extent to which human folly33 can go? To set much too high a value on other people’s opinion is a common error everywhere; an error, it may be, rooted in human nature itself, or the result of civilization, and social arrangements generally; but, whatever its source, it exercises a very immoderate influence on all we do, and is very prejudicial to our happiness. We can trace it from a timorous34 and slavish regard for what other people will say, up to the feeling which made Virginius plunge35 the dagger36 into his daughter’s heart, or induces many a man to sacrifice quiet, riches, health and even life itself, for posthumous37 glory. Undoubtedly38 this feeling is a very convenient instrument in the hands of those who have the control or direction of their fellowmen; and accordingly we find that in every scheme for training up humanity in the way it should go, the maintenance and strengthening of the feeling of honor occupies an important place. But it is quite a different matter in its effect on human happiness, of which it is here our object to treat; and we should rather be careful to dissuade39 people from setting too much store by what others think of them. Daily experience shows us, however, that this is just the mistake people persist in making; most men set the utmost value precisely40 on what other people think, and are more concerned about it than about what goes on in their own consciousness, which is the thing most immediately and directly present to them. They reverse the natural order — regarding the opinions of others as real existence and their own consciousness as something shadowy; making the derivative42 and secondary into the principal, and considering the picture they present to the world of more importance than their own selves. By thus trying to get a direct and immediate result out of what has no really direct or immediate existence, they fall into the kind of folly which is called vanity — the appropriate term for that which has no solid or instrinsic value. Like a miser24, such people forget the end in their eagerness to obtain the means.
36 Scire tuum nihil est nisi te scire hoc sciat alter, (Persins i, 27)— knowledge is no use unless others know that you have it.]
The truth is that the value we set upon the opinion of others, and our constant endeavor in respect of it, are each quite out of proportion to any result we may reasonably hope to attain; so that this attention to other people’s attitude may be regarded as a kind of universal mania43 which every one inherits. In all we do, almost the first thing we think about is, what will people say; and nearly half the troubles and bothers of life may be traced to our anxiety on this score; it is the anxiety which is at the bottom of all that feeling of self-importance, which is so often mortified44 because it is so very morbidly45 sensitive. It is solicitude46 about what others will say that underlies48 all our vanity and pretension49, yes, and all our show and swagger too. Without it, there would not be a tenth part of the luxury which exists. Pride in every form, point d’honneur and punctilio, however varied50 their kind or sphere, are at bottom nothing but this — anxiety about what others will say — and what sacrifices it costs! One can see it even in a child; and though it exists at every period of life, it is strongest in age; because, when the capacity for sensual pleasure fails, vanity and pride have only avarice51 to share their dominion52. Frenchmen, perhaps, afford the best example of this feeling, and amongst them it is a regular epidemic53, appearing sometimes in the most absurd ambition, or in a ridiculous kind of national vanity and the most shameless boasting. However, they frustrate55 their own gains, for other people make fun of them and call them la grande nation.
By way of specially6 illustrating56 this perverse and exuberant58 respect for other people’s opinion, let me take passage from the Times of March 31st, 1846, giving a detailed59 account of the execution of one Thomas Wix, an apprentice60 who, from motives62 of vengeance63, had murdered his master. Here we have very unusual circumstances and an extraordinary character, though one very suitable for our purpose; and these combine to give a striking picture of this folly, which is so deeply rooted in human nature, and allow us to form an accurate notion of the extent to which it will go. On the morning of the execution, says the report, the rev41. ordinary was early in attendance upon him, but Wix, beyond a quiet demeanor64, betrayed no interest in his ministrations, appearing to feel anxious only to acquit65 himself “bravely” before the spectators of his ignomininous end. . . . In the procession Wix fell into his proper place with alacrity66, and, as he entered the Chapel-yard, remarked, sufficiently67 loud to be heard by several persons near him, “Now, then, as Dr. Dodd said, I shall soon know the grand secret.” On reaching the scaffold, the miserable wretch68 mounted the drop without the slightest assistance, and when he got to the centre, he bowed to the spectators twice, a proceeding69 which called forth70 a tremendous cheer from the degraded crowd beneath.
This is an admirable example of the way in which a man, with death in the most dreadful form before his very eyes, and eternity71 beyond it, will care for nothing but the impression he makes upon a crowd of gapers, and the opinion he leaves behind him in their heads. There was much the same kind of thing in the case of Lecompte, who was executed at Frankfurt, also in 1846, for an attempt on the king’s life. At the trial he was very much annoyed that he was not allowed to appear, in decent attire72, before the Upper House; and on the day of the execution it was a special grief to him that he was not permitted to shave. It is not only in recent times that this kind of thing has been known to happen. Mateo Aleman tells us, in the Introduction to his celebrated73 romance, Juzman de Alfarache, that many infatuated criminals, instead of devoting their last hours to the welfare of their souls, as they ought to have done, neglect this duty for the purpose of preparing and committing to memory a speech to be made from the scaffold.
I take these extreme cases as being the best illustrations to what I mean; for they give us a magnified reflection of our own nature. The anxieties of all of us, our worries, vexations, bothers, troubles, uneasy apprehensions74 and strenuous75 efforts are due, in perhaps the large majority of instances, to what other people will say; and we are just as foolish in this respect as those miserable criminals. Envy and hatred76 are very often traceable to a similar source.
Now, it is obvious that happiness, which consists for the most part in peace of mind and contentment, would be served by nothing so much as by reducing this impulse of human nature within reasonable limits — which would perhaps make it one fiftieth part of what it is now. By doing so, we should get rid of a thorn in the flesh which is always causing us pain. But it is a very difficult task, because the impulse in question is a natural and innate77 perversity78 of human nature. Tacitus says, The lust57 of fame is the last that a wise man shakes off37 The only way of putting an end to this universal folly is to see clearly that it is a folly; and this may be done by recognizing the fact that most of the opinions in men’s heads are apt to be false, perverse, erroneous and absurd, and so in themselves unworthy of attention; further, that other people’s opinions can have very little real and positive influence upon us in most of the circumstances and affairs of life. Again, this opinion is generally of such an unfavorable character that it would worry a man to death to hear everything that was said of him, or the tone in which he was spoken of. And finally, among other things, we should be clear about the fact that honor itself has no really direct, but only an indirect, value. If people were generally converted from this universal folly, the result would be such an addition to our piece of mind and cheerfulness as at present seems inconceivable; people would present a firmer and more confident front to the world, and generally behave with less embarrassment80 and restraint. It is observable that a retired81 mode of life has an exceedingly beneficial influence on our peace of mind, and this is mainly because we thus escape having to live constantly in the sight of others, and pay everlasting82 regard to their casual opinions; in a word, we are able to return upon ourselves. At the same time a good deal of positive misfortune might be avoided, which we are now drawn83 into by striving after shadows, or, to speak more correctly, by indulging a mischievous84 piece of folly; and we should consequently have more attention to give to solid realities and enjoy them with less interruption that at present. But [Greek: chalepa ga kala]— what is worth doing is hard to do.
37 Hist., iv., 6.]
Section 2. — Pride.
The folly of our nature which we are discussing puts forth three shoots, ambition, vanity and pride. The difference between the last two is this: pride is an established conviction of one’s own paramount85 worth in some particular respect; while vanity is the desire of rousing such a conviction in others, and it is generally accompanied by the secret hope of ultimately coming to the same conviction oneself. Pride works from within; it is the direct appreciation86 of oneself. Vanity is the desire to arrive at this appreciation indirectly, from without. So we find that vain people are talkative, proud, and taciturn. But the vain person ought to be aware that the good opinion of others, which he strives for, may be obtained much more easily and certainly by persistent87 silence than by speech, even though he has very good things to say. Anyone who wishes to affect pride is not therefore a proud man; but he will soon have to drop this, as every other, assumed character.
It is only a firm, unshakeable conviction of pre-eminent worth and special value which makes a man proud in the true sense of the word — a conviction which may, no doubt, be a mistaken one or rest on advantages which are of an adventitious88 and conventional character: still pride is not the less pride for all that, so long as it be present in real earnest. And since pride is thus rooted in conviction, it resembles every other form of knowledge in not being within our own arbitrament. Pride’s worst foe89 — I mean its greatest obstacle — is vanity, which courts the applause of the world in order to gain the necessary foundation for a high opinion of one’s own worth, whilst pride is based upon a pre-existing conviction of it.
It is quite true that pride is something which is generally found fault with, and cried down; but usually, I imagine, by those who have nothing upon which they can pride themselves. In view of the impudence90 and foolhardiness of most people, anyone who possesses any kind of superiority or merit will do well to keep his eyes fixed91 on it, if he does not want it to be entirely forgotten; for if a man is good-natured enough to ignore his own privileges, and hob-nob with the generality of other people, as if he were quite on their level, they will be sure to treat him, frankly92 and candidly93, as one of themselves. This is a piece of advice I would specially offer to those whose superiority is of the highest kind — real superiority, I mean, of a purely94 personal nature — which cannot, like orders and titles, appeal to the eye or ear at every moment; as, otherwise, they will find that familiarity breeds contempt, or, as the Romans used to say, sus Minervam. Joke with a slave, and he’ll soon show his heels, is an excellent Arabian proverb; nor ought we to despise what Horace says,
Sume superbiam
Quaesitam meritis.
— usurp95 the fame you have deserved. No doubt, when modesty96 was made a virtue97, it was a very advantageous98 thing for the fools; for everybody is expected to speak of himself as if he were one. This is leveling down indeed; for it comes to look as if there were nothing but fools in the world.
The cheapest sort of pride is national pride; for if a man is proud of his own nation, it argues that he has no qualities of his own of which he can be proud; otherwise he would not have recourse to those which he shares with so many millions of his fellowmen. The man who is endowed with important personal qualities will be only too ready to see clearly in what respects his own nation falls short, since their failings will be constantly before his eyes. But every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud adopts, as a last resource, pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and glad to defend all its faults and follies99 tooth and nail, thus reimbursing100 himself for his own inferiority. For example, if you speak of the stupid and degrading bigotry101 of the English nation with the contempt it deserves, you will hardly find one Englishman in fifty to agree with you; but if there should be one, he will generally happen to be an intelligent man.
The Germans have no national pride, which shows how honest they are, as everybody knows! and how dishonest are those who, by a piece of ridiculous affectation, pretend that they are proud of their country — the Deutsche Bruder and the demagogues who flatter the mob in order to mislead it. I have heard it said that gunpowder102 was invented by a German. I doubt it. Lichtenberg asks, Why is it that a man who is not a German does not care about pretending that he is one; and that if he makes any pretence103 at all, it is to be a Frenchman or an Englishman?38
38 Translator’s Note. — It should be remembered that these remarks were written in the earlier part of the present century, and that a German philosopher now-a-days, even though he were as apt to say bitter things as Schopenhauer, could hardly write in a similar strain.]
However that may be, individuality is a far more important thing than nationality, and in any given man deserves a thousand-fold more consideration. And since you cannot speak of national character without referring to large masses of people, it is impossible to be loud in your praises and at the same time honest. National character is only another name for the particular form which the littleness, perversity and baseness of mankind take in every country. If we become disgusted with one, we praise another, until we get disgusted with this too. Every nation mocks at other nations, and all are right.
The contents of this chapter, which treats, as I have said, of what we represent in the world, or what we are in the eyes of others, may be further distributed under three heads: honor rank and fame.
Section 3. — Rank.
Let us take rank first, as it may be dismissed in a few words, although it plays an important part in the eyes of the masses and of the philistines104, and is a most useful wheel in the machinery105 of the State.
It has a purely conventional value. Strictly106 speaking, it is a sham54; its method is to exact an artificial respect, and, as a matter of fact, the whole thing is a mere107 farce108.
Orders, it may be said, are bills of exchange drawn on public opinion, and the measure of their value is the credit of the drawer. Of course, as a substitute for pensions, they save the State a good deal of money; and, besides, they serve a very useful purpose, if they are distributed with discrimination and judgment109. For people in general have eyes and ears, it is true; but not much else, very little judgment indeed, or even memory. There are many services of the State quite beyond the range of their understanding; others, again, are appreciated and made much of for a time, and then soon forgotten. It seems to me, therefore, very proper, that a cross or a star should proclaim to the mass of people always and everywhere, This man is not like you; he has done something. But orders lose their value when they are distributed unjustly, or without due selection, or in too great numbers: a prince should be as careful in conferring them as a man of business is in signing a bill. It is a pleonasm to inscribe111 on any order for distinguished112 service; for every order ought to be for distinguished service. That stands to reason.
Section 4. — Honor.
Honor is a much larger question than rank, and more difficult to discuss. Let us begin by trying to define it.
If I were to say Honor is external conscience, and conscience is inward honor, no doubt a good many people would assent113; but there would be more show than reality about such a definition, and it would hardly go to the root of the matter. I prefer to say, Honor is, on its objective side, other people’s opinion of what we are worth; on its subjective114 side, it is the respect we pay to this opinion. From the latter point of view, to be a man of honor is to exercise what is often a very wholesome115, but by no means a purely moral, influence.
The feelings of honor and shame exist in every man who is not utterly116 depraved, and honor is everywhere recognized as something particularly valuable. The reason of this is as follows. By and in himself a man can accomplish very little; he is like Robinson Crusoe on a desert island. It is only in society that a man’s powers can be called into full activity. He very soon finds this out when his consciousness begins to develop, and there arises in him the desire to be looked upon as a useful member of society, as one, that is, who is capable of playing his part as a man — pro11 parte virili — thereby117 acquiring a right to the benefits of social life. Now, to be a useful member of society, one must do two things: firstly, what everyone is expected to do everywhere; and, secondly118, what one’s own particular position in the world demands and requires.
But a man soon discovers that everything depends upon his being useful, not in his own opinion, but in the opinion of others; and so he tries his best to make that favorable impression upon the world, to which he attaches such a high value. Hence, this primitive119 and innate characteristic of human nature, which is called the feeling of honor, or, under another aspect, the feeling of shame — verecundia. It is this which brings a blush to his cheeks at the thought of having suddenly to fall in the estimation of others, even when he knows that he is innocent, nay, even if his remissness120 extends to no absolute obligation, but only to one which he has taken upon himself of his own free will. Conversely, nothing in life gives a man so much courage as the attainment121 or renewal122 of the conviction that other people regard him with favor; because it means that everyone joins to give him help and protection, which is an infinitely123 stronger bulwark124 against the ills of life than anything he can do himself.
The variety of relations in which a man can stand to other people so as to obtain their confidence, that is, their good opinion, gives rise to a distinction between several kinds of honor, resting chiefly on the different bearings that meum may take to tuum; or, again, on the performance of various pledges; or finally, on the relation of the sexes. Hence, there are three main kinds of honor, each of which takes various forms — civic125 honor, official honor, and sexual honor.
Civic honor has the widest sphere of all. It consists in the assumption that we shall pay unconditional126 respect to the rights of others, and, therefore, never use any unjust or unlawful means of getting what we want. It is the condition of all peaceable intercourse127 between man and man; and it is destroyed by anything that openly and manifestly militates against this peaceable intercourse, anything, accordingly, which entails128 punishment at the hands of the law, always supposing that the punishment is a just one.
The ultimate foundation of honor is the conviction that moral character is unalterable: a single bad action implies that future actions of the same kind will, under similar circumstances, also be bad. This is well expressed by the English use of the word character as meaning credit, reputation, honor. Hence honor, once lost, can never be recovered; unless the loss rested on some mistake, such as may occur if a man is slandered130 or his actions viewed in a false light. So the law provides remedies against slander129, libel, and even insult; for insult though it amounts to no more than mere abuse, is a kind of summary slander with a suppression of the reasons. What I mean may be well put in the Greek phrase — not quoted from any author —[Greek: estin hae loidoria diabolae]. It is true that if a man abuses another, he is simply showing that he has no real or true causes of complaint against him; as, otherwise, he would bring these forward as the premises131, and rely upon his hearers to draw the conclusion themselves: instead of which, he gives the conclusion and leaves out the premises, trusting that people will suppose that he has done so only for the sake of being brief.
Civic honor draws its existence and name from the middle classes; but it applies equally to all, not excepting the highest. No man can disregard it, and it is a very serious thing, of which every one should be careful not to make light. The man who breaks confidence has for ever forfeited132 confidence, whatever he may do, and whoever he may be; and the bitter consequences of the loss of confidence can never be averted133.
There is a sense in which honor may be said to have a negative character in opposition134 to the positive character of fame. For honor is not the opinion people have of particular qualities which a man may happen to possess exclusively: it is rather the opinion they have of the qualities which a man may be expected to exhibit, and to which he should not prove false. Honor, therefore, means that a man is not exceptional; fame, that he is. Fame is something which must be won; honor, only something which must not be lost. The absence of fame is obscurity, which is only a negative; but loss of honor is shame, which is a positive quality. This negative character of honor must not be confused with anything passive; for honor is above all things active in its working. It is the only quality which proceeds directly from the man who exhibits it; it is concerned entirely with what he does and leaves undone135, and has nothing to do with the actions of others or the obstacles they place in his way. It is something entirely in our own power —[Greek: ton ephaemon]. This distinction, as we shall see presently, marks off true honor from the sham honor of chivalry136.
Slander is the only weapon by which honor can be attacked from without; and the only way to repel137 the attack is to confute the slander with the proper amount of publicity138, and a due unmasking of him who utters it.
The reason why respect is paid to age is that old people have necessarily shown in the course of their lives whether or not they have been able to maintain their honor unblemished; while that of young people has not been put to the proof, though they are credited with the possession of it. For neither length of years — equalled, as it is, and even excelled, in the case of the lower animals — nor, again, experience, which is only a closer knowledge of the world’s ways, can be any sufficient reason for the respect which the young are everywhere required to show towards the old: for if it were merely a matter of years, the weakness which attends on age would call rather for consideration than for respect. It is, however, a remarkable139 fact that white hair always commands reverence140 — a reverence really innate and instinctive141. Wrinkles — a much surer sign of old age — command no reverence at all; you never hear any one speak of venerable wrinkles; but venerable white hair is a common expression.
Honor has only an indirect value. For, as I explained at the beginning of this chapter, what other people think of us, if it affects us at all, can affect us only in so far as it governs their behavior towards us, and only just so long as we live with, or have to do with, them. But it is to society alone that we owe that safety which we and our possessions enjoy in a state of civilization; in all we do we need the help of others, and they, in their turn, must have confidence in us before they can have anything to do with us. Accordingly, their opinion of us is, indirectly, a matter of great importance; though I cannot see how it can have a direct or immediate value. This is an opinion also held by Cicero. I quite agree, he writes, with what Chrysippus and Diogenes used to say, that a good reputation is not worth raising a finger to obtain, if it were not that it is so useful.39 This truth has been insisted upon at great length by Helvetius in his chief work De l’Esprit,40 the conclusion of which is that we love esteem142 not for its own sake, but solely143 for the advantages which it brings. And as the means can never be more than the end, that saying, of which so much is made, Honor is dearer than life itself, is, as I have remarked, a very exaggerated statement. So much then, for civic honor.
39 De finilus iii., 17.]
40 Disc: iii. 17.]
Official honor is the general opinion of other people that a man who fills any office really has the necessary qualities for the proper discharge of all the duties which appertain to it. The greater and more important the duties a man has to discharge in the State, and the higher and more influential144 the office which he fills, the stronger must be the opinion which people have of the moral and intellectual qualities which render him fit for his post. Therefore, the higher his position, the greater must be the degree of honor paid to him, expressed, as it is, in titles, orders and the generally subservient146 behavior of others towards him. As a rule, a man’s official rank implies the particular degree of honor which ought to be paid to him, however much this degree may be modified by the capacity of the masses to form any notion of its importance. Still, as a matter of fact, greater honor is paid to a man who fulfills147 special duties than to the common citizen, whose honor mainly consists in keeping clear of dishonor.
Official honor demands, further, that the man who occupies an office must maintain respect for it, for the sake both of his colleagues and of those who will come after him. This respect an official can maintain by a proper observance of his duties, and by repelling148 any attack that may be made upon the office itself or upon its occupant: he must not, for instance, pass over unheeded any statement to the effect that the duties of the office are not properly discharged, or that the office itself does not conduce to the public welfare. He must prove the unwarrantable nature of such attacks by enforcing the legal penalty for them.
Subordinate to the honor of official personages comes that of those who serve the State in any other capacity, as doctors, lawyers, teachers, anyone, in short, who, by graduating in any subject, or by any other public declaration that he is qualified150 to exercise some special skill, claims to practice it; in a word, the honor of all those who take any public pledges whatever. Under this head comes military honor, in the true sense of the word, the opinion that people who have bound themselves to defend their country really possess the requisite151 qualities which will enable them to do so, especially courage, personal bravery and strength, and that they are perfectly152 ready to defend their country to the death, and never and under any circumstances desert the flag to which they have once sworn allegiance. I have here taken official honor in a wider sense than that in which it is generally used, namely, the respect due by citizens to an office itself.
In treating of sexual honor and the principles on which it rests, a little more attention and analysis are necessary; and what I shall say will support my contention153 that all honor really rests upon a utilitarian154 basis. There are two natural divisions of the subject — the honor of women and the honor of men, in either side issuing in a well-understood esprit de corps155. The former is by far the more important of the two, because the most essential feature in woman’s life is her relation to man.
Female honor is the general opinion in regard to a girl that she is pure, and in regard to a wife that she is faithful. The importance of this opinion rests upon the following considerations. Women depend upon men in all the relations of life; men upon women, it might be said, in one only. So an arrangement is made for mutual156 interdependence — man undertaking157 responsibility for all woman’s needs and also for the children that spring from their union — an arrangement on which is based the welfare of the whole female race. To carry out this plan, women have to band together with a show of esprit de corps, and present one undivided front to their common enemy, man — who possesses all the good things of the earth, in virtue of his superior physical and intellectual power — in order to lay siege to and conquer him, and so get possession of him and a share of those good things. To this end the honor of all women depends upon the enforcement of the rule that no woman should give herself to a man except in marriage, in order that every man may be forced, as it were, to surrender and ally himself with a woman; by this arrangement provision is made for the whole of the female race. This is a result, however, which can be obtained only by a strict observance of the rule; and, accordingly, women everywhere show true esprit de corps in carefully insisting upon its maintenance. Any girl who commits a breach158 of the rule betrays the whole female race, because its welfare would be destroyed if every woman were to do likewise; so she is cast out with shame as one who has lost her honor. No woman will have anything more to do with her; she is avoided like the plague. The same doom159 is awarded to a woman who breaks the marriage tie; for in so doing she is false to the terms upon which the man capitulated; and as her conduct is such as to frighten other men from making a similar surrender, it imperils the welfare of all her sisters. Nay, more; this deception160 and coarse breach of troth is a crime punishable by the loss, not only of personal, but also of civic honor. This is why we minimize the shame of a girl, but not of a wife; because, in the former case, marriage can restore honor, while in the latter, no atonement can be made for the breach of contract.
Once this esprit de corps is acknowledged to be the foundation of female honor, and is seen to be a wholesome, nay, a necessary arrangement, as at bottom a matter of prudence161 and interest, its extreme importance for the welfare of women will be recognized. But it does not possess anything more than a relative value. It is no absolute end, lying beyond all other aims of existence and valued above life itself. In this view, there will be nothing to applaud in the forced and extravagant162 conduct of a Lucretia or a Virginius — conduct which can easily degenerate163 into tragic164 farce, and produce a terrible feeling of revulsion. The conclusion of Emilia Galotti, for instance, makes one leave the theatre completely ill at ease; and, on the other hand, all the rules of female honor cannot prevent a certain sympathy with Clara in Egmont. To carry this principle of female honor too far is to forget the end in thinking of the means — and this is just what people often do; for such exaggeration suggests that the value of sexual honor is absolute; while the truth is that it is more relative than any other kind. One might go so far as to say that its value is purely conventional, when one sees from Thomasius how in all ages and countries, up to the time of the Reformation, irregularities were permitted and recognized by law, with no derogation to female honor — not to speak of the temple of Mylitta at Babylon.41
41 Heroditus, i. 199.]
There are also of course certain circumstances in civil life which make external forms of marriage impossible, especially in Catholic countries, where there is no such thing as divorce. Ruling princes everywhere, would, in my opinion, do much better, from a moral point of view, to dispense165 with forms altogether rather than contract a morganatic marriage, the descendants of which might raise claims to the throne if the legitimate166 stock happened to die out; so that there is a possibility, though, perhaps, a remote one, that a morganatic marriage might produce a civil war. And, besides, such a marriage, concluded in defiance167 of all outward ceremony, is a concession168 made to women and priests — two classes of persons to whom one should be most careful to give as little tether as possible. It is further to be remarked that every man in a country can marry the woman of his choice, except one poor individual, namely, the prince. His hand belongs to his country, and can be given in marriage only for reasons of State, that is, for the good of the country. Still, for all that, he is a man; and, as a man, he likes to follow whither his heart leads. It is an unjust, ungrateful and priggish thing to forbid, or to desire to forbid, a prince from following his inclinations169 in this matter; of course, as long as the lady has no influence upon the Government of the country. From her point of view she occupies an exceptional position, and does not come under the ordinary rules of sexual honor; for she has merely given herself to a man who loves her, and whom she loves but cannot marry. And in general, the fact that the principle of female honor has no origin in nature, is shown by the many bloody170 sacrifices which have been offered to it — the murder of children and the mother’s suicide. No doubt a girl who contravenes171 the code commits a breach of faith against her whole sex; but this faith is one which is only secretly taken for granted, and not sworn to. And since, in most cases, her own prospects172 suffer most immediately, her folly is infinitely greater than her crime.
The corresponding virtue in men is a product of the one I have been discussing. It is their esprit de corps, which demands that, once a man has made that surrender of himself in marriage which is so advantageous to his conqueror173, he shall take care that the terms of the treaty are maintained; both in order that the agreement itself may lose none of its force by the permission of any laxity in its observance, and that men, having given up everything, may, at least, be assured of their bargain, namely, exclusive possession. Accordingly, it is part of a man’s honor to resent a breach of the marriage tie on the part of his wife, and to punish it, at the very least by separating from her. If he condones174 the offence, his fellowmen cry shame upon him; but the shame in this case is not nearly so foul175 as that of the woman who has lost her honor; the stain is by no means of so deep a dye — levioris notae macula; — because a man’s relation to woman is subordinate to many other and more important affairs in his life. The two great dramatic poets of modern times have each taken man’s honor as the theme of two plays; Shakespeare in Othello and The Winter’s Tale, and Calderon in El medico de su honra, (The Physician of his Honor), and A secreto agravio secreta venganza, (for Secret Insult Secret Vengeance). It should be said, however, that honor demands the punishment of the wife only; to punish her paramour too, is a work of supererogation. This confirms the view I have taken, that a man’s honor originates in esprit de corps.
The kind of honor which I have been discussing hitherto has always existed in its various forms and principles amongst all nations and at all times; although the history of female honor shows that its principles have undergone certain local modifications176 at different periods. But there is another species of honor which differs from this entirely, a species of honor of which the Greeks and Romans had no conception, and up to this day it is perfectly unknown amongst Chinese, Hindoos or Mohammedans. It is a kind of honor which arose only in the Middle Age, and is indigenous177 only to Christian178 Europe, nay, only to an extremely small portion of the population, that is to say, the higher classes of society and those who ape them. It is knightly179 honor, or point d’honneur. Its principles are quite different from those which underlie47 the kind of honor I have been treating until now, and in some respects are even opposed to them. The sort I am referring to produces the cavalier; while the other kind creates the man of honor. As this is so, I shall proceed to give an explanation of its principles, as a kind of code or mirror of knightly courtesy.
(1.) To begin with, honor of this sort consists, not in other people’s opinion of what we are worth, but wholly and entirely in whether they express it or not, no matter whether they really have any opinion at all, let alone whether they know of reasons for having one. Other people may entertain the worst opinion of us in consequence of what we do, and may despise us as much as they like; so long as no one dares to give expression to his opinion, our honor remains181 untarnished. So if our actions and qualities compel the highest respect from other people, and they have no option but to give this respect — as soon as anyone, no matter how wicked or foolish he may be, utters something depreciatory182 of us, our honor is offended, nay, gone for ever, unless we can manage to restore it. A superfluous183 proof of what I say, namely, that knightly honor depends, not upon what people think, but upon what they say, is furnished by the fact that insults can be withdrawn184, or, if necessary, form the subject of an apology, which makes them as though they had never been uttered. Whether the opinion which underlays the expression has also been rectified185, and why the expression should ever have been used, are questions which are perfectly unimportant: so long as the statement is withdrawn, all is well. The truth is that conduct of this kind aims, not at earning respect, but at extorting186 it.
(2.) In the second place, this sort of honor rests, not on what a man does, but on what he suffers, the obstacles he encounters; differing from the honor which prevails in all else, in consisting, not in what he says or does himself, but in what another man says or does. His honor is thus at the mercy of every man who can talk it away on the tip of his tongue; and if he attacks it, in a moment it is gone for ever — unless the man who is attacked manages to wrest187 it back again by a process which I shall mention presently, a process which involves danger to his life, health, freedom, property and peace of mind. A man’s whole conduct may be in accordance with the most righteous and noble principles, his spirit may be the purest that ever breathed, his intellect of the very highest order; and yet his honor may disappear the moment that anyone is pleased to insult him, anyone at all who has not offended against this code of honor himself, let him be the most worthless rascal188 or the most stupid beast, an idler, gambler, debtor189, a man, in short, of no account at all. It is usually this sort of fellow who likes to insult people; for, as Seneca42 rightly remarks, ut quisque contemtissimus et ludibrio est, ita solutissimae est, the more contemptible190 and ridiculous a man is — the readier he is with his tongue. His insults are most likely to be directed against the very kind of man I have described, because people of different tastes can never be friends, and the sight of pre-eminent merit is apt to raise the secret ire of a ne’er-do-well. What Goethe says in the West?stlicher Divan191 is quite true, that it is useless to complain against your enemies; for they can never become your friends, if your whole being is a standing110 reproach to them:—
Was klagst du über Feinde?
Sollten Solche je warden192 Freunde
Denen das Wesen, wie du bist,
Im stillen ein ewiger Vorwurf ist?
42 De Constantia, 11.]
It is obvious that people of this worthless description have good cause to be thankful to the principle of honor, because it puts them on a level with people who in every other respect stand far above them. If a fellow likes to insult any one, attribute to him, for example, some bad quality, this is taken prima facie as a well-founded opinion, true in fact; a decree, as it were, with all the force of law; nay, if it is not at once wiped out in blood, it is a judgment which holds good and valid193 to all time. In other words, the man who is insulted remains — in the eyes of all honorable people — what the man who uttered the insult — even though he were the greatest wretch on earth — was pleased to call him; for he has put up with the insult — the technical term, I believe. Accordingly, all honorable people will have nothing more to do with him, and treat him like a leper, and, it may be, refuse to go into any company where he may be found, and so on.
This wise proceeding may, I think, be traced back to the fact that in the Middle Age, up to the fifteenth century, it was not the accuser in any criminal process who had to prove the guilt194 of the accused, but the accused who had to prove his innocence195.43 This he could do by swearing he was not guilty; and his backers — consacramentales — had to come and swear that in their opinion he was incapable196 of perjury197. If he could find no one to help him in this way, or the accuser took objection to his backers, recourse was had to trial by the Judgment of God, which generally meant a duel198. For the accused was now in disgrace,44 and had to clear himself. Here, then, is the origin of the notion of disgrace, and of that whole system which prevails now-a-days amongst honorable people — only that the oath is omitted. This is also the explanation of that deep feeling of indignation which honorable people are called upon to show if they are given the lie; it is a reproach which they say must be wiped out in blood. It seldom comes to this pass, however, though lies are of common occurrence; but in England, more than elsewhere, it is a superstition199 which has taken very deep root. As a matter of order, a man who threatens to kill another for telling a lie should never have told one himself. The fact is, that the criminal trial of the Middle Age also admitted of a shorter form. In reply to the charge, the accused answered: That is a lie; whereupon it was left to be decided200 by the Judgment of God. Hence, the code of knightly honor prescribes that, when the lie is given, an appeal to arms follows as a matter of course. So much, then, for the theory of insult.
43 See C.G. von Waehter’s Beitr?ge zur deutschen Geschichte, especially the chapter on criminal law.]
44 Translator’s Note. — It is true that this expression has another special meaning in the technical terminology201 of Chivalry, but it is the nearest English equivalent which I can find for the German — ein Bescholtener]
But there is something even worse than insult, something so dreadful that I must beg pardon of all honorable people for so much as mentioning it in this code of knightly honor; for I know they will shiver, and their hair will stand on end, at the very thought of it — the summum malum, the greatest evil on earth, worse than death and damnation. A man may give another — horrible dictu! — a slap or a blow. This is such an awful thing, and so utterly fatal to all honor, that, while any other species of insult may be healed by blood-letting, this can be cured only by the coup-de-grace.
(3.) In the third place, this kind of honor has absolutely nothing to do with what a man may be in and for himself; or, again, with the question whether his moral character can ever become better or worse, and all such pedantic202 inquiries203. If your honor happens to be attacked, or to all appearances gone, it can very soon be restored in its entirety if you are only quick enough in having recourse to the one universal remedy — a duel. But if the aggressor does not belong to the classes which recognize the code of knightly honor, or has himself once offended against it, there is a safer way of meeting any attack upon your honor, whether it consists in blows, or merely in words. If you are armed, you can strike down your opponent on the spot, or perhaps an hour later. This will restore your honor.
But if you wish to avoid such an extreme step, from fear of any unpleasant consequences arising therefrom, or from uncertainty204 as to whether the aggressor is subject to the laws of knightly honor or not, there is another means of making your position good, namely, the Avantage. This consists in returning rudeness with still greater rudeness; and if insults are no use, you can try a blow, which forms a sort of climax205 in the redemption of your honor; for instance, a box on the ear may be cured by a blow with a stick, and a blow with a stick by a thrashing with a horsewhip; and, as the approved remedy for this last, some people recommend you to spit at your opponent.45 If all these means are of no avail, you must not shrink from drawing blood. And the reason for these methods of wiping out insult is, in this code, as follows:
45 Translator’s Note. It must be remembered that Schopenhauer is here describing, or perhaps caricaturing the manners and customs of the German aristocracy of half a century ago. Now, of course, nous avons change tout206 cela!]
(4.) To receive an insult is disgraceful; to give one, honorable. Let me take an example. My opponent has truth, right and reason on his side. Very well. I insult him. Thereupon right and honor leave him and come to me, and, for the time being, he has lost them — until he gets them back, not by the exercise of right or reason, but by shooting and sticking me. Accordingly, rudeness is a quality which, in point of honor, is a substitute for any other and outweighs207 them all. The rudest is always right. What more do you want? However stupid, bad or wicked a man may have been, if he is only rude into the bargain, he condones and legitimizes all his faults. If in any discussion or conversation, another man shows more knowledge, greater love of truth, a sounder judgment, better understanding than we, or generally exhibits intellectual qualities which cast ours into the shade, we can at once annul208 his superiority and our own shallowness, and in our turn be superior to him, by being insulting and offensive. For rudeness is better than any argument; it totally eclipses intellect. If our opponent does not care for our mode of attack, and will not answer still more rudely, so as to plunge us into the ignoble209 rivalry210 of the Avantage, we are the victors and honor is on our side. Truth, knowledge, understanding, intellect, wit, must beat a retreat and leave the field to this almighty211 insolence212.
Honorable people immediately make a show of mounting their war-horse, if anyone utters an opinion adverse213 to theirs, or shows more intelligence than they can muster214; and if in any controversy215 they are at a loss for a reply, they look about for some weapon of rudeness, which will serve as well and come readier to hand; so they retire masters of the position. It must now be obvious that people are quite right in applauding this principle of honor as having ennobled the tone of society. This principle springs from another, which forms the heart and soul of the entire code.
(5.) Fifthly, the code implies that the highest court to which a man can appeal in any differences he may have with another on a point of honor is the court of physical force, that is, of brutality216. Every piece of rudeness is, strictly speaking, an appeal to brutality; for it is a declaration that intellectual strength and moral insight are incompetent217 to decide, and that the battle must be fought out by physical force — a struggle which, in the case of man, whom Franklin defines as a tool-making animal, is decided by the weapons peculiar to the species; and the decision is irrevocable. This is the well-known principle of right of might — irony218, of course, like the wit of a fool, a parallel phrase. The honor of a knight180 may be called the glory of might.
(6.) Lastly, if, as we saw above, civic honor is very scrupulous219 in the matter of meum and tuum, paying great respect to obligations and a promise once made, the code we are here discussing displays, on the other hand, the noblest liberality. There is only one word which may not be broken, the word of honor — upon my honor, as people say — the presumption220 being, of course, that every other form of promise may be broken. Nay, if the worst comes to the worst, it is easy to break even one’s word of honor, and still remain honorable — again by adopting that universal remedy, the duel, and fighting with those who maintain that we pledged our word. Further, there is one debt, and one alone, that under no circumstances must be left unpaid221 — a gambling222 debt, which has accordingly been called a debt of honor. In all other kinds of debt you may cheat Jews and Christians223 as much as you like; and your knightly honor remains without a stain.
The unprejudiced reader will see at once that such a strange, savage224 and ridiculous code of honor as this has no foundation in human nature, nor any warrant in a healthy view of human affairs. The extremely narrow sphere of its operation serves only to intensify225 the feeling, which is exclusively confined to Europe since the Middle Age, and then only to the upper classes, officers and soldiers, and people who imitate them. Neither Greeks nor Romans knew anything of this code of honor or of its principles; nor the highly civilized226 nations of Asia, ancient or modern. Amongst them no other kind of honor is recognized but that which I discussed first, in virtue of which a man is what he shows himself to be by his actions, not what any wagging tongue is pleased to say of him. They thought that what a man said or did might perhaps affect his own honor, but not any other man’s. To them, a blow was but a blow — and any horse or donkey could give a harder one — a blow which under certain circumstances might make a man angry and demand immediate vengeance; but it had nothing to do with honor. No one kept account of blows or insulting words, or of the satisfaction which was demanded or omitted to be demanded. Yet in personal bravery and contempt of death, the ancients were certainly not inferior to the nations of Christian Europe. The Greeks and Romans were thorough heroes, if you like; but they knew nothing about point d’honneur. If they had any idea of a duel, it was totally unconnected with the life of the nobles; it was merely the exhibition of mercenary gladiators, slaves devoted227 to slaughter228, condemned229 criminals, who, alternately with wild beasts, were set to butcher one another to make a Roman holiday. When Christianity was introduced, gladiatorial shows were done away with, and their place taken, in Christian times, by the duel, which was a way of settling difficulties by the Judgment of God.
If the gladiatorial fight was a cruel sacrifice to the prevailing230 desire for great spectacles, dueling231 is a cruel sacrifice to existing prejudices — a sacrifice, not of criminals, slaves and prisoners, but of the noble and the free.46
46 Translator’s Note. These and other remarks on dueling will no doubt wear a belated look to English readers; but they are hardly yet antiquated232 for most parts of the Continent.]
There are a great many traits in the character of the ancients which show that they were entirely free from these prejudices. When, for instance, Marius was summoned to a duel by a Teutonic chief, he returned answer to the effect that, if the chief were tired of his life, he might go and hang himself; at the same time he offered him a veteran gladiator for a round or two. Plutarch relates in his life of Themistocles that Eurybiades, who was in command of the fleet, once raised his stick to strike him; whereupon Themistocles, instead of drawing his sword, simply said: Strike, but hear me. How sorry the reader must be, if he is an honorable man, to find that we have no information that the Athenian officers refused in a body to serve any longer under Themistocles, if he acted like that! There is a modern French writer who declares that if anyone considers Demosthenes a man of honor, his ignorance will excite a smile of pity; and that Cicero was not a man of honor either!47 In a certain passage in Plato’s Laws48 the philosopher speaks at length of [Greek: aikia] or assault, showing us clearly enough that the ancients had no notion of any feeling of honor in connection with such matters. Socrates’ frequent discussions were often followed by his being severely234 handled, and he bore it all mildly. Once, for instance, when somebody kicked him, the patience with which he took the insult surprised one of his friends. Do you think, said Socrates, that if an ass20 happened to kick me, I should resent it?49 On another occasion, when he was asked, Has not that fellow abused and insulted you? No, was his answer, what he says is not addressed to me50 Stobaeus has preserved a long passage from Musonius, from which we can see how the ancients treated insults. They knew no other form of satisfaction than that which the law provided, and wise people despised even this. If a Greek received a box on the ear, he could get satisfaction by the aid of the law; as is evident from Plato’s Gorgias, where Socrates’ opinion may be found. The same thing may be seen in the account given by Gellius of one Lucius Veratius, who had the audacity235 to give some Roman citizens whom he met on the road a box on the ear, without any provocation236 whatever; but to avoid any ulterior consequences, he told a slave to bring a bag of small money, and on the spot paid the trivial legal penalty to the men whom he had astonished by his conduct.
47litteraires: par10 C. Durand. Rouen, 1828.]
48 Bk. IX.].
49 Diogenes Laertius, ii., 21.]
50 Ibid 36.]
Crates233, the celebrated Cynic philosopher, got such a box on the ear from Nicodromus, the musician, that his face swelled237 up and became black and blue; whereupon he put a label on his forehead, with the inscription238, Nicodromus fecit, which brought much disgrace to the fluteplayer who had committed such a piece of brutality upon the man whom all Athens honored as a household god.51 And in a letter to Melesippus, Diogenes of Sinope tells us that he got a beating from the drunken sons of the Athenians; but he adds that it was a matter of no importance.52 And Seneca devotes the last few chapters of his De Constantia to a lengthy239 discussion on insult — contumelia; in order to show that a wise man will take no notice of it. In Chapter XIV, he says, What shall a wise man do, if he is given a blow? What Cato did, when some one struck him on the mouth; — not fire up or avenge240 the insult, or even return the blow, but simply ignore it.
51 Diogenes Laertius, vi. 87, and Apul: Flor: p. 126.]
52 Cf. Casaubon’s Note, Diog. Laert., vi. 33.]
Yes, you say, but these men were philosophers. — And you are fools, eh? Precisely.
It is clear that the whole code of knightly honor was utterly unknown to the ancients; for the simple reason that they always took a natural and unprejudiced view of human affairs, and did not allow themselves to be influenced by any such vicious and abominable241 folly. A blow in the face was to them a blow and nothing more, a trivial physical injury; whereas the moderns make a catastrophe242 out of it, a theme for a tragedy; as, for instance, in the Cid of Corneille, or in a recent German comedy of middle-class life, called The Power of Circumstance, which should have been entitled The Power of Prejudice. If a member of the National Assembly at Paris got a blow on the ear, it would resound243 from one end of Europe to the other. The examples which I have given of the way in which such an occurrence would have been treated in classic times may not suit the ideas of honorable people; so let me recommend to their notice, as a kind of antidote244, the story of Monsieur Desglands in Diderot’s masterpiece, Jacques le fataliste. It is an excellent specimen245 of modern knightly honor, which, no doubt, they will find enjoyable and edifying246.53
53 Translator’s Note. The story to which Schopenhauer here refers is briefly247 as follows: Two gentlemen, one of whom was named Desglands, were paying court to the same lady. As they sat at table side by side, with the lady opposite, Desglands did his best to charm her with his conversation; but she pretended not to hear him, and kept looking at his rival. In the agony of jealousy248, Desglands, as he was holding a fresh egg in his hand, involuntarily crushed it; the shell broke, and its contents bespattered his rival’s face. Seeing him raise his hand, Desglands seized it and whispered: Sir, I take it as given. The next day Desglands appeared with a large piece of black sticking-plaster upon his right cheek. In the duel which followed, Desglands severely wounded his rival; upon which he reduced the size of the plaster. When his rival recovered, they had another duel; Desglands drew blood again, and again made his plaster a little smaller; and so on for five or six times. After every duel Desglands’ plaster grew less and less, until at last his rival.]
From what I have said it must be quite evident that the principle of knightly honor has no essential and spontaneous origin in human nature. It is an artificial product, and its source is not hard to find. Its existence obviously dates from the time when people used their fists more than their heads, when priestcraft had enchained the human intellect, the much bepraised Middle Age, with its system of chivalry. That was the time when people let the Almighty not only care for them but judge for them too; when difficult cases were decided by an ordeal249, a Judgment of God; which, with few exceptions, meant a duel, not only where nobles were concerned, but in the case of ordinary citizens as well. There is a neat illustration of this in Shakespeare’s Henry VI. Every judicial8 sentence was subject to an appeal to arms — a court, as it were, of higher instance, namely, the Judgment of God: and this really meant that physical strength and activity, that is, our animal nature, usurped250 the place of reason on the judgment seat, deciding in matters of right and wrong, not by what a man had done, but by the force with which he was opposed, the same system, in fact, as prevails to-day under the principles of knightly honor. If any one doubts that such is really the origin of our modern duel, let him read an excellent work by J.B. Millingen, The History of Dueling. Nay, you may still find amongst the supporters of the system — who, by the way are not usually the most educated or thoughtful of men — some who look upon the result of a duel as really constituting a divine judgment in the matter in dispute; no doubt in consequence of the traditional feeling on the subject.
But leaving aside the question of origin, it must now be clear to us that the main tendency of the principle is to use physical menace for the purpose of extorting an appearance of respect which is deemed too difficult or superfluous to acquire in reality; a proceeding which comes to much the same thing as if you were to prove the warmth of your room by holding your hand on the thermometer and so make it rise. In fact, the kernel251 of the matter is this: whereas civic honor aims at peaceable intercourse, and consists in the opinion of other people that we deserve full confidence, because we pay unconditional respect to their rights; knightly honor, on the other hand, lays down that we are to be feared, as being determined252 at all costs to maintain our own.
As not much reliance can be placed upon human integrity, the principle that it is more essential to arouse fear than to invite confidence would not, perhaps, be a false one, if we were living in a state of nature, where every man would have to protect himself and directly maintain his own rights. But in civilized life, where the State undertakes the protection of our person and property, the principle is no longer applicable: it stands, like the castles and watch-towers of the age when might was right, a useless and forlorn object, amidst well-tilled fields and frequented roads, or even railways.
Accordingly, the application of knightly honor, which still recognizes this principle, is confined to those small cases of personal assault which meet with but slight punishment at the hands of the law, or even none at all, for de minimis non — mere trivial wrongs, committed sometimes only in jest. The consequence of this limited application of the principle is that it has forced itself into an exaggerated respect for the value of the person — a respect utterly alien to the nature, constitution or destiny of man — which it has elated into a species of sanctity: and as it considers that the State has imposed a very insufficient253 penalty on the commission of such trivial injuries, it takes upon itself to punish them by attacking the aggressor in life or limb. The whole thing manifestly rests upon an excessive degree of arrogant254 pride, which, completely forgetting what man really is, claims that he shall be absolutely free from all attack or even censure255. Those who determine to carry out this principle by main force, and announce, as their rule of action, whoever insults or strikes me shall die! ought for their pains to be banished256 the country.54
54 Knightly honor is the child of pride and folly, and it is needy257 not pride, which is the heritage of the human race. It is a very remarkable fact that this extreme form of pride should be found exclusively amongst the adherents258 of the religion which teaches the deepest humility259. Still, this pride must not be put down to religion, but, rather, to the feudal260 system, which made every nobleman a petty sovereign who recognized no human judge, and learned to regard his person as sacred and inviolable, and any attack upon it, or any blow or insulting word, as an offence punishable with death. The principle of knightly honor and of the duel were at first confined to the nobles, and, later on, also to officers in the army, who, enjoying a kind of off-and-on relationship with the upper classes, though they were never incorporated with them, were anxious not to be behind them. It is true that duels261 were the product of the old ordeals262; but the latter are not the foundation, but rather the consequence and application of the principle of honor: the man who recognized no human judge appealed to the divine. Ordeals, however, are not peculiar to Christendom: they may be found in great force among the Hindoos, especially of ancient times; and there are traces of them even now.]
As a palliative to this rash arrogance263, people are in the habit of giving way on everything. If two intrepid264 persons meet, and neither will give way, the slightest difference may cause a shower of abuse, then fisticuffs, and, finally, a fatal blow: so that it would really be a more decorous proceeding to omit the intermediate steps and appeal to arms at once. An appeal to arms has its own special formalities; and these have developed into a rigid265 and precise system of laws and regulations, together forming the most solemn farce there is — a regular temple of honor dedicated266 to folly! For if two intrepid persons dispute over some trivial matter, (more important affairs are dealt with by law), one of them, the cleverer of the two, will of course yield; and they will agree to differ. That this is so is proved by the fact that common people — or, rather, the numerous classes of the community who do not acknowledge the principle of knightly honor, let any dispute run its natural course. Amongst these classes homicide is a hundredfold rarer than amongst those — and they amount, perhaps, in all, to hardly one in a thousand — who pay homage267 to the principle: and even blows are of no very frequent occurrence.
Then it has been said that the manners and tone of good society are ultimately based upon this principle of honor, which, with its system of duels, is made out to be a bulwark against the assaults of savagery268 and rudeness. But Athens, Corinth and Rome could assuredly boast of good, nay, excellent society, and manners and tone of a high order, without any support from the bogey269 of knightly honor. It is true that women did not occupy that prominent place in ancient society which they hold now, when conversation has taken on a frivolous270 and trifling271 character, to the exclusion272 of that weighty discourse273 which distinguished the ancients.
This change has certainly contributed a great deal to bring about the tendency, which is observable in good society now-a-days, to prefer personal courage to the possession of any other quality. The fact is that personal courage is really a very subordinate virtue — merely the distinguishing mark of a subaltern — a virtue, indeed, in which we are surpassed by the lower animals; or else you would not hear people say, as brave as a lion. Far from being the pillar of society, knightly honor affords a sure asylum274, in general for dishonesty and wickedness, and also for small incivilities, want of consideration and unmannerliness. Rude behavior is often passed over in silence because no one cares to risk his neck in correcting it.
After what I have said, it will not appear strange that the dueling system is carried to the highest pitch of sanguinary zeal275 precisely in that nation whose political and financial records show that they are not too honorable. What that nation is like in its private and domestic life, is a question which may be best put to those who are experienced in the matter. Their urbanity and social culture have long been conspicuous276 by their absence.
There is no truth, then, in such pretexts278. It can be urged with more justice that as, when you snarl279 at a dog, he snarls280 in return, and when you pet him, he fawns281; so it lies in the nature of men to return hostility282 by hostility, and to be embittered283 and irritated at any signs of depreciatory treatment or hatred: and, as Cicero says, there is something so penetrating284 in the shaft285 of envy that even men of wisdom and worth find its wound a painful one; and nowhere in the world, except, perhaps, in a few religious sects286, is an insult or a blow taken with equanimity287. And yet a natural view of either would in no case demand anything more than a requital288 proportionate to the offence, and would never go to the length of assigning death as the proper penalty for anyone who accuses another of lying or stupidity or cowardice289. The old German theory of blood for a blow is a revolting superstition of the age of chivalry. And in any case the return or requital of an insult is dictated290 by anger, and not by any such obligation of honor and duty as the advocates of chivalry seek to attach to it. The fact is that, the greater the truth, the greater the slander; and it is clear that the slightest hint of some real delinquency will give much greater offence than a most terrible accusation291 which is perfectly baseless: so that a man who is quite sure that he has done nothing to deserve a reproach may treat it with contempt, and will be safe in doing so. The theory of honor demands that he shall show a susceptibility which he does not possess, and take bloody vengeance for insults which he cannot feel. A man must himself have but a poor opinion of his own worth who hastens to prevent the utterance292 of an unfavorable opinion by giving his enemy a black eye.
True appreciation of his own value will make a man really indifferent to insult; but if he cannot help resenting it, a little shrewdness and culture will enable him to save appearances and dissemble his anger. If he could only get rid of this superstition about honor — the idea, I mean, that it disappears when you are insulted, and can be restored by returning the insult; if we could only stop people from thinking that wrong, brutality and insolence can be legalized by expressing readiness to give satisfaction, that is, to fight in defence of it, we should all soon come to the general opinion that insult and depreciation are like a battle in which the loser wins; and that, as Vincenzo Monti says, abuse resembles a church-procession, because it always returns to the point from which it set out. If we could only get people to look upon insult in this light, we should no longer have to say something rude in order to prove that we are in the right. Now, unfortunately, if we want to take a serious view of any question, we have first of all to consider whether it will not give offence in some way or other to the dullard, who generally shows alarm and resentment293 at the merest sign of intelligence; and it may easily happen that the head which contains the intelligent view has to be pitted against the noodle which is empty of everything but narrowness and stupidity. If all this were done away with, intellectual superiority could take the leading place in society which is its due — a place now occupied, though people do not like to confess it, by excellence294 of physique, mere fighting pluck, in fact; and the natural effect of such a change would be that the best kind of people would have one reason the less for withdrawing from society. This would pave the way for the introduction of real courtesy and genuinely good society, such as undoubtedly existed in Athens, Corinth and Rome. If anyone wants to see a good example of what I mean, I should like him to read Xenophon’s Banquet.
The last argument in defence of knightly honor no doubt is, that, but for its existence, the world — awful thought! — would be a regular bear-garden. To which I may briefly reply that nine hundred and ninety-nine people out of a thousand who do not recognize the code, have often given and received a blow without any fatal consequences: whereas amongst the adherents of the code a blow usually means death to one of the parties. But let me examine this argument more closely.
I have often tried to find some tenable, or at any rate, plausible295 basis — other than a merely conventional one — some positive reasons, that is to say, for the rooted conviction which a portion of mankind entertains, that a blow is a very dreadful thing; but I have looked for it in vain, either in the animal or in the rational side of human nature. A blow is, and always will be, a trivial physical injury which one man can do to another; proving, thereby, nothing more than his superiority in strength or skill, or that his enemy was off his guard. Analysis will carry us no further. The same knight who regards a blow from the human hand as the greatest of evils, if he gets a ten times harder blow from his horse, will give you the assurance, as he limps away in suppressed pain, that it is a matter of no consequence whatever. So I have come to think that it is the human hand which is at the bottom of the mischief296. And yet in a battle the knight may get cuts and thrusts from the same hand, and still assure you that his wounds are not worth mentioning. Now, I hear that a blow from the flat of a sword is not by any means so bad as a blow from a stick; and that, a short time ago, cadets were liable to be punished by the one but not the other, and that the very greatest honor of all is the accolade297. This is all the psychological or moral basis that I can find; and so there is nothing left me but to pronounce the whole thing an antiquated superstition that has taken deep root, and one more of the many examples which show the force of tradition. My view is confirmed by the well-known fact that in China a beating with a bamboo is a very frequent punishment for the common people, and even for officials of every class; which shows that human nature, even in a highly civilized state, does not run in the same groove298 here and in China.
On the contrary, an unprejudiced view of human nature shows that it is just as natural for a man to beat as it is for savage animals to bite and rend145 in pieces, or for horned beasts to butt299 or push. Man may be said to be the animal that beats. Hence it is revolting to our sense of the fitness of things to hear, as we sometimes do, that one man bitten another; on the other hand, it is a natural and everyday occurrence for him to get blows or give them. It is intelligible300 enough that, as we become educated, we are glad to dispense with blows by a system of mutual restraint. But it is a cruel thing to compel a nation or a single class to regard a blow as an awful misfortune which must have death and murder for its consequences. There are too many genuine evils in the world to allow of our increasing them by imaginary misfortunes, which brings real ones in their train: and yet this is the precise effect of the superstition, which thus proves itself at once stupid and malign301.
It does not seem to me wise of governments and legislative302 bodies to promote any such folly by attempting to do away with flogging as a punishment in civil or military life. Their idea is that they are acting303 in the interests of humanity; but, in point of fact, they are doing just the opposite; for the abolition304 of flogging will serve only to strengthen this inhuman305 and abominable superstition, to which so many sacrifices have already been made. For all offences, except the worst, a beating is the obvious, and therefore the natural penalty; and a man who will not listen to reason will yield to blows. It seems to me right and proper to administer corporal punishment to the man who possesses nothing and therefore cannot be fined, or cannot be put in prison because his master’s interests would suffer by the loss of his service. There are really no arguments against it: only mere talk about the dignity of man — talk which proceeds, not from any clear notions on the subject, but from the pernicious superstition I have been describing. That it is a superstition which lies at the bottom of the whole business is proved by an almost laughable example. Not long ago, in the military discipline of many countries, the cat was replaced by the stick. In either case the object was to produce physical pain; but the latter method involved no disgrace, and was not derogatory to honor.
By promoting this superstition, the State is playing into the hands of the principle of knightly honor, and therefore of the duel; while at the same time it is trying, or at any rate it pretends it is trying, to abolish the duel by legislative enactment306. As a natural consequence we find that this fragment of the theory that might is right, which has come down to us from the most savage days of the Middle Age, has still in this nineteenth century a good deal of life left in it — more shame to us! It is high time for the principle to be driven out bag and baggage. Now-a-days no one is allowed to set dogs or cocks to fight each other — at any rate, in England it is a penal149 offence — but men are plunged307 into deadly strife308, against their will, by the operation of this ridiculous, superstitious309 and absurd principle, which imposes upon us the obligation, as its narrow-minded supporters and advocates declare, of fighting with one another like gladiators, for any little trifle. Let me recommend our purists to adopt the expression baiting55 instead of duel, which probably comes to us, not from the Latin duellum, but from the Spanish duelo — meaning suffering, nuisance, annoyance310.
55 Ritterhetze]
In any case, we may well laugh at the pedantic excess to which this foolish system has been carried. It is really revolting that this principle, with its absurd code, can form a power within the State — imperium in imperio — a power too easily put in motion, which, recognizing no right but might, tyrannizes over the classes which come within its range, by keeping up a sort of inquisition, before which any one may be haled on the most flimsy pretext277, and there and then be tried on an issue of life and death between himself and his opponent. This is the lurking311 place from which every rascal, if he only belongs to the classes in question, may menace and even exterminate312 the noblest and best of men, who, as such, must of course be an object of hatred to him. Our system of justice and police-protection has made it impossible in these days for any scoundrel in the street to attack us with — Your money or your life! An end should be put to the burden which weighs upon the higher classes — the burden, I mean, of having to be ready every moment to expose life and limb to the mercy of anyone who takes it into his rascally313 head to be coarse, rude, foolish or malicious314. It is perfectly atrocious that a pair of silly, passionate315 boys should be wounded, maimed or even killed, simply because they have had a few words.
The strength of this tyrannical power within the State, and the force of the superstition, may be measured by the fact that people who are prevented from restoring their knightly honor by the superior or inferior rank of their aggressor, or anything else that puts the persons on a different level, often come to a tragic-comic end by committing suicide in sheer despair. You may generally know a thing to be false and ridiculous by finding that, if it is carried to its logical conclusion, it results in a contradiction; and here, too, we have a very glaring absurdity316. For an officer is forbidden to take part in a duel; but if he is challenged and declines to come out, he is punished by being dismissed the service.
As I am on the matter, let me be more frank still. The important distinction, which is often insisted upon, between killing317 your enemy in a fair fight with equal weapons, and lying in ambush318 for him, is entirely a corollary of the fact that the power within the State, of which I have spoken, recognizes no other right than might, that is, the right of the stronger, and appeals to a Judgment of God as the basis of the whole code. For to kill a man in a fair fight, is to prove that you are superior to him in strength or skill; and to justify319 the deed, you must assume that the right of the stronger is really a right.
But the truth is that, if my opponent is unable to defend himself, it gives me the possibility, but not by any means the right, of killing him. The right, the moral justification320, must depend entirely upon the motives which I have for taking his life. Even supposing that I have sufficient motive61 for taking a man’s life, there is no reason why I should make his death depend upon whether I can shoot or fence better than he. In such a case, it is immaterial in what way I kill him, whether I attack him from the front or the rear. From a moral point of view, the right of the stronger is no more convincing than the right of the more skillful; and it is skill which is employed if you murder a a man treacherously321. Might and skill are in this case equally right; in a duel, for instance, both the one and the other come into play; for a feint is only another name for treachery. If I consider myself morally justified322 in taking a man’s life, it is stupid of me to try first of all whether he can shoot or fence better than I; as, if he can, he will not only have wronged me, but have taken my life into the bargain.
It is Rousseau’s opinion that the proper way to avenge an insult is, not to fight a duel with your aggressor, but to assassinate323 him — an opinion, however, which he is cautious enough only to barely indicate in a mysterious note to one of the books of his Emile. This shows the philosopher so completely under the influence of the mediaeval superstition of knightly honor that he considers it justifiable324 to murder a man who accuses you of lying: whilst he must have known that every man, and himself especially, has deserved to have the lie given him times without number.
The prejudice which justifies325 the killing of your adversary326, so long as it is done in an open contest and with equal weapons, obviously looks upon might as really right, and a duel as the interference of God. The Italian who, in a fit of rage, falls upon his aggressor wherever he finds him, and despatches him without any ceremony, acts, at any rate, consistently and naturally: he may be cleverer, but he is not worse, than the duelist. If you say, I am justified in killing my adversary in a duel, because he is at the moment doing his best to kill me; I can reply that it is your challenge which has placed him under the necessity of defending himself; and that by mutually putting it on the ground of self-defence, the combatants are seeking a plausible pretext for committing murder. I should rather justify the deed by the legal maxim327 Volenti non fit injuria; because the parties mutually agree to set their life upon the issue.
This argument may, however, be rebutted328 by showing that the injured party is not injured volens; because it is this tyrannical principle of knightly honor, with its absurd code, which forcibly drags one at least of the combatants before a bloody inquisition.
I have been rather prolix329 on the subject of knightly honor, but I had good reason for being so, because the Augean stable of moral and intellectual enormity in this world can be cleaned out only with the besom of philosophy. There are two things which more than all else serve to make the social arrangements of modern life compare unfavorably with those of antiquity330, by giving our age a gloomy, dark and sinister331 aspect, from which antiquity, fresh, natural and, as it were, in the morning of life, is completely free; I mean modern honor and modern disease — par nobile fratrum! — which have combined to poison all the relations of life, whether public or private. The second of this noble pair extends its influence much farther than at first appears to be the case, as being not merely a physical, but also a moral disease. From the time that poisoned arrows have been found in Cupid’s quiver, an estranging332, hostile, nay, devilish element has entered into the relations of men and women, like a sinister thread of fear and mistrust in the warp333 and woof of their intercourse; indirectly shaking the foundations of human fellowship, and so more or less affecting the whole tenor334 of existence. But it would be beside my present purpose to pursue the subject further.
An influence analogous335 to this, though working on other lines, is exerted by the principle of knightly honor — that solemn farce, unknown to the ancient world, which makes modern society stiff, gloomy and timid, forcing us to keep the strictest watch on every word that falls. Nor is this all. The principle is a universal Minotaur; and the goodly company of the sons of noble houses which it demands in yearly tribute, comes, not from one country alone, as of old, but from every land in Europe. It is high time to make a regular attack upon this foolish system; and this is what I am trying to do now. Would that these two monsters of the modern world might disappear before the end of the century!
Let us hope that medicine may be able to find some means of preventing the one, and that, by clearing our ideals, philosophy may put an end to the other: for it is only by clearing our ideas that the evil can be eradicated336. Governments have tried to do so by legislation, and failed.
Still, if they are really concerned to stop the dueling system; and if the small success that has attended their efforts is really due only to their inability to cope with the evil, I do not mind proposing a law the success of which I am prepared to guarantee. It will involve no sanguinary measures, and can be put into operation without recourse either to the scaffold or the gallows337, or to imprisonment338 for life. It is a small homeopathic pilule, with no serious after effects. If any man send or accept a challenge, let the corporal take him before the guard house, and there give him, in broad daylight, twelve strokes with a stick a la Chinoise; a non-commissioned officer or a private to receive six. If a duel has actually taken place, the usual criminal proceedings339 should be instituted.
A person with knightly notions might, perhaps, object that, if such a punishment were carried out, a man of honor would possibly shoot himself; to which I should answer that it is better for a fool like that to shoot himself rather than other people. However, I know very well that governments are not really in earnest about putting down dueling. Civil officials, and much more so, officers in the army, (except those in the highest positions), are paid most inadequately340 for the services they perform; and the deficiency is made up by honor, which is represented by titles and orders, and, in general, by the system of rank and distinction. The duel is, so to speak, a very serviceable extra-horse for people of rank: so they are trained in the knowledge of it at the universities. The accidents which happen to those who use it make up in blood for the deficiency of the pay.
Just to complete the discussion, let me here mention the subject of national honor. It is the honor of a nation as a unit in the aggregate341 of nations. And as there is no court to appeal to but the court of force; and as every nation must be prepared to defend its own interests, the honor of a nation consists in establishing the opinion, not only that it may be trusted (its credit), but also that it is to be feared. An attack upon its rights must never be allowed to pass unheeded. It is a combination of civic and knightly honor.
Section 5. — Fame.
Under the heading of place in the estimation of the world we have put Fame; and this we must now proceed to consider.
Fame and honor are twins; and twins, too, like Castor and Pollux, of whom the one was mortal and the other was not. Fame is the undying brother of ephemeral honor. I speak, of course, of the highest kind of fame, that is, of fame in the true and genuine sense of the word; for, to be sure, there are many sorts of fame, some of which last but a day. Honor is concerned merely with such qualities as everyone may be expected to show under similar circumstances; fame only of those which cannot be required of any man. Honor is of qualities which everyone has a right to attribute to himself; fame only of those which should be left to others to attribute. Whilst our honor extends as far as people have knowledge of us; fame runs in advance, and makes us known wherever it finds its way. Everyone can make a claim to honor; very few to fame, as being attainable342 only in virtue of extraordinary achievements.
These achievements may be of two kinds, either actions or works; and so to fame there are two paths open. On the path of actions, a great heart is the chief recommendation; on that of works, a great head. Each of the two paths has its own peculiar advantages and detriments343; and the chief difference between them is that actions are fleeting344, while works remain. The influence of an action, be it never so noble, can last but a short time; but a work of genius is a living influence, beneficial and ennobling throughout the ages. All that can remain of actions is a memory, and that becomes weak and disfigured by time — a matter of indifference to us, until at last it is extinguished altogether; unless, indeed, history takes it up, and presents it, fossilized, to posterity345. Works are immortal346 in themselves, and once committed to writing, may live for ever. Of Alexander the Great we have but the name and the record; but Plato and Aristotle, Homer and Horace are alive, and as directly at work to-day as they were in their own lifetime. The Vedas, and their Upanishads, are still with us: but of all contemporaneous actions not a trace has come down to us.56
56 Accordingly it is a poor compliment, though sometimes a fashionable one, to try to pay honor to a work by calling it an action. For a work is something essentially347 higher in its nature. An action is always something based on motive, and, therefore, fragmentary and fleeting — a part, in fact, of that Will which is the universal and original element in the constitution of the world. But a great and beautiful work has a permanent character, as being of universal significance, and sprung from the Intellect, which rises, like a perfume, above the faults and follies of the world of Will.
The fame of a great action has this advantage, that it generally starts with a loud explosion; so loud, indeed, as to be heard all over Europe: whereas the fame of a great work is slow and gradual in its beginnings; the noise it makes is at first slight, but it goes on growing greater, until at last, after a hundred years perhaps, it attains348 its full force; but then it remains, because the works remain, for thousands of years. But in the other case, when the first explosion is over, the noise it makes grows less and less, and is heard by fewer and fewer persons; until it ends by the action having only a shadowy existence in the pages of history.]
Another disadvantage under which actions labor349 is that they depend upon chance for the possibility of coming into existence; and hence, the fame they win does not flow entirely from their intrinsic value, but also from the circumstances which happened to lend them importance and lustre350. Again, the fame of actions, if, as in war, they are purely personal, depends upon the testimony351 of fewer witnesses; and these are not always present, and even if present, are not always just or unbiased observers. This disadvantage, however, is counterbalanced by the fact that actions have the advantage of being of a practical character, and, therefore, within the range of general human intelligence; so that once the facts have been correctly reported, justice is immediately done; unless, indeed, the motive underlying353 the action is not at first properly understood or appreciated. No action can be really understood apart from the motive which prompted it.
It is just the contrary with works. Their inception354 does not depend upon chance, but wholly and entirely upon their author; and whoever they are in and for themselves, that they remain as long as they live. Further, there is a difficulty in properly judging them, which becomes all the harder, the higher their character; often there are no persons competent to understand the work, and often no unbiased or honest critics. Their fame, however, does not depend upon one judge only; they can enter an appeal to another. In the case of actions, as I have said, it is only their memory which comes down to posterity, and then only in the traditional form; but works are handed down themselves, and, except when parts of them have been lost, in the form in which they first appeared. In this case there is no room for any disfigurement of the facts; and any circumstance which may have prejudiced them in their origin, fall away with the lapse355 of time. Nay, it is often only after the lapse of time that the persons really competent to judge them appear — exceptional critics sitting in judgment on exceptional works, and giving their weighty verdicts in succession. These collectively form a perfectly just appreciation; and though there are cases where it has taken some hundreds of years to form it, no further lapse of time is able to reverse the verdict; — so secure and inevitable356 is the fame of a great work.
Whether authors ever live to see the dawn of their fame depends upon the chance of circumstance; and the higher and more important their works are, the less likelihood there is of their doing so. That was an incomparable fine saying of Seneca’s, that fame follows merit as surely as the body casts a shadow; sometimes falling in front, and sometimes behind. And he goes on to remark that though the envy of contemporaries be shown by universal silence, there will come those who will judge without enmity or favor. From this remark it is manifest that even in Seneca’s age there were rascals357 who understood the art of suppressing merit by maliciously358 ignoring its existence, and of concealing360 good work from the public in order to favor the bad: it is an art well understood in our day, too, manifesting itself, both then and now, in an envious361 conspiracy362 of silence.
As a general rule, the longer a man’s fame is likely to last, the later it will be in coming; for all excellent products require time for their development. The fame which lasts to posterity is like an oak, of very slow growth; and that which endures but a little while, like plants which spring up in a year and then die; whilst false fame is like a fungus363, shooting up in a night and perishing as soon.
And why? For this reason; the more a man belongs to posterity, in other words, to humanity in general, the more of an alien he is to his contemporaries; since his work is not meant for them as such, but only for them in so far as they form part of mankind at large; there is none of that familiar local color about his productions which would appeal to them; and so what he does, fails of recognition because it is strange.
People are more likely to appreciate the man who serves the circumstances of his own brief hour, or the temper of the moment — belonging to it, living and dying with it.
The general history of art and literature shows that the highest achievements of the human mind are, as a rule, not favorably received at first; but remain in obscurity until they win notice from intelligence of a high order, by whose influence they are brought into a position which they then maintain, in virtue of the authority thus given them.
If the reason of this should be asked, it will be found that ultimately, a man can really understand and appreciate those things only which are of like nature with himself. The dull person will like what is dull, and the common person what is common; a man whose ideas are mixed will be attracted by confusion of thought; and folly will appeal to him who has no brains at all; but best of all, a man will like his own works, as being of a character thoroughly364 at one with himself. This is a truth as old as Epicharmus of fabulous365 memory —
[Greek: Thaumaston ouden esti me tauth outo legein
Kal andanein autoisin autous kal dokein
Kalos pethukenai kal gar ho kuon kuni
Kalloton eimen phainetai koi bous boi
Onos dono kalliston [estin], us dut.]
The sense of this passage — for it should not be lost — is that we should not be surprised if people are pleased with themselves, and fancy that they are in good case; for to a dog the best thing in the world is a dog; to an ox, an ox; to an ass, an ass; and to a sow, a sow.
The strongest arm is unavailing to give impetus366 to a featherweight; for, instead of speeding on its way and hitting its mark with effect, it will soon fall to the ground, having expended367 what little energy was given to it, and possessing no mass of its own to be the vehicle of momentum368. So it is with great and noble thoughts, nay, with the very masterpieces of genius, when there are none but little, weak, and perverse minds to appreciate them — a fact which has been deplored369 by a chorus of the wise in all ages. Jesus, the son of Sirach, for instance, declares that He that telleth a tale to a fool speaketh to one in slumber370: when he hath told his tale, he will say, What is the matter?57 And Hamlet says, A knavish371 speech sleeps in a fool’s ear.58 And Goethe is of the same opinion, that a dull ear mocks at the wisest word,
Das glücktichste Wort es wird verh?hnt,
Wenn der H?rer ein Schiefohr ist:
and again, that we should not be discouraged if people are stupid, for you can make no rings if you throw your stone into a marsh372.
Du iwirkest nicht, Alles bleibt so stumpf:
Sei guter Dinge!
Der Stein in Sumpf
Macht keine Ringe.
57 Ecclesiasticus, xxii., 8.]
58 Act iv., Sc. 2.]
Lichtenberg asks: When a head and a book come into collision, and one sounds hollow, is it always the book? And in another place: Works like this are as a mirror; if an ass looks in, you cannot expect an apostle to look out. We should do well to remember old Gellert’s fine and touching373 lament32, that the best gifts of all find the fewest admirers, and that most men mistake the bad for the good — a daily evil that nothing can prevent, like a plague which no remedy can cure. There is but one thing to be done, though how difficult! — the foolish must become wise — and that they can never be. The value of life they never know; they see with the outer eye but never with the mind, and praise the trivial because the good is strange to them:—
Nie kennen sie den7 Werth der Dinge,
Ihr Auge schliesst, nicht ihr Verstand;
Sie loben ewig das Geringe
Weil sie das Gute nie gekannt.
To the intellectual incapacity which, as Goethe says, fails to recognize and appreciate the good which exists, must be added something which comes into play everywhere, the moral baseness of mankind, here taking the form of envy. The new fame that a man wins raises him afresh over the heads of his fellows, who are thus degraded in proportion. All conspicuous merit is obtained at the cost of those who possess none; or, as Goethe has it in the West?stlicher Divan, another’s praise is one’s own depreciation —
Wenn wir Andern Ehre geben
Müssen wir uns selbst entadeln.
We see, then, how it is that, whatever be the form which excellence takes, mediocrity, the common lot of by far the greatest number, is leagued against it in a conspiracy to resist, and if possible, to suppress it. The pass-word of this league is à bas le mérite. Nay more; those who have done something themselves, and enjoy a certain amount of fame, do not care about the appearance of a new reputation, because its success is apt to throw theirs into the shade. Hence, Goethe declares that if we had to depend for our life upon the favor of others, we should never have lived at all; from their desire to appear important themselves, people gladly ignore our very existence:—
H?tte ich gezaudert zu werden,
Bis man mir’s Leben ge?gnut,
Ich w?re noch nicht auf Erden,
Wie ihr begreifen k?nnt,
Wenn ihr seht, wie sie sich geberden,
Die, um etwas zu scheinen,
Mich gerne mochten verneinen.
Honor, on the contrary, generally meets with fair appreciation, and is not exposed to the onslaught of envy; nay, every man is credited with the possession of it until the contrary is proved. But fame has to be won in despite of envy, and the tribunal which awards the laurel is composed of judges biased352 against the applicant374 from the very first. Honor is something which we are able and ready to share with everyone; fame suffers encroachment375 and is rendered more unattainable in proportion as more people come by it. Further, the difficulty of winning fame by any given work stands in reverse ratio to the number of people who are likely to read it; and hence it is so much harder to become famous as the author of a learned work than as a writer who aspires376 only to amuse. It is hardest of all in the case of philosophical377 works, because the result at which they aim is rather vague, and, at the same time, useless from a material point of view; they appeal chiefly to readers who are working on the same lines themselves.
It is clear, then, from what I have said as to the difficulty of winning fame, that those who labor, not out of love for their subject, nor from pleasure in pursuing it, but under the stimulus378 of ambition, rarely or never leave mankind a legacy379 of immortal works. The man who seeks to do what is good and genuine, must avoid what is bad, and be ready to defy the opinions of the mob, nay, even to despise it and its misleaders. Hence the truth of the remark, (especially insisted upon by Osorius de Gloria), that fame shuns380 those who seek it, and seeks those who shun381 it; for the one adapt themselves to the taste of their contemporaries, and the others work in defiance of it.
But, difficult though it be to acquire fame, it is an easy thing to keep when once acquired. Here, again, fame is in direct opposition to honor, with which everyone is presumably to be accredited382. Honor has not to be won; it must only not be lost. But there lies the difficulty! For by a single unworthy action, it is gone irretrievably. But fame, in the proper sense of the word, can never disappear; for the action or work by which it was acquired can never be undone; and fame attaches to its author, even though he does nothing to deserve it anew. The fame which vanishes, or is outlived, proves itself thereby to be spurious, in other words, unmerited, and due to a momentary383 overestimate384 of a man’s work; not to speak of the kind of fame which Hegel enjoyed, and which Lichtenberg describes as trumpeted385 forth by a clique386 of admiring undergraduates — the resounding387 echo of empty heads; — such a fame as will make posterity smile when it lights upon a grotesque388 architecture of words, a fine nest with the birds long ago flown; it will knock at the door of this decayed structure of conventionalities and find it utterly empty! — not even a trace of thought there to invite the passer-by.
The truth is that fame means nothing but what a man is in comparison with others. It is essentially relative in character, and therefore only indirectly valuable; for it vanishes the moment other people become what the famous man is. Absolute value can be predicated only of what a man possesses under any and all circumstances — here, what a man is directly and in himself. It is the possession of a great heart or a great head, and not the mere fame of it, which is worth having, and conducive389 to happiness. Not fame, but that which deserves to be famous, is what a man should hold in esteem. This is, as it were, the true underlying substance, and fame is only an accident, affecting its subject chiefly as a kind of external symptom, which serves to confirm his own opinion of himself. Light is not visible unless it meets with something to reflect it; and talent is sure of itself only when its fame is noised abroad. But fame is not a certain symptom of merit; because you can have the one without the other; or, as Lessing nicely puts it, Some people obtain fame, and others deserve it.
It would be a miserable existence which should make its value or want of value depend upon what other people think; but such would be the life of a hero or a genius if its worth consisted in fame, that is, in the applause of the world. Every man lives and exists on his own account, and, therefore, mainly in and for himself; and what he is and the whole manner of his being concern himself more than anyone else; so if he is not worth much in this respect, he cannot be worth much otherwise. The idea which other people form of his existence is something secondary, derivative, exposed to all the chances of fate, and in the end affecting him but very indirectly. Besides, other people’s heads are a wretched place to be the home of a man’s true happiness — a fanciful happiness perhaps, but not a real one.
And what a mixed company inhabits the Temple of Universal Fame! — generals, ministers, charlatans390, jugglers, dancers, singers, millionaires and Jews! It is a temple in which more sincere recognition, more genuine esteem, is given to the several excellencies of such folk, than to superiority of mind, even of a high order, which obtains from the great majority only a verbal acknowledgment.
From the point of view of human happiness, fame is, surely, nothing but a very rare and delicate morsel391 for the appetite that feeds on pride and vanity — an appetite which, however carefully concealed392, exists to an immoderate degree in every man, and is, perhaps strongest of all in those who set their hearts on becoming famous at any cost. Such people generally have to wait some time in uncertainty as to their own value, before the opportunity comes which will put it to the proof and let other people see what they are made of; but until then, they feel as if they were suffering secret injustice393.59
59 Our greatest pleasure consists in being admired; but those who admire us, even if they have every reason to do so, are slow to express their sentiments. Hence he is the happiest man who, no matter how, manages sincerely to admire himself — so long as other people leave him alone.]
But, as I explained at the beginning of this chapter, an unreasonable394 value is set upon other people’s opinion, and one quite disproportionate to its real worth. Hobbes has some strong remarks on this subject; and no doubt he is quite right. Mental pleasure, he writes, and ecstacy of any kind, arise when, on comparing ourselves with others, we come to the conclusion that we may think well of ourselves. So we can easily understand the great value which is always attached to fame, as worth any sacrifices if there is the slightest hope of attaining395 it.
Fame is the spur that the clear spirit doth raise
(That hath infirmity of noble mind)
To scorn delights and live laborious396 days60
And again:
How hard it is to climb
The heights where Fame’s proud temple shines afar!
60 Milton. Lycidas.]
We can thus understand how it is that the vainest people in the world are always talking about la gloire, with the most implicit397 faith in it as a stimulus to great actions and great works. But there can he no doubt that fame is something secondary in its character, a mere echo or reflection — as it were, a shadow or symptom — of merit: and, in any case, what excites admiration398 must be of more value than the admiration itself. The truth is that a man is made happy, not by fame, but by that which brings him fame, by his merits, or to speak more correctly, by the disposition399 and capacity from which his merits proceed, whether they be moral or intellectual. The best side of a man’s nature must of necessity be more important for him than for anyone else: the reflection of it, the opinion which exists in the heads of others, is a matter that can affect him only in a very subordinate degree. He who deserves fame without getting it possesses by far the more important element of happiness, which should console him for the loss of the other. It is not that a man is thought to be great by masses of incompetent and often infatuated people, but that he really is great, which should move us to envy his position; and his happiness lies, not in the fact that posterity will hear of him, but that he is the creator of thoughts worthy79 to be treasured up and studied for hundreds of years.
Besides, if a man has done this, he possesses something which cannot be wrested400 from him; and, unlike fame, it is a possession dependent entirely upon himself. If admiration were his chief aim, there would be nothing in him to admire. This is just what happens in the case of false, that is, unmerited, fame; for its recipient401 lives upon it without actually possessing the solid substratum of which fame is the outward and visible sign. False fame must often put its possessor out of conceit402 with himself; for the time may come when, in spite of the illusions borne of self-love, he will feel giddy on the heights which he was never meant to climb, or look upon himself as spurious coin; and in the anguish403 of threatened discovery and well-merited degradation404, he will read the sentence of posterity on the foreheads of the wise — like a man who owes his property to a forged will.
The truest fame, the fame that comes after death, is never heard of by its recipient; and yet he is called a happy man.
His happiness lay both in the possession of those great qualities which won him fame, and in the opportunity that was granted him of developing them — the leisure he had to act as he pleased, to dedicate himself to his favorite pursuits. It is only work done from the heart that ever gains the laurel.
Greatness of soul, or wealth of intellect, is what makes a man happy — intellect, such as, when stamped on its productions, will receive the admiration of centuries to come — thoughts which make him happy at the time, and will in their turn be a source of study and delight to the noblest minds of the most remote posterity. The value of posthumous fame lies in deserving it; and this is its own reward. Whether works destined405 to fame attain it in the lifetime of their author is a chance affair, of no very great importance. For the average man has no critical power of his own, and is absolutely incapable of appreciating the difficulty of a great work. People are always swayed by authority; and where fame is widespread, it means that ninety-nine out of a hundred take it on faith alone. If a man is famed far and wide in his own lifetime, he will, if he is wise, not set too much value upon it, because it is no more than the echo of a few voices, which the chance of a day has touched in his favor.
Would a musician feel flattered by the loud applause of an audience if he knew that they were nearly all deaf, and that, to conceal359 their infirmity, they set to work to clap vigorously as soon as ever they saw one or two persons applauding? And what would he say if he got to know that those one or two persons had often taken bribes406 to secure the loudest applause for the poorest player!
It is easy to see why contemporary praise so seldom develops into posthumous fame. D’Alembert, in an extremely fine description of the temple of literary fame, remarks that the sanctuary407 of the temple is inhabited by the great dead, who during their life had no place there, and by a very few living persons, who are nearly all ejected on their death. Let me remark, in passing, that to erect408 a monument to a man in his lifetime is as much as declaring that posterity is not to be trusted in its judgment of him. If a man does happen to see his own true fame, it can very rarely be before he is old, though there have been artists and musicians who have been exceptions to this rule, but very few philosophers. This is confirmed by the portraits of people celebrated by their works; for most of them are taken only after their subjects have attained409 celebrity410, generally depicting411 them as old and grey; more especially if philosophy has been the work of their lives. From the eudaemonistic standpoint, this is a very proper arrangement; as fame and youth are too much for a mortal at one and the same time. Life is such a poor business that the strictest economy must be exercised in its good things. Youth has enough and to spare in itself, and must rest content with what it has. But when the delights and joys of life fall away in old age, as the leaves from a tree in autumn, fame buds forth opportunely412, like a plant that is green in winter. Fame is, as it were, the fruit that must grow all the summer before it can be enjoyed at Yule. There is no greater consolation413 in age than the feeling of having put the whole force of one’s youth into works which still remain young.
Finally, let us examine a little more closely the kinds of fame which attach to various intellectual pursuits; for it is with fame of this sort that my remarks are more immediately concerned.
I think it may be said broadly that the intellectual superiority it denotes consists in forming theories, that is, new combinations of certain facts. These facts may be of very different kinds; but the better they are known, and the more they come within everyday experience, the greater and wider will be the fame which is to be won by theorizing about them.
For instance, if the facts in question are numbers or lines or special branches of science, such as physics, zoology414, botany, anatomy415, or corrupt416 passages in ancient authors, or undecipherable inscriptions417, written, it may be, in some unknown alphabet, or obscure points in history; the kind of fame that may be obtained by correctly manipulating such facts will not extend much beyond those who make a study of them — a small number of persons, most of whom live retired lives and are envious of others who become famous in their special branch of knowledge.
But if the facts be such as are known to everyone, for example, the fundamental characteristics of the human mind or the human heart, which are shared by all alike; or the great physical agencies which are constantly in operation before our eyes, or the general course of natural laws; the kind of fame which is to be won by spreading the light of a new and manifestly true theory in regard to them, is such as in time will extend almost all over the civilized world: for if the facts be such as everyone can grasp, the theory also will be generally intelligible. But the extent of the fame will depend upon the difficulties overcome; and the more generally known the facts are, the harder it will be to form a theory that shall be both new and true: because a great many heads will have been occupied with them, and there will be little or no possibility of saying anything that has not been said before.
On the other hand, facts which are not accessible to everybody, and can be got at only after much difficulty and labor, nearly always admit of new combinations and theories; so that, if sound understanding and judgment are brought to bear upon them — qualities which do not involve very high intellectual power — a man may easily be so fortunate as to light upon some new theory in regard to them which shall be also true. But fame won on such paths does not extend much beyond those who possess a knowledge of the facts in question. To solve problems of this sort requires, no doubt, a great ideal of study and labor, if only to get at the facts; whilst on the path where the greatest and most widespread fame is to be won, the facts may be grasped without any labor at all. But just in proportion as less labor is necessary, more talent or genius is required; and between such qualities and the drudgery418 of research no comparison is possible, in respect either of their intrinsic value, or of the estimation in which they are held.
And so people who feel that they possess solid intellectual capacity and a sound judgment, and yet cannot claim the highest mental powers, should not be afraid of laborious study; for by its aid they may work themselves above the great mob of humanity who have the facts constantly before their eyes, and reach those secluded419 spots which are accessible to learned toil28.
For this is a sphere where there are infinitely fewer rivals, and a man of only moderate capacity may soon find an opportunity of proclaiming a theory which shall be both new and true; nay, the merit of his discovery will partly rest upon the difficulty of coming at the facts. But applause from one’s fellow-students, who are the only persons with a knowledge of the subject, sounds very faint to the far-off multitude. And if we follow up this sort of fame far enough, we shall at last come to a point where facts very difficult to get at are in themselves sufficient to lay a foundation of fame, without any necessity for forming a theory; — travels, for instance, in remote and little-known countries, which make a man famous by what he has seen, not by what he has thought. The great advantage of this kind of fame is that to relate what one has seen, is much easier than to impart one’s thoughts, and people are apt to understand descriptions better than ideas, reading the one more readily than the other: for, as Asmus says,
When one goes forth a-voyaging
He has a tale to tell.
And yet for all that, a personal acquaintance with celebrated travelers often remind us of a line from Horace — new scenes do not always mean new ideas —
Caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare420 currunt.61
61 Epist. I. II.]
But if a man finds himself in possession of great mental faculties421, such as alone should venture on the solution of the hardest of all problems — those which concern nature as a whole and humanity in its widest range, he will do well to extend his view equally in all directions, without ever straying too far amid the intricacies of various by-paths, or invading regions little known; in other words, without occupying himself with special branches of knowledge, to say nothing of their petty details. There is no necessity for him to seek out subjects difficult of access, in order to escape a crowd of rivals; the common objects of life will give him material for new theories at once serious and true; and the service he renders will be appreciated by all those — and they form a great part of mankind — who know the facts of which he treats. What a vast distinction there is between students of physics, chemistry, anatomy, mineralogy, zoology, philology422, history, and the men who deal with the great facts of human life, the poet and the philosopher!
The End


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adj.古怪的,异常的;特殊的,特有的 | |
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adv.不可避免地;必然发生地 | |
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n.微薄的薪水,少量 | |
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n.价值低落,贬值,蔑视,贬低 | |
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n.独特性,特色;特殊的东西;怪癖 | |
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adv.特定地;特殊地;明确地 | |
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n.兽穴;秘密地方;安静的小房间,私室 | |
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adj.司法的,法庭的,审判的,明断的,公正的 | |
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v.安慰;使平静;使减轻;缓和;奉承 | |
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n.标准,票面价值,平均数量;adj.票面的,平常的,标准的 | |
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n.赞成,赞成的意见,赞成者 | |
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adj.立即的;直接的,最接近的;紧靠的 | |
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在中间,间接 | |
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adv.间接地,不直接了当地 | |
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n.不感兴趣,不关心,冷淡,不在乎 | |
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adj.无效的,无用的,无希望的 | |
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adj.刚愎的;坚持错误的,行为反常的 | |
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n.光辉,辉煌,壮丽,(卓越的)才华,才智 | |
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ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 | |
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n.(上帝的)祝福( blessing的名词复数 );好事;福分;因祸得福 | |
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n.气质,性格,性情 | |
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adj.悲惨的,痛苦的;可怜的,糟糕的 | |
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n.守财奴,吝啬鬼 (adj.miserly) | |
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n.安康,安乐,幸福 | |
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adj.单调的,无趣的 | |
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vt.达到,获得,完成 | |
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vi.辛劳工作,艰难地行动;n.苦工,难事 | |
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网 | |
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adv.不;n.反对票,投反对票者 | |
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adj.令人惋惜的,悔恨的 | |
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n.悲叹,悔恨,恸哭;v.哀悼,悔恨,悲叹 | |
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n.愚笨,愚蠢,蠢事,蠢行,傻话 | |
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adj.胆怯的,胆小的 | |
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v.跳入,(使)投入,(使)陷入;猛冲 | |
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n.匕首,短剑,剑号 | |
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adj.遗腹的;父亡后出生的;死后的,身后的 | |
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adv.确实地,无疑地 | |
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v.劝阻,阻止 | |
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adv.恰好,正好,精确地,细致地 | |
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v.发动机旋转,加快速度 | |
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n.派(衍)生物;adj.非独创性的,模仿他人的 | |
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n.疯狂;躁狂症,狂热,癖好 | |
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v.使受辱( mortify的过去式和过去分词 );伤害(人的感情);克制;抑制(肉体、情感等) | |
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adv.病态地 | |
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n.焦虑 | |
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v.位于...之下,成为...的基础 | |
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v.位于或存在于(某物)之下( underlie的第三人称单数 );构成…的基础(或起因),引起 | |
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n.要求;自命,自称;自负 | |
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adj.多样的,多变化的 | |
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n.贪婪;贪心 | |
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n.统治,管辖,支配权;领土,版图 | |
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n.流行病;盛行;adj.流行性的,流传极广的 | |
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n./adj.假冒(的),虚伪(的) | |
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v.使失望;使沮丧;使厌烦 | |
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给…加插图( illustrate的现在分词 ); 说明; 表明; (用示例、图画等)说明 | |
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n.性(淫)欲;渴(欲)望;vi.对…有强烈的欲望 | |
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adj.充满活力的;(植物)繁茂的 | |
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adj.详细的,详尽的,极注意细节的,完全的 | |
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n.学徒,徒弟 | |
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n.动机,目的;adv.发动的,运动的 | |
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n.动机,目的( motive的名词复数 ) | |
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n.报复,报仇,复仇 | |
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n.行为;风度 | |
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vt.宣判无罪;(oneself)使(自己)表现出 | |
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n.敏捷,轻快,乐意 | |
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adv.足够地,充分地 | |
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n.可怜的人,不幸的人;卑鄙的人 | |
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n.行动,进行,(pl.)会议录,学报 | |
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adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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n.不朽,来世;永恒,无穷 | |
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v.穿衣,装扮[同]array;n.衣着;盛装 | |
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adj.有名的,声誉卓著的 | |
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疑惧 | |
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adj.奋发的,使劲的;紧张的;热烈的,狂热的 | |
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n.憎恶,憎恨,仇恨 | |
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adj.天生的,固有的,天赋的 | |
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n.任性;刚愎自用 | |
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adj.(of)值得的,配得上的;有价值的 | |
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n.尴尬;使人为难的人(事物);障碍;窘迫 | |
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adj.隐退的,退休的,退役的 | |
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adj.永恒的,持久的,无止境的 | |
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v.拖,拉,拔出;adj.憔悴的,紧张的 | |
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adj.调皮的,恶作剧的,有害的,伤人的 | |
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a.最重要的,最高权力的 | |
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n.评价;欣赏;感谢;领会,理解;价格上涨 | |
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adj.坚持不懈的,执意的;持续的 | |
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adj.偶然的 | |
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n.敌人,仇敌 | |
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n.厚颜无耻;冒失;无礼 | |
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adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 | |
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adv.坦白地,直率地;坦率地说 | |
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adv.坦率地,直率而诚恳地 | |
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adv.纯粹地,完全地 | |
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vt.篡夺,霸占;vi.篡位 | |
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n.谦逊,虚心,端庄,稳重,羞怯,朴素 | |
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n.德行,美德;贞操;优点;功效,效力 | |
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adj.有利的;有帮助的 | |
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罪恶,时事讽刺剧; 愚蠢,蠢笨,愚蠢的行为、思想或做法( folly的名词复数 ) | |
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v.偿还,付还( reimburse的现在分词 ) | |
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n.偏见,偏执,持偏见的行为[态度]等 | |
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n.火药 | |
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n.假装,作假;借口,口实;虚伪;虚饰 | |
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n.市侩,庸人( philistine的名词复数 );庸夫俗子 | |
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n.(总称)机械,机器;机构 | |
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adv.严厉地,严格地;严密地 | |
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adj.纯粹的;仅仅,只不过 | |
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n.闹剧,笑剧,滑稽戏;胡闹 | |
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n.审判;判断力,识别力,看法,意见 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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v.刻;雕;题写;牢记 | |
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adj.卓越的,杰出的,著名的 | |
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v.批准,认可;n.批准,认可 | |
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a.主观(上)的,个人的 | |
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adj.适合;卫生的;有益健康的;显示身心健康的 | |
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adv.完全地,绝对地 | |
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adv.因此,从而 | |
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adv.第二,其次 | |
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adj.原始的;简单的;n.原(始)人,原始事物 | |
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n.玩忽职守;马虎;怠慢;不小心 | |
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n.达到,到达;[常pl.]成就,造诣 | |
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adj.(契约)延期,续订,更新,复活,重来 | |
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adv.无限地,无穷地 | |
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n.堡垒,保障,防御 | |
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adj.城市的,都市的,市民的,公民的 | |
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adj.无条件的,无限制的,绝对的 | |
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n.性交;交流,交往,交际 | |
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使…成为必要( entail的第三人称单数 ); 需要; 限定继承; 使必需 | |
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n./v.诽谤,污蔑 | |
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造谣中伤( slander的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.建筑物,房屋 | |
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(因违反协议、犯规、受罚等)丧失,失去( forfeit的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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防止,避免( avert的过去式和过去分词 ); 转移 | |
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n.反对,敌对 | |
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a.未做完的,未完成的 | |
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n.骑士气概,侠义;(男人)对女人彬彬有礼,献殷勤 | |
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v.击退,抵制,拒绝,排斥 | |
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n.众所周知,闻名;宣传,广告 | |
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adj.显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的 | |
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n.敬畏,尊敬,尊严;Reverence:对某些基督教神职人员的尊称;v.尊敬,敬畏,崇敬 | |
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adj.(出于)本能的;直觉的;(出于)天性的 | |
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n.尊敬,尊重;vt.尊重,敬重;把…看作 | |
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adv.仅仅,唯一地 | |
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adj.有影响的,有权势的 | |
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vt.把…撕开,割裂;把…揪下来,强行夺取 | |
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adj.卑屈的,阿谀的 | |
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v.履行(诺言等)( fulfill的第三人称单数 );执行(命令等);达到(目的);使结束 | |
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v.击退( repel的现在分词 );使厌恶;排斥;推开 | |
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adj.刑罚的;刑法上的 | |
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adj.合格的,有资格的,胜任的,有限制的 | |
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adj.需要的,必不可少的;n.必需品 | |
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adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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n.争论,争辩,论战;论点,主张 | |
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adj.实用的,功利的 | |
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n.(通信等兵种的)部队;(同类作的)一组 | |
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adj.相互的,彼此的;共同的,共有的 | |
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n.保证,许诺,事业 | |
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n.违反,不履行;破裂;vt.冲破,攻破 | |
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n.厄运,劫数;v.注定,命定 | |
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n.欺骗,欺诈;骗局,诡计 | |
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n.谨慎,精明,节俭 | |
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adj.奢侈的;过分的;(言行等)放肆的 | |
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v.退步,堕落;adj.退步的,堕落的;n.堕落者 | |
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adj.悲剧的,悲剧性的,悲惨的 | |
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vt.分配,分发;配(药),发(药);实施 | |
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adj.合法的,合理的,合乎逻辑的;v.使合法 | |
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n.挑战,挑衅,蔑视,违抗 | |
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n.让步,妥协;特许(权) | |
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倾向( inclination的名词复数 ); 倾斜; 爱好; 斜坡 | |
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adj.非常的的;流血的;残忍的;adv.很;vt.血染 | |
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v.取消,违反( contravene的第三人称单数 ) | |
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n.希望,前途(恒为复数) | |
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n.征服者,胜利者 | |
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v.容忍,宽恕,原谅( condone的第三人称单数 ) | |
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adj.污秽的;邪恶的;v.弄脏;妨害;犯规;n.犯规 | |
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n.缓和( modification的名词复数 );限制;更改;改变 | |
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adj.土产的,土生土长的,本地的 | |
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adj.基督教徒的;n.基督教徒 | |
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adj. 骑士般的 adv. 骑士般地 | |
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n.骑士,武士;爵士 | |
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n.剩余物,残留物;遗体,遗迹 | |
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adj.贬值的,蔑视的 | |
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adj.过多的,过剩的,多余的 | |
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vt.收回;使退出;vi.撤退,退出 | |
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[医]矫正的,调整的 | |
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v.敲诈( extort的现在分词 );曲解 | |
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n.扭,拧,猛夺;v.夺取,猛扭,歪曲 | |
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n.流氓;不诚实的人 | |
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n.借方,债务人 | |
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adj.可鄙的,可轻视的,卑劣的 | |
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n.长沙发;(波斯或其他东方诗人的)诗集 | |
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n.监察员,监狱长,看守人,监护人 | |
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adj.有确实根据的;有效的;正当的,合法的 | |
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n.犯罪;内疚;过失,罪责 | |
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n.无罪;天真;无害 | |
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adj.无能力的,不能做某事的 | |
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n.伪证;伪证罪 | |
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n./v.决斗;(双方的)斗争 | |
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n.迷信,迷信行为 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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n.术语;专有名词 | |
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adj.卖弄学问的;迂腐的 | |
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n.调查( inquiry的名词复数 );疑问;探究;打听 | |
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n.易变,靠不住,不确知,不确定的事物 | |
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n.顶点;高潮;v.(使)达到顶点 | |
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v.推销,招徕;兜售;吹捧,劝诱 | |
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v.在重量上超过( outweigh的第三人称单数 );在重要性或价值方面超过 | |
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v.宣告…无效,取消,废止 | |
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adj.不光彩的,卑鄙的;可耻的 | |
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n.竞争,竞赛,对抗 | |
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adj.全能的,万能的;很大的,很强的 | |
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n.傲慢;无礼;厚颜;傲慢的态度 | |
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adj.不利的;有害的;敌对的,不友好的 | |
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v.集合,收集,鼓起,激起;n.集合,检阅,集合人员,点名册 | |
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n.争论,辩论,争吵 | |
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n.野蛮的行为,残忍,野蛮 | |
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adj.无能力的,不能胜任的 | |
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n.反语,冷嘲;具有讽刺意味的事,嘲弄 | |
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adj.审慎的,小心翼翼的,完全的,纯粹的 | |
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n.推测,可能性,冒昧,放肆,[法律]推定 | |
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adj.未付款的,无报酬的 | |
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n.赌博;投机 | |
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n.基督教徒( Christian的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.野蛮的;凶恶的,残暴的;n.未开化的人 | |
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vt.加强;变强;加剧 | |
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a.有教养的,文雅的 | |
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adj.忠诚的,忠实的,热心的,献身于...的 | |
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n.屠杀,屠宰;vt.屠杀,宰杀 | |
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adj. 被责难的, 被宣告有罪的 动词condemn的过去式和过去分词 | |
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adj.盛行的;占优势的;主要的 | |
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n. 决斗, 抗争(=duelling) 动词duel的现在分词形式 | |
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adj.陈旧的,过时的 | |
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n. 板条箱, 篓子, 旧汽车 vt. 装进纸条箱 | |
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adv.严格地;严厉地;非常恶劣地 | |
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n.大胆,卤莽,无礼 | |
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n.激怒,刺激,挑拨,挑衅的事物,激怒的原因 | |
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增强( swell的过去式和过去分词 ); 肿胀; (使)凸出; 充满(激情) | |
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n.(尤指石块上的)刻印文字,铭文,碑文 | |
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adj.漫长的,冗长的 | |
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v.为...复仇,为...报仇 | |
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adj.可厌的,令人憎恶的 | |
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n.大灾难,大祸 | |
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v.回响 | |
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n.解毒药,解毒剂 | |
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n.样本,标本 | |
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adj.有教训意味的,教训性的,有益的v.开导,启发( edify的现在分词 ) | |
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adv.简单地,简短地 | |
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n.妒忌,嫉妒,猜忌 | |
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n.苦难经历,(尤指对品格、耐力的)严峻考验 | |
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篡夺,霸占( usurp的过去式和过去分词 ); 盗用; 篡夺,篡权 | |
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n.(果实的)核,仁;(问题)的中心,核心 | |
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adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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adj.(for,of)不足的,不够的 | |
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adj.傲慢的,自大的 | |
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v./n.责备;非难;责难 | |
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v.放逐,驱逐( banish的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.贫穷的,贫困的,生活艰苦的 | |
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n.支持者,拥护者( adherent的名词复数 );党羽;徒子徒孙 | |
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n.谦逊,谦恭 | |
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adj.封建的,封地的,领地的 | |
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n.两男子的决斗( duel的名词复数 );竞争,斗争 | |
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n.严峻的考验,苦难的经历( ordeal的名词复数 ) | |
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n.傲慢,自大 | |
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adj.无畏的,刚毅的 | |
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adj.严格的,死板的;刚硬的,僵硬的 | |
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adj.一心一意的;献身的;热诚的 | |
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n.尊敬,敬意,崇敬 | |
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n.野性 | |
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n.令人谈之变色之物;妖怪,幽灵 | |
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adj.轻薄的;轻率的 | |
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adj.微不足道的;没什么价值的 | |
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n.拒绝,排除,排斥,远足,远途旅行 | |
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n.论文,演说;谈话;话语;vi.讲述,著述 | |
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n.避难所,庇护所,避难 | |
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n.热心,热情,热忱 | |
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adj.明眼的,惹人注目的;炫耀的,摆阔气的 | |
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n.借口,托词 | |
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n.借口,托辞( pretext的名词复数 ) | |
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v.吼叫,怒骂,纠缠,混乱;n.混乱,缠结,咆哮 | |
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n.(动物的)龇牙低吼( snarl的名词复数 );愤怒叫嚷(声);咆哮(声);疼痛叫声v.(指狗)吠,嗥叫, (人)咆哮( snarl的第三人称单数 );咆哮着说,厉声地说 | |
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n.(未满一岁的)幼鹿( fawn的名词复数 );浅黄褐色;乞怜者;奉承者v.(尤指狗等)跳过来往人身上蹭以示亲热( fawn的第三人称单数 );巴结;讨好 | |
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n.敌对,敌意;抵制[pl.]交战,战争 | |
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v.使怨恨,激怒( embitter的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.(声音)响亮的,尖锐的adj.(气味)刺激的adj.(思想)敏锐的,有洞察力的 | |
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n.(工具的)柄,杆状物 | |
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n.宗派,教派( sect的名词复数 ) | |
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n.沉着,镇定 | |
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n.酬劳;报复 | |
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n.胆小,怯懦 | |
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v.大声讲或读( dictate的过去式和过去分词 );口授;支配;摆布 | |
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n.控告,指责,谴责 | |
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n.用言语表达,话语,言语 | |
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n.怨愤,忿恨 | |
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n.优秀,杰出,(pl.)优点,美德 | |
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adj.似真实的,似乎有理的,似乎可信的 | |
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n.损害,伤害,危害;恶作剧,捣蛋,胡闹 | |
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n.推崇备至,赞扬 | |
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n.沟,槽;凹线,(刻出的)线条,习惯 | |
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n.笑柄;烟蒂;枪托;臀部;v.用头撞或顶 | |
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adj.可理解的,明白易懂的,清楚的 | |
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adj.有害的;恶性的;恶意的;v.诽谤,诬蔑 | |
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n.立法机构,立法权;adj.立法的,有立法权的 | |
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n.演戏,行为,假装;adj.代理的,临时的,演出用的 | |
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n.废除,取消 | |
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adj.残忍的,不人道的,无人性的 | |
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n.演出,担任…角色;制订,通过 | |
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v.颠簸( plunge的过去式和过去分词 );暴跌;骤降;突降 | |
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n.争吵,冲突,倾轧,竞争 | |
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adj.迷信的 | |
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n.恼怒,生气,烦恼 | |
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潜在 | |
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v.扑灭,消灭,根绝 | |
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adj. 无赖的,恶棍的 adv. 无赖地,卑鄙地 | |
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adj.有恶意的,心怀恶意的 | |
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adj.热情的,热烈的,激昂的,易动情的,易怒的,性情暴躁的 | |
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n.荒谬,愚蠢;谬论 | |
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n.巨额利润;突然赚大钱,发大财 | |
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n.埋伏(地点);伏兵;v.埋伏;伏击 | |
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vt.证明…正当(或有理),为…辩护 | |
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n.正当的理由;辩解的理由 | |
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背信弃义地; 背叛地; 靠不住地; 危险地 | |
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a.正当的,有理的 | |
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vt.暗杀,行刺,中伤 | |
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adj.有理由的,无可非议的 | |
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证明…有理( justify的第三人称单数 ); 为…辩护; 对…作出解释; 为…辩解(或辩护) | |
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adj.敌手,对手 | |
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n.格言,箴言 | |
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v.反驳,驳回( rebut的过去式和过去分词 );击退 | |
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adj.罗嗦的;冗长的 | |
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n.古老;高龄;古物,古迹 | |
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adj.不吉利的,凶恶的,左边的 | |
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v.使疏远(尤指家庭成员之间)( estrange的现在分词 ) | |
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vt.弄歪,使翘曲,使不正常,歪曲,使有偏见 | |
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n.男高音(歌手),次中音(乐器),要旨,大意 | |
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adj.相似的;类似的 | |
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画着根的 | |
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n.绞刑架,绞台 | |
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n.关押,监禁,坐牢 | |
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n.进程,过程,议程;诉讼(程序);公报 | |
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ad.不够地;不够好地 | |
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adj.总计的,集合的;n.总数;v.合计;集合 | |
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a.可达到的,可获得的 | |
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n.损害,伤害(detriment的复数形式) | |
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adj.短暂的,飞逝的 | |
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n.后裔,子孙,后代 | |
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adj.不朽的;永生的,不死的;神的 | |
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adv.本质上,实质上,基本上 | |
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(通常经过努力)实现( attain的第三人称单数 ); 达到; 获得; 达到(某年龄、水平、状况) | |
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n.劳动,努力,工作,劳工;分娩;vi.劳动,努力,苦干;vt.详细分析;麻烦 | |
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n.光亮,光泽;荣誉 | |
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n.证词;见证,证明 | |
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a.有偏见的 | |
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adj.在下面的,含蓄的,潜在的 | |
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n.开端,开始,取得学位 | |
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n.过失,流逝,失效,抛弃信仰,间隔;vi.堕落,停止,失效,流逝;vt.使失效 | |
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adj.不可避免的,必然发生的 | |
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流氓( rascal的名词复数 ); 无赖; (开玩笑说法)淘气的人(尤指小孩); 恶作剧的人 | |
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adv.有敌意地 | |
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v.隐藏,隐瞒,隐蔽 | |
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v.隐藏,隐瞒,遮住( conceal的现在分词 ) | |
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adj.嫉妒的,羡慕的 | |
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n.阴谋,密谋,共谋 | |
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n.真菌,真菌类植物 | |
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adv.完全地,彻底地,十足地 | |
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adj.极好的;极为巨大的;寓言中的,传说中的 | |
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n.推动,促进,刺激;推动力 | |
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v.花费( expend的过去式和过去分词 );使用(钱等)做某事;用光;耗尽 | |
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n.动力,冲力,势头;动量 | |
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v.悲叹,痛惜,强烈反对( deplore的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.睡眠,沉睡状态 | |
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adj.无赖(似)的,不正的;刁诈 | |
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n.沼泽,湿地 | |
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adj.动人的,使人感伤的 | |
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n.申请人,求职者,请求者 | |
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n.侵入,蚕食 | |
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v.渴望,追求( aspire的第三人称单数 ) | |
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adj.哲学家的,哲学上的,达观的 | |
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n.刺激,刺激物,促进因素,引起兴奋的事物 | |
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n.遗产,遗赠;先人(或过去)留下的东西 | |
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v.避开,回避,避免( shun的第三人称单数 ) | |
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vt.避开,回避,避免 | |
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adj.可接受的;可信任的;公认的;质量合格的v.相信( accredit的过去式和过去分词 );委托;委任;把…归结于 | |
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adj.片刻的,瞬息的;短暂的 | |
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v.估计过高,过高评价 | |
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大声说出或宣告(trumpet的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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n.朋党派系,小集团 | |
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adj. 响亮的 | |
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adj.怪诞的,丑陋的;n.怪诞的图案,怪人(物) | |
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adj.有益的,有助的 | |
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n.冒充内行者,骗子( charlatan的名词复数 ) | |
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n.一口,一点点 | |
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a.隐藏的,隐蔽的 | |
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n.非正义,不公正,不公平,侵犯(别人的)权利 | |
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adj.不讲道理的,不合情理的,过度的 | |
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(通常经过努力)实现( attain的现在分词 ); 达到; 获得; 达到(某年龄、水平、状况) | |
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adj.吃力的,努力的,不流畅 | |
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a.暗示的,含蓄的,不明晰的,绝对的 | |
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n.钦佩,赞美,羡慕 | |
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n.性情,性格;意向,倾向;排列,部署 | |
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(用力)拧( wrest的过去式和过去分词 ); 费力取得; (从…)攫取; ( 从… ) 强行取去… | |
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a.接受的,感受性强的 n.接受者,感受者,容器 | |
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n.自负,自高自大 | |
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n.(尤指心灵上的)极度痛苦,烦恼 | |
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n.降级;低落;退化;陵削;降解;衰变 | |
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adj.命中注定的;(for)以…为目的地的 | |
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n.贿赂( bribe的名词复数 );向(某人)行贿,贿赂v.贿赂( bribe的第三人称单数 );向(某人)行贿,贿赂 | |
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n.圣所,圣堂,寺庙;禁猎区,保护区 | |
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n./v.树立,建立,使竖立;adj.直立的,垂直的 | |
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(通常经过努力)实现( attain的过去式和过去分词 ); 达到; 获得; 达到(某年龄、水平、状况) | |
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n.名人,名流;著名,名声,名望 | |
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描绘,描画( depict的现在分词 ); 描述 | |
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adv.恰好地,适时地 | |
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n.安慰,慰问 | |
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n.动物学,生态 | |
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n.解剖学,解剖;功能,结构,组织 | |
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v.贿赂,收买;adj.腐败的,贪污的 | |
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(作者)题词( inscription的名词复数 ); 献词; 碑文; 证劵持有人的登记 | |
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n.苦工,重活,单调乏味的工作 | |
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adj.与世隔绝的;隐退的;偏僻的v.使隔开,使隐退( seclude的过去式和过去分词) | |
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n.母马,母驴 | |
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n.能力( faculty的名词复数 );全体教职员;技巧;院 | |
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n.语言学;语文学 | |
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