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首页 » 英文短篇小说 » What a Young Wife Ought to Know » CHAPTER XVI. THE BIRTH CHAMBER.
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Memory’s Dissimilar Pictures of Birth-Chamber1 Scenes.—Newborn Souls Welcomed to Mother’s Arms and Love.—The Rebellious2 Mother with Empty Heart and Unwilling3 Arms.—The Older Children Reflect the Spirit of the Mother toward the Newcomer.—Illustrations of Conduct of Intelligent Children toward Mother at Birth Period.—How to Calculate Date of Confinement4.—Birth Chamber no Terror for Those who Live Hygienically.—An?sthetics.—Their Use Explained.—Allaying Anxiety.—Earliest Premonitions.—Preparation.—The Three Stages of Labor5.—Tying the Cord.—The Rest and Joy that Complete and Crown Labor.

Some of the darkest, and some of the brightest pictures of life, hung on the walls of memory, have been painted for me in the birth chamber. Bright when the little newborn soul is welcomed to a mother’s arms and love; love that is months long and deep. Dark when there has been a bitter rebellion that she must be a mother at all, and the little one comes into an empty heart and unwilling arms.
Another class of pictures comes to me; of the children trained by these mothers. The one class, children who are angry and rebellious that more little ones must come into the home, prepared to greet them with a hateful welcome, and looking upon their parents with a jealous distrust, thinking they must be in some way responsible for this unhappy state of affairs. Is it not true that such children are but the echo of their parents’ hearts? The other class of children, looking with love for the advent6 of the new brother or sister, cherishing it more and more every day, and giving their parents loving confidence.

Two of the bright pictures come to my mind. A little daughter who had been wisely taught where babies are first cradled, became in her seventh year a little woman in comfort and care-taking consideration of the dear mamma. “What can I do to help you, mamma, dear? and if you should be taken sick all alone here, you would call me and let me help you, wouldn’t you, mamma?” were questions often heard, and they sank freighted with comforting love, into the mother’s heart. This same daughter is now budding into womanhood and prepared to meet all its responsibilities and temptations,[181] and yet withal, modest and winning in her girlish, wise womanliness.

Another picture. I was called one night to attend a lady in her fifth confinement. The husband had come for me and leaving me at the door of his home had gone for the nurse. On entering, I found the only attendant of the mother, her twelve year old son. With her hands in his, and his face full of sympathy and anxiety for her suffering, he was giving her all the assistance that he could. Quiet and dignified7 he left the room as I entered, but not before I had read in his face the lesson that had sunk into his very soul; that mothers suffered for their children, and for this should have all the love and tender consideration they could give them. He was not an attractive boy, nor a tractable8 one, but the dear mother had taken the very safest means to hold him to herself, and a mother-anchored boy or girl will not go far wrong.

So much for some retrospects9 of the birth chamber, and now to the plain practical knowledge needed for those who are to experience its realities.

In reckoning the period of gestation10 the rule most easily followed is this. Add seven days to the date of the last menstruation, and[182] count ahead nine months, or backward three months, and you have the probable time of confinement. Should you pass this time you would probably go on for two weeks, as the most susceptible11 times for conception to take place are in the week following menstruation or a couple of days preceding the next period; which makes a difference of two weeks in the calculation.

If the bowels12 have been kept open by proper diet and care, and if the patient has kept up her daily exercise and baths, she will come to the birth chamber well prepared and it need have no terrors for her.

To-day when an?sthetics are given as a rule, not an exception, the chief bugbear of the parturient is lost or charmed away. It does not need that the an?sthetic be given to a surgical13 degree, but simply sufficient to take away the severity of the pain. I have found for the lying-in room the most satisfactory an?sthetic to be the one, two, three, mixture; by which I mean a mixture of alcohol, chloroform, and ether, in the proportion of one part of alcohol, two parts of chloroform, and three parts of ether. These parts may be varied15 however as the attending physician desires. It is not a quick an?sthetic, but serves every purpose needed, unless[183] full an?sthesia is sought. The patient can manage this herself, and it thus serves two purposes, giving her something beside her discomfort16 to think of, and taking away the pain so that there is little left to think about.

Take a light drinking glass, fill half full of absorbent cotton, and drop a few drops of the mixture upon it; at the beginning of a pain, or a little before, take a half dozen full breaths, and the pain is toned down to a very bearable thing. The patient can hold the glass, and there is no danger of her taking too much, as her hand will drop when she has enough to render her a little drowsy17. This should rarely be given, until the second stage of labor begins, as it will sometimes retard18 if given in the first stage.

In the last few days before labor, there is often a nervous restlessness on the part of many women which can easily be appeased19 by the physician. A few questions, an examination if necessary, the quiet assurance that everything is all right, will do much to quiet the unrest. The home friends can likewise aid in this by judiciously20 suggesting changes, and recreation a little out of the ordinary, or a loved visitor will tide over the intervening days beautifully.
There are at times during the last few days, pains that simulate labor pains, and make the time drag heavily. Try and put by all thoughts of anxiety, as you will have warning sufficient to give you time for every needed preparation. Should your pains come with any degree of regularity21, consult your physician about it, that he may be on his guard and prepared for a call at any moment. As soon as you have the premonition of regular pains, unless the bowels have moved freely already that day, they should be moved by a full enema or injection. During the waiting time occupy yourself as pleasantly as possible, keeping about the house or room, until obliged to take to the bed, as the time will seem shorter and you can aid much by keeping about on the feet. Be cheerful, courageous22, and strong; remembering all the time that you are only fulfilling a natural law, and that the large majority of cases are simple and uncomplicated, and give no trouble whatever.

Let no one into the room who has not a cheery word to say and a bright face to give strength to the word. Long faces and solemnity are not wanted here, but joy and gladness that the mystery of birth, the coming into life of a new creation, is to be enacted23, and[185] this her time of “deliverance” should be celebrated24 with joy.

Should any foolish one dare whisper, banish25 them at once, and see to it that they do not return. If you fear to offend, send them on some needed errand that will take several hours, and pray that it will all be over before they return to rejoice with you.

There are three well marked stages of labor. The first is perhaps to the novice26 the most tedious, as one cannot see the progress made, and there is a feeling that nothing is being accomplished27. This first stage is what is familiarly called the getting-ready stage, that is, the opening of the mouth of the uterus, ready for the expulsion of the child. Many women keep about their work, paying but little attention to this stage, while a goodly number are unconscious of it entirely28, the contractions29 taking place in so orderly a manner, that no pain is felt, or if any, very slight. At this stage if tedious, a good sitz bath will afford comfort, and aid in the regular contractions. Often most of the discomfort at this time is because of nervousness. Keep cool, jolly and cheerful and all will go well.

When there is a natural desire to bear down with a pain, the second or expulsive[186] stage has begun. Then you may administer your an?sthetic, giving as described above.

Often this stage is very short and easily borne, as the patient can note the progress made, and sees the end nearer. A recent patient who had had two children before, felt very little discomfort during the first stage, and recognizing the beginning of the second, remarked at the first pain, “That was not very hard, but think how many more there must be.” The next pain came, and she had hardly time to reach the bed, before the little one was ushered30 into existence. The chances are that if your dress has been hygienic, your exercise what it should have been, your baths kept up faithfully, that you will be one of those who will be surprised at the ease of your labor.

The second stage terminates with the birth of the child. A rest follows this of from a quarter to a half an hour, when follows the expulsion of the placenta, or afterbirth, which is the third stage.

A word here as to the best method of tying the placentic cord. A fancy obtains among a few physicians that the cord need not be tied, if the child is not severed31 from the mother until the cord has ceased to pulsate32. However this may be, I am sure you will feel more secure if the cord is well tied. The latest and most approved method and one which is surest to prevent hemorrhage, is this. Tie the placentic cord at a distance of about three inches from the body of the child, sever14 it just beyond the place where it is tied, then fold it back and with the same thread tie the placentic cord again an inch from the child, leaving the loop of cord as it is, until it dries and falls off. The fold and double tie make assurance doubly sure as far as hemorrhage is concerned.

The rest which follows the close of labor, rest of body and mind, can be understood only when experienced, no words can explain it. The labor is over, all that has been told you of terror and danger has not been yours, and the pain is all forgotten in the joy that a child is born, is yours, and you hug it to your heart for very joy. Cherish it, dear mother, rejoice in it, and train it to become a truly great child of a noble mother.


1 chamber wnky9     
  • For many,the dentist's surgery remains a torture chamber.对许多人来说,牙医的治疗室一直是间受刑室。
  • The chamber was ablaze with light.会议厅里灯火辉煌。
2 rebellious CtbyI     
  • They will be in danger if they are rebellious.如果他们造反,他们就要发生危险。
  • Her reply was mild enough,but her thoughts were rebellious.她的回答虽然很温和,但她的心里十分反感。
3 unwilling CjpwB     
  • The natives were unwilling to be bent by colonial power.土著居民不愿受殖民势力的摆布。
  • His tightfisted employer was unwilling to give him a raise.他那吝啬的雇主不肯给他加薪。
4 confinement qpOze     
  • He spent eleven years in solitary confinement.他度过了11年的单独监禁。
  • The date for my wife's confinement was approaching closer and closer.妻子分娩的日子越来越近了。
5 labor P9Tzs     
  • We are never late in satisfying him for his labor.我们从不延误付给他劳动报酬。
  • He was completely spent after two weeks of hard labor.艰苦劳动两周后,他已经疲惫不堪了。
6 advent iKKyo     
  • Swallows come by groups at the advent of spring. 春天来临时燕子成群飞来。
  • The advent of the Euro will redefine Europe.欧元的出现将重新定义欧洲。
7 dignified NuZzfb     
  • Throughout his trial he maintained a dignified silence. 在整个审讯过程中,他始终沉默以保持尊严。
  • He always strikes such a dignified pose before his girlfriend. 他总是在女友面前摆出这种庄严的姿态。
8 tractable GJ8z4     
  • He was always tractable and quiet.他总是温顺、恬静。
  • Gold and silver are tractable metals.金和银是容易加工的金属。
9 retrospects 97c7528317d1c0648289a588e87cc5d0     
n.回顾,回想( retrospect的名词复数 )v.回顾,回想( retrospect的第三人称单数 )
  • This paper retrospects the history and motives and happening in Chinese media marketing. 本文追溯我国传媒市场化的发生发展历史和动因。 来自互联网
  • Firstly, it retrospects the historical evolution of Indian Asia-Pacific security strategy during the Cold War. 首先,对冷战时期印度亚太安全战略的历史演变作了回顾。 来自互联网
10 gestation L6ey2     
  • The gestation period can be anything between 95 and 150 days.妊娠期从95天至150天不等。
  • This film was two years in gestation.这部电影酝酿了两年。
11 susceptible 4rrw7     
  • Children are more susceptible than adults.孩子比成人易受感动。
  • We are all susceptible to advertising.我们都易受广告的影响。
12 bowels qxMzez     
n.肠,内脏,内部;肠( bowel的名词复数 );内部,最深处
  • Salts is a medicine that causes movements of the bowels. 泻盐是一种促使肠子运动的药物。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The cabins are in the bowels of the ship. 舱房设在船腹内。 来自《简明英汉词典》
13 surgical 0hXzV3     
  • He performs the surgical operations at the Red Cross Hospital.他在红十字会医院做外科手术。
  • All surgical instruments must be sterilised before use.所有的外科手术器械在使用之前,必须消毒。
14 sever wTXzb     
  • She wanted to sever all her connections with the firm.她想断绝和那家公司的所有联系。
  • We must never sever the cultural vein of our nation.我们不能割断民族的文化血脉。
15 varied giIw9     
  • The forms of art are many and varied.艺术的形式是多种多样的。
  • The hotel has a varied programme of nightly entertainment.宾馆有各种晚间娱乐活动。
16 discomfort cuvxN     
  • One has to bear a little discomfort while travelling.旅行中总要忍受一点不便。
  • She turned red with discomfort when the teacher spoke.老师讲话时她不好意思地红着脸。
17 drowsy DkYz3     
  • Exhaust fumes made him drowsy and brought on a headache.废气把他熏得昏昏沉沉,还引起了头疼。
  • I feel drowsy after lunch every day.每天午饭后我就想睡觉。
18 retard 8WWxE     
  • Lack of sunlight will retard the growth of most plants.缺乏阳光会妨碍大多数植物的生长。
  • Continuing violence will retard negotiations over the country's future.持续不断的暴力活动会阻碍关系到国家未来的谈判的进行。
19 appeased ef7dfbbdb157a2a29b5b2f039a3b80d6     
安抚,抚慰( appease的过去式和过去分词 ); 绥靖(满足另一国的要求以避免战争)
  • His hunger could only be appeased by his wife. 他的欲望只有他的妻子能满足。
  • They are the more readily appeased. 他们比较容易和解。
20 judiciously 18cfc8ca2569d10664611011ec143a63     
  • Let's use these intelligence tests judiciously. 让我们好好利用这些智力测试题吧。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • His ideas were quaint and fantastic. She brought him judiciously to earth. 他的看法荒廖古怪,她颇有见识地劝他面对现实。 来自辞典例句
21 regularity sVCxx     
  • The idea is to maintain the regularity of the heartbeat.问题就是要维持心跳的规律性。
  • He exercised with a regularity that amazed us.他锻炼的规律程度令我们非常惊讶。
22 courageous HzSx7     
  • We all honour courageous people.我们都尊重勇敢的人。
  • He was roused to action by courageous words.豪言壮语促使他奋起行动。
23 enacted b0a10ad8fca50ba4217bccb35bc0f2a1     
制定(法律),通过(法案)( enact的过去式和过去分词 )
  • legislation enacted by parliament 由议会通过的法律
  • Outside in the little lobby another scene was begin enacted. 外面的小休息室里又是另一番景象。 来自英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
24 celebrated iwLzpz     
  • He was soon one of the most celebrated young painters in England.不久他就成了英格兰最负盛名的年轻画家之一。
  • The celebrated violinist was mobbed by the audience.观众团团围住了这位著名的小提琴演奏家。
25 banish nu8zD     
  • The doctor advised her to banish fear and anxiety.医生劝她消除恐惧和忧虑。
  • He tried to banish gloom from his thought.他试图驱除心中的忧愁。
26 novice 1H4x1     
  • As a novice writer,this is something I'm interested in.作为初涉写作的人,我对此很感兴趣。
  • She realized that she was a novice.她知道自己初出茅庐。
27 accomplished UzwztZ     
  • Thanks to your help,we accomplished the task ahead of schedule.亏得你们帮忙,我们才提前完成了任务。
  • Removal of excess heat is accomplished by means of a radiator.通过散热器完成多余热量的排出。
28 entirely entirely     
  • The fire was entirely caused by their neglect of duty. 那场火灾完全是由于他们失职而引起的。
  • His life was entirely given up to the educational work. 他的一生统统献给了教育工作。
29 contractions 322669f84f436ca5d7fcc2d36731876a     
n.收缩( contraction的名词复数 );缩减;缩略词;(分娩时)子宫收缩
  • Contractions are much more common in speech than in writing. 缩略词在口语里比在书写中常见得多。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Muscle contractions are powered by the chemical adenosine triphosphate(ATP ). 肌肉收缩是由化学物质三磷酸腺苷(ATP)提供动力的。 来自辞典例句
30 ushered d337b3442ea0cc4312a5950ae8911282     
v.引,领,陪同( usher的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The secretary ushered me into his office. 秘书把我领进他的办公室。
  • A round of parties ushered in the New Year. 一系列的晚会迎来了新年。 来自《简明英汉词典》
31 severed 832a75b146a8d9eacac9030fd16c0222     
v.切断,断绝( sever的过去式和过去分词 );断,裂
  • The doctor said I'd severed a vessel in my leg. 医生说我割断了腿上的一根血管。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • We have severed diplomatic relations with that country. 我们与那个国家断绝了外交关系。 来自《简明英汉词典》
32 pulsate 3Slxn     
  • Hues of purplish,rose and amber begin to pulsate in the sky.淡紫色的、玫瑰色的和琥珀色的色调开始在天空中微微颤动起来。
  • Building facades pulsate with millions of lights and glowing neon display.在千万灯光和霓虹灯的照耀下,建筑物的外墙规律地闪动着。


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