It was now November, and Rachel had already achieved a singularly rapid success at Covent Garden. She still lived in Cecil Street, but there was no lack of money. Indeed, her name had risen into such repute that some Irish people began to think that her father was the proper man for Cavan, simply because she was a great singer. It cannot be said, however, that this was the case among the men who were regarded as the leaders of the party, as they still doubted O'Mahony's obedience3. But money at any rate poured into Rachel's lap, and with the money that which was quite as objectionable to poor Frank. He had begun by asserting that he did not wish to live idle on the earnings4 of a singer; and, therefore, as the singer had said, "he and she were obliged to be two." As she explained to her father, she was badly treated. She was very anxious to be true to her lover; but she did not like living without some lover to whom she might be true. "You see, as I am placed I am exposed to the Mosses5. I do want to have a husband to protect me." Then a lover had come forward. Lord Castlewell had absolutely professed6 to make her the future Marchioness of Beaulieu. Of this there must be more hereafter; but Frank heard of it, and tore his hair in despair.
And there was another misery7 at Castle Morony. It reached Mr. Jones's ears that Peter was anxious to give warning. It certainly was the case that Peter was of great use to them, and that Mr. Jones had rebuked8 him more than once as having made a great favour of his services. The fact was that Peter, if discharged, would hardly know where to look for another place where he could be equally at home and equally comfortable. And he was treated by the family generally with all that confidence which his faithfulness seemed to deserve. But he was nervous and ill at ease under his master's rebukes9; and at last there came an event which seemed to harrow up his own soul, and instigated10 him to run away from County Galway altogether.
"Miss Edith, Miss Edith," he said, "come in here, thin, and see what I have got to show you." Then, with an air of great mystery, he drew his young mistress into the pantry. "Look at that now! Was ever the like of that seen since the mortial world began?" Then he took out from a dirty envelope a dirty sheet of paper, and exposed it to her eyes. On the top of it was a rude coffin11. "Don't it make yer hair stand on end, and yer very flesh creep, Miss Edith, to look at the likes o' that!" And below the coffin there was a ruder skull12 and two cross-bones. "Them's intended for what I'm to be. I understand their language well enough. Look here," and he turned the envelope round and showed that it was addressed to Peter McGrew, butler, Morony Castle. "They know me well enough all the country round." The letter was as follows:
Mr. Peter McGrew,
If you're not out of that before the end of the month, but stay there doing things for them infernal blackguards, your goose is cooked. So now you know all about it.
From yours,
Edith attempted to laugh at this letter, but Peter made her understand that it was no laughing matter.
"I've a married darter in Dublin who won't see her father shot down that way if she knows it."
"You had better take it to papa, then, and give him warning," said Edith.
But this Peter declined to do on the spur of the moment, seeming to be equally afraid of his master and of Captain Moonlight.
"If I'd the Captain here, he'd tell me what I ought to do." The Captain was always Captain Clayton.
"He is coming here to-morrow, and I will show him the letter," said Edith. But she did not on that account scruple13 to tell her father at once.
"He can go if he likes it," said Mr. Jones, and that was all that Mr. Jones said on the subject.
This was the third visit that the Captain had paid to Morony Castle since the terrible events of the late trial. And it must be understood that he had not spoken a word to either of the two girls since the moment in which he had ventured to squeeze Edith's hand with a tighter grasp than he had given to her sister. They, between them, had discussed him and his character often; but had come to no understanding respecting him.
Ada had declared that Edith should be his, and had in some degree recovered from the paroxysm of sorrow which had first oppressed her. But Edith had refused altogether to look at the matter in that light. "It was quite out of the question," she said, "and so Captain Clayton would feel it. If you don't hold your tongue, Ada," she said, "I shall think you're a brute15."
But Ada had not held her tongue, and had declared that if no one else were to know it—no one but Edith and the Captain himself—she would not be made miserable16 by it.
"What is it?" she said. "I thought him the best and he is the best. I thought that he thought that I was the best; and I wasn't. It shall be as I say."
After this manner were the discussions held between them; but of these Captain Clayton heard never a word.
When he came he would seem to be full of the flood gates, and of Lax the murderer. He had two men with him now, Hunter and another. But no further attempt was made to shoot him in the neighbourhood of Headford. "Lax finds it too hot," he said, "since that day in the court house, and has gone away for the present. I nearly know where he is; but there is no good catching17 him till I get some sort of evidence against him, and if I locked him up as a 'suspect,' he would become a martyr18 and a hero in the eyes of the whole party. The worst of it is that though twenty men swore that they had seen it, no Galway jury would convict him." But nevertheless he was indefatigable19 in following up the murderer of poor Florian. "As for the murder in the court house," he said, "I do believe that though it was done in the presence of an immense crowd no one actually saw it. I have the pistol, but what is that? The pistol was dropped on the floor of the court house."
On this occasion Edith brought him poor Peter's letter. As it happened they two were then alone together. But she had taught herself not to expect any allusion20 to his love. "He is a stupid fellow," said the Captain.
"But he has been faithful. And you can't expect him to look at these things as you do."
"Of course he finds it to be a great compliment. To have a special letter addressed to him by some special Captain Moonlight is to bring him into the history of his country."
"I suppose he will go."
"Then let him go. I would not on any account ask him to stay. If he comes to me I shall tell him simply that he is a fool. Pat Carroll's people want to bother your father, and he would be bothered if he were to lose his man-servant. There is no doubt of that. If Peter desires to bother him let him go. Then he has another idea that he wants to achieve a character for fidelity21. He must choose between the two. But I wouldn't on any account ask him for a favour."
Then Edith having heard the Captain's advice was preparing to leave the room when Captain Clayton stopped her. "Edith," he said.
"Well, Captain Clayton."
"Some months ago,—before these sad things had occurred,—I told you what I thought of you, and I asked you for a favour."
"There was a mistake made between us all,—a mistake which does not admit of being put to rights. It was unfortunate, but those misfortunes will occur. There is no more to be said about it."
"Is the happiness of two people to be thus sacrificed, when nothing is done for the benefit of one?"
"What two?" she asked brusquely.
"You and I."
"My happiness will not be sacrificed, Captain Clayton," she said. What right had he to tell that her happiness was in question? The woman spoke,—the essence of feminine self, putting itself forward to defend feminine rights generally against male assumption. Could any man be justified22 in asserting that a woman loved him till she had told him so? It was evident no doubt,—so she told herself. It was true at least. As the word goes she worshipped the very ground he stood upon. He was her hero. She had been made to think and to feel that he was so by this mistake which had occurred between the three. She had known it before, but it was burned in upon her now. Yet he should not be allowed to assume it. And the one thing necessary for her peace of mind in life would be that she should do her duty by Ada. She had been the fool. She had instigated Ada to believe this thing in which there was no truth. The loss of all ecstasy23 of happiness must be the penalty which she would pay. And yet she thought of him. Must he pay a similar penalty for her blunder? Surely this would be hard! Surely this would be cruel! But then she did not believe that man ever paid such penalty as that of which she was thinking. He would have the work of his life. It would be the work of her life to remember what she might have been had she not been a fool.
"If so," he said after a pause, "then there is an end of it all," and he looked at her as though he absolutely believed her words,—as though he had not known that her assertion had been mere24 feminine pretext25! She could not endure that he at any rate should not know the sacrifice which she would have to make. But he was very hard to her. He would not even allow her the usual right of defending her sex by falsehood. "If so there is an end of it all," he repeated, holding out his hand as though to bid her farewell.
She believed him, and gave him her hand. "Good-bye, Captain Clayton," she said.
"Never again," he said to her very gruffly, but still with such a look across his eyes as irradiated his whole face. "This hand shall never again be your own to do as you please with it."
"Who says so?" and she struggled as though to pull her hand away, but he held her as though in truth her hand had gone from her for ever.
"I say so, who am its legitimate26 owner. Now I bid you tell me the truth, or rather I defy you to go on with the lie. Do you not love me?"
"It is a question which I shall not answer."
"Then," said he, "from a woman to a man it is answered. You cannot make me over to another. I will not be transferred."
"I can do nothing with you, Captain Clayton, nor can you with me. I know you are very strong of course." Then he loosened her hand, and as he did so Ada came into the room.
"I have asked her to be my wife," said the Captain, putting his hand upon Edith's arm.
"Let it be so," said Ada. "I have nothing to say against it."
"But I have," said Edith. "I have much to say against it. We can all live without being married, I suppose. Captain Clayton has plenty to do without the trouble of a wife. And so have you and I. Could we leave our father? And have we forgotten so soon poor Florian? This is no time for marriages. Only think, papa would not have the means to get us decent clothes. As far as I am concerned, Captain Clayton, let there be an end of all this." Then she stalked out of the room.
"Ada, you are not angry with me," said Captain Clayton, coming up to her.
"Oh, no! How could I be angry?"
"I have not time to do as other men do. I do not know that I ever said a word to her; and yet, God knows, that I have loved her dearly enough. She is hot tempered now, and there are feelings in her heart which fight against me. You will say a word in my favour?"
"Indeed, indeed I will."
"There shall be nothing wrong between you and me. If she becomes my wife, you shall be my dearest sister. And I think she will at last. I know,—I do know that she loves me. Poor Florian is dead and gone. All his short troubles are over. We have still got our lives to lead. And why should we not lead them as may best suit us? She talks about your father's present want of money. I would be proud to marry your sister standing14 as she is now down in the kitchen. But if I did marry her I should have ample means to keep her as would become your father's daughter." Then he took his leave and went back to Galway.


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v.除去( obliterate的过去式和过去分词 );涂去;擦掉;彻底破坏或毁灭 | |
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长时间或辛苦地工作( toil的过去式和过去分词 ); 艰难缓慢地移动,跋涉 | |
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n.服从,顺从 | |
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n.工资收人;利润,利益,所得 | |
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n. 藓类, 苔藓植物 名词moss的复数形式 | |
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公开声称的,伪称的,已立誓信教的 | |
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n.痛苦,苦恼,苦难;悲惨的境遇,贫苦 | |
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责难或指责( rebuke的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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责难或指责( rebuke的第三人称单数 ) | |
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v.使(某事物)开始或发生,鼓动( instigate的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.棺材,灵柩 | |
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n.头骨;颅骨 | |
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n./v.顾忌,迟疑 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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n.野兽,兽性 | |
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adj.悲惨的,痛苦的;可怜的,糟糕的 | |
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adj.易传染的,有魅力的,迷人的,接住 | |
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n.烈士,殉难者;vt.杀害,折磨,牺牲 | |
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adj.不知疲倦的,不屈不挠的 | |
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n.暗示,间接提示 | |
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n.忠诚,忠实;精确 | |
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a.正当的,有理的 | |
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n.狂喜,心醉神怡,入迷 | |
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adj.纯粹的;仅仅,只不过 | |
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n.借口,托词 | |
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adj.合法的,合理的,合乎逻辑的;v.使合法 | |
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