The meadows of Maine had been his choice for his honeymoon1, and a glad time of it he and May had had with their snug2 little home of woven grass. That home was like an anchor to them both, and held their hearts fast during the days it had taken to make five grown-sized birds out of five eggs. But now that their sons and daughters were strong of wing and fully3 dressed in traveling suits like their mother's, it was well that Bob had put off his gay wedding clothes and donned a garb4 of about the same sort as that worn by the rest of his family; for dull colors are much the best for trips.
Now that they were properly dressed, there was nothing left to see to, except to join the Band of Bobolink Vagabonds. Of course no one can be a member of this[Pg 181] band without the password; but there was nothing about that to worry Bob. When any of them came near, he called, "Chink," and the gathering5 flock would sing out a cheery "Chink" in reply: and that is the way he and his family were initiated6 into the Band of Bobolink Vagabonds. Anyone who can say "Chink" may join this merry company. That is, anyone who can pronounce it with just exactly the right sound!
So, with a flutter of pleasant excitement, they were gone. Off, they were, for a land that lies south of the Amazon, and with no more to say about it than, "Chink."
No trunk, no ticket, no lunch-box; and the land they would seek was four thousand miles or more away! Poor little Bob! had he but tapped at the door of Man with his farewell "Chink," someone could have let him see a map of his journey. For men have printed time-tables of the Bobolink Route, with maps to show what way it lies, and with the different Stations marked where food and rest can be found. The names of some of the most important Stations that a bobolink, starting from Maine, should stop at on the way to Brazil and Paraguay, are Maryland, South Carolina, Florida, Cuba, Jamaica, and Venezuela.
Does it seem a pity that the little ignorant bird started off without knowing even the name of one of these places? Ah, no! A journeying bobolink needs[Pg 182] no advice. "Poor," indeed! Why, Bob had a gift that made him fortunate beyond the understanding of men. Nature has dealt generously with Man, to be sure, giving him power to build ships for the sea and the air, and trains for the land, whereon he may go, and power to print time-tables to guide the time of travel. But to Bob also, who could do none of these things, Nature had, nevertheless, been generous, and had given him power to go four thousand miles without losing his way, though he had neither chart nor compass. What it would be like to have this gift, we can hardly even guess—we who get lost in the woods a mile from home, and wander in bewildered circles, not knowing where to turn! We can no more know how Bob found his way than the born-deaf can know the sound of a merry tune7, or the born-blind can know the look of a sunset sky. Some people think that, besides the five senses given to a man, Nature gave one more to the bobolink—a sixth gift, called a "sense of direction."
A wonderful gift for a vagabond! To journey hither and yon with never a fear of being lost! To go forty hundred miles and never miss the way! To sail over land and over sea,—over meadow and forest and mountain,—and reach the homeland, far south of the Amazon, at just the right time! To travel by starlight as well as by sunshine, without once mistaking the path![Pg 183]
By starlight? What, Bob, who had frolicked and chuckled8 through the bright June days, and dozed9 o' nights so quietly that never a passing owl10 could see a motion to tempt11 a chase?
Yes, when he joined the Band of Bobolink Vagabonds, the gates of the night, which had been closed to him by Sleep, were somehow thrown open, and Bob was free to journey, not only where he would, but when he would—neither darkness nor daylight having power to stop him then.
Is it strange that his wings quivered with the joy of voyaging as surely as the sails of a boat tighten12 in the tugging13 winds?
What would you give to see this miracle—a bobolink flying through the night? For it has been seen; there being men who go and watch, when their calendars tell them 't is time for birds to take their southward flight. Their eyes are too feeble to see such sights unaided; so they look through a telescope toward the full round moon, and then they can see the birds that pass between them and the light. Like a procession they go—the bobolinks and other migrants, too; for the night sky is filled with travelers when birds fly south.
But though we could not see them, we should know when they are on their way because of their voices. What would you give to hear this miracle—a bobolink[Pg 184] calling his watchword through the night? For it has been heard; there being men who go to the hilltops and listen.
As they hear, now and again, wanderers far above them calling, "Chink," one to another, they know the bobolinks are on their way to a land that lies south of the Amazon, and that neither sleep nor darkness bars their path, which is open before them to take when and where they will.
And yet Bob and his comrades did not hasten. The year was long enough for pleasure by the way. He and May had worked busily to bring up a family of five fine sons and daughters early in the summer; and now that their children were able to look out for themselves, there was no reason why the birds should not have some idle, care-free hours.[Pg 185]
It was time for the Feast of the Vagabonds. It was time for the Feast of the Vagabonds.
Besides, it was time for the Feast of the Vagabonds, a ceremony that must be performed during the first weeks of the Migrant Flight; for it is a custom of the bobolinks, come down to them through no one knows how many centuries, to hold a farewell feast before leaving North America. If you will glance at a map of the Bobolink Route, you will see the names of the states they passed through. Our travelers did not know these names; but for all that, they found the Great Rice Trail and followed it. They found wild rice in the swamps of Maryland and the neighboring states. In South Carolina they found acres of cultivated rice. For rice is the favorite food during the Feast of the Vagabonds, and to them Nature has a special way of serving it. This same grain is eaten in many lands; taken in one way or another, it is said to be the principal food of about one half of all[Pg 186] the people in the world. Bob didn't eat his in soup or pudding or chop-suey. He used neither spoon nor chop-sticks. He took his in the good old-fashioned way of his own folk—unripe, as most of us take our sweet corn, green and in the tender, milky14 stage, fresh from the stalk. He had been having a rather heavy meat diet in Maine, the meadow insects being abundant, and he relished15 the change. There was doubtless a good healthy reason for the ceremony of the Feast of the Vagabonds, as anyone who saw Bob may have guessed; for by the time he left South Carolina he was as fat as butter.
In following the Great Rice Trail, Bob went over the same road that he had taken the spring before when he was northward16 bound; but one could hardly believe him to be the same bird, for he looked different and he acted differently. In the late summer, the departing bird was dull of hue17 and, except for a few notes that once in a great while escaped him, like some nearly forgotten echo of the spring, he had no more music in him than his mate, May. And when they went southward, they went all together—the fathers and mothers and sons and daughters in one great company.
In the spring it had all been different: Bob had come north with his vagabond brothers a bit ahead of the sister-folk. And the vagabond brothers had been gay of garb—fresh black and white, with a touch of buff.[Pg 187] And Bob and his band had been gay of voice. The flock of them had gathered in tree-tops and flooded the day with such mellow18, laughing melodies as the world can have only in springtime—and only as long as the bobolinks last.
The ways of the springtime are for the spring, and those of the autumn for the fall of the year. So Bob, who, when northward bound a few months before, had taken part in the grand Festival of Song, now that he was southward bound, partook of the great Feast of the Vagabonds, giving himself whole-heartedly to each ceremony in turn, as a bobolink should, for such are the time-honored customs of his folk.
Honored for how long a time we do not know. Longer than the memory of man has known the rice-fields of South Carolina! Days long before that, when elephants trod upon that ground, did those great beasts hear the spring song of the bobolinks? Is the answer to that question buried in the rocks with the elephants? Bob didn't know. He flew over, with never a thought in his little head but for the Great Rice Trail leading him southward to Florida.
While there, some travelers would have gone about and watched men cut sponges, and have found out why Florida has a Spanish name. But not Bob! The Feast of the Vagabonds, which had lasted well-nigh all the way[Pg 188] from Maryland, was still being observed, and even the stupidest person can see that rice is better to eat than sponges or history.
Then, as suddenly as if their "Chink, chink, chink" meant "One, two, three, away we go," the long feast was over, and their great flight again called them to wing their way into the night. How they found Cuba through the darkness, without knowing one star from another; what brought them to an island in the midst of the water that was everywhere alike—no man knows. But in Cuba they landed in good health and spirits. This was in September,—a very satisfactory time for a bird-visit,—and Bob and his comrades spent some little time there, it being October, indeed, when they arrived on the island of Jamaica. Now Jamaica, so people say who know the place, has a comfortable climate and thrilling views; but it didn't satisfy Bob. Not for long! Something south of the Amazon kept calling to him. Something that had called to his father and to his grandfather and to all his ancestors, ever since bobolinks first flew from North America to South America once every year.
How many ages this has been, who knows? Perhaps ever since the icy glaciers19 left Maine and made a chance for summer meadows there. Long, long, long, it has been, that something south of the Amazon has called to bobolinks[Pg 189] and brought them on their way in the fall of the year. So the same impulse quickened Bob's heart that had stirred all his fathers, back through countless20 seasons. The same quiver for flight came to all the Band of Vagabonds. Was it homesickness? We do not know.
Something south of the Amazon kept calling to him. Something south of the Amazon kept calling to him.
We only know that a night came when Bob and his companions left the mountains of Jamaica below them and then behind them. Far, far behind them lay the island, and far, far ahead the coast they sought. Five hundred miles between Jamaica and a chance for rest or food. Five hundred miles; and the night lay about and[Pg 190] above them and the waters lay underneath21. The stars shone clear, but they knew not one from another. No guide, no pilot, no compass, such as we can understand, gave aid through the hours of their flight. But do you think they were afraid? Afraid of the dark, of the water, of the miles? Listen, in your fancy, and hear them call to one another. "Chink," they say; and though we do not know just what this means, we can tell from the sound that it is not a note of fear. And why fear? There was no storm to buffet22 them that night. They passed near no dazzling lighthouse, to bewilder them. No danger threatened, and something called them straight and steady on their way.
Oh, they were wonderful, that band! Perhaps among all living creatures of the world there is nothing more wonderful than a bird in his migrant flight—a bird whose blood is fresh with the air he breathes as only a bird can breathe; whose health is strong with the wholesome23 feast that he takes when and where he finds it; whose wings hold him in perfect flight through unweary miles; whose life is led, we know not how, on, on, on, and ever in the right direction.
Yes, Bob was wonderful when he flew from the mountains of Jamaica to the great savannas24 of Venezuela; but he made no fuss about it—seemed to feel no special pride. All he said was, "Chink," in the same matter-of-fact[Pg 191] way that his bobolink forefathers25 had spoken, back through all the years when they, too, had taken this same flight over sea in the course of their vagabond journey.
From Venezuela to Paraguay there was no more ocean to cross, and there were frequent places for rest when Bob and his band desired. Groves26 there were, strange groves—some where Brazil nuts grew, and some where oranges were as common as apples in New England. There were chocolate trees and banana palms. There were pepper bushes, gay as our holly28 trees at Christmastime. Great flowering trees held out their blossom cups to brilliant hummingbirds29 hovering31 by hundreds all about them. Was there one among them with a ruby32 throat, like that of the hummingbird30 who feasted in the Cardinal-Flower Path near Peter Piper's home? Maybe 't was the self-same bird—who knows? And let's see—Peter Piper himself would be coming soon, would he not, to teeter and picnic along some pleasant Brazilian shore?
Perhaps Bob and Peter and the hummingbird, who had been summer neighbors in North America, would meet again now and then in that far south country. But I do not think they would know each other if they did. They had all seemed too busy with their own affairs to get acquainted.[Pg 192]
Besides the groves where the nuts and fruit and flowers grew, the vagabonds passed over forests so dense33 and tangled34 that Bob caught never a glimpse of the monkeys playing there: big brown ones, with heads of hair that looked like wigs35, and tiny white ones, timid and gentle, and other kinds, too, all of them being very wise in their wild ways—as wise, perhaps, as a hand-organ monkey, and much, much happier.
No, I don't think Bob saw the monkeys, but he must have caught glimpses of some members of the Parrot Family, for there were so many of them; and I'm sure he heard the racket they made when they talked together. One kind had feathers soft as the blue of a pale hyacinth flower, and a beak36 strong enough to crush nuts so hard-shelled that a man could not easily crack them with a hammer. But all that was as nothing to Bob. For 't was not grove27 or forest or beast or bird that the vagabonds were seeking.
When they had crossed the Amazon River, some of the band stopped in places that seemed inviting37. But Bob and the rest of the company went on till they crossed the Paraguay River; and there, in the western part of that country, they made themselves at home. A strange, topsy-turvy land it is—as queer in some ways as the Wonderland Alice entered when she went through the Looking-Glass; for in Paraguay January comes in the[Pg 193] middle of summer; and the hot, muggy38 winds blow from the north; and the cool, refreshing39 breezes come from the south; and some of the wood is so heavy that it will not float in water; and the people make tea with dried holly leaves! But to the Band of Vagabond Bobolinks it was not topsy-turvy, for it was home; and they found the Paraguay prairies as well suited to the comforts of their January summer as the meadows of the North had been for their summer of June.
Bob was satisfied. He had flown four thousand miles from a meadow and had found a prairie! And if, in all that wonderful journey, he had not paid over much attention to anything along the way except swamps and marshes40, do not scorn him for that. Remember always that Bob found his prairie and that Peter found his shore.
It is somewhere written, "Seek and ye shall find." 'Tis so with the children of birds—they find what Nature has given them to seek. And is it so with the children of men? Never think that Nature has been less kind to boys and girls than to birds. Unto Bob was given the fields to seek, and he had no other choice. Unto Peter the shores, and that was all. But unto us is given a chance to choose what we will seek. If it is as far away as the prairies of Paraguay, shall we let a dauntless little vagabond put our faith to shame? If it is as near as our next-door meadow, shall we not find a full measure of happiness there—mixed with the bobolink's music of June?[Pg 194]
Nature has kept faith with him and brought him safely
back to his meadow. Nature has kept faith with him and brought him safely back to his meadow.
[Pg 195]
For Bob comes back to the North again, bringing with him springtime melodies, which poets sing about but no human voice can mimic41. Bob, who has dusted the dull tips from his feathers as he flew, and who, garbed42 for the brightness of our June, makes a joyful43 sound; for Nature has kept faith with him and brought him safely back to his meadow, though the journey from and to it numbered eight thousand miles!
His trail is the open lane of the air,
And the winds, they call him everywhere;
So he wings him North, dear burbling Bob,
With throat aquiver and heart athrob;
And he sings o' joy in the month of June
Enough to keep the year in tune.
Then, when the rollicking young of his kind
He leads them out over loitering ways
To wait till the laughter-like lilt of his song
Is ripe for the North again—missing him long!
The End
The End
1 honeymoon | |
n.蜜月(假期);vi.度蜜月 | |
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2 snug | |
adj.温暖舒适的,合身的,安全的;v.使整洁干净,舒适地依靠,紧贴;n.(英)酒吧里的私房 | |
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3 fully | |
adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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4 garb | |
n.服装,装束 | |
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5 gathering | |
n.集会,聚会,聚集 | |
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6 initiated | |
n. 创始人 adj. 新加入的 vt. 开始,创始,启蒙,介绍加入 | |
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7 tune | |
n.调子;和谐,协调;v.调音,调节,调整 | |
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8 chuckled | |
轻声地笑( chuckle的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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9 dozed | |
v.打盹儿,打瞌睡( doze的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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10 owl | |
n.猫头鹰,枭 | |
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11 tempt | |
vt.引诱,勾引,吸引,引起…的兴趣 | |
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12 tighten | |
v.(使)变紧;(使)绷紧 | |
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13 tugging | |
n.牵引感v.用力拉,使劲拉,猛扯( tug的现在分词 ) | |
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14 milky | |
adj.牛奶的,多奶的;乳白色的 | |
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15 relished | |
v.欣赏( relish的过去式和过去分词 );从…获得乐趣;渴望 | |
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16 northward | |
adv.向北;n.北方的地区 | |
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17 hue | |
n.色度;色调;样子 | |
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18 mellow | |
adj.柔和的;熟透的;v.变柔和;(使)成熟 | |
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19 glaciers | |
冰河,冰川( glacier的名词复数 ) | |
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20 countless | |
adj.无数的,多得不计其数的 | |
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21 underneath | |
adj.在...下面,在...底下;adv.在下面 | |
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22 buffet | |
n.自助餐;饮食柜台;餐台 | |
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23 wholesome | |
adj.适合;卫生的;有益健康的;显示身心健康的 | |
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24 savannas | |
n.(美国东南部的)无树平原( savanna的名词复数 );(亚)热带的稀树大草原 | |
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25 forefathers | |
n.祖先,先人;祖先,祖宗( forefather的名词复数 );列祖列宗;前人 | |
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26 groves | |
树丛,小树林( grove的名词复数 ) | |
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27 grove | |
n.林子,小树林,园林 | |
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28 holly | |
n.[植]冬青属灌木 | |
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29 hummingbirds | |
n.蜂鸟( hummingbird的名词复数 ) | |
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30 hummingbird | |
n.蜂鸟 | |
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31 hovering | |
鸟( hover的现在分词 ); 靠近(某事物); (人)徘徊; 犹豫 | |
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32 ruby | |
n.红宝石,红宝石色 | |
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33 dense | |
a.密集的,稠密的,浓密的;密度大的 | |
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34 tangled | |
adj. 纠缠的,紊乱的 动词tangle的过去式和过去分词 | |
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35 wigs | |
n.假发,法官帽( wig的名词复数 ) | |
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36 beak | |
n.鸟嘴,茶壶嘴,钩形鼻 | |
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37 inviting | |
adj.诱人的,引人注目的 | |
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38 muggy | |
adj.闷热的;adv.(天气)闷热而潮湿地;n.(天气)闷热而潮湿 | |
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39 refreshing | |
adj.使精神振作的,使人清爽的,使人喜欢的 | |
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40 marshes | |
n.沼泽,湿地( marsh的名词复数 ) | |
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41 mimic | |
v.模仿,戏弄;n.模仿他人言行的人 | |
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42 garbed | |
v.(尤指某类人穿的特定)服装,衣服,制服( garb的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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43 joyful | |
adj.欢乐的,令人欢欣的 | |
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44 yearn | |
v.想念;怀念;渴望 | |
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45 beckons | |
v.(用头或手的动作)示意,召唤( beckon的第三人称单数 ) | |
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46 luring | |
吸引,引诱(lure的现在分词形式) | |
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