Coming to more modern times, a great many interesting details of a historical and anecdotal kind are given in the works already mentioned, published during the last fifty or sixty years, beginning with the fine illustrated13 volume of Schlegel and Wulverhorst, and including the new edition of Mr. J. E. Harting’s Hints. Without going over any of the ground covered by these writers, I propose to add a few notes of actual experiences within the memory of man. For most of these I am indebted to the kindness of brother-falconers, who have supplied them at some trouble to themselves, and whom I desire to thank heartily14 for their friendly aid.
The powers of a trained peregrine are severely15 tested by a first-rate house-pigeon, which is one of the fastest of flying things, shifts well, and lives usually in fine condition, taking ? 276 ? plenty of exercise. Adrian M?llen told me that a fellow-countryman of his, vilipending his passage hawks16 which he was then training for the campaign at herons at the Loo, offered to bet that three of his own pigeons would beat any hawk M?llen could produce. As the hawks were not M?llen’s, and it is always quite on the cards that a flight at a fast pigeon may result in the loss of the hawk, the falconer had to ask leave before accepting the bet. The king’s brother, who then represented the Loo Club in Holland, readily gave permission, and, I think, also offered to pay if the hawk lost. Anyhow, a day was fixed17, and a small party assembled on the most open part of the Loo. The falconer had stipulated18 that he should give the signal for the release of the pigeons by the owner. His fastest falcon3 was then put on the wing, and as she waited on M?llen gave the word. The pigeon started; the hawk stooped, and, after a good flight, killed. She was allowed to eat the brain, and the rest of the pelt19 was thrown to the disconcerted fancier. A second pigeon was then prepared. The hawk again waited on, and the signal was again given. This time, however, the pigeon was taken at the first stoop. “Out with your third pigeon,” cried M?llen, elated with the double victory. But the countryman elected to pay, and not to play. “My third gold piece is lost anyhow,” he sadly remarked. “Better pay my money, and save my remaining pigeon, than find I have to lose both.”
The statement that a peregrine cutting down a grouse20 or partridge without binding22 kills it “stone-dead” in the air, is doubtless occasionally true. But to suppose that this is a common occurrence would be a great mistake. Much more often the partridge is stunned23 or dazed, the wing broken, or the back or neck dislocated. But the force with which a game-bird comes down when hit in the air is often very great, and enough in itself to almost fatally bruise24 it. I have mentioned that a falcon of Major Fisher’s knocked down a grouse on fairly level ground which, so great was the impact, rebounded25 from the earth, and came down again fifteen yards from the place where it first fell. Larks27 and other birds often dash themselves hard against the ground in shifting downwards28 from the stoop, and bound up again like balls.
Peregrines, when on their day and intent on killing29, will sometimes do more execution than would readily be believed. Not very long ago a tiercel stooped at a covey, cut down a bird, and threw up with the intention of descending30 to seize the victim. But at the height to which his impetus31 had carried him up he ? 277 ? was right above the remainder of the covey, which was speeding away at a short distance above the ground. Changing his mind, therefore, the tiercel stooped again at one of the fugitives33. He cut this down also, and shot up again, likewise over the retreating birds. For a second time the temptation proved too great, and with a third stoop he took a third partridge.
John Barr was flying a ger-tiercel at a pigeon on Epsom Downs, not far from Tattenham Corner. But the hawk was no match for the pigeon, which evaded34 all his stoops. Instead, however, of making off and thanking his lucky stars, this over-vain bird stayed fooling around. Confident that the ger would not or could not catch him, he sailed about, as if “chaffing” the big hawk and challenging him to do his worst. At this moment an amateur falconer came on the Downs by the Grand Stand, carrying a falcon (peregrine) of by no means first-rate powers, but keen to fly, and a good waiter on. Getting on to the open ground, this gentleman threw off his falcon. But neither he nor his falcon at first saw the pigeon, nor did the latter, intent on his game with the ger, espy35 the distant foe36. Thus the hawk had time to get up some way before there was any suspicion on either side that there was sport to be had. As soon as the falcon did cast eyes on the inadvertent pigeon, she fortunately went up higher, instead of starting in pursuit, as some eyesses would have done. As she got to a pretty good pitch the pigeon at last became aware that there was a second enemy in the field, or rather in the air, and began to gird up his loins for flight in bitter earnest. It was, however, now too late. The falcon towered far above, and on the other side was the “allied power,” the ger. Another ten seconds and the falcon came down with a will, threw up, and at the second shot did for the too imprudent joker. The amateur had the laugh at John Barr for some days afterwards, having “wiped his ger’s eye” with a peregrine.
Mr. Riley, who has had so much success with the short-winged hawks, had thrown off a goshawk at a rabbit, which ran past some old hollow pollard ashes. As he passed, out jumped a fox and joined in the chase. This, however, boded37 no great good for the hawk; and her owner raised so unearthly a noise that reynard turned aside into the fence just as the goshawk took the rabbit only two or three yards away. On another occasion a rabbit was ferreted out by the side of a mill-pool. The ferret was close on his traces, and he jumped deliberately38 into the pool and swam across. Mr. Riley, who, like a good austringer, loves fair play above all things, thought it a shame to fly a wet rabbit, ? 278 ? and would not throw off his goshawk. However, when the rabbit was on dry land he went so well that Mr. Riley let the hawk go. The rabbit was caught; and when he was taken from the hawk he was found to be quite dry! But whether his wet skin had been dried up by terror or by the violence of his exertions39, or how else, is a mystery still unsolved. One day, having had bad luck with partridges, Sir Tristram, owned and trained by the same gentleman, was indulged with a pigeon. The big pointer included in the party, and which was a great ally of the goshawk, was at the time roaming about. As the hawk was pluming40 the pigeon on the ground, the dog came romping41 along. But when he had accidentally got within eight yards of Sir Tristram, the latter left his meal, and, flying straight for the pointer, gave him a good sound box on the ear, which sent him flying, the hawk then returning, well satisfied, to his food.
Hawks have been known to kill quarry with a leash42 and swivel still attached to their jesses. I have known a merlin with a long leash on follow a lark26 up in rings several hundred feet high, but she could not get on terms with him. What is, however, perhaps still more astonishing, I have seen a merlin with a whole dead lark in her foot pursue and strike down one that was uninjured. I was with a friend in a very open place. Each of us had a merlin to fly; and we walked different ways. My chance came first; and the lark, after a flight of moderate length, was taken under some open railings surrounding a dry pond. Hardly was this flight over, and the hawk beginning to plume43 her lark, when my friend’s hawk started after a lark from the opposite side of the pond. This lark happened also to make for the same place—not that the railings were at all likely to save him, but because he thought he could dodge44 round and round the posts and under the bars, and so put off the fatal moment. Larks seem often to think that any shelter is better than none at all. Accordingly, round and round the rails this second lark twisted and turned, passing sometimes within a yard or two of the place where my hawk stood on her dead lark watching the fun. The other hawk meanwhile made shot after shot, but could not foot her quarry. “She”—that was the name of my merlin—looked on more and more excitedly. At last she could stand it no longer, but getting up, dead lark and all, she mounted a bit and stooped. As the lark was diving underneath45 a rail she hit it, first shot, with a resounding46 whack—not with her feet, for they were both encumbered47 by the dead quarry, but with the dead quarry itself! The lark was, of course, ? 279 ? not held, but projected forwards and downwards about three feet to the ground; and before he could get up again the other hawk was on him.
I was flying the same hawk in a very big stubble-field. A lark got up—a ground lark, but a fast one—and away they went, zigzagging48 along the surface of the field. They had gone a long way, but not far enough to be out of sight, when they both suddenly vanished. Running up, I found a deep depression in the ground, where years ago a big pit had been dug. This accounted for the disappearance49. But what had happened after that? If the lark had been taken, where was he? And where was his captor? A small heap of dry sticks at the bottom of the hollow was searched in vain. There seemed to be no other hiding-place. At length a tiny hole was seen—the mouth of a rabbit-burrow. And out of this, in another half-minute, emerged the little hawk. The lark had gone in, and she after it, but after some groping about in the dark had failed to find the wily fugitive32.
Only a few days afterwards the sister of this hawk started after a first-rate ringing lark. Both of them went out of sight, drifting at a great height towards a village a mile off. We ran towards it at our best pace, fearing some disaster; but when half-way to it saw the hawk coming back to the lure50. Well, we were glad enough that she had not killed in any cottage garden, and, taking her back up-wind, went on with the day’s programme. As it was getting dark we had to walk through the same village on the way home. “Did you find your ’awk?” asked a cottager. “What hawk?” "Why, one of your ’awks chased a lark into the passage o’ th’ public there, and would a' caught ’im too, only there was a cat in the passage up and grabbed the lark before the ’awk was on ’im; and the ’awk looked as savage51 as thunder, and ’ooked it out, and went over there where you come from."
Bee Cottage stands desolate52 in a very big valley, with hills sloping gradually down to it on almost all sides. A ringing lark, with a merlin close at his heels, got within reach of this shelter from above the hillside to windward, and shot down to it like a bullet, with the hawk a few yards behind. It was too far to see from the hillside where, but he put in somewhere on the premises53. A diligent54 search, however, in hedge, bush, coal-shed, and everywhere, led to no result. The door was shut and locked: so were the windows. No one seemed to have lived in the place for months. More searching, without any sign of lark ? 280 ? or hawk. Yet they undoubtedly55 came down here, and never came out again. Outside, they could have been seen anywhere for half a mile. At last I saw that there was a small pane56 of glass gone in one of the downstair windows. Through that opening I looked; and there sat my lady, with a fluffy57 heap round her feet. So far, so good. But the room was full of bees, some dead, and some alive! What was to be done?
Colonel Sanford owned, hacked58, and trained a very first-rate merlin called Orkney, which killed no less than ten larks in a single day in single flights, thus surpassing Queen, which took nine in single flights and one in double. This Orkney, after a very long flight, put a lark into a flock of sheep. But she marked the exact spot, underneath a sheep, where the fugitive stopped, and, taking perch59 on a neighbouring wether, kept her eye on the place. The sheep moved on, leaving the ground clear; and Orkney jumped as nearly as she could guess on the right spot. She failed, however, to grab the lark, which got up again and promptly60 took refuge under another sheep. Again the little hawk took stand on the next bleater61, marking still more carefully the hiding-place of the quarry. Again the animals walked on, and this time perseverance62 was rewarded, and the lark was carried in triumph from the woolly protectors which had so nearly saved him. The same hawk once drove a lark into a small hole where she could see nothing of him but the tail. After some reflection she put in her beak63 and grasped steadily64 the feathers of the tail. Then with an unhurried pull she drew him far enough out of the hole to be able to get at him with her foot.
The best hawk I ever had was the merlin Eva. She was never beaten in fair flight by any lark during the whole of the moulting season; and she killed one (fully moulted, of course) as late as 7th November. One day she mounted an immense height after a ringing lark, bested him, and had had three shots, when a wild merlin joined in. After this the two hawks flew in concert just as if they had been trained in the same stable. Stoop for stoop, in regular alternations, they worked this plucky65 lark down by a few yards at each shift, neither I nor James Retford, who was running with me, being able to distinguish which was which. At last, when the lark had been driven down to within about 300 feet of the ground, there were two fine stoops in quick succession, the second of which was fatal. “Which is it?” I gasped66, inquiring of the experienced falconer. “The wild one,” I think, he answered, sinking down breathless on the ? 281 ? down. It was not, though. The wild hawk, furious, turned away, and, to vent67 her rage, made a savage shot at the ears of a hare which happened at the moment to be running along the valley; while Eva, descending slowly on the side of the down, had just recovered her breath by the time I got up.
On a second occasion Eva was almost equally high, and still ringing to get above her lark, when she suddenly spread her wings and swerved68 in her course. At the same moment Major Fisher, who was out on horseback, shouted, “The wild merlin!” But this time Eva was not going to join in any duet. The wild hawk had come up on a much lower level than the trained one had attained69, possibly thinking that when Eva had done the hard work of the early stoops she might cut in and reap the benefit. At any rate, Eva was not to be so dealt with. Poising70 herself like a falcon when the grouse get up, she turned over and came down with every ounce of force she could muster71 right at the interloper. Of course she did not hit her. The two went off, stooping at one another, and were soon out of sight. Major Fisher rode after them, field-glass in hand, predicting that the wild hawk would chase Eva away. But in less than two minutes he espied72 a merlin coming back; and the trained hawk, in one long slanting73 fall from out of sight, descended74 daintily upon the lure held in her owner’s fist.
Queen was a first-rate merlin—sister of Jubilee75, and also, though younger by a year, of Tagrag. She started at a ringing lark in a very open place, and it was a case of hard running, for there were no markers out. Before half a mile was covered they were over a sloping brow. By a desperate spurt76 I reached the ridge21, when the hawk was in sight again. The ground sloped downwards for half a mile more; and in the valley, far away, was a sheep-fold, with sheep, shepherd, and a dog. For this fold the quarry was of course making. Anyhow, there would be the shepherd to mark; and a shout might reach even his rather inattentive ear. It was too far to see the hawk as she stooped; but when she threw up, and when she turned over, the sunlight caught the under-surface of her wing or tail, and showed where she was; and the last gleam came from painfully near the sheep. The running was easier downhill; and soon the shepherd was within hail. “Where is the hawk?” Reply inaudible up-wind. Thirty yards farther on the words could be heard, “Gone back where you come from.” Then, of course, she had lost the lark—rather luckily, having regard to the dog—and had passed me unnoticed, flying low. Well, the hill ? 282 ? must be mounted again and the lure kept going. There, too, is surely a glimpse of Queen herself, just vanishing over the sky-line. She will be gone back to the place where her sister is pegged77 down. Ten minutes’ walking and running, and this place is in sight. But no sign of Queen. Five minutes’ more luring78, and at last a hawk comes in sight,—not making directly for the lure, however, but hanging about and keeping well away. Strange conduct in this merlin, which rather liked the lure! And now she begins waiting on, and soaring,—a rare amusement with this very practical-minded hawk. Round and round, farther and farther down-wind, away we go, Queen hardly now even looking at the lure. Soon the hawk is too far to keep in sight without very fast running. Had I been fresh, probably I should have run hard. But I was far from fresh. And the behaviour of Queen was very queer.
Suddenly a new idea evolved itself. What if it was not Queen at all, but a wild merlin? It might be well to search a bit, anyhow, where Queen was last seen in her own undoubted personality. Searching, therefore, became the word—rather late in the day. And on a patch of new-ploughed fallow, barely distinguishable from the clods of brown earth, there stood my lady, with a litter of feathers round her, calmly eating the remains79 of a lark, and wondering what on earth I was about. She had taken the lark with that very last stoop for which I had seen her turn over, at the very edge of the sheep-fold, and, not liking80 the proximity81 of the dog, had carried her booty well away, taking the direction from which she had come, as the dog was on the other side. The wild hawk had been too late to join in the flight, but had seen the kill, and had come down perhaps with a vague idea of robbing Queen. Thinking better of any such attempt—which would not have ended pleasantly—she had been inquisitive82 as to the lure, and thinking the whole affair rather singular, had soared about, waiting to see what would happen next.
Ruy Lopez was a jack83 which rather fancied himself, and had something in his style of flying of the tactics of a haggard peregrine. That is, he would start in a different direction from the quarry, so that strangers would suppose he had no designs upon it, and afterwards turn and make an immensely long stoop at it all across the air. But on one occasion he had a very close personal experience of the stooping of peregrines. He was lost; and no one knew anything of his whereabouts. It so happened that James and William Retford, Major Fisher’s falconers, were ? 283 ? out with a pointer and a falcon named Black Lady. The dog stood, but in a queer and rather doubtful way; and Black Lady was thrown off. When she had got to her pitch the men ran in. But instead of partridges, there got up out of the swedes the unexpected shape of Ruy Lopez, he having been quietly discussing there a lark which he had just killed. Down came the falcon, better pleased, as hawks are, at such a chase than one at a mere84 partridge. And the falconers describe the flight as beyond measure exciting. They thought each stoop would be the last, and declared that the small hawk saved himself several times by a hair’s-breadth. At length, however, he got in under a stook of wheat. No doubt the falconers thought it was a near thing. And possibly it was; but as far as my own experience goes, trained peregrines cannot get within a yard of a good trained merlin. I have seen them try; and the merlin has shifted with contemptuous ease. Major Fisher, however, as already mentioned, had a tiercel which made it very hot for a wild merlin, and, as he thinks, very nearly caught it. I have seen one of his eyess tiercels take a kestrel with apparent ease at the first stoop. But that is certainly quite a different matter.
The already long list which has been given of mischances and maladies which beset85 trained hawks is even yet not complete. In India the wild eagles are a serious nuisance, coming down from the high altitudes at which they soar, and obliging the hawks to shift for their own safety just when they are expected and expecting to give a good account of their own quarry. In England, hawks which are pegged out in any but a quiet private place are exposed to the attack of any chance dog. I do not know that cats will deliberately attack even the smallest jack, either by day or by night. But a tame cat which had gone mad once made an onslaught on the trained peregrines belonging to the O. H. C., and with such ferocity that quite a large number of them died of their wounds. Mr. A. W. Reed, an experienced and enthusiastic amateur falconer, had some very valuable hawks, including a ger and some Eastern varieties, pegged out on a lawn in Essex. A neighbouring householder, being troubled by sparrows, laid down poisoned grain. The sparrows took the grain, and, dying as they flew over the place where the hawks were, fell down on the ground near the blocks. Of course the hawks ate them; and, equally of course, the hawks were poisoned. And, advice being taken, it was considered useless to take proceedings86 against the offender87.
Cases of deliberate hawk-murder are now punishable by ? 284 ? law. All falconers are highly indebted to Mr. E. C. Pinckney for having demonstrated this fact conclusively88 in a local tribunal. He extracted £10 in damages from a neighbour who had shot at and killed his game-hawk, although the latter set up the usual defence, pretending that he was unaware89 that the hawk was a tame one. The judge held that, as he was aware that his neighbour kept trained hawks, if he shot at one, he did so at his own peril90, just as a man would who shot at a house-pigeon or escaped parrot. More lately still, Mr. A. W. Reed has been awarded £5 at the Kingston County Court as damages from a neighbour who had wilfully91 shot his trained peregrine. The precedents92, as far as they go, are most valuable. Unfortunately they do not, of course, go very far. But a falconer will be well advised, having regard to them, to send notices in registered letters, when going into any district, to all such people as are likely to prove mischievous93.
The End
1 quarry | |
n.采石场;v.采石;费力地找 | |
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2 tangible | |
adj.有形的,可触摸的,确凿的,实际的 | |
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3 falcon | |
n.隼,猎鹰 | |
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4 hawk | |
n.鹰,骗子;鹰派成员 | |
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5 anecdotes | |
n.掌故,趣闻,轶事( anecdote的名词复数 ) | |
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6 scattered | |
adj.分散的,稀疏的;散步的;疏疏落落的 | |
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7 treatise | |
n.专著;(专题)论文 | |
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8 procure | |
vt.获得,取得,促成;vi.拉皮条 | |
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9 perusal | |
n.细读,熟读;目测 | |
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10 remarkable | |
adj.显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的 | |
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11 precepts | |
n.规诫,戒律,箴言( precept的名词复数 ) | |
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12 rivalry | |
n.竞争,竞赛,对抗 | |
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13 illustrated | |
adj. 有插图的,列举的 动词illustrate的过去式和过去分词 | |
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14 heartily | |
adv.衷心地,诚恳地,十分,很 | |
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15 severely | |
adv.严格地;严厉地;非常恶劣地 | |
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16 hawks | |
鹰( hawk的名词复数 ); 鹰派人物,主战派人物 | |
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17 fixed | |
adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 | |
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18 stipulated | |
vt.& vi.规定;约定adj.[法]合同规定的 | |
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19 pelt | |
v.投掷,剥皮,抨击,开火 | |
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20 grouse | |
n.松鸡;v.牢骚,诉苦 | |
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21 ridge | |
n.山脊;鼻梁;分水岭 | |
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22 binding | |
有约束力的,有效的,应遵守的 | |
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23 stunned | |
adj. 震惊的,惊讶的 动词stun的过去式和过去分词 | |
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24 bruise | |
n.青肿,挫伤;伤痕;vt.打青;挫伤 | |
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25 rebounded | |
弹回( rebound的过去式和过去分词 ); 反弹; 产生反作用; 未能奏效 | |
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26 lark | |
n.云雀,百灵鸟;n.嬉戏,玩笑;vi.嬉戏 | |
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27 larks | |
n.百灵科鸟(尤指云雀)( lark的名词复数 );一大早就起床;鸡鸣即起;(因太费力而不想干时说)算了v.百灵科鸟(尤指云雀)( lark的第三人称单数 );一大早就起床;鸡鸣即起;(因太费力而不想干时说)算了 | |
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28 downwards | |
adj./adv.向下的(地),下行的(地) | |
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29 killing | |
n.巨额利润;突然赚大钱,发大财 | |
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30 descending | |
n. 下行 adj. 下降的 | |
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31 impetus | |
n.推动,促进,刺激;推动力 | |
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32 fugitive | |
adj.逃亡的,易逝的;n.逃犯,逃亡者 | |
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33 fugitives | |
n.亡命者,逃命者( fugitive的名词复数 ) | |
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34 evaded | |
逃避( evade的过去式和过去分词 ); 避开; 回避; 想不出 | |
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35 espy | |
v.(从远处等)突然看到 | |
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36 foe | |
n.敌人,仇敌 | |
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37 boded | |
v.预示,预告,预言( bode的过去式和过去分词 );等待,停留( bide的过去分词 );居住;(过去式用bided)等待 | |
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38 deliberately | |
adv.审慎地;蓄意地;故意地 | |
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39 exertions | |
n.努力( exertion的名词复数 );费力;(能力、权力等的)运用;行使 | |
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40 pluming | |
用羽毛装饰(plume的现在分词形式) | |
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41 romping | |
adj.嬉戏喧闹的,乱蹦乱闹的v.嬉笑玩闹( romp的现在分词 );(尤指在赛跑或竞选等中)轻易获胜 | |
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42 leash | |
n.牵狗的皮带,束缚;v.用皮带系住 | |
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43 plume | |
n.羽毛;v.整理羽毛,骚首弄姿,用羽毛装饰 | |
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44 dodge | |
v.闪开,躲开,避开;n.妙计,诡计 | |
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45 underneath | |
adj.在...下面,在...底下;adv.在下面 | |
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46 resounding | |
adj. 响亮的 | |
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47 encumbered | |
v.妨碍,阻碍,拖累( encumber的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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48 zigzagging | |
v.弯弯曲曲地走路,曲折地前进( zigzag的现在分词 );盘陀 | |
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49 disappearance | |
n.消失,消散,失踪 | |
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50 lure | |
n.吸引人的东西,诱惑物;vt.引诱,吸引 | |
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51 savage | |
adj.野蛮的;凶恶的,残暴的;n.未开化的人 | |
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52 desolate | |
adj.荒凉的,荒芜的;孤独的,凄凉的;v.使荒芜,使孤寂 | |
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53 premises | |
n.建筑物,房屋 | |
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54 diligent | |
adj.勤勉的,勤奋的 | |
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55 undoubtedly | |
adv.确实地,无疑地 | |
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56 pane | |
n.窗格玻璃,长方块 | |
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57 fluffy | |
adj.有绒毛的,空洞的 | |
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58 hacked | |
生气 | |
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59 perch | |
n.栖木,高位,杆;v.栖息,就位,位于 | |
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60 promptly | |
adv.及时地,敏捷地 | |
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61 bleater | |
拍打器; 敲打者; 助猎者; (狩猎中)使猎物从掩蔽处惊起的人 | |
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62 perseverance | |
n.坚持不懈,不屈不挠 | |
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63 beak | |
n.鸟嘴,茶壶嘴,钩形鼻 | |
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64 steadily | |
adv.稳定地;不变地;持续地 | |
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65 plucky | |
adj.勇敢的 | |
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66 gasped | |
v.喘气( gasp的过去式和过去分词 );喘息;倒抽气;很想要 | |
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67 vent | |
n.通风口,排放口;开衩;vt.表达,发泄 | |
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68 swerved | |
v.(使)改变方向,改变目的( swerve的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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69 attained | |
(通常经过努力)实现( attain的过去式和过去分词 ); 达到; 获得; 达到(某年龄、水平、状况) | |
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70 poising | |
使平衡( poise的现在分词 ); 保持(某种姿势); 抓紧; 使稳定 | |
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71 muster | |
v.集合,收集,鼓起,激起;n.集合,检阅,集合人员,点名册 | |
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72 espied | |
v.看到( espy的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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73 slanting | |
倾斜的,歪斜的 | |
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74 descended | |
a.为...后裔的,出身于...的 | |
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75 jubilee | |
n.周年纪念;欢乐 | |
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76 spurt | |
v.喷出;突然进发;突然兴隆 | |
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77 pegged | |
v.用夹子或钉子固定( peg的过去式和过去分词 );使固定在某水平 | |
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78 luring | |
吸引,引诱(lure的现在分词形式) | |
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79 remains | |
n.剩余物,残留物;遗体,遗迹 | |
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80 liking | |
n.爱好;嗜好;喜欢 | |
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81 proximity | |
n.接近,邻近 | |
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82 inquisitive | |
adj.求知欲强的,好奇的,好寻根究底的 | |
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83 jack | |
n.插座,千斤顶,男人;v.抬起,提醒,扛举;n.(Jake)杰克 | |
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84 mere | |
adj.纯粹的;仅仅,只不过 | |
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85 beset | |
v.镶嵌;困扰,包围 | |
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86 proceedings | |
n.进程,过程,议程;诉讼(程序);公报 | |
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87 offender | |
n.冒犯者,违反者,犯罪者 | |
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88 conclusively | |
adv.令人信服地,确凿地 | |
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89 unaware | |
a.不知道的,未意识到的 | |
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90 peril | |
n.(严重的)危险;危险的事物 | |
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91 wilfully | |
adv.任性固执地;蓄意地 | |
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92 precedents | |
引用单元; 范例( precedent的名词复数 ); 先前出现的事例; 前例; 先例 | |
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93 mischievous | |
adj.调皮的,恶作剧的,有害的,伤人的 | |
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