History of the Period. Two great movements may be noted1 in the complex life of England during the fourteenth century. The first is political, and culminates2 in the reign3 of Edward III. It shows the growth of the English national spirit following the victories of Edward and the Black Prince on French soil, during the Hundred Years' War. In the rush of this great national movement, separating England from the political ties of France and, to a less degree, from ecclesiastical bondage5 to Rome, the mutual6 distrust and jealousy7 which had divided nobles and commons were momentarily swept aside by a wave of patriotic8 enthusiasm. The French language lost its official prestige, and English became the speech not only of the common people but of courts and Parliament as well.
The second movement is social; it falls largely within the reign of Edward's successor, Richard II, and marks the growing discontent with the contrast between luxury and poverty, between the idle wealthy classes and the overtaxed peasants. Sometimes this movement is quiet and strong, as when Wyclif arouses the conscience of England; again it has the portentous9 rumble10 of an approaching tempest, as when John Ball harangues11 a multitude of discontented peasants on Black Heath commons, using the famous text:
When Adam delved12 and Eve span
Who was then the gentleman?
and again it breaks out into the violent rebellion of Wat Tyler. All these things show the same Saxon spirit that had won its freedom in a thousand years' struggle against foreign enemies, and that now felt itself oppressed by a social and industrial tyranny in its own midst.
Aside from these two movements, the age was one of unusual stir and progress. Chivalry13, that medi?val institution of mixed good and evil, was in its Indian summer,--a sentiment rather than a practical system. Trade, and its resultant wealth and luxury, were increasing enormously. Following trade, as the Vikings had followed glory, the English began to be a conquering and colonizing14 people, like the Anglo-Saxons. The native shed something of his insularity15 and became a traveler, going first to view the places where trade had opened the way, and returning with wider interests and a larger horizon. Above all, the first dawn of the Renaissance16 is heralded17 in England, as in Spain and Italy, by the appearance of a national literature.
Five Writers of the Age. The literary movement of the age clearly reflects the stirring life of the times. There is Langland, voicing the social discontent, preaching the equality of men and the dignity of labor18; Wyclif, greatest of English religious reformers, giving the Gospel to the people in their own tongue, and the freedom of the Gospel in unnumbered tracts19 and addresses; Gower, the scholar and literary man, criticising this vigorous life and plainly afraid of its consequences; and Mandeville, the traveler, romancing about the wonders to be seen abroad. Above all there is Chaucer,--scholar, traveler, business man, courtier, sharing in all the stirring life of his times, and reflecting it in literature as no other but Shakespeare has ever done. Outside of England the greatest literary influence of the age was that of Dante, Petrarch, and Boccaccio, whose works, then at the summit of their influence in Italy, profoundly affected20 the literature of all Europe.
CHAUCER (1340?-1400)
'What man artow?' quod he;
'Thou lokest as thou woldest finde an hare,
For ever upon the ground I see thee stare.
Approch? neer, and loke up merily....
He semeth elvish by his contenaunce.'
(The Host's description of Chaucer,
Prologue21, Sir Thopas)
Illustration: GEOFFREY CHAUCER After the Rawlinson Pastel Portrait, Oxford22
GEOFFREY CHAUCER After the Rawlinson Pastel Portrait, Oxford
On reading Chaucer. The difficulties of reading Chaucer are more apparent than real, being due largely to obsolete23 spelling, and there is small necessity for using any modern versions of the poet's work, which seem to miss the quiet charm and dry humor of the original. If the reader will observe the following general rules (which of necessity ignore many differences in pronunciation of fourteenth-century English), he may, in an hour or two, learn to read Chaucer almost as easily as Shakespeare: (1) Get the lilt of the lines, and let the meter itself decide how final syllables24 are to be pronounced. Remember that Chaucer is among the most musical of poets, and that there is melody in nearly every line. If the verse seems rough, it is because we do not read it correctly. (2) Vowels26 in Chaucer have much the same value as in modern German; consonants28 are practically the same as in modern English. (3) Pronounce aloud any strange-looking words. Where the eye fails, the ear will often recognize the meaning. If eye and ear both fail, then consult the glossary29 found in every good edition of the poet's works. (4) Final e is usually sounded (like a in Virginia) except where the following word begins with a vowel27 or with h. In the latter case the final syllable25 of one word and the first of the word following are run together, as in reading Virgil. At the end of a line the e, if lightly pronounced, adds melody to the verse.[70]
In dealing31 with Chaucer's masterpiece, the reader is urged to read widely at first, for the simple pleasure of the stories, and to remember that poetry and romance are more interesting and important than Middle English. When we like and appreciate Chaucer--his poetry, his humor, his good stories, his kind heart---it will be time enough to study his language.
Life of Chaucer. For our convenience the life of Chaucer is divided into three periods. The first, of thirty years, includes his youth and early manhood, in which time he was influenced almost exclusively by French literary models. The second period, of fifteen years, covers Chaucer's active life as diplomat32 and man of affairs; and in this the Italian influence seems stronger than the French. The third, of fifteen years, generally known as the English period, is the time of Chaucer's richest development. He lives at home, observes life closely but kindly33, and while the French influence is still strong, as shown in the Canterbury Tales, he seems to grow more independent of foreign models and is dominated chiefly by the vigorous life of his own English people.
First periodChaucer's boyhood was spent in London, on Thames Street near the river, where the world's commerce was continually coming and going. There he saw daily the shipman of the Canterbury Tales just home in his good ship Maudelayne, with the fascination34 of unknown lands in his clothes and conversation. Of his education we know nothing, except that he was a great reader. His father was a wine merchant, purveyor35 to the royal household, and from this accidental relation between trade and royalty37 may have arisen the fact that at seventeen years Chaucer was made page to the Princess Elizabeth. This was the beginning of his connection with the brilliant court, which in the next forty years, under three kings, he was to know so intimately.
At nineteen he went with the king on one of the many expeditions of the Hundred Years' War, and here he saw chivalry and all the pageantry of medi?val war at the height of their outward splendor38. Taken prisoner at the unsuccessful siege of Rheims, he is said to have been ransomed39 by money out of the royal purse. Returning to England, he became after a few years squire40 of the royal household, the personal attendant and confidant of the king. It was during this first period that he married a maid of honor to the queen. This was probably Philippa Roet, sister to the wife of John of Gaunt, the famous Duke of Lancaster. From numerous whimsical references in his early poems, it has been thought that this marriage into a noble family was not a happy one; but this is purely41 a matter of supposition or of doubtful inference.
Second PeriodIn 1370 Chaucer was sent abroad on the first of those diplomatic missions that were to occupy the greater part of the next fifteen years. Two years later he made his first official visit to Italy, to arrange a commercial treaty with Genoa, and from this time is noticeable a rapid development in his literary powers and the prominence42 of Italian literary influences. During the intervals43 between his different missions he filled various offices at home, chief of which was Comptroller of Customs at the port of London. An enormous amount of personal labor was involved; but Chaucer seems to have found time to follow his spirit into the new fields of Italian literature:
For whan thy labour doon al is,
And hast y-maad thy rekeninges,
In stede of reste and newe thinges,
Thou gost hoom to thy hous anoon,
And, also domb as any stoon,
Thou sittest at another boke
Til fully44 daswed is thy loke,
And livest thus as an hermyte.[71]
Third PeriodIn 1386 Chaucer was elected member of Parliament from Kent, and the distinctly English period of his life and work begins. Though exceedingly busy in public affairs and as receiver of customs, his heart was still with his books, from which only nature could win him:
And as for me, though that my wit be lyte,
On bokes for to rede I me delyte,
And to hem45 yeve I feyth and ful credence46,
And in myn herte have hem in reverence47
So hertely, that ther is game noon
That fro my bokes maketh me to goon,
But hit be seldom, on the holyday;
Save, certeynly, whan that the month of May
Is comen, and that I here the foules singe48,
And that the floures ginnen for to springe--
Farwel my book and my devocioun![72]
In the fourteenth century politics seems to have been, for honest men, a very uncertain business. Chaucer naturally adhered to the party of John of Gaunt, and his fortunes rose or fell with those of his leader. From this time until his death he is up and down on the political ladder; to-day with money and good prospects49, to-morrow in poverty and neglect, writing his "Complaint to His Empty Purs," which he humorously calls his "saveour doun in this werlde here." This poem called the king's attention to the poet's need and increased his pension; but he had but few months to enjoy the effect of this unusual "Complaint." For he died the next year, 1400, and was buried with honor in Westminster Abbey. The last period of his life, though outwardly most troubled, was the most fruitful of all. His "Truth," or "Good Counsel," reveals the quiet, beautiful spirit of his life, unspoiled either by the greed of trade or the trickery of politics:
Flee fro the prees, and dwelle with sothfastnesse,
Suffyce unto thy good, though hit be smal;
For hord[73] hath hate, and climbing tikelnesse,
Prees[74] hath envye, and wele[75] blent[76] overal;
Savour no more than thee bihov? shal;
Werk[77] wel thyself, that other folk canst rede;
And trouthe shal delivere, hit is no drede.
Tempest[78] thee noght al croked to redresse,
In trust of hir[79] that turneth as a bal:
Gret reste stant in litel besinesse;
And eek be war to sporne[80] ageyn an al[81];
Stryve noght, as doth the crokke with the wal.
Daunte[82] thyself, that dauntest otheres dede;
And trouthe shal delivere, hit is no drede.
That thee is sent, receyve in buxumnesse,
The wrastling for this worlde axeth a fal.
Her nis non hoom, her nis but wildernesse:
Forth51, pilgrim, forth! Forth, beste, out of thy stall,
Know thy contree, look up, thank God of al;
Hold the hye wey, and lat thy gost thee lede:
And trouthe shal delivere, hit is no drede.
Works of Chaucer, First Period. The works of Chaucer are roughly divided into three classes, corresponding to the three periods of his life. It should be remembered, however, that it is impossible to fix exact dates for most of his works. Some of his Canterbury Tales were written earlier than the English period, and were only grouped with the others in his final arrangement.
The best known, though not the best, poem of the first period is the Romaunt of the Rose,[83] a translation from the French Roman de la Rose, the most popular poem of the Middle Ages,--a graceful52 but exceedingly tiresome53 allegory of the whole course of love. The Rose growing in its mystic garden is typical of the lady Beauty. Gathering54 the Rose represents the lover's attempt to win his lady's favor; and the different feelings aroused--Love, Hate, Envy, Jealousy, Idleness, Sweet Looks--are the allegorical persons of the poet's drama. Chaucer translated this universal favorite, putting in some original English touches; but of the present Romaunt only the first seventeen hundred lines are believed to be Chaucer's own work.
Perhaps the best poem of this period is the "Dethe of Blanche the Duchesse," better known, as the "Boke of the Duchesse," a poem of considerable dramatic and emotional power, written after the death of Blanche, wife of Chaucer's patron, John of Gaunt. Additional poems are the "Compleynte to Pite," a graceful love poem; the "A B C," a prayer to the Virgin30, translated from the French of a Cistercian monk55, its verses beginning with the successive letters of the alphabet; and a number of what Chaucer calls "ballads56, roundels, and virelays," with which, says his friend Gower, "the land was filled." The latter were imitations of the prevailing58 French love ditties.
Second Period. The chief work of the second or Italian period is Troilus and Criseyde, a poem of eight thousand lines. The original story was a favorite of many authors during the Middle Ages, and Shakespeare makes use of it in his Troilus and Cressida. The immediate59 source of Chaucer's poem is Boccaccio's Il Filostrato, "the love-smitten one"; but he uses his material very freely, to reflect the ideals of his own age and society, and so gives to the whole story a dramatic force and beauty which it had never known before.
The "Hous of Fame" is one of Chaucer's unfinished poems, having the rare combination of lofty thought and simple, homely60 language, showing the influence of the great Italian master. In the poem the author is carried away in a dream by a great eagle from the brittle61 temple of Venus, in a sandy wilderness50, up to the hall of fame. To this house come all rumors62 of earth, as the sparks fly upward. The house stands on a rock of ice
writen ful of names
Of folk that hadden grete fames.
Many of these have disappeared as the ice melted; but the older names are clear as when first written. For many of his ideas Chaucer is indebted to Dante, Ovid, and Virgil; but the unusual conception and the splendid workmanship are all his own.
The third great poem of the period is the Legende of Goode Wimmen. As he is resting in the fields among the daisies, he falls asleep and a gay procession draws near. First comes the love god, leading by the hand Alcestis, model of all wifely virtues63, whose emblem64 is the daisy; and behind them follow a troup of glorious women, all of whom have been faithful in love. They gather about the poet; the god upbraids65 him for having translated the Romance of the Rose, and for his early poems reflecting on the vanity and fickleness66 of women. Alcestis intercedes67 for him, and offers pardon if he will atone68 for his errors by writing a "glorious legend of good women." Chaucer promises, and as soon as he awakes sets himself to the task. Nine legends were written, of which "Thisbe" is perhaps the best. It is probable that Chaucer intended to make this his masterpiece, devoting many years to stories of famous women who were true to love; but either because he wearied of his theme, or because the plan of the Canterbury Tales was growing in his mind, he abandoned the task in the middle of his ninth legend,--fortunately, perhaps, for the reader will find the Prologue more interesting than any of the legends.
Third Period. Chaucer's masterpiece, the Canterbury Tales, one of the most famous works in all literature, fills the third or English period of his life. The plan of the work is magnificent: to represent the wide sweep of English life by gathering a motley company together and letting each class of society tell its own favorite stories. Though the great work was never finished, Chaucer succeeded in his purpose so well that in the Canterbury Tales he has given us a picture of contemporary English life, its work and play, its deeds and dreams, its fun and sympathy and hearty69 joy of living, such as no other single work of literature has ever equaled.
Illustration: TABARD INN
Plan of the Canterbury Tales. Opposite old London, at the southern end of London Bridge, once stood the Tabard Inn of Southwark, a quarter made famous not only by the Canterbury Tales, but also by the first playhouses where Shakespeare had his training. This Southwark was the point of departure of all travel to the south of England, especially of those medi?val pilgrimages to the shrine70 of Thomas a Becket in Canterbury. On a spring evening, at the inspiring time of the year when "longen folk to goon on pilgrimages," Chaucer alights at the Tabard Inn, and finds it occupied by a various company of people bent71 on a pilgrimage. Chance alone had brought them together; for it was the custom of pilgrims to wait at some friendly inn until a sufficient company were gathered to make the journey pleasant and safe from robbers that might be encountered on the way. Chaucer joins this company, which includes all classes of English society, from the Oxford scholar to the drunken miller72, and accepts gladly their invitation to go with them on the morrow.
At supper the jovial73 host of the Tabard Inn suggests that, to enliven the journey, each of the company shall tell four tales, two going and two coming, on whatever subject shall suit him best. The host will travel with them as master of ceremonies, and whoever tells the best story shall be given a fine supper at the general expense when they all come back again,--a shrewd bit of business and a fine idea, as the pilgrims all agree.
When they draw lots for the first story the chance falls to the Knight74, who tells one of the best of the Canterbury Tales, the chivalric75 story of "Palamon and Arcite." Then the tales follow rapidly, each with its prologue and epilogue, telling how the story came about, and its effects on the merry company. Interruptions are numerous; the narrative76 is full of life and movement, as when the miller gets drunk and insists on telling his tale out of season, or when they stop at a friendly inn for the night, or when the poet with sly humor starts his story of "Sir Thopas," in dreary77 imitation of the metrical romances of the day, and is roared at by the host for his "drasty ryming." With Chaucer we laugh at his own expense, and are ready for the next tale.
From the number of persons in the company, thirty-two in all, it is evident that Chaucer meditated78 an immense work of one hundred and twenty-eight tales, which should cover the whole life of England. Only twenty-four were written; some of these are incomplete, and others are taken from his earlier work to fill out the general plan of the Canterbury Tales. Incomplete as they are, they cover a wide range, including stories of love and chivalry, of saints and legends, travels, adventures, animal fables79, allegory, satires80, and the coarse humor of the common people. Though all but two are written in verse and abound81 in exquisite82 poetical83 touches, they are stories as well as poems, and Chaucer is to be regarded as our first short-story teller85 as well as our first modern poet. The work ends with a kindly farewell from the poet to his reader, and so "here taketh the makere of this book his leve."
Prologue to the Canterbury Tales. In the famous "Prologue" the poet makes us acquainted with the various characters of his drama. Until Chaucer's day popular literature had been busy chiefly with the gods and heroes of a golden age; it had been essentially86 romantic, and so had never attempted to study men and women as they are, or to describe them so that the reader recognizes them, not as ideal heroes, but as his own neighbors. Chaucer not only attempted this new realistic task, but accomplished88 it so well that his characters were instantly recognized as true to life, and they have since become the permanent possession of our literature. Beowulf and Roland are ideal heroes, essentially creatures of the imagination; but the merry host of the Tabard Inn, Madame Eglantyne, the fat monk, the parish priest, the kindly plowman, the poor scholar with his "book?s black and red,"--all seem more like personal acquaintances than characters in a book. Says Dryden: "I see all the pilgrims, their humours, their features and their very dress, as distinctly as if I had supped with them at the Tabard in Southwark." Chaucer is the first English writer to bring the atmosphere of romantic interest about the men and women and the daily work of one's own world,--which is the aim of nearly all modern literature.
The historian of our literature is tempted87 to linger over this "Prologue" and to quote from it passage after passage to show how keenly and yet kindly our first modern poet observed his fellow-men. The characters, too, attract one like a good play: the "verray parfit gentil knight" and his manly89 son, the modest prioress, model of sweet piety90 and society manners, the sporting monk and the fat friar, the discreet91 man of law, the well-fed country squire, the sailor just home from sea, the canny92 doctor, the lovable parish priest who taught true religion to his flock, but "first he folwed it himselve"; the coarse but good-hearted Wyf of Bath, the thieving miller leading the pilgrims to the music of his bagpipe,--all these and many others from every walk of English life, and all described with a quiet, kindly humor which seeks instinctively93 the best in human nature, and which has an ample garment of charity to cover even its faults and failings. "Here," indeed, as Dryden says, "is God's plenty." Probably no keener or kinder critic ever described his fellows; and in this immortal94 "Prologue" Chaucer is a model for all those who would put our human life into writing. The student should read it entire, as an introduction not only to the poet but to all our modern literature.
The Knight's Tale. As a story, "Palamon and Arcite" is, in many respects, the best of the Canterbury Tales, reflecting as it does the ideals of the time in regard to romantic love and knightly95 duty. Though its dialogues and descriptions are somewhat too long and interrupt the story, yet it shows Chaucer at his best in his dramatic power, his exquisite appreciation96 of nature, and his tender yet profound philosophy of living, which could overlook much of human frailty97 in the thought that
Infinite been the sorwes and the teres
Of old? folk, and folk of tendre yeres.
The idea of the story was borrowed from Boccaccio; but parts of the original tale were much older and belonged to the common literary stock of the Middle Ages. Like Shakespeare, Chaucer took the material for his poems wherever he found it, and his originality98 consists in giving to an old story some present human interest, making it express the life and ideals of his own age. In this respect the "Knight's Tale" is remarkable99. Its names are those of an ancient civilization, but its characters are men and women of the English nobility as Chaucer knew them. In consequence the story has many anachronisms, such as the medi?val tournament before the temple of Mars; but the reader scarcely notices these things, being absorbed in the dramatic interest of the narrative.
Briefly100, the "Knight's Tale" is the story of two young men, fast friends, who are found wounded on the battlefield and taken prisoners to Athens. There from their dungeon101 window they behold102 the fair maid Emily; both fall desperately103 in love with her, and their friendship turns to strenuous104 rivalry105. One is pardoned; the other escapes; and then knights106, empires, nature,--the whole universe follows their desperate efforts to win one small maiden107, who prays meanwhile to be delivered from both her bothersome suitors. As the best of the Canterbury Tales are now easily accessible, we omit here all quotations108. The story must be read entire, with the Prioress' tale of Hugh of Lincoln, the Clerk's tale of Patient Griselda, and the Nun's Priest's merry tale of Chanticleer and the Fox, if the reader would appreciate the variety and charm of our first modern poet and story-teller.
Form of Chaucer's Poetry. There are three principal meters to be found in Chaucer's verse. In the Canterbury Tales he uses lines of ten syllables and five accents each, and the lines run in couplets:
His eyen twinkled in his heed109 aright
As doon the sterres in the frosty night.
The same musical measure, arranged in seven-line stanzas111, but with a different rime112, called the Rime Royal, is found in its most perfect form in Troilus.
O blisful light, of whiche the bemes clere
Adorneth al the thridde hevene faire!
O sonnes leef, O Joves doughter dere,
Plesaunce of love, O goodly debonaire,
In gentil hertes ay redy to repaire!
O verray cause of hele and of gladnesse,
Y-heried be thy might and thy goodnesse!
In hevene and helle, in erthe and salte see
Is felt thy might, if that I wel descerne;
As man, brid, best, fish, herbe and grene tree
Thee fele in tymes with vapour eterne.
God loveth, and to love wol nought113 werne;
And in this world no lyves creature,
With-outen love, is worth, or may endure.[84]
The third meter is the eight-syllable line with four accents, the lines riming in couplets, as in the "Boke of the Duchesse":
Thereto she coude so wel pleye,
Whan that hir liste, that I dar seye
That she was lyk to torche bright,
That every man may take-of light
Ynough, and hit hath never the lesse.
Besides these principal meters, Chaucer in his short poems used many other poetical forms modeled after the French, who in the fourteenth century were cunning workers in every form of verse. Chief among these are the difficult but exquisite rondel, "Now welcom Somer with thy sonne softe," which closes the "Parliament of Fowls," and the ballad57, "Flee fro the prees," which has been already quoted. In the "Monk's Tale" there is a melodious114 measure which may have furnished the model for Spenser's famous stanza110.[85] Chaucer's poetry is extremely musical and must be judged by the ear rather than by the eye. To the modern reader the lines appear broken and uneven115; but if one reads them over a few times, he soon catches the perfect swing of the measure, and finds that he is in the hands of a master whose ear is delicately sensitive to the smallest accent. There is a lilt in all his lines which is marvelous when we consider that he is the first to show us the poetic84 possibilities of the language. His claim upon our gratitude116 is twofold:[86] first, for discovering the music that is in our English speech; and second, for his influence in fixing the Midland dialect as the literary language of England.
WILLIAM LANGLAND (1332? ....?)
Life. Very little is known of Langland. He was born probably near Malvern, in Worcestershire, the son of a poor freeman, and in his early life lived in the fields as a shepherd. Later he went to London with his wife and children, getting a hungry living as clerk in the church. His real life meanwhile was that of a seer, a prophet after Isaiah's own heart, if we may judge by the prophecy which soon found a voice in Piers118 Plowman. In 1399, after the success of his great work, he was possibly writing another poem called Richard the Redeless, a protest against Richard II; but we are not certain of the authorship of this poem, which was left unfinished by the assassination119 of the king. After 1399 Langland disappears utterly120, and the date of his death is unknown.
Piers Plowman. "The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord," might well be written at the beginning of this remarkable poem. Truth, sincerity121, a direct and practical appeal to conscience, and a vision of right triumphant122 over wrong,--these are the elements of all prophecy; and it was undoubtedly123 these elements in Piers Plowman that produced such an impression on the people of England. For centuries literature had been busy in pleasing the upper classes chiefly; but here at last was a great poem which appealed directly to the common people, and its success was enormous. The whole poem is traditionally attributed to Langland; but it is now known to be the work of several different writers. It first appeared in 1362 as a poem of eighteen hundred lines, and this may have been Langland's work. In the next thirty years, during the desperate social conditions which led to Tyler's Rebellion, it was repeatedly revised and enlarged by different hands till it reached its final form of about fifteen thousand lines.
The poem as we read it now is in two distinct parts, the first containing the vision of Piers, the second a series of visions called "The Search for Dowel, Dobet, Dobest" (do well, better, best). The entire poem is in strongly accented, alliterative lines, something like Beowulf, and its immense popularity shows that the common people still cherished this easily memorized form of Saxon poetry. Its tremendous appeal to justice and common honesty, its clarion124 call to every man, whether king, priest, noble, or laborer125, to do his Christian126 duty, takes from it any trace of prejudice or bigotry127 with which such works usually abound. Its loyalty128 to the Church, while denouncing abuses that had crept into it in that period, was one of the great influences which led to the Reformation in England. Its two great principles, the equality of men before God and the dignity of honest labor, roused a whole nation of freemen. Altogether it is one of the world's great works, partly because of its national influence, partly because it is the very best picture we possess of the social life of the fourteenth century:
Briefly, Piers Plowman is an allegory of life. In the first vision, that of the "Field Full of Folk," the poet lies down on the Malvern Hills on a May morning, and a vision comes to him in sleep. On the plain beneath him gather a multitude of folk, a vast crowd expressing the varied129 life of the world. All classes and conditions are there; workingmen are toiling131 that others may seize all the first fruits of their labor and live high on the proceeds; and the genius of the throng132 is Lady Bribery133, a powerfully drawn134 figure, expressing the corrupt135 social life of the times.
The next visions are those of the Seven Deadly Sins, allegorical figures, but powerful as those of Pilgrim's Progress, making the allegories of the Romaunt of the Rose seem like shadows in comparison. These all came to Piers asking the way to Truth; but Piers is plowing136 his half acre and refuses to leave his work and lead them. He sets them all to honest toil130 as the best possible remedy for their vices137, and preaches the gospel of work as a preparation for salvation138. Throughout the poem Piers bears strong resemblance to John Baptist preaching to the crowds in the wilderness. The later visions are proclamations of the moral and spiritual life of man. The poem grows dramatic in its intensity139, rising to its highest power in Piers's triumph over Death. And then the poet wakes from his vision with the sound of Easter bells ringing in his ears.
Here are a few lines to illustrate140 the style and language; but the whole poem must be read if one is to understand its crude strength and prophetic spirit:
In a somer sesun, whon softe was the sonne,
I schop[87] me into a shroud141, as I a scheep were,
In habite as an heremite, unholy of werkes,
Went wyde in this world, wondres to here.
Bote in a Mayes mornynge, on Malverne hulles,
Me byfel a ferly,[88] of fairie me thoughte.
I was wery, forwandred, and went me to reste
Undur a brod banke, bi a bourne[89] side;
And as I lay and lened, and loked on the watres,
I slumbred in a slepyng---hit swyed[90] so murie....
JOHN WYCLIF (1324?-1384)
Wyclif, as a man, is by far the most powerful English figure of the fourteenth century. The immense influence of his preaching in the native tongue, and the power of his Lollards to stir the souls of the common folk, are too well known historically to need repetition. Though a university man and a profound scholar, he sides with Langland, and his interests are with the people rather than with the privileged classes, for whom Chaucer writes. His great work, which earned him his title of "father of English prose," is the translation of the Bible. Wyclif himself translated the gospels, and much more of the New Testament142; the rest was finished by his followers143, especially by Nicholas of Hereford. These translations were made from the Latin Vulgate, not from the original Greek and Hebrew, and the whole work was revised in 1388 by John Purvey36, a disciple144 of Wyclif. It is impossible to overestimate145 the influence of this work, both on our English prose and on the lives of the English people.
Though Wyclif's works are now unread, except by occasional scholars, he still occupies a very high place in our literature. His translation of the Bible was slowly copied all over England, and so fixed146 a national standard of English prose to replace the various dialects. Portions of this translation, in the form of favorite passages from Scripture147, were copied by thousands, and for the first time in our history a standard of pure English was established in the homes of the common people.
Illustration: JOHN WYCLIF
As a suggestion of the language of that day, we quote a few familiar sentences from the Sermon on the Mount, as given in the later version of Wyclif's Gospel:
And he openyde his mouth, and taughte hem, and seide, Blessid ben pore men in spirit, for the kyngdom of hevenes is herne.[91] Blessid ben mylde men, for thei schulen welde[92] the erthe. Blessid ben thei that mornen, for thei schulen be coumfortid. Blessid ben thei that hungren and thristen rightwisnesse,[93] for thei schulen be fulfillid. Blessid ben merciful men, for thei schulen gete merci. Blessid ben thei that ben of clene herte, for thei schulen se God. Blessid ben pesible men, for thei schulen be clepid[94] Goddis children. Blessid ben thei that suffren persecusioun for rightfulnesse, for the kyngdom of hevenes is herne.[95] ...
Eftsoone ye han herd117, that it was seid to elde men, Thou schalt not forswere, but thou schalt yelde[96] thin othis to the Lord. But Y seie[97] to you, that ye swere not for ony thing;... but be youre worde, yhe, yhe; nay148, nay; and that that is more than these, is of yvel....
Ye han herd that it was seid, Thou schalt love thi neighbore, and hate thin enemye. But Y seie to you, love ye youre enemyes, do ye wel to hem[98] that hatiden[99] you, and preye ye for hem that pursuen[100] and sclaundren[101] you; that ye be the sones of youre Fadir that is in hevenes, that makith his sunne to rise upon goode and yvele men, and reyneth[102] on just men and unjuste.... Therefore be ye parfit, as youre hevenli Fadir is parfit.
Mandeville's TravelsAbout the year 1356 there appeared in England an extraordinary book called the Voyage and Travail149 of Sir John Maundeville, written in excellent style in the Midland dialect, which was then becoming the literary language of England. For years this interesting work and its unknown author were subjects of endless dispute; but it is now fairly certain that this collection of travelers' tales is simply a compilation150 from Odoric, Marco Polo, and various other sources. The original work was probably in French, which was speedily translated into Latin, then into English and other languages; and wherever it appeared it became extremely popular, its marvelous stories of foreign lands being exactly suited to the credulous151 spirit of the age.[103] At the present time there are said to be three hundred copied manuscripts of "Mandeville" in various languages,--more, probably, than of any other work save the gospels. In the prologue of the English version the author calls himself John Maundeville and gives an outline of his wide travels during thirty years; but the name is probably a "blind," the prologue more or less spurious, and the real compiler is still to be discovered.
The modern reader may spend an hour or two very pleasantly in this old wonderland. On its literary side the book is remarkable, though a translation, as being the first prose work in modern English having a distinctly literary style and flavor. Otherwise it is a most interesting commentary on the general culture and credulity of the fourteenth century.
Summary of the Age of Chaucer. The fourteenth century is remarkable historically for the decline of feudalism (organized by the Normans), for the growth of the English national spirit during the wars with France, for the prominence of the House of Commons, and for the growing power of the laboring152 classes, who had heretofore been in a condition hardly above that of slavery.
The age produced five writers of note, one of whom, Geoffrey Chaucer, is one of the greatest of English writers. His poetry is remarkable for its variety, its story interest, and its wonderful melody. Chaucer's work and Wyclif's translation of the Bible developed the Midland dialect into the national language of England.
In our study we have noted: (1) Chaucer, his life and work; his early or French period, in which he translated "The Romance of the Rose" and wrote many minor153 poems; his middle or Italian period, of which the chief poems are "Troilus and Cressida" and "The Legend of Good Women"; his late or English period, in which he worked at his masterpiece, the famous Canterbury Tales. (2) Langland, the poet and prophet of social reforms. His chief work is Piers Plowman. (3) Wyclif, the religious reformer, who first translated the gospels into English, and by his translation fixed a common standard of English speech. (4) Mandeville, the alleged154 traveler, who represents the new English interest in distant lands following the development of foreign trade. He is famous for Mandeville's Travels, a book which romances about the wonders to be seen abroad. The fifth writer of the age is Gower, who wrote in three languages, French, Latin, and English. His chief English work is the Confessio Amantis, a long poem containing one hundred and twelve tales. Of these only the "Knight Florent" and two or three others are interesting to a modern reader.
Selections for Reading. Chaucer's Prologue, the Knight's Tale, Nun's Priest's Tale, Prioress' Tale, Clerk's Tale. These are found, more or less complete, in Standard English Classics, King's Classics, Riverside Literature Series, etc. Skeat's school edition of the Prologue, Knight's Tale, etc., is especially good, and includes a study of fourteenth-century English. Miscellaneous poems of Chaucer in Manly's English Poetry or Ward4's English Poets. Piers Plowman, in King's Classics. Mandeville's Travels, modernized155, in English Classics, and in Cassell's National Library.
For the advanced student, and as a study of language, compare selections from Wyclif, Chaucer's prose work, Mandeville, etc., in Manly's English Prose, or Morris and Skeat's Specimens156 of Early English, or Craik's English Prose Selections. Selections from Wyclif's Bible in English Classics Series.
History. Text-book, Montgomery, pp. 115-149, or Cheyney, pp. 186-263. For fuller treatment, Green, ch. 5; Traill; Gardiner.
Special Works. Hutton's King and Baronage (Oxford Manuals); Jusserand's Wayfaring158 Life in the Fourteenth Century; Coulton's Chaucer and his England; Pauli's Pictures from Old England; Wright's History of Domestic Manners and Sentiments in England during the Middle Ages; Trevelyan's England in the Age of Wyclif; Jenks's In the Days of Chaucer; Froissart's Chronicle, in Everyman's Library; the same, new edition, 1895 (Macmillan); Lanier's Boys' Froissart (i.e. Froissart's Chronicle of Historical Events, 1325-1400); Newbolt's Stories from Froissart; Bulfinch's Age of Chivalry may be read in connection with this and the preceding periods.
Literature. General Works. Jusserand; Ten Brink159; Mitchell; Minto's Characteristics of English Poets; Courthope's History of English Poetry.
Chaucer, (1) Life: by Lounsbury, in Studies in Chaucer, vol. I; by Ward, in English Men of Letters Series; Pollard's Chaucer Primer. (2) Aids to study: F.J. Snell's The Age of Chaucer; Lounsbury's Studies in Chaucer (3 vols.); Root's The Poetry of Chaucer; Lowell's Essay, in My Study Windows; Hammond's Chaucer: a Biographical Manual; Hempl's Chaucer's Pronunciation; Introductions to school editions of Chaucer, by Skeat, Liddell, and Mather. (3) Texts and selections: The Oxford Chaucer, 6 vols., edited by Skeat, is the standard; Skeat's Student's Chaucer; The Globe Chaucer (Macmillan); Works of Chaucer, edited by Lounsbury (Crowell); Pollard's The Canterbury Tales, Eversley edition; Skeat's Selections from Chaucer (Clarendon Press); Chaucer's Prologue, and various tales, in Standard English Classics (Ginn and Company), and in other school series.
Minor Writers. Morris and Skeat's Specimens of Early English Prose. Jusserand's Piers Plowman; Skeat's Piers Plowman (text, glossary and notes); Warren's Piers Plowman in Modern Prose. Arnold's Wyclif's select English Works; Sergeant's Wyclif (Heroes of the Nation Series); Le Bas's Life of John Wyclif. Travels of Sir John Mandeville (modern spelling), in Library of English Classics; Macaulay's Gower's English Works.
Suggestive Questions. 1. What are the chief historical events of the fourteenth century? What social movement is noticeable? What writers reflect political and social conditions?
2. Tell briefly the story of Chaucer's life. What foreign influences are noticeable? Name a few poems illustrating160 his three periods of work. What qualities have you noticed in his poetry? Why is he called our first national poet?
3. Give the plan of the Canterbury Tales. For what is the Prologue remarkable? What light does it throw upon English life of the fourteenth century? Quote or read some passages that have impressed you. Which character do you like best? Are any of the characters like certain men and women whom you know? What classes of society are introduced? Is Chaucer's attitude sympathetic or merely critical?
4. Tell in your own words the tale you like best. Which tale seems truest to life as you know it? Mention any other poets who tell stories in verse.
5. Quote or read passages which show Chaucer's keenness of observation, his humor, his kindness in judgment161, his delight in nature. What side of human nature does he emphasize? Make a little comparison between Chaucer and Shakespeare, having in mind (1) the characters described by both poets, (2) their knowledge of human nature, (3) the sources of their plots, (4) the interest of their works.
6. Describe briefly Piers Plowman and its author. Why is the poem called "the gospel of the poor"? What message does it contain for daily labor? Does it apply to any modern conditions? Note any resemblance in ideas between Piers Plowman and such modern works as Carlyle's Past and Present, Kingsley's Alton Locke, Morris's Dream of John Ball, etc.
7. For what is Wyclif remarkable in literature? How did his work affect our language? Note resemblances and differences between Wyclif and the Puritans.
8. What is Mandeville's Travels? What light does it throw on the mental condition of the age? What essential difference do you note between this book and Gulliver's Travels?
1327. Edward III
1338. Beginning of Hundred Years'
War with France 1340(?). Birth of Chaucer
1347. Capture of Calais
1348-1349. Black Death 1356. Mandeville's Travels
1359. Chaucer in French War
Chaucer's early
or French period
1373. Winchester College, first
great public school 1370-1385. Chaucer's Middle or
Italian period
1377. Richard II. Wyclif and the
Lollards begin Reformation 1362-1395. Piers Plowman
in England
1381. Peasant Rebellion. Wat Tyler 1385-1400. Canterbury Tales
1382. First complete Bible in
1399. Deposition162 of Richard II. 1400. Death of Chaucer
Henry IV chosen by Parliament (Dante's Divina Commedia,
c. 1310; Petrarch's
sonnets163 and poems, 1325-1374;
Boccaccio's tales, c.
1 noted | |
adj.著名的,知名的 | |
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2 culminates | |
v.达到极点( culminate的第三人称单数 ) | |
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3 reign | |
n.统治时期,统治,支配,盛行;v.占优势 | |
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4 ward | |
n.守卫,监护,病房,行政区,由监护人或法院保护的人(尤指儿童);vt.守护,躲开 | |
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5 bondage | |
n.奴役,束缚 | |
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6 mutual | |
adj.相互的,彼此的;共同的,共有的 | |
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7 jealousy | |
n.妒忌,嫉妒,猜忌 | |
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8 patriotic | |
adj.爱国的,有爱国心的 | |
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9 portentous | |
adj.不祥的,可怕的,装腔作势的 | |
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10 rumble | |
n.隆隆声;吵嚷;v.隆隆响;低沉地说 | |
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11 harangues | |
n.高谈阔论的长篇演讲( harangue的名词复数 )v.高谈阔论( harangue的第三人称单数 ) | |
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12 delved | |
v.深入探究,钻研( delve的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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13 chivalry | |
n.骑士气概,侠义;(男人)对女人彬彬有礼,献殷勤 | |
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14 colonizing | |
v.开拓殖民地,移民于殖民地( colonize的现在分词 ) | |
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15 insularity | |
n.心胸狭窄;孤立;偏狭;岛国根性 | |
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16 renaissance | |
n.复活,复兴,文艺复兴 | |
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17 heralded | |
v.预示( herald的过去式和过去分词 );宣布(好或重要) | |
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18 labor | |
n.劳动,努力,工作,劳工;分娩;vi.劳动,努力,苦干;vt.详细分析;麻烦 | |
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19 tracts | |
大片土地( tract的名词复数 ); 地带; (体内的)道; (尤指宣扬宗教、伦理或政治的)短文 | |
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20 affected | |
adj.不自然的,假装的 | |
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21 prologue | |
n.开场白,序言;开端,序幕 | |
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22 Oxford | |
n.牛津(英国城市) | |
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23 obsolete | |
adj.已废弃的,过时的 | |
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24 syllables | |
n.音节( syllable的名词复数 ) | |
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25 syllable | |
n.音节;vt.分音节 | |
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26 vowels | |
n.元音,元音字母( vowel的名词复数 ) | |
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27 vowel | |
n.元音;元音字母 | |
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28 consonants | |
n.辅音,子音( consonant的名词复数 );辅音字母 | |
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29 glossary | |
n.注释词表;术语汇编 | |
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30 virgin | |
n.处女,未婚女子;adj.未经使用的;未经开发的 | |
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31 dealing | |
n.经商方法,待人态度 | |
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32 diplomat | |
n.外交官,外交家;能交际的人,圆滑的人 | |
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33 kindly | |
adj.和蔼的,温和的,爽快的;adv.温和地,亲切地 | |
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34 fascination | |
n.令人着迷的事物,魅力,迷恋 | |
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35 purveyor | |
n.承办商,伙食承办商 | |
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36 purvey | |
v.(大量)供给,供应 | |
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37 royalty | |
n.皇家,皇族 | |
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38 splendor | |
n.光彩;壮丽,华丽;显赫,辉煌 | |
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39 ransomed | |
付赎金救人,赎金( ransom的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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40 squire | |
n.护卫, 侍从, 乡绅 | |
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41 purely | |
adv.纯粹地,完全地 | |
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42 prominence | |
n.突出;显著;杰出;重要 | |
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43 intervals | |
n.[军事]间隔( interval的名词复数 );间隔时间;[数学]区间;(戏剧、电影或音乐会的)幕间休息 | |
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44 fully | |
adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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45 hem | |
n.贴边,镶边;vt.缝贴边;(in)包围,限制 | |
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46 credence | |
n.信用,祭器台,供桌,凭证 | |
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47 reverence | |
n.敬畏,尊敬,尊严;Reverence:对某些基督教神职人员的尊称;v.尊敬,敬畏,崇敬 | |
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48 singe | |
v.(轻微地)烧焦;烫焦;烤焦 | |
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49 prospects | |
n.希望,前途(恒为复数) | |
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50 wilderness | |
n.杳无人烟的一片陆地、水等,荒漠 | |
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51 forth | |
adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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52 graceful | |
adj.优美的,优雅的;得体的 | |
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53 tiresome | |
adj.令人疲劳的,令人厌倦的 | |
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54 gathering | |
n.集会,聚会,聚集 | |
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55 monk | |
n.和尚,僧侣,修道士 | |
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56 ballads | |
民歌,民谣,特别指叙述故事的歌( ballad的名词复数 ); 讴 | |
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57 ballad | |
n.歌谣,民谣,流行爱情歌曲 | |
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58 prevailing | |
adj.盛行的;占优势的;主要的 | |
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59 immediate | |
adj.立即的;直接的,最接近的;紧靠的 | |
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60 homely | |
adj.家常的,简朴的;不漂亮的 | |
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61 brittle | |
adj.易碎的;脆弱的;冷淡的;(声音)尖利的 | |
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62 rumors | |
n.传闻( rumor的名词复数 );[古]名誉;咕哝;[古]喧嚷v.传闻( rumor的第三人称单数 );[古]名誉;咕哝;[古]喧嚷 | |
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63 virtues | |
美德( virtue的名词复数 ); 德行; 优点; 长处 | |
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64 emblem | |
n.象征,标志;徽章 | |
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65 upbraids | |
v.责备,申斥,谴责( upbraid的第三人称单数 ) | |
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66 fickleness | |
n.易变;无常;浮躁;变化无常 | |
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67 intercedes | |
v.斡旋,调解( intercede的第三人称单数 );说情 | |
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68 atone | |
v.赎罪,补偿 | |
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69 hearty | |
adj.热情友好的;衷心的;尽情的,纵情的 | |
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70 shrine | |
n.圣地,神龛,庙;v.将...置于神龛内,把...奉为神圣 | |
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71 bent | |
n.爱好,癖好;adj.弯的;决心的,一心的 | |
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72 miller | |
n.磨坊主 | |
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73 jovial | |
adj.快乐的,好交际的 | |
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74 knight | |
n.骑士,武士;爵士 | |
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75 chivalric | |
有武士气概的,有武士风范的 | |
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76 narrative | |
n.叙述,故事;adj.叙事的,故事体的 | |
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77 dreary | |
adj.令人沮丧的,沉闷的,单调乏味的 | |
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78 meditated | |
深思,沉思,冥想( meditate的过去式和过去分词 ); 内心策划,考虑 | |
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79 fables | |
n.寓言( fable的名词复数 );神话,传说 | |
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80 satires | |
讽刺,讥讽( satire的名词复数 ); 讽刺作品 | |
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81 abound | |
vi.大量存在;(in,with)充满,富于 | |
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82 exquisite | |
adj.精美的;敏锐的;剧烈的,感觉强烈的 | |
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83 poetical | |
adj.似诗人的;诗一般的;韵文的;富有诗意的 | |
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84 poetic | |
adj.富有诗意的,有诗人气质的,善于抒情的 | |
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85 teller | |
n.银行出纳员;(选举)计票员 | |
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86 essentially | |
adv.本质上,实质上,基本上 | |
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87 tempted | |
v.怂恿(某人)干不正当的事;冒…的险(tempt的过去分词) | |
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88 accomplished | |
adj.有才艺的;有造诣的;达到了的 | |
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89 manly | |
adj.有男子气概的;adv.男子般地,果断地 | |
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90 piety | |
n.虔诚,虔敬 | |
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91 discreet | |
adj.(言行)谨慎的;慎重的;有判断力的 | |
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92 canny | |
adj.谨慎的,节俭的 | |
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93 instinctively | |
adv.本能地 | |
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94 immortal | |
adj.不朽的;永生的,不死的;神的 | |
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95 knightly | |
adj. 骑士般的 adv. 骑士般地 | |
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96 appreciation | |
n.评价;欣赏;感谢;领会,理解;价格上涨 | |
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97 frailty | |
n.脆弱;意志薄弱 | |
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98 originality | |
n.创造力,独创性;新颖 | |
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99 remarkable | |
adj.显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的 | |
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100 briefly | |
adv.简单地,简短地 | |
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101 dungeon | |
n.地牢,土牢 | |
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102 behold | |
v.看,注视,看到 | |
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103 desperately | |
adv.极度渴望地,绝望地,孤注一掷地 | |
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104 strenuous | |
adj.奋发的,使劲的;紧张的;热烈的,狂热的 | |
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105 rivalry | |
n.竞争,竞赛,对抗 | |
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106 knights | |
骑士; (中古时代的)武士( knight的名词复数 ); 骑士; 爵士; (国际象棋中)马 | |
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107 maiden | |
n.少女,处女;adj.未婚的,纯洁的,无经验的 | |
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108 quotations | |
n.引用( quotation的名词复数 );[商业]行情(报告);(货物或股票的)市价;时价 | |
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109 heed | |
v.注意,留意;n.注意,留心 | |
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110 stanza | |
n.(诗)节,段 | |
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111 stanzas | |
节,段( stanza的名词复数 ) | |
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112 rime | |
n.白霜;v.使蒙霜 | |
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113 nought | |
n./adj.无,零 | |
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114 melodious | |
adj.旋律美妙的,调子优美的,音乐性的 | |
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115 uneven | |
adj.不平坦的,不规则的,不均匀的 | |
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116 gratitude | |
adj.感激,感谢 | |
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117 herd | |
n.兽群,牧群;vt.使集中,把…赶在一起 | |
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118 piers | |
n.水上平台( pier的名词复数 );(常设有娱乐场所的)突堤;柱子;墙墩 | |
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119 assassination | |
n.暗杀;暗杀事件 | |
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120 utterly | |
adv.完全地,绝对地 | |
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121 sincerity | |
n.真诚,诚意;真实 | |
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122 triumphant | |
adj.胜利的,成功的;狂欢的,喜悦的 | |
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123 undoubtedly | |
adv.确实地,无疑地 | |
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124 clarion | |
n.尖音小号声;尖音小号 | |
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125 laborer | |
n.劳动者,劳工 | |
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126 Christian | |
adj.基督教徒的;n.基督教徒 | |
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127 bigotry | |
n.偏见,偏执,持偏见的行为[态度]等 | |
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128 loyalty | |
n.忠诚,忠心 | |
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129 varied | |
adj.多样的,多变化的 | |
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130 toil | |
vi.辛劳工作,艰难地行动;n.苦工,难事 | |
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131 toiling | |
长时间或辛苦地工作( toil的现在分词 ); 艰难缓慢地移动,跋涉 | |
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132 throng | |
n.人群,群众;v.拥挤,群集 | |
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133 bribery | |
n.贿络行为,行贿,受贿 | |
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134 drawn | |
v.拖,拉,拔出;adj.憔悴的,紧张的 | |
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135 corrupt | |
v.贿赂,收买;adj.腐败的,贪污的 | |
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136 plowing | |
v.耕( plow的现在分词 );犁耕;费力穿过 | |
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137 vices | |
缺陷( vice的名词复数 ); 恶习; 不道德行为; 台钳 | |
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138 salvation | |
n.(尤指基督)救世,超度,拯救,解困 | |
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139 intensity | |
n.强烈,剧烈;强度;烈度 | |
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140 illustrate | |
v.举例说明,阐明;图解,加插图 | |
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141 shroud | |
n.裹尸布,寿衣;罩,幕;vt.覆盖,隐藏 | |
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142 testament | |
n.遗嘱;证明 | |
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追随者( follower的名词复数 ); 用户; 契据的附面; 从动件 | |
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144 disciple | |
n.信徒,门徒,追随者 | |
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145 overestimate | |
v.估计过高,过高评价 | |
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146 fixed | |
adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 | |
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147 scripture | |
n.经文,圣书,手稿;Scripture:(常用复数)《圣经》,《圣经》中的一段 | |
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148 nay | |
adv.不;n.反对票,投反对票者 | |
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149 travail | |
n.阵痛;努力 | |
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150 compilation | |
n.编译,编辑 | |
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151 credulous | |
adj.轻信的,易信的 | |
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152 laboring | |
n.劳动,操劳v.努力争取(for)( labor的现在分词 );苦干;详细分析;(指引擎)缓慢而困难地运转 | |
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153 minor | |
adj.较小(少)的,较次要的;n.辅修学科;vi.辅修 | |
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154 alleged | |
a.被指控的,嫌疑的 | |
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155 modernized | |
使现代化,使适应现代需要( modernize的过去式和过去分词 ); 现代化,使用现代方法 | |
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156 specimens | |
n.样品( specimen的名词复数 );范例;(化验的)抽样;某种类型的人 | |
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157 bibliography | |
n.参考书目;(有关某一专题的)书目 | |
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158 wayfaring | |
adj.旅行的n.徒步旅行 | |
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159 brink | |
n.(悬崖、河流等的)边缘,边沿 | |
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160 illustrating | |
给…加插图( illustrate的现在分词 ); 说明; 表明; (用示例、图画等)说明 | |
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161 judgment | |
n.审判;判断力,识别力,看法,意见 | |
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162 deposition | |
n.免职,罢官;作证;沉淀;沉淀物 | |
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163 sonnets | |
n.十四行诗( sonnet的名词复数 ) | |
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