Laura Pavely did not raise her voice, but there was trembling pain, as well as an almost incredulous surprise, in the way she uttered the five words which may mean so much—or so little.
The man whose sudden, bare avowal1 of love had drawn2 from her that low, protesting cry, was standing3 just within the door of the little summer-house, and he was looking away from her, straight over the beautiful autumnal view of wood and water spread out before him.
He was telling himself that five minutes ago—nay4, was it as long as five minutes?—they had been so happy! And yet, stop—he had not been happy. Even so he cursed himself for having shattered the fragile, to him the already long perished, fabric5, of what she no doubt called their "friendship."
It was she—it always is the woman—who, quite unwittingly, had provoked the words which now could never be unsaid. She had not been thinking at all [Pg 8] of him when she did so—she had spoken out of her heart, the heart which some secret, sure instinct bade him believe capable of depths of feeling, which he hoped, with a fierce hope, no man had yet plumbed7....
What had provoked his avowal had been the most innocent, in a sense the most beautiful, feeling of which a woman is capable—love for her child.
"The doctor says Alice ought to have a change, that she ought to go to the sea, for a little while. I asked Godfrey if I might take her, but he said he didn't think it necessary." She had added musingly8, "It's odd, for he really is devoted9 to the child."
They had been walking slowly, sauntering side by side, very close to one another, for the path was only a narrow track among the trees, towards the summerhouse where they were now—she sitting and he standing.
He had answered in what, if she had been less absorbed in herself and her own concerns, she might have realised was a dangerously still voice: "I think I can persuade Godfrey to let her go. Apart from the child altogether, you ought to have a change." And then—then she had said, rather listlessly, not at all bitterly, "Oh, it doesn't matter about me!"
Such a simple phrase, embodying10 an obvious truth, yet they had forced from him the words: "I think it does matter about you, Laura. At least I know it matters a good deal to me, for, as of course you know by now, I love you."
And if his voice had remained quite low and steady, she had seen the blazing, supplicating11 eyes....
But he had looked away, at once, when he had uttered [Pg 9] those irrevocable words; and after a few moments, which had seemed to him an eternity12, had come that low, heart-felt cry, "Oh, but this is terrible——"
"Terrible? Why, Laura?" He crossed his arms, and turning, gazed straight down at her bowed figure.
Again there came a long, unnatural13 pause.
And then she lifted up her face, and under the shadow cast by her wide-brimmed garden hat he saw that even her forehead was flushed. There was an anguished14 look in the large, deeply blue eyes, which were to him the most exquisite15 and revealing feature of her delicately drawn face.
"Perhaps I ought not to have said 'terrible,'" she said at last in a low voice, "but—but degrading, ignoble16, hateful, Oliver." She added, her false calm giving way, "And to me such a bitter, bitter disappointment!"
"Why?" he asked harshly. "Why a disappointment, Laura? Most women, nay, all wise human beings, value love—any kind of love offered by even the most unworthy—as the most precious thing in the world!"
His face had become expressionless, and the measured, carefully chosen words made her feel suddenly ashamed, but with a shame merged17 in an eager hope that she had cruelly misunderstood her—friend.
She stood up and took a step towards him. "Oliver," she said diffidently; "forgive me! I was stupid not to understand. Of course we love one another," she was on firm ground now. "All friends love one another, and you've been such a good friend [Pg 10] to me, and more, far more, than a good friend to my poor brother—to Gillie."
He withdrew his gaze from her beseeching18 eyes, and looked away once more. Now was his chance to play the hypocrite, to eat the words which had given her so much offence....
Hardly knowing that he spoke6 aloud, he muttered hoarsely19, "I can't!" And then he turned to her: "Listen, Laura. I owe you the truth. I have loved you, yes, and in the sense you think so ignoble and so degrading, almost from the first day we met. As time went on, I thought it impossible that you did not know that."
"I did not know it! I trusted you absolutely! I thought that we were all three, friends,—you and I and Godfrey! It was the very first time that Godfrey and I had ever had a friend in common, and it made me so happy."
"Did it indeed?" His words cut like a whip.
"But it's true that you are Godfrey's friend?" she spoke a little wildly. "I've never known him as fond of any man as he is now of you, Oliver."
"His fondness is not returned."
"Then it ought to be!" she cried. "For you've made him like you, Oliver."
She hardly knew what she was saying, distressed20, humiliated21, wounded as she was in her pride and sense of personal dignity. But what was he saying—this challenging, wrathful stranger who, but a few moments ago, had been her dear, dear friend?
"I would rather, Laura, that you did not bring your husband into this matter."
"But I must bring him in!" She became suddenly [Pg 11] aware that here ready to her hand was a weapon with which she could hurt and punish this man who was looking at her with so inscrutable a look—was it a look of love or of hatred22?
"I'm sorry now," she went on rapidly, "bitterly, bitterly sorry and ashamed that I ever said a word to you of Godfrey and his—his rather tiresome23 ways. I ought not to have done it. It was disloyal. I've never spoken of Godfrey to any other man—but somehow I thought you were different from other men."
"Different?" he interjected. "How so, Laura? What right had you to think me different from other men?"
"Because I trusted you," she said inconsequently. "Because somehow you seemed really to care for me—" her voice broke, but she forced herself to go on: "You're not the first man, Oliver, who's made love to me since I married—" she covered her face with her hands.
It seemed to her that some other woman was being driven to make these intimate confidences—not the fastidious, refined, reserved Laura Pavely, who had an almost morbid24 dislike of the betrayal of any violent or unseemly emotion. But this other woman, who spoke through her lips, had been, was being, wantonly insulted....
Hanging her head as a child might have done, she said defiantly25: "I suppose you're surprised?"
"No, I'm not surprised. Why should I be? Go on—" He clenched26 his hands together. What was it she was going to tell him?
Speaking in short, broken sentences, she obeyed him:
[Pg 12] "It was when we used to go about much more than we do now—in the first two or three years after our marriage. I suppose that every woman—who isn't quite happy with her husband—is exposed to that kind of thing. I used to loathe27 it when I saw it coming. I used to try and fend28 it off. Sometimes I succeeded—more often I failed. But I never, never expected anything of the sort to happen with you, Oliver. We were such friends—such good, happy friends—you and I and my little Alice," and then she burst into a passion of weeping.
And at that what self-control Oliver Tropenell had retained departed. A flood of burning, passionate29 words burst from his lips—of endearment30, of self-abasement, and promises which he intended, come what might, should be kept.
And she listened shrinkingly, with averted31 face, absorbed in her own bewildered pain and disappointment.
"I must go back to the house," she said at last. "The doctor will be here in half an hour." And she forced herself to add: "Perhaps you'll be coming over this afternoon?" (How often she had said these words in the last three months—but in how different a tone!).
"I think not. My mother said something about wishing me to stay in to-day—Lord St. Amant may be coming over." As she made no comment, he concluded quietly, "Well, I suppose I had better be going now. Good-bye, Laura."
"Good-bye," she said. And without taking her hand he left her.
She watched his tall figure making its way quickly down through the rough ground to the wood where, [Pg 13] ultimately, he would find a path which would lead him to his mother's house.
It was late in the afternoon of the same day. From where she was sitting, under a great cedar32 tree, Mrs. Tropenell at last saw her son Oliver and Godfrey Pavely come out of Freshley Manor33.
Though the glory and warmth of the summer were now over, Mrs. Tropenell still spent many hours of each day in her garden. She had always been an out-of-door woman from the days when she was an eager, impetuous, high-spirited girl, till now, when youth had gone, though something of the eager impetuosity of youth remained with her concealed34 from strangers by a manner marked by a strong sense of personal dignity.
The two men began walking, slowly, down the grass path leading to the beech35 avenue which was the glory of Freshley Manor, as well as a short cut to Lawford Chase, Godfrey Pavely's larger property.
It was more than an hour since a servant had come out to say that Mr. Pavely was waiting to see Mr. Tropenell in the library. The man had added that Mr. Pavely had had tea before leaving the Bank, and only wanted to see Mr. Tropenell for a few minutes on his way home. And Oliver, with "I don't think he'll keep me long, mother; I suppose you'll still be here when I come back?" had stridden off with a certain reluctance36 towards the house.
It had always been his mother's joy, but now for many years past her infrequent joy, to fall in with even the least reasonable of her son's wishes, and so she had gone on sitting out there, waiting for him to [Pg 14] come back, long after the tea-things had been taken away. There was a book on the low garden table by her side—such a book as she loved, telling of great adventure by one of the adventurers—but she left it where it was.
Mrs. Tropenell felt a vague, exasperating37 sense of restlessness and unease. At the back of her heart—that heart which, if no longer that of a young woman, could still thrill with many varied38 emotions and a very passion of maternal39 love—was the dull ache of a secret, unacknowledged sense of fear and pain.
She had every reason to be happy to-day—not only happy in her son's company, but in the coming back, after a long absence on the Continent, of her old friend, Lord St. Amant. To him she could, perhaps, bring herself to say something of what was touching40 her so deeply, and he, she knew, would reassure41 her and make light of her fears. St. Amant was what is called in ordinary parlance42 a man of the world—the last man, that is, to be horrified43, still less frightened, by a tale of illicit44 love, especially when, as the mother honestly believed, it was a love likely to remain unrequited.
Yes, she would tell her one trusted friend of these besetting45 fears, of her more than suspicion that her son Oliver was deep in love with Laura Pavely, and St. Amant would laugh at her, persuade her maybe to laugh with him.
And yet? Yet, even so, she asked herself again and again during that long time of waiting, what these two men who, if of life-long acquaintanceship and now at any rate nominally46 intimate friends, were so unlike the one to the other, could have to talk about, [Pg 15] indoors, for over an hour? Godfrey Pavely and Oliver Tropenell met very often—too often to her thinking—so why should Godfrey have pursued Oliver home to-day, just when Oliver had had an hour to spare for his mother?
It was now Thursday, and her son had already dined with the Pavelys twice this week. To-morrow night Godfrey Pavely was to be in London, and it had been arranged that his wife, Laura, should spend the evening here. But that, or so Mrs. Tropenell had quickly reminded herself, had been Laura's usual custom, long before Oliver had come home from Mexico for the holiday which had now already lasted nearly four months. In her long life Mrs. Tropenell had only had one beloved woman friend, and that friend, that more than sister, had been Laura's mother.
Even now Godfrey Pavely did not seem eager to go home. The two men were close to the furthest edge of the wide lawn, but they were still talking earnestly.
Mrs. Tropenell gazed across, with a painful scrutiny47, at her son's visitor.
Godfrey Pavely was a neatly48 made, neatly dressed, neatly mannered man—in a way not ill-looking. His reddish-brown hair toned in oddly with his light, ginger-coloured eyes. He had become rather particular about his health of late, and went to some trouble to keep himself fit, and in good condition. Yet he looked more like a townsman than like the countryman he certainly was. For if the fortunate inheritor of a successful county banking49 business, which so far he had managed with such skill as to save it from any thought of amalgamation51, he was also the owner of a fine old property.
[Pg 16] Lawford Chase had belonged to Mrs. Tropenell's ancestors for centuries—for almost as many centuries as the years in which he, Godfrey, had owned it. But her father had been careless and extravagant52 during his long, happy life, so the owner of Pavely's Bank had bought up the mortgages on Lawford Chase, and finally foreclosed.
All this was ancient history now, and Mrs. Tropenell felt no bitterness on that account. Indeed, she had rejoiced, with a sense of real joy, when her friend's daughter had become mistress of her own old home.
The two men whom she was watching went on talking for what seemed to the onlooker53 a very long time; but, at last, Godfrey Pavely, turning on his heel, walked on, to be at once engulfed54 by the dark green arch formed by the high beech trees. Then Mrs. Tropenell saw her son, all her heart welcoming him, come striding towards her across the long stretch of short, green turf.
Once more she asked herself what possible link there could be between men so utterly55 unlike. Her Oliver—more hers now, she felt, than ever before, and that though for the first time he was making her secretly, miserably56 jealous—was a creature of light and air, of open spaces, if need be of great waters. He was built, like herself, on a big and powerful plan; and yet so tall, so spare, so sinewy57, that though he was broad he looked slim, and though four-and-thirty years of age he might have been taken, even at this small distance from where she sat, for a long-limbed youth. His life for the last twelve years had been one that often ages a man—but it had not aged50 him. His vigour58 was unbroken, his vitality59—the vitality [Pg 17] which had made him so successful, and which attracted men and women of such very different types—unimpaired.
Mrs. Tropenell had been touched, perhaps in her secret heart little surprised, at the pleasure—one might almost have said the enthusiasm—with which her neighbours for miles round had welcomed Oliver home again, after what had been so long an absence from England. The fact that he had come back a very wealthy man, and that during those years of eclipse he had managed to do some of them good turns, of course counted in his popularity, and she was too open-eyed a woman not to be well aware of that.
The mother knew that her son was not the downright, rather transparent60, good-natured fellow that he was now taken to be. No man she had ever known—and she had ever been one of those women of whom men make a confidant—could keep his own or another's secrets more closely than could Oliver. He had once written to her the words: "You are the only human being, mother, to whom I ever tell anything," and she had instinctively61 known this to be true.
Yet their relationship was more like that of two friends than of mother and son. She knew all there was to know of his thoughts, and of his doubts, concerning many of the great things which trouble and disturb most thinking modern men. Of the outward life he led in the Mexican stretch of country of which he had become the administrator62 and practical ruler, she also knew a great deal, indeed surprisingly much, for he wrote by each mail long, full letters; and the romance of his great business had become an ever [Pg 18] continuous source of interest, of amusement, and of pride to the mother who now only lived for him.
But of those secret things which had moved his heart, warred with his passions, perchance seared his conscience, he had never told her anything. Only once had the impenetrable mist of reserve been lightened, as it were pierced for a moment—and that was now a long time ago, on his second visit home five years before. He had then come to England meaning to stay a month. But at the end of ten days he had received a telegram—what he called, in the American fashion, a cable—and within an hour he had gone, saying as he kissed his mother good-bye, "A friend of mine—a woman who has been ill a long time—is now dying. I must go, even if I'm not in time to see her alive."
In the letters which had followed his return to Mexico, there had been no word more—nothing even implying sorrow, or a sense of loss—only a graver note, of which the mother might have remained unaware63 but for that clue he had left to sink deep in her mother-heart.
He was now close to her, looking down out of his dark, compelling eyes—eyes which were so like her own, save that now hers shone with a softer light.
"Pavely stayed a long time," he said abruptly64. "Are you tired? D'you want to go in yet, mother?"
She shook her head. "I'd rather stay out here till it's time to dress."
As she spoke she lifted her face to his, and he told himself what a beautiful, and noble face it was, though each delicate, aquiline65 feature had thickened, and the [Pg 19] broad low forehead was now partially66 concealed by thick bands of whitening hair. It was a lined, even a ravaged67 face—the face of a woman who had lived, had loved, had suffered. But of that Oliver was only dimly conscious, for his mother's nature if impetuous and passionate was almost as reserved and secretive as was his own.
It may be doubted, even, if Oliver Tropenell knew how much his mother loved him, for it may be doubted if any son ever knows how much his mother—even if she appear placid68 or careless—loves him. One thing Oliver did know, or confidently believed he knew, and that was that his mother loved him more than she had ever loved anything in the world. There he was quite content to leave it.
"Pavely wants me to become trustee to Laura's marriage settlement, in succession to old Mr. Blackmore."
When with Godfrey Pavely, Oliver Tropenell always called the other man by his Christian69 name, but behind his back he always spoke of him as "Pavely."
As his mother remained silent, he went on, a little hurriedly: "The powers vested in the trustee are very wide, and it seems that money which was later added to the trust—a matter of seventeen thousand pounds or so—is invested in some queer form of security."
They both smiled—he a little drily, she with a kind of good-humoured contempt.
"He's cautious and successful—in spite of that odd, gambling70 propensity," she spoke a little defensively. Then, "I suppose you've consented to act?"
She waited anxiously for his answer; and at last it came, uttered in a tone of elaborate unconcern: [Pg 20] "I said I'd think it over. But I think I'll take it on, mother. Pavely made rather a personal favour of it—after all, there's some kind of relationship."
"Yes," agreed Mrs. Tropenell, "yes, there is certainly a connection, hardly a relationship, between ourselves and Laura."
Her son sat down. He began poking71 about an invisible stone, lying in among the grass, with his stick.
"You cared for Laura's mother as if she had been your sister—didn't you, mother? And yet I can't imagine you with a great woman friend, I mean, of course, a friend of your own age."
She turned and looked at him. "Ah, my dear,—those are the friends that count!" and she nearly added, "Don't you find it so?" But, instead, she went on quickly, "Yes, I loved Laura's mother dearly, dearly—and it was for her sake that I asked you to be good to her son, to Gillie."
"Laura's extraordinarily72 fond of Gillie——" There always came a curious change over Oliver Tropenell's voice when he uttered the name "Laura." It became as it were softer, infused with feeling—or so his mother thought.
She waited a moment; then answered slowly, "Women generally are fond of their only brothers."
"Oh, but it's more than that!"
As she remained silent, he went on musingly: "And Gillie, in his queer way, is very fond of Laura—though I don't believe he writes to her once in three months!"
"I suppose Gillie still hates Godfrey?" she said hesitatingly. "Godfrey behaved so—so—well, not so much badly perhaps, as meanly and even stupidly—about [Pg 21] that unfortunate affair." It was almost as if Mrs. Tropenell were speaking to herself. Her son turned and looked at her squarely.
"Yes! Gillie still hates Pavely. And yet, mother, since I came home this time I've wondered sometimes if Pavely was so very unreasonable73 about it after all. You see, Gillie must have been about the most troublesome and—well, the most dangerous brother-in-law an unlucky country banker could well have had!"
"And but for you he'd be so still," she said quietly. "From something Godfrey said the other day I gather that he's really grateful to you, Oliver?"
Oliver Tropenell got up. "Yes," he said shortly, "he's certainly grateful. In fact, he seems to think I've limitless power of getting people out of scrapes——" there was an undercurrent of triumph in his deep, even tones.
"I suppose the real reason he came to-day was that he's afraid to let a stranger be Laura's trustee?" There was only the slightest touch of interrogation in Mrs. Tropenell's voice, and she went on: "Perhaps he'd be kinder to poor Gillie now—" a curious smile played round her mouth. It was a full-lipped, generous mouth, but it was the least refined feature of her face.
"No, no. It's not as bad as that! But well, yes, Pavely has used this portion of Laura's fortune in a way he had no business to do, knowing it was trust money."
"And you——?"
"Oh, I'm going to buy out her interest in the concern."
"Will that cost you seventeen thousand pounds?"
[Pg 22] "Yes, it will. But I don't mind—it's quite a likely gamble. Have you ever heard of Greville Howard?"
"You mean the great money-lender?"
"He's retired74 now. But Pavely and he seem to be in a kind of secret partnership—queer isn't it? Pavely's a clever chap about money, but oh, mother! he's such an insufferable cad!"
Mrs. Tropenell felt a sudden tremor75 of fear sweep over her. She had lately come to what she now realised was a quite wrong conclusion—she had believed, that is, that Oliver, in a queer, contemptuous way, had grown fond of Godfrey, as Godfrey had certainly grown fond of Oliver. But now, all at once, her son had opened a dark window into his soul—or was it into his heart? There was an under-current of hatred, as well as of the contempt to which she was accustomed, in the way Oliver had just spoken of his "friend"—of the man, at once fortunate and unfortunate, who was Laura Pavely's husband.
She stood up, and put her hand through her son's arm. "It's getting very cold," she said, and shivered.
He turned on her with quick concern: "I left you too long! I ought to have sent him away before—but he was such a long time getting it out—" under his breath he muttered "Damn him!"


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n.公开宣称,坦白承认 | |
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v.拖,拉,拔出;adj.憔悴的,紧张的 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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adv.不;n.反对票,投反对票者 | |
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n.织物,织品,布;构造,结构,组织 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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v.经历( plumb的过去式和过去分词 );探究;用铅垂线校正;用铅锤测量 | |
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adv.沉思地,冥想地 | |
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adj.忠诚的,忠实的,热心的,献身于...的 | |
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v.表现( embody的现在分词 );象征;包括;包含 | |
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v.祈求,哀求,恳求( supplicate的现在分词 ) | |
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n.不朽,来世;永恒,无穷 | |
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adj.不自然的;反常的 | |
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adj.极其痛苦的v.使极度痛苦(anguish的过去式) | |
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adj.精美的;敏锐的;剧烈的,感觉强烈的 | |
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adj.不光彩的,卑鄙的;可耻的 | |
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(使)混合( merge的过去式和过去分词 ); 相融; 融入; 渐渐消失在某物中 | |
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adj.恳求似的v.恳求,乞求(某事物)( beseech的现在分词 ) | |
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adv.嘶哑地 | |
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痛苦的 | |
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感到羞愧的 | |
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n.憎恶,憎恨,仇恨 | |
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adj.令人疲劳的,令人厌倦的 | |
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adj.病的;致病的;病态的;可怕的 | |
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adv.挑战地,大胆对抗地 | |
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v.紧握,抓紧,咬紧( clench的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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v.厌恶,嫌恶 | |
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v.照料(自己),(自己)谋生,挡开,避开 | |
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adj.热情的,热烈的,激昂的,易动情的,易怒的,性情暴躁的 | |
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n.表示亲爱的行为 | |
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防止,避免( avert的过去式和过去分词 ); 转移 | |
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n.雪松,香柏(木) | |
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n.庄园,领地 | |
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a.隐藏的,隐蔽的 | |
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n.山毛榉;adj.山毛榉的 | |
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n.厌恶,讨厌,勉强,不情愿 | |
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adj. 激怒的 动词exasperate的现在分词形式 | |
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adj.多样的,多变化的 | |
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adj.母亲的,母亲般的,母系的,母方的 | |
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adj.动人的,使人感伤的 | |
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v.使放心,使消除疑虑 | |
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n.说法;语调 | |
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a.(表现出)恐惧的 | |
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adj.非法的,禁止的,不正当的 | |
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adj.不断攻击的v.困扰( beset的现在分词 );不断围攻;镶;嵌 | |
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在名义上,表面地; 应名儿 | |
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n.详细检查,仔细观察 | |
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adv.整洁地,干净地,灵巧地,熟练地 | |
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n.银行业,银行学,金融业 | |
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adj.年老的,陈年的 | |
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n.合并,重组;;汞齐化 | |
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adj.奢侈的;过分的;(言行等)放肆的 | |
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n.旁观者,观众 | |
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v.吞没,包住( engulf的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adv.完全地,绝对地 | |
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adv.痛苦地;悲惨地;糟糕地;极度地 | |
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adj.多腱的,强壮有力的 | |
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(=vigor)n.智力,体力,精力 | |
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n.活力,生命力,效力 | |
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adj.明显的,无疑的;透明的 | |
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adv.本能地 | |
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n.经营管理者,行政官员 | |
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a.不知道的,未意识到的 | |
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adv.突然地,出其不意地 | |
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adj.钩状的,鹰的 | |
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adv.部分地,从某些方面讲 | |
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毁坏( ravage的过去式和过去分词 ); 蹂躏; 劫掠; 抢劫 | |
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adj.安静的,平和的 | |
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adj.基督教徒的;n.基督教徒 | |
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n.赌博;投机 | |
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n. 刺,戳,袋 vt. 拨开,刺,戳 vi. 戳,刺,捅,搜索,伸出,行动散慢 | |
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adv.格外地;极端地 | |
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adj.不讲道理的,不合情理的,过度的 | |
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adj.隐退的,退休的,退役的 | |
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n.震动,颤动,战栗,兴奋,地震 | |
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