[Pg 37]
"I am sorry, lad," his cousin said to him one day. "It is a trial to me, and I myself have sometimes to leave while they are talking. I can't well quarrel with these people, as I have to live among them; but I hope the time will come when I shall have the satisfaction of seeing a mighty3 change in their tone."
"I don't mind the rest so much," Yorke said; "they are middle-aged4 men, and they certainly believe what they say. You have been so long with them that you are almost regarded as one of themselves, and they certainly do not take any notice of my being present, and have no thought of hurting my feelings. But it is different with Dirck Jansen; he has been unpleasant ever since I came, and now he seems bent5 upon picking a quarrel with me. He talks at me when he is saying insulting things about our soldiers and our people. If I stay here, one of these days I shall have a desperate row with him, which is just what he wants."
"I am afraid it is so. I have noticed it myself, and have even spoken to my wife about it; but she is prejudiced in his favour, and says that he speaks no more strongly than every true Afrikander should speak. Besides, what good could come of your having a quarrel with him? He is nearly nineteen, two years older than you are, and a big powerful fellow. It is what he is trying to do, and nothing would please him better than for you to give him the chance of thrashing you."
"He is a great deal stronger and bigger than I am, uncle; but I don't suppose that he has the slightest idea of boxing, and I can use my fists pretty well. I might get thrashed, but I certainly should not be thrashed easily. However, I am anxious not to have a row, and the sooner the war begins and I can enlist6 the better. I have stood as much as I can do, my patience has pretty well come to an end. I should not have put up with so much but for your sake."
It happened unfortunately that Dirck Jansen came over next day with four or five other farmers. The house was a[Pg 38] favourite resort, for Mrs. Allnutt was far more hospitable7 than was the custom, and always produced a bottle of spirits when she had visitors, and the inducement of a free drink is one that few Boers can withstand.
"The news is good!" Dirck Jansen shouted boisterously8 as they rode up. "We hear there is no doubt that Steyn will go with the Transvaal, and they say that Kruger will very soon stop fooling the Rooineks, and that he has got everything now ready for kicking them out of South Africa. I should advise you to be packing up at once, young fellow. You won't have much time when we get your soldiers on the run."
"Wait till you get them on the run," Yorke replied. "It will be time enough to begin to brag9 then."
"Brag!" the other said scornfully. "What can fellows who don't know one end of a gun from another do against us?"
"There are a good many who know more than that, as you will find to your cost, Dirck, if you are man enough to go out and try them. There are some who can shoot straight, anyhow."
"Yourself, for instance," Dirck said scoffingly. "I hear you have been popping away among the hills, but I have not heard of your bringing in much game."
"I don't care about shooting at things that can't shoot back in return. But maybe I can shoot as straight as some of you can do."
"Do you mean myself?" Dirck replied angrily.
"Yes, I mean yourself among others, Dirck Jansen."
"Will you try?" Dirck shouted as he dismounted.
"Certainly I will. I am told you are the best shot in the neighbourhood; and if you can't beat me, who have only taken to it lately, you may acknowledge that those who shoot worse than you will have no great chance against Englishmen who shoot a great deal better than I."
[Pg 39]
"You see, all of you, this insolent10 young fellow has challenged me to a trial of skill," Dirck said to his companions. "I would not have condescended11 to compete with him, for there is no credit to be gained in beating such a boy; but he wants taking down, and I am glad to have the opportunity of doing it. Now, Mr. Allnutt, I will leave it to you to settle the distance and the mark. I say anything between a hundred and five hundred yards; but two hundred is the general distance we have for our matches."
"What do you say to two hundred, Yorke?"
"That will suit me very well, though I should prefer a thousand."
The Boers had all dismounted.
"Then let us go out behind the house, Mr. Allnutt," one of them said, "we can easily choose a mark there."
Yorke went into the house to get his rifle and soon joined them. They went a short distance, and then the Boer said, "That rock there is about two hundred yards away, it will make a very fair mark."
"It would be difficult to judge which is the centre," Yorke said, "and might give rise to dispute."
"That is so," the Boer said gravely. "I saw an empty tin in the yard, the bottom of that will make a very good bull's-eye."
Mr. Allnutt shouted, "Hans!" The lad was standing12 at the gate of the yard looking after them. He had heard the conversation, but dared not follow them. "Hans, wrench13 the top off that tin by the kitchen door and bring it here."
They then walked on to the rock, where, in two or three minutes, Hans joined them with the top of the tin. It had been a two-pound tin, and the circle was some four inches across.
"It will stand very well on this projection14 on the face," the Boer said. "It will then be as nearly as possible in the centre."
[Pg 40]
"But it will tumble down every time it is hit."
"Hans will stand near and pick it up again," Mr. Allnutt said.
"It had better be fixed15," the Boer remarked. "There is a little crack in the rock, a nail driven through the tin would hold it there. It is better to do the thing properly."
Dirck laughed. "By all means do it properly, though I cannot see why we should trouble about such a farce16 as this."
Mr. Allnutt paid no attention to this speech, but said, "Go and take a hammer, Hans, and a good-sized nail, and cut the bottom out of another tin and bring that here too. If three or four holes are made, the question may arise as to which is the last."
The lad ran off.
"Now, Mr. Van Laun, while he is away we may as well arrange as to how they had better shoot—how many shots each shall fire, whether they shall shoot alternately, or one fire his shots at one of the pieces of tin, and then the other take the new target. I think that will be the best, then no dispute can arise."
"I agree with you. How many times shall each fire?"
After discussion it was agreed that each should fire ten shots.
"Now, it will be fair," the Boer said, "to toss up for who shall fire first. What do you say? Heads shall mean Dirck, tails your lad."
"Do you mean, whichever wins is to have the choice?"
"No, which ever wins fires first."
The coin was spun17 in the air. It came down "heads". When Hans returned one of the discs of tin was nailed up at the spot arranged, then Mr. Allnutt stepped two hundred yards. Dirck unslung his rifle, and filled the magazine. Hans stood three or four yards from the rock; he knew that there was little chance of either of them missing the stone. Although Dirck had so far treated the affair as almost a[Pg 41] joke he was not disposed to be careless, for the quiet and composed air of his young antagonist19 seemed to show that the latter must be at least a fair shot or he would never have carried the thing so far. As soon, therefore, as he had loaded his rifle, he took his place with greater seriousness and gravity than he had hitherto manifested. He put the gun up to his shoulder and then lowered it again.
"Is there any time-limit?" he asked.
The Boers and Mr. Allnutt consulted together a moment, then the latter said, "We have agreed that there may be half a minute between each of the first five shots, a limit of two minutes for reloading, and then half a minute between each of the last five shots."
Dirck again raised his rifle to his shoulder and almost instantaneously fired. There was a clang. Hans ran forward and pointed20, with a stick he had cut, to a spot near the edge of the tin. As soon as he retired21 again the rifle cracked. The ten shots were all fired well within time. Hans took down the tin and ran with it to the group, and then, going to the rock, fastened the other there. Seven of the bullets had hit the tin fairly, another had cut a semicircular bit out of the edge, the other two had been outside the circle. The holes were dotted about all over the tin, but, with one exception, none was within an inch of the centre.
"That is very good shooting," Mr. Allnutt said. "Four inches are not much of a mark at two hundred yards."
"I have done better," Dirck said carelessly, "but I fancy it is quite good enough for the purpose."
Yorke now took his place at the firing-point. There was not a breath of wind blowing, and, as he had practised so often at a similar mark, he felt pretty confident that he could do better than Dirck had done. He shouted to Hans, "Do not trouble to point out where the shots strike. I would rather fire quicker."
The first five shots went off at intervals22 of only about ten seconds. He reloaded quickly, and again fired rapidly.
[Pg 42]
"You have not overrated your shooting," the Boer who had taken the lead in the matter said. "Every shot hit."
They walked up in a body to the target. As they neared it they uttered exclamations23 of surprise. The ten shots had all fairly struck the tin.
"It is a trick, an infamous25 trick!" Dirck exclaimed furiously. "That boy must have punched the holes before he put the tin up. It is not the one he showed us as he went along."
"It is a lie," Yorke said, "and you know it. I thought it wasn't in you to take a licking in good part. Fellows who boast so much very seldom stand being collared."
With a howl of rage Dirck pointed his rifle at him, forgetting that he had not reloaded it. He pulled the trigger, but as there was no report, he threw the gun down with an oath and flew at Yorke. The latter stood steadily26, and as his assailant was on the point of closing with him, struck out with his right fist, throwing his whole strength into the blow; it caught Dirck just on the point of the chin, and he went backwards27 as if he had been shot. It had all passed so rapidly that the others had no time to interfere28. In a moment they ran in.
"I am sorry this has happened, sir," the leading Boer said to Mr. Allnutt. "Dirck has been wrong altogether. He was the aggressor, and was fairly beaten by your lad, who is certainly a marvellous shot. He has been more thoroughly29 beaten now. If his rifle had been charged, he would have shot his opponent, so he richly deserved the punishment he has got. You had better take your lad away now; we will see to Dirck." Then he turned, and, as Yorke walked off with the colonist30, assisted the others to raise Dirck, who was half-stunned by the blow, on to his feet.
"You have behaved shamefully31, Dirck Jansen," he said sternly when he found that the young man could understand him. "You have brought discredit32 upon yourself and us. You have been beaten at shooting by a mere33 boy, and instead[Pg 43] of taking it fairly and in a good spirit, you first accuse him of playing a trick upon you, and then try to murder him. And now, big as you are, he has knocked you silly. We are ashamed of you. Hans, go and fetch Mr. Jansen's pony34. Now, Dirck, you will mount and ride off at once, and I will tell Mrs. Allnutt that you will not come to the farm again for some time, and why."
There was a murmur35 of approval from the others, and Dirck stood sulkily until Hans arrived with his horse; then he picked up his rifle, slung18 it over his shoulder, mounted, and rode off without a word. The others walked to the house.
"I am sorry to tell you, Mrs. Allnutt, that Dirck Jansen has behaved scandalously. He had a fair trial of skill with your husband's young cousin, and the lad beat him hollow. Then he falsely accused him of an unworthy trick, levelled his rifle, and pulled the trigger. It would have been murder had not, happily, the rifle been unloaded. Then he rushed to seize the lad, and was knocked senseless by him. I have apologized, and my friends here join me in the apology, to the young fellow, for the gross conduct of Dirck Jansen, and we trust that you will not receive Dirck in your house so long as the lad remains36 here."
"It seems hardly possible, Mr. Van Laun, that Dirck should have behaved so. He must have been grossly insulted to begin with. I hear that the shooting arose out of a quarrel."
"It was not exactly a quarrel, though both were angry. Dirck began by saying rough things to your lad, who was not to be blamed because he spoke up for his countrymen, just as I should have done, or any other Dutchman would have done, had an Englishman spoken so of our people."
"I am sorry to hear what you say, Mr. Van Laun," Mrs. Allnutt said somewhat stiffly. "I cannot but think that Dirck must have had great provocation37."
"Dirck is a hot-headed young fool, cousin, and though I am as nearly related to him as you are, I say so without hesitation38; and for my part, I am not altogether sorry that this[Pg 44] young English lad should have given him a lesson. The fact that he is perhaps the best shot round here has cocked him up altogether unduly39. He had it in his heart to commit murder to-day, for it would have been murder if there had been a cartridge40 in his gun; and though it would have been hard to testify against one of my own blood, I must have said so in open court had he been tried for the act. However, I hope we shall hear no more of it, and that the lads will not meet again till Dirck has come to his senses. He will hear the truth from all of us who were present at the affair, and may be all the better for finding that he is not such a fine fellow as he thought he was."
Mrs. Allnutt did not reply. It was evident that her sympathies were entirely41 with Dirck. The farmers did not stop, but, mounting their horses, rode off. Mr. Allnutt went out into the yard, and, as he expected, found Yorke talking in the stables to Hans. The latter was in high glee, for he hated Dirck Jansen, who had sworn at him many a time when he did not bring his horse round as quickly as he had expected, and was once on the point of laying his whip about his shoulders when Mr. Allnutt, coming out of the house, and seeing what was about to happen, had arrested the blow by saying sternly, "drop that, Dirck, you are not master here yet. Hans is my servant and not yours; neither you nor anyone else shall touch him."
Yorke and he were still talking when Mr. Allnutt entered and motioned to Hans to go outside.
"This is an unfortunate affair, Yorke, very unfortunate. I do not consider that you were in any way to blame, but that hardly makes it less unfortunate. Here you have beaten a fellow was proud of his skill with the rifle; your shooting certainly astonished me, for although I knew that you had used a tremendous lot of cartridges42 in the past six months, I had no idea that you had done it to such good purpose. In the next place, you have floored him as neatly43 as I ever saw a man knocked down, and have done it with half a dozen of his[Pg 45] own friends looking on. In the third place, you have brought him into disgrace with them, and as the story will soon get about, it will be a terrible blow to his pride.
"Now, I have never liked Dirck. He is a very bad type of the Dutchman in these parts, though, I have no doubt, he would pass muster44 in the Transvaal. He is rude and overbearing; and although a man may be all that, and yet at bottom a good fellow, I don't think Dirck is so. He will never forgive you, and unless I am greatly mistaken, he will try in some way to get even with you, and will not care what steps he takes to do so. Now, you know, lad, you have been talking for some little time past of going down to Cape45 Town, and joining a corps46 newly got up there, when the war breaks out, which I am afraid it will do very shortly. I tell you frankly47 that, sorry as I am to say so, I think it will be better for you to do this speedily. I don't mean to-morrow or next day, but shortly. I am also sorry to say that this affair will not make matters more comfortable at home. You know my wife is very fond of Dirck, and it will take a great deal to make her believe that he could be wrong in anything. Van Laun spoke out straight to her, and said that the fellow was altogether to blame; but I could see that her sympathies were nevertheless with him, and she believes that you were at fault in the matter."
"I would go to-morrow, uncle," Yorke said; "but it would look like running away. I will stay at home for another week, and then I will go. I don't mind whether aunt is displeased48 with me or not. I am conscious of having done no wrong, and if she shows me that I am no longer welcome I shall tell her quietly that she will only have to put up with me for another week. It may be unpleasant, but I am not going to disappear as if I were a culprit, and afraid of Dirck Jansen."
"All right, Yorke! I can quite understand your feelings. I am heartily49 sorry, but I feel that you could not hope to be comfortable if you stayed here. I am sorry now that I asked[Pg 46] you out here, but at the time I did not foresee that this ill-feeling on the part of the Dutch would become so deep and bitter. Had I done so, I would not have asked you, knowing that my wife is as prejudiced as her neighbours."
"You need not be sorry, uncle, that you invited me here. I have had a pleasant time and I have learned a great deal. If I had not been out here I should be slaving at Greek and mathematics at home, whereas now, if war breaks out, which seems almost certain, I shall have a most exciting time of it, and when it is over I may see some way of making a start for myself."
Mrs. Allnutt did not appear at supper.
"Will you tell her, uncle," Yorke said, after talking the matter over for some time, "that I shall leave this day week, and that if my presence is obnoxious50 to her I will take my meals apart. I am awfully51 sorry that my presence here should inconvenience her, but I really cannot go away as if I had been sent off in disgrace, or were afraid to meet Dirck Jansen again."
"Quite right, lad! I hope that your aunt will be in a better state of mind to-morrow morning; but when once she takes a thing into her head she is, between ourselves, as obstinate52 as a mule53. Well, whatever she may think of this quarrel, angry as she may be at it, she cannot but feel, after what Van Laun said, that Dirck brought it upon himself. She is a fair-minded woman when she is cool, and I have no doubt, before you go, she will be really sorry; for although I acknowledge that her affections are very strongly devoted54 to Dirck, she has certainly during the time you have been here taken to you a good deal, and she has several times said it was wonderful how little trouble you were in the house."
"She has always been very kind, and I am really very sorry that, however innocently, I have incurred55 her displeasure. You know that this is so, uncle, and if there were any place near which I could go to without seeming to run away, I[Pg 47] would leave at once rather than stop here where I am not welcome."
"Don't trouble about it, Yorke. I invited you here, and I ask you to stay. If my wife, in the teeth of what her own friends tell her, chooses to consider you to have been in the wrong, I can't help it, and no one else can. I shall not attempt to argue the matter with her. I know that presently she will see that she has acted very unfairly towards you, and I hope that she will even in time recognize that Dirck Jansen is by no means what she thinks him. It matters not to me whom she leaves the farm to, but I should not like to see it go to him."
"But would you not have it, uncle?"
"No. It was a curious arrangement. The old man left his farm to her, and her children after her if she should have any; if not, she had the power of leaving it at her death to any of the descendants of his married sisters whom she might choose. But it was at her death to be valued, and should it under my management have increased in value, the increase was to be estimated by a firm of Dutch valuers whom he named, in Cape Town, and I was to receive either in cash, or as a mortgage upon the farm, the sum which they fixed as the increase in its value. The old man saw that I had good ideas and that I should improve the place, and he said to me a short time before his death, 'I should not like myself to see all these changes that you tell me you wish to make, but I have no doubt that they will increase its value. It is fair that, if my daughter dies before you, you should have the benefit of the work that you have done, so I have had the farm valued, and it will be valued again by the same firm if she dies before you, and you will receive the difference. Does that seem to you to be fair?'
"'Quite fair,' I said.
"'It will be the same thing during her lifetime. I have set down what the farm has brought me in for the past twenty years. She is to receive the average rental56 and to be its[Pg 48] mistress. As I warned you before you married her, I will have no Englishman master here; but you may have the use of one-third of the income to be laid out in improvements. It is to be as a loan to you, and to be repaid from the extra profits of the place.'
"I thought the arrangement, although curious, was very fair. I need hardly say that the income is now four times as great as it was when the old man died. The money I used for improvements has long since been paid off, and I have laid by a very considerable sum. My wife and I never talk about money matters. She has the amount that was annually57 made by her father, with which she runs the house, and spends as she likes. She neither asks what the farm now brings in, nor interferes58 with me in any way, so that we get on very well together. If she dies before me, I shall, in addition to what I have laid by, have a heavy mortgage on the farm; and between ourselves, it is morally certain that Dirck Jansen, if she leaves it to him, will never be able to pay the interest, for he will work on the old grooves59, so far as he works at all, and in a couple of years after he takes possession I shall foreclose and have the farm put up to auction60, in which case I hope that some Englishman will buy it. I should certainly not remain in the colony after her death.
"These are the plans I had formed for myself, Yorke, and when I was in England, and invited you to come up, it was with a vague idea that some day you might possibly succeed me here. The mortgage which I shall hold over the property is larger than anyone would be likely to bid for the farm, and I thought that I might therefore purchase it in your name. But since you have been here, I have seen that this would not do. In the first place, you would never be contented61 to settle down here, you have too much energy to take to the life of a farmer; and this quarrel with Dirck would alone render that plan impossible. There is an enmity already established; and if he, after coming into possession of the farm, were turned out by you, he would become your deadly enemy,[Pg 49] and would assuredly have the sympathy of his relations, and, indeed, of all the Boers around. Therefore I shall not particularly care who buys the farm and pays off my mortgage.
"I have been very much pleased with you ever since you came here, and what was two years ago only a vague idea is now my fixed intention, and you will be my heir at my death. I have no nearer relation, and I have not felt attracted towards anyone whom I have met, except your family. Of course, I may die before my wife. In that case, my claim to the estate for the improvements I have effected will drop, though, of course, the sum I have laid by will not be affected62. My opinion was asked on this subject when the old man made his will, and I willingly agreed to it, because it seemed to me a fair one; and besides, there was no one at that time whom I cared particularly to benefit after my death."
Yorke, who was greatly surprised at what Mr. Allnutt said, began to thank him for the kindness of his intentions towards him, but the latter said: "There is no occasion at all for that. I must leave my money to someone, and as I like you better than any of my other relations it is only natural that you should be my heir. It may be a good many years before you benefit largely by it. I am only some three or four and twenty years older than you are. I live a healthy outdoor life, and I may, for aught I know, go on till I am eighty. However, now that I regard you as my heir, of course I shall give you a helping63 hand when you need it, and when these troubles are over, and you have learned the ways of the country, and are able to start a business with a good chance of success, I shall be ready to give you a thousand pounds to set you up in it. Or, if you decide that you would like to return home and settle in England, you will have that sum to pay your expenses at college, and such further sum as may be required to maintain you until you are in a position to keep yourself. There, do not let us say anything more about it now, my boy. I should advise you not to go outside the farm until you leave. The Boers seldom forgive an in[Pg 50]jury. Certainly Dirck Jansen will not be an exception to the rule, and, if he has a chance, will attempt to do you harm. For example, he might pick a quarrel with you, which might come to a shooting affray, and although you may be a better shot than he is, he would not hesitate to fire first. We had an example of that to-day, so you must keep out of his way till you go. He certainly will not come here for the next week, after what Van Laun, who may be considered the head of his family, said. Now, lad, I feel tired after this unusual excitement, so we may as well go off to bed."
Yorke did not get to sleep for some time. He was naturally excited as well as surprised at the news of his cousin's intentions towards him, and felt that it would make an immense difference to him. In the most favourable64 circumstances, he could not have hoped to save a sum that would enable him to start for himself, or to obtain a share in any established business. Now, his cousin's generous offer would enable him to begin to climb the ladder as soon as he was qualified65 to do so. As to the alternative of returning to England and going to the University, he set it aside at once. He liked the life in South Africa, and would not have cared to take up that of a student again, with the prospect66 of becoming a hard-working curate in a poor neighbourhood, or years of waiting for briefs as a young barrister. With a business out there, he might soon be able to help them at home, to supply his sisters with pocket-money, and, most pleasant of all, to be able to present his mother with a carriage, and a pair of horses, such as they used to drive before. With such pleasant thoughts in his mind he at last fell off to sleep, and in the morning, after as usual partaking of a bowl of milk and bread, started for his ride round the farm with Hans in attendance.
Three days passed quietly. Mrs. Allnutt had so far relaxed as to come down to meals, and although she spoke as little as possible to Yorke, she was at least civil. On the fourth morning he took his rifle and went up the valley to[Pg 51] practise for the first time since his contest with Dirck. Hans was some little distance behind him. As he was on the point of dismounting, he caught the gleam of a rifle-barrel behind a rock two hundred yards away. He did not hesitate for an instant, but threw himself from his horse. The action saved his life, for, as he did so, a shot was fired, and the ball went through his hat, slightly grazing his head. As his feet touched the ground he fell with his face towards the rock, unslinging his rifle as he did so and letting it fall in front of him, still grasping it close to the trigger.
With an almost imperceptible movement he brought the butt67 to his shoulder, and then lay perfectly68 still. His face was downward, and from a short distance seemed to be on the ground, but in reality he was able to look under the brim of his hat. For two or three minutes he lay thus, then he saw Dirck Jansen cautiously look out from behind the rock. For a minute he did not move, then he slowly rose and pointed his rifle at some object behind Yorke. The latter did not doubt that he was taking aim at Hans. The moment the thought struck him, he fired, and Dirck dropped his rifle, which exploded as it touched the ground, and fell forwards. A few seconds later Hans galloped70 up.
"Are you hurt, master?" he exclaimed. "I heard the shot, and thought that you had not waited for me, until I saw you lying there. I then caught sight of Dirck, and saw him point his rifle at me. I thought I was dead; for although you beat Dirck, he is a fine shot, and at three hundred yards could not have missed me. Then I saw your rifle flash."
"It is a bad business, Hans. He tried to take my life, and thought that he had succeeded. It was a near shave, as you see; the bullet went through my hat. But I was in the act of dismounting, and he fired an inch or two too high." He put his hand on the top of his head. When he looked at it it was covered with blood.
"It is just as well," he said, as Hans uttered an exclamation24 of alarm. "It is only a graze. If he had missed me[Pg 52] altogether, my story might not have been believed. Now, let us go and see what has happened to him. I hope I have not killed him. If I had had time I should have aimed at his shoulder, but I knew that in another instant he would have fired at you, and I just sighted him and pulled the trigger."
They went over to where Dirck was lying. He had been hit high up in the chest. "Three inches farther up and I should only have broken his collar-bone," Yorke said regretfully. "Even as it is, I hope that he may recover. These Mauser bullets do comparatively little damage if they do not hit a vital point. It is certainly so with game. Now, Hans, lay him down as before. I will ride back to the farm and send back help to bring him in."
Yorke returned to his horse, mounted it, and rode back at full speed. Mr. Allnutt had just risen and come out into the yard.
"What is it, Yorke?" he asked in alarm on seeing the lad's pale face and a small stream of blood running down his face.
Yorke related what had happened.
"The young scoundrel!" the colonist exclaimed indignantly. "Well, at any rate you are not to blame, Yorke; but it is a desperately71 bad business. Fortunately you have Hans to prove that your account of the attempt at assassination72 is true, and you were perfectly justified73 in shooting; but still, it will make the feud74 worse than ever. I trust sincerely that his wound will not prove mortal. I will send off a mounted man at once to Richmond for a surgeon, and will go out with four Kaffirs to bring the unfortunate young fellow in. Then I will ride over with you and Hans to Van Laun's; he is a justice of the peace. You can make your deposition75 before him, and I will give my guarantee to produce you if Dirck should die. Having done this, you had better start at once for Cape Town, and when you get there telegraph your address to me, so that I can send for you if necessary."
"Very well, uncle, that will certainly be the best way.[Pg 53] I could not stop here now. I trust most earnestly that he will recover. If I had had time to take aim I would only have disabled him, but I knew that if I did not fire instantly he would have shot Hans."
"No doubt he thought that he had shot you through the head, and intended to rid himself of the only witness. I do not pity him one bit, whatever happens to him. He was a murderer in intention, and if he has failed, it is not his fault. I think that even my wife will have her eyes opened now as to his real character. That he should have aimed his rifle at you before in the heat of passion was to some extent excusable; but this was an attempt at premeditated murder, and if he recovers he ought to have a few years in prison. However, that will be for you to decide."
"If I were coming back to live here I would certainly prosecute76 him, for he might make another attempt with better success; but, as it is, I shall not move in the matter. I will go out with you and the Kaffirs now. I could not be hanging about here doing nothing until he is brought in."
On arriving at the spot they found that Dirck was still alive, though unconscious. He was carefully placed on the hurdle77 that a Kaffir had brought with him, and was taken back to the house, Mr. Allnutt going on before to tell his wife what had happened. He came out of the door as Yorke arrived with the bearers, saw Dirck carried upstairs, and then came down again.
"I will leave him there in her care," he said; "she will see after him. She did not make any remark when I told her what had happened, beyond saying, 'Is there any proof as to the truth of this story?' 'There is this for proof,' I said. 'Hans heard one shot, and one shot only, fired as he rode up, then he saw Dirck rise and take aim at him. Then, as Yorke fired he saw him fall. The first shot that was fired was fired by Dirck, and the proof is that the ball went through Yorke's hat, and the lad is bleeding from a scalp wound there. As the affair happened on our farm there could have been[Pg 54] no quarrel between the two lads, for Hans was but a short distance behind when the first shot was fired; and as Dirck fell nearly three hundred yards from the spot where Yorke was lying they could not have been near enough for them to have had words. What is more, he saw Dirck rise from behind the rock where he had been lying hid, and when he pointed that out to me I found the empty cartridge lying there.' She then only said, 'Bring him up here; he is my cousin.' Now we will ride over to Van Laun's. We shall have time to do so before the doctor arrives; it is only a quarter of an hour's gallop69."
Ordering Hans to follow him he mounted and galloped off with Yorke. Mr. Van Laun looked very grave when he heard the story.
"Unfortunate lad," he said; "this is the result of his unrestrained passions. Now, Mr. Harberton, will you please write down your account of the affair, and I will swear you to it. Then I will get you to retire, and will have Hans in."
When the two statements had been sworn to he called Yorke in again.
"Of course," he said, "If Dirck dies there must be an enquiry into this. In any case, there must be an enquiry, if you insist upon it. Mr. Allnutt will give us his surety that you will appear if he dies."
"I should be well content to drop the matter, sir, if Dirck lives, as I sincerely hope he will. It is a most unfortunate affair, and greatly to be regretted. However, related as he is to Mrs. Allnutt, I certainly have no wish to press the matter against him. I am going away from here, and am not likely to return unless I am obliged to do so. And for my aunt's sake, if for no other reason, I should regret extremely to bring so heavy a charge against one to whom she is so attached."
"I thank you, sir. I am the unhappy fellow's uncle, and for my own part and that of the family I feel deeply indebted to you for your forbearance. I am glad, however, that you[Pg 55] are about to leave, for the ties of blood here count for a great deal. Although we older men see his fault in the gravest light, there are hot spirits among the young men who might, in spite of the fact that he had been utterly78 in the wrong, take up his quarrel. I will now ride back with you and hear the surgeon's report."
This turned out to be favourable rather than otherwise. Without being able to give any decided79 opinion, the surgeon said that if all went well, and no fever set in, Dirck might recover. "The ball," he said, "has gone right through, and has undoubtedly80 passed through the upper part of the lung; but the wound is so small that it will probably heal up without leaving any after effects. If, however, fever sets in, I do not disguise from you that the result may be fatal, although I regard the probabilities as being altogether the other way. As the bullet has passed through there is little for me to do. He must be kept very quiet, and given cooling drinks for some days. I shall ride over and see him to-morrow. If he is going on well, he will be able to take a little nourishment81 in the way of soup in the course of two or three days."
The news was an immense relief to Yorke. He felt that had the affair happened again he could not have acted otherwise; but the thought that he might have taken life was very painful. If it had been done in the course of a battle he would have thought comparatively little of it, but this was altogether different; and although Dirck had been exceptionally rude and discourteous82 to him, and he would have liked to give him a good thrashing, he would have given much rather than be the cause of his death. When the surgeon had left, and Mr. Van Laun, after a few words with Mrs. Allnutt, had also ridden off, the colonist said:
"Now, Yorke, the sooner you are off the better. You will, of course, take Bob. He is the best horse on the farm, and I don't think you will get any better in the colony. And in the work you will have to do, your life may depend upon the speed of your horse."
[Pg 56]
"Will you let me take Hans with me?"
"He has been speaking to me about it. He is most anxious to go with you. Of course, he is free to go whether I like it or not; but indeed I shall be glad to know that he is with you. He has brightened up wonderfully since you came, and there can be no doubt that he is devoted to you."
"Thank you! Of course I cannot say whether I shall be able to keep him; that will depend on what corps I join. If I enlist in the line, I should hardly think they would take Hans; but if I join a Colonial corps, they may do so, for loyal Dutchmen would naturally be accepted. At any rate, I shall do all I can to keep him with me."
"And now, as to your traps, Yorke. First, I suppose you will ride down?"
"It would certainly be most pleasant; besides, if I went by train there would be a bother about getting a horse-box."
"Quite so. Well, I will pack up all your things to-morrow, and send them to Cape Town in a day or two, marked 'To be left till called for,' so that you will find them at the goods station when you arrive there. You may as well leave the rifle here. It would be all very well carrying it as you go through the country districts, but it would hardly do to ride with it into Cape Town. I have another of the same kind, and will put it in for Hans. I have a long box that will hold them very well, and can pack with them some of the clothes you have bought since you have been here, and which will certainly not go into the portmanteau you brought with you."
Hans was delighted when he heard that he was to accompany Yorke. No time was needed for his preparations.
"You are to take the horse I usually ride, Hans," Mr. Allnutt said; "he may need a spare horse for his work, and it is as well that while you are with him you should be well mounted, so as to be able to go at the same pace as he. Put the saddle on at once; it is nearly twelve o'clock, and you have a long ride to Victoria West, where, of course, you will[Pg 57] sleep to-night. Come in with me, Yorke, I will put that cold meat on the table and you can sit down and eat something. All these things have put breakfast out of our heads, and you have had nothing since you rode off at six o'clock."
"I don't feel hungry, uncle."
"Oh, nonsense! You must eat."
As soon as he had helped Yorke he cut off a large chunk83 of meat and a slice of bread and carried them out to Hans.
"That is right, lad," he said, when Yorke had made a good meal, for he had found his appetite when he once began to eat. "Now, put this cheque into your pocket, it is for one hundred pounds; you may want to get uniform, and may in any case have to wait some little time before you can arrange matters. Here are twenty pounds for your expenses on the road. In the envelope with the cheque is a note to the manager of the bank, authorizing84 him to allow you to draw on me up to another hundred pounds should you require it. There, I don't want any thanks, lad. You know how we stand now, and the sooner you are off the better."
"Do you think my aunt would like me to say good-bye to her? I should certainly like to do so. She has been very kind while I have been here."
"I will ask her, Yorke, but I don't think she will. However, it is just as well to make the offer."
Rather to Yorke's surprise, Mrs. Allnutt came into the room a minute later. "Good-bye, Yorke!" she said gravely. "I cannot say, after what has happened, that I am sorry that you are going, but I am very sorry for the circumstances that have caused you to go. You have been very nice in the house since you came. I had thought, before you arrived, that I should not like it, but it has made things pleasant, and I came to like you. Good-bye! I hope you will do well. Some day, perhaps, I may see you again, if not here, perhaps at Cape Town."
"Good-bye, aunt! I am very much obliged to you for the kindness you have shown me since I have been here. I[Pg 58] cannot say how sorry I am that things should have turned out as they have. No one can possibly regret it more than I."
Five minutes later Yorke and Hans mounted and started on their journey.


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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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带冷笑地 | |
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adj.强有力的;巨大的 | |
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adj.中年的 | |
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n.爱好,癖好;adj.弯的;决心的,一心的 | |
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vt.谋取(支持等),赢得;征募;vi.入伍 | |
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adj.好客的;宽容的;有利的,适宜的 | |
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adv.喧闹地,吵闹地 | |
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v./n.吹牛,自夸;adj.第一流的 | |
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adj.傲慢的,无理的 | |
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屈尊,俯就( condescend的过去式和过去分词 ); 故意表示和蔼可亲 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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v.猛拧;挣脱;使扭伤;n.扳手;痛苦,难受 | |
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n.发射,计划,突出部分 | |
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adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 | |
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n.闹剧,笑剧,滑稽戏;胡闹 | |
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v.纺,杜撰,急转身 | |
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抛( sling的过去式和过去分词 ); 吊挂; 遣送; 押往 | |
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n.敌人,对抗者,对手 | |
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adj.尖的,直截了当的 | |
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adj.隐退的,退休的,退役的 | |
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n.[军事]间隔( interval的名词复数 );间隔时间;[数学]区间;(戏剧、电影或音乐会的)幕间休息 | |
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n.呼喊( exclamation的名词复数 );感叹;感叹语;感叹词 | |
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n.感叹号,惊呼,惊叹词 | |
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adj.声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的,邪恶的 | |
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adv.稳定地;不变地;持续地 | |
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adv.往回地,向原处,倒,相反,前后倒置地 | |
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v.(in)干涉,干预;(with)妨碍,打扰 | |
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adv.完全地,彻底地,十足地 | |
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n.殖民者,移民 | |
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可耻地; 丢脸地; 不体面地; 羞耻地 | |
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vt.使不可置信;n.丧失信义;不信,怀疑 | |
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adj.纯粹的;仅仅,只不过 | |
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adj.小型的;n.小马 | |
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n.低语,低声的怨言;v.低语,低声而言 | |
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n.剩余物,残留物;遗体,遗迹 | |
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n.激怒,刺激,挑拨,挑衅的事物,激怒的原因 | |
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n.犹豫,踌躇 | |
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adv.过度地,不适当地 | |
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n.弹壳,弹药筒;(装磁带等的)盒子 | |
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ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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子弹( cartridge的名词复数 ); (打印机的)墨盒; 录音带盒; (唱机的)唱头 | |
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adv.整洁地,干净地,灵巧地,熟练地 | |
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v.集合,收集,鼓起,激起;n.集合,检阅,集合人员,点名册 | |
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n.海角,岬;披肩,短披风 | |
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n.(通信等兵种的)部队;(同类作的)一组 | |
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adv.坦白地,直率地;坦率地说 | |
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a.不快的 | |
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adv.衷心地,诚恳地,十分,很 | |
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adj.极恼人的,讨人厌的,可憎的 | |
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adv.可怕地,非常地,极端地 | |
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adj.顽固的,倔强的,不易屈服的,较难治愈的 | |
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n.骡子,杂种,执拗的人 | |
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adj.忠诚的,忠实的,热心的,献身于...的 | |
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[医]招致的,遭受的; incur的过去式 | |
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n.租赁,出租,出租业 | |
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adv.一年一次,每年 | |
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vi. 妨碍,冲突,干涉 | |
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n.沟( groove的名词复数 );槽;老一套;(某种)音乐节奏v.沟( groove的第三人称单数 );槽;老一套;(某种)音乐节奏 | |
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n.拍卖;拍卖会;vt.拍卖 | |
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adj.满意的,安心的,知足的 | |
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adj.不自然的,假装的 | |
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n.食物的一份&adj.帮助人的,辅助的 | |
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adj.赞成的,称赞的,有利的,良好的,顺利的 | |
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adj.合格的,有资格的,胜任的,有限制的 | |
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n.前景,前途;景色,视野 | |
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n.笑柄;烟蒂;枪托;臀部;v.用头撞或顶 | |
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adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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v./n.(马或骑马等)飞奔;飞速发展 | |
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(使马)飞奔,奔驰( gallop的过去式和过去分词 ); 快速做[说]某事 | |
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adv.极度渴望地,绝望地,孤注一掷地 | |
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n.暗杀;暗杀事件 | |
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a.正当的,有理的 | |
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n.长期不和;世仇;v.长期争斗;世代结仇 | |
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n.免职,罢官;作证;沉淀;沉淀物 | |
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vt.告发;进行;vi.告发,起诉,作检察官 | |
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n.跳栏,栏架;障碍,困难;vi.进行跨栏赛 | |
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adv.完全地,绝对地 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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adv.确实地,无疑地 | |
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n.食物,营养品;营养情况 | |
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adj.不恭的,不敬的 | |
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n.厚片,大块,相当大的部分(数量) | |
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授权,批准,委托( authorize的现在分词 ) | |
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