As for the money-lender, he realized as soon as his uncle had left the office and slammed the door behind him, that in all probabilities he would never see the inheritance of which he had for so many years based his hopes. However, there was one chance left to him, and he determined6 to try it before abandoning all expectation forever. He must see Bruce at once, for it was possible that, through this boy, he might once more obtain influence over his uncle. Taking his hat and cane7, he left his office and hurried away to the address which Bruce had given him, and it was there that he learned that the boy had found employment in the very truck-house in which his father had worked before him, and where he had often visited him.
“That was stupid enough in me,” he remarked, angrily, to himself, as he strolled along toward the quarters. “I might have 321known that the boy’s first thought after his father’s death would have been to look for some sort of a job in the department. If I had only made inquiries8 there instead of sending that rascally9 newsboy up into the country, I would have found him long ago, and might have had him out of the way by this time, if I had seen the necessity for it.”
As he entered the building, Charley Weyman recognized him, and went upstairs to look for the boy. “He’s down there, Bruce,” he said, significantly.
“Who’s down there?” demanded the young lad, looking up from the book which he was reading.
“That tall chap, with the scar on his face, that you’ve talked about so often. And, mark my words, he means you no good. But you go down and see what he has to say, and then tell me about it before you give him any promise or agree to do anything that he asks you to.”
“But perhaps he’s not going to ask me anything,” replied the boy. “It may be that he’s come here to do me a favor.”
“Don’t you believe it!” retorted Weyman. “That man never goes anywhere unless it is to get something from somebody. If he 322offers to do you a favor, be mighty11 careful how you accept his offer.”
Bruce went downstairs, and was very cordially greeted by the mysterious man who had caused him so many sleepless12 nights since the first time he had heard of him. He was surprised now to find him so agreeable and kindly13 in his manner, and in a few moments he forgot his good friend’s caution, and found himself talking to the money-lender as freely and easily as if he had known him all his life. He told him all that he knew of his origin, and mentioned the fact that he hardly knew anything about his father’s family or friends. “I came down here soon after my father’s death, and the chief took me on here, got my pension for me, and has kept me here ever since. When I’m old enough I hope to join the department, and perhaps rise in it.”
“What pension is that?” asked Mr. Dexter, with a sudden gleam of interest in his face.
“The department pays it to me because my father was killed in the service,” replied the boy.
“Then there is no doubt about your being the son of Frank Decker, I suppose,” rejoined the other, in what seemed to Bruce like a tone of disappointment.
323“Of course not,” he replied.
“Very well, then,” continued the visitor, “so much the better for you, for you will have no trouble in establishing your identity. As I told you the other day, a legacy14 left to your father by some distant relatives in England has fallen to you; but in order to get it you will be obliged to go yourself to London, prove who you are, and collect the money in person. I knew your father very well indeed, and it was simply on account of my friendship for him that I have taken the trouble to look you up. I sent that little rascal10 of a newsboy up to the country to search for you; and if he had done what I told him to do, or if you had come to me at once, you might have obtained possession of your inheritance by this time, to say nothing of saving me a great deal of unnecessary trouble. However, I suppose you could not have helped that.”
“Indeed, sir,” said Bruce, very humbly15, “I went up to your house two or three times but could not learn your address, and it was only when Skinny came back to the city that I found out where your office was. It was very kind of you, I’m sure, to take so much trouble for me, and when I get this money I will very gladly pay you for what you have done.”
324“Never mind the pay,” exclaimed the money-lender, magnanimously, “I’m willing to do a great deal for the son of my old friend. Now, I suppose you have not enough money to pay for your journey to London and back, have you?”
Bruce was forced to admit that he had not sufficient funds for such an undertaking16, and on learning this, the visitor went on: “Very well, I will advance you enough for your passage there and back and other necessary expenses, and you can repay me when you receive your legacy. I suppose you might get it by sending a representative there, or engaging some well-known London lawyer, but that would cost you just as much as to take the trip yourself, and besides those English people are not like Americans, and are very slow in their business methods. And, after all, a boy of your age ought to enjoy a little trip to Europe and back. It won’t come in your way very often, especially when there’s nearly five thousand dollars at the other end of the route.”
Nearly five thousand dollars! To the young fire-lad, who had been accustomed all his life to the most rigid17 economy, this seemed like an enormous sum of money. And the 325prospect offered him so unexpectedly of obtaining it for himself, and at the same time making a journey to England almost stunned18 him. He was aroused from his stupor19 by Mr. Dexter, who asked him how soon he would be able to start.
“Any time you say,” he replied, and then added hastily, “provided, of course, that Chief Trask has no objection.”
At the mention of the chief’s name Mr. Dexter’s brow clouded, and he exclaimed in what Bruce thought rather a contemptuous and disagreeable tone, “Well, if he is a true friend of yours, he won’t object to your making such a journey as I propose, and if he does object, I should think five thousand dollars would be worth more to you, than anything you’ve got here.”
“I’ll ask him,” said the boy, “and let you know to-morrow. I don’t think he’ll put any obstacle in my way.” And with this understanding the two parted, the money-lender returning to his office, and Bruce going at once to lay the matter before his friends, Charley Weyman and the chief.
Both these men declared, after careful consideration of his case, that he could not do better than accept Mr. Dexter’s proposition, 326provided that gentleman paid him in advance enough to cover the expenses of his journey to England and back. “You don’t risk anything, you see,” said Weyman, “and he does. He wouldn’t send you off on a wild-goose chase, if it cost him anything to do so. In fact, you’ve everything to gain and nothing to lose, and it’s not every day in the year that a boy like you gets the chance to travel in foreign parts at somebody else’s expense. Just tell him that you’re ready to go, and keep a sharp look-out for anything that may turn up.”
The next day, accordingly, Bruce called on Mr. Dexter at his Eldridge Street office, and made known to him the decision of his friends. “I’m ready to go whenever you think best,” he added, “but, of course, as I haven’t any money, you will have to give me a return ticket, and money enough for my expenses while I’m there.”
“Certainly, my boy,” said Mr. Dexter, with his most winning smile, “and as there is a steamer that sails next Saturday for Southampton, I will engage your passage on that. Get ready to sail at three o’clock on that day, and, meantime, I advise you to keep on at your regular work and not mention to 327anybody what I have told you. Some one might start up and contest that will and keep you out of your rightful dues for ten years. When you get your hands on the money, you may talk about it as much as you please.”
And so the young boy returned to the truck quarters, and resumed his regular work, although he could scarcely drive out of his mind the wonderful intelligence that the money-lender had conveyed to him. Meantime, Samuel Dexter seated in his Eldridge Street office, was writing a long letter to the old gentleman who had driven him from his house.
“There!” he exclaimed, as he sealed the envelope, “I think that letter will bring him to terms if nothing else will.”


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n.男亲属 | |
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n.矫饰,做作,借口 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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adj.仁慈的,乐善好施的 | |
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n.生计,谋生之道 | |
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adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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n.手杖,细长的茎,藤条;v.以杖击,以藤编制的 | |
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n.调查( inquiry的名词复数 );疑问;探究;打听 | |
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adj. 无赖的,恶棍的 adv. 无赖地,卑鄙地 | |
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n.流氓;不诚实的人 | |
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adj.强有力的;巨大的 | |
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adj.不睡眠的,睡不著的,不休息的 | |
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adj.和蔼的,温和的,爽快的;adv.温和地,亲切地 | |
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n.遗产,遗赠;先人(或过去)留下的东西 | |
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adv. 恭顺地,谦卑地 | |
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n.保证,许诺,事业 | |
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adj.严格的,死板的;刚硬的,僵硬的 | |
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adj. 震惊的,惊讶的 动词stun的过去式和过去分词 | |
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v.昏迷;不省人事 | |
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