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首页 » 英文短篇小说 » Mary: The Queen of the House of David and Mother of Jesus » CHAPTER XXXVIII. THE “LIGHT OF THE HAREM” IN “THE TEMPLE OF ALLEGORY.”
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 “Would I had fallen upon those happier days,
And those Arcadian scenes....
Vain wish! Those days were never! airy dreams
Sat for the picture, and the poet’s hand
Imposed a gay delirium1 for a truth.
Grant it; I still must envy them an age
That favored such a dream; in days like these
Impossible when virtue2 is so scarce,
That to suppose a scene where she presides
Is tramontane, and stumbles all belief.”
“The glory of the Lord came from the way of the east, ... and the earth shined with His glory. Thou son of man show the house to the house of Israel, that they may be ashamed of their iniquities3, and let them measure the pattern.”—Ezekiel, xliii.
“My Cornelius once said I might expend4 the fortune coming from my grandfather, Harrimai, as I chose.”
“Why, that’s so without my saying. I did not court your grandfather, nor his ownings, and have gotten affluence5 beyond the wildest dreams of a lover in Miriamne’s self.”
“I think the old church on the hill is smiling day by day, more and more.”
“I’ve noted6 the improvement, and it assures me our[549] hearers are growing. A meanly kept sanctuary7, witnesses of starved worshipers. Some churches might be called stables for all-devouring, nothing-giving, lean kine.”
“I’d like to be brought to confession8; question me!”
“Question? I can not doubt either Miriamne or her doings; to question, one must doubt.”
“Sir Courtly! But I’ll flank your courtesy; I’ve purchased and furbished up the old ecclesiastical pile.”
“I might have guessed it was Miriamne’s work! Now, good Bishop9 of Bethany, appoint me Rector.”
“Churchman forever! We’ll have no Rector.”
“No Rector? No sermons? No congregation?”
“We’ll have a multitude, if we can get into the place the God-shine; that brightens and draws ever.”
“Allurement by light! A new device. Are we to have a tryst10 where lotus-dreamers may take sun-baths?”
“Curiosity, too proud to question directly, travels around with banterings.”
“Incisive Miriamne, my ?gis, thin as paper, is shredded11: I confess!”
“Confession compels pardon and counsel. I’ll give both. The restored sanctuary is to be the capitol of our fraternity, the ‘Sisters of Bethany.’”
“Capitol? Are you inviting12 the Sultan to take your homes and your heads? A capitol sounds like politics, revolution and things governmental.”
“There is to be war and a revolution; our munitions13 are to be solely14 moral agencies; our aim, to revolve15 the world around toward Paradisiacal days. I’d have parting streams flow out from Bethany to water the earth, and sing anew the jubilant strains of Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel and Euphrates.”
“Arcadia! Alas16, how sad such dreams, because so impossible to realize. The Arcadians, so charming in the poet’s pictures, were, in fact, very warlike, very loutish17, very human.”
“Say not that what has been must always be. Moses, at a time when Israel was at its lowest dip, received of God a pattern of the Tabernacle. The God of Moses is unchangeable. I’ve gotten from Him a pattern, also.”
“And now I question, as you wish!”
“The old sanctuary is to be a ‘Temple of Allegory.’ We shall attempt therein to picture the finest truths by symbols that shall make them tangible18 and irresistible19.”
“A splendid ambition! Possess me of your intricacies of canon and catechism. I’d accept them.”
“You overlook our simplicity20 by expecting complexity21. We shall not walk like ghosts, hampered22 by the grave-clothes of the dead, though august forms. Seven words, enough for each day of the round week, are our whole profession: ‘Humanity toward humanity, with godliness toward God.’”
As they conversed23, they walked toward the old sanctuary at the suburbs of Bethany, and now were drawing near it.
“Behold, Miriamne, the Hospitaler; yonder.”
“Yes, I’ve called the knights24 hither; the Hospitaler will dedicate our temple to-day.”
“But has he ecclesiastical authority so to do?”
“The same authority that these growing shrubs26 and vines have to make the place beautiful. See, I’ve pierced the walls of the grim pile, wherever I could, to make a window. The Hospitaler is to take them for a theme.”
“Windows for themes?”
“He is able; and understands by them that we’d have let into musty beliefs floods of sweet light.”
“The knights are singing!”
“Yes, the Grail song, ‘Faint though pursuing;’ the dedication27 has commenced.”
The words sung recited the grail quest; but its chorus, a simple one, was much the same as that sung at the May-day festivities on a former occasion. The people gathered, heartily28 joined in the chorus. When the singing ceased, the Knight25, in his usual abrupt29 manner, began addressing the assembly:
“The beloved young missioners have undertaken, by means of their handiwork here, to strikingly present the noblest truths, and they have taken a step in the right direction. Love for the pictorial30, manifest especially in children, grows with growth; those adult needing and seeking, as they grow, finer, grander symbols. Our Divine Lord, who ‘knew men’ and ‘knew what was in man,’ did not rebuke31, but rather utilized32 this taste of man, by teaching the profoundest things of His Kingdom by means of it. He came as close as close could be to the very core of human life, as it was or to all time will be. While He might have navigated33 Galilee in a palatial34 barge35, borne over be-flowered waves by perfumed breezes and golden wings, with the aureoled spirits, ‘who do excel in strength,’ by thousands, to escort Him, He chose rather to journey in an all-winning humility36, borrowing, as He had need, the old boat of some poor Tiberian fisherman. He might have entered Jerusalem, that last time, in an Elijah-like chariot, dazzling the city with splendors37 surpassing those that the rapt John beheld38 on Patmos; but the King of Glory, seeking to be the King of all men, elected in that supreme39 moment to get near to men by approaching the august courts of Herod and Caiphas, and the commons as well, on an ass—an humble40 beast, and borrowed at that. All this allegorized the condescension41 and sympathy of Jehovah. The universe is full of patterns! The books of Nature, Revelation, and Providence42, having a common authority, are constant in the use of pictured truth. Nature gives us the dawning of light and the marshaling[552] of order out of darkness and chaos43. There is the low earth, the high firmament44, ripe summer going down into the winding45 sheets of winter and up to the resurrections of spring. Twig46, flower, seed, forest; insect that creeps, and bird that flies; the speck-life moved, and the behemoth; the atom and the planet-system—waning and growing, dying and living, from formlessness to beauty, from time to eternity47! Then take the inspired picture-history: Eden’s fall, Egyptian captivity48, the Red Sea passage, the wilderness49, the manna by the way, the rest by the Mount of the Law, the entrance to the Promised Land. Lastly, the Incarnate50 One, an eternal symbol, the realization51 and fulfillment of all preceding. ‘Which things are an allegory,’ exclaimed Paul, with a sweeping52 back-look. The three books present to the thoughtful pictured banners innumerable, to wave him onward53. This temple is dedicated54 to the purpose of pointing to these pictures. Fitly the ‘angels of the mount’ have determined55 to make prominent the beautiful, patient, modest Mary, Mother of Jesus. And to study her intelligently or profitably, it is necessary to know her not only as an historical personage, but as one in the cavalcade56 of symbolism unfolded by Sacred Writ57 and by Nature. She passes by, herself every way unique, the exemplar of God to those aspiring58 after gentle, devout59 girlhood, pure and wise maiden60-life, constant wifehood, and patient, consecrated61, and influential62 motherhood. Turn again to the Divine Word, the beacon63 of the ages, the history of Providence, the solver of life’s problems. It is made up of an entrancing array of symbols, types, prophetic dramas, and gorgeously constructed visions, constantly representing or dextrously pointing, by countless64 trophies65 and allegories, to its Ideal and Darling, Mary’s Son, who ‘spoke66 as man never spake, yet who without a parable67 spake nothing.’ Though the literary ages are strewn with long winrows of dead books, no work of man long surviving the mutations of time, God’s picturesque68 handiwork, the inspired volume, as potently69 molds the thoughts, charms the affections and quickens the hopes of our race with its tokens, types, idyls and illustration as it did when the earth was younger by far than it is now. It is a living fountain, not only giving, but retaining its immortality71! It abides72 because it masterfully deals with the things that pertain74 to the wonderland of the[553] soul. How necessary its methods is at once apparent to any one who considers, discerningly, man as a complex union of spirit and matter; wonderful forever, but ‘very good,’ since the All Holy, Great High Priest performed the nuptial75 ceremony of that union. If there could be found a being able to reason, as a man, who had not within himself this unity76, and who had never experienced its phenomena77, such would at once combat the possibility of its existence. Even those so organized, and momentarily realizing the jointure of the God-like spirit with the earthly body, the higher condescending78 to and communing with the inferior, the inferior at times over-persuading, dominating and utterly79 shipwrecking its great spiritual co-partner, are compelled to admit the whole as being a fact without parallel, alike inscrutable and bewildering. A life-time of profoundest introspection can carry the greatest mind, herein, only to the confines of new wonders. But the interest in the study of the unwritten, unvoiced language of symbolisms by which the wonderfully united twain, soul and body, confer and commune with each other deepens with the study. What a fine, expressive80, rapid, exact, exalted81 language that must be! To each well understood; without their arcana unknown, unheard, incomprehensible. And it is of necessity all symbol, natural, intuitive, without a single arbitrary sign! This sign-language acts by symbol in the royal temple of memory and imagination. And so again we perceive the representative, picturesque or typical is the medium of the fine, the deep and the lofty in expressing truth. This is the soul’s language, by which it communes with whatever else there is in man, through which it receives the songs of Heaven, and the august or tender messages of the Spirit, out of the deathless land.
“When this sphere of ours was rolling swiftly onward through the shadows of night, as well as swiftly downward through darker shadows of sin, Divine love said ‘Let there be light.’ Then the hosts of heaven saw at Bethlehem a mother and babe marking the place of world-dawn, unfolding the design of Deity83 to effect redemption by touching84 the race of man at infancy85; the most effective because the most plastic point; through motherhood the most influential because the tenderest instrumentality. The never-to-be-forgotten spectacle thrilled, with a new ecstasy86, the beings of[554] glory whose every throb87 of life is joy. They tracked the heavens about with light as they sped out to keep abreast88 the fleeing earth and shout over Bethlehem, ‘Glad tidings! Glad tidings!’ They saw Eden restored through the advent89 of a new, pure home; they saw a mystic covenant90 between God and man typified in the child begotten91 of a human mother in conjunction with the Eternal Father. By this there seemed to be an attesting92 that humanity was to be raised to Divine favor; there also was a symbol showing the value of law; for through the incarnation, Deity, in the form of a babe, became submissive to law administered by a mortal mother.
“He is blind who can not see in all these things God’s purpose to elect some of His creatures to be His co-laborers in the choicest co-operations, and also to be exemplars of what He does and would do. These things being so, we do well to learn the alphabet of His goodness from His elect heroes, heroines and saints; and I proclaim to-day my innermost belief in Christ as the argument, logic93 and fruit of God’s love; but, at the same time, I praise, as one enravished, the character of her who was God’s poem, God’s peroration94! We now proclaim this temple dedicated to the purposes of showing forth95 the things I have spoken.”
The Hospitaler abruptly96 ceased his address, as he began it. There were other services consisting of psalm-singing and prayers, and the service was ended.
As the congregation dispersed97, the young missioner, Cornelius, exclaimed: “Miriamne, the Hospitaler has awakened98 me as from sleep by God’s truth. Oh, the heavens are not as full of shining stars as God’s truth is full of beauty! It seems strange that men like myself, and wiser, are so long in bringing these things to their minds. You, my dear little mystic, are my interpreter.
“It’s just as I told you, wife. We must go in pairs. In the Egyptian mythologies99, Osiris had his Isis, Amen-Ra his Maut, and Kneph his Sate100. Thank God I have my adolescent other self!”
“I, a woman, help you? My sex is honored by the praise. Are they worthy101 of all they need? Is it madness to seek to gather all women having gifts and needs into a helped and helping102 fraternity whose creed103 is a fine example? If I help Cornelius, cannot a peerless one like Mary help all?”
“Pardon the thought, but one word haunts me—idolatry!”
“Impossible! We all need soul company, and have room within for such. We must have an inner population of real heroines and heroes or be filled with ghosts and myths. The empty soul, eaten up with self-worship, goes mad; the myth-possessed becomes an idolater. If we harbor the God-like, keeping the highest place for Deity, our inner selves will be no hideous105 chambers106 of imagery, but a counterpart of heaven.”
“But some have fallen into putting Mary before Jesus, and so we’ve seen the advent of Mariolatry.”
“But this only, and surely, here I know, no friend of the Divine Son can dethrone Him by honoring her, aright; indeed, as He, Himself, did. It was of Him she spoke when exclaiming: ‘My soul doth rejoice in God my Savior!’ Can one truly honor Him and despise and ignore the woman who gave Him human birth? Can one have His mind and forget her for whom love was uppermost to Him in His supreme last hours? Can one honor her aright, and yet dethrone the Son whom she enthroned? She bore Him, then lived for Him. She honored herself in bearing Him, and was His mother, His teacher and His disciple107. He revered109 her, she worshiped Him. Awed110 by His augustness, she was yet conscious of an ownership of[556] His greatness; believing in His divinity, she yet enjoyed the nearness to Him of a mother.”
“I can not but believe that she is a queen, indeed, high among the glorified111 who reign112 with God! I question again: Who ever did, or could, become heretic or carnal by sincerely revering113 the peerless woman whom Christ enthroned on His heart?”
“I know at least that the fathers at imperial and pagan Rome placed a representation of Mary in their Pantheon when public policy made it an imperative114 necessity to overthrow115 the influence of the lewd116, fanciful and ungodly ideals that had been set up therein,” responded Cornelius.
“The world is a Pantheon full of corrupt117 ideas. Let us raise high the choice ones God has sent us—But see, yonder is the wife of a poor old Druse camel-driver. She was once a sinner in the streets of Jerusalem. Now she is a Sister of Bethany, allured118 to goodness by our Temple’s allegories!”
“A woman that was a sinner, a scarlet119 woman?”
“Only such. No; all of that! One woman; a lost one? How little to man; how much to God! Had nothing else been done, heaven would have been set singing, as ever, over a sinner’s return. That’s reward enough for all we’ve attempted.”
“Now I’m interested, indeed!”
“Well you may be, when you hear all. We’ve here one once a harem beauty, who, having lost her power to fascinate, was committing her life to that hag-cunning belonging to old women who supplement their decaying power by wickedness, fox-like and serpentine120.”
“The old, old story; yet I thank God if her life be sweetened.”
“Hers is a strange story.”
“May I know it?”
“Yes; it is, as I’ve gathered it in scraps121, a sad romance. She was born of Georgian parents, among the mountains of Armenia, and gifted, in her youth, as are most of those of her sex in that country, with unusual personal beauty. She early attracted the attention of the monsters who dealt in human flesh, and a Georgian noble unrighteously claiming her family as his serfs, bartered122 away Nourahmal to merchants seeking recruits for Mameluke harems. She became, in time, part of the retinue123 of a sheik by the name of Azrael, a desperate adventurer, who, on account of his blood-deeds, was called by his followers124 the ‘Angel of Death,’ His luxurious126 and desperate way of living justified127 his claim to Turkish extraction; his adroitness128 and avidity for intrigue129 stamped him as a Mameluke.”
“Nourahmal? Azrael? Why, these must be the same of whom I’ve heard Sir Charleroy speak?” queried130 Cornelius.
“The same!”
“She comes out of the past as one from the dead!”
“And her story is a series of strange events. It is as follows: Azrael suspected her of having abetted131 the escape of my father and Ichabod, therefore determined to kill her. She gained a temporary respite132 through having saved her master’s life from an assassin plotting to supplant133 him; though she periled134 her own in so doing.
“As Azrael awaited her recovery from the wounds she had suffered in his behalf, he devised another scheme which he hoped would compass his favorite’s destruction[558] and his own elevation135. He was ambitious to be Sherif of Mecca. To attain136 that honor he saw he must needs do something to enhance his popularity greatly with his Mohammedan followers, and so conceived the plan of getting into his power, Harrimai of the Jews and Adolphus of the Christians138. His purpose was to rack those two leaders into apostasy139 and the betrayal of their followers. Had he succeeded, the event would have been crushing to Jews and Christians east of Jordan. He promised Nourahmal her freedom and restoration to her Georgian home if she aided him in his design; though he did not disclose his purpose to her beyond that of securing the presence of Von Gombard and Harrimai in his camp. She felt that there was some malign140, hidden purpose in her master’s breast, but deemed it expedient141, at the outset, to seem to co-operate in his plan.”
“But how was the sheik using his strategy against Nourahmal?”
“As a fiend! He, having no conception of a friendship between a man and a woman that was pure and free from intrigue, suspected the relations between his favorite and Ichabod. He thought the two only needed the opportunity to precipitate142 into perfidy143. He laid his plan darkly, and, leaving a trusty follower125 to carry it out, hastened forward to Mecca.”
“But surely, Nourahmal was not what he thought her!”
“No; though training her as a plastic child, he judged she was what he had tried to make her; at her worst she was. But let me continue. The assault on my parents and Ichabod, on the road between Gerash and Bozrah, was the opening of the drama. The plan then was to[559] seize Rizpah, and under pretense144 of negotiating for her ransom145, inveigle146 Harrimai into the hands of Azrael’s followers. Nourahmal was to aid in this by affecting tears, pleading for pity and suggesting the sending for the girl’s father.”
“What besetments perilous148 we pass through, all unknown to us! Harrimai and your parents, to their death, never suspected the devices worked against them!”
“Nor dreamed that a harem favorite, a mere149 girl, and an utter stranger to them, was their good angel!”
“Good angel! How?”
“She witnessed the assault from behind a sequestering150 wall, in company with a follower of the sheik, commissioned to kill her instantly if she faltered151 in the part appointed her. This infernal guard was also charged to insinuate152 into her mind the feasibility of elopement with Ichabod. If she could be compromised, Azrael knew he could justify153 her death to those who remembered her heroic defense154 of himself. That was to follow as soon as she had done her part in inveigling155 Harrimai to Azrael’s camp.”
“A demonstration156 of a personal devil, Miriamne.”
“I’d say rather of an overruling God.”
“How fared Nourahmal after Azrael’s chagrin157?”
“Cornelius anticipates me. When she saw Ichabod fall, a sudden desire for liberty for herself and to help the imperiled Rizpah, prompted her to drive a dagger158 into the heart of her guard and cry, ‘Rescuers come!’ That cry drove the remnants of the assailers of Sir Charleroy to sudden flight. She asserted to the fugitives159 that Laconic160, the new runner, just passing, had[560] slain161 her guard, and so allayed162 suspicion until opportunity of escape came. She soon made her way to Bozrah, where she found among the Christians a temporary home. From thence she drifted into Jerusalem.”
“’Twas strange she did not turn toward Gerash.”
“I said as much to her, but desire to get as far as possible from Azrael, and as near as possible to the Holy City, of which Ichabod had so glowingly spoken to her, determined her course; besides that, Ichabod being dead, Gerash was a strange place to her—Jerusalem seemed to her, she said, near heaven.”
“Had she only known it, she was near heaven in Bozrah, being near Von Gombard.”
“Her story weaves a chaplet for his tomb to-day; for now it appears that from Nourahmal the old priest foreknew the intention of those Saracens, who assailed163 the city that day I was with him. Though they designed capturing him to put him on the rack, he rushed into the conflict, crying, ‘Kill the foe164 with kindness!’ The assault would have been fatal to Bozrah, too, had not the leader of one of the invading bands ordered a retreat, just at the point of victory. This was indirectly165 Nourahmal’s work; for that leader had been won by her to esteem166 Christians far enough to be unwilling167 to murder them, though not adverse168 to plundering169 them. That was a great improvement in a Mohammedan.”
“And Nourahmal knows from you that you are Sir Charleroy’s daughter?”
“Yes, by that I won her confidence. Indeed, she began this confidence at first, by saying, ‘I love you, because you so remind me, angel of the mount, of a Christian137 knight, who was the dear friend of the only pure and unselfish man I knew in all my youth! Such[561] words led to questions and explanations. The rest you know.”
“And you have allured, comforted and enlightened her?”
“By God’s help, I have. I have told her of the universal sisterhood, of all women, who take as their exemplar the worthy mother of the One who proclaimed the universal brotherhood170 of man. This knowledge is her joy and inspiration. When I am with her, she never tires of hearing of the ‘Queen of David’s House,’ the mother of mothers.”
“But how have you allured her hither, Miriamne?”
“You have questioned curiously171 with your eyes, at least, concerning those gated alcoves173 and curtained balconies in our Temple of Allegory. They helped her!”
“Since you say they are not ‘Confessionals,’ as I call them, tell me what they are?”
“‘Rock clefts’ our sisterhood calls them; some are doors to little adjacent chapels174; some are quiet resting places, where, in impressive solitude175, souls in prayer may find the mountain manna, for which the Savior sought in many a lone176 night-watching; and some are places where are presented, under entrancing symbols, exalting177 truths.”
“Words have failed to turn the world to faith: may signs do better.”
“I’ve put truth into visible form, that they who get it here may learn that truth thus is only up to its full might. I’d have my followers believe in visible, not phantom178, truth; so believing, truth will not be a ghostly proclamation, the toy of the mind, but a force moving hands and hearts!”
“And you have met Nourahmal’s case?”
“Yes; fully73 in what we call the ‘Lover’s Bower179,’ yonder. Remember she has been the victim of mock love, from first to last.”
“The ‘Lover’s Bower’?”
“Behold the trophy180 and the bower! There is Nourahmal, now rapturously contemplating181 the picture of Joseph putting the ring of espousal on the hand of the Virgin182 Mary.”
“Nourahmal? That gray-haired, hard-faced woman, holding the hand of a charming girl?”
“That is Nourahmal; the younger woman is Beulah, her grand-daughter; they two are almost inseparable now.”
“An oleander by a limestone183 cliff! And so she takes her station by a scene of betrothal184, forgetting that hymen’s altars can be fired by youth alone!”
“The world says so; but yet a disappointed life may sometimes learn why it has been a failure, by studying the ashes of time gone in the light of quickened memories.”
“What finds Nourahmal there?”
“Golden lessons. First for her grand-daughter, her idol104. She never tires of saying before yon picture to that maiden now her charge: ‘My flower, my lamb, be always as pure as the espoused185 of Joseph, and you will be a jewel which your husband, if he be a true man, will ever proudly wear on as his heart. My flower, my lamb, no woman should leave all for any man, unless she is certain of finding in him father, mother, brother, sister, companion, as Mary found in Joseph!’”
“But how did these things bless Nourahmal herself?”
“Love counterfeited186, blasted her life. She believed that it was only gross passion masquerading in attractive, delusive187 colors. So believing, it was difficult to tell her of the Love of God so she could realize its wealth. Love was only great selfishness, excited and persistent188, to her mind. It was something to teach her that the genuine affection was utterly otherwise; in fact the foundation and crown of all the noblest sentiments implanted by God in His choicest creations.
“I have sought to allegorize here, true affection in all its perfection. It seems to be fitting to do so, for my ideal queen was ruled by it. She never could have loved to the depths she did, as a mother, if she had not had within her being all the possibilities of woman’s love. And in a rightly balanced woman love is all-impressive, all-controlling; with her worship is loving and loving is worship. Here I shall seek to refine that sentiment in the hearts of my sisters until each becomes an evangel in its behalf. Then mankind will understand the wealth a woman bestows189 on the man that wins her. There is nothing in her career that surpasses it, except that sovereign act wherein she lays herself a convert on God’s altar. I am seeking to exalt82 this sacred act, the loving of the gentler sex, until all men, brought to revere108 it as they ought, shall become true knights; until society shall be of one mind in crying traitor190 to every man that contemns191 it in wedlock192, and ready to lash193 naked around the world every betrayer who awakens194 it in innocency195 to lead it astray.”
“I can only again exclaim, oh! how full of flowers and honey is my Miriamne’s creed and gospel!”
“And the churchman so exclaims because I’ve put love where God put it, at the front of religion’s cohorts![564] Can there be a religion worth the name that does not masterfully meet the requirements of the relations most sacred between human beings?”
As she spoke she led her husband under the splendid painting of Joseph espousing196 Mary, toward the entrance of the bower, remarking: “This vestibule, from the Roman word Vesta, Goddess of Purity, is suggestive. Rome placed Vesta among the household gods, and was wont197 to have an altar at every outer door. If Purity guard the door, Light and Love will dwell within. See the laurel, emblem198 of victory, as the ancients put it by Purity’s altar; so do I. Love, when pure, is all-victorious!”
“Miriamne, these old truths seem to me very charming as you now present them; but can Nourahmal and others like her enter into their meaning?”
“A pious199 saint of our church says that the star which guided to Bethlehem finally sank into a spring, where it may be yet seen by women if they be pure.”
As they thus communed he passed through an arched doorway200, and was admitted to a grand court, three sides of which were inclosed by the temple and two of its wings, the fourth side hedged by palms, vine-interlaced. The sky was the roof, the carpet the floor of that country. Just in front of the palm-hedge, on a grassy201 hillock, conspicuous202 beyond all else, was a colossal203 stone face. It seemed as if it had emerged from the earth, bald of all life—desolation expressed in mute stone.
“Astarte here!” exclaimed Cornelius.
“Yes; that’s part of my Bashan inheritance, from Kunawat, the land of Job.”
“A woman and a devil beset147 him; (the two are in this[565] face, methinks). Its hideousness204, as its import, seems inappropriate in Love’s Bower.”
“Yes, ’tis hideous now, though once the face had beauty. It is not futile205 for young-love to remember that time gouges206 deformity into beautifulness, nor for all to remember how the Kings of the East in Moses’ time overthrew207 the Rephaim, the fallen giant followers of the goddess. The East is the home of light, and light is fateful to evil lives. Where are the Astarte-devotees now?”
As the man listened his eyes wandered to the place where the palm grove208 came up against the temple wing, and there he observed a purling ribband of water.
“Cornelius sees my poem of silver. It comes from a grove of cedars209 and sharon roses, out of a spring in the bosom210 of a hill. Look the other way. It passes under the alcove172, under the temple wall; a short, dark passage brings it to liberty, ending in the Virgin’s Pool of Kidron. The sun allures211 it up to the clouds at last. But listen; it sings as it runs!”
“I hear many blending melodies.”
“Do you see that canopied212 dais? There the instructor213, or preacher if you will, stands. The stream passes near it, getting impulse by a fall; true love is speeded when it runs by truth. That’s my lesson. Then there are ?olian harps214 this side and that of the dark alcove, the latter the type of the tomb.”
“But why?”
“True love has music both sides of the grave.”
“Interpreter, say.”
“But I hear the songs of birds?”
“There they are, this side the dark exit: but in a[566] cage, supported above the current by an hour-glass and sickle215.”
“Grim emblems216.”
“Yes; but it’s a grim truth that love’s joy notes here are caged, hampered and transitory. The hour-glass and sickle are, when those notes are sung, ever.
“Look to the West.”
“I look, and see nothing but the picture of a sunset.”
“Yes, and that curtains the ‘Rest of the Aged’ in our temple.”
“But whither am I led by these words?”
“Led to look toward sunset, for morning, by faith. You remember the Christ was never old; neither are they who draw their life from Him. The ‘Ancient of Days’ not only has, but gives, eternal youth. Oh, there were young men at His sepulcher217; yet those angels could count their years by centuries! Let the hour-glass make record and the sickle reap; the passion flower recalls a vernal life, where the oldest saints are the youngest, where all existence is growth, refreshment218, glory, exultation219! There, love is law and law is love, and to love is to live and to live is to love. We get a breath of this life here as we enter the vicinage of the immortal70 pair, Jesus and Mary; and we get a distant view of the whole from the mountains of the gospel.”
“I believe, and yet sometimes start back at the question, ‘What if, after all, at the end almost of eternities there come monotony, decadence220, satiety—death?’ Next after hell, and nigh as horrible, is annihilation; and worst of all, eternal existence with nothing for which to strive—a living death!”
“They say, that in Egypt, a palm bowed to give shade to the mother, Mary; while the aspen refused to her any comfort. Then Christ blessed the palm and it became the fruitful evergreen221, while the aspen leaf is fated to the end of time by constant tremblings to betoken222 the agues of a cursed life. But, under the sun in submission223, our aspen lives are turned to palms! We, having His life, need never tremble at death, for we shall ever throb with a loving like His.”
“But there are many conditions and needs to womankind. Let us speak of these, since the present is hers, the future God’s.”
“The knights vainly tried swords; my King promised to draw all men to Himself. You told me how Sir Galahad, the pure knight, had made, about the Holy Grail, when he found it, a chest of precious stones and gold. Now, I’ve found the virgin pattern of perfection, representative of the human-like beating heart of God. Here I’ve set her, exalted her. This shall be her golden precious palace. Though dead, here shall be presented in the grandeur224 of her character, the sweetness of her power. By and by, it may come about that all mankind akin225, shall make it the chief duty of Church and State, to care, with a loyal tenderness, for all women, all children, from first and last; that not one such shall be left miserable226. That will be the world obeying the Crucified’s, ‘Behold thy mother.’”


1 delirium 99jyh     
n. 神智昏迷,说胡话;极度兴奋
  • In her delirium, she had fallen to the floor several times. 她在神志不清的状态下几次摔倒在地上。
  • For the next nine months, Job was in constant delirium.接下来的九个月,约伯处于持续精神错乱的状态。
2 virtue BpqyH     
  • He was considered to be a paragon of virtue.他被认为是品德尽善尽美的典范。
  • You need to decorate your mind with virtue.你应该用德行美化心灵。
3 iniquities 64116d334f7ffbcd1b5716b03314bda3     
n.邪恶( iniquity的名词复数 );极不公正
  • The preacher asked God to forgive us our sins and wash away our iniquities. 牧师乞求上帝赦免我们的罪过,涤荡我们的罪孽。 来自辞典例句
  • If thou, Lord shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? 3主―耶和华啊,你若究察罪孽,谁能站得住呢? 来自互联网
4 expend Fmwx6     
  • Don't expend all your time on such a useless job.不要把时间消耗在这种无用的工作上。
  • They expend all their strength in trying to climb out.他们费尽全力想爬出来。
5 affluence lx4zf     
  • Their affluence is more apparent than real.他们的富有是虚有其表。
  • There is a lot of affluence in this part of the state because it has many businesses.这个州的这一部分相当富有,因为它有很多商行。
6 noted 5n4zXc     
  • The local hotel is noted for its good table.当地的那家酒店以餐食精美而著称。
  • Jim is noted for arriving late for work.吉姆上班迟到出了名。
7 sanctuary iCrzE     
  • There was a sanctuary of political refugees behind the hospital.医院后面有一个政治难民的避难所。
  • Most countries refuse to give sanctuary to people who hijack aeroplanes.大多数国家拒绝对劫机者提供庇护。
8 confession 8Ygye     
  • Her confession was simply tantamount to a casual explanation.她的自白简直等于一篇即席说明。
  • The police used torture to extort a confession from him.警察对他用刑逼供。
9 bishop AtNzd     
  • He was a bishop who was held in reverence by all.他是一位被大家都尊敬的主教。
  • Two years after his death the bishop was canonised.主教逝世两年后被正式封为圣者。
10 tryst lmowP     
  • It has been said that art is a tryst,for in the joy of it maker and beholder meet.有人说艺术是一种幽会,因为艺术家和欣赏者可在幽会的乐趣中相遇在一起。
  • Poor Mr. Sanford didn't stand a chance of keeping his tryst secret.可怜的桑福德根本不可能会守住自己幽会的秘密。
11 shredded d51bccc81979c227d80aa796078813ac     
  • Serve the fish on a bed of shredded lettuce. 先铺一层碎生菜叶,再把鱼放上,就可以上桌了。
  • I think Mapo beancurd and shredded meat in chilli sauce are quite special. 我觉得麻婆豆腐和鱼香肉丝味道不错。 来自《简明英汉词典》
12 inviting CqIzNp     
  • An inviting smell of coffee wafted into the room.一股诱人的咖啡香味飘进了房间。
  • The kitchen smelled warm and inviting and blessedly familiar.这间厨房的味道温暖诱人,使人感到亲切温馨。
13 munitions FnZzbl     
  • The army used precision-guided munitions to blow up enemy targets.军队用精确瞄准的枪炮炸掉敌方目标。
  • He rose [made a career for himself] by dealing in munitions.他是靠贩卖军火发迹的。
14 solely FwGwe     
  • Success should not be measured solely by educational achievement.成功与否不应只用学业成绩来衡量。
  • The town depends almost solely on the tourist trade.这座城市几乎完全靠旅游业维持。
15 revolve NBBzX     
  • The planets revolve around the sun.行星绕着太阳运转。
  • The wheels began to revolve slowly.车轮开始慢慢转动。
16 alas Rx8z1     
  • Alas!The window is broken!哎呀!窗子破了!
  • Alas,the truth is less romantic.然而,真理很少带有浪漫色彩。
17 loutish SAvxy     
  • He was not as loutish as his manner suggested.他举止粗野,但人不是那样的。
  • I was appalled by the loutish behaviour.这种粗野行为令我大为震惊。
18 tangible 4IHzo     
  • The policy has not yet brought any tangible benefits.这项政策还没有带来任何实质性的好处。
  • There is no tangible proof.没有确凿的证据。
19 irresistible n4CxX     
  • The wheel of history rolls forward with an irresistible force.历史车轮滚滚向前,势不可挡。
  • She saw an irresistible skirt in the store window.她看见商店的橱窗里有一条叫人着迷的裙子。
20 simplicity Vryyv     
  • She dressed with elegant simplicity.她穿着朴素高雅。
  • The beauty of this plan is its simplicity.简明扼要是这个计划的一大特点。
21 complexity KO9z3     
  • Only now did he understand the full complexity of the problem.直到现在他才明白这一问题的全部复杂性。
  • The complexity of the road map puzzled me.错综复杂的公路图把我搞糊涂了。
22 hampered 3c5fb339e8465f0b89285ad0a790a834     
妨碍,束缚,限制( hamper的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The search was hampered by appalling weather conditions. 恶劣的天气妨碍了搜寻工作。
  • So thought every harassed, hampered, respectable boy in St. Petersburg. 圣彼德堡镇的那些受折磨、受拘束的体面孩子们个个都是这么想的。
23 conversed a9ac3add7106d6e0696aafb65fcced0d     
v.交谈,谈话( converse的过去式 )
  • I conversed with her on a certain problem. 我与她讨论某一问题。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • She was cheerful and polite, and conversed with me pleasantly. 她十分高兴,也很客气,而且愉快地同我交谈。 来自辞典例句
24 knights 2061bac208c7bdd2665fbf4b7067e468     
骑士; (中古时代的)武士( knight的名词复数 ); 骑士; 爵士; (国际象棋中)马
  • stories of knights and fair maidens 关于骑士和美女的故事
  • He wove a fascinating tale of knights in shining armour. 他编了一个穿着明亮盔甲的骑士的迷人故事。
25 knight W2Hxk     
  • He was made an honourary knight.他被授予荣誉爵士称号。
  • A knight rode on his richly caparisoned steed.一个骑士骑在装饰华丽的马上。
26 shrubs b480276f8eea44e011d42320b17c3619     
灌木( shrub的名词复数 )
  • The gardener spent a complete morning in trimming those two shrubs. 园丁花了整个上午的时间修剪那两处灌木林。
  • These shrubs will need more light to produce flowering shoots. 这些灌木需要更多的光照才能抽出开花的新枝。
27 dedication pxMx9     
  • We admire her courage,compassion and dedication.我们钦佩她的勇气、爱心和奉献精神。
  • Her dedication to her work was admirable.她对工作的奉献精神可钦可佩。
28 heartily Ld3xp     
  • He ate heartily and went out to look for his horse.他痛快地吃了一顿,就出去找他的马。
  • The host seized my hand and shook it heartily.主人抓住我的手,热情地和我握手。
29 abrupt 2fdyh     
  • The river takes an abrupt bend to the west.这河突然向西转弯。
  • His abrupt reply hurt our feelings.他粗鲁的回答伤了我们的感情。
30 pictorial PuWy6     
  • The had insisted on a full pictorial coverage of the event.他们坚持要对那一事件做详尽的图片报道。
  • China Pictorial usually sells out soon after it hits the stands.《人民画报》往往一到报摊就销售一空。
31 rebuke 5Akz0     
v.指责,非难,斥责 [反]praise
  • He had to put up with a smart rebuke from the teacher.他不得不忍受老师的严厉指责。
  • Even one minute's lateness would earn a stern rebuke.哪怕迟到一分钟也将受到严厉的斥责。
32 utilized a24badb66c4d7870fd211f2511461fff     
v.利用,使用( utilize的过去式和过去分词 )
  • In the19th century waterpower was widely utilized to generate electricity. 在19世纪人们大规模使用水力来发电。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The empty building can be utilized for city storage. 可以利用那栋空建筑物作城市的仓库。 来自《简明英汉词典》
33 navigated f7986e1365f5d08b7ef8f2073a90bf4e     
v.给(船舶、飞机等)引航,导航( navigate的过去式和过去分词 );(从海上、空中等)横越;横渡;飞跃
  • He navigated the plane through the clouds. 他驾驶飞机穿越云层。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The ship was navigated by the North Star. 那只船靠北极星来导航。 来自《简明英汉词典》
34 palatial gKhx0     
  • Palatial office buildings are being constructed in the city.那个城市正在兴建一些宫殿式办公大楼。
  • He bought a palatial house.他买了套富丽堂皇的大房子。
35 barge munzH     
  • The barge was loaded up with coal.那艘驳船装上了煤。
  • Carrying goods by train costs nearly three times more than carrying them by barge.通过铁路运货的成本比驳船运货成本高出近3倍。
36 humility 8d6zX     
  • Humility often gains more than pride.谦逊往往比骄傲收益更多。
  • His voice was still soft and filled with specious humility.他的声音还是那么温和,甚至有点谦卑。
37 splendors 9604948927e16d12b7c4507da39c016a     
n.华丽( splendor的名词复数 );壮丽;光辉;显赫
  • The sun rose presently and sent its unobstructed splendors over the land. 没多大工夫,太阳就出来了,毫无阻碍,把它的光华异彩散布在大地之上。 来自辞典例句
  • Her mortal frame could not endure the splendors of the immortal radiance. 她那世人的肉身禁不住炽热的神光。 来自辞典例句
38 beheld beheld     
v.看,注视( behold的过去式和过去分词 );瞧;看呀;(叙述中用于引出某人意外的出现)哎哟
  • His eyes had never beheld such opulence. 他从未见过这样的财富。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The soul beheld its features in the mirror of the passing moment. 灵魂在逝去的瞬间的镜子中看到了自己的模样。 来自英汉文学 - 红字
39 supreme PHqzc     
  • It was the supreme moment in his life.那是他一生中最重要的时刻。
  • He handed up the indictment to the supreme court.他把起诉书送交最高法院。
40 humble ddjzU     
  • In my humble opinion,he will win the election.依我拙见,他将在选举中获胜。
  • Defeat and failure make people humble.挫折与失败会使人谦卑。
41 condescension JYMzw     
  • His politeness smacks of condescension. 他的客气带有屈尊俯就的意味。
  • Despite its condescension toward the Bennet family, the letter begins to allay Elizabeth's prejudice against Darcy. 尽管这封信对班纳特家的态度很高傲,但它开始消除伊丽莎白对达西的偏见。
42 providence 8tdyh     
  • It is tempting Providence to go in that old boat.乘那艘旧船前往是冒大险。
  • To act as you have done is to fly in the face of Providence.照你的所作所为那样去行事,是违背上帝的意志的。
43 chaos 7bZyz     
  • After the failure of electricity supply the city was in chaos.停电后,城市一片混乱。
  • The typhoon left chaos behind it.台风后一片混乱。
44 firmament h71yN     
  • There are no stars in the firmament.天空没有一颗星星。
  • He was rich,and a rising star in the political firmament.他十分富有,并且是政治高层一颗冉冉升起的新星。
45 winding Ue7z09     
  • A winding lane led down towards the river.一条弯弯曲曲的小路通向河边。
  • The winding trail caused us to lose our orientation.迂回曲折的小道使我们迷失了方向。
46 twig VK1zg     
  • He heard the sharp crack of a twig.他听到树枝清脆的断裂声。
  • The sharp sound of a twig snapping scared the badger away.细枝突然折断的刺耳声把獾惊跑了。
47 eternity Aiwz7     
  • The dull play seemed to last an eternity.这场乏味的剧似乎演个没完没了。
  • Finally,Ying Tai and Shan Bo could be together for all of eternity.英台和山伯终能双宿双飞,永世相随。
48 captivity qrJzv     
  • A zoo is a place where live animals are kept in captivity for the public to see.动物园是圈养动物以供公众观看的场所。
  • He was held in captivity for three years.他被囚禁叁年。
49 wilderness SgrwS     
  • She drove the herd of cattle through the wilderness.她赶着牛群穿过荒野。
  • Education in the wilderness is not a matter of monetary means.荒凉地区的教育不是钱财问题。
50 incarnate dcqzT     
  • She was happiness incarnate.她是幸福的化身。
  • That enemy officer is a devil incarnate.那个敌军军官简直是魔鬼的化身。
51 realization nTwxS     
  • We shall gladly lend every effort in our power toward its realization.我们将乐意为它的实现而竭尽全力。
  • He came to the realization that he would never make a good teacher.他逐渐认识到自己永远不会成为好老师。
52 sweeping ihCzZ4     
  • The citizens voted for sweeping reforms.公民投票支持全面的改革。
  • Can you hear the wind sweeping through the branches?你能听到风掠过树枝的声音吗?
53 onward 2ImxI     
  • The Yellow River surges onward like ten thousand horses galloping.黄河以万马奔腾之势滚滚向前。
  • He followed in the steps of forerunners and marched onward.他跟随着先辈的足迹前进。
54 dedicated duHzy2     
  • He dedicated his life to the cause of education.他献身于教育事业。
  • His whole energies are dedicated to improve the design.他的全部精力都放在改进这项设计上了。
55 determined duszmP     
  • I have determined on going to Tibet after graduation.我已决定毕业后去西藏。
  • He determined to view the rooms behind the office.他决定查看一下办公室后面的房间。
56 cavalcade NUNyv     
  • A cavalcade processed through town.马车队列队从城里经过。
  • The cavalcade drew together in silence.马队在静默中靠拢在一起。
57 writ iojyr     
  • This is a copy of a writ I received this morning.这是今早我收到的书面命令副本。
  • You shouldn't treat the newspapers as if they were Holy Writ. 你不应该把报上说的话奉若神明。
58 aspiring 3y2zps     
  • Aspiring musicians need hours of practice every day. 想当音乐家就要每天练许多小时。
  • He came from an aspiring working-class background. 他出身于有抱负的工人阶级家庭。 来自辞典例句
59 devout Qlozt     
adj.虔诚的,虔敬的,衷心的 (n.devoutness)
  • His devout Catholicism appeals to ordinary people.他对天主教的虔诚信仰感染了普通民众。
  • The devout man prayed daily.那位虔诚的男士每天都祈祷。
60 maiden yRpz7     
  • The prince fell in love with a fair young maiden.王子爱上了一位年轻美丽的少女。
  • The aircraft makes its maiden flight tomorrow.这架飞机明天首航。
61 consecrated consecrated     
adj.神圣的,被视为神圣的v.把…奉为神圣,给…祝圣( consecrate的过去式和过去分词 );奉献
  • The church was consecrated in 1853. 这座教堂于1853年祝圣。
  • They consecrated a temple to their god. 他们把庙奉献给神。 来自《简明英汉词典》
62 influential l7oxK     
  • He always tries to get in with the most influential people.他总是试图巴结最有影响的人物。
  • He is a very influential man in the government.他在政府中是个很有影响的人物。
63 beacon KQays     
  • The blink of beacon could be seen for miles.灯塔的光亮在数英里之外都能看见。
  • The only light over the deep black sea was the blink shone from the beacon.黑黢黢的海面上唯一的光明就只有灯塔上闪现的亮光了。
64 countless 7vqz9L     
  • In the war countless innocent people lost their lives.在这场战争中无数无辜的人丧失了性命。
  • I've told you countless times.我已经告诉你无数遍了。
65 trophies e5e690ffd5b76ced5606f229288652f6     
n.(为竞赛获胜者颁发的)奖品( trophy的名词复数 );奖杯;(尤指狩猎或战争中获得的)纪念品;(用于比赛或赛跑名称)奖
  • His football trophies were prominently displayed in the kitchen. 他的足球奖杯陈列在厨房里显眼的位置。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The hunter kept the lion's skin and head as trophies. 这猎人保存狮子的皮和头作为纪念品。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
66 spoke XryyC     
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
67 parable R4hzI     
  • This is an ancient parable.这是一个古老的寓言。
  • The minister preached a sermon on the parable of the lost sheep.牧师讲道时用了亡羊的比喻。
68 picturesque qlSzeJ     
  • You can see the picturesque shores beside the river.在河边你可以看到景色如画的两岸。
  • That was a picturesque phrase.那是一个形象化的说法。
69 potently 1a9b4b339ceef65b2df05616622b3757     
  • Various level of SSBB shall to supervise and manage potently for boiler's quality of installation. 各级安全监察机构应加强对锅炉安装质量的监察监督管理。 来自互联网
70 immortal 7kOyr     
  • The wild cocoa tree is effectively immortal.野生可可树实际上是不会死的。
  • The heroes of the people are immortal!人民英雄永垂不朽!
71 immortality hkuys     
  • belief in the immortality of the soul 灵魂不灭的信念
  • It was like having immortality while you were still alive. 仿佛是当你仍然活着的时候就得到了永生。
72 abides 99cf2c7a9b85e3f7c0e5e7277a208eec     
容忍( abide的第三人称单数 ); 等候; 逗留; 停留
  • He abides by his friends. 他忠于朋友。
  • He always abides by the law. 他素来守法。
73 fully Gfuzd     
  • The doctor asked me to breathe in,then to breathe out fully.医生让我先吸气,然后全部呼出。
  • They soon became fully integrated into the local community.他们很快就完全融入了当地人的圈子。
74 pertain Y3xzE     
  • His remark did not pertain to the question.他的话同这个问题不相干。
  • It does not pertain to you to instruct him.你不适合教训他。
75 nuptial 1vVyf     
  • Their nuptial day hasn't been determined.他们的结婚日还没有决定。
  • I went to the room which he had called the nuptial chamber.我走进了他称之为洞房的房间。
76 unity 4kQwT     
  • When we speak of unity,we do not mean unprincipled peace.所谓团结,并非一团和气。
  • We must strengthen our unity in the face of powerful enemies.大敌当前,我们必须加强团结。
77 phenomena 8N9xp     
  • Ade couldn't relate the phenomena with any theory he knew.艾德无法用他所知道的任何理论来解释这种现象。
  • The object of these experiments was to find the connection,if any,between the two phenomena.这些实验的目的就是探索这两种现象之间的联系,如果存在着任何联系的话。
78 condescending avxzvU     
  • He has a condescending attitude towards women. 他对女性总是居高临下。
  • He tends to adopt a condescending manner when talking to young women. 和年轻女子说话时,他喜欢摆出一副高高在上的姿态。
79 utterly ZfpzM1     
  • Utterly devoted to the people,he gave his life in saving his patients.他忠于人民,把毕生精力用于挽救患者的生命。
  • I was utterly ravished by the way she smiled.她的微笑使我完全陶醉了。
80 expressive shwz4     
  • Black English can be more expressive than standard English.黑人所使用的英语可能比正式英语更有表现力。
  • He had a mobile,expressive,animated face.他有一张多变的,富于表情的,生动活泼的脸。
81 exalted ztiz6f     
  • Their loveliness and holiness in accordance with their exalted station.他们的美丽和圣洁也与他们的崇高地位相称。
  • He received respect because he was a person of exalted rank.他因为是个地位崇高的人而受到尊敬。
82 exalt 4iGzV     
  • She thanked the President to exalt her.她感谢总统提拔她。
  • His work exalts all those virtues that we,as Americans,are taught to hold dear.他的作品颂扬了所有那些身为美国人应该珍视的美德。
83 deity UmRzp     
  • Many animals were seen as the manifestation of a deity.许多动物被看作神的化身。
  • The deity was hidden in the deepest recesses of the temple.神藏在庙宇壁龛的最深处。
84 touching sg6zQ9     
  • It was a touching sight.这是一幅动人的景象。
  • His letter was touching.他的信很感人。
85 infancy F4Ey0     
  • He came to England in his infancy.他幼年时期来到英国。
  • Their research is only in its infancy.他们的研究处于初级阶段。
86 ecstasy 9kJzY     
  • He listened to the music with ecstasy.他听音乐听得入了神。
  • Speechless with ecstasy,the little boys gazed at the toys.小孩注视着那些玩具,高兴得说不出话来。
87 throb aIrzV     
  • She felt her heart give a great throb.她感到自己的心怦地跳了一下。
  • The drums seemed to throb in his ears.阵阵鼓声彷佛在他耳边震响。
88 abreast Zf3yi     
  • She kept abreast with the flood of communications that had poured in.她及时回复如雪片般飞来的大批信件。
  • We can't keep abreast of the developing situation unless we study harder.我们如果不加强学习,就会跟不上形势。
89 advent iKKyo     
  • Swallows come by groups at the advent of spring. 春天来临时燕子成群飞来。
  • The advent of the Euro will redefine Europe.欧元的出现将重新定义欧洲。
90 covenant CoWz1     
  • They refused to covenant with my father for the property.他们不愿与我父亲订立财产契约。
  • The money was given to us by deed of covenant.这笔钱是根据契约书付给我们的。
91 begotten 14f350cdadcbfea3cd2672740b09f7f6     
v.为…之生父( beget的过去分词 );产生,引起
  • The fact that he had begotten a child made him vain. 想起自己也生过孩子,他得意了。 来自辞典例句
  • In due course she bore the son begotten on her by Thyestes. 过了一定的时候,她生下了堤厄斯式斯使她怀上的儿子。 来自辞典例句
92 attesting 00073a7d70c29400713734fb28f7b855     
v.证明( attest的现在分词 );证实;声称…属实;使宣誓
  • Thus, a word of God, giving his own authoritative promise of redemption, must be self-attesting. 因此,上帝的话-将祂自己权威性的救赎应许赐给了人-必须是自证的。 来自互联网
  • There might be a letter in your file attesting to your energetic and imaginative teaching. 可能我会写封信证明你生动而充满想象力的教学。 来自互联网
93 logic j0HxI     
  • What sort of logic is that?这是什么逻辑?
  • I don't follow the logic of your argument.我不明白你的论点逻辑性何在。
94 peroration qMuxD     
  • As he worked his way from ethos and logos to the pathos of peroration,he bade us think of the connection between deprivation and belligerence,and to do something about it.当他在演讲中从道义和理念,转到结尾处的感伤时,他请我们考虑贫困与好战的关系,并为此做些什么。
  • He summarized his main points in his peroration.他在结束语中总结了他的演讲要点。
95 forth Hzdz2     
  • The wind moved the trees gently back and forth.风吹得树轻轻地来回摇晃。
  • He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.他很快连续发表了一系列的作品。
96 abruptly iINyJ     
  • He gestured abruptly for Virginia to get in the car.他粗鲁地示意弗吉尼亚上车。
  • I was abruptly notified that a half-hour speech was expected of me.我突然被通知要讲半个小时的话。
97 dispersed b24c637ca8e58669bce3496236c839fa     
adj. 被驱散的, 被分散的, 散布的
  • The clouds dispersed themselves. 云散了。
  • After school the children dispersed to their homes. 放学后,孩子们四散回家了。
98 awakened de71059d0b3cd8a1de21151c9166f9f0     
v.(使)醒( awaken的过去式和过去分词 );(使)觉醒;弄醒;(使)意识到
  • She awakened to the sound of birds singing. 她醒来听到鸟的叫声。
  • The public has been awakened to the full horror of the situation. 公众完全意识到了这一状况的可怕程度。 来自《简明英汉词典》
99 mythologies 997d4e2f00506e6cc3bbf7017ae55f9a     
神话学( mythology的名词复数 ); 神话(总称); 虚构的事实; 错误的观点
  • a study of the religions and mythologies of ancient Rome 关于古罗马的宗教和神话的研究
  • This realization is enshrined in "Mythologies." 这一看法见诸于他的《神话集》一书。
100 sate 2CszL     
  • Nothing could sate the careerist's greed for power.什么也满足不了这个野心家的权力欲。
  • I am sate with opera after listening to it for a whole weekend.听了整整一个周末的歌剧,我觉得腻了。
101 worthy vftwB     
  • I did not esteem him to be worthy of trust.我认为他不值得信赖。
  • There occurred nothing that was worthy to be mentioned.没有值得一提的事发生。
102 helping 2rGzDc     
  • The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger. 那些可怜的孩子们总是要求我把我的汉堡包再给他们一份。
  • By doing this, they may at times be helping to restore competition. 这样一来, 他在某些时候,有助于竞争的加强。
103 creed uoxzL     
  • They offended against every article of his creed.他们触犯了他的每一条戒律。
  • Our creed has always been that business is business.我们的信条一直是公私分明。
104 idol Z4zyo     
  • As an only child he was the idol of his parents.作为独子,他是父母的宠儿。
  • Blind worship of this idol must be ended.对这个偶像的盲目崇拜应该结束了。
105 hideous 65KyC     
  • The whole experience had been like some hideous nightmare.整个经历就像一场可怕的噩梦。
  • They're not like dogs,they're hideous brutes.它们不像狗,是丑陋的畜牲。
106 chambers c053984cd45eab1984d2c4776373c4fe     
n.房间( chamber的名词复数 );(议会的)议院;卧室;会议厅
  • The body will be removed into one of the cold storage chambers. 尸体将被移到一个冷冻间里。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Mr Chambers's readable book concentrates on the middle passage: the time Ransome spent in Russia. Chambers先生的这本值得一看的书重点在中间:Ransome在俄国的那几年。 来自互联网
107 disciple LPvzm     
  • Your disciple failed to welcome you.你的徒弟没能迎接你。
  • He was an ardent disciple of Gandhi.他是甘地的忠实信徒。
108 revere qBVzT     
  • Students revere the old professors.学生们十分尊敬那些老教授。
  • The Chinese revered corn as a gift from heaven.中国人将谷物奉为上天的恩赐。
109 revered 1d4a411490949024694bf40d95a0d35f     
v.崇敬,尊崇,敬畏( revere的过去式和过去分词 )
  • A number of institutions revered and respected in earlier times have become Aunt Sally for the present generation. 一些早年受到尊崇的惯例,现在已经成了这代人嘲弄的对象了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The Chinese revered corn as a gift from heaven. 中国人将谷物奉为上天的恩赐。 来自辞典例句
110 awed a0ab9008d911a954b6ce264ddc63f5c8     
adj.充满敬畏的,表示敬畏的v.使敬畏,使惊惧( awe的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The audience was awed into silence by her stunning performance. 观众席上鸦雀无声,人们对他出色的表演感到惊叹。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • I was awed by the huge gorilla. 那只大猩猩使我惊惧。 来自《简明英汉词典》
111 glorified 74d607c2a7eb7a7ef55bda91627eda5a     
  • The restaurant was no more than a glorified fast-food cafe. 这地方美其名曰餐馆,其实只不过是个快餐店而已。
  • The author glorified the life of the peasants. 那个作者赞美了农民的生活。
112 reign pBbzx     
  • The reign of Queen Elizabeth lapped over into the seventeenth century.伊丽莎白王朝延至17世纪。
  • The reign of Zhu Yuanzhang lasted about 31 years.朱元璋统治了大约三十一年。
113 revering 133fe7bf5767522d4aec7b8d1f051add     
v.崇敬,尊崇,敬畏( revere的现在分词 )
  • It contains Abundant revering the ethics theory in the Confucius theory of goodness. 孔子的仁学中,氤氲着丰厚的敬畏伦理思想。 来自互联网
114 imperative BcdzC     
  • He always speaks in an imperative tone of voice.他老是用命令的口吻讲话。
  • The events of the past few days make it imperative for her to act.过去这几天发生的事迫使她不得不立即行动。
115 overthrow PKDxo     
  • After the overthrow of the government,the country was in chaos.政府被推翻后,这个国家处于混乱中。
  • The overthrow of his plans left him much discouraged.他的计划的失败使得他很气馁。
116 lewd c9wzS     
  • Drew spends all day eyeing up the women and making lewd comments.德鲁整天就盯着女人看,说些下流话。
  • I'm not that mean,despicable,cowardly,lewd creature that horrible little man sees. 我可不是那个令人恶心的小人所见到的下流、可耻、懦弱、淫秽的家伙。
117 corrupt 4zTxn     
  • The newspaper alleged the mayor's corrupt practices.那家报纸断言市长有舞弊行为。
  • This judge is corrupt.这个法官贪污。
118 allured 20660ad1de0bc3cf3f242f7df8641b3e     
诱引,吸引( allure的过去式和过去分词 )
  • They allured her into a snare. 他们诱她落入圈套。
  • Many settlers were allured by promises of easy wealth. 很多安家落户的人都是受了诱惑,以为转眼就能发财而来的。
119 scarlet zD8zv     
  • The scarlet leaves of the maples contrast well with the dark green of the pines.深红的枫叶和暗绿的松树形成了明显的对比。
  • The glowing clouds are growing slowly pale,scarlet,bright red,and then light red.天空的霞光渐渐地淡下去了,深红的颜色变成了绯红,绯红又变为浅红。
120 serpentine MEgzx     
  • One part of the Serpentine is kept for swimmers.蜿蜒河的一段划为游泳区。
  • Tremolite laths and serpentine minerals are present in places.有的地方出现透闪石板条及蛇纹石。
121 scraps 737e4017931b7285cdd1fa3eb9dd77a3     
  • Don't litter up the floor with scraps of paper. 不要在地板上乱扔纸屑。
  • A patchwork quilt is a good way of using up scraps of material. 做杂拼花布棉被是利用零碎布料的好办法。
122 bartered 428c2079aca7cf33a8438e701f9aa025     
v.作物物交换,以货换货( barter的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The local people bartered wheat for tools. 当地人用小麦换取工具。
  • They bartered farm products for machinery. 他们用农产品交换机器。 来自《简明英汉词典》
123 retinue wB5zO     
  • The duchess arrived,surrounded by her retinue of servants.公爵夫人在大批随从人马的簇拥下到达了。
  • The king's retinue accompanied him on the journey.国王的侍从在旅途上陪伴着他。
124 followers 5c342ee9ce1bf07932a1f66af2be7652     
追随者( follower的名词复数 ); 用户; 契据的附面; 从动件
  • the followers of Mahatma Gandhi 圣雄甘地的拥护者
  • The reformer soon gathered a band of followers round him. 改革者很快就获得一群追随者支持他。
125 follower gjXxP     
  • He is a faithful follower of his home football team.他是他家乡足球队的忠实拥护者。
  • Alexander is a pious follower of the faith.亚历山大是个虔诚的信徒。
126 luxurious S2pyv     
  • This is a luxurious car complete with air conditioning and telephone.这是一辆附有空调设备和电话的豪华轿车。
  • The rich man lives in luxurious surroundings.这位富人生活在奢侈的环境中。
127 justified 7pSzrk     
  • She felt fully justified in asking for her money back. 她认为有充分的理由要求退款。
  • The prisoner has certainly justified his claims by his actions. 那个囚犯确实已用自己的行动表明他的要求是正当的。
128 adroitness 3a57832c80698c93c847783e9122732b     
  • He showed similar adroitness and persistence in strategic arm control. 在战略武器方面,他显示出了同样的机敏和执著。 来自辞典例句
  • He turned his large car with some adroitness and drove away. 他熟练地把他那辆大车子调了个头,开走了。 来自辞典例句
129 intrigue Gaqzy     
  • Court officials will intrigue against the royal family.法院官员将密谋反对皇室。
  • The royal palace was filled with intrigue.皇宫中充满了勾心斗角。
130 queried 5c2c5662d89da782d75e74125d6f6932     
v.质疑,对…表示疑问( query的过去式和过去分词 );询问
  • She queried what he said. 她对他说的话表示怀疑。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • \"What does he have to do?\" queried Chin dubiously. “他有什么心事?”琴向觉民问道,她的脸上现出疑惑不解的神情。 来自汉英文学 - 家(1-26) - 家(1-26)
131 abetted dbe7c1c9d2033f24403d54aea4799177     
v.教唆(犯罪)( abet的过去式和过去分词 );煽动;怂恿;支持
  • He was abetted in the deception by his wife. 他行骗是受了妻子的怂恿。
  • They aided and abetted in getting the police to catch the thief. 他们协助警察抓住了小偷。 来自《简明英汉词典》
132 respite BWaxa     
  • She was interrogated without respite for twenty-four hours.她被不间断地审问了二十四小时。
  • Devaluation would only give the economy a brief respite.贬值只能让经济得到暂时的缓解。
133 supplant RFlyN     
  • Electric cars may one day supplant petrol-driven ones.也许有一天电动车会取代汽油驱动的车。
  • The law of momentum conservation could supplant Newton's third law.动量守恒定律可以取代牛顿第三定律。
134 periled ff93b32a6a591eacfb8496059342d082     
  • He periled his life to save her honour. 他以他的生命为孤注以保全她的名节。
135 elevation bqsxH     
  • The house is at an elevation of 2,000 metres.那幢房子位于海拔两千米的高处。
  • His elevation to the position of General Manager was announced yesterday.昨天宣布他晋升总经理职位。
136 attain HvYzX     
  • I used the scientific method to attain this end. 我用科学的方法来达到这一目的。
  • His painstaking to attain his goal in life is praiseworthy. 他为实现人生目标所下的苦功是值得称赞的。
137 Christian KVByl     
  • They always addressed each other by their Christian name.他们总是以教名互相称呼。
  • His mother is a sincere Christian.他母亲是个虔诚的基督教徒。
138 Christians 28e6e30f94480962cc721493f76ca6c6     
n.基督教徒( Christian的名词复数 )
  • Christians of all denominations attended the conference. 基督教所有教派的人都出席了这次会议。
  • His novel about Jesus caused a furore among Christians. 他关于耶稣的小说激起了基督教徒的公愤。
139 apostasy vvSzz     
  • Apostasy often has its roots in moral failure.背道的人通常是先在道德方面一败涂地。
  • He was looked down upon for apostasy.他因背教而受轻视。
140 malign X8szX     
  • It was easy to see why the cartoonists regularly portrayed him as a malign cherub.难怪漫画家总是把他画成一个邪恶的小天使。
  • She likes to malign innocent persons.她爱诋毁那些清白的人。
141 expedient 1hYzh     
  • The government found it expedient to relax censorship a little.政府发现略微放宽审查是可取的。
  • Every kind of expedient was devised by our friends.我们的朋友想出了各种各样的应急办法。
142 precipitate 1Sfz6     
  • I don't think we should make precipitate decisions.我认为我们不应该贸然作出决定。
  • The king was too precipitate in declaring war.国王在宣战一事上过于轻率。
143 perfidy WMvxa     
  • As devotion unites lovers,so perfidy estranges friends.忠诚是爱情的桥梁,欺诈是友谊的敌人。
  • The knowledge of Hurstwood's perfidy wounded her like a knife.赫斯渥欺骗她的消息像一把刀捅到了她的心里。
144 pretense yQYxi     
  • You can't keep up the pretense any longer.你无法继续伪装下去了。
  • Pretense invariably impresses only the pretender.弄虚作假欺骗不了真正的行家。
145 ransom tTYx9     
  • We'd better arrange the ransom right away.我们最好马上把索取赎金的事安排好。
  • The kidnappers exacted a ransom of 10000 from the family.绑架者向这家人家勒索10000英镑的赎金。
146 inveigle y4Ex9     
  • In the main,the Eisenhower administration did not try to inveigle Kennedy into underwriting it's policies.总的说来,艾森豪威尔政府并没有设法诱骗肯尼迪在它的政策上签字画押。
  • With patience and diplomacy,she can eventually inveigle him into marrying her.她靠耐心和交际手腕,到头来是能引诱他与她结婚的。
147 beset SWYzq     
  • She wanted to enjoy her retirement without being beset by financial worries.她想享受退休生活而不必为金钱担忧。
  • The plan was beset with difficulties from the beginning.这项计划自开始就困难重重。
148 perilous E3xz6     
  • The journey through the jungle was perilous.穿过丛林的旅行充满了危险。
  • We have been carried in safety through a perilous crisis.历经一连串危机,我们如今已安然无恙。
149 mere rC1xE     
  • That is a mere repetition of what you said before.那不过是重复了你以前讲的话。
  • It's a mere waste of time waiting any longer.再等下去纯粹是浪费时间。
150 sequestering 291d581ff3779bbedbe412d580940f13     
v.使隔绝,使隔离( sequester的现在分词 );扣押
  • Once installed the wood at further reducing carbon through the sequestering process. 本木料一旦植入,将通过一系列物理化学过程进一步有效降低碳量。 来自互联网
  • Sequestration and dispersion force of different kinds of sequestering a-gent are tested. 本文分别测定了几种不同类型络合剂的络合能力和分散能力。 来自互联网
151 faltered d034d50ce5a8004ff403ab402f79ec8d     
(嗓音)颤抖( falter的过去式和过去分词 ); 支吾其词; 蹒跚; 摇晃
  • He faltered out a few words. 他支吾地说出了几句。
  • "Er - but he has such a longhead!" the man faltered. 他不好意思似的嚅嗫着:“这孩子脑袋真长。”
152 insinuate hbBzH     
  • He tried to insinuate himself into the boss's favor.他设法巧妙地渐渐取得老板的欢心。
  • It seems to me you insinuate things about her.我觉得你讲起她来,总有些弦外之音。
153 justify j3DxR     
  • He tried to justify his absence with lame excuses.他想用站不住脚的借口为自己的缺席辩解。
  • Can you justify your rude behavior to me?你能向我证明你的粗野行为是有道理的吗?
154 defense AxbxB     
  • The accused has the right to defense.被告人有权获得辩护。
  • The war has impacted the area with military and defense workers.战争使那个地区挤满了军队和防御工程人员。
155 inveigling 11cfe1abea5139ec4fab29b6f56a8ecd     
v.诱骗,引诱( inveigle的现在分词 )
  • In practice, inveigling investigation is a kind of investigation action which is adopted extensively. 实践中,诱惑侦查是一种被广泛采用又极具争议的侦查行为。 来自互联网
156 demonstration 9waxo     
  • His new book is a demonstration of his patriotism.他写的新书是他的爱国精神的证明。
  • He gave a demonstration of the new technique then and there.他当场表演了这种新的操作方法。
157 chagrin 1cyyX     
  • His increasingly visible chagrin sets up a vicious circle.他的明显的不满引起了一种恶性循环。
  • Much to his chagrin,he did not win the race.使他大为懊恼的是他赛跑没获胜。
158 dagger XnPz0     
  • The bad news is a dagger to his heart.这条坏消息刺痛了他的心。
  • The murderer thrust a dagger into her heart.凶手将匕首刺进她的心脏。
159 fugitives f38dd4e30282d999f95dda2af8228c55     
n.亡命者,逃命者( fugitive的名词复数 )
  • Three fugitives from the prison are still at large. 三名逃犯仍然未被抓获。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Members of the provisional government were prisoners or fugitives. 临时政府的成员或被捕或逃亡。 来自演讲部分
160 laconic 59Dzo     
  • He sent me a laconic private message.他给我一封简要的私人函件。
  • This response was typical of the writer's laconic wit.这个回答反映了这位作家精练简明的特点。
161 slain slain     
杀死,宰杀,杀戮( slay的过去分词 ); (slay的过去分词)
  • The soldiers slain in the battle were burried that night. 在那天夜晚埋葬了在战斗中牺牲了的战士。
  • His boy was dead, slain by the hand of the false Amulius. 他的儿子被奸诈的阿缪利乌斯杀死了。
162 allayed a2f1594ab7abf92451e58b3bedb57669     
v.减轻,缓和( allay的过去式和过去分词 )
  • His fever is allayed, but his appetite is still flatted. 他发烧减轻了,但食欲仍然不振。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • His fever was allayed by the medicine. 这药剂使他退烧了。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
163 assailed cca18e858868e1e5479e8746bfb818d6     
v.攻击( assail的过去式和过去分词 );困扰;质问;毅然应对
  • He was assailed with fierce blows to the head. 他的头遭到猛烈殴打。
  • He has been assailed by bad breaks all these years. 这些年来他接二连三地倒霉。 来自《用法词典》
164 foe ygczK     
  • He knew that Karl could be an implacable foe.他明白卡尔可能会成为他的死敌。
  • A friend is a friend;a foe is a foe;one must be clearly distinguished from the other.敌是敌,友是友,必须分清界限。
165 indirectly a8UxR     
  • I heard the news indirectly.这消息我是间接听来的。
  • They were approached indirectly through an intermediary.通过一位中间人,他们进行了间接接触。
166 esteem imhyZ     
  • I did not esteem him to be worthy of trust.我认为他不值得信赖。
  • The veteran worker ranks high in public love and esteem.那位老工人深受大伙的爱戴。
167 unwilling CjpwB     
  • The natives were unwilling to be bent by colonial power.土著居民不愿受殖民势力的摆布。
  • His tightfisted employer was unwilling to give him a raise.他那吝啬的雇主不肯给他加薪。
168 adverse 5xBzs     
  • He is adverse to going abroad.他反对出国。
  • The improper use of medicine could lead to severe adverse reactions.用药不当会产生严重的不良反应。
169 plundering 765be35dd06b76b3790253a472c85681     
掠夺,抢劫( plunder的现在分词 )
  • The troops crossed the country, plundering and looting as they went. 部队经过乡村,一路抢劫掳掠。
  • They amassed huge wealth by plundering the colonies. 他们通过掠夺殖民地聚敛了大笔的财富。
170 brotherhood 1xfz3o     
  • They broke up the brotherhood.他们断绝了兄弟关系。
  • They live and work together in complete equality and brotherhood.他们完全平等和兄弟般地在一起生活和工作。
171 curiously 3v0zIc     
  • He looked curiously at the people.他好奇地看着那些人。
  • He took long stealthy strides. His hands were curiously cold.他迈着悄没声息的大步。他的双手出奇地冷。
172 alcove EKMyU     
  • The bookcase fits neatly into the alcove.书架正好放得进壁凹。
  • In the alcoves on either side of the fire were bookshelves.火炉两边的凹室里是书架。
173 alcoves 632df89563b4b011276dc21bbd4e73dd     
n.凹室( alcove的名词复数 );(花园)凉亭;僻静处;壁龛
  • In the alcoves on either side of the fire were bookshelves. 火炉两边的凹室里是书架。 来自辞典例句
  • Tiny streams echo in enormous overhanging alcoves. 小溪流的回声在巨大而突出的凹壁中回荡。 来自互联网
174 chapels 93d40e7c6d7bdd896fdd5dbc901f41b8     
n.小教堂, (医院、监狱等的)附属礼拜堂( chapel的名词复数 );(在小教堂和附属礼拜堂举行的)礼拜仪式
  • Both castles had their own chapels too, which was incredible to see. 两个城堡都有自己的礼拜堂,非常华美。 来自互联网
  • It has an ambulatory and seven chapels. 它有一条走廊和七个小教堂。 来自互联网
175 solitude xF9yw     
n. 孤独; 独居,荒僻之地,幽静的地方
  • People need a chance to reflect on spiritual matters in solitude. 人们需要独处的机会来反思精神上的事情。
  • They searched for a place where they could live in solitude. 他们寻找一个可以过隐居生活的地方。
176 lone Q0cxL     
  • A lone sea gull flew across the sky.一只孤独的海鸥在空中飞过。
  • She could see a lone figure on the deserted beach.她在空旷的海滩上能看到一个孤独的身影。
177 exalting ytMz6Z     
  • To exert an animating, enlivening, encouraging or exalting influence on someone. 使某人充满活力,对他进行启发,鼓励,或施加影响。
  • One of the key ideas in Isaiah 2 is that of exalting or lifting up. 以赛亚书2章特点之一就是赞颂和提升。
178 phantom T36zQ     
  • I found myself staring at her as if she were a phantom.我发现自己瞪大眼睛看着她,好像她是一个幽灵。
  • He is only a phantom of a king.他只是有名无实的国王。
179 bower xRZyU     
  • They sat under the leafy bower at the end of the garden and watched the sun set.他们坐在花园尽头由叶子搭成的凉棚下观看落日。
  • Mrs. Quilp was pining in her bower.奎尔普太太正在她的闺房里度着愁苦的岁月。
180 trophy 8UFzI     
  • The cup is a cherished trophy of the company.那只奖杯是该公司很珍惜的奖品。
  • He hung the lion's head as a trophy.他把那狮子头挂起来作为狩猎纪念品。
181 contemplating bde65bd99b6b8a706c0f139c0720db21     
深思,细想,仔细考虑( contemplate的现在分词 ); 注视,凝视; 考虑接受(发生某事的可能性); 深思熟虑,沉思,苦思冥想
  • You're too young to be contemplating retirement. 你考虑退休还太年轻。
  • She stood contemplating the painting. 她站在那儿凝视那幅图画。
182 virgin phPwj     
  • Have you ever been to a virgin forest?你去过原始森林吗?
  • There are vast expanses of virgin land in the remote regions.在边远地区有大片大片未开垦的土地。
183 limestone w3XyJ     
  • Limestone is often used in building construction.石灰岩常用于建筑。
  • Cement is made from limestone.水泥是由石灰石制成的。
184 betrothal betrothal     
n. 婚约, 订婚
  • Their betrothal took place with great pomp and rejoicings. 他们举行了盛大而又欢乐的订婚仪式。
  • "On the happy occasion of the announcement of your betrothal," he finished, bending over her hand. "在宣布你们订婚的喜庆日。" 他补充说,同时低下头来吻她的手。
185 espoused e4bb92cfc0056652a51fe54370e2951b     
v.(决定)支持,拥护(目标、主张等)( espouse的过去式和过去分词 )
  • They espoused the notion of equal opportunity for all in education. 他们赞同在教育方面人人机会均等的观念。
  • The ideas she espoused were incomprehensible to me. 她所支持的意见令我难以理解。 来自《简明英汉词典》
186 counterfeited 5d3d40bf40d714ccb5192aca77de1c89     
v.仿制,造假( counterfeit的过去分词 )
  • How did you spot those fifties were counterfeited? 你怎样察觉出那些50元面值的纸币是伪造的? 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The old miser's widow counterfeited a grief she did not feel. 这个老守财奴的寡妇伪装出她并没有的哀伤。 来自辞典例句
187 delusive Cwexz     
  • Most of the people realized that their scheme was simply a delusive snare.大多数人都认识到他们的诡计不过是一个骗人的圈套。
  • Everyone knows that fairy isles are delusive and illusive things,still everyone wishes they were real.明知神山缥缈,却愿其有。
188 persistent BSUzg     
  • Albert had a persistent headache that lasted for three days.艾伯特连续头痛了三天。
  • She felt embarrassed by his persistent attentions.他不时地向她大献殷勤,使她很难为情。
189 bestows 37d65133a4a734d50d7d7e9a205b8ef8     
赠给,授予( bestow的第三人称单数 )
  • Second, Xie Lingyun bestows on basic subject and emotion connotation. 谢灵运赋的基本主题及情感内涵。
  • And the frigid climate bestows Heilongjiang rich resources of ice and snow. 寒冷的气候赋予了其得天独厚的冰雪资源。
190 traitor GqByW     
  • The traitor was finally found out and put in prison.那个卖国贼终于被人发现并被监禁了起来。
  • He was sold out by a traitor and arrested.他被叛徒出卖而被捕了。
191 contemns 1bb7e178a221ceaaeb9cd5744a94e300     
v.侮辱,蔑视( contemn的第三人称单数 )
192 wedlock XgJyY     
  • My wife likes our wedlock.我妻子喜欢我们的婚姻生活。
  • The Fawleys were not made for wedlock.范立家的人就跟结婚没有缘。
193 lash a2oxR     
  • He received a lash of her hand on his cheek.他突然被她打了一记耳光。
  • With a lash of its tail the tiger leaped at her.老虎把尾巴一甩朝她扑过来。
194 awakens 8f28b6f7db9761a7b3cb138b2d5a123c     
v.(使)醒( awaken的第三人称单数 );(使)觉醒;弄醒;(使)意识到
  • The scene awakens reminiscences of my youth. 这景象唤起我年轻时的往事。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • The child awakens early in the morning. 这个小孩早晨醒得早。 来自辞典例句
195 innocency 5d5cae131cd54454f1a16643d377a4c7     
  • I can certify to his innocency. 我可以证明他清白。
  • Verily I have cleansed my heart in vain, and washed my hands in innocency. 我实在徒然洁净了我的心,徒然洗手表明无辜。
196 espousing 216c37c1a15b0fda575542bd2acdfde0     
v.(决定)支持,拥护(目标、主张等)( espouse的现在分词 )
197 wont peXzFP     
  • He was wont to say that children are lazy.他常常说小孩子们懒惰。
  • It is his wont to get up early.早起是他的习惯。
198 emblem y8jyJ     
  • Her shirt has the company emblem on it.她的衬衫印有公司的标记。
  • The eagle was an emblem of strength and courage.鹰是力量和勇气的象征。
199 pious KSCzd     
  • Alexander is a pious follower of the faith.亚历山大是个虔诚的信徒。
  • Her mother was a pious Christian.她母亲是一个虔诚的基督教徒。
200 doorway 2s0xK     
  • They huddled in the shop doorway to shelter from the rain.他们挤在商店门口躲雨。
  • Mary suddenly appeared in the doorway.玛丽突然出现在门口。
201 grassy DfBxH     
  • They sat and had their lunch on a grassy hillside.他们坐在长满草的山坡上吃午饭。
  • Cattle move freely across the grassy plain.牛群自由自在地走过草原。
202 conspicuous spszE     
  • It is conspicuous that smoking is harmful to health.很明显,抽烟对健康有害。
  • Its colouring makes it highly conspicuous.它的色彩使它非常惹人注目。
203 colossal sbwyJ     
  • There has been a colossal waste of public money.一直存在巨大的公款浪费。
  • Some of the tall buildings in that city are colossal.那座城市里的一些高层建筑很庞大。
204 hideousness 3a44e36f83b8b321e23b561df4a2eef0     
  • Hideousness of aspect, deformity of instinct, troubled him not, and did not arouse his indignation. 外形的丑陋和本性的怪异都不能惊动他,触犯他。 来自互联网
205 futile vfTz2     
  • They were killed,to the last man,in a futile attack.因为进攻失败,他们全部被杀,无一幸免。
  • Their efforts to revive him were futile.他们对他抢救无效。
206 gouges 5d2f9e4598f001325a25519951589047     
n.凿( gouge的名词复数 );乱要价;(在…中)抠出…;挖出…v.凿( gouge的第三人称单数 );乱要价;(在…中)抠出…;挖出…
  • Clegg and Rollins indicate that nonwrinkleresistant cotton fibers often exhibIt'surface gouges and fibrillation. 克莱格和罗林斯指出,未经防皱处理的棉纤维表面,通常有凿槽和微纤化现象发生。 来自辞典例句
  • She didn't mind that we banged into the walls and put gouges in the door jambs. 她一点也不介意我们撞坏墙或是把门框碰出小坑来。 来自互联网
207 overthrew dd5ffd99a6b4c9da909dc8baf50ba04a     
  • The people finally rose up and overthrew the reactionary regime. 人们终于起来把反动的政权推翻了。
  • They overthrew their King. 他们推翻了国王。
208 grove v5wyy     
  • On top of the hill was a grove of tall trees.山顶上一片高大的树林。
  • The scent of lemons filled the grove.柠檬香味充满了小树林。
209 cedars 4de160ce89706c12228684f5ca667df6     
雪松,西洋杉( cedar的名词复数 )
  • The old cedars were badly damaged in the storm. 风暴严重损害了古老的雪松。
  • Open thy doors, O Lebanon, that the fire may devour thy cedars. 1黎巴嫩哪,开开你的门,任火烧灭你的香柏树。
210 bosom Lt9zW     
  • She drew a little book from her bosom.她从怀里取出一本小册子。
  • A dark jealousy stirred in his bosom.他内心生出一阵恶毒的嫉妒。
211 allures 9117511c314b38bb40e9952d0e9c0056     
诱引,吸引( allure的第三人称单数 )
  • Hawaii allures many tourists. 夏威夷吸引了许多旅游者。
  • The fine weather allures the ladies into the garden. 晴朗的天气吸引女士们来到花园里。
212 canopied canopied     
adj. 遮有天篷的
  • Mist canopied the city. 薄雾笼罩着城市。
  • The centrepiece was a magnificent canopied bed belonged to Talleyrand, the great 19th-century French diplomat. 展位中心是一架华丽的四柱床,它的故主是19世纪法国著名外交家塔列郎。
213 instructor D6GxY     
  • The college jumped him from instructor to full professor.大学突然把他从讲师提升为正教授。
  • The skiing instructor was a tall,sunburnt man.滑雪教练是一个高高个子晒得黑黑的男子。
214 harps 43af3ccaaa52a4643b9e0a0261914c63     
abbr.harpsichord 拨弦古钢琴n.竖琴( harp的名词复数 )
  • She continually harps on lack of money. 她总唠叨说缺钱。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He could turn on the harps of the blessed. 他能召来天使的竖琴为他奏乐。 来自辞典例句
215 sickle eETzb     
  • The gardener was swishing off the tops of weeds with a sickle.园丁正在用镰刀嗖嗖地割掉杂草的顶端。
  • There is a picture of the sickle on the flag. 旗帜上有镰刀的图案。
216 emblems db84ab479b9c05c259ade9a2f3414e04     
n.象征,标记( emblem的名词复数 )
  • His emblems are the spear and the burning torch. 他佩带的徽记是长矛和燃烧着的火炬。 来自辞典例句
  • Crystal prize, Crystal gift, Crystal trophy, Champion cup, Emblems. 水晶奖牌、水晶礼品、水晶纪念品、奖杯、金属奖牌。 来自互联网
217 sepulcher yDozX     
  • He said softly,as if his voice were coming from a sepulcher.他幽幽说道,象是从坟墓里传来的声音。
  • Let us bend before the venerated sepulcher.让我们在他神圣的墓前鞠躬致敬。
218 refreshment RUIxP     
  • He needs to stop fairly often for refreshment.他须时不时地停下来喘口气。
  • A hot bath is a great refreshment after a day's work.在一天工作之后洗个热水澡真是舒畅。
219 exultation wzeyn     
  • It made him catch his breath, it lit his face with exultation. 听了这个名字,他屏住呼吸,乐得脸上放光。
  • He could get up no exultation that was really worthy the name. 他一点都激动不起来。
220 decadence taLyZ     
  • The decadence of morals is bad for a nation.道德的堕落对国家是不利的。
  • His article has the power to turn decadence into legend.他的文章具有化破朽为神奇的力量。
221 evergreen mtFz78     
  • Some trees are evergreen;they are called evergreen.有的树是常青的,被叫做常青树。
  • There is a small evergreen shrub on the hillside.山腰上有一小块常绿灌木丛。
222 betoken 3QhyL     
  • He gave her a gift to betoken his gratitude.他送她一件礼物表示感谢。
  • Dark clouds betoken a storm.乌云予示着暴风雨的来临。
223 submission lUVzr     
  • The defeated general showed his submission by giving up his sword.战败将军缴剑表示投降。
  • No enemy can frighten us into submission.任何敌人的恐吓都不能使我们屈服。
224 grandeur hejz9     
  • The grandeur of the Great Wall is unmatched.长城的壮观是独一无二的。
  • These ruins sufficiently attest the former grandeur of the place.这些遗迹充分证明此处昔日的宏伟。
225 akin uxbz2     
  • She painted flowers and birds pictures akin to those of earlier feminine painters.她画一些同早期女画家类似的花鸟画。
  • Listening to his life story is akin to reading a good adventure novel.听他的人生故事犹如阅读一本精彩的冒险小说。
226 miserable g18yk     
  • It was miserable of you to make fun of him.你取笑他,这是可耻的。
  • Her past life was miserable.她过去的生活很苦。


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