"Sleep did it!" said the Governor. "I have made up my mind. I shall give him a chance to explain, and upon his explanation will depend my future course. Whether or not I shall take up the matter of the Marbury money, we will determine later."
"It is a wise decision," Maynadier agreed.
"I dare not do less out of consideration for my position. He has presented another man's letters, has taken that other man's name, has entered this house, and the houses of our friends under false pretenses1. In short, he has acted the rogue2, and he must bear the consequences."
"How can he possibly explain?" asked Maynadier. "What justification3 can there be for his conduct?"
"None that I can apprehend—but we must not prejudge him; we must give him a chance. I believe the law has a maxim4, that every one is presumed innocent until proven guilty. You said, I think, that Marbury was not leaving Annapolis until to-night?"
"So he told me," said Maynadier.
[Pg 305]
The Governor nodded. "I have sent for him. When he arrives, we will proceed with the matter—the quicker it is settled the better. It is a nasty business, Maynadier. I like the fellow, too, damn well!—Come in!" he called, as a knock sounded on the door.—"Ah, my dear!" as Miss Stirling's face appeared, "what got you up so early?"
"I am up so early because—Oh! I beg your pardon, Mr. Maynadier. I thought the Governor was alone. I will withdraw——"
"By no means!" said Maynadier; "our business is over, for the time.—Permit me!" and he stepped to the door.
"Nonsense!" exclaimed the Colonel. "She is not going to talk secrets—what is it, Martha—permission to take some of the horses?"
She waited until the door was shut.
"It is this," she said. "That letter, which I gave you last evening—I want it back again."
The Governor looked his surprise.
"You want it back again?" he asked.
"Yes—and your promise not to use it. There is nothing to be gained by exposing him, except a scandal, which must, necessarily, drag me in."
"You have changed your mind since last night," he commented.
"I have," she answered. "In less than two[Pg 306] weeks he will have sailed.—So, let it rest—it will profit nothing."
He unlocked a drawer, took out Lady Catherwood's letter, and handed it to her.
A glad smile came to her face.
He reached up, and drew her down on the arm of his chair.
"And have you no other reason, my dear?" he asked.
"No!" with a shake of her pretty head.—"No other reason."
He looked at her thoughtfully.
"What were you and Sir Edward—I call him that for want of a better name—talking about last night—out yonder in the moonlight?" he asked.
She laughed, a little guiltily—watching his face the while.
"He was making love to me," she replied—"he does it very well, indeed, sir."
"So it would seem," said the Governor—"so well, indeed, that you sought at once to regain7 the Catherwood letter, but, thinking that I had retired, came back the first thing, this morning."
She flushed, and her eyes went toward the window.
"Just so!" he said. "I was sitting there, and saw it all—saw you leave, heard you come to my door and listen, saw you return, a moment, to him—and, now, you come again—and it is for the letter.[Pg 307] You know that he is not Parkington, that he is an impostor—consequently, he must have told you something which explains. What was it?"
"He acknowledged that he was not Parkington; that he——"
"I told you, specifically, not to mention the letter to him!" said the Governor.
"And I obeyed you," she answered. "Not until he had, voluntarily and of his own free will, confessed, did I refer to the letter."
"Who does he say he is?" he asked, presently.
She told him.
"Huh! Doncaster's son, is he! How does he explain the letters, and the impersonation?"
She told him.
When she had finished, he sat silent, pulling at his chin.
"Do you think him serious in his love-making?" he asked.
"He did me the honor to propose," she said.
"Hum!—And do you—care for him?"
"As much as I shall ever care for any man," she answered (thinking of Maynadier). "Furthermore, it would be an excellent match for me."
"An excellent match, if he speaks truly. There are none better, in all England, than the De Lysles."
[Pg 308]
"He offered to wait, until we got to England, for the wedding."
"I think I do," she said—"that is, if he is a De Lysle."
He shook his head, sadly. "I am sorry, Martha, to have to injure your prospects10, but I must act as the Governor, and it is his duty to call him to account. He has misused11 the proprietor's letters, and our hospitality."
"But you gave me the letter," she expostulated. "What other proof have you that he is an impostor?"
"I gave you the letter to relieve you of all participation," the Colonel said. "I do not need it. I have abundant evidence without it, and there may be more, besides."
"Then I can do nothing?" she asked.
"Nothing," he said, his hand stroking tenderly the dark tresses—"the matter must go on to its finish. The people of the Province shall not say that I knew he was an impostor, yet did not expose him. I regret it, my dear, but when one takes another's name, he commits a crime against society which cannot be tolerated."
"What shall I tell him?" she asked.
"Tell him you have the letter, and that the Governor will not use the information it contained."
[Pg 309]
"That will be the truth," she reflected.
"It will," he said; "and, further, you need not go."
And she, knowing it was useless to argue or implore13, kissed him, and went, slowly, the letter of Lady Catherwood clutched tightly in her fingers.
She had no opportunity to communicate with Parkington until after breakfast, other than a significant nod, as his eyes sought hers, inquiringly. When the meal was finished, he joined her, and, presently, they sauntered out together.
"I have the letter," she said.
"You are a dear!" he exclaimed.
"And I have, also, the Governor's promise not to use either it, or the information it contains."
"You are a darling!" bending down, and whispering in her ear.
And her heart warmed to him, with a sympathy she had never felt before. Surely, he was handsome, with the handsomeness which a woman loved, a debonairness that was fascinating.
"You have done everything—you have saved me!" he exclaimed.
She plucked a rose; he took it, and drew it through his buttonhole.
"I have done what I can," she replied; "but I have not saved you."
"What? the letter!—the information——"
"Will not be used against you," she broke in;[Pg 310] "but, I fear that the Governor has other evidence, quite as strong and much more convincing."
His thoughts turned, instantly, to Miss Marbury. She had told—and lost no time in the telling, either, it would seem. He smiled, derisively15. Brandon was right. No woman could keep a secret, unless she were vitally concerned in it.
"Well," he said, "I shall stay and face it. At least, they shall not say I ran away. Moreover, they cannot do more than unmask me—and, when the mask is off, they show a De Lysle—and between a De Lysle and a Parkington, even if the former is somewhat scar-marked, there is vast difference. I may not accompany Brandon home; but, when I go, you go with me."
She put her hand on his arm.
"Prove it, and I will go," she said.
He took her hand, regardless of who saw, and kissed it with inimitable grace, bowing low over it, the while.
"It is a bargain, my lady!" he said. "I accept your own terms. Now, with your permission, I will to Sir Charles Brandon, and take counsel with him."
As they were returning, a man came rapidly up the esplanade, from the landing, and passed them, at some little distance.
"Is not that Mr. Marbury?" Miss Stirling asked.
Parkington nodded, but did not speak.—[Pg 311]Marbury! The one man who could prove the theft! The man who could identify Long-Sword! Why should he have come to Whitehall—and at this particular time?
"Was he not expected?" he asked, with assumed carelessness.
"No," she replied. "He likely comes to see the Governor, on business which requires his personal approval."
"I think I will hasten to Sir Charles," he said, now thoroughly16 alarmed.
Meanwhile, Marbury had been met, as he neared the house, by Maynadier, who had noted17 his approach.
"What does his Excellency want with me?" he asked. "Has it to do with the theft?"
"It has—with the theft, and something more. We will go in—the Governor awaits you in the drawing-room; he will relate the exact facts."
"Mr. Marbury," said Colonel Sharpe, laying aside the Gazette he was reading, and offering his guest a chair, "I have sent for you because I want your aid."
"I appreciate the honor, sir," replied Marbury, "but, as I am the only person concerned, I request your Excellency to let the matter rest. Moreover, the money was returned; why should it not be let rest?"
"I think you do not quite understand the [Pg 312]situation," returned the Governor. "Let me, briefly18, outline the facts...."
Marbury listened, in impassive silence. The change of name did not affect him; he knew of another such, much closer home. But the stealing of another's identity, and the presentation of his letters, were serious matters to the Colonists19, and, he admitted, any one who was guilty ought to be exposed.
"I was sure you would see it as we do, Mr. Marbury, when you knew everything!" said the Governor.
"Yes—the theft from me—if he were the thief—was solely20, my affair," was the reply; "this, however, concerns us all. If the one fit into the other, I shall bear my part."
The Governor struck a bell; the orderly, on duty, entered.
"My compliments to Captain Herford," said the Colonel, "and say, I wish to see him."
"Captain Herford, you will say, to Sir Edward Parkington and to Sir Charles Brandon, that the Governor desires their attendance in the drawing-room. Then, station the guard outside the windows, with two just without the doors. You understand?"
Herford's heels came together, and his hand rose to his forehead.
[Pg 313]
"Yes, your Excellency!" he replied, with a surprised lift of the eye-brows toward Maynadier.
He found Parkington and Brandon together, pacing back and forth22 on the esplanade. He delivered his message curtly23, faced about, and tramped off. These men were not to his liking24, and in his official capacity, as his Excellency's aide-de-camp, it did his small soul good to treat them with scant25 courtesy.
"Well, it has come!" said Parkington.
Brandon was looking after Herford, with a frown.
"That fellow," he observed, "needs to be taught some civility with a club—a walking stick is not stout26 enough to be effective."
"Never mind Herford," smiled Parkington. "Come and help his Excellency hold court, for my particular benefit."
Brandon was wearing his sword, and, now, he gave it a hitch27 forward, so that it lay close to his hand.
"You do not anticipate using it?" his friend asked.
"I do not know," said he, with an ominous28 shake of the head. "One can never tell how suddenly the occasion may arise. That is why I am never without it—it has saved my life, a score of times, in the last four years."
"We are not flying the Jolly Roger, now," Parkington commented.
[Pg 314]
"You are not in danger."
"You forget that Marbury is with the Governor."
"He will not recognize you—you, yourself, said so."
"That was before you were suspected—I counted on your word to prove my name."
"Then do not come with me—do not run the risk!" urged Parkington.
"No, I must brave it out. To decamp, now, would be useless. I was summoned, I presume, because you vouched30 for me—but, if I do not respond, that instant they will understand I had good cause for going, and I should be caught ere I had gone a mile. Come on—it is a good game and we will play it out.... You see!" he said, as they entered the house, pointing to the opposite doorway31, through which could be seen the guard parading. "It were folly32 to do otherwise."
Every one was down at the race track, looking at the horses, the house was deserted33, save for the servants. Miss Stirling, even, was gone with the rest—Marbury's coming had delayed the matter, she supposed, and some regard must be paid to the duties of hostess.
The two men crossed the entrance and knocked at the drawing-room door, which, contrary to [Pg 315]custom, was closed. Instantly, it was swung open—and the Governor bade them enter.
He was standing34 with his back to the fire-place, his hands behind him, his face grave and thoughtful. He returned, with studied courtesy, their bows of greeting, and motioned for them to be seated. Maynadier, placid35 and unmoved, was on one side, Marbury, grim-faced but plainly ill at ease, on the other.
"Gentlemen," said Colonel Sharpe, "I regret that it is as the Governor of Maryland, and not as Colonel Sharpe, that I have had to request your presence here, this morning."
"We took it, from the formal manner of our summons, that your Excellency wished to confer with us in your official capacity," said Parkington, easily.
The Governor bowed again.
"Which, being understood," said he, "we can proceed to business.... Sir Edward Parkington, I have received information of such a pertinent36 character, that I have no other course than to question your identity. I do it with the greatest reluctance—you have been a guest in my house, and in the houses of the prominent men of the Colony—you presented letters, from Lord Baltimore, which were regular, and which entitled you to be received. We are informed, now, that you are not their rightful owner—in other words, that you are an [Pg 316]impostor. What, sir, have you to say in explanation?"
"I have nothing to say," he replied.—"Your Excellency's information is correct. I am not Sir Edward Parkington."
The Governor's jaw38 closed tight, his face grew very stern, and, for a brief time, he did not answer.
"How did you come into possession of Lord Baltimore's letters?" he asked, at length. "Did you steal them?"
"No!" said Parkington, "unless taking them from a dead man is stealing." ... He shrugged his shoulders. "I will tell you the facts, since you wish to know them."
He drew out his snuff-box—offered it to the others, with a graceful39 gesture—took a pinch himself, and told his story.
* * * * * * * * *
"And you say that you did this thing in a fit of foolishness?" the Governor asked, when he had finished.
"Yes—I did not appreciate how difficult it would be to throw off the false identity. That is why I was going home: to regain myself."
"Who, in truth, are you?" asked the Governor. (He did not care to disclose that Miss Stirling had told him.)
[Pg 317]
"Roger de Lysle, second son of the Earl of Doncaster," was the answer.
Maynadier turned and looked at him, with sudden interest—Marbury's grim visage relaxed a trifle. There was virtue40, in those days, in a name.
"Have you the means of proving it?" said his Excellency—"any papers—anything, indeed?"
The Governor turned, inquiringly, to Brandon, who was sitting somewhat back, and quite within the shadow.
"I can substantiate43 his statement that he is Doncaster's son," said Brandon. "I have known the family, intimately, for years."
As he spoke44, Marbury suddenly threw up his head, much as a dog does to the scent45, and his sharp eyes glistened46. At the end, he arose, and, with never a glance at any one, went out.
"The difficulty is," said the Governor, "that this man (who admits he is an impostor) introduced you. Have you any means of identification?"
Arising, he took a bundle of papers from his pocket, and handed them to the Governor.
The latter examined them, one by one, carefully and slowly. When he had finished, he passed them on to Maynadier.
"They are regular," he said, "but rather old—the [Pg 318]latest is dated more than four years back."
"I am Sir Charles Brandon, now, just as well as four years ago!" he laughed. Then, he explained: "It is four years since I left England."
"And you have not, in that time, had letters from home?"
Brandon stretched out his legs and frowned—the talk had stirred old ashes that still smouldered.
De Lysle, untroubled and unconcerned, picked up the Gazette, the Governor had been reading, and glanced over it.
The first three columns had to do with news, three months old, of the Court and Parliament. He passed them by. The column which did for Boston, and New York and Philadelphia, also, went unread. The stick of Annapolis doings, for the past week, was glanced at, curiously49. Then, down at the bottom of the last column, something in larger type, caught his eye. He looked, casually50, at it, then looked again—then read it, amazed, and a second time, read it, and the third time.
Just at that moment, Marbury re-entered. Brandon turned his head from him, but the former stopped, deliberately51 peered in his face, and wheeled on the Governor.
"Your Excellency," he said, "it would appear that you have seined for a small fish, and caught[Pg 319] a shark. This man you know, I believe, as Sir Charles Brandon?"
"He was so introduced," returned the Governor, a little surprise showing in his voice; "and his papers bear him out—albeit, they are some four years old."
Marbury laughed, scornfully.
"The papers seem to bear out Parkington, too!" he said. "However, they may be right enough—he may be Sir Charles Brandon—but—he is, also, Long-Sword the Pirate."


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n.借口(pretense的复数形式) | |
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n.流氓;v.游手好闲 | |
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n.正当的理由;辩解的理由 | |
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n.格言,箴言 | |
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adj.隐退的,退休的,退役的 | |
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n.爱好,癖好;adj.弯的;决心的,一心的 | |
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vt.重新获得,收复,恢复 | |
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n.纹身,(皮肤上的)刺花纹;vt.刺花纹于 | |
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n.真诚,诚意;真实 | |
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n.希望,前途(恒为复数) | |
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v.使用…不当( misuse的过去式和过去分词 );把…派作不正当的用途;虐待;滥用 | |
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n.喘息,气喘;v.喘息;气吁吁他说 | |
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vt.乞求,恳求,哀求 | |
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vt./n.爱抚,抚摸 | |
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adv. 嘲笑地,嘲弄地 | |
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adv.完全地,彻底地,十足地 | |
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adj.著名的,知名的 | |
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adv.简单地,简短地 | |
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n.殖民地开拓者,移民,殖民地居民( colonist的名词复数 ) | |
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adv.仅仅,唯一地 | |
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v.欢迎,致敬( salute的过去式和过去分词 );赞扬,赞颂 | |
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adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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adv.简短地 | |
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n.爱好;嗜好;喜欢 | |
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adj.不充分的,不足的;v.减缩,限制,忽略 | |
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v.免费搭(车旅行);系住;急提;n.故障;急拉 | |
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adj.不祥的,不吉的,预兆的,预示的 | |
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vt.耸肩(shrug的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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v.保证( vouch的过去式和过去分词 );担保;确定;确定地说 | |
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n.门口,(喻)入门;门路,途径 | |
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n.愚笨,愚蠢,蠢事,蠢行,傻话 | |
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adj.荒芜的,荒废的,无人的,被遗弃的 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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adj.安静的,平和的 | |
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adj.恰当的;贴切的;中肯的;有关的;相干的 | |
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n.微粒,小污点,小斑点 | |
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n.颚,颌,说教,流言蜚语;v.喋喋不休,教训 | |
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adj.优美的,优雅的;得体的 | |
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n.德行,美德;贞操;优点;功效,效力 | |
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v.创始人( founder的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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vt.证明,证实;表明 | |
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v.证实;证明...有根据 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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n.气味,香味,香水,线索,嗅觉;v.嗅,发觉 | |
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v.湿物闪耀,闪亮( glisten的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adv.及时地,敏捷地 | |
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v.交谈,谈话( converse的过去式 ) | |
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adv.有求知欲地;好问地;奇特地 | |
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adv.漠不关心地,无动于衷地,不负责任地 | |
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adv.审慎地;蓄意地;故意地 | |
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