"There's nothing particularly the matter with me," said Florian.
"I suppose all this is troubling you?"
"All what? You mean about Pat Carroll. Of course it's troubling me. Nobody will believe a word that I say."
"But they do believe you now that you are telling the truth," said Edith.
"Do you hold your tongue, miss," said the boy, "I don't see why you should have so much to say about it."
"She has been your best friend from first to last," said the father. "If it had not been for Edith I would have turned you out of the house. It is terrible to me to think that a boy of mine should refuse to say what he saw in such a matter as this. You are putting yourself on a par1 with the enemies of your own family. You do not know it, but you are nearly sending me to the grave." Then there was a long pause, during which the Captain kept his eyes fixed2 on the boy's face. And Edith had moved round so as to seat herself close to her brother, and had taken his hand in hers.
"Don't, Edith," said the boy. "Leave me alone, I don't want to be meddled3 with," and he withdrew his hand.
"Oh, Florian!" said the girl, "try to tell the truth and be a gentleman, whether it be for you or against you, tell the truth."
"I'm not to mind a bit about my religion then?"
"Does your religion bid you tell a lie?" asked the Captain.
"I'm not telling a lie, I am just holding my tongue. A Catholic has a right to hold his tongue when he is among Protestants."
"Even to the ruin of his father," suggested the Captain.
"I don't want to ruin papa. He said he was going to turn—to turn me out of the house. I would go and drown myself in the lake if he did, or in one of those big dykes4 which divide the meadows. I am miserable6 among them—quite miserable. Edith never gives me any peace, day or night. She comes and sits in my bedroom, begging me to tell the truth. It ought to be enough when I say that I will hold my tongue. Papa can turn me out to drown myself if he pleases. Edith goes on cheating the words out of me till I don't know what I'm saying. If I am to be brought up to tell it all before the judge I shan't know what I have said before, or what I have not said."
"Nil7 conscire tibi," said the father, who had already taught his son so much Latin as that.
"But you did see the sluice9 gates torn down, and thrown back into the water?" said the Captain. Here Florian shook his head mournfully. "I understood you to acknowledge that you had seen the gates destroyed."
"I never said as much to you," said the boy.
"But you did to me," said Edith.
"If a fellow says a word to you, it is repeated to all the world. I never would have you joined with me in a secret. You are a great deal worse than—, well, those fellows that you abuse me about. They never tell anything that they have heard among themselves, to people outside."
"Pat Carroll, you mean?" asked the Captain.
"He isn't the only one. There's more in it than him."
"Oh yes; we know that. There were many others in it besides Pat Carroll, when they let the waters in through the dyke5 gates. There must have been twenty there."
"No, there weren't—not that I saw."
"A dozen, perhaps?"
"You are laying traps for me, but I am not going to be caught. I was there, and I did see it. You may make the most of that. Though you have me up before the judge, I needn't say a word more than I please."
"He is more obstinate," said his father, "than any rebel that you can meet."
"But so mistaken," said the Captain, "because he can refuse to answer us who are treating him with such tenderness and affection, who did not even want to wound his feelings more than we can help, he thinks that he can hold his peace in the same fashion, before the entire court; and that he can do so, although he has owned that he knows the men."
"I have never owned that," said the boy.
"Not to your sister?"
"I only owned to one."
"Pat Carroll?" said the Captain; but giving the name merely as a hint to help the boy's memory.
But the boy was too sharp for him. "That's another of your traps, Captain Clayton. If she says Pat Carroll, I can say it was Tim Brady. A boy's word will be as good as a girl's, I suppose."
"A lie can never be as good as the truth, whether from a boy or a girl," said the Captain, endeavouring to look him through and through. The boy quavered beneath his gaze, and the Captain went on with his questioning. "I suppose we may take it for granted that Pat Carroll was there, and that you did see him?"
"You may take anything for granted."
"You would have to swear before a jury that Pat Carroll was there."
Then there was another pause, but at last, with a long sigh, the boy spoke10 out. "He was there, and I did see him." Then he burst into tears and threw himself down on the ground, and hid his face in his sister's lap.
"Dear Flory," said she. "My own brother! I knew that you would struggle to be a gentleman at last."
"It will all come right with him now," said the Captain. But the father frowned and shook his head. "How many were there with him?" asked the Captain, intent on the main business.
But Florian feeling that it would be as good to be hung for a sheep as a lamb, and feeling also that he had at last cast aside all the bonds which bound him to Pat Carroll and Father Brosnan,—feeling that there was nothing left for him but the internecine11 enmity of his old friends,—got up from the floor, and wiping away the tears from his face, spoke out boldly the whole truth as he knew it. "It was dark, and I didn't see them all. There were only six whom I could see, though I know that there were many others round about among the meadows whose names I had heard, though I do not remember them."
"We will confine ourselves to the six whom you did see," said the Captain, preparing to listen quietly to the boy's story. The father took out a pen and ink, but soon pushed it on one side. Edith again got hold of the boy's hand, and held it within her own till his story was finished.
"I didn't see the six all at once. The first whom I did see was Pat Carroll, and his brother Terry, and Tim Brady. They were up there just where the lane has turned down from the steamboat road. I had gone down to the big sluice gates before anyone had noticed me, and there were Tim and Terry smashing away at the gate hinges, up to their middles in mud; and Pat Carroll was handing them down a big crowbar. Terry, when he saw me, fell flat forward into the water, and had to be picked out again."
"Did they say anything to threaten you?" said the Captain.
"Tim Brady said that I was all right, and was a great friend of Father Brosnan's. Then they whispered together, and I heard Terry say that he wouldn't go against anything that Father Brosnan might say. Then Pat Carroll came and stood over me with the crowbar."
"Did he threaten you?"
"He didn't do it in a threatening way; but only asked me to be hand and glove with them."
"Had you been intimate with this man before? asked the Captain.
"He had been very intimate with him," said the father. "All this calamity12 has come of his intimacy13. He has changed his religion and ceased to be a gentleman." Here the boy again sobbed14, but Edith still squeezed his hand.
"What did you say?" asked the Captain, "when he bade you be hand and glove with him?"
"I said that I would. Then they made the sign of a cross, and swore me on it. And they swore me specially15 to say nothing up here. And they swore me again when they met down at Tim Rafferty's house in Headford. I intended to keep my word, and I think that you ought to have let me keep it."
"But there were three others whom you saw," urged the Captain.
"There was Con8 Heffernan, and a man they call Lax, who had come from Lough Conn beyond Castlebar."
"He's not a man of this county."
"I think not, though I had seen him here before. He has had something to do with the Landleaguers up about Foxford."
"I think I have a speaking acquaintance with that Mr. Lax," said the Captain; and everybody could perceive that the tone of his voice was altered as he spoke about Mr. Lax. "And who was the sixth?"
"There was that old man, papa, whom they call Terry. But he wasn't doing anything in particular."
"He is the greatest blackguard on the estate," said the father.
"But we will confine ourselves to the five," said the Captain, "not forgetting Mr. Lax. What was Mr. Lax doing?"
"I can't remember what they were all doing. How is a fellow to remember them all? There were those two at the hinges, and Pat Carroll was there pulling his brother out of the water."
"Terry was Pat's brother?"
"They are brothers," said the father.
"And then they went on, and took no notice of me for a time. Lax came up and scowled16 at me, and told me that if a word was said I should never draw the breath of life again."
"But he didn't do anything?" asked the Captain.
"I don't remember. How is a fellow to remember after so many months?"
"Why didn't you tell the truth at the time?" said his father angrily. Another tear stood in each of the poor boy's eyes, and Edith got closer to him, and threw her left arm round his waist. "You are spoiling him by being so soft with him," said the father.
"He is doing the best he can, Mr. Jones," said the Captain. "Don't be harsh with him now. Well, Florian, what came next?"
"They bade me go away, and again made me swear another oath. It was nearly dark then, and it was quite dark night before I got up to the house. But before I went I saw that there were many others standing17 idle about the place."
"Do you remember any particularly?"
"Well, there was another of the Carrolls, a nephew of Pat's; and there was Tony Brady, Tim's brother. I can't at this moment say who else there were."
"It would be as well to have as many as we do know, not to prosecute18 them, but to ask them for their evidence. Three or four men will often contradict each other, and then they will break down. I think we have enough now. But you must remember that I have only questioned you as your friend and as your father's friend. I have not taken down a word that you have said. My object has been simply that we might all act together to punish a vindictive19 and infamous20 outrage21. Pat Carroll has had nothing to get by flooding your father's meadows. But because your father has not chosen to forgive him his rent, he has thought fit to do him all the injury in his power. I fear that there are others in it, who are more to blame even than Pat Carroll. But if we can get hold of this gentleman, and also of his friend Mr. Lax, we shall have done much."
Then the meeting was over for that evening, and Captain Clayton retired22 to his own room. "You needn't mind following me here, Hunter," he said to the policeman.
"I wouldn't be too sure, sir."
"You may be sure in Mr. Jones's house. And no one in the country has any idea of committing murder on his own behalf. I am safe till they would have had time to send for someone out of another county. But we shall be back in Galway to-morrow." So saying, Hunter left his master alone, and the Captain sat down to write an account of the scene which had just taken place. In this he gave every name as the boy had given it, with accuracy; but, nevertheless, he added to his little story the fact that it had been related from memory.
Edith took her brother away into her own room, and there covered him with kisses. "Why is papa so hard to me?" said the boy sobbing23. Then she explained to him as gently as she could, the grounds which had existed for hardness on his father's part. She bade him consider how terrible a thing it must be to a father, to have to think that his own son should have turned against him, while the country was in such a condition.
"It is not the flood, Flory, nor the loss of the meadows being under water. It is not the injury that Pat Carroll has done him, or any of the men whom Pat Carroll has talked into enmity. That, indeed, is very dreadful. To these very men he has been their best friend for many years. And now they would help in his ruin, and turn us and him out as beggars upon the world, because he has not chosen to obey the unjust bidding of one of them." Here the boy hung down his head, and turned away his face. "But it is not that. All that has had no effect in nigh breaking his heart. Money is but money. No one can bear its loss better than our papa. Though he might have to starve, he would starve like a gallant24 man; and we could starve with him. You and I, Frank and Ada, would bear all that he could bear. But—" The boy looked up into her face again, as though imploring25 her to spare him, but she went on with her speech. "But that a son of his should cease to feel as a gentleman should feel,—and a Christian26! It is that which moves him to be hard, as you call it. But he is not hard; he is a man, and he cannot kiss you as a woman does;—as your sister does;" here she almost smothered27 the boy with kisses, "but, Florian, it is not too late; it is never too late while you still see that truth is godlike, and that a lie is of all things the most devilish. It is never too late while you feel what duty calls you to do." And again she covered him with kisses, and then allowed him to go away to his own room.
When Edith was alone she sat back in an easy-chair, with her feet on the fender before the turf fire, and began to consider how things might go with her poor brother. "If they should get hold of him, and murder him!" she said to herself. The thought was very dreadful, but she comforted herself with reflecting that he might be sent out of the country, before the knowledge of what he had done should get abroad. And then by means of that current of thought, which always runs where it listeth, independent of the will of the thinker, her ideas flew off to Captain Yorke Clayton. In her imagination she had put down Captain Clayton as a possible lover for her sister. She possessed28 a girlish intuition into her sister's mind which made her feel that her sister would not dislike such an arrangement. Ada was the beauty of the family, and was supposed, at any rate by Edith, to be the most susceptible29 of the two sisters. She had always called herself a violent old maid, who was determined30 to have her own way. But no one had ever heard Ada speak of herself as an old maid. And then as to that danger of which Ada had spoken, Edith knew that such perils31 must be overlooked altogether among the incidents of life. If it came to her would she refuse her hand to a man because his courage led him into special perils? She knew that it would only be an additional ground for her love. And of Ada, in that respect, she judged as she did of herself. She knew that Ada thought much of manly32 beauty, and her eyes told her that Captain Yorke Clayton was very handsome. "If he were as black as Beelzebub," she said to herself, "I should like him the better for it; but Ada would prefer a man to be beautiful." She went to work to make a match in her own mind between Ada and Captain Clayton; but the more she made it, the more she continued to think—on her own behalf—that of all men she had ever seen, this man had pleased her fancy most. "But Captain Yorke Clayton, you were never more mistaken in all your life if you think that Edith Jones has taken a fancy to your handsome physiognomy." This she said in almost audible words. "But nevertheless, I do think that you are a hero. For myself, I don't want a hero—and if I did, I shouldn't get one." But the arrangements made in the house that night were those which are customary for a favoured young man's reception when such matters are left to the favouring young lady in the family.
When Mr. Jones found himself alone in his study, he began to think of the confession33 which Florian had made. It had gradually come to pass that he had been sure of the truth for some months, though he had never before heard it declared by his son's lips. Since the day on which he had called on Mr. Blake at Carnlough, he had been quite sure that Edith was right. He was almost sure before. Now the truth was declared exactly as she had surmised34 it. And what should he do with the boy? He could not merely put him forward as a witness in this case. Some reason must be given, why the truth had not been told during the last six months. As he thought of this, he felt that the boy had disgraced himself for ever.
And he thought of the boy's danger. He had rashly promised that the boy should be sent to England out of harm's way; but he now told himself that the means of doing so were further from him than ever; and that he was daily becoming a poorer, if not a ruined man. Of the rents then due to him, not a penny would, he feared, be paid.


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n.标准,票面价值,平均数量;adj.票面的,平常的,标准的 | |
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adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 | |
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v.干涉,干预(他人事务)( meddle的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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abbr.diagonal wire cutters 斜线切割机n.堤( dyke的名词复数 );坝;堰;沟 | |
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n.堤,水坝,排水沟 | |
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adj.悲惨的,痛苦的;可怜的,糟糕的 | |
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n.无,全无,零 | |
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n.反对的观点,反对者,反对票,肺病;vt.精读,学习,默记;adv.反对地,从反面;adj.欺诈的 | |
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n.水闸 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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adj.两败俱伤的 | |
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n.灾害,祸患,不幸事件 | |
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n.熟悉,亲密,密切关系,亲昵的言行 | |
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哭泣,啜泣( sob的过去式和过去分词 ); 哭诉,呜咽地说 | |
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adv.特定地;特殊地;明确地 | |
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怒视,生气地皱眉( scowl的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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vt.告发;进行;vi.告发,起诉,作检察官 | |
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adj.有报仇心的,怀恨的,惩罚的 | |
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adj.声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的,邪恶的 | |
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n.暴行,侮辱,愤怒;vt.凌辱,激怒 | |
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adj.隐退的,退休的,退役的 | |
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<主方>Ⅰ adj.湿透的 | |
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adj.英勇的,豪侠的;(向女人)献殷勤的 | |
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恳求的,哀求的 | |
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adj.基督教徒的;n.基督教徒 | |
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(使)窒息, (使)透不过气( smother的过去式和过去分词 ); 覆盖; 忍住; 抑制 | |
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adj.疯狂的;拥有的,占有的 | |
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adj.过敏的,敏感的;易动感情的,易受感动的 | |
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adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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极大危险( peril的名词复数 ); 危险的事(或环境) | |
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adj.有男子气概的;adv.男子般地,果断地 | |
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n.自白,供认,承认 | |
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v.臆测,推断( surmise的过去式和过去分词 );揣测;猜想 | |
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