Azim nodded approvingly. "That is just what I think, master. But I could put a knife into him, and then all trouble would be over."
"You killed many men at Herat."
"That was in battle, which is a very different thing from stabbing a man to enable us to get away."
Azim shook his head. This was quite beyond him. "He is fighting against you now, master. If the princes find out that you are English they will put you in a dungeon6 and most likely kill you, and kill me too, so as to shut my mouth. This man is paid to act as a spy on you. Why not kill him? Thousands of people were killed or died at Herat. I cannot understand why one man should not be killed, when we can perhaps get free away if he is dead."
"If he found us escaping and attacked us, we could kill him, Azim, but it is not an Englishman's way to kill men, except in fight."
Azim shook his head. To his mind this was very foolish. "Perhaps we might make him prisoner, Azim."
"I don't mean in a prison, Azim, I mean in some empty house or some out-of-the-way place; we might tie his arms and legs and gag him."
Azim's eyes twinkled. "I see, master, you do not like to use a knife. Good, we can bind9 and hide him. Perhaps no one would come for a long time, may be a year, and, finding[Pg 91] only a skeleton, would not bother about him. He would just say it was some fellow killed by robbers."
"No, no, Azim," Angus said in a tone of horror. "I never thought of such a thing. No doubt someone would come along and let him out."
"Someone might come, master. He might come a few minutes after we had gone, then they would catch us at once. If someone did not come in an hour, why should he come in a week or a month?"
Angus was silent. "No, Azim, you don't quite understand me. I meant that he should be gagged and bound after dark, and then be left in some place a little distance from the road, where he would not be seen till morning. Then the first person who came along would turn aside and look at him, and he would be loosed, but we should have got twelve hours' start."
"That would be a good plan, master. But how should we get the camel?"
"In that case we should make a start without it, for we might ride fifty miles, perhaps a good deal more than that, before it would be discovered that we had gone. We could do that in our present dress, and then I could put on my Afghan clothes and go into a village off the road and say that the horses were tired and that I wanted to go on, and so buy a camel."
Azim shook his head. "Anyone who wanted to go on fast, master, would not buy a camel."
Angus uttered an exclamation10 of disgust, and Azim struck another blow at his plan by saying, "How would you get the horses out, master? The gates are shut at dark. You could not tie up the spy till after the gates were shut, and in the morning he might be found, and we should be caught as we went out."
[Pg 92]
"I am getting altogether stupid," Angus said. "Of course you are right; the horses could not be sent out beforehand, for if the spy saw them going out he would at once inform his employers, and I should be arrested. Ah, I have an idea! That trader from Scinde, who arrived here yesterday, was saying that as he intended to stay here for some time he would sell his horses if he could get a fair price for them. I might say that I would buy two of them, as they are better than mine, and as I wanted to travel fast, I would give him my two and some money for them. I dare say he would be willing to do that, as our horses would sell more easily than his. One can always sell a poor horse, while one might have to wait some time before finding a purchaser for a good one. I don't suppose really there is much difference in value between his and mine, and he would think he was making a good bargain. I should say that for certain reasons, which it would not be necessary to explain to him, it must be a part of the bargain that he should deliver them outside the city, and that one of his men should take them out during the day and wait for us at a spot we could agree upon."
"That would be a capital plan, master."
"Then we will carry it out, Azim."
"Shall I get the woman's dress?"
"Yes, you may as well do that. We may want all sorts of disguises before we get down. We need not talk any longer now; at any rate we certainly shall not try the plan to-morrow. We must not appear in any hurry with the trader, and there are several things we shall have to talk over when I have struck a bargain with him."
The next night Angus was able to inform his follower11 that he had made his arrangements with the Scinde trader. "I am to buy his horses," he said, "and he will deliver them in the way I want. Without saying it, he evidently understood that I wanted to get quietly out of the city to escape[Pg 93] some trouble. He asked a very reasonable price, but he would have nothing to do with my horses. He said that if there should be any trouble about my leaving, the change of horses might be noticed. If he said he had bought them of me, and sold me two of his, he might get into trouble too. However, I afterwards talked to one of the other merchants, who was going away in a day or two, and told him that I might be kept here for a considerable time, and should therefore be glad to get rid of my horses. He said he would be glad to buy them, as he was taking down a number of Heratee carpets and other things. So we struck a bargain at once, and he paid me the money and I gave him the receipt.
"I said that you would continue to look after the horses as usual until we started, so that matter is quite arranged. The Scinde man will keep the horses I have bought with his others till he sends them out through the gate. When he does so, he will put our saddles on them. Now for our plans to-morrow. I shall go out as usual in the morning; the spy will of course follow me. While I am away make up our rugs and disguises and fasten them upon the saddles, and take these to the new horses, so that the trader's servant will put them on with the saddles and take them out with the horses before sunset. He is to stop at those three palm-trees that grow by the roadside a quarter of a mile out of the town. Even if the spy is looking on as they go out of the yard, he will have no idea that I have anything to do with the horses.
"When you have seen to that, you will buy twenty yards of rope for us to get down over the wall. I shall start at about four o'clock. I shall go exactly the same way as I did the last time you followed me. It is a very lonely part there. He is sure to watch me very closely, as he will wonder why I choose that way for my walks. I shall stay there[Pg 94] for a bit, and shall lean over the wall as if I were calculating its depth and intended to make my escape there. He is sure to be intent on watching my movements, and will get up as close as he can. Then is your time to steal up. Do you think that you can do it without his hearing you? If not, I should think that a better plan will be for you to hide close to the way we shall come back. I shall not return till it is beginning to get dark, and he will probably keep closer to me than he would going, so as to better watch my movements. When he comes along you will spring out and knock him down, and I will, as you shout, run back to your assistance."
"I shall not want any assistance, master," Azim said confidently. "I am sure I am quite as strong as he is, and as I shall take him by surprise I shall have no difficulty in managing him."
"Don't use your sword, Azim."
"No, master, I will get a thick stick."
"Of course you will bring the rope with you, Azim; the twenty yards will be ample to spare a length to tie him up with, and to reach to the ground from the top of the wall. You may as well put enough food for a couple of days in the saddle-bags, and a supply of grain for the horses, then we shall not have to stop to buy anything."
The day passed quietly. Azim bought the heaviest staff that he could find, and brought it back and stowed it away during his master's absence, as he did not think that the latter would approve of its weight. He considered his master's objection to his stabbing the spy to be a weakness which he was quite unable to understand. At four o'clock Angus started, and a few minutes later the trader's servant led the two horses he had bought through the streets and out at the southern gate. Azim waited till he saw him go, as there was no occasion for him to follow the spy closely,[Pg 95] and indeed it had been arranged that he should not do so, lest the spy should this time notice him and perhaps take alarm. He therefore strolled leisurely12 along until he neared the spot where Angus was standing13 on the wall. The spy had taken up his post nearer to him than before, and was evidently watching narrowly what he was doing. As he might turn round suddenly, Azim seated himself behind a ruined hut within a couple of yards of the road, and there patiently waited until, as darkness fell, Angus came along.
"I am here, master," Azim said.
"Take care of yourself," Angus replied without stopping; "he will probably have pistols, and certainly a knife."
"All right, master."
Azim stood up now grasping the heavy staff firmly in both hands. Listening intently he heard a minute later a soft footstep, and the spy passed him keeping his eye fixedly14 on the figure ahead of him. Azim sprang out, and swinging his staff round his head, brought it with all his strength against the back of the man's head, just below his turban. He fell without a sound.
"He is down, master," the lad cried.
Angus, who had been listening for the sound of a struggle and had heard the blow, came running back.
"Why, it was almost like the sound of a pistol," he said, as he saw the motionless figure.
"Yes, master, I was obliged to hit him hard, because, as you said, he might have pistols."
"You have stunned15 him," Angus went on, going up to the prostrate16 figure. "Now, cut off a length of that rope and we will tie him up securely."
He tied the man's legs, and then turned him over. The inertness17 of the body struck him, and he placed his ear over his heart. "He is dead," he said. "He is not breathing, and his heart is not beating. You have hit him too hard."
[Pg 96]
"Well, I did hit him hard, master. It is a misfortune, but perhaps it is all for the best. Undoubtedly18 it was Allah's will that he should die."
"Well, it cannot be helped," Angus said, "and undoubtedly it will make it safer for us. Well, let us move on."
"Do you go on, master, and I will take his clothes off and drag him into this hut. He may lie there for months before anyone comes along and looks in."
"Very well, I will walk on to the wall; don't be long."
Five minutes later Azim rejoined him carrying a bundle.
"We do not want to be bothered with the clothes," Angus said.
"No, master; but if we left them there, they might be found to-morrow morning. Someone might recognize the man by them, so I thought it would be better to carry them away with us for a few miles, and then throw them in some bushes. I have got his pistols and knife. He was well paid, master; he had ten gold pieces in his sash—here they are."
"Put them in your own pocket, Azim. I do not want to have anything to do with them; they are your spoil."
Azim, who had no compunction in the matter, at once put the little bag into his sash. The rope was now fastened to the battlement, and they slid down. The wall was about forty feet high, and unprovided with a moat. They started at once for the place where the horses were to be waiting for them; a quarter of an hour's brisk walk took them there. Angus made a present to the man in charge of them, who, while they were tightening19 the girths, at once wrapped himself in the blanket he had brought out and lay down to sleep till morning.
"We need not press the horses," Angus said as they rode off. "We shall certainly have twelve hours' start, and I hope twenty-four. It all depends on how often the man reports to his employer, who is no doubt an official at the palace.[Pg 97] Probably he goes once a day, though, as there has been nothing suspicious about our movements and no signs of any intention of leaving, he may have been ordered to go only every two or three days unless he has news to give. Of course in that case we are all right; but if he reports every evening, how long a start we shall get depends entirely20 upon what sort of a man the official is. In any case, he would hardly give a thought to his spy not coming in this evening, but would suppose that I had been out till late. When he does not appear in the morning, if the official is of a suspicious nature he will enquire8 for the man, and when he is not found will send down to the khan to see if he is there, and to ascertain4 if things are going on as usual.
"When the news is brought him that the man is not there, and that we have been out all night, he will become alarmed. He will go himself and question the traders there, and will doubtless ascertain that I have sold our horses. I don't suppose he will hear that we have bought others. The trader will see that there is going to be trouble about it, and is likely to hold his tongue and tell his servant to be silent on the subject; and as the official could have no reason for imagining that we should sell our horses and buy others, he will conclude that we have made our escape over the wall on foot. That is the report which he will probably make to the Prince, and we may safely calculate that it will be afternoon before parties of horse are sent off in pursuit by the Herat, Ghuznee, and Quettah roads, and will probably be instructed to enquire for two young Persians on foot. They will lose time by stopping at every village to make enquiries, and after going forty or fifty miles will begin to feel sure that we have not come along that road, but have gone by one of the others, or perhaps hidden up in some village at a distance from the road.
"They may have instructions to go as far as Quettah; but[Pg 98] suppose they get thirty miles before sunset—and they certainly won't get farther than that, as they will have to make enquiries, and will probably halt as soon as it gets dark,—we shall have a start of nearly sixty miles before morning, and will hide up and go on as soon as it is dark, and shall be another thirty or forty before they start next day; so we shall then be some sixty miles ahead of them and within from twenty to thirty from Quettah. We will skirt round the town without going into it, and then make down the Bolan Pass. I don't think there is the least chance of any pursuit being kept up beyond Quettah, and we can travel at our own pace down the pass. We shall have to lay in a good stock of provisions at the last village we pass before beginning to descend21, and must travel at night, for otherwise we may be plundered23 by the tribesmen, who have the worst possible reputation."
"How long is the pass, master?"
"Fifty-five miles long, Mr. Pottinger told me. He says that it is a frightful24 place. A river runs through it, and in the wet season anyone caught in it would be drowned, for in some places the sides are perpendicular25, and the channel is only sixty or seventy feet wide. There are caves along there in which the tribesmen hide, and rush out and plunder22, and often kill, travellers. We must get through in two nights, and must be extremely careful where we stop for the day, choosing some place where we can hide ourselves and our horses."
"Well, master," Azim said after a pause, "if it is the will of Allah that we are to get through, we shall; if not, not."
"That is it, Azim. I do not think that there is much fear of our lives. We know that travellers do use that pass. I believe they generally pay so much to one of the chiefs of the tribesmen, and we will do the same if, on arriving[Pg 99] at the top of the pass, we find that we can arrange it. We shall want money to take us from Dadur across the plain to the Indus. It is a barren and desolate26 country, and we shall have to buy some supplies at Dadur. Coming down without merchandise, the tribesmen will make sure that we have money, as we should naturally have sold the goods we brought from Persia at Candahar, and must intend buying a fresh stock in India. Therefore, you may be sure, that if captured we should be stripped of every penny we have about us."
They rode for eight hours, and reckoned that they had made some fifty miles. They gave the horses a good feed and lay down until daylight, for they were now at the foot of the Kojuk, a gorge27 so steep and difficult that it could not be passed at night. Just as they were starting, three tribesmen rode up, and in the name of the local chief demanded two gold tomauns, one for each horse and rider, as tribute for a free passage. As the money was paid without question, they rode off without giving further trouble. The passage was long and difficult, and in many cases they had to lead their horses. Once through, they allowed the animals another hour's rest and a feed, and then mounting, rode on briskly again. A few miles farther on they halted in a clump28 of trees, and slept until nightfall, and then rode another twenty miles. As speed was of less consequence than keeping their horses in fair condition, they turned off at a little stream, followed it for half a mile up, and then halted in a dip through which it ran. Here there was good grass for the horses. They remained for the rest of that day, and until within three hours of daybreak next morning. As Angus had calculated, they saw at sunrise the mud fort and town of Quettah standing on its rocky eminence29. They made a detour30, and came down upon the road again round the town, and then rode briskly down the Shawl valley. The[Pg 100] country round was rich and fertile, and dotted with villages, orchards31, and vineyards. They stopped late in the afternoon at a village near the entrance to the pass. Two armed men came out from a hut as they drew up. The leader said, "Our chief is master of the pass, travellers find it wise to pay for right of passage."
"That we are ready to do," Angus said. "But does your chief guarantee that we shall go unmolested down to Dadur?"
"The chief cannot guarantee that, he can only guarantee you from hurt or damage from his people. He is lord of the eastern side of the pass, but there are others—men of no account, and who own no chief—among the mountains to the west. They sometimes waylay32 travellers. Our chief punishes them when he can do so; but it is seldom that he is able to catch them. He does all that he can, for he wishes well to traders and others who pass along, for when ill happens to them others are afraid to pass, and he loses his tribute. When a large caravan33 comes up, and is able to pay handsomely, he furnishes an escort of twenty men or more; but he will not send less than twenty, for a smaller party might not be able to defend the caravan, and he would suffer loss of honour from failing to give protection to those to whom he guaranteed it."
"We cannot afford to pay for an escort of twenty men, and have but little to be robbed of, for you see we carry no merchandise, having disposed of what we bought at Herat and Candahar, and sent the proceeds by sure hands back to Persia."
As their attire34 gave no signs of their being men of substance, the tribesman said: "In that case you will only have to pay one tomaun each; that is the price for a man and horse, and the same for each camel- or horse-load of goods; that is the regular toll35."
[Pg 101]
He handed the money to the man, who in return gave him a little white-and-red flag, which he was to show should he encounter any of his tribesmen. They stopped here all day, and purchased food for their journey.
"I should think it would be a very good thing, Azim," Angus said in the afternoon, "if we could engage a guide. We might break our necks making our way down here in the dark. I will speak to those two fellows. I suppose they are on duty here, and cannot go themselves, but there may be others of the tribe in the village; or, if not, some of the people here may be accustomed to going down the pass with caravans37."
Angus went to the hut occupied by the two tribesmen and called them out. "We are intending to travel at night," he said, after offering them a packet of tobacco. "In that way we may escape being seen by these brigands."
"It will be almost impossible for you to go at night—quite impossible without a guide."
"That is what we came to you about. Are there any of your tribe who would act as a guide for us? How long would it take us?"
"It would take you four nights' journey. You could do it in two stages if your horses are sure-footed and you travelled in the day, but at night it would take four at least. How much would you be willing to pay?"
"How much would be charged?" Angus said quietly.
"You should have two men," the man answered, "two men who know the pass well. Yakoob and I could go with you. We have been here six days, and two others will come to take our places and collect tolls38 to-morrow, so we shall be free. We know every foot of the pass, having travelled up and down it scores of times. We cannot guarantee your[Pg 102] safety, but you would have a better chance with us than with others. We will take you into Dadur. We do not promise to fight; when twenty attack four, fighting is foolish. We have our horses; there are parts where the pass opens out and the bottom is level."
"Well, how much would you charge?"
The two men talked together in an undertone, and then the one who had before spoken turned again to Angus. "We would take you for three gold pieces each."
"It is a large sum," Angus said; "but as I hear in the village that it is not safe to go unless with a large caravan, and that it might be three weeks or a month before a sufficiently39 large number of travellers arrive, we will pay you that."
"It is a bargain, then," the man said. "We had best start at four o'clock; the descent here is very steep, and it is not overlooked from the hills to the west. Therefore, we can go down there by daylight, and then rest our horses for an hour and move forward again when it is quite dark. You had better buy four black blankets, to cut up and tie round the horses' feet, so that when we are passing the bad points, where the brigands generally lurk40, no noise will be made in climbing over the boulders41 or slipping on smooth rocks. It will be necessary, of course, to get food for us all and for the horses."
"I will buy that to-morrow," Angus said. "I suppose it would be of no use taking torches?"
"You might take some," the man said. "In some places the rocks are so steep that no one could look down from above, and at these points there are no caves where the thieves would be hiding, and we should certainly get on a good deal faster with torches."
"I will take some then. Have you ever been through by night before?"
[Pg 103]
The man shook his head. "We have not. It is seldom attempted; but it is because you are willing to travel so that we are ready to accompany you, for the brigands would expect no one at that time, and will most likely be asleep."
"Then, if we are attacked we must be taken prisoners?"
"No," the man said; "there are many places where the hills can be ascended42 by men who know them. Should we be attacked near one of these spots we must leave our horses and fly; that is what we should do, and what I should advise you to do also. A man's life is worth more than a horse and saddle. Of course in the daytime there would be no escape in that way, for they would bring us down with their matchlocks; but at night we could elude43 them, and if they did follow us we could defend ourselves, taking shelter and shooting them as they came up."
"Well, it is a satisfaction, anyhow," Angus said, "that there would be a chance for us. Our horses are good beasts, but we value our lives more."
"I think they are honest fellows," he went on after telling Azim the substance of his conversation with the tribesmen. "They say that the Afghans have a treacherous44 disposition45, but I believe these men can be trusted to keep their engagements. They did not exaggerate the difficulties of the journey as some would have done, nor did they pretend that they would join in a hopeless fight. In fact, although of course the actual difficulties of the journey would be very much greater in the dark than in daylight, they evidently considered that the danger from the other tribesmen would be by no means great."
It was, however, a terrible journey, and Angus felt that without the guidance of the tribesmen it would have been an impossible one. They knew exactly where the river was fordable, and on which side the pass was most free from great boulders and obstruction46, and where torches could be[Pg 104] safely used. But at times progress was terribly slow, their horses having to pick their way among rocks and boulders, and taking more than an hour to cover a mile. At other times they were able to go at a brisk walk, and even break into a trot47. Whenever they neared spots where the caves frequented by the robbers were situated48, the horses' feet were muffled49, and they were led with the greatest care. It was indeed comparatively seldom that the riders mounted; where it was dangerous to have torches, they walked along by the side of their horses, allowing the animals to pick their own way, which they were able to do better than they could have done if led.
The horses Angus had bought having made the ascent50 of the pass were to some extent accustomed to the work, and not having to carry the weight of the riders were able, save in exceptional places, to get along more easily than Angus and Azim were able to do. Both of these had many falls, and would have had many more had not their guides at such times stood close beside them and rendered them assistance, often warning them of obstacles of which they themselves were unable to make out the faintest outline.
Several times they saw the glow of fires burning in the caverns51. At such points the strictest silence was observed. They had purchased Afghan shoes at the village, and round these had wound strips of thick woollen stuff like felt, so that their steps were as noiseless as those of the horses. The stirrups were fastened over the animals' backs so as to avoid contact with rocks; and any slight sound that might be made was to a great extent drowned by the murmur52 and rattle53 of the rapid stream.
The long halts during the daytime were made at points, carefully chosen by the guides, at the foot of precipitous rocks. Fragments that had fallen from above formed a bank at a short distance from the foot, the greater part of[Pg 105] the rocks having bounded outwards54 with the impetus55 of their fall. Between the bank and the cliff there was a depression partly filled with splinters of rock. It was, however, considerably56 lower than the bank, and the men and horses stationed in it were hid alike from observation from above and from the eye of those passing along the valley. Here they slept on beds composed of their saddles and rugs laid on the rough stones, their guides by turn keeping watch. As a whole they got on faster than the guides had anticipated, and were fairly down at the mouth of the pass at daybreak on the fourth morning after their start. Here the tribesmen received their pay, Angus adding another pound to the amount agreed on, for the care and assistance given. They waited two days at Dadur to allow their horses rest. Here they were fortunate in finding two men well acquainted with the road. They had so far guided a party who were proceeding57 up the pass to Quettah, and as they were now returning, were glad enough to accept the offer of a couple of pounds to act as guides across the desert. In accordance with their advice two rough ponies58 were bought to carry water-skins and provisions, while smaller skins were to be taken on their own horses, as the country to be traversed was for a considerable distance a waterless desert. Even this part of the journey would not be accomplished59 without danger, for the Belooches of the district were to a man plunderers, and cared nothing for the authority of the Khan of Khelat. The distance from Dadur to Shikarpore is nearly a hundred and fifty miles across a flat and dreary60 country, almost unpopulated; but as they were unencumbered by baggage, and carried sufficient water for their wants and those of their horses, it was performed in seven days. At Rojhan they came upon Captain Thompson, who was in command of a party which had gone forward to examine the state of the water-supply, and if necessary to sink more wells. He was surprised when[Pg 106] a young Persian trader addressed him in English, and informed him that he had just come through from Herat. This was quite enough to assure a warm welcome, and the officer put him up for the night in his own tent and made him in all respects comfortable.
After hearing something of the siege of Herat, and of his journey, he asked anxiously as to the water-supply in the villages on the way to Dadur. On hearing that few of them were much better supplied than Rojhan he threw up his hands in despair.
"Two or three thousand natives ought to have been engaged," he said, "and a couple of hundred set to work to dig deep wells in these villages. A hundred wells would be little enough for the army, its horses and baggage animals, and its native followers61. Even when they are dug the water runs into them slowly. I have sent down my report from here. There are only three wells, one of which Sir Alexander Burnes sank when he was here a week ago; the others contain such bad water as to be quite unfit for human use. I am really frightened at the thought of what will take place before the army gets to Dadur. However, I hear that they will not advance for another month, and that some very energetic steps will be made to secure a water-supply before they come along."
On the following day Angus passed several working parties who were engaged under the superintendence of Major Leech62, assistant to Sir Alexander Burnes—for Captain Burnes had been knighted as a reward for his services in Cabul. With the exception of these parties they scarcely encountered a human being on the way down, except in the miserable63 little villages which were situated where the soil permitted the cultivation64 of a scanty65 crop, which was for the most part cut when green and sold to passing travellers. Angus was heartily66 glad when Shikarpore came in sight. He[Pg 107] had learned from Captain Thompson that Shah Soojah had arrived there with a native army which he had raised, that the Bengal army under General Cotton, which had marched down by the Indus, was expected to arrive there in a day or two, and that the Bombay army under Sir John Keane was but a few days behind.
Upon entering the town he was glad to see British uniforms in the street, and addressing in English the first officer he met, he found that the division of General Cotton had arrived two days before.
"I have just come from Herat," Angus said. "I left there after the siege was raised. I have some despatches from Lieutenant67 Pottinger, which should be given either to Colonel Pottinger or to Sir Alexander Burnes."
"Burnes is here. I think that Colonel Pottinger is at Sukkar, he was there a few days ago; you will find Burnes at the head-quarters. He is the political officer and so forth68 of the army; but Macnaghten is envoy69 and commissioner70 to Soojah, and generally at the head of all political business."
The army was encamped round the town, and Angus had no difficulty in finding the quarters of Sir Alexander Burnes. Dismounting a short distance away, he left Azim to look after the horses and went towards the tent. He was stopped by a sentry71, who on learning that he wished to see Sir Alexander, called an attendant. The latter, coming up, took Angus's name in, and reappearing at the entrance almost immediately, signed to him to enter.


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眉毛( eyebrow的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.分离的,化为碎片 | |
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v.弄清,确定,查明( ascertain的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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vt.发现,确定,查明,弄清 | |
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n.巨额利润;突然赚大钱,发大财 | |
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n.地牢,土牢 | |
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打听( enquire的过去式和过去分词 ); 询问; 问问题; 查问 | |
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v.打听,询问;调查,查问 | |
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vt.捆,包扎;装订;约束;使凝固;vi.变硬 | |
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n.感叹号,惊呼,惊叹词 | |
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n.跟随者;随员;门徒;信徒 | |
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adj.悠闲的;从容的,慢慢的 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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adv.固定地;不屈地,坚定不移地 | |
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adj. 震惊的,惊讶的 动词stun的过去式和过去分词 | |
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v.拜倒,平卧,衰竭;adj.拜倒的,平卧的,衰竭的 | |
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n.不活泼,没有生气;惰性;惯量 | |
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adv.确实地,无疑地 | |
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上紧,固定,紧密 | |
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ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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vt./vi.传下来,下来,下降 | |
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vt.劫掠财物,掠夺;n.劫掠物,赃物;劫掠 | |
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掠夺,抢劫( plunder的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.可怕的;讨厌的 | |
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adj.垂直的,直立的;n.垂直线,垂直的位置 | |
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adj.荒凉的,荒芜的;孤独的,凄凉的;v.使荒芜,使孤寂 | |
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n.咽喉,胃,暴食,山峡;v.塞饱,狼吞虎咽地吃 | |
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n.树丛,草丛;vi.用沉重的脚步行走 | |
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n.卓越,显赫;高地,高处;名家 | |
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n.绕行的路,迂回路;v.迂回,绕道 | |
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(通常指围起来的)果园( orchard的名词复数 ) | |
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v.埋伏,伏击 | |
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n.大蓬车;活动房屋 | |
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v.穿衣,装扮[同]array;n.衣着;盛装 | |
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n.过路(桥)费;损失,伤亡人数;v.敲(钟) | |
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n.土匪,强盗( brigand的名词复数 ) | |
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(可供居住的)拖车(通常由机动车拖行)( caravan的名词复数 ); 篷车; (穿过沙漠地带的)旅行队(如商队) | |
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(缓慢而有规律的)钟声( toll的名词复数 ); 通行费; 损耗; (战争、灾难等造成的)毁坏 | |
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adv.足够地,充分地 | |
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n.潜伏,潜行;v.潜藏,潜伏,埋伏 | |
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n.卵石( boulder的名词复数 );巨砾;(受水或天气侵蚀而成的)巨石;漂砾 | |
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v.上升,攀登( ascend的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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v.躲避,困惑 | |
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adj.不可靠的,有暗藏的危险的;adj.背叛的,背信弃义的 | |
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n.性情,性格;意向,倾向;排列,部署 | |
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n.阻塞,堵塞;障碍物 | |
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n.疾走,慢跑;n.老太婆;现成译本;(复数)trots:腹泻(与the 连用);v.小跑,快步走,赶紧 | |
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adj.坐落在...的,处于某种境地的 | |
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adj.(声音)被隔的;听不太清的;(衣服)裹严的;蒙住的v.压抑,捂住( muffle的过去式和过去分词 );用厚厚的衣帽包着(自己) | |
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n.(声望或地位)提高;上升,升高;登高 | |
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大山洞,大洞穴( cavern的名词复数 ) | |
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n.低语,低声的怨言;v.低语,低声而言 | |
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v.飞奔,碰响;激怒;n.碰撞声;拨浪鼓 | |
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adj.外面的,公开的,向外的;adv.向外;n.外形 | |
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n.推动,促进,刺激;推动力 | |
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adv.极大地;相当大地;在很大程度上 | |
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n.行动,进行,(pl.)会议录,学报 | |
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矮种马,小型马( pony的名词复数 ); £25 25 英镑 | |
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adj.有才艺的;有造诣的;达到了的 | |
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adj.令人沮丧的,沉闷的,单调乏味的 | |
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追随者( follower的名词复数 ); 用户; 契据的附面; 从动件 | |
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n.水蛭,吸血鬼,榨取他人利益的人;vt.以水蛭吸血;vi.依附于别人 | |
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adj.悲惨的,痛苦的;可怜的,糟糕的 | |
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n.耕作,培养,栽培(法),养成 | |
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adj.缺乏的,仅有的,节省的,狭小的,不够的 | |
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adv.衷心地,诚恳地,十分,很 | |
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n.陆军中尉,海军上尉;代理官员,副职官员 | |
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adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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n.使节,使者,代表,公使 | |
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n.(政府厅、局、处等部门)专员,长官,委员 | |
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n.哨兵,警卫 | |
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