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Chapter 11
It was nearly twelve months before he heard again from Miss Tarrant. Then one day she wrote and asked him to come and have tea with her at her flat in Lexham Gardens.

He went. His entrance coincided1 with the departure2 of Laurence Furnival and a lady whom Philippa introduced to him as Mrs. Laurence, whom, she said, he would remember under another name.

Furnival's wife was younger than ever and more like Nora Viveash and more different. When the door closed on them Philippa turned to him with her radiance (the least bit overdone).

"I made that marriage," she said, and staggered3 him.

"Surely," he said, "it was made in heaven."

"If this room is heaven. It was made here, six months ago."

She faced him with all his memories. With all his memories and her own she faced him radiantly4.

"You know now," she said, "why I did it. It was worth while, wasn't it?"

His voice struggled with his memories and stuck. It stuck in his throat.

Before he left he begged her congratulations5 on a little affair of his own; a rather unhappy affair which had ended happily the week before last. He did not tell her that, if it hadn't been for the things dear Fanny Brocklebank had done for him, the way she had mixed herself up with his unhappy little affair, it might have ended happily a year ago.

"But," said Philippa, "how beautiful!"

He never saw Miss Tarrant again. Their correspondence6 ceased7 after his marriage, and he gathered that she had no longer any use for him.


1 coincided b671e2c8e2c07cbe0516d1b280f4a8ad     
vi. 同时发生,符合,一致
  • Our opinion of the question coincided. 对于这个问题,我们观点一致。
  • The beginning of the solar and lunar years coincided every 13 years. 太阳年和太阴年的起始时间每13年重合一次。
2 departure uw6xb     
  • Do you know what lies behind her sudden departure for London?你知道她突然去伦敦的原因吗?
  • She took over his work after his departure.他离开以后,她接替了他的工作。
3 staggered 6012b5293d0c7397efd784be681cd35c     
  • The injured woman staggered to her feet. 受伤的女人摇摇晃晃地站起身来。
  • I was staggered at the amount of money the ring cost. 那戒指那么贵,我非常吃惊。
4 radiantly b0cb8fcca47d8eba9cc777065c35e628     
  • Everything is like with last time, he returns heaven radiantly. 一切都如同上一次,他容光焕发的回到天堂。
  • She stood back and looked at him, her face smiling radiantly. 她站在后面,望着他,脸上露出灿烂的笑容。
5 congratulations Lvqzts     
  • I send you my warmest congratulations on your success. 我对你的成功致以最热烈的祝贺。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Please give her my congratulations when you see her. 见到她时请转达我的祝贺。 来自《简明英汉词典》
6 correspondence WzGxt     
  • He showed me all the correspondence relating to the matter.他把与这件事有关的全部信件都给我看了。
  • What she has just said isn't in correspondence with the views of the majority.她刚才所说的同大多数人所持的观点不一致。
7 ceased ceased     
adj. 停止的, 终了的 动词cease的过去式和过去分词
  • He ceased to write at the age of sixty. 他60岁停止了写作。
  • Never for a moment has the fire of war ceased. 战火一刻也没有间断过。


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