"No doubt the man is a brute3," she had said, "if a young lady, without ceasing to be ladylike, may so describe so elegant a gentleman. If not so, still he is a brute, because I can't declare otherwise, even for the sake of being ladylike. But what you say about coming is out of the question. You can't meddle4 with my affairs till you've a title to meddle. Now, you know the truth. I'm going to stick to you, and I expect you to stick to me. For certain paternal5 reasons you want to put the marriage off. Very well. I'm agreeable, as the folks say. If you would say that you would be ready to marry me on the first of April, again I should be agreeable. You can nowhere find a more agreeable young woman than I am. But I must be one thing or the other."
Then he wrote to her the sort of love-letter which the reader can understand. It was full of kisses and vows6 and ecstatic hopes but did not name a day. In fact Mr. Jones, in the middle of his troubles, was unable to promise an immediate7 union, and did not choose that his son should marry in order that he might be supported by a singing girl. But to this letter Frank added a request—or rather a command—that he should be allowed to come over at once and see Mr. Mahomet. It was no doubt true that his father was, for the minute, a little backward in the matter of his income; but still he wanted to look after Mahomet, and he wanted to be kissed.
You must not come at all, and I won't even see you if you do. You men are always so weak, and want such a lot of petting. Mahomet tried to kiss me last night when I was singing to him before going to dress. I have to practise with him. I gave him such a blow in the face that I don't think he'll repeat the experiment, and I had my eyes about me. You needn't be at all afraid of me but what I am quick enough. He was startled at the moment, and I merely laughed. I'm not going to give up £100 a month because he makes a beast of himself; and I'm not going to call in father as long as I can help it; nor do I mean to call in your royal highness at all. I tell everybody that I'm going to marry your royal highness, king Jones; there isn't a bit of a secret about it. I talk of my Mr. Jones just as if we were married, because it all comes easier to me in that way. You will see that I absolutely believe in you and I expect that you shall absolutely believe in me. Send you a kiss! Of course I do; I am not at all coy of my favours. You ask Mahomet also as to what he thinks of the strength of my right arm. I examined his face so minutely when I had to fall into his arms on the stage, and there I saw the round mark of my fist, and the swelling8 all round it. And I thought to myself as I was singing my devotion that he should have it next time in his eye. But, Frank, mark my words: I won't have you here till you can come to marry me.
Frank did not go over, even on this occasion, as he was detained, not only by his mistress's danger, but by his father's troubles. Florian had almost, but had not quite, told the entire truth. He had said that he had seen the sluices9 broken, but had not quite owned who had broken them. He had declared that Pat Carroll had done "mischief10," but had not quite said of what nature was the mischief which Carroll had done. It was now March, and the hunting troubles were still going on. The whole gentry11 in County Galway had determined12 to take Black Tom Daly's part, and to carry him on through the contest. But the effect of taking Black Tom Daly's part was to take the part against which the Land Leaguers were determined to enrol14 themselves. For of all men in the county, Black Tom was the most unpopular. And of all men he was the most determined; with him it was literally15 a question between God and Mammon. A man could not serve both. In the simplicity16 of his heart, he thought that the Landleaguers were children of Satan, and that to have any dealings with them, or the passage of any kindness, was in itself Satanic. He said very little, but he spent whole hours in thinking of the evil that they were doing. And among the evils was the unparalleled insolence17 which they displayed in entering coverts18 in County Galway. Now Frank Jones, who had not hitherto been very intimate with Tom, had taken up his part, and was fighting for him at this moment. Nevertheless the provocation19 to him to go to London was very great, and he had only put it off till the last coverts should be drawn20 on Saturday the 2nd of April. The hunt had determined to stop their proceedings21 earlier than usual; but still there was to be one day in April, for the sake of honour and glory.
But in the latter days of March there came a third letter from Rachel O'Mahony. Like the other letter it was cheerful, and high-spirited; but still it seemed to speak of impending22 dangers, which Frank, though he could not understand them, thought that he could perceive.
My present engagement is to go on till the end of July, with an understanding that I am to have twenty guineas a night, for any evening that I may be required to sing in August. This your highness will perceive is a very considerable increase, and at three nights a week might afford an income on which your highness would perhaps condescend23 to come and eat a potato, in the honour of "ould" Ireland, till better times should come. That would be the happy potato which would be the first bought for such a purpose! But you must see that I cannot expect a continuance of my present engagement as the head of your royal highness' seraglio. I should have to look for another Chancellor24 of the Exchequer25, and should probably find him. Mr. Mahomet M. Moss26 would hardly endure me as being part of the properties belonging to your royal highness.
And now I must tell you my own little news. Beelzebub has taken a worse devil to himself, so that I am likely to be trodden down into the very middle of the pit. I choose to tell you because I won't have you think that I have ever kept anything secret from you. If I describe the roars of Mrs. Beelzebub to you, and her red claws, and her forky tongue, and her fiery27 tail, it is not because I like her as a subject of poetry, but because this special subject comes uppermost; and you shall never say to me, why didn't you tell me when you were introduced to Beelzebub's wife? and assert, as men are apt to do, that you would not have allowed me to make her acquaintance. Mrs. Beelzebub appears on the stage as belonging to Mahomet but how they have mixed it all up together among themselves, I do not quite know. I do not think that they're in love with one another, because she is not jealous of me. She is Madame Socani in the plot, and a genuine American from New York; but she can sing; she has a delicious soprano voice, soft and powerful; but she has also a temper and temperament28 such as no woman, nor yet no devil, ought to possess. Of Monsieur Socani, or Signor Socani, or Herr Socani, I never yet heard. But such men do not always make themselves troublesome. I have to sing with her, and a woman you may say would not be troublesome, but she and Mahomet between them consider themselves competent to get me under their thumb. I don't intend to be under their thumb. I intend to be under nobody's thumb but yours; and the sooner the better. Now you know all about it; but as you shall value the first squeeze which you shall get when you do come, don't come till your coming has been properly settled.
Then there was a fourth letter in which she described her troubles, still humorously, and with some attempt at absolute comedy. But she certainly wrote with a purpose of making him understand that she was subjected to very considerable annoyance29. She was still determined not to call upon him for assistance; and she warned him that any assistance whatever would be out of his power. A lover on the scene, who could not declare his purpose of speedy marriage, would be worse than useless. All that she saw plainly,—or at any rate declared that she saw plainly, though she was altogether unable to explain it to Frank Jones.
Mrs. Beelzebub is certainly the queen of the devils. I remember when you read "Paradise Lost" to us at Morony Castle, which I thought very dull. Milton arranged the ranks in Pandemonium30 differently; but there has been a revolution since that, and Mrs. Beelzebub has everything just as she pleases. I am beginning to pity Mahomet, and pity, they say, is akin13 to love. She urges him,—well, just to make love to me. What reason there is between them I don't know, but I am sure she wants him to get me altogether into his hands. I'm not sure but what she is Mahomet's own wife. This is a horrid31 kettle of fish, as you will see. But I think I'll turn out to be head cook yet. If God does not walk atop of the devils what's the use of running straight? But I am sure he will, and the more so because there is in truth no temptation.
She told me the other day to my face, that I was a fool. "I know I am," said I demurely32, "but why?" Then she came out with her demand. It was very simple, and did not in truth amount to much. I was to become just—mistress to Mr. Moss.
Frank Jones, when he read this, crushed the paper up in his hand and went upstairs to his bedroom, determined to pack up immediately. But before he had progressed far, he got out the letter and read the remainder.
"You," I said, "are an intimate acquaintance of Mr. Moss."
"I am his particular friend," she said, with that peculiar33 New York aping of a foreign accent, which is the language that was, I am sure, generally used by the devils.
"Ask him, with my best compliments," I said, "whether he remembers the blow I hit him in the face. Tell him I can hit much harder than that; tell him that he will never find me unprepared, for a moment."
Now I have got another little bit of news for you. Somebody has found out in New York that I am making money. It is true, in a limited way. £100 a month is something, and so they've asked papa to subscribe34 as largely as he can to a grand Home-Rule, anti-Protestant, hate-the-English, stars-and-stripes society. It is the most loyal and beneficent thing out, and dear papa thinks I can do nothing better with my wealth than bestow35 it upon these birds of freedom. I have no doubt they are all right, because I am an American-Irish, and have not the pleasure of knowing Black Tom Daly. I have given them £200, and am, therefore, at this moment, nearly impecunious36. On this account I do not choose to give up my engagement—£100 a month, with an additional possibility of twenty guineas a night when August shall be here. You will tell me that after the mild suggestion made by Mrs. Beelzebub, I ought to walk out of the house, and go back to County Galway immediately. I don't think so. I am learning every day how best to stand fast on my own feet. I am earning my money honestly, and men and women here in London are saying that in truth I can sing. A very nice old gentleman called on me the other day from Covent Garden, and, making me two low bows, asked whether I was my own mistress some time in October next. I thought at the moment that I was at any rate free from the further engagement proposed by Mrs. Beelzebub, and told him that I was free. Then he made me two lower bows, touched the tip of my fingers, and said that he would be proud to wait upon me in a few days with a definite proposal. This old gentleman may mean twenty guineas a night for the whole of next winter, or something like £250 a month. Think of that, Mr. Jones. But how am I to go on in my present impecunious position if I quarrel altogether with my bread and butter? So now you know all about it.
Remember that I have told my father nothing as to Mrs. Beelzebub's proposition. It is better not; he would disown it, and would declare that I had invented it from vanity. I do think that a woman in this country can look after herself if she be minded so to do. I know that I am stronger than Mr. Moss and Mrs. Beelzebub together. I do believe that he will pay me his money, as he has always done, and I want to earn my money. I have some little precautions—just for a rainy day. I have told you everything—everything, because you are to be my husband. But you can do me no good by coming here, but may cause me a peck of troubles. Now, good-bye, and God bless you. A thousand kisses.
Ever your own,
Tell everybody that I'm to be Mrs. Jones some day.
Frank finished packing up, and then told his father that he was going off to Athenry at once, there to meet the night mail train up to Dublin.
"Why are you going at once, in this sudden manner?" asked his father.
Frank then remembered that he could not tell openly the story of Mrs. Beelzebub. Rachel had told him in pure simple-minded confidence, and though he was prepared to disobey her, he would not betray her. "She is on the stage," he said.
"I am aware of it," replied his father, intending to signify that his son's betrothed37 was not employed as he would have wished.
"At the Charing38 Cross Opera," said the son, endeavouring to make the best of it.
"Yes; at the Charing Cross Opera, if that makes a difference."
"She is earning her bread honestly."
"I believe so," said Mr. Jones, "I do believe so, I do think that Rachel O'Mahony is a thoroughly39 good girl."
"I am sure of it," said Ada and Edith almost in the same breath.
"But not less on that account is the profession distasteful to me. You do not wish to see your sisters on the stage?"
"I have thought of all that, sir," said Frank, "I have quite made up my mind to make Rachel my wife, if it be possible."
"Do you mean to live on what she may earn as an actress?" Here Frank remained silent for a moment. "Because if you do, I must tell you that it will not become you as a gentleman to accept her income."
"You cannot give us an income on which we may live."
"Certainly not at this moment. With things as they are in Ireland now, I do not know how long I may have a shilling with which to bless myself. It seems to me that for the present it is your duty to stay at home, and not to trouble Rachel by going to her in London."
"At this moment I must go to her."
"You have given no reason for your going." Frank thought of it, and told himself that there was in truth no reason. His going would be a trouble to Rachel, and yet there were reasons which made it imperative40 for him to go. "Have you asked yourself what will be the expense?" said his father.
"It may cost I suppose twelve pounds, going and coming."
"And have you asked yourself how many twelve pounds will be likely to fall into your hands just at present? Is she in any trouble?"
"I had rather not talk about her affairs," said Frank.
"Is not her father with her?"
"I do not think he is the best man in the world to help a girl in such an emergency." But he had not described what was the emergency.
"You think that a young man, who certainly will be looked on as the young lady's lover, but by no means so certainly as the young lady's future husband, will be more successful?"
"I do," said Frank, getting up and walking out of the room. He was determined at any rate that nothing which his father could say should stop him, as he had resolved to disobey all the orders which Rachel had given him. At any rate, during that night and the following day he made his way up to London.


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n.意义,要旨,大要;v.意味著,做为...要旨,要领是... | |
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v.(in)干涉,干预;(with)妨碍,打扰 | |
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n.野兽,兽性 | |
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v.干预,干涉,插手 | |
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adj.父亲的,像父亲的,父系的,父方的 | |
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誓言( vow的名词复数 ); 郑重宣布,许愿 | |
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adj.立即的;直接的,最接近的;紧靠的 | |
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n.肿胀 | |
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n.水闸( sluice的名词复数 );(用水闸控制的)水;有闸人工水道;漂洗处v.冲洗( sluice的第三人称单数 );(指水)喷涌而出;漂净;给…安装水闸 | |
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n.损害,伤害,危害;恶作剧,捣蛋,胡闹 | |
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n.绅士阶级,上层阶级 | |
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adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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adj.同族的,类似的 | |
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v.(使)注册入学,(使)入学,(使)入会 | |
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adv.照字面意义,逐字地;确实 | |
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n.简单,简易;朴素;直率,单纯 | |
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n.傲慢;无礼;厚颜;傲慢的态度 | |
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n.隐蔽的,不公开的,秘密的( covert的名词复数 );复羽 | |
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n.激怒,刺激,挑拨,挑衅的事物,激怒的原因 | |
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v.拖,拉,拔出;adj.憔悴的,紧张的 | |
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n.进程,过程,议程;诉讼(程序);公报 | |
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a.imminent, about to come or happen | |
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v.俯就,屈尊;堕落,丢丑 | |
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n.(英)大臣;法官;(德、奥)总理;大学校长 | |
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n.财政部;国库 | |
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n.苔,藓,地衣 | |
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adj.燃烧着的,火红的;暴躁的;激烈的 | |
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n.气质,性格,性情 | |
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n.恼怒,生气,烦恼 | |
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n.喧嚣,大混乱 | |
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adj.可怕的;令人惊恐的;恐怖的;极讨厌的 | |
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adv.装成端庄地,认真地 | |
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adj.古怪的,异常的;特殊的,特有的 | |
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vi.(to)订阅,订购;同意;vt.捐助,赞助 | |
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v.把…赠与,把…授予;花费 | |
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adj.不名一文的,贫穷的 | |
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n. 已订婚者 动词betroth的过去式和过去分词 | |
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n.炭化v.把…烧成炭,把…烧焦( char的现在分词 );烧成炭,烧焦;做杂役女佣 | |
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adv.完全地,彻底地,十足地 | |
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n.命令,需要;规则;祈使语气;adj.强制的;紧急的 | |
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