It was now the beginning of December. During the journey down to the coast Edgar had thought seriously[Pg 163] of his position. It seemed to him that, although finally the French would have to evacuate3 Egypt, a long time might elapse before this took place, and he finally came to the resolution to attempt to escape. He was doing neither himself nor his father any good by remaining. He had already witnessed a great battle by land, and one by sea, and he thought, by returning home and rejoining his father, he would be better employed in acquiring commercial knowledge in a business in London than in remaining in Egypt. Accordingly, on the day after his arrival at the oasis4 he mounted and rode into Alexandria, and entered his father's place of business for the first time since the French had landed. Muller did not recognize him as he entered, owing to his Arab dress and coloured skin. There were two native clerks present, and Edgar went up to him, and said in a low voice:
"I want to talk with you, Mr. Muller." The latter started slightly on hearing the voice, but only requested him in Arabic to follow him into the inner office, then he closed the door.
"My dear Edgar," he said, "I am delighted to see you. I have been in great uneasiness about you. I had no doubt that you were with that Bedouin chief, but whether he had taken part against the French, or remained quiet, I knew not, and have been for a long time expecting to hear from you."
Edgar gave him a brief sketch5 of what he had been doing since he had been away, and then said, "I am desirous of making my way to England. Of course it will be impossible to go direct, but if I could get to Italy, I might get a ship home from there."
"That would not be difficult. No large Italian vessels7 come in here, but small ones do so not infrequently. They generally bring spirits, wines, and other goods that com[Pg 164]mand a ready sale here, and they make a considerable profit on their trading. No doubt you could obtain a passage in one of these."
"And how goes on business, Mr. Muller?" Edgar asked after the question of the passage had been discussed for some time.
"We have been pretty busy ever since the French arrived. Many of the transports and store ships received damage on their voyage. We have had a fair share of the work. Before you go I will draw up a short statement of what we have done, for your father. I am on very good terms with the French general and his staff. I represented to them that your father had, on seeing the approach of their fleet, determined8 to abandon his business altogether and leave the country, and that having saved a considerable sum during my service with him, I was able to purchase from him the heavy goods that he could not take away with him, and arranged to conduct the business on my own account. I may tell you what perhaps you did not know, that, before leaving, your father executed a deed of partnership9 with me, by which he gave me a fourth share in the business, and moreover arranged that I was to receive half the profit of it during the French occupation. On his return it was arranged that the business should be conducted under the name of Blagrove, Son, & Muller."
"I am glad to hear it, Mr. Muller. My father indeed mentioned to me, some months before he left, that he intended to take you into partnership, and that possibly he should, after a time, leave me here with you and should fix himself in London and carry on the business of the firm there, so the French invasion has only hastened it on. Of course I have my European clothes here, and though I fancy I have grown a couple of inches in the last five[Pg 165] months, I daresay they will do very well for me. The best plan will be to take the passage for me as a French lad, the son of a trader in Cairo, who, in view of the late events there, his father is sending home."
"I will look at my sailing lists," Mr. Muller said, "and will see if any Italian craft is intending to sail in the next day or two."
He left the room, and returned in two or three minutes.
"There is one bound for Naples. She will sail on Saturday, so there are four days to make your preparations."
"That will do well," Edgar said; "on Friday evening I will be here."
He had, on the previous evening, acquainted the sheik and his son of his intention. Both had expressed deep regret, but acknowledged that his arguments in favour of the plan he proposed were so strong that they could urge nothing against them. On the Friday afternoon the sheik and Sidi both rode down to Alexandria with him. The former returned that evening to his camp, one of his followers10 taking Edgar's horse, which they promised to keep for him until his return, as he assured them that it would be next to impossible to get a passage for it to England, and that even could he do so it might die during the voyage, and moreover that it would be useless to him in London. Sidi slept at the house, and accompanied him on board on the following morning.
The Italian craft was a brig of about a hundred and fifty tons burden, but as Edgar was the only passenger the accommodation was ample. A few minutes after he stepped on board the crew began to get up the anchor, and as soon as this was done, Mr. Muller and Sidi said good-bye and returned to shore. Edgar had, on coming on board, spoken a few words to the captain, who was glad to find that his[Pg 166] passenger spoke11 Italian fluently. The wind was very light, and the brig made but little progress, and five days after sailing was still a hundred miles south of the Italian coast. Edgar, however, greatly enjoyed the time. He was in no particular hurry, and the comparatively cool air and the fresh green of the sea was delightful12 to him after the dry heat and sandy waste of Egypt.
On the sixth day a vessel6-of-war was seen in the west. The captain felt no uneasiness; coming from Alexandria, a French vessel would regard him as a friend, while a British ship would certainly not interfere13 with an Italian trader, for the court of Naples was most friendly, and a portion at least of the British fleet were off the town. The ship-of-war was bringing up the breeze with her, and came along fast, and ere long the captain was able to declare that she was British. As she approached they found that she was the Tigre, an eighty-gun ship captured some time before from the French. When she came near she fired a gun across the bows of the brig, which at once lowered her sails. The man-of-war was thrown up into the wind as she approached, and a voice shouted in French, "What ship is that, and where from?"
"He wants to know your name and where from," Edgar translated, and the captain shouted back, "the Annetta, bound from Alexandria to Naples."
"Send a boat alongside with your captain," was the order from the Tigre.
"Shall I go with you, captain, to translate," Edgar volunteered.
The captain gladly assented14, and the boat was at once lowered, and they were rowed to the Tigre. On ascending15 the deck they were taken to the captain. The latter glanced at Edgar and said, "Why, surely you are English?"[Pg 167]
"I am, sir. My father was a merchant at Alexandria. I was away at the time the French arrived, and was left behind, and have been with a party of Arabs ever since."
"Can you speak Arabic?"
"Yes, sir."
"Any other languages?"
"French and Italian, sir. It was for that reason that I came on board with the captain to interpret for him."
"Where are you going now?"
"I was going to Naples first, in order to take a passage home from there."
"Ah! What have they got on board?"
"Little enough, sir. They came across with spirits and wine and other cargo16. The man is a small trader and part owner of the ship."
"Tell him if he carries stores again to Alexandria his ship will be seized as a prize by the first ship-of-war that comes across her. By carrying them to Alexandria he is aiding the French. Now about yourself. What are you going home for?"
"To join my father in England."
"What are you going to do there?"
"I believe that I shall go into an office, sir, till my father can return to Egypt again."
"You speak these three languages well."
"Yes, sir; well enough to pass as a native."
"Not much fighting, sir,—the Arabs could not stand against the French; but I have seen a good deal. I saw the battle of the Pyramids, the sea fight in Aboukir Bay, and the street fighting in Cairo."
"Well, with your knowledge of languages you ought to be able to do better than go into a London office. You[Pg 168] might be very useful to me, and if you like to go with me to Constantinople, where I am bound, I will give you a midshipman's rating. You may have an opportunity of seeing some more service, and when this affair is over you could, of course, leave the navy if you thought fit and rejoin your father. What do you say? I will give you five minutes to think it over."
It required less time than this for Edgar to take his resolution. He had no fancy whatever for work in a London office, and the prospect18 of serving on board ship, the chance of seeing Constantinople and other places, and possibly of active service against the French, was vastly more pleasant. Before the end of that time he went up to the captain, touched his hat, and said that he thankfully accepted his offer.
"Very well, then, that is settled," the officer said kindly20. "I will give you ten minutes to row back to the brig and return with your clothes."
In ten minutes Edgar was on board again, having explained to the astonished captain that he was going as interpreter on board the British ship. As soon as he stepped on deck again orders were shouted, the sails trimmed, and the Tigre proceeded on her way. An officer came up to Edgar.
"What is your name, sir?"
"Edgar Blagrove, sir."
"I remember the name," the officer said. "I put into Alexandria some ten months ago to get some repairs done, and I remember that your father undertook them." He beckoned21 to a lad of about the same age as Edgar. "Mr. Wilkinson," he said, "you may take this young gentleman, Mr. Blagrove, down to the cockpit and introduce him to your messmates. He is entered on board the ship as a midshipman by Sir Sidney Smith's orders."[Pg 169]
The midshipman took him below without a word. There were two other lads in the cabin.
"Allow me," Edgar's guide said with a theatrical22 flourish of the hand, "to introduce to you Mr. Blagrove, a fellow midshipman and messmate."
"Really, Wilkinson, one never knows whether you are in earnest or playing the fool," growled23 one of the others, who was a master's mate some nineteen years old.
"Where did he spring from?"
"He has just come on board from that little brig that we made lie to just now."
"I come from Alexandria," Edgar said quietly.
"From Alexandria!" Condor repeated in surprise, for he had not been on deck when the Italian captain had answered the hail.
"I was accidentally left behind when most of the English inhabitants left when the French ships came in sight."
"What did they do to you? Have you been in prison ever since?"
"Fortunately they never laid hands on me. A sheik of one of the Arab tribes was a friend of mine, and I have been staying with him ever since."
"How did you make them understand what you wanted?"
"I can talk Arabic as well as I can English," Edgar replied.
"It has not been by any means slow. The tribe harassed26 the French on their march. We were present at the battle of the Pyramids, though we did not take any active part in it; for when the Mamelukes were defeated the Arabs knew[Pg 170] that alone they had no chance of success. Then we came down to the place where they generally encamp, some twelve miles from Alexandria, and I had the good luck to see Nelson's fleet destroy the French in Aboukir Bay."
"That was luck!" Wilkinson said warmly. "I would have given anything to have been in that fight."
"You are taking late to the sea," the midshipman who had not yet spoken remarked.
"I have no intention of taking to the sea for good," Edgar replied. "My father has one of the largest businesses in Alexandria, and as soon as the French leave Egypt I shall go back there. Sir Sidney Smith asked me to come, as I talk French and Italian as well as Arabic, and he thought that I should be useful to him as an interpreter, and said he would rate me as a midshipman. I was very glad to accept, as I should have nothing particular to do if I had gone home, and I thought that it would be far more pleasant to have two or three years of active service."
"Have you been in England?" Wilkinson asked.
"Yes, I was there nearly three years, and only returned a few months before the French landed."
"Well, it seems a rum start," Condor said, "but I suppose Sir Sidney knows what he is doing."
"I should imagine he did," Edgar said quietly. "Possibly, if you like to question him he will be good enough to explain the matter to your satisfaction."
"Look here, youngster!" Condor growled. "You have come in here as a midshipman, and let me tell you that whether a fellow is an interpreter or not we don't allow cheek here."
"But you allow rudeness, eh?" Edgar said quietly. "I am new to ship's manners, but at school, anyhow, a fellow was just as likely to get thrashed for rudeness as he was for cheek."[Pg 171]
"Come, Condor," Wilkinson said, as the master's mate sprang to his feet, "you won't do yourself any good by quarrelling with a fellow who has just come on board. He has certainly said nothing offensive to you. Moreover, it is quite possible that the captain may want to ask him questions about Egypt, and if he had any marks on the face you may be pretty sure you would get such a wigging27 that you would never want another, and possibly you might never have a chance of getting one."
"Very well," Condor said, sitting down again, "you are safe for a day or two; but mind, the first time I get an opportunity I will give you the soundest thrashing that you ever had."
"I am sorry that it must be postponed," Edgar said quietly, "but I daresay it will keep."
"Come on deck, Blagrove," Wilkinson said, putting his arm into that of Edgar. "He is an ill-tempered brute," he went on as soon as they had left the cockpit. "He only passed his examination a week before we sailed, and we all heartily29 wish that he had failed. He is a regular bully30, and as none of us are older than I am he has pretty well his own way, for he is a strong chap, and, as I heard from a fellow who sailed with him, knows how to use his fists, and none of us would have any chance with him. It is a great nuisance, for we should all be very pleasant together if it were not for him. However, I don't expect he will dare touch you, for the captain may, at any time, want you to put questions to craft he may overhaul31, and Condor would certainly get it hot if he found out that he had been interfering32 with you."
Edgar smiled.
"I can assure you that I do not want the captain's assistance in the matter. Boxing is a branch of my educa[Pg 172]tion which has not been neglected, and I fancy that Mr. Condor will not find that he has it all his own way."
"Well, if you could lick him we should all regard you as a benefactor33, Blagrove; but I am afraid you will find him a great deal too strong and heavy for you."
"Well, we shall see, as he says, on the first opportunity. I don't think that I am at all a quarrelsome chap, but I am certainly not going to put up with being bullied34 by a fellow like that."
At this moment the boatswain came up. "Mr. Blagrove," he said, "I have the first lieutenant35's orders to take you to the tailor to be measured for your uniform—an undress suit, he said. The tailor can manage that, but you will have to get the rest of your kit36 later on."
"You will find me on deck, Blagrove," Wilkinson said, as Edgar followed the boatswain, who led the way to the lower deck, where, by the light of a couple of lanterns, two or three tailors were at work.
"Hall, the first lieutenant's orders are that you are to measure this young gentleman for a midshipman's undress uniform, and you are to put everything else by and push it forward."
"Very well," the man replied. "It makes no odds37 to me what I does first. I doubt whether the first lieutenant will be pleased to-morrow; he tore his trousers yesterday, and sent them down to me to be mended."
"Well, one of your hands can finish that," the boatswain said. "Anyhow, you have got to do this suit, or you will hear of it."
Edgar was measured for his uniform by the head tailor, who was a cockney who had been carried off by the press-gang. It was soon found that he was of no use as a sailor, but as he was by trade a tailor he was given a rating below,[Pg 173] and it was not long before he gave such satisfaction that he was made chief of the little party employed on that work.
Returning on deck Edgar rejoined Wilkinson, and was introduced by him to several other midshipmen, who were all predisposed to like him, as Wilkinson had informed them of his little encounter with Condor, and of his readiness to fight the bully of the mess. This was considered, however, a sign of pluck rather than wisdom, and one of them expressed the general sentiment when he said, "You see he has been brought up among these Egyptian chaps, who have no idea whatever of fighting. He may have licked some of them easily, and that may have made him think he can fight; he will find the difference when he stands up against a fellow like Condor."
The first lieutenant presently sent for Edgar to come to the quarter-deck.
"I quite understand, Mr. Blagrove, that although you are given a midshipman's rating, it is really as an interpreter that Sir Sidney Smith has engaged you. Would you wish to perform midshipman's duties also? I have asked him what are his wishes in the matter, and he left it entirely38 with you, saying that the very nominal39 pay of a midshipman was really no remuneration for the services of a gentleman capable of interpreting in three or four languages, but that as the rules of the service made no provision for the engagement of an interpreter, except under special circumstances, and as you said that you did not think it likely you should make the sea your profession, you might not care to undertake midshipman's duties in addition to those of interpreter."
"Thank you, sir; but I should certainly wish to learn my duties as midshipman, and to take my share in all work. My duties as interpreter must be generally very light, and I should find the time hang heavily on my hands if I[Pg 174] had nothing else to do. I hope, therefore, sir, that you will put me to work, and have me taught my duty just as if I had joined in the regular way."
"Very well, Mr. Blagrove, I think that you are right. I will put you in the starboard watch. I am sure that Mr. Bonnor, the third lieutenant, will be glad to keep a special eye on you. Do you understand anything about handling a boat?"
"That is something gained at any rate. Do you know the names of the various ropes and sheets?"
"I do in a vessel of ordinary size, sir. I was so often on board craft that were in my father's hands for repair that I learned a good deal about them, and at any rate can trust myself to go aloft."
"Well, Mr. Wilkinson is in your watch, and as I put you in his charge to start with, I will tell him to act as your instructor41 in these matters. Please ask him to step here.
"Mr. Wilkinson," he went on, as the midshipman came up, "I shall be obliged if you will do what you can to assist Mr. Blagrove in learning his duties. He has been knocking about among boats and merchant craft since his childhood, and already knows a good deal about them; but naturally there is much to learn in a ship like this. You will, of course, keep your watches as usual at night, but I shall request Mr. Bonnor to release you from all other duties for the present, in order that you may assist Mr. Blagrove in learning the names and uses of all the ropes, and the ordinary routine of his duty. He will, of course, attend the master's class in navigation. There will be no occasion for him to go through the whole routine of a freshly-joined lad in other respects; but he must learn[Pg 175] cutlass and musketry drill from the master-at-arms, and to splice42 and make ordinary knots from the boatswain's mate. Thank you, that will do for the present."
Lieutenant Bonnor came up to Wilkinson a few minutes later, and told him that he was to consider himself relieved from all general duties at present.
"I hope you won't find this a nuisance, Wilkinson," Edgar said.
"Not at all," the other laughed; "quite the contrary. It gets one off of all sorts of disagreeable routine work, and as you know something about it to begin with, I have no doubt that you will soon pick up your work. A lot of the things that one has to learn when one first joins are not of much use afterwards, and may not have to be done once a year. However, I can lend you books, and if you really want to pick up all the words of command you can study them when you have nothing else to do; and I can tell you there are plenty of times when one is rather glad to have something to amuse one; when one is running with a light wind aft, like this, for instance, we may go on for days without having to touch a sail. Well, we will begin at once. We won't go aloft till you have got your togs; a fellow going aloft in landsmen's clothes always looks rather a duffer. Now, let us see what you know about things."
As the names of the halliards, sheets, and tacks43 are the same in any square-rigged vessel, Edgar answered all questions readily, and it was only the precise position assigned to each on deck that he had to learn, so that, even on the darkest night, he could at once lay hands on them without hesitation44; and in the course of a couple of days he knew these as well as his instructor. On the third morning he put on his midshipman's clothes for the first time.
"You are a great deal stronger fellow than I should have[Pg 176] taken you for," Wilkinson said, as he watched him dressing45. "You have a tremendous lot of muscle on the shoulders and arms, and on the back too."
"I took a lot of exercise when I was at school in England," Edgar replied, "and I have been accustomed to riding ever since I was a boy, and for the last five months have almost lived in the saddle. I have done a good deal of rowing too, for I have had the use of a boat as long as I can remember. Of course, I have done a lot of bathing and swimming—you see, the water is so warm that one can stay in it for a long time, and one can bathe all the year round. I cannot even remember being taught to swim, I suppose it came naturally to me. I am sure that my father would never have let me go out in boats as I used to do if he had not known that I was as much at home in the water as out of it."
"Now we will go aloft," Wilkinson said.
Edgar ran up almost as quickly as his companion. He had not only been accustomed to ships in the port of Alexandria, but on the voyage to England and back he had spent much of his time aloft, the captains being friends of his father, and allowing him to do as he liked, as soon as they saw that he was perfectly46 capable of taking care of himself.
"This is not the first time that you have been aloft, sir," one of the top-men said, as he followed Wilkinson's example, instead of going up through the lubber's hole.
"It is the first time that I have ever gone up the mast of a man-of-war," Edgar replied; "but everything is so big and solid here, that it seems easy after being accustomed to smaller craft. It is a wonderful spread of sail, Wilkinson, after having been on board nothing bigger than a brig. I used to help reef the sails on my way back from Eng[Pg 177]land; but these tremendous sails seem altogether too big to handle."
"So they would be without plenty of hands, but you see we have a great many more men in proportion here than there are on board a merchant craft. Will you go up higher?"
"Certainly." And they went up until nothing but the bare pole, with the pennant47 floating from its summit, rose above them. "You don't feel giddy at all, Blagrove?"
"Not a bit. If she were rolling heavily perhaps I might be, but she is going on so steadily48 that I don't feel it at all."
"Then I will begin by giving you a lesson as to what your duties would be if the order were given to send down the upper spars and yards. It is a pleasure teaching a fellow who is so anxious to learn as you are, and who knows enough to understand what you say."
For two hours he sat there explaining to Edgar exactly where his position would be during this operation, and the orders that he would have to give.
"When we get down below," he said, when he had finished, "I will give you all the orders, and you can jot49 them down, and learn them by heart. The great point, you see, is to fire them off exactly at the right moment. A little too soon or a little too late makes all the difference. It is generally a race between the top-men of the different masts, and there is nothing that the men think more of than smartness in getting down all the upper gear. When you have got all the words of command by heart perfectly, you shall come with me the first time the order is given to send down the spars and yards, so as to see exactly where the orders come in. It is a thing that we very often practise. In fact, as a rule, it is done every evening when we are cruising, or in harbour, or at Spithead,[Pg 178] or that sort of thing. When it is a race between the different ships of a squadron, it is pretty bad for the top-men who are the last to get their spars down. But, you see, as we are on a passage I don't suppose we shall send down spars till we get to Constantinople."
"What are we going there for?"
"As far as I can understand, the captain is going on a sort of diplomatic mission. His brother is our ambassador there, and he is appointed to act with him in some sort of diplomatic way, I suppose, to arrange what troops the Sultan is going to send against the French, and what we are to do to help him, and what subvention is to be paid him, and all that sort of thing. I expect you will be pretty busy while we are there. Do you understand Turkish?"
"Yes, it is very like Arabic. All the officials and upper classes in Egypt are Turks, and one hears more Turkish than Arabic, except among the Bedouin tribes."
While they were talking they were leisurely50 descending51 the shrouds52 side by side. As soon as they gained the deck, the captain's steward53 came up to Edgar, and said that Sir Sidney Smith would be glad to see him and Mr. Wilkinson to dinner that evening. The captain had abstained54 from inviting55 him until he should have got his uniform, thinking that he would find it uncomfortable sitting down in civilian56 dress. The fact that he was going to dine late in no way interfered57 with Edgar's enjoyment58 of his mid-day meal. During the two days he had been on board, he had got on friendly terms with all his messmates excepting Condor, who studiously abstained from noticing him in any way. The younger midshipmen he bullied unmercifully, and had a general dictatorial59 way with the others that made Edgar frequently long for the opportunity of giving him a lesson.[Pg 179]
He had no doubt that Condor had determined to postpone28 the occasion until they had left the Pireus, at which point they were to call, as his service might be required there to interpret. Once away from the island, he would not be likely to be called upon to translate until they arrived at Constantinople.
It was a pleasant dinner in Sir Sidney Smith's cabin. There were present the first and third lieutenants60, the captain of the marines, the doctor, Wilkinson, and Edgar. Sir Sidney Smith was a delightful host; he possessed61 a remarkable62 charm of manner, was most thoughtful and kind to all his subordinates, and, though strict in all matters of discipline, treated his officers as gentlemen and on terms of equality in his own cabin. He had already accomplished63 many dashing exploits in the Baltic and elsewhere, and was beloved both by the sailors and officers. It was a time when life in the navy was very rough, when the lash64 was unsparingly used for the smallest offences, and when too many ships were made floating hells by the tyranny of their commanders.
"I should have asked you to dinner on the day that you came on board, Mr. Blagrove," Sir Sidney said kindly, as the two midshipmen entered, "but I thought that you might prefer my not doing so until you got your uniform. It has been some privation for myself, for I am anxious to hear from you some details as to what has been doing in Egypt, of which, of course, we know next to nothing at home."
During dinner no questions were asked, but after the cloth had been removed and the decanters were placed upon the table, he said:
"Now, Mr. Blagrove, we shall be glad if you will give us details of how you came to be left behind, of your personal[Pg 180] adventures, and what you yourself witnessed, and your opinion of the situation in Egypt. This is desirable, not only as a matter of general information, but because it will be really useful to me to understand the situation fully19, for the purposes of my mission."
Edgar began his story, but was interrupted almost at the outset by Sir Sidney asking him how he came to be so intimate with these Bedouins. He was therefore obliged to relate how he had rescued the sheik's son from an attack by two of the lowest class of Europeans in Alexandria. Edgar told the story modestly, making as little as possible of his share in it.
"And were these fellows armed, Mr. Blagrove?"
"They had their knives, but they had not time to use them. These fellows have no idea of boxing, and a straight hit is a mystery to them. The thing was all over in less than a minute."
"Then, I suppose, you can box?" Sir Sidney said, with a smile.
"I was taught it in England, sir. My father thought that it would be useful, for the population of Alexandria is a rough one."
Sir Sidney said no more, and Edgar told his story without further interruption, and then answered many questions as to the proceedings65 of the French, the rising in Cairo—of which Sir Sidney now heard for the first time, and the prospect of a general insurrection.
"I don't think that there is much chance of that, sir. The defeat of the Mamelukes led them to believe that the French were invincible66. The destruction of their fleet showed that this was not the case, and led to the rising at Cairo, but their easy defeat there, and the terrible slaughter67 inflicted68 upon them, will certainly cow them for a long time,[Pg 181] and as long as the whole French army remains69 there, I don't think there will be much further trouble, but if a portion were to march away, no doubt they might muster70 up courage to attack those that remained. Mourad Bey, with a considerable force of Mamelukes, still keeps the field, and the Arab tribes would certainly join him if they saw a chance of defeating the invaders71."
"And the two men you had that trouble with, have you ever come across them again, Mr. Blagrove?" the first lieutenant asked.
"We came across them in Cairo, sir," Edgar replied reluctantly. "I was with my friend, the sheik's son. They did not recognize me, being in my Arab dress, but they knew him at once and pounced72 upon him, and were dragging him into a house. Of course, I took his part and there was a fight."
"And what was the result, Mr. Blagrove?"
"The result was that they were both killed," Edgar said quietly. "They attacked us with knives, and we had to use ours. My friend killed one of them and I killed the other. It was unfortunate, but it was their lives or ours, and if we hadn't done it then, the thing would have happened again, and next time we might have been stabbed before we had a chance of defending ourselves."
"I can quite understand that, Mr. Blagrove," Sir Sidney said kindly, while the others smiled at the matter-of-fact way in which Edgar related what must have been a very dangerous business.
"I see that, whatever else we may have to teach you, it will not be how to use your weapons. Indeed, it seems to me that you are getting on very fast. I saw you go up the shrouds to-day, and I can see that you will very soon be as much at home there as any of my midshipmen. And now,[Pg 182] gentlemen, we have had rather a long sitting, for it is nearly ten o'clock; but I am sure that you must have been as interested as I have been myself, in the information Mr. Blagrove has been good enough to give us."
"By Jove, Blagrove," Wilkinson said when they had left the cabin, "if you had told me all this before I should not have felt so doubtful about your fight with Condor. So you can really use your fists well?"
"I learnt for over two years from some of the best light-weights in London," Edgar replied, "and unless he has had wonderfully good teachers I ought to have no trouble about the matter."
Two days later the Tigre left the Pireus. To Sir Sidney Smith's disappointment, he had not found Lord Nelson there, as he had expected to do, and he was the more disappointed inasmuch as he had missed Lord St. Vincent, who was commander-in-chief in the Mediterranean73, at Gibraltar.


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n.间隔,间距;幕间休息,中场休息 | |
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n.(沙漠中的)绿洲,宜人的地方 | |
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n.草图;梗概;素描;v.素描;概述 | |
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n.船舶;容器,器皿;管,导管,血管 | |
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n.血管( vessel的名词复数 );船;容器;(具有特殊品质或接受特殊品质的)人 | |
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adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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n.合作关系,伙伴关系 | |
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追随者( follower的名词复数 ); 用户; 契据的附面; 从动件 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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adj.令人高兴的,使人快乐的 | |
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v.(in)干涉,干预;(with)妨碍,打扰 | |
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同意,赞成( assent的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.上升的,向上的 | |
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n.(一只船或一架飞机运载的)货物 | |
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adv.在(向)岸上,上岸 | |
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n.前景,前途;景色,视野 | |
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adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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adj.和蔼的,温和的,爽快的;adv.温和地,亲切地 | |
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v.(用头或手的动作)示意,召唤( beckon的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.剧场的,演戏的;做戏似的,做作的 | |
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v.(动物)发狺狺声, (雷)作隆隆声( growl的过去式和过去分词 );低声咆哮着说 | |
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n.秃鹰;秃鹰金币 | |
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adv.可怕地,非常地,极端地 | |
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adj. 疲倦的,厌烦的 动词harass的过去式和过去分词 | |
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n.责备,骂,叱责 | |
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v.延期,推迟 | |
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adv.衷心地,诚恳地,十分,很 | |
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n.恃强欺弱者,小流氓;vt.威胁,欺侮 | |
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v./n.大修,仔细检查 | |
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adj. 妨碍的 动词interfere的现在分词 | |
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n. 恩人,行善的人,捐助人 | |
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adj.被欺负了v.恐吓,威逼( bully的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.陆军中尉,海军上尉;代理官员,副职官员 | |
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n.用具包,成套工具;随身携带物 | |
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n.让步,机率,可能性,比率;胜败优劣之别 | |
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ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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adj.名义上的;(金额、租金)微不足道的 | |
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n.操舵装置 | |
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n.指导者,教员,教练 | |
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v.接合,衔接;n.胶接处,粘接处 | |
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大头钉( tack的名词复数 ); 平头钉; 航向; 方法 | |
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n.犹豫,踌躇 | |
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n.(食物)调料;包扎伤口的用品,敷料 | |
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adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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n.三角旗;锦标旗 | |
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adv.稳定地;不变地;持续地 | |
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n.少量;vi.草草记下;vt.匆匆写下 | |
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adj.悠闲的;从容的,慢慢的 | |
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n. 下行 adj. 下降的 | |
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n.裹尸布( shroud的名词复数 );寿衣;遮蔽物;覆盖物v.隐瞒( shroud的第三人称单数 );保密 | |
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n.乘务员,服务员;看管人;膳食管理员 | |
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v.戒(尤指酒),戒除( abstain的过去式和过去分词 );弃权(不投票) | |
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adj.诱人的,引人注目的 | |
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adj.平民的,民用的,民众的 | |
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v.干预( interfere的过去式和过去分词 );调停;妨碍;干涉 | |
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n.乐趣;享有;享用 | |
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adj. 独裁的,专断的 | |
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n.陆军中尉( lieutenant的名词复数 );副职官员;空军;仅低于…官阶的官员 | |
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adj.疯狂的;拥有的,占有的 | |
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adj.显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的 | |
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adj.有才艺的;有造诣的;达到了的 | |
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v.系牢;鞭打;猛烈抨击;n.鞭打;眼睫毛 | |
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n.进程,过程,议程;诉讼(程序);公报 | |
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adj.不可征服的,难以制服的 | |
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n.屠杀,屠宰;vt.屠杀,宰杀 | |
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把…强加给,使承受,遭受( inflict的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.剩余物,残留物;遗体,遗迹 | |
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v.集合,收集,鼓起,激起;n.集合,检阅,集合人员,点名册 | |
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入侵者,侵略者,侵入物( invader的名词复数 ) | |
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v.突然袭击( pounce的过去式和过去分词 );猛扑;一眼看出;抓住机会(进行抨击) | |
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adj.地中海的;地中海沿岸的 | |
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