“Well,” the admiral said heartily1, “you have brought in another prize, Mr. Gilmore. She looks a mere2 hulk, and is remarkably3 deep in the water. What is she?”
“You must have knocked her about terribly, for she is evidently sinking.”
“No, sir, she is all right except that the stern is shattered. We have covered it over with tarpaulins5 backed by battens; otherwise she is almost uninjured.”
[pg 179]
“I am glad, indeed, to hear that you have caught that scoundrel, Mr. Gilmore, but I hardly think she can be worth towing in.”
“She is worth a good deal, sir, for both she and the cutter are choke-full of loot.”
“Indeed!” the admiral said in a tone of gratification. “In that case she must be valuable; but let me hear all about it.”
“I have stated it in my report, sir.”
“But you always leave out a good deal in your report. Please give me a full account of it. First, how many guns did she carry?”
“Six guns a-side, sir.”
“Then you must have done wonders. Now tell me all about it.”
Will modestly gave a full account of the fight and of the steps he had afterwards taken to prevent them from playing a treacherous6 trick upon him, and of the land fight and the arrangements made to secure the goods he found at their head-quarters.
“And now, what have you brought home this time?” the admiral asked.
“This is the list, sir. I took it from the bills of lading which we found at the pirate head-quarters. Altogether the storehouses contained the cargoes7 of eleven ships. We picked out the most valuable goods and loaded the cutter and schooner with them, but that was only a very small portion of the total. I have left nearly half my crew there to guard the storehouses until you could send some ships from here to bring home their contents. With the cutter to navigate8 and the schooner to tow I dared not weaken myself further. I have left six[pg 180]teen of my men there under my boatswain, and have erected9 four batteries with cotton bales, each mounting two guns, which are charged to the muzzle10 with grape and langrage. I have every confidence, therefore, that the little garrison11 will be able to hold its own against a greatly superior force.”
“It was a great risk,” the admiral said gravely.
“I am aware of that, sir, but it was worth running the risk for such a splendid prize. The value of nearly eleven cargoes must be something very great.”
“Indeed it must,” the admiral said; “what are they composed of?”
“You will see the entire list in the bills of lading, sir. I should say that nearly half the goods are sugar, rum, and molasses; the other half are bales and boxes, of which the details are given. Those we have brought home are silks, satins, cloth, shawls, and other materials of female dress, coffee, and spices.”
“Well, Mr. Gilmore, this certainly appears to be the richest haul that has ever been made in these islands, at any rate since the days of the Spanish galleons12. I will lose no time in chartering some ships. How many do you think will be necessary?”
“I should say, sir, that if you had five vessels13 you could do it in two trips. Meanwhile I wish you would give me another thirty men to strengthen the garrison.”
“Certainly I will do so. There are several vessels in the harbour which have discharged their cargoes and have not yet taken fresh ones on board, but are waiting to sail for England under a convoy14. They will, no doubt, be glad of a job in the meantime.”
[pg 181]
Four days later the cutter again put to sea, with five merchantmen and a frigate15, which was charged to act as a convoy. When they arrived off the inlet Will went ashore16, and to his delight found the storehouses intact, and the little garrison all well. The crews of all the ships were at once landed, and in a short time the place was a scene of bustle17 and activity. In spite, however, of their exertions18 it was a fortnight before all the ships were loaded.
Before setting sail again Will told off the thirty additional men to remain, and Harman was left in command. Dimchurch had reported that only once had the pirates shown in force. He had allowed them to come within a hundred yards of the battery they were facing, and then poured the contents of both guns into them, whereupon they had at once fled, leaving ten killed behind them.
When the little fleet arrived at Jamaica again, Will found that the goods which he had brought in the cutter and schooner were valued at a far higher price than his estimate.
The merchantmen were unloaded as fast as possible, and started again for Cuba without delay. All was well with the garrison at the inlet. A serious attack had been made on the forts the day after the fleet had sailed for Jamaica, but the garrison had repulsed19 it so effectually that they had not seen a sign of the enemy since. Even the hope of plunder20 was not strong enough to induce the negroes to make another attempt, and as for the pirates, they had been almost entirely21 wiped out.
After the storehouses had been emptied they were burned, and Harman and his party returned to the cutter, and the fleet once more sailed for Jamaica.
Will immediately started again on a short cruise. This [pg 182]time he met with no adventures. At the end of three weeks he returned, and when he went to make his report the admiral told him that the total value of the capture amounted to £140,000.
“I must congratulate you,” he said, “as well as myself, on this haul. I should say it would make you the richest midshipman in the service. My share, as you know, is an eighth. You, as officer in command, and altogether independent of the fleet, will get one quarter. Mr. Harman’s share will be an eighth, and the rest will be divided among the crew, the boatswain getting four shares.”
“I am astounded22, sir,” Will said, “it seems almost impossible that I can be master of so much money.”
“You have the satisfaction at any rate, Mr. Gilmore, of knowing that you have earned it by your own exertions, courage, and skill. I think now that it is only fair that I should send you back to your ship when she next comes in, and give someone else a chance.”
“I agree with you, sir, and I cannot but feel deeply indebted to you for having put me in the way of making a fortune.”
“I little knew what was coming of it,” the admiral said, “when I gave you the command of that little craft. If I had had the slightest notion I should assuredly have given it to an older officer.”
Will returned to the cutter in a state of bewilderment at his good fortune. When he came on deck a little later he found waiting for him a gentleman who advanced with open arms.
“Mr. Gilmore,” he said, “my name is Palethorpe. I am [pg 183]the father of the young girl whose life you so gallantly23 saved when the Northumberland sank. I have been trying to catch you ever since, but I live up among the hills, except when business calls me down here, and your stay here has always been so short that I never before heard of your arrival until you had started again. I cannot say, sir, how intensely grateful I feel. She is my only child, and you may guess what a terrible blow it would have been to me had she been lost.”
“I only did my duty, sir, and I am glad indeed that I was able to save your daughter’s life. Pray do not say anything more about it.”
“But, my dear sir, that is quite impossible. One man cannot render so vast a service to another and escape without being thanked. I have driven down here to carry you off to my home whether you like it or not. I called on the admiral this morning, and he said that he would willingly grant you a week’s leave or longer, and, in fact, that you would be unemployed24 until the Hawke came in, as a master’s mate would take over your command.”
Will felt that he could not decline an invitation so heartily given. Accordingly he packed up his shore-going kit25, left Harman in temporary command, and went with his new friend ashore. A well-appointed vehicle with a pair of fine horses was waiting for them, and as soon as they were seated they at once started inland. After leaving the town they began to mount, and were soon high among the mountains. The scenery was lovely, and Will, who had not before made an excursion so far into the interior, was delighted with his drive. So much so, indeed, that Mr. Palethorpe gradually ceased speaking of the subject nearest his heart, and suffered Will to enjoy [pg 184]the journey in silence. At last they drove up to a handsome house which was surrounded by a broad veranda27 covered with roses and other flowers. As they stopped, a girl of fourteen ran out. Will would scarcely have recognized her. She was now dressed in white muslin, and her hair was tied up with blue ribbon, while a broad sash of the same colour encircled her waist. She had now also recovered her colour, which the shock of her adventure had driven from her cheeks, and she looked the picture of health and happiness.
“Oh, you dear boy!” she cried out, and to Will’s astonishment28 and consternation29 she threw her arms round his neck and kissed him. “Oh, how much you have done for us! If it hadn’t been for you father would have had no one to pet him and scold him. It would have been dreadful, wouldn’t it, daddy?”
“It would indeed, my child,” her father said gravely; “it would have taken all the joy out of my life, and left me a lonely old man.”
“I have told you before,” she said, “that you are not to call yourself old. I don’t call you old at all; I consider that you are just in your prime. Now come in, Mr. Gilmore, I have all sorts of iced drinks ready for you.”
Alice and Will soon became excellent friends. She took him over the plantations30 and showed him the negro cabins, fed him with fruit until he almost fell ill, and, as he said, treated him more like a baby than as an officer in His Majesty’s service.
“The stars don’t look so bright to-night,” Will said, as he stood on the veranda with Mr. Palethorpe on the last evening of his visit.
[pg 185]
“No, I have been noticing it myself, and I don’t like the look of the weather at all.”
“No!” Will repeated in surprise; “it certainly looks as if there was a slight mist.”
“Yes, that is what it looks like, but at this time of year we don’t often have mists. I am afraid we are going to have a hurricane; it is overdue31 now by nearly a month. October, November, and the first half of December are the hurricane months, and I fear that, as it is late, we shall have a heavy one.”
“I have seen one since I came out, and then we were at sea and were nearly wrecked33. I saw its effects on land, however, for we spent some weeks ashore in consequence of it. The forest was almost levelled. I certainly should not care to see another one.”
“No, it is not a thing that anyone would wish to see a second time. Words cannot describe how terrible they are. I hope, however, if we have one, that it will be a light one, but I am rather afraid of it.”
Nothing more was said on the matter till they retired34 to bed, when Mr. Palethorpe said, half in fun and half in earnest: “I should advise you to have your clothes handy by your bedside, Mr. Gilmore, for you may want them quickly and badly if a hurricane comes.”
Will laughed to himself at the warning, but nevertheless took the advice. He had been asleep for an hour when he felt the whole house rock. A moment later the roof blew bodily from over his head, and at the same time there was a roar so terrible that he did not even hear the crash of the falling timber. He leapt out of bed, seized his clothes, and [pg 186]hurried down. He met Mr. Palethorpe coming from his daughter’s room, carrying her wrapped up in her bed-clothes. They went down together to the front door. Will turned the handle, and the door was blown in with a force that knocked him to the floor. He struggled to his feet again and tried to get out, but the force of the wind was so tremendous that for some time he could not stem it. When he did manage to get through the doorway35 he saw Mr. Palethorpe standing36 some distance from the house. He fought his way towards him against the wind.
“Are you not going to get into shelter?” he shouted in the planter’s ear.
“It is safer here in the open,” the planter said; “I dare not get below a tree, but I will put my daughter in a place where she will be safe.”
Struggling along against the gale37 he led the way to a small shed where the gardener’s tools were kept. It was about six feet long and three broad, and was built of bricks. The floor was some feet below the surface of the ground, so in entering one had to descend38 a short flight of steps.
“Just hold my daughter on her feet,” the planter said, “while I clear this place out.”
Much as he tried, Will was unable to keep the girl upright, and after a vain effort he allowed her to sink down on her knees and then knelt by her side. As soon as he had cleared away the tools Mr. Palethorpe came up and carried her down into the shed.
“I think we are quite safe here,” he said; “the wall is only two feet above the ground, so even this gale will not shake us. The roof is strongly put together to keep out [pg 187]marauders. Now, Mr. Gilmore, there is room for us to crouch39 inside; it is the only place of safety I know of, for even in the open we might be struck by the flying branches torn from the trees. Besides, it will be a comfort to Alice to know that we are in safety beside her.”
They spoke40 only occasionally, for the roar of the tempest was deafening41. Every now and then they would hear a crash as some tree yielded to the force of the hurricane. Towards morning the gale abated43, and soon after sunrise the wind suddenly stilled. When they looked out a scene of terrible devastation44 met their eyes. Some trees had been torn up by the roots, and branches twisted from others were strewed45 upon the ground everywhere. The house was a wreck32; the whole of the roof was gone, and parts of the wall had been blown down. Inside there was utter confusion; the furniture was scattered46 about in all directions, and even looking-glasses had been torn from the walls and smashed. The planter, however, wasted but little time in looking at the wreck.
“You had better go up and dress at once, Alice,” he said, “though you will have some trouble in finding your clothes. I have no doubt that all the loose ones are scattered about everywhere, and that some of the things are miles away. I will go down with Will at once to the slave-huts; I am afraid the damage and loss of life there has been great.”
During his passage from the house to the shed the wind had several times threatened to tear Will’s clothes from his arms, but he had clung to them with might and main, and succeeded in carrying them safely into shelter. He had therefore been able to dress while they waited for the storm to abate42. Mr. Palethorpe had felt so sure that a hurricane was impending47 that [pg 188]he had simply lain down on his bed without taking off his clothes. Accordingly they started at once for the slave-huts. As they had expected, the destruction there was complete. Every hut had been blown down. The negroes, who had fled to various places for shelter, were just returning, and Mr. Palethorpe soon learned from them that many were missing. He at once set all hands to remove the fallen timbers, and after two hours’ work sixteen dead bodies were recovered, for the most part children, and nearly as many injured. Some, also, of those who had come in had broken limbs.
Alice came down as soon as she was dressed, and brought a bundle of sheets, needles, and thread, and Mr. Palethorpe took off his coat and set to work to bind48 and bandage the limbs and wounds. Alice suggested that a man on horseback should be sent down to the town for a surgeon, but her father pointed26 out that it would be absolutely useless to do so, as, judging by what they could see, the destruction wrought49 in the town would be terrible. Every surgeon would have his hands full, and certainly none would be able to spare time to come into the country. He decided50 to have all the worst cases carried down to the town and seen to there; slighter cases he could deal with himself.
“I don’t know much about bandaging wounds,” he said, “but I know a little, and some of the native women are very good at nursing.”
Alice, aided by the negresses, tore up the linen51 into strips and sewed these together to make bandages. Canes52 split up formed excellent splints. Will rendered all the assistance in his power. Now he held splints in position while Mr. Palethorpe wound the bandages round them, and now he helped [pg 189]to distribute among the wounded the soothing53 drinks that the servants of the house brought down.
“I will drive down to the town and see how things are doing there. Peter tells me that two of my horses are killed, but the other two seemed to have escaped without injury, as the part of the stable in which they stood was sheltered by a huge tree, which lost its head, but was fortunately otherwise uninjured. You had better come down with us, Alice; we must stop at our house in town till things are put straight here. I will, of course, ride backwards55 and forwards every day.”
“Can’t I be of some help here, father?”
“None at all; by nightfall the slaves will have built temporary shelters of canes and branches of trees. The overseer is among those who were killed; he was on his way from his house to the huts when a branch struck him on the head and killed him on the spot. I will put Sambo in his place for the present; he is a very reliable man, and I can trust him to issue the stores to the negroes daily. I am afraid it will be some time before we get the house put right again, as there will be an immense demand for carpenters in the town. We may feel very thankful, however, that we have got a house there. It is a good strong one, built of stone, so we may hope to find it intact.”
The carriage was brought round and they took their seats in it. The planter ordered two strong negroes to get axes and to stand on the steps, and when all was ready they started. The journey was long and broken; at every few yards trees [pg 190]had fallen across the road, and these had to be chopped through and removed before the carriage could pass. It was therefore late in the day before they reached the town. Will could not help grieving at the terrible destruction wrought in the forest. In some places acres of ground had been cleared of the trees, in others the trunks and branches lay piled in an inextricable chaos56. All the huts and cottages they passed on their way were in ruins, and their former inhabitants were standing listlessly gazing at the destruction. Mr. Palethorpe had placed in the carriage two gallon jars of spirits and a large quantity of bread, and these he had distributed among the forlorn inhabitants while his men were chopping a road through the trees.
When they arrived in the town they beheld57 a terrible scene of devastation. The streets occupied by the dwellings58 of well-to-do inhabitants had, for the most part, escaped, but in the suburbs, where the poorer part of the population dwelt, the havoc59 was something terrible. Parties of soldiers and sailors were hard at work here, clearing the ruins away and bringing out the dead and injured. Will, after saying good-bye to his friends at their door, joined one of these parties, and until late at night laboured by torchlight. At midnight he went to Mr. Palethorpe’s house, to which he had promised to return, and slept till morning. Two long days were occupied in this work, and even then there was much to be done in the way of clearing the streets of the debris60 and restoring order. Not until this was finished did Will cease from his labours. He then drove up with Mr. Palethorpe to his estate. They found that a great deal of progress had been made there, and that a gang of workmen were already engaged in preparing [pg 191]to replace the roof and to restore the house to its former condition. The slaves were still in their temporary homes, but with their usual light-heartedness had already recovered from the effects of their shock and losses, and seemed as merry and happy as usual.
On his return to Port Royal, Will was the object of the greatest attentions on the part of the other passengers of the Northumberland, and received so many invitations to dinner that he was obliged to ask the admiral to allow him to give up his leave and to take another short cruise in L’Agile, promising61 that if he did so he would take good care not to capture any more prizes. The admiral consented, and in a few days the cutter set sail once more.
After they had been out a month Will found it necessary to put in to get water. He chose a spot where a little stream could be seen coming down from the mountains and losing itself in the shingle62, and he rowed ashore and set some of his men to fill the barrels. When he saw the work fairly under weigh he started to walk along the shore with Dimchurch and Tom. They had gone but a short distance when a number of negroes rushed suddenly out upon them. Will had just time to discharge his pistols before he was knocked senseless by a negro armed with a bludgeon. Tom and Dimchurch stood over him and made a desperate defence, and just before they were overpowered Dimchurch shouted at the top of his voice: “Put off, we are captured,” for he saw that the number of their assailants was so great that it would only be sacrificing the crew to call them to their assistance. They were bound and carried away by the exulting63 negroes.
“This is a bad job,” Will said when he came to his senses.
[pg 192]
“I suppose they are escaped slaves; there are certainly many of them in the mountains of Cuba. I suppose they saw us sailing in, and came down from the hills in the hope of capturing some of us. It is likely enough they take us for pirates, who are a constant scourge65 to them, capturing them in their little fishing-boats and either cutting their throats or forcing them to serve with them. I am afraid we shall have but very little opportunity of explaining matters to them, for, of course, they don’t speak English, and none of us understand a word of Spanish.”
They were carried up the hill and thrown down in a small clearing on the summit. Will in vain endeavoured to address them in English, but received no attention whatever.
“What do you think they are going to do with us, sir?” Dimchurch asked.
“Well, I should say that they are most likely going to burn us alive, or put us to death in some other devilish way.”
“Well, sir, I don’t think these niggers know much about tying ropes. It seems to me that I could get free without much trouble.”
“Could you, Dimchurch? I can’t say as much, for mine are knotted so tightly that I cannot move a finger.”
“That won’t matter, sir. If I can shift out of mine I have got my jack-knife in my pocket, and can make short work of your ropes and Tom’s.”
“Well, try then, Dimchurch. Half those fellows are away in the wood, and by the sounds we hear they are cutting brushwood; so there is no time to lose.”
[pg 193]
For five minutes no remark was made, and then Dimchurch said: “I am free.” Immediately afterwards Will felt his bonds fall off, and half a minute later an exclamation66 of thankfulness from Tom showed that he too had been liberated67.
“Now we must all crawl towards the edge of the forest,” Will said, “and then, instead of going straight down the hill we will turn off for a short distance. They are sure to miss us immediately, and will believe that we have made direct for the sea.”
They had barely got into the shelter of the forest when they heard a sudden shout, so they at once turned aside and hid in the brushwood. A minute or two later they had the satisfaction of hearing the negroes rushing in a body down the hill. They waited until their pursuers had covered a hundred yards, and then they jumped to their feet and held on their way along the hillside for nearly a quarter of a mile, after which they began to descend. Just as they changed their course they heard an outburst of musketry fire.
“Hooray!” Dimchurch exclaimed, “our fellows are coming up the hill in search of us. That’s right, give it them hot! I guess they’ll go back as quick as they came.” They now changed their direction, taking a line that would bring them to the rear of their friends. The firing soon ceased, the negroes having evidently got entirely out of sight of the sailors, but by the shouting they had no difficulty in ascertaining68 the position of the party, who were pushing on up the hill, and presently Will hailed them.
“That is the captain’s voice,” one of the party exclaimed, and then a general cheer broke from the seamen69. In another [pg 194]two minutes they were among their friends. Harman had landed with three-and-thirty men, leaving only five on board L’Agile. Great was their rejoicing on finding that the three missing men were all safe.
“We had better fall back now,” Will said. “There must be at least three hundred negroes at the top, and though I don’t say we would not beat them we should certainly suffer some loss which might well be avoided. There is no doubt they took us for pirates and believed they were going to avenge70 their own wrongs. So we may as well make our way down before their whole force gathers and attacks us.”
They retired at once to the shore, and had but just taken their places in the boats when a crowd of negroes rushed down to the beach. Four or five shots were fired, but by Will’s order no reply was made. They pushed off quietly and in a few minutes reached the cutter.
“That has been a narrow escape,” Will said when he and Harman were together again on the quarter-deck; “as narrow as I ever wish to experience. If it hadn’t been for Dimchurch I don’t think you would have arrived in time, for they were cutting brushwood for a fire on which they intended to roast us. Fortunately he was not so tightly bound as we were, and so managed to free himself and us.”
“I cannot say how thankful I was when I heard your voice. Of course we were proceeding71 only by guesswork, and could only hope that we should find you at the top of the hill. If they had carried you any farther away we could not have followed. I was turning this over in my mind as we advanced, when we heard the rushing of a large number of men down the hill towards us, and we at once concluded that you had [pg 195]escaped and that they were in pursuit, and as soon as the negroes appeared we opened fire.”
“Well, all is well that ends well. It was very foolish of me to wander away from the men. Of course there was nothing whatever to tell us that we were being watched, but I ought to have assumed that there was a possibility of such a thing and not to have run the risk. I’ll be mighty careful that I don’t play such a fool’s trick again. It was lucky that Dimchurch shouted when he did to the watering-party, otherwise we should have lost the whole of them, and with ten gone you would have found it very hazardous72 work to land a sufficiently73 strong party.”
“I should have tried if I had only had a dozen men. I concluded that it must have been negroes who had carried you off, and my only thought was to rescue you before they set to work to torture you in some abominable74 manner.”
“Well, I expect it would soon have been over, Harman, but certainly it would have been a very unpleasant ending. To fall in battle is a death at which none would grumble75, but to be burnt by fiendish negroes would be horrible. Of course every man must run risks and take his chances, but one hardly bargains for being burnt alive. It makes my flesh creep to think of it, more now, I fancy, than when I was face to face with it. When I was lying helpless on the hill, there seemed something unreal about it, and I could not appreciate the position, but now that I think of it in cold blood it makes me shiver. I will take your watch to-night; I am quite sure that if I did get to sleep I should have a terrible nightmare.”
“I can quite understand that you would rather be on deck than lying down and trying to sleep. I am sure I should [pg 196]do so myself, and even now the thought of the peril76 you were in makes me shudder77.”
For a time L’Agile cruised off the shore of Cuba, effecting a few small captures, but none of importance. Finally she fell in with three French frigates78 and was chased for two days, but succeeded in giving her pursuers the slip by running between two small islands under cover of night. The passage was very shallow, and the Frenchmen were unable to follow, and before they could make a circuit of the islands L’Agile was out of sight. When the cutter at length returned to Jamaica the admiral decided to lay her up for a time, and the crew was broken up and retransferred to the vessels to which they belonged.
Will was greeted with enthusiasm when he rejoined the Hawke.
“You certainly have singular luck, Gilmore,” said Latham, who was the Hawke’s master’s mate. “Here we have been cruising and cruising, till we are sick of the sight of islands, without picking up a prize of importance, while you have been your own master, and have made a fortune. And now, just as there is a rumour79 that we are to go home you rejoin.”
A few weeks after this conversation the Hawke received orders to sail for Portsmouth, and after a long and wearisome voyage arrived home late in the summer of the year 1793.


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adv.衷心地,诚恳地,十分,很 | |
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adj.纯粹的;仅仅,只不过 | |
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ad.不同寻常地,相当地 | |
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n.纵帆船 | |
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n.防水帆布,防水帆布罩( tarpaulin的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.不可靠的,有暗藏的危险的;adj.背叛的,背信弃义的 | |
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n.(船或飞机装载的)货物( cargo的名词复数 );大量,重负 | |
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v.航行,飞行;导航,领航 | |
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adj. 直立的,竖立的,笔直的 vt. 使 ... 直立,建立 | |
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n.鼻口部;口套;枪(炮)口;vt.使缄默 | |
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n.卫戍部队;驻地,卫戍区;vt.派(兵)驻防 | |
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n.大型帆船( galleon的名词复数 ) | |
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n.血管( vessel的名词复数 );船;容器;(具有特殊品质或接受特殊品质的)人 | |
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vt.护送,护卫,护航;n.护送;护送队 | |
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n.护航舰,大型驱逐舰 | |
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adv.在(向)岸上,上岸 | |
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v.喧扰地忙乱,匆忙,奔忙;n.忙碌;喧闹 | |
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n.努力( exertion的名词复数 );费力;(能力、权力等的)运用;行使 | |
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v.击退( repulse的过去式和过去分词 );驳斥;拒绝 | |
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vt.劫掠财物,掠夺;n.劫掠物,赃物;劫掠 | |
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ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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v.使震惊(astound的过去式和过去分词);愕然;愕;惊讶 | |
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adv. 漂亮地,勇敢地,献殷勤地 | |
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adj.失业的,没有工作的;未动用的,闲置的 | |
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n.用具包,成套工具;随身携带物 | |
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adj.尖的,直截了当的 | |
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n.走廊;阳台 | |
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n.惊奇,惊异 | |
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n.大为吃惊,惊骇 | |
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n.种植园,大农场( plantation的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.过期的,到期未付的;早该有的,迟到的 | |
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n.失事,遇难;沉船;vt.(船等)失事,遇难 | |
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adj.失事的,遇难的 | |
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adj.隐退的,退休的,退役的 | |
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n.门口,(喻)入门;门路,途径 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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n.大风,强风,一阵闹声(尤指笑声等) | |
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vt./vi.传下来,下来,下降 | |
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v.蹲伏,蜷缩,低头弯腰;n.蹲伏 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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adj. 振耳欲聋的, 极喧闹的 动词deafen的现在分词形式 | |
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vi.(风势,疼痛等)减弱,减轻,减退 | |
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减少( abate的过去式和过去分词 ); 减去; 降价; 撤消(诉讼) | |
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n.毁坏;荒废;极度震惊或悲伤 | |
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v.撒在…上( strew的过去式和过去分词 );散落于;点缀;撒满 | |
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adj.分散的,稀疏的;散步的;疏疏落落的 | |
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a.imminent, about to come or happen | |
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vt.捆,包扎;装订;约束;使凝固;vi.变硬 | |
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v.引起;以…原料制作;运转;adj.制造的 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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n.亚麻布,亚麻线,亚麻制品;adj.亚麻布制的,亚麻的 | |
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n.(某些植物,如竹或甘蔗的)茎( cane的名词复数 );(用于制作家具等的)竹竿;竹杖 | |
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adj.慰藉的;使人宽心的;镇静的 | |
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adj.应用的;v.应用,适用 | |
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adv.往回地,向原处,倒,相反,前后倒置地 | |
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n.混乱,无秩序 | |
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v.看,注视( behold的过去式和过去分词 );瞧;看呀;(叙述中用于引出某人意外的出现)哎哟 | |
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n.住处,处所( dwelling的名词复数 ) | |
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n.大破坏,浩劫,大混乱,大杂乱 | |
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n.瓦砾堆,废墟,碎片 | |
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adj.有希望的,有前途的 | |
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n.木瓦板;小招牌(尤指医生或律师挂的营业招牌);v.用木瓦板盖(屋顶);把(女子头发)剪短 | |
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vi. 欢欣鼓舞,狂喜 | |
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adj.强有力的;巨大的 | |
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n.灾难,祸害;v.蹂躏 | |
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n.感叹号,惊呼,惊叹词 | |
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a.无拘束的,放纵的 | |
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v.弄清,确定,查明( ascertain的现在分词 ) | |
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n.海员 | |
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v.为...复仇,为...报仇 | |
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n.行动,进行,(pl.)会议录,学报 | |
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adj.(有)危险的,冒险的;碰运气的 | |
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adv.足够地,充分地 | |
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adj.可厌的,令人憎恶的 | |
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vi.抱怨;咕哝;n.抱怨,牢骚;咕哝,隆隆声 | |
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n.(严重的)危险;危险的事物 | |
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v.战粟,震动,剧烈地摇晃;n.战粟,抖动 | |
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n.快速军舰( frigate的名词复数 ) | |
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n.谣言,谣传,传闻 | |
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