But though a vain man, Sir Lionel was too clever to let his vanity show itself in an offensive manner. The "ars celare artem" was his forte5; and he was able to live before the world as though he never cast a thought on his coat and pantaloons, or ever did more than brush and smooth his iron-gray locks with due attention to cleanliness.
I was going to say that Sir Lionel's appearance was the best thing about him; but in saying so I should belie6 his manner, with which it was certainly difficult for any one to find fault. It was what the world calls happy, meaning thereby7, that so great was the possessor's luck that he was able to make it pleasant to all men, and to all women—for a while. Mrs. Bertram—she had not lived to be my lady—had, I believe, not always found it so.
These, joined to a readiness in the use of one or two languages besides his own, were the qualifications which had given Sir Lionel his title, and had caused him to be employed in so many missions in so many countries; and on duty, too, which could not be said to be of a military nature. He never made difficulties or enemies of his own, and could generally smooth down the difficulties and enemies left behind them by others, perhaps of a more sturdy temperament8.
But now the catalogue of his virtues9 is complete. He was not a man of genius, or even a man of talent. He had performed no great service for his country; had neither proposed nor carried through any valuable project of diplomacy10; nor had he shown any close insight into the habits and feelings of the people among whom he had lived. But he had been useful as a great oil-jar, from whence oil for the quiescence11 of troubled waters might ever and anon be forthcoming. Expediency12 was his god, and he had hitherto worshipped it with a successful devotion.
That he had not been a good husband has been hinted; that he had been a very indifferent father has been made apparent. But at the moment of his meeting with his son, he atoned13 for all his past sins in this respect by the excellence14 of his manner; and before the evening was over, George liked his father, who had owed him everything and given him nothing, ten times better than he had ever liked his uncle who had given him everything though he had owed him nothing.
"It's an odd place for us to have met in at last, is it not, sir?" said George. They were sitting after supper very close together on one of those stationary15 sofas which are found affixed16 to the wall in every room in the East, and the son was half holding, half caressing17 his father's arm. Sir Lionel, to tell the truth, did not much care for such caresses18, but under the peculiar1 circumstances of this present interview he permitted it.
"You see, I'm always in odd places, George."
"You've been in Jerusalem before?"
"No, never. It's not on the road anywhere, or on any road at all, as one may well see. I never knew such a place to get to. Now there are roads of some sort even about Bagdad."
"And Damascus?"
"Oh, Damascus is a highway; but nobody comes to Jerusalem except the pilgrims, and those who like to look after the pilgrims. We are just in the thick of them now, I believe."
"Yes, sir. There are thirteen thousand here. I am sure you'll like the place. I am delighted with it, although I have been here as yet only two days."
"Perhaps more so than you will be when you have been ten."
"I don't think it. But it is not the city itself."
"No; that seems poor and dirty enough."
"I would not mind the dirt if the place were but true." Sir Lionel did not quite understand him, but he said nothing. "It is the country round, the immediate19 vicinity of Jerusalem that fascinates so wonderfully."
"Ah! the scenery is good, is it?"
"Well, in one way it is; but I do not mean that. I cannot explain it; but to-morrow you will go to the Mount of Olives with me."
"Mount of Olives, eh? I'm not very good at climbing up a hill, Master George; you must remember the difference between twenty-three and sixty-three. What is there to see there?"
What was there to see there! This was said in a tone which made George feel rather indisposed to describe, if describe he could, what there was there to be seen. He had quite wit enough to perceive that his father was not enthusiastic about Bible history.
And then they changed the conversation, and began to talk about George Bertram the elder.
"It's eighteen years since I've seen my brother," said Sir Lionel. "He was usually cross enough then. I suppose he has hardly improved?"
"I can't exactly call him cross. He has been very kind to me, you know."
"Kind—well. If you are contented20, I am; but, considering that you are his natural heir, I don't think he has done so very much. If he means to be kind, why does he bother me every other month with a long account, of which the postage comes to heaven knows how much?"
"Ah! but, sir, I am not his heir."
"Not his heir!" said Sir Lionel, with more of sharpness in his tone than was at all usual with him; with a little sharpness also in his eye, as George quickly observed. "Not his heir—who is his heir then?"
"Ah, that I do not know. Some corporation, perhaps, or some hospital. All I know is, that I am not. That he has told me quite plainly. And he was very right to do so," added George, after a pause.
Sir Lionel repressed the exclamation21 of anger against his brother which was in his heart, and had all but risen to his tongue. He had not been wandering for thirty years on foreign missions for nothing. He must find out more of this lad's disposition22 and feelings before he spoke23 out plainly before him what he thought. He had intended not only that his son should be the rich uncle's heir, but the rich uncle's adopted child also; so that some portion of that vast wealth might be made use of, certainly by George, perhaps even in some modest degree by himself, without the unnecessary delay of waiting for his brother's death. It would be bad enough to wait, seeing how probable it was that that brother might outlive himself. But now to be told not only that his hopes in this respect were vain, but that the old miser24 had absolutely repudiated25 his connection with his nephew! This was almost too much for his diplomatic equanimity26. Almost, I say; for in fact he did restrain himself.
"And did he say, George, in so many words that he meant to give you nothing?"
"Yes, very plainly—in so many words. And I told him as plainly, and in as many, that I wanted nothing from him."
"Was that prudent27, my boy?"
"It was the truth, sir. But I must tell you the whole. He offered me a loan of three thousand pounds—"
"Well, you took that?"
"Indeed, no. He offered it on the condition that I should be an attorney."
"An attorney! and you with a double-first?"
"Ah, he does not much value double-firsts. Of course, I was not going to make myself an attorney."
"Of course not. But what is he doing about an allowance for you?"
"He has been very liberal. He has given me a hundred and fifty a year—"
"Yes; and sent me the bill of it—with great regularity28."
The son did not remind the father that all regularity in the matter had ended there, and that the bills so sent had never been paid; but he could not help thinking that in justice he might do so.
"But that expense will soon be over, sir, as regards either you or him. The allowance will be discontinued next year."
"What! he is going to stop even that school-boy's pittance29?"
"Why not, sir? I have no claim on him. And as he has not forgotten to tell me so once or twice—"
"He was always a vulgar fellow," said Sir Lionel. "How he came to have such a spirit of trade in his very blood, I can't conceive. God knows I have none of it."
"Nor I either, sir."
"Well, I hope not. But does he expect you to live upon air? This is bad news, George—very bad."
"Of course I have always intended to go into a profession. I have never looked at it in the same light as you do. I have always intended to make my own way, and have no doubt that I shall do so. I have quite made up my mind about it now."
"About what, George?"
"I shall go into orders, and take a college living."
"Orders!" said Sir Lionel; and he expressed more surprise and almost more disgust at this idea than at that other one respecting the attorney scheme.
"Yes; I have been long doubting; but I think I have made up my mind."
"Do you mean that you wish to be a parson, and that after taking a double-first?"
"I don't see what the double-first has to do with it, sir. The only objection I have is the system of the establishment. I do not like the established church."
"Then why go into it?" said Sir Lionel, not at all understanding the nature of his son's objection.
"I love our liturgy30, and I like the ritual; but what we want is the voluntary principle. I do not like to put myself in a position which I can, in fact, hold whether I do the duties of it or no. Nor do I wish—"
"Well; I understand very little about all that; but, George, I had hoped something better for you. Now, the army is a beggarly profession unless a man has a private fortune; but, upon my word, I look on the church as the worst of the two. A man may be a bishop31 of course; but I take it he has to eat a deal of dirt first."
"I don't mean to eat any dirt," said the son.
"Nor to be a bishop, perhaps," replied the father.
They were quite unable to understand each other on this subject. In Sir Lionel's view of the matter, a profession was—a profession. The word was understood well enough throughout the known world. It signified a calling by which a gentleman, not born to the inheritance of a gentleman's allowance of good things, might ingeniously obtain the same by some exercise of his abilities. The more of these good things that might be obtained, the better the profession; the easier the labour also, the better the profession; the less restriction32 that might be laid on a man in his pleasurable enjoyment33 of the world, the better the profession. This was Sir Lionel's view of a profession, and it must be acknowledged that, though his view was commonplace, it was also common sense; that he looked at the matter as a great many people look at it; and that his ideas were at any rate sufficiently34 intelligible35. But George Bertram's view was different, and much less easy of explanation. He had an idea that in choosing a profession he should consider, not so much how he should get the means of spending his life, but how he should in fact spend it. He would have, in making this choice, to select the pursuit to which he would devote that amount of power and that amount of life which God should allot36 to him. Fathers and mothers, uncles and aunts, guardians37 and grandfathers, was not this a singular view for a young man to take in looking at such a subject?
But in truth George was somewhat afflicted38 by a tête monté in this matter. I say afflicted, because, having imagination and ideality to lead him to high views, he had not a sufficient counterbalance in his firmness of character. If his father was too mundane39, he was too transcendental. As for instance, he approved at the present moment, in theory, of the life of a parish clergyman; but could he have commenced the life to-morrow, he would at once have shrunk from its drudgery40.
They did not understand each other; perceiving which, Sir Lionel gave up the subject. He was determined41 not to make himself disagreeable to his son. He, at any rate, intended to make him no allowance, to give him no fortune, and was aware, therefore, that he had no right to interfere42 otherwise than as his advice might be asked. Nor indeed had he any wish to do so, if he could only instil43 into the young man's mind a few—not precepts44; precepts are harsh and disagreeable—a few comfortable friendly hints as to the tremendous importance of the game which might be played with Mr. George Bertram senior. If he could only do this pleasantly, and without offence to his son, he would attempt nothing further.
He turned the conversation, and they talked agreeably on other matters—of Oxford45, of the Wilkinsons, of Harcourt, and by degrees also a little of uncle George.
"What sort of a house does my brother keep at Hadley—eh, George? Dull enough it used to be."
"Well; it is dull. Not that he is dull himself; I can always talk to my uncle when he will talk to me."
"Sees no company, I suppose?"
"Not much."
"Never goes into society?"
"He dines out in London sometimes; and sometimes gives dinners too."
"What! at taverns46?"
"Yes; at Blackwall, or Greenwich, or some of those places. I have been at his dinners, and he never spares anything."
"He doesn't feel his years, then? He's not infirm? no rheumatism47 or anything of that sort—strong on his legs, eh?"
"As strong as you are, sir."
"He's ten years my senior, you know."
"Yes, I know he is. He's not nearly so young a man as you are; but I really think he is as strong. He's a wonderful man for his years, certainly."
"I'm delighted to hear it," said Sir Lionel. A keen judge of character, however, scrutinizing48 the colonel's face closely, would not then have read much warm delight therein depicted49.
"You rather like him on the whole, then—eh, George?"
"Well; I really think I do. I am sure I ought to like him. But—"
"Well, George; speak out. You and I need have no secrets."
"Secrets, no; I've no secret. My uncle has a way of saying too much himself about what he does for one."
"Sends in the bill too often—eh, George?"
"If it is to be a bill, let him say so. I for one shall not blame him. There is no reason he should give me anything. But situated50 as I have been at Oxford, it would have been almost absurd in me to refuse his allowance—"
"Quite absurd."
"When he knew I was coming out to you, he made Pritchett—you know Pritchett?"
"And his handwriting—very well indeed."
"He made Pritchett put three hundred pounds to my credit; that was over and above my allowance. Well, I did almost make up my mind to return that; as it is, I have not touched it, and I think I shall repay it."
"For heaven's sake do no such thing. It would be an offence which he would never forgive." Sir Lionel did say so much with something of parental51 energy in his tone and manner.
"Yes, sir; but to be told of it!"
"But he does not ask you to pay it him back again?"
"If he asks you;—is not that the same thing? But you hardly understand me, or him either."
"I think I understand him, George. I wonder whether they could give us a cup of coffee here?"
"Of course they can:" and George rang the bell.
"Perhaps so; but as far as my experience goes, wherever Englishmen frequent, there the coffee is spoilt. Englishmen, as far as I can see, have a partiality for chicory, but none at all for coffee."
"What I mean, sir, is this. Connected as I and my uncle are together, seeing that he has all my life—" Here George paused a moment, for what he was about to say might have seemed to imply a censure52 on his father.
"Paid your school-bills, and all that sort of thing," filled in Sir Lionel.
"Yes; as he has always done that, it seemed so natural that I should take what he gave me."
"Quite natural. You could have done nothing else."
"And now he speaks of it as though—as though;—of course I am under an obligation to him—a very deep obligation. I understand that, and should not fret53 at it. But he thinks of it as though I had been to blame in spending his money. When I see him next, he'll say something of the same sort about that three hundred pounds. All I can do is to remind him that I did not ask for it, and tell him that he may have it back again."
"Do nothing of the kind, George," said Sir Lionel, who regarded as little less than lunacy on his son's part this declared intention to refund54 money to a rich man. "I know very well what you mean. It is disagreeable to be reminded of money that you have spent."
"But I haven't spent it."
"Well, of money that you have received. But what can you do? It is not your fault. As you truly say, it would be absurd and ungrateful too if you were to decline to take such trifles from your own uncle; especially seeing what he has done for you. It is his manner, and that was always disagreeable; especially in money matters." And so having given to his son the best advice he had to offer, Sir Lionel sipped55 his coffee. "Very bad—very bad, indeed; it always is at these English places. If I could have my own way, I would always keep out of English haunts." In this respect Sir Lionel had had his own way during the greater portion of his life.
Before they parted for the evening, George communicated to his father the great fact of Miss Todd's picnic as settled for the next day; and Sir Lionel expressed himself as willing to make one of the party if Miss Todd could be induced to extend to him the light of her countenance56. On this head young Bertram, though his own acquaintance had certainly been short, thought that he might take on himself to answer. People soon get intimate with each other at such places as Jerusalem. When you have been up the Great Pyramid with a lady, the chances are you know more about her than you would do from a year's acquaintance fostered by a dozen London parties; and a journey up the Nile with a man may be considered quite equal to three years spent together at the same college,—that is, if the fellow-travellers be young. After a certain age, men never become really intimate, let their relations with each other be ever so close.
"There will be a Miss Baker57 there, sir, who says she knows you; and a Miss Waddington, a very fine girl, who at any rate knows my name."
"What! Caroline Waddington?"
"Yes, Caroline Waddington."
"She is a ward58 of your uncle."
"So Miss Baker tells me; but I never heard my uncle mention them. Indeed, he never mentions anything."
"It will be very desirable that you should know Miss Waddington. There is no saying what your uncle may do with his money. Yes, I'll go to the picnic; only I hope the place is not distant." So that matter was settled.


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adj.古怪的,异常的;特殊的,特有的 | |
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n. 特质, 特性, 怪癖, 古怪 | |
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adj.卓越的,杰出的,著名的 | |
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提及,暗指( allude的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.长处,擅长;adj.(音乐)强音的 | |
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v.掩饰,证明为假 | |
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adv.因此,从而 | |
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n.气质,性格,性情 | |
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美德( virtue的名词复数 ); 德行; 优点; 长处 | |
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n.外交;外交手腕,交际手腕 | |
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n.静止 | |
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n.适宜;方便;合算;利己 | |
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v.补偿,赎(罪)( atone的过去式和过去分词 );补偿,弥补,赎回 | |
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n.优秀,杰出,(pl.)优点,美德 | |
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adj.固定的,静止不动的 | |
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adj.[医]附着的,附着的v.附加( affix的过去式和过去分词 );粘贴;加以;盖(印章) | |
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爱抚的,表现爱情的,亲切的 | |
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爱抚,抚摸( caress的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.立即的;直接的,最接近的;紧靠的 | |
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adj.满意的,安心的,知足的 | |
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n.感叹号,惊呼,惊叹词 | |
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n.性情,性格;意向,倾向;排列,部署 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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n.守财奴,吝啬鬼 (adj.miserly) | |
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v.(正式地)否认( repudiate的过去式和过去分词 );拒绝接受;拒绝与…往来;拒不履行(法律义务) | |
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n.沉着,镇定 | |
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adj.谨慎的,有远见的,精打细算的 | |
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n.规律性,规则性;匀称,整齐 | |
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n.微薄的薪水,少量 | |
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n.礼拜仪式 | |
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n.主教,(国际象棋)象 | |
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n.限制,约束 | |
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n.乐趣;享有;享用 | |
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adv.足够地,充分地 | |
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adj.可理解的,明白易懂的,清楚的 | |
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v.分配;拨给;n.部分;小块菜地 | |
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监护人( guardian的名词复数 ); 保护者,维护者 | |
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使受痛苦,折磨( afflict的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.平凡的;尘世的;宇宙的 | |
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n.苦工,重活,单调乏味的工作 | |
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adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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v.(in)干涉,干预;(with)妨碍,打扰 | |
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v.逐渐灌输 | |
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n.规诫,戒律,箴言( precept的名词复数 ) | |
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n.牛津(英国城市) | |
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n.小旅馆,客栈,酒馆( tavern的名词复数 ) | |
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n.风湿病 | |
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v.仔细检查,详审( scrutinize的现在分词 ) | |
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描绘,描画( depict的过去式和过去分词 ); 描述 | |
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adj.坐落在...的,处于某种境地的 | |
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adj.父母的;父的;母的 | |
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v./n.责备;非难;责难 | |
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v.(使)烦恼;(使)焦急;(使)腐蚀,(使)磨损 | |
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v.退还,偿还;n.归还,偿还额,退款 | |
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v.小口喝,呷,抿( sip的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.脸色,面容;面部表情;vt.支持,赞同 | |
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n.面包师 | |
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n.守卫,监护,病房,行政区,由监护人或法院保护的人(尤指儿童);vt.守护,躲开 | |
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