“Only the red ones, and they don’t raise that kind in Maine.”
“But what’ll we do next?” Bob turned to the Indian once more.
“We find good place watch cabin,” he replied.
“That’s a good plan, I should say,” Jack2 agreed. “We may find out just what we’re up against.”
Led by the Indian, they crept softly toward the lake, until they reached the edge of the forest.
“Here heap good place,” Kernertok announced in a loud whisper.
It was so dark where they stood that they could scarcely see each other when standing3 close together, but Kernertok told them that the cabin was only a few yards from them.
“White boys go sleep, Injun and Sicum keep watch.”
“Not so you’d notice it,” Bob insisted. “I know you haven’t got over that beating and you need the rest.”
Kernertok insisted that he was all right, but Bob wouldn’t listen to him. However, it was only after he told the Indian that he wouldn’t go to sleep anyhow and that if he sat up he would do the same that the old man finally yielded the point. Both Rex and Jack tried to get him to let them watch, but he was firm, and as usually the case, made them give in to him.
“Now stop your fussing and get to sleep like good children,” he said.
“But you’ve got to promise to call me at one o’clock,” Jack persisted.
“And me too,” Rex broke in.
“All right, I’ll promise.”
“I could eat a bit more supper if I had it,” Jack said, as he stretched out on the ground.
“That’s all right,” Rex added. “But how about breakfast?”
“Sufficient unto the day is the food thereof,” Bob grinned.
“Yes, but there wasn’t sufficient,” Jack growled4.
“Well, there’ll be less to-morrow unless we strike something,” Bob assured him.
“There can’t be very much less than there is right now,” Jack retorted with a long sigh.
Bob called Rex and Jack according to his promise at one o’clock and reported that everything had been quiet.
“No more lalapalooslas howling around?” Jack laughed.
“Haven’t heard any.”
“Well, here’s hoping they will keep quiet for the rest of the night.”
“How still it is,” Jack whispered a little later, as he and Rex sat with their backs against a spruce tree.
“It’s so still you can almost feel it,” Rex agreed. “I’d give a good bit to know who’s in that cabin,” he added in a whisper.
“Well, we’ll probably find out before many hours. It’ll be light now in about three hours.”
“And I’ll bet they’ll seem like three years.”
“What did you think of that spook out on the lake?” Jack asked a few minutes later.
“It did look spooky for a fact, but I imagine that Bob’s explanation was about right. Things often look displaced in the night and especially in the moonlight, you know.”
“But what would anyone be doing out there at that time?”
“Ask me something easy. It’s quite evident that someone knows we are up here and is trying to throw a scare into us, and—”
“No doubt about that,” Jack interrupted.
“And there are two questions in my mind regarding it.”
“And I’ll bet I can guess them both first time.”
“All right, go ahead.”
“First you’d like to know who it is and second you’d like to know what they know about us, or rather what they think they know. How’s that?”
“You’re pretty near right on both counts. The main thing that’s puzzling me is whether or not Stebbins is mixed up in it.”
“What makes you think he isn’t?”
“I didn’t say I did think so, but as I was saying awhile ago, he’s not that kind of a guy.”
“Well, it seems to me—” Jack began, when he was interrupted by a sound which seemed to come from the direction of the lake.
“Listen,” he whispered.
“Sounds like a groan5,” Rex replied after a moment.
“Let’s get up a bit nearer the cabin,” Jack suggested.
Followed by Rex he crept carefully forward on his hands and knees. It was very dark now, as the moon had set some time before and they had to feel their way as they advanced foot by foot.
“I think I can see the cabin,” Jack whispered, after they had gone a few yards.
The groaning7 had been repeated several times since they had first heard it, and now they were certain that the sound came from the cabin.
“Sounds as though someone was having a nightmare,” Rex whispered.
“What had we better do?” Jack asked, as he stopped a moment later. “We’re only a few feet away from the cabin now.”
“We want to be mighty8 careful for one thing,” Rex cautioned in a low whisper. “If we should get caught now all our work would probably go for nothing.”
“Let’s camp right here then.”
They stretched themselves flat on the ground behind a small clump9 of small cedars10 and listened.
“That’s no nightmare, if you ask me,” Jack declared, after a few minutes had passed and the sound still continued.
“Guess you’re right,” Rex agreed. “Who ever’s making that noise would have waked up before this if he was asleep.”
“My idea exactly. But somebody in there’s pretty bad off, unless it’s being done for our special benefit. The trouble is, we can’t tell which is right.”
“What do you think we’d better do?”
“I think we had better get back, if you ask me. It’ll be light in a short time now, and if we stay here much longer we may spill the beans, and it’s too much of a risk to do any investigating in the dark.”
So they crept back to their former position and waited with what patience they could summon until daylight stole over the forest.
“I hate like the dickens to wake Bob and Kernertok so early,” Jack whispered. “But I feel it in my bones that something is going to happen before long.”
“What you call a hunch11, eh?”
“Something of the sort.”
“You did just right, son,” Bob declared a few minutes later, after Jack had apologized for calling him and Kernertok so early. “We don’t want to lose a single bet now.”
After a brief whispered conference it was decided12 to separate two and two and keep a close watch at both the front and back of the cabin.
“Jack, you and Kernertok stay here where you can see the rear, and Rex and I’ll get round where we can see the front. If either sees anything the whip-poor-will call will be the signal. All right?” Bob asked.
“All right is right,” Jack nodded his head.
Bob and Rex crept slowly toward the lake and soon found a position where they had a fair view of the front of the cabin without much risk of being seen. They could hear nothing of the groans13 and Rex whispered that he hardly thought they would be able to hear them at that distance. For over an hour they watched, and both boys were beginning to get uneasy, when suddenly the door opened and a man stepped out, and a moment later he was followed by two others.
“I thought as much,” Bob whispered. “You remember them, don’t you?”
“Sure; it’s Jacques Harbaugh and his two friends.”
“And the plot thickens,” Bob whispered, as he bent14 slightly forward to get a clearer view. “But I must signal the others.” And the clear shrill15 call of the whip-poor-will floated out in the still air.
For ten minutes or a little more the three men stood in front of the cabin talking in tones too low for the boys to catch any of the conversation. Then they went inside and a few minutes later smoke began to pour from the chimney.
“They’re getting breakfast, and I guess we might as well go back and tell Jack and Kernertok who’s here,” Bob suggested.
“I had a good-sized hunch that those fellows were mixed up in the case,” Jack declared, as soon as he learned of the presence of the three men. “What do you make of it?”
“Well, of course, it’s largely guesswork, but my guess is that they have Stebbins in that cabin and are holding him prisoner for some reason or other, hence the groans which you heard,” Bob said.
“And I’ll say you’re some guesser,” Jack replied, casting a questioning glance at Kernertok.
“Him heap good at guess,” the Indian agreed.
“What’s the next move then?” Rex whispered.
“I guess it’s their next move,” Bob said. “You see, they’re all powerful as well as desperate men, and we don’t want to come to a showdown with them if we can help it, until we have bigger odds16 on our side. I tell you those fellows would put a bullet through one of us as quick as lightning if he thought his safety depended on it.”
“Then you think—”
“That we’d better lay low for a while in the hope that they’ll go away and give us a chance to see what’s inside that cabin without meeting them,” Bob interrupted.
“That heap good plan,” Kernertok nodded his head.
“Then we’d better get back where we were, I suppose,” Rex suggested.
“Right away I should say,” Bob agreed.
It was nearly eight o’clock before the three men again emerged from the cabin. This time they did not hesitate, but made their way at once down to the shore of the lake, and by parting the bushes in front of him, Bob saw that they got into a canoe and started swiftly down the lake.
“Come on,” he whispered to Rex. “Let’s get back and tell Jack and Kernertok.”
“So you think the coast is clear,” Jack said, as soon as they had told what they had seen.
“It is, so far as those three are concerned.”
It was quickly decided that Kernertok should stay outside and keep watch while the three boys went into the cabin.
“Me an’ Sicum keep heap good watch,” the Indian assured them, as they started off.
They paused to listen, as they were close beside the cabin, but all was still. The tiny windows were too high to permit them to peep in from the ground, and besides they were so covered with dirt that Bob declared it would be impossible to see through them even if they got up high enough. So they quickly made their way around to the front. The door was closed and fastened with a heavy padlock.
“No getting in here without breaking that lock,” Bob declared. “Let’s see what it looks like around back.”
But the prospect17 was not much more promising18, as the small door evidently was fastened with a bar on the inside, and although they pushed against it with all their strength, they were not able to make the slightest impression on it.
“Guess we’ll have to try the windows after all,” Bob declared, as he stepped back after a final push.
“All right, let’s make it snappy,” Jack agreed, as he started around to the side.
Here there were two small windows, each of a single pane19 of glass about twelve by fourteen inches. Bob took a stand under one of them and in an instant Jack was on his shoulders.
“Can’t see a blamed thing,” he declared a moment later.
“Is it puttied on the outside?” Bob asked.
“No; it’s just set into the frame from the inside.”
“Then we’ll have to smash it, I reckon.”
“How about cutting it with this diamond ring?” Rex asked, as he pulled the ring from his finger and passed it up to Jack.
It was but the work of a moment to make a deep scratch on the four sides of the glass close to the edge. Then by hitting it lightly with his pocket knife, he soon started a crack, and a moment later the pane fell in with a loud smash. Eagerly the boy pushed his head in and looked about.
“What about it?” Bob whispered loudly.
“Not much,” Jack replied, as he withdrew his head and leaped to the ground. “It’s about the same as you’d expect. An old stove, a table and a few old chairs and lots of dirt.”
“There’s no one there?”
“I didn’t say that. There are some bunks20 on the other side of the room, but it’s not light enough to see whether there’s any one in them or not.”
“Can you squeeze through?”
“Mebby, but it’ll be pretty close.”
“We’ll pull you out if you get stuck,” Rex assured him, as Jack again mounted to Bob’s shoulders.
It was but a minute’s work to pick out the thin strips of glass from the frame, and this accomplished21, he began the task of squirming through. It was, as he said, a mighty close squeeze, but he was an adept22 at squirming through small openings. Indeed, Bob had often declared that he believed Jack could squeeze his way through a key hole if he had to. Once he thought he was stuck, but he managed to free himself, and after a few minutes he dropped lightly to the floor. In another moment he had unbarred the back door and admitted the others.
As they stood in the open doorway23, a low groan reached their ears. Bob quickly ran to the side of the room where the bunks were. After a single glance he started back in amazement24. Then, recovering himself, he stepped forward again and bent over for a closer look.
Bound hand and foot, his mouth tightly gagged, lay the form of a man. His eyes were closed and his face, covered with a stubble of several days’ growth, was gaunt almost to the point of emaciation25. It was evident to Bob that the man was unconscious, if not at the point of death.
“Is this Stebbins?” he whispered to Rex, who was close behind him.
“I—I think so,” Rex stammered26. “But it’s hard to tell, he’s so changed. Let me see his right hand. Yes, it’s he all right,” he declared a moment later, as he held up the man’s right hand. “See that middle finger.”
The first joint27 of the finger was gone and the fact settled the identity of the man beyond all question.
“See if you can find some water, Jack,” Bob ordered, as he drew out his knife and cut the ropes.
Jack was back almost immediately with a pan of water, and dipping his handkerchief in it, Bob proceeded to wet the man’s forehead, while Jack and Rex rubbed his wrists. In a few minutes their efforts were successful. The man groaned28, and a moment later opened his eyes. At first there was no recognition in them, but as he glanced from one to the other, his eyes finally rested on Rex.
“Do you know me, old man?” Rex asked.
The man was too weak to reply, but from the look in his eyes they knew that he had recognized him.
“Don’t try to talk now,” Rex said bending over him. “It’s all right and we’ll have you on your feet in no time.”
“He’s nearly starved to death,” Bob whispered to Jack. “See what you can find. Some condensed milk mixed with water will be all right if you can find it.”
In the back of the room was a small closet, and Jack was delighted to find it well stocked with provisions, including several cans of milk. He quickly opened one of the latter with his knife, and pouring the contents into a dipper, he thinned it with water.
“Drink a little of this,” Bob cautioned. Then turning to Jack he ordered: “You get the fire going and I’ll see if I can find some oatmeal or something to make some gruel29 of. He’s got to have something a bit more substantial than that condensed milk.”
“But how about those fellows seeing the smoke?” Rex asked.
“We’ll have to take a chance on that. This man will die if we don’t get something inside him, and if they return we’ll have to do the best we can. Anyhow Kernertok’ll give us the word so they can’t take us by surprise.”
An hour later, after the man had taken as much of the gruel as Bob dared to give him, he seemed considerably30 stronger and the boys began to remember that they had had no breakfast themselves. Thanks to the provisions in the cabin this condition was soon remedied and a goodly portion taken out to Kernertok and Sicum. Stebbins was sleeping quietly as they returned to the cabin.
“What’s the next move?” Jack whispered.
“That’s the big question,” Bob replied. “That man won’t be fit to move for two or three days at the most, and they’ll probably be back before night at the longest.”
“That’s a safe bet at any rate,” Jack agreed. “And it’s another safe bet that they’ll make mince31 meat of us if we give them the chance.”
“Well we mustn’t give them the chance, that’s all,” Bob said, shaking his head.
“I think we’re unanimous on that point,” Rex broke in. “The only question seems to be how we’re going to help it.”
“We’ve got three good persuasive32 automatics, which will help some if it comes to a show down,” Bob declared. “I wish we had the rifle, but there’s no use worrying over that.”
“And there’s food enough here to stand a siege for two or three weeks if we have to,” Jack said slowly.
“Well it seems to me about the only thing we can do,” Rex said in a tone of resignation.
About eleven o’clock Stebbins awoke and Bob fed him some more of the gruel, and he seemed much stronger and inclined to talk.
“Better wait a little longer,” Bob continued. “You want to get your strength back as soon as you can, you know, and it will tire you to talk now.”
With a sigh, the man lay back on the bed and closed his eyes.
“He’ll be strong enough to tell us his story when he wakes up again and has had one more feed,” Bob whispered.
They prepared a good dinner, with the help of some trout33 which Jack got from a little brook34 a short distance up the lake. They had just finished cleaning up when Stebbins again opened his eyes and asked for food. As soon as he had finished eating, he declared that he was much stronger and insisted on talking.
“All right, but take it easy and stop as soon as you begin to feel tired,” Bob cautioned.
“I took the money,” he began slowly, looking at Rex, “but I want you to believe that I’m not so bad as you must think. It started the year before I went to work for your father. I was cashier in a bank in Waterville, and a large sum of money disappeared. No, I didn’t take it, but I knew that they suspected me and I was unable to prove that I was innocent. They never found out who took it, and after a time I resigned. At the time a big half-breed by the name of Jacques Harbaugh was janitor35 of the bank. He never liked me, as I had to reprimand him many times for poor work. Although Jacques is a half-breed, he is a pretty sharp fellow.”
Here Stebbins paused and the boys urged him to rest before telling more, but in a few minutes he insisted that he was strong enough to proceed.
“Well, I was happy in Philadelphia, and had nearly forgotten all about the matter, when suddenly, about three months ago, I met Jacques on Chestnut36 Street. He knew me at once. As a matter of fact, he had been hunting for me for some days. To make a long story short, he had found or made up a bit of evidence which seemed to prove conclusively37 that I had stolen that money so many years ago. I realize now that I was weak, but at that time I was scared so that I hardly knew what I was doing. Jacques promised that he would keep still about it, provided I paid him a large sum of money. Otherwise he declared that he would go back to Waterville and give me away. The sum, fifty thousand dollars, was entirely38 beyond my means, and I told him so. But he had learned in some way of my position and hinted that I could get the money all right. Finally I yielded, and it was arranged that we should meet up here, a place we both knew about.”
“But the amount you took was a good deal more than fifty thousand,” Rex interrupted.
“I know it, but as I had the chance, I thought I might as well take all I could get. As well be hanged for an old sheep as a lamb, you know. But I’ve got the money safe, and if possible, you shall have every cent of it back. You see, I got here first and had a day to think things over and made up my mind that I would give the money back and let Jacques do his worst. So I hid it in a place where no one can ever find it. I had just finished when Jacques and two other men arrived. I told them that I didn’t have the money and that they could do what they pleased about it. Of course, he was furious and insisted that I was lying and that I had the money. They have kept me here ever since and have done all sorts of things to make me tell where it is, but I made up my mind that I wouldn’t even if they killed me. If you hadn’t come just about when you did I’m afraid it would have been—”
Before he was able to finish the sentence the back door opened and Kernertok stole softly in.
“Men coming,” he announced. “Be here heap soon.”
“How far away are they?” Bob asked.
“Mebby quarter mile, no more.”
“All three of them?”
“All three.”
“All right. Bar that back door, Jack.”
“What are you going to do?” Rex asked anxiously.
“The only thing we can do. Just wait and see what they will do,” Bob replied.
“One thing’s on our side, and that is that we’ve got all the food and I reckon we can stand a siege longer than they can,” Jack declared.
“I’m not so sure about that,” Bob said slowly shaking his head. “Remember, they are skilled woodsmen, and I guess they can find plenty to eat such as is. They won’t starve.”
“They’re just landing,” Rex, who was watching from a little front window, announced.
“Quick! Get that front door barred,” Bob said. “I nearly forgot that.”
Fortunately the front door as well as the back was made to be fastened with a heavy bar of wood, and it was but an instant’s work to slip the bar in its place.
“Now keep quiet,” Bob cautioned, “and be sure to keep out of range of the windows. Remember, they would shoot us quick as a wink39 if they got the chance.”
The men were evidently in good humor, for they could hear them talking and laughing as they approached the cabin. Soon they heard one of them fumbling40 with the lock, and a moment later there came a heavy shove against the door, followed by an oath in French.
“We’ve got them guessing,” Jack whispered.
“Hush,” Bob cautioned.
For a moment all was still, then they could hear the man talking rapidly in broken French. Then came another push against the door, followed by more excited talking.
“They’re coming round back,” Rex whispered.
A moment later a shout from one of the breeds announced the discovery of the broken window. For several minutes after that they could hear no sound.
“Wonder what they’re up to,” Jack whispered.
“Guess they’re trying to make out what it means,” Bob replied.
Almost as he spoke41 there came the loud report of a revolver, and a bullet buried itself in a log on the side opposite the open window.
“They’re at a loss to know whether their prisoner has got free or some one has got in,” Bob suggested.
For another moment all was silent, then from directly beneath the open window came the voice of Jacques Harbaugh.
“You open dat door, oui, or we bust42 heem in.”
Bob held up his hand as a signal not to answer.
“When we geet in we keel you you no open door.”
Again Bob signaled for silence.
“Keep him guessing,” he whispered.
“You Stebbins, what you mean, eh?” Jacques’s voice now had more of a coaxing43 note in it.
“Guess he’s afraid to peep in,” Jack whispered.
After a short time they heard the man moving away from the cabin, and for fully6 half an hour there was no sound from outside.
“They’re hunting for a log with which to batter44 in the door, I reckon,” Bob whispered.
“Can they do it?” Rex asked.
“Well, it’s a pretty strong door, but with a heavy log, I suppose they can knock it from the hinges give them time enough,” Bob answered.
“Which we won’t,” Jack said.
“Well, you’d better make up your mind just how you’re going to stop them, for here they come,” Rex cried a few minutes later.


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adj.古怪的,离奇的;怪诞的,神秘而可怕的 | |
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n.插座,千斤顶,男人;v.抬起,提醒,扛举;n.(Jake)杰克 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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v.(动物)发狺狺声, (雷)作隆隆声( growl的过去式和过去分词 );低声咆哮着说 | |
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vi./n.呻吟,抱怨;(发出)呻吟般的声音 | |
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adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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adj. 呜咽的, 呻吟的 动词groan的现在分词形式 | |
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adj.强有力的;巨大的 | |
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n.树丛,草丛;vi.用沉重的脚步行走 | |
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雪松,西洋杉( cedar的名词复数 ) | |
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n.预感,直觉 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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n.呻吟,叹息( groan的名词复数 );呻吟般的声音v.呻吟( groan的第三人称单数 );发牢骚;抱怨;受苦 | |
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n.爱好,癖好;adj.弯的;决心的,一心的 | |
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adj.尖声的;刺耳的;v尖叫 | |
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n.让步,机率,可能性,比率;胜败优劣之别 | |
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n.前景,前途;景色,视野 | |
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adj.有希望的,有前途的 | |
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n.窗格玻璃,长方块 | |
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n.(车、船等倚壁而设的)铺位( bunk的名词复数 );空话,废话v.(车、船等倚壁而设的)铺位( bunk的第三人称单数 );空话,废话 | |
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adj.有才艺的;有造诣的;达到了的 | |
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adj.老练的,精通的 | |
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n.门口,(喻)入门;门路,途径 | |
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n.惊奇,惊讶 | |
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n.消瘦,憔悴,衰弱 | |
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v.结巴地说出( stammer的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.联合的,共同的;n.关节,接合处;v.连接,贴合 | |
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v.呻吟( groan的过去式和过去分词 );发牢骚;抱怨;受苦 | |
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n.稀饭,粥 | |
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adv.极大地;相当大地;在很大程度上 | |
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n.切碎物;v.切碎,矫揉做作地说 | |
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adj.有说服力的,能说得使人相信的 | |
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n.鳟鱼;鲑鱼(属) | |
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n.小河,溪;v.忍受,容让 | |
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n.看门人,管门人 | |
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n.栗树,栗子 | |
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adv.令人信服地,确凿地 | |
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ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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n.眨眼,使眼色,瞬间;v.眨眼,使眼色,闪烁 | |
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n. 摸索,漏接 v. 摸索,摸弄,笨拙的处理 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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vt.打破;vi.爆裂;n.半身像;胸部 | |
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v.哄,用好话劝说( coax的现在分词 );巧言骗取;哄劝,劝诱;“锻炼”效应 | |
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v.接连重击;磨损;n.牛奶面糊;击球员 | |
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