"He is evidently a long-headed fellow," the admiral said, "and from his point of view his proposal is a fair one; but I am afraid our people at home would never give such an undertaking1. It would be impossible for us to have one island where the blacks were free, while in all others they would remain slaves. It would be as much as saying to them, 'If you want freedom you must fight for it;' and even if the people at home[Pg 312] could bring themselves to pay the immense amount of money that would be required to emancipate2 the slaves by indemnifying their owners, it would nevertheless be the ruin of the islands, and all connected with them. However, I will take you ashore3 to the governor, after my clerk has made a copy of your report."
"I have made two copies, sir."
"All the better. Then we will go at once."
The governor heard Nat's story, and received his report.
"It is at least satisfactory," he said, "to have learnt from one of themselves what the views of the principal leaders are, and I consider that you have performed your commission exceedingly well, Lieutenant5 Glover, and, undoubtedly6, at a great deal of risk to yourself. As to the matter of the communication, it will of course receive serious attention. It is far too important a business for anyone to give off-hand an opinion upon it. I fancy, sir, that you are likely to have more active work before long, for I think there is no doubt that war will very shortly be declared with France, and her privateers will be swarming7 about these seas."
It was nearly six months before any special incident took place. No vessel8 had been missing since the capture of the Agile9, and it was evident that any pirates there might have been among the islands had moved to waters where they could carry on their trade with less interruption. The Agile cruised about among the islands, and although she had a pleasant time, officers and men alike grew impatient at the uneventful nature of their work. Things were but little changed in Hayti. Biassou had been deprived of his command, and it was surmised10 that he had been murdered, but at any rate he was never heard of again. Fran?ois and Toussaint commanded, but the former came to be so jealous of Toussaint's popularity that the latter was obliged to retire, and to cross the frontier into the[Pg 313] Spanish part of the island. There he was well received, and showed great ability in various actions against the French, with whom Spain was then at war. He and many other negroes had declared for Spain, upon the singular ground that they had always been governed by a king, and preferred to be ruled by the king of Spain rather than by a republic.
With only six hundred men Toussaint drove fifteen hundred French out of a strong post which they occupied in the Spanish town of Raphaelita, and afterwards took several other posts and villages. It was for these successes that he gained the name of L'Ouverture, or opener, and the Marquis D'Hermona gave him the rank of lieutenant-general. The three French commissioners11 had returned to France, and had been succeeded by two others, Santhonax and Poveren, the former a ruffian of the same type as those who were deluging12 the soil of France with its best blood, and who made themselves odious13 to both parties by their brutality14 and greed. At last, at the end of February, 1793, came the news of the execution of the king of France, and the certainty that war was imminent15.
"Now we shall have more lively times," Turnbull said. "It has been dull enough of late."
"There has been nothing to grumble16 at," the surgeon said. "What would you have? Haven't we been sailing about like gentlemen, with nothing to do but to drink and sleep, and look at the islands, and take things easy altogether?"
"Don't you talk, Doyle," Turnbull said, laughing. "There is no one who has grumbled17 more than yourself."
"That is in the cause of science," the Irishman retorted. "How can I ever become a distinguished18 man, and show what is in me, and make all sorts of discoveries, if there is never a chance that comes in my way? There are my instruments all ready for use, they might as well be at the bottom of the sea. I hone them once a week, and well-nigh shed tears be[Pg 314]cause of the good work they ought to be doing. It is all very well for you, Turnbull, you won't forget how to kill a man when the time comes; but let me tell you that any fellow who doesn't know his A B C can kill a man, whereas it takes a man of science to cure him."
"There is a good deal in that, Doyle," Nat said, when the laugh had subsided19, "though I don't know that I considered it in that light before; but that, perhaps, is because I have tried one and never tried the other."
"It's a fine thing," Doyle said, "to be a surgeon. There you see a man with his legs shot off. If it was not for you he would die. You take him in hand, you amputate a bit higher up, you make him tidy and comfortable, and there he is walking about almost as well as if he had two legs; and although he is not fit for ship service again, he would be as good a man in a fight with a cudgel as ever he was. Now I ask you fairly, what is there that you can do to compare with that?"
"Nothing in that way, I must admit," Nat laughed, "Well, you may be having an opportunity of showing your superiority before long. This is just the ground the French privateers are likely to choose. There are plenty of French ports for them to put into, hundreds of bays where they could lie hidden, and lots of shipping20 to plunder21. No doubt they will be thick in the channel and down the straits, but our merchantmen will not think of going there unless in large fleets or under convoy22 of ships of war; while here, though they might be guarded on their way across the Atlantic, they would have to scatter23 as soon as they were among the islands. Well, we must look out that we are not caught napping. Of course, until we get news that war is declared we can't fire upon a Frenchman; while if one arrived with the news before we got it, he might sail up close by us and pour in a broadside."[Pg 315]
"At any rate we are likely to take some prizes," Lippincott said, "for the instant we get the news we can pounce24 upon any French merchantman."
"Yes; those homeward-bound could hardly hear the news as soon as we do, while of those coming out many slow sailers will have left before war is declared, and may not be here for weeks after we hear of it. The great thing will be for us to put ourselves on the main line of traffic. As we have received no special orders we can cruise where we like. I should say that coming from France, they would be likely to keep down the coast of Spain and on to Madeira before they strike across, as in that way they would be altogether out of the line of the Gulf25 Stream. Then, if they were making for Hayti, they would probably be coming along west on or about the 20th parallel north; while, if making for Guadeloupe or Martinique, they would be some three or four degrees farther south. Probably privateers would follow the same lines, as before commencing operations they would want to take in provisions and water, to learn where our cruisers are likely to be, to pick up pilots, and so on. So I should say that we can cruise about these waters for another fortnight safely, and then go through the Caribbean Islands and cruise some seventy or eighty miles beyond them, carefully avoiding putting into any of our own islands as we pass."
"Why should you do that?" Turnbull asked.
"Because the chances are that we should find, either at Barbados or St. Lucia or Dominica—or, in fact, at any of the other islands, one of our frigates27, or at any rate, some officer senior to me; and in that case, as we have no fixed29 orders from the admiral, we might be detained or sent off in some direction that might not suit us at all."
"Good!" Doyle said. "It is always a safe rule to keep out of the way of a bigger man than yourself. I have always[Pg 316] observed that a captain of a man-of-war or of a frigate28 is sure to be down on small craft, if he gets a chance. It is like a big boy at school fagging a little one; he could do quite as well without him, but it is just a matter of devilment and to show his authority. Heaven protect us against falling in with a frigate. If she were a Frenchman she would sink us; if she were a Britisher she would bully30 us."
They reached the ground on which Nat had decided31 to cruise. Three days later the look-out at the mast-head shouted "Sail ho!" the words acting32 like an electric shock to those on deck.
"How does it bear?"
"About east by north, sir. There are three vessels33; I can only see their topsails at present. Two of them are a bit bigger than the third. They look to me to be merchantmen. I should say the other, by the cut of his sails, is a Frenchman."
A low cheer broke from the men. "Now, if that fellow brings news that war is declared, we are in luck," Nat said. "Either he is convoying two French merchantmen he has overtaken, or he has two British prizes he has picked up. If they are English, we shall not get so much prize-money; but then we shall have less difficulty with the privateer, if privateer she is, because she must have put a good many of her hands an board the prizes. So we can in either case count upon doing well. At any rate they are not likely to suspect that we are English, being French-built and French-rigged. Even if they have a doubt, they will be satisfied as soon as they see the name on our bows. We will not get up any more sail."
"I will go up and have a look at her," Turnbull said; and slinging34 his glass over his shoulder he went aloft.
"I think," he called down, after a long look at them, "that the middle ship is a good deal larger than she looks; and the[Pg 317] others are carrying every stitch of canvas, but she has neither royals nor topgallant-sails. Her yards have a wide spread, and I am inclined to think that she is a frigate or a large corvette—certainly a French one. As to the others, I cannot say with certainty, but I rather fancy they are English; in which case she has captured them on the way, and, being much faster than they are, has to go under easy sail to keep with them."
"Well, I hope she is not too big for us," Nat said, as Turnbull rejoined him.
"What should you call too big, sir?" Turnbull asked with a smile.
"Well, I should say that a fifty was too big."
"Yes, a twenty would about suit us, especially as she may have fifty of her men on board the other craft—that is, if they are her prizes. It is the men that I am more afraid of than the guns. Two to one are no great odds37 in guns, especially as we generally work ours faster than the French do; but when it comes to a hundred and fifty men or so against forty, it may be very unpleasant if we get a spar knocked away and they come alongside of us. We may as well get the French flag up at once. With a good glass they could make it out a long way off. Let the men have their breakfast, it is a bad thing to fight fasting."
The men were not long over their meal; by the time they came on deck again the strangers were within five or six miles. The wind was in the north-east, and the Agile was almost close-hauled, while the others had the wind broad on their quarters. There was now no longer any doubt that the outside vessels were two large British West Indiamen, and the fact that they were in company with what was undoubtedly a French frigate[Pg 318] was regarded as absolute proof that war had been declared, and that the French ship of war on her way out to the colonies with the news had overtaken and captured the two British ships, which were probably sailing in company. As they approached, the Agile was luffed up more into the wind in order to pass between the Frenchman and the prize within a few cables' length to starboard of him.
"How many guns do you make her out to be, Mr. Lippincott?"
"I think that she has eighteen guns on a broadside."
"The odds are pretty strongly against us," Nat said; "but we shall have the weather-gauge38, that counts for a good deal. Anyhow, we shall be able to annoy her, and possibly, if we hang on to her, the sound of firing will bring up one of our cruisers from Barbuda or Antigua."
An awning39 which was stretched over the quarter-deck had not been taken down, and as the brigantine approached the French frigate, there was no sign that her intentions were not of a peaceable nature. The French ensign floated from the peak, the sailors on deck were lounging about, some with their jackets on, others in their shirts, and only a few with hats on seemed to be watching with idle curiosity the approaching vessels. Nat and the officers retained their uniforms, for as only their heads and shoulders showed over the rail, there was nothing to distinguish them from those of a fine French privateer, for these generally adopted a regular naval40 dress. The two vessels were but fifty yards apart as they met. Nat sprang on to the rail, and in reply to the hail from the Frenchman, "What ship is that?" raised his cap in salute41 and shouted:
"The Agile of Bordeaux. Have you any news from France, sir?"
"Yes, war has been declared with England."
[Pg 319]
"Thank you, that is good news indeed," and he leapt down on to the deck.
The vessels were both travelling at a speed of about eight knots an hour, and were already passing one another fast, when, as Nat waved his hand, the French flag was run down, an English ensign already fastened to the halyards was simultaneously42 run up, and a moment later the five guns, which had previously43 been trained to bear aft and double-shotted, poured their broadside into the quarters of the French frigate. Shouts of surprise and fury rose from her; no thought that the little craft so fearlessly approaching her was an enemy had crossed the mind of any on board, still less that if British she would venture to fire upon so vastly superior a foe44.
"About ship!" Nat said, the instant the guns had been fired. The sail-trimmers were at their places, the Agile shot up into the wind, her head paid off, and she swept round on the other tack45, crossing the stern of the Frenchman, her guns on the starboard side sending their shot in through his stern windows, and raking his whole length as they were brought to bear; then she wore round on her heel, the guns on the larboard side were reloaded, and she again raked the Frenchman. So far not a single shot had been fired in return. The din4 on board the frigate was prodigious46, as the guns had to be cast loose, magazines opened, powder and shot carried up, and the sails trimmed to enable her to bear up so as to show her broadside to her puny47 foe.
Before she could do so the Agile, true to her name, was again round. The Frenchmen, confused by the variety of orders issued, were slow at their work, and as their opponent came up into the wind the brigantine was again astern of them, and raked them this time with heavy charges of grape. A chorus of shrieks48 and cries from the frigate told how terrible was the effect.[Pg 320]
"By St. Patrick," the surgeon exclaimed to Lippincott, "it is grand! But it looks as if the captain wasn't going to give me a chance, and all me instruments laid out ready for action."
"Never mind, doctor, you will be able to practise on the Frenchmen," Lippincott laughed.
But the French captain knew his business, and putting his helm over again, ran off the wind, so that the two vessels were now on the same tack, with the Agile on her opponent's quarter. Several of the French guns were now brought to bear, but their discharge was too hurried, and owing to the brigantine lying so much lower in the water, the shot flew between her masts or made holes in her mainsail. In a moment she was round again, and crossed her opponent's stern at a distance of some thirty yards, the word being passed along that the gunners were to aim at the rudder-post and to double-shot the guns. A loud cheer rose as two of the shots struck the mark. The Frenchman replied with a volley of musketry from the marines gathered on her poop. Three of the sailors fell, and several others were hit.
The Frenchman was, when the Agile delivered her last broadside, running nearly before the wind, and it was speedily evident that the injury to her rudder had been fatal, for although she attempted by trimming her sails again to bear up, each time she fell off, though not before some of her shot had hulled50 her active opponent. Seeing, however, that he must now be easily outman?uvred, the Frenchman made no further effort to change his course, but continued doggedly51 on his way, the topmen swarming aloft and shaking out more canvas. The Agile followed the frigate's example, and placing herself on her stern quarter, kept up a steady fire, yawing when necessary to bring all her guns to bear, the French replying occasionally with one of their stern guns. Owing to the accelerated speed at which both vessels were now going,[Pg 321] the Indiamen had been left behind. Half an hour later the frigate's mizzen-mast, which had been severely52 wounded by the first broadside, went over her side. Cheer after cheer rose from the Agile; her opponent was now at her mercy. She had but to repeat the tactics with which she had begun the fight. Just as Nat gave the order to do so, musket49 shots were heard in the distance. The crew of one of the merchantmen had been allowed to remain on deck, as, being under the guns of the frigate, there was no possibility of their attempting to overpower their captors. As soon, however, as it became evident that the frigate was getting the worst of it, they had been hurried below, and the hatches dropped over them. From the port-holes, however, they could obtain a view of what was going on ahead of them, and as soon as they saw the frigate's mast go by the board, they armed themselves with anything that would serve as weapons, managed to push up the after-hatch, and rushed on deck. The prize crew were all clustered forward watching the fight; a shout from the helmsman apprised53 them of their danger, and they rushed aft. They were, however, less numerous than the British sailors, and no better armed, for, believing that the frigate would easily crush her tiny assailant, they were unprepared to take any part in the fight.
The contest was a very short one. Knowing that the frigate was crippled, and that the brigantine would soon be free to return to them, the Frenchmen saw that they must eventually be taken, and the officer in command being knocked senseless with a belaying-pin, they threw down their knives and surrendered. The other Indiaman at once put down her helm on seeing that the British flag was being run up on her consort54.
"We must not let that fellow get away," Nat said; "we can leave the frigate alone for half an hour. We will give him[Pg 322] two more broadsides with grape through his stern windows, and then bear up after that lumbering55 merchantman. We shall be alongside in half an hour."
In less than that time they were within pistol-shot of the West Indiaman, and the prize crew at once hauled down their flag. The Agile went alongside, released the prisoners, who had been securely fastened in the hold, and replaced them by the French crew. The Indiaman's officers had been allowed to remain on deck.
"Now, captain," Nat said to the English master, "please keep every sail full and follow us. It will not be long before we settle with the frigate, and we shall then run down to Barbados."
The master, who was greatly surprised at the youth of the officer who had so ably handled his ship against an immensely superior foe, said:
"Allow me to congratulate you on the splendid way in which you have handled your vessel. I could scarcely believe my eyes when you opened fire on the frigate. It seemed impossible that you should have thought of really engaging such an opponent."
"You see, we had the weather gauge of her, captain, and the brigantine is both fast and handy. But I must be off now before they have time to get into fighting trim again."
In another half-hour he was in his old position under the frigate's quarter, and was preparing to resume his former tactics, when the French flag fluttered down amid the cheers of the Agile's crew, which were faintly repeated by the two merchantmen a mile astern.
"I am heartily56 glad that they have surrendered," Nat said to Turnbull; "it would have been a mere57 massacre58 if they had been obstinate59. Now, will you go on board and see what state she is in. Do not accept the officers' swords. They have[Pg 323] done all that they could, but they really never had a chance after we had once got in the right position. Order all unwounded men below. As soon as you return with your report as to the state of things, I will send you off again with twenty men to take command. You had better bring the officers back with you. Mr. Lippincott, hoist60 a signal to the merchantmen to lie to as soon as they get abreast61 of us."
Mr. Turnbull returned in twenty minutes.
"It is an awful sight," he said. "The captain and the two senior lieutenants62 are killed, and it was the third lieutenant who ordered the flag to be lowered. Her name is the Spartane. She carried a crew of three hundred men, of whom fifty were on board her prizes. She has lost ninety killed, and there are nearly as many more wounded, of whom at least half are hit with grape, and I fancy few of them will recover; the others are splinter wounds, some of them very bad. There are two surgeons at work. I told them that ours would come to their assistance as soon as he had done with our own wounded."
The third lieutenant and three midshipmen, who were the sole survivors63 of the officers of the Spartane, soon came on board.
"Gentlemen," Nat said, "I am sorry for your misfortune, but assuredly you have nothing to reproach yourselves with. You did all that brave men could do, and did not lower your flag until further resistance would have been a crime against humanity."
The officers bowed; they were too much depressed64 to reply. Their mortification65 was great at being overpowered by a vessel so much inferior in strength to their own, and the feeling was increased now by seeing that their conqueror66 was a lad no older than the senior of the midshipmen. Turnbull's cabin was at once allotted67 to the lieutenant, and a large spare cabin to the midshipmen. Leaving Lippincott in charge, with[Pg 324] ten men, Nat went with Turnbull and the doctor on board the frigate, and the boat went back to fetch the rest of the crew. The merchantmen had been signalled to send as many men as they could spare on board the frigate, and not until these arrived did Nat feel comfortable. Of his own crew three had been killed and ten wounded; three of these were fit for duty, and formed part of Lippincott's party, and the twenty he had with him seemed lost on board the frigate. Although Turnbull had had hawsers68 coiled over the hatches, the thought that there were nearly a hundred prisoners there, and that there were enough comparatively slightly wounded to overpower the two men placed as sentries69 over each hatchway, was a very unpleasant one. The arrival, however, of thirty of the merchant sailors, armed to the teeth, altered the position of affairs.
The first duty was to clear the decks of the dead. These were hastily sewn up in their own hammocks, with a couple of round shot at their feet, and then launched overboard. Those of the wounded able to walk were then mustered70, and one of the French surgeons bandaged all the less serious wounds. After being supplied with a drink of wine and water, they were taken below, and placed with their companions in the hold. Then the wreck71 of the mizzen was cut away, and the frigate was taken in tow by the Agile, her own sails being left standing72 to relieve the strain on the hawsers. The two merchantmen were signalled to reduce sail, and to follow, and on no account to lose sight of the stern light of the frigate after it became dusk. Nat returned, with four of his crew, to the Agile, and four days later towed the Spartane into the anchorage off Bridgetown, the chief port of Barbados, the two West Indiamen following. The Isis, a fine fifty-gun frigate, was lying there. She had arrived on the previous day, having been despatched with the news of the outbreak of war. As her[Pg 325] captain was evidently the senior officer on the station, Nat was rowed on board.
"Are you the officer in command of that brigantine?" the captain asked in surprise.
"Yes, sir; my name is Glover."
"Well, Lieutenant Glover, what part did your ship bear in the fight with that Frenchman? I see by her sails that she was engaged. Whom had you with you?"
"We were alone, sir."
"What!" the captain said, incredulously, "do you mean to say that, with that little ten-gun craft, you captured a thirty-six-gun frigate single-handed?"
"That is so, sir."
"Well, I congratulate you on it heartily," the captain exclaimed, shaking Nat by the hand with great cordiality. "You must tell me all about it. It is an extraordinary feat73. How many men do you carry?"
"And what are your casualties?"
"Three killed and ten wounded."
"What were the casualties of the Frenchmen?"
"Ninety killed, including the captain and the first and second lieutenants and five midshipmen, and eighty-three wounded."
"And how many prisoners?"
"In all, a hundred and thirty, sir, of whom five-and-twenty are on board each of those merchantmen, which had been captured by the frigate. The crew of one rose and mastered their captors as soon as they saw the frigate's mizzen-mast fall, and knew that we must take her. The prize crew in the other struck their flag as soon as we came within pistol-shot of her. I shall be glad to receive orders from you as to the disposal of the prisoners. I have had thirty men from the mer[Pg 326]chantmen on board the Spartane, for I could spare so few men that the prisoners might, without their assistance, have retaken her."
"I will go ashore with you presently and see the governor, and ask whether he can take charge of them. If he cannot, you can hand over the greater part of them to me. I shall sail for Jamaica this evening. As to the prize, I should advise you to see if you cannot get some spars and rig a jury-mast; there are sure to be some in the dockyard. While that is being done you can go through the formalities of inspecting the Indiamen, for whose salvage75 you will get a very handsome sum. At any rate, if I were you I should keep them here until I was ready to sail, and then go with them and your prize to Kingston. I should go in in procession, as you did here. It is a thing that you have a right to be proud of."
"We need lose no time about the mast, sir. We stripped the gear off and got it on board the Spartane, and towed her mast behind her, thinking that perhaps we might not get a suitable spar here. Of course the lower mast will be short, but that will matter comparatively little. What is more serious is that her rudder is smashed."
"I doubt whether you can get that remedied here. I should advise you to rig out a temporary rudder. I'll tell you what I will do—I will send a couple of hundred men on board at once under my second officer. That will make short work of it, and I am sure that there is not a man on board who would not be glad to lend a hand in fitting up a prize that has been so gallantly76 won."
He called his officers, who had been standing apart during this conversation, and introduced Nat to them, saying:
"Gentlemen, I never heard Lieutenant Glover's name until a few minutes ago, but I can with confidence tell you that no more gallant35 officer is to be found in the service; and when I[Pg 327] say that, with that little ten-gun brigantine and a crew of forty men, he engaged the French frigate that you see behind her and forced her to strike, after a fight in which she had a hundred and seventy men killed or wounded, that he took a hundred and thirty prisoners, and recaptured those two West Indiamen which were her prizes, I think you will all agree that I am not exaggerating. He is naturally very anxious to be off. The frigate's mizzen-mast is lying astern of her, and will make an excellent jury-mast, as all the gear is on board, and only requires shortening. Her rudder is smashed, and a temporary one must be rigged up; and, knowing that all on board will be ready and glad to help when they hear what I have told you, I am going to send two hundred men off at once to lend a hand. Will you take command, Mr. Lowcock? You will take with you, of course, the boatswain and his mates and the carpenters."
"I should be glad to go too, sir," the first lieutenant said.
"You and I will go together, Mr. Ferguson, after we have had a glass of wine and heard from Mr. Glover the details of this singular action."
The order was at once given to lower the boats. The story that the French frigate and her two prizes had been captured single-handed by the brigantine speedily circulated, and the men hastened into the boats with alacrity77. With them went the surgeon and his assistant to see if they could be of any help on board, while the captain, his first lieutenant, and Nat went into the cabin, and the latter related the details of the action.
"Skilfully78 managed indeed, Mr. Glover!" the captain said when he had finished; "no one could have done better. It was fortunate indeed that your little craft was so fast and handy, for if that frigate had brought her guns to bear fully26 upon her she ought to have been able to fairly blow you out of[Pg 328] the water with a single broadside. May I ask if this is your first action?"
"No, sir; I was in a tender of the Orpheus frigate when she captured a very strong pirate's hold near the port of Barcela in Caracas, destroying the place and capturing or blowing up three of their ships."
"I remember the affair," the captain said, "and a very gallant one it was; for, if I am right, the frigate could not get into the entrance, but landed her men, captured two of the pirates' batteries, and turned the guns on their ships, while a schooner79 she had captured a few days before sailed right in and engaged them, and was nearly destroyed when one of the pirates blew up. The officer in command of her was killed, and a midshipman was very highly spoken of, for he succeeded to the command, and gallantly went on board another pirate and drowned their magazine."
"Much more was said about it than necessary," Nat said.
The captain looked surprised.
"By the way," the lieutenant broke in, "I remember the name now. Are you the Mr. Glover mentioned in the despatches?"
"Yes, sir; but, as I said, the captain was good enough to make more of the affair than it deserved."
"I expect that he was the best judge of that," the captain said. "Well, after that?"
"After that, sir, I had the command of a little four-gun schooner which was cruising along the coast of Hayti to pick up fugitives80, when I came across the brigantine I now command in the act of plundering81 a merchantman she had just captured. She left her prize and followed me. I was faster and more weatherly than she was, and having had the luck to smash the jaws82 of her gaff after a running fight of seven or eight miles, was able to get back to the prize and recapture her before the pirate came up. The crew of the prize came[Pg 329] up and manned their guns, and between us we engaged the brigantine and carried her by boarding. On taking her into Kingston the admiral gave me the command, and raised my crew from twenty to forty. We have now been cruising for four or five months, but not until we sighted the frigate and her prizes have we had the luck to fall in with an enemy."
"Well, sir," the captain said, "even admitting that you have had some luck, there is no question that you have utilized83 your opportunities and have an extraordinary record, and if you don't get shot I prophesy84 that you will be an admiral before many officers old enough to be your father. Now, I am sure you must be anxious to get on board your prize as soon as possible, so we will take you to her at once."
In a few minutes they were on the deck of the Spartane. It was a scene of extraordinary activity. The lower mast had already been parbuckled on to the deck, where sheer-legs had been erected85 by another party. The mast was soon in its place, and the wedges driven in, the shrouds86 had been shortened, and men were engaged in tightening87 the lanyards. The topmast was on deck ready to be hoisted88. The carpenters were busy constructing a temporary rudder with a long spar, to one end of which planks89 were being fixed, so that it looked like a gigantic paddle. As soon as this was completed, the other end of the spar was lashed90 to the taffrail. Strong hawsers were then to be fastened to the paddle, and brought in one on each quarter and attached to the drum of the wheel.
"Now, Mr. Glover," the captain said, after watching the work for some little time, "I will go ashore with you to the governor; you ought to pay your respects to him. Fortunately you will not require any assistance from him, for unless I am greatly mistaken these jobs will be finished this evening; the masts and rigging will certainly be fixed before dusk, and the carpenters must stick to their job till it is done. Like all[Pg 330] make-shifts, it will not be so good as the original, but I think it will serve your turn, for there is little likelihood of bad weather at this time of year. I suppose you intend to keep the merchant seamen on board? If not, I will spare you some hands."
"I am much obliged, sir, but I think we shall do very well. It is a fine reaching wind, and we shall scarcely have to handle a sail between this and Jamaica."
"Very well, I understand your feeling, you would like to finish your business without help. That is very natural; I should do the same in your place."
"How about the merchantman's papers, sir?"
"I shall tell the governor that I have ordered them to be taken to Kingston, where there is a regular prize court, and therefore it will not be necessary to trouble with their manifests here."
"Then, if I have your permission, captain, I will row off to them at once and tell them to get under sail now; we shall overhaul91 them long before they get to Jamaica. They mount between them six-and-twenty guns, and, keeping together, no French privateer, if any have arrived, would venture to attack them, especially as they cannot have received news yet that war is declared."
"I think that would be a very good plan," the captain said, "for if you were to start with them it is clear that you would only be able to go under half sail. It is evident by your account that you are faster than the frigate, but with a reaching wind I suppose there is not more than a knot between you, and if the wind freshens you would find it hard to keep up with her."
The visit was paid. The governor agreed that it would be better that the Indiamen should sail at once. Indeed, they had already started, and were two or three miles away before[Pg 331] Nat and the captain arrived at the governor's house. When on shore Nat ordered two or three barrels of rum to be sent off in another boat to the frigate, and on its arrival an allowance was served out to all the workers. Before nightfall, save that the mizzen-mast was some twenty feet lower than usual, and that her stern and quarters were patched in numerous places with tarred canvas, the Spartane presented her former appearance. When the majority of the crew had finished their work, the prisoners were transferred to the Isis. Two hours later the carpenters and boatswain's party had securely fixed the temporary rudder, and at daybreak the next morning the two frigates and the brigantine started on their westward92 voyage.


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n.保证,许诺,事业 | |
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v.解放,解除 | |
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adv.在(向)岸上,上岸 | |
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n.喧闹声,嘈杂声 | |
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n.陆军中尉,海军上尉;代理官员,副职官员 | |
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adv.确实地,无疑地 | |
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密集( swarm的现在分词 ); 云集; 成群地移动; 蜜蜂或其他飞行昆虫成群地飞来飞去 | |
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n.船舶;容器,器皿;管,导管,血管 | |
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adj.敏捷的,灵活的 | |
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v.臆测,推断( surmise的过去式和过去分词 );揣测;猜想 | |
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n.专员( commissioner的名词复数 );长官;委员;政府部门的长官 | |
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v.使淹没( deluge的现在分词 );淹没;被洪水般涌来的事物所淹没;穷于应付 | |
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adj.可憎的,讨厌的 | |
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n.野蛮的行为,残忍,野蛮 | |
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adj.即将发生的,临近的,逼近的 | |
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vi.抱怨;咕哝;n.抱怨,牢骚;咕哝,隆隆声 | |
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抱怨( grumble的过去式和过去分词 ); 发牢骚; 咕哝; 发哼声 | |
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adj.卓越的,杰出的,著名的 | |
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v.(土地)下陷(因在地下采矿)( subside的过去式和过去分词 );减弱;下降至较低或正常水平;一下子坐在椅子等上 | |
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n.船运(发货,运输,乘船) | |
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vt.劫掠财物,掠夺;n.劫掠物,赃物;劫掠 | |
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vt.护送,护卫,护航;n.护送;护送队 | |
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vt.撒,驱散,散开;散布/播;vi.分散,消散 | |
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n.猛扑;v.猛扑,突然袭击,欣然同意 | |
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n.海湾;深渊,鸿沟;分歧,隔阂 | |
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adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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n.快速军舰( frigate的名词复数 ) | |
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n.护航舰,大型驱逐舰 | |
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adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 | |
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n.恃强欺弱者,小流氓;vt.威胁,欺侮 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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n.演戏,行为,假装;adj.代理的,临时的,演出用的 | |
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n.血管( vessel的名词复数 );船;容器;(具有特殊品质或接受特殊品质的)人 | |
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抛( sling的现在分词 ); 吊挂; 遣送; 押往 | |
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adj.英勇的,豪侠的;(向女人)献殷勤的 | |
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n.单桅帆船 | |
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n.让步,机率,可能性,比率;胜败优劣之别 | |
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v.精确计量;估计;n.标准度量;计量器 | |
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n.遮阳篷;雨篷 | |
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adj.海军的,军舰的,船的 | |
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vi.行礼,致意,问候,放礼炮;vt.向…致意,迎接,赞扬;n.招呼,敬礼,礼炮 | |
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adv.同时发生地,同时进行地 | |
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adv.以前,先前(地) | |
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n.敌人,仇敌 | |
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n.大头钉;假缝,粗缝 | |
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adj.惊人的,奇妙的;异常的;巨大的;庞大的 | |
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adj.微不足道的,弱小的 | |
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n.尖叫声( shriek的名词复数 )v.尖叫( shriek的第三人称单数 ) | |
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n.滑膛枪 | |
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有壳的,有船身的 | |
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adv.顽强地,固执地 | |
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adv.严格地;严厉地;非常恶劣地 | |
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v.告知,通知( apprise的过去式和过去分词 );评价 | |
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v.相伴;结交 | |
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n.采伐林木 | |
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adv.衷心地,诚恳地,十分,很 | |
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adj.纯粹的;仅仅,只不过 | |
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n.残杀,大屠杀;v.残杀,集体屠杀 | |
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adj.顽固的,倔强的,不易屈服的,较难治愈的 | |
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n.升高,起重机,推动;v.升起,升高,举起 | |
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adv.并排地;跟上(时代)的步伐,与…并进地 | |
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n.陆军中尉( lieutenant的名词复数 );副职官员;空军;仅低于…官阶的官员 | |
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幸存者,残存者,生还者( survivor的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.沮丧的,抑郁的,不景气的,萧条的 | |
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n.耻辱,屈辱 | |
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n.征服者,胜利者 | |
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分配,拨给,摊派( allot的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.(供系船或下锚用的)缆索,锚链( hawser的名词复数 ) | |
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哨兵,步兵( sentry的名词复数 ) | |
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v.集合,召集,集结(尤指部队)( muster的过去式和过去分词 );(自他人处)搜集某事物;聚集;激发 | |
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n.失事,遇难;沉船;vt.(船等)失事,遇难 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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n.功绩;武艺,技艺;adj.灵巧的,漂亮的,合适的 | |
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n.海员 | |
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v.救助,营救,援救;n.救助,营救 | |
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adv. 漂亮地,勇敢地,献殷勤地 | |
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n.敏捷,轻快,乐意 | |
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adv. (美skillfully)熟练地 | |
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n.纵帆船 | |
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n.亡命者,逃命者( fugitive的名词复数 ) | |
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掠夺,抢劫( plunder的现在分词 ) | |
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n.口部;嘴 | |
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v.利用,使用( utilize的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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v.预言;预示 | |
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adj. 直立的,竖立的,笔直的 vt. 使 ... 直立,建立 | |
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n.裹尸布( shroud的名词复数 );寿衣;遮蔽物;覆盖物v.隐瞒( shroud的第三人称单数 );保密 | |
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上紧,固定,紧密 | |
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把…吊起,升起( hoist的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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(厚)木板( plank的名词复数 ); 政纲条目,政策要点 | |
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adj.具睫毛的v.鞭打( lash的过去式和过去分词 );煽动;紧系;怒斥 | |
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v./n.大修,仔细检查 | |
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n.西方,西部;adj.西方的,向西的;adv.向西 | |
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