cubs1 of bears when first born are shapeless masses of white flesh, a little larger than mice; their claws alone being prominent. The mother then licks them gradually into proper shape. Bears
hibernate2 during three or four months of the winter season. If they happen to have no
den3, they construct a retreat with branches and
shrubs4, which is made impenetrable to the rain and is lined with soft leaves. During the first fourteen days they are overcome by so deep a sleep, that they cannot be aroused even by wounds. They become wonderfully fat, too, while in this
lethargic5 state. This fat is much used in medicine; and it is very useful in preventing the hair from falling off. At the end of these fourteen days they sit up, and find
nourishment6 by sucking their
fore7-paws. They warm their cubs, when cold, by pressing them to the breast, not unlike the way in which birds brood over their eggs. It is a very astonishing thing, but Theophrastus believes it that if we preserve the flesh of the bear, the animal being killed in its
dormant8 state, it will increase in bulk, even though it may have been cooked. During this period no signs of food are to be found in the stomach of the animal, and only a very slight quantity of liquid; there are a few drops of blood only near the heart, but none whatever in any other part of the body. They leave their retreat in the 99 spring, the males being
remarkably9 fat: of this circumstance, however, we cannot give any satisfactory explanation, for the sleep, during which they increase so much in bulk, lasts, as we have already stated, only fourteen days. When they come out, they sharpen the edges of their teeth against the young shoots of the trees. Their eye-sight is dull, for which reason they seek the combs of bees, in order that from the bees stinging them in the throat and drawing blood, the oppression in the head may be relieved.[107] The head of the bear is extremely weak, whereas, in the lion, it is
remarkable10 for its strength: on this account probably when the bear,
impelled11 by any alarm, is about to
precipitate12 itself from a rock, it covers its head with its paws. In the
arena13 of the Circus they are often to be seen killed by a blow on the head with the fist. These animals walk on two feet, and climb down trees
backwards14. They can overcome the bull, by suspending themselves, by all four legs, from its
muzzle15 and horns, thus wearing out its powers by their weight. In no other animal is stupidity found more
adroit16 in devising
mischief17. It is recorded in our Annals, that in the
consulship18 of Piso and Messala, Domitius brought into the Circus one hundred Numidian bears, and as many ?thiopian hunters.
SYRIAN BEAR, OR DUBB.—Ursus Isabellinus.
The mice of Pontus also
conceal19 themselves during the winter; but only the white ones. I wonder how those 100 authors, who have asserted that the sense of taste in these animals is very acute, found out that such is the fact. The
Alpine20 mice (the marmot) which are the same size as
badgers21, also conceal themselves; but they first carry a store of provisions into their retreat. There is a similar animal also in Egypt, which sits in the same way, upon its haunches, and walks on two feet, using the fore feet as hands.


n.幼小的兽,不懂规矩的年轻人( cub的名词复数 ) |
参考例句: |
- a lioness guarding her cubs 守护幼崽的母狮
- Lion cubs depend on their mother to feed them. 狮子的幼仔依靠母狮喂养。 来自《简明英汉词典》
v.冬眠,蛰伏 |
参考例句: |
- Bears often hibernate in caves.熊常在山洞里冬眠。
- Some warm-blooded animals do not need to hibernate.一些温血动物不需要冬眠。
n.兽穴;秘密地方;安静的小房间,私室 |
参考例句: |
- There is a big fox den on the back hill.后山有一个很大的狐狸窝。
- The only way to catch tiger cubs is to go into tiger's den.不入虎穴焉得虎子。
灌木( shrub的名词复数 ) |
参考例句: |
- The gardener spent a complete morning in trimming those two shrubs. 园丁花了整个上午的时间修剪那两处灌木林。
- These shrubs will need more light to produce flowering shoots. 这些灌木需要更多的光照才能抽出开花的新枝。
adj.昏睡的,懒洋洋的 |
参考例句: |
- He felt too miserable and lethargic to get dressed.他心情低落无精打采,完全没有心思穿衣整装。
- The hot weather made me feel lethargic.炎热的天气使我昏昏欲睡。
n.食物,营养品;营养情况 |
参考例句: |
- Lack of proper nourishment reduces their power to resist disease.营养不良降低了他们抵抗疾病的能力。
- He ventured that plants draw part of their nourishment from the air.他大胆提出植物从空气中吸收部分养分的观点。
adv.在前面;adj.先前的;在前部的;n.前部 |
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- Your seat is in the fore part of the aircraft.你的座位在飞机的前部。
- I have the gift of fore knowledge.我能够未卜先知。
adj.暂停活动的;休眠的;潜伏的 |
参考例句: |
- Many animals are in a dormant state during winter.在冬天许多动物都处于睡眠状态。
- This dormant volcano suddenly fired up.这座休眠火山突然爆发了。
ad.不同寻常地,相当地 |
参考例句: |
- I thought she was remarkably restrained in the circumstances. 我认为她在那种情况下非常克制。
- He made a remarkably swift recovery. 他康复得相当快。
adj.显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的 |
参考例句: |
- She has made remarkable headway in her writing skills.她在写作技巧方面有了长足进步。
- These cars are remarkable for the quietness of their engines.这些汽车因发动机没有噪音而不同凡响。
v.推动、推进或敦促某人做某事( impel的过去式和过去分词 ) |
参考例句: |
- He felt impelled to investigate further. 他觉得有必要作进一步调查。
- I feel impelled to express grave doubts about the project. 我觉得不得不对这项计划深表怀疑。 来自《简明英汉词典》
adj.突如其来的;vt.使突然发生;n.沉淀物 |
参考例句: |
- I don't think we should make precipitate decisions.我认为我们不应该贸然作出决定。
- The king was too precipitate in declaring war.国王在宣战一事上过于轻率。
n.竞技场,运动场所;竞争场所,舞台 |
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- She entered the political arena at the age of 25. 她25岁进入政界。
- He had not an adequate arena for the exercise of his talents.他没有充分发挥其才能的场所。
adv.往回地,向原处,倒,相反,前后倒置地 |
参考例句: |
- He turned on the light and began to pace backwards and forwards.他打开电灯并开始走来走去。
- All the girls fell over backwards to get the party ready.姑娘们迫不及待地为聚会做准备。
n.鼻口部;口套;枪(炮)口;vt.使缄默 |
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- He placed the muzzle of the pistol between his teeth.他把手枪的枪口放在牙齿中间。
- The President wanted to muzzle the press.总统企图遏制新闻自由。
adj.熟练的,灵巧的 |
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- Jamie was adroit at flattering others.杰米很会拍马屁。
- His adroit replies to hecklers won him many followers.他对质问者的机敏应答使他赢得了很多追随者。
n.损害,伤害,危害;恶作剧,捣蛋,胡闹 |
参考例句: |
- Nobody took notice of the mischief of the matter. 没有人注意到这件事情所带来的危害。
- He seems to intend mischief.看来他想捣蛋。
v.隐藏,隐瞒,隐蔽 |
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- He had to conceal his identity to escape the police.为了躲避警方,他只好隐瞒身份。
- He could hardly conceal his joy at his departure.他几乎掩饰不住临行时的喜悦。
adj.高山的;n.高山植物 |
参考例句: |
- Alpine flowers are abundant there.那里有很多高山地带的花。
- Its main attractions are alpine lakes and waterfalls .它以高山湖泊和瀑布群为主要特色。
n.獾( badger的名词复数 );獾皮;(大写)獾州人(美国威斯康星州人的别称);毛鼻袋熊 |
参考例句: |
- Badgers had undermined the foundations of the church. 獾在这座教堂的地基处打了洞。 来自《简明英汉词典》
- And rams ' skins dyed red, and badgers' skins, and shittim wood. 5染红的公羊皮,海狗皮,皂荚木。 来自互联网