At the age of twenty-one Leroy had developed the idea that he ought to do something for mankind and for the world in which he lived. One day he sat in the shade of a large tree pondering over this matter, and he thought, “I can never do my part in making the world without an education.” And he thought that every man had a part; for he had come to see through his reading that most men who had accomplished1 things were educated. But as he turned these things over in his mind, he remembered that somewhere he had heard of young men working their way through college, and he said, as if speaking to the ants that were ascending2 and descending3 the trunk of the tree, “If others have done that, I can.”
After he had rested, he got up, went into the house and said, “Mother, I believe I will go to college.” But his mother said, “Why, my dear boy, you have no money, and your father could not help you, for he is not well and cannot support the family. You have been so very good to stay at home after you were of age to help us and give us the 253 money you have earned at spare times.” Leroy said, “Well, Mother, others have worked their way through, why can’t I?”
On January 22, 1908, Leroy arrived in a college town in the Middle West. After he had introduced himself to the treasurer4 of the College, he was questioned as to his means, and replied that he had but 58 cents left. When he was asked how he expected to go through college without money, he answered, “By work.” That was a satisfactory reply, so he was assigned to a room.
The weather was bad for some time, and work was scarce, but after a while things got better. One day a fellow student said to him, “I know where you can get work for your board and room by taking care of a cow.” He investigated and accepted the work, and held it until school was out in June. During vacation he worked on a farm and on a railroad section, and returned to school in September. Everything was all right until February eleventh, when he, along with a hundred other boys, was put in quarantine with smallpox5. For eleven days he was in the hospital. When he came out his arm was so sore he could not work, and his eyes were so weak he could not study. He had to go home.
The next fall, after cutting corn and picking apples until winter, he returned to school and found work as janitor6. He occupied the basement of a large building, receiving his rent for firing the furnace. He earned his board this winter washing 254 dishes in a fraternity house. Later he decided7 to “batch” and lived chiefly on rice and beans.
After selling books through vacation the time came to return to school, but his father fell sick, and for days lingered between life and death. After he began to recover he went West to recuperate8, leaving the support of the family on Leroy. When September came again, his money was gone. He found a position as night operator in a telephone office, and continued here until school was out.
Looking back over the past, he says, “They who trust in God and work will gain the victory,” and he assures the world that he is not sorry that he made the effort, and assures every young man who has good health and determination that he who wants an education can get it.
Liberty, Missouri.


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adj.有才艺的;有造诣的;达到了的 | |
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adj.上升的,向上的 | |
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n. 下行 adj. 下降的 | |
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n.司库,财务主管 | |
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n.天花 | |
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n.看门人,管门人 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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v.恢复 | |
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