The neck of the hy?na with the mane, runs continuously into the back-bone, so that the animal cannot bend this part without turning round the whole body. Many wonderful things are also related of this animal; and strangest of all, that it imitates the human voice among the stalls of the shepherds; and while there, learns the name of some one of them, and then calls him away, and
devours1 him. It is said also, that it can imitate a man
vomiting2, and that, in this way, it attracts the dogs, and then falls upon them. It is the only animal that digs up graves, in order to obtain the bodies of the dead. The female is rarely caught: its eyes, it is said, are of a thousand various colors and changes of shade. It is said also, that on coming in contact with its shadow, dogs will lose their voice, and that, by certain magical influences, it can render any animal immovable, round which it has walked three times.

吞没( devour的第三人称单数 ); 耗尽; 津津有味地看; 狼吞虎咽地吃光 |
参考例句: |
- If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. 若有人想要害他们,就有火从他们口中出来,烧灭仇敌。
- It eats away parts of his skin; death's firstborn devours his limbs. 他本身的肢体要被吞吃,死亡的长子要吞吃他的肢体。
吐 |
参考例句: |
- Symptoms include diarrhoea and vomiting. 症状有腹泻和呕吐。
- Especially when I feel seasick, I can't stand watching someone else vomiting." 尤其晕船的时候,看不得人家呕。”