So there was the subject of non-resistance, and I sat and listened with strangely mingled5 feelings of sympathy and repulsion, while this group of rebels of all shades and varieties argued whether it was really possible for the workers to get free without some kind of force. Carpenter, it appeared, was the only one in the company who believed it possible. The gentle Comrade Abell was obliged to admit that the Socialists6, in using political action, were really resorting to force in a veiled form. They sought to take possession of the state by voting; but the state was an instrument of force, and would use force to carry out its will. “You are an anarchist8!” said the Socialist7 lawyer, addressing Carpenter.
To my surprise Carpenter was not shocked by this.
“If I admit no power but love,” said he, “how can I have anything to do with government?”
More visitors called, and were admitted, and presently the little room was packed with people, and a regular meeting was in progress. I heard more strange ideas than I had ever known existed in the world. I tried not to be offended; but I thought there ought to be at least a few words said for plain ordinary human beings who carry no labels, so I ventured now and then to put in a mild suggestion—for example, that there were quite a few people in the world who did not love all their neighbors, and could not be persuaded to love them all at once, and it might be necessary to put just a little restraint upon them for a time. Again I suggested, maybe the workers were not yet sufficiently9 educated to run the industries, they might need some help from the present masters. “Just a little more education,” I ventured—
And John Colver laughed, the first ugly laugh I had heard from him. “Education by the masters? Education at the end of a club!”
“My boy,” I argued, “I know there are plenty of employers who are rough, but there are others who are good men, who would like to change the system, would like to do something, if they knew what it was. But who will tell them what to do? Take me, for example. I have a great deal of wealth which I have not earned; but what can I do about it? What do you say, Mr. Carpenter?”
I turned to him, as the true authority; and the others also turned to him. He answered, without hesitation10: “Sell everything that you have and give it to the unemployed11.”
“But,” said I, “would that really solve the problem. They would spend it, and we should be right where we were before.”
Said Carpenter: “They are unemployed because you have taken from them wealth which you have not earned. Give it back to them.”
And then, seeing that I was not satisfied, he added: “How hard it is for a rich man to understand the meaning of social justice! Indeed, it would be easier for a strike leader to get the truth published in your 'Times', than for a rich man to understand what the word social justice means.”
The company laughed, and I subsided12, and let the wave of conversation roll by. It was only later that I realized the part I had just been playing. It had been easy for me to recognize T-S as St. Peter, but I had not known myself as that rich young man who had asked for advice, and then rejected it. “When he heard this, he was very sorrowful; for he was very rich.” Yes, I had found my place in the story!


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n.鼓动者;搅拌器 | |
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n.调查,调查研究 | |
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n.木材,木料;v.以破旧东西堆满;伐木;笨重移动 | |
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n.残杀,大屠杀;v.残杀,集体屠杀 | |
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混合,混入( mingle的过去式和过去分词 ); 混进,与…交往[联系] | |
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社会主义者( socialist的名词复数 ) | |
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n.社会主义者;adj.社会主义的 | |
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n.无政府主义者 | |
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adv.足够地,充分地 | |
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n.犹豫,踌躇 | |
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adj.失业的,没有工作的;未动用的,闲置的 | |
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v.(土地)下陷(因在地下采矿)( subside的过去式和过去分词 );减弱;下降至较低或正常水平;一下子坐在椅子等上 | |
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