Yet he would not tell her who he was, for he did not want her to marry him merely because of the money it would bring her. She hurt his feelings often, but in spite of it she could not help being attracted to him. He had a way, too, of looking at her that made her feel how proud and unjust she was, and sometimes made her quite despise herself.
But having had a taste of the pleasures and comforts that wealth would bring, Bella had quite determined3 when she married to marry nobody but a very rich man. Mr. and Mrs. Boffin both noticed how changed she was growing from her own sweet self and regretted it, for they liked Bella and they liked the secretary, too, and they could easily see that the latter was in love with her.
One day Mrs. Boffin went to the secretary's room for something. As she entered, Rokesmith, who was sitting sadly over the fire, looked up with a peculiar4 expression that told the good woman all in a flash who he was.[Pg 344]
"I know you now," she cried, "you're little John Harmon!"
In the joy and surprise she almost fainted, but he caught her and set her down beside him. Just then in came Mr. Boffin, and the secretary told them the whole story, and how he now loved Bella, but would not declare himself because of her contempt.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Boffin were so glad to know he was really alive they fell to crying with joy. The Golden Dustman declared that, no matter how the last will read, John should have the fortune for his own. Rokesmith (or Harmon) at first refused to do this, but Mr. Boffin swore that if he did not he himself would not touch the money, and it would have to go to the Crown anyway. So at last it was agreed that Mr. Boffin should keep a small portion for his own, but that the other should take all the rest.
Mr. Boffin wanted to tell everybody the truth at once, but John would not let them. You see he wouldn't marry Bella for anything unless she loved him for himself alone. And she was growing so fond of riches that there seemed little chance of this happening.
Nevertheless they believed that at heart Bella was good and sweet, if they could only get to her real self, so Mr. Boffin that moment made a plan.
He determined to show Bella how much unhappiness misused5 riches could cause, and how too much money might sometimes spoil the kindest[Pg 345] and best people. As a lesson to her in this he was to pretend gradually to turn into a mean, hard-hearted miser6. They agreed that he should begin to treat the secretary harshly and unjustly in Bella's presence, feeling sure that her true self would stand up for him when he was slighted, and be kinder to him when he seemed poorest and most friendless.
The Golden Dustman began the new plan that very night. Every day he made himself act like a regular brown bear, and every evening he would say, "I'll be a grislier old growler to-morrow." He made the secretary slave from morning till night and found fault with him and sneered7 at his poverty and cut down his wages.
Each afternoon, when he went walking with Bella, Mr. Boffin would make her go into bookshops and inquire if they had any book about a miser. If they had, he would buy it, no matter what it cost, and lug8 it home to read. He began to drive hard bargains for everything he bought and all his talk came to be about money and the fine thing it was to have it.
"Go in for money, my dear," he would say to Bella. "Money's the article! You'll make money of your good looks, and of the money Mrs. Boffin and me will leave you, and you'll live and die rich. That's the state to live and die in—R-r-rich!"
Bella was greatly shocked at the sorrowful change in Mr. Boffin. Wealth began to look less[Pg 346] lovely when she saw him growing so miserly. She began to wonder if she herself might ever become like that, too, and sometimes, when she thought how kind and generous the old Mr. Boffin had been, she fairly hated money and wished it had never been invented.
There was an old woman who peddled9 knitting-work through the country whom Mr. and Mrs. Boffin had befriended, and to whom they had given a letter to carry wherever she went. This letter asked whoever should find her, if she fell sick, to let them know. The old woman fell and died one day by the roadside near the spot where Lizzie Hexam was now living, and Lizzie, finding the letter, wrote about it to Mr. and Mrs. Boffin.
They sent the secretary and Bella, to make arrangements for the poor woman's burial, and in this way Bella met Lizzie and became her friend. Lizzie soon told her all her story, and Bella, seeing how unselfishly she loved, began to think her own ambition to marry for money a mean and ignoble10 thing. She thought how patient and kind the secretary had always been, and, knowing he loved her, wished heartily11 that her own coldness had not forbidden him to tell her so.
One day Mr. Boffin's pretended harsh treatment of his secretary seemed to come to a climax12. He sent for him to come to the room where Mrs. Boffin and Bella sat, and made a fearful scene. He said he had just heard that he, Rokesmith, had been presuming[Pg 347] on his position to make love to Bella—a young lady who wanted to marry money, who had a right to marry money, and who was very far from wanting to marry a poor beggar of a private secretary! He threw the wages that were due Rokesmith on the floor and discharged him on the spot, telling him the sooner he could pack up and leave, the better.
Then, at last, in the face of this apparent meanness and injustice13, Bella saw herself and Mr. Boffin's money and John Rokesmith's love and dignity, all in their true light. She burst out crying, begged Rokesmith's forgiveness, told Mr. Boffin he was an old wretch14 of a miser, and when the secretary had gone, she said Rokesmith was a gentleman and worth a million Boffins, and she would not stay in the house a minute longer.
Then she packed up her things and went straight to her father's office. All the other clerks had gone home, for it was after hours, and she put her head on his shoulder and told him all about it.
And while they were talking, in came John Rokesmith, and seeing her there alone with her father, rushed to her and caught her in his arms.
"My dear, brave, noble, generous girl!" he said, and Bella, feeling all at once that she had never been quite so happy in her life, laid her head on his breast, as if that were the one place for it in all the world.
They had a talk together and then walked home[Pg 348] to Mr. Wilfer's poor little house, Bella's father agreeing that she had done exactly the proper thing, and Bella herself feeling so happy now in having John Rokesmith's love, that she cared not a bit for the fine mansion15 and clothes and money of the Boffins which she had left for ever.
A few days later John Rokesmith and Bella were married and went to live in a little furnished cottage outside of London, where they settled down as happy as two birds.


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adj.昂贵的,价值高的,豪华的 | |
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n.寄宿人,房客 | |
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adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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adj.古怪的,异常的;特殊的,特有的 | |
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v.使用…不当( misuse的过去式和过去分词 );把…派作不正当的用途;虐待;滥用 | |
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n.守财奴,吝啬鬼 (adj.miserly) | |
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讥笑,冷笑( sneer的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.柄,突出部,螺帽;(英)耳朵;(俚)笨蛋;vt.拖,拉,用力拖动 | |
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(沿街)叫卖( peddle的过去式和过去分词 ); 兜售; 宣传; 散播 | |
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adj.不光彩的,卑鄙的;可耻的 | |
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adv.衷心地,诚恳地,十分,很 | |
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n.顶点;高潮;v.(使)达到顶点 | |
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n.非正义,不公正,不公平,侵犯(别人的)权利 | |
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n.可怜的人,不幸的人;卑鄙的人 | |
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n.大厦,大楼;宅第 | |
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