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Elder B. Good morning, sir. How do you do to-day?
Mr. W. O! good morning, sir. How do you do? I hope you are well. I am happy to see you. Come, walk in and sit down. I have been expecting you, and wishing you would come. I have many things of which to ask you to-day, if you will be kind enough to inform me concerning them. Since you were here last week, my mind has been much exercised respecting your principles. What I heard from you then, has appeared to me as near the truth as anything I ever heard before. If I had any prejudice against the Latter-day Saints previous to my meeting with you, I think it is now well nigh gone. Still there are some things connected with your people, of which I wish to learn a little more. I had not opportunity last week to name these things to you, as our time was short, and we seemed to occupy it so well with other conversation, that many questions which I wished to put to you, I really was obliged to postpone2 till a more favourable3 opportunity. But after dinner, I took my pipe, as I generally do, and sat in the corner, canvassing4 and weighing over what we had conversed5 upon, and other things which we had not. When I get my pipe, I reckon myself in my study, so I puzzled for full two hours over matters relating to your people. Finally, I thought I should have the privilege of seeing you again in a few days, when I could inquire of your more fully6. Now you are here, for which I am glad. Would you first of all give me a brief description of the origin, progress, and present position of the Latter-day Saints, and of the organization and different officers of your Church?
Elder B. I will do so. About the year 1820, there was a great revival7 excitement among the religious societies in the town of Manchester, Ontario county, New York. This revival {53} was kept up with spirit by a series of camp meetings, in which preachers and people of all denominations8 joined. A multitude of converts was the result. But as they began to attach themselves to this or that society, a scene of strife9 and confusion prevailed, which contrasted strangely with the professions and former demeanour of both priests and people. In this town lived a young man, then in his fifteenth year. His father's family clung to the Presbyterian faith, and four of them joined that body. This young man was deeply impressed during the above excitement. But the divisions and contentions10 of the religious societies puzzled him, and he reflected seriously upon their conduct, asking himself who, amidst all the strife, was right, and whom he must join. While in this anxious state, he one day opened his Bible, and read that golden counsel given by James—"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth unto all men liberally and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him."—i. 5. This precious passage came with great force to the mind of this young man. The teaching exactly suited his case. He was unlearned, he was ignorant, he lacked wisdom. The preachers all claimed to be right, though, at the same time, they differed, and strove with each other. It was therefore folly12 to go to them to learn the truth. He wisely resolved to follow the advice of James, and "ask of God." Accordingly, this young man retired13 to a secluded14 spot, and kneeling down began to pray earnestly to the Almighty15 for guidance. The youth had scarcely done so, when he was suddenly seized by an invisible power, which rendered him speechless and helpless. Darkness seemed to hover17 around him. However, he exerted all his power to ask deliverance from the Lord, when a pillar of light, surpassing the brightness of the midday sun, appeared above the youth, and descended18 gradually till it fell upon him, and he felt released from his distressing19 bondage20. When the light rested upon him, he saw two most glorious personages standing21 above him in the air. One spoke22 to him, pointing to the other, saying—"This is my beloved Son, hear him."
Mr. W. Then this young man actually saw and spoke to the Lord, and to his Son Jesus Christ!
Elder B. Yes. The young man asked the latter person, which of all the religious societies was right. In answer, the youth was informed that all were teaching incorrect doctrines23, and that he must join none of the sects25. To a certain extent this satisfied his mind. But on the evening of the 21st of September, 1823, he again prayed to the Lord for a manifestation26 from Him. While thus engaged, a light appeared in the {54} room, which increased until it became brighter than noonday, when immediately a personage appeared at the bedside, standing in the air.
Mr. W. A second vision!
Elder B. Yes. The personage had on an exceedingly white robe. His person was very glorious, and his countenance27 like lightning. Around him shone a halo or light superior to that which filled the room. He said he was a messenger from God, and was named Moroni [See Joseph Smith, the Prophet, page 19]. He called the young man by name, and told him that God had a work for him to do, which should cause his name to be good and evil spoken of among all people, and that a book written upon gold plates, and giving an account of the ancient inhabitants of America, was deposited in the earth, and with the book two stones in silver bows fastened to a breastplate, which were called anciently the "Urim and Thummim," and by which God revealed intelligence to His people. See Ex. xxviii. Lev. viii. 8. Deut. xxxiii. 8. I Sam. xxviii. 6. xxx. Ezra ii. 63.
Mr. W. I recollect28 reading of the priests using the Urim and Thummim among the children of Israel.
Elder B. Just so. On these plates was engraven the fulness of the everlasting29 Gospel, as Jesus Christ taught it to the ancient inhabitants of America. These sacred things were not to be shown to any person, except by commandment from the Lord. The place where they were deposited was shown to the young man's mind in this vision. After giving many more instructions, the messenger withdrew. While the young man lay musing30 on what he had seen and heard, the same messenger appeared again to him, repeating the former instructions, and adding others. A second time the messenger withdrew. Before morning he appeared a third time, and repeating what he had before communicated, added still further instructions, cautioning the youth to beware and not to be led astray. Whilst in the field the next day, the same messenger again stood before him, commanding him to go and tell his vision and the commandments he had received to his father. The youth obeyed, and his father told him that he must do as he was told by the angel, as it was of God. The young man accordingly went to the place where the records were deposited in a stone box, covered over by another stone, the middle part of the top of which was just visible above the ground. He raised the stone, and beheld31 the plates, the Urim and Thummim, and the breast-plate. He made an attempt to take them out, but the messenger again appeared to him and forbade {55} him, telling him the time had not yet come, but it would be four years longer. He was commanded to go to the place once a year, until the time appointed, and was informed that the messenger would meet him there. This commandment the youth obeyed, and received instruction and intelligence each time.
Mr. W. Though he was young, he certainly underwent a considerable course of experience before he was entrusted33 with the commission of the work.
Elder B. Truly so. The magnitude, importance, and sacred character of the work to which he was chosen, required the simplicity34 and obedience35 of youth, combined with the soberness and wisdom of maturity36. Had an old man been chosen, he might have been too much indoctrinated with the opinions of the age, to readily obey the instructions of the heavenly messenger. Had not the youth been qualified37 for his great work, by a course of instruction and preparation, he might have been liable, in the lightness and thoughtlessness and inexperience of youth, to trifle with the sacred things committed to his charge.
Mr. W. Very true.
Elder B. On the 22nd of September, 1827, the angel placed the plates, the Urim and Thummim, and the breast-plate, in the youth's hands, charging him with the responsibility of their safe keeping. The plates were near eight inches long by seven wide, and a little thinner than ordinary tin. Engravings of the Egyptian hieroglyphic38 species filled both sides of the plates. They were bound together by three rings, at one edge, and were altogether about six inches thick. A part of the plates were sealed. The youth immediately prepared for their translation, which was done by means of the Urim and Thummim, as the language in which the plates were engraved39 was peculiar40 to the ancient inhabitants of America, and unknown to the present generation. About this time, he suffered much persecution41, chiefly from religious persons, who had heard of his having visions, &c. He was compelled to flee for safety from Manchester, New York, to Pennsylvania. He continued to translate the record until he had finished those plates which were unsealed. All the plates were then delivered up again to the angel. After the translation, the Lord, by a heavenly messenger, showed the plates to three witnesses—Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris. The youth also showed the plates, by commandment, to eight other persons—Christian Whitmer, Jacob Whitmer, Peter Whitmer, jun., John Whitmer, Hiram Page, Joseph Smith, sen., Hyrum Smith, and Samuel H. Smith. The testimony42 of these eleven witnesses precedes {56} the translation, which is entitled the Book of Mormon, the first edition of which was published in 1830.
Mr. W. I have heard much concerning this Book of Mormon, and have always understood it to be of an apocryphal43 or a fabulous44 nature. Your history of it is certainly strange, but, to be candid45, I cannot say that it is any more improbable than many things which are contained in the Bible. It is not right to hastily condemn46 any thing that may appear strange, for it is truly said that "truth is strange—stranger than fiction." Could you give me a short description of the contents of this far-famed book?
Elder B. I know that many rumours47 and false statements are actively48 circulated concerning that book. Its true history I have just related. The book contains accounts of two separate and distinct races of people. The first were called Jaredites, and they emigrated from the tower of Babel. Being a righteous people, their language was not confounded, and they were led by the Lord over the ocean to the continent of America, where, occupying the northern portion principally, they became a numerous, powerful, civilized49, and refined nation, and had Prophets living among them. But they finally degenerated50 and became corrupt51, so much so, that, after inhabiting the land about fifteen or sixteen centuries, the Lord utterly52 destroyed them. The records of this people were engraved on twenty-four gold plates which were found by the second race who peopled this continent. This last race consisted of two colonies. The first were descendants of Joseph, and left Jerusalem in the first year of the reign53 of Zedekiah, about six hundred years before Christ, being directed by the Lord. They travelled by the borders of the Red Sea, then struck for the ocean, crossed the Pacific, and landed in South America. This colony, in the early part of their career, became divided into two parties. One party were termed Nephites, and were a righteous and enlightened people. The other were termed Lamanites, and became a wicked and ignorant people. The second colony were composed partly of the tribe of Judah. This people left Jerusalem in the eleventh year of the reign of Zedekiah, when the Jews were being carried captive to Babylon. These emigrants54 landed in North America, and soon after removed to the northern parts of South America, where, about four centuries after, they were discovered by the Nephites, in a partial state of civilization. These two peoples amalgamated55, and became one great and enlightened people. Prophets existed among them. Jesus Christ himself visited them, after his resurrection, healed their sick, called twelve Apostles, and established his Church in {57} the land, in partial fulfilment of what he said to the Jews—"Other sheep I have which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd."—John xiv. 16.
Mr. W. But he did not bring them, and make them of one fold with the Jews, having one shepherd. I have always understood that this passage related to the Gentiles.
Elder B. The Gentiles were not reckoned sheep then. Besides Jesus said, at another time, that he was "not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel."—Matt. xv. 24. So he would not be likely to speak of ministering among the Gentiles. He went to the Nephites, and they heard his voice, and many followed after him. They will not be brought into one fold with the Jews, until all scattered56 Israel are gathered together, and "made one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all." The union of the stick or record of Joseph—the Book of Mormon, with the stick or record of Judah—the Bible, will be instrumental in producing this grand and glorious effect.—Ezek. xxxvii.
Mr. W. I certainly never saw so much apparent appropriateness and force in those prophecies before.
Elder B. Perhaps not. But to resume. The Nephites and Lamanites, after the visit of Jesus, ran well for a time. But they became corrupt, as years rolled on, and were often engaged in contention11 and bloodshed. Finally the Lamanites conquered and destroyed the Nephites, in the beginning of the fifth century after Christ. Their records were hid up in the earth by two of the last Nephite Prophets—Mormon and Moroni, in the hill where heaven directed the young man to go for the plates. The North American Indians are the descendants of the Lamanites, and what few of the Nephites mingled57 among them.
Mr. W. Well surely, that is a most interesting story. The record of half a world come to light! I must certainly read that book. How does it agree with the Bible doctrinally?
Elder B. Most admirably. Both books being written by inspiration of the same Holy Spirit, they run of course in complete unison58. The Book of Mormon does not coincide with modern apostate59 religions, which have the form, but deny the power of godliness. That book, as may be expected, takes a bold and decided60 stand with the Bible, and fearlessly condemns61 all churches which are not backed up by the power and gifts and blessings62 of the Holy Ghost as the Primitive63 Church was. {58} On some vital points, which in the Bible appear ambiguous through mistranslation, interpolation, or perversion64, the Book of Mormon speaks in the most plain and pointed32 language, so that none may misunderstand.
Mr. W. Indeed.
Elder B. I will now resume my narrative65. On the 15th of May, 1829, the young man and a friend—Oliver Cowdery, being convinced of the necessity and the proper mode of baptism, went into the woods to pray on the subject. While praying, a heavenly messenger—John the Baptist, descended in a cloud of light, laid his hands upon their heads, and ordained66 them saying—"Upon you my fellow-servants, in the name of Messiah, I confer the Priesthood of Aaron, which holds the keys of the ministering of angels, and of the Gospel of repentance67, and of baptism by immersion68 for the remission of sins; and this shall never be taken again from the earth, until the sons of Levi do offer again an offering unto the Lord in righteousness." The messenger said that the Aaronic Priesthood had not power to lay on hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost, but that that power should afterwards be given, and he commanded these two persons to baptize each other, and then re-ordain each other, which they straightway did, and the Spirit of God came upon them, and they prophesied69. They afterwards received the Melchisedec Priesthood, which has power to lay on hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and to administer in spiritual blessings.
Mr. W. Why did they re-ordain each other? Was not the ordination70 of the angel sufficient?
Elder B. There was no one on earth who had authority to baptize these two persons, therefore the angel conferred it upon them, that they might be qualified to baptize each other. They were required to re-ordain each other after baptism, doubtless for the same reason that Jesus was baptized—that they might fulfil the law of God in its proper order, as far as possible, and thus become patterns for those who might believe on their words.
Mr. W. Very likely.
Elder B. When the Book of Mormon was published, some who read it became convinced of its truth, and were baptized. On the 6th of April, 1830, a Church, consisting of six members, was organized at Fayette, Seneca county, New York. That Church was the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The youth who was the instrument in bringing forth71 the book, and in organizing the Church, was Joseph Smith. The Church increased rapidly in numbers, and in the gifts of {59} the Spirit. In the fall of the year, several Elders went to the state of Ohio, preaching, and baptized hundreds, and also introduced the Gospel into all the states west of New York. In 1831, a settlement was formed in Lake county, Ohio, and another in Jackson county, Missouri. The Saints in Ohio built a Temple to the Lord, at Kirtland, at the completion of which, in 1836, the power and glory of God were manifested in a remarkable72 degree. In consequence of continued persecution the Ohio settlement was abandoned in the year 1838. The Saints in Missouri laid the foundation stone for a Temple, at Independence, Jackson county, on the 3rd of August, 1831. This Temple is not yet built. The Saints were driven by mob violence from Jackson county to Clay county, in 1833. Soon after, they were driven from Clay county to Caldwell and other counties. In the winter of 1838-9, the Saints were expelled, at the bayonet's point, from the state of Missouri. In these awful persecutions and drivings, neither age, sex, nor condition was spared from the most revolting brutality73, such was the relentless74 cruelty of the enemies of the Saints. In 1839, they began to gather on the east bank of the Mississippi, in the state of Illinois, and commenced to build up the city of Nauvoo, and soon afterwards a noble Temple. The Temple was finished and dedicated75 in 1846. In 1837, Elders were sent on a mission to Britain, where they succeeded in baptizing multitudes. In 1843, Elders were sent to the Society Isles76, where numerous converts were made. On the 27th of June, 1844, the Prophet Joseph Smith, and his brother Hyrum, the Patriarch, were cruelly murdered by a mob, armed and disguised, in Carthage jail, twelve miles from Nauvoo, where these two men of God were thrown, for pretended crimes, and held for trial under the government pledge of personal safety. During his lifetime, Joseph Smith was embroiled77 in nearly fifty law-suits, yet was never legally convicted of any offence to the law of the land. In 1846, the Saints, again assailed78 by persecution, were compelled to quit Nauvoo. Fifteen thousand to twenty thousand people were obliged to vacate their dearly bought homes, travel across the vast prairies, and seek a home among the wild fastnesses of the Rocky Mountains. While in this condition, the government of the United States required the Saints to furnish a battalion79 of able-bodied men to aid in the Mexican war. This unjust requisition was complied with, and five hundred men were immediately enrolled80, and sent to California, leaving their wives and families destitute81 in an Indian country. In July, 1847, a pioneer company of the Saints entered the Valley of the Great Salt Lake. Setting {60} aside the incidental privations of a new settlement, especially under these circumstances, that and the surrounding valleys have ever since been the peaceable and prosperous home of the Saints. They are now organized as a territory of the United States. Cities have been built, lands improved, and a Temple two hundred feet long is in progress. During the last four years, flourishing missions have been established in France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Italy, Switzerland, Malta, Gibraltar, Hindostan, Australia, and the Sandwich Isles; and Elders have recently been sent to Siam, Ceylon, China, the West Indies, British Guiana, and Chili82. The Latter-day Saints in Britain now number about thirty thousand. About twenty thousand have left these shores to go to the head quarters of the Church. Between two thousand and three thousand leave Britain annually83, for the same destination. The Book of Mormon is published in English, Welsh, French, German, Italian, Danish, and Polynesian. The Doctrine24 and covenants84 of the Church is published in English, Welsh, and Danish. The following papers and periodicals are now in circulation—The "Deseret News," published semi-monthly, at Great Salt Lake City; the "Seer," monthly, at Washington, United States; the "Millennial85 Star," weekly, at Liverpool; the "Udgorn Seion," in Welsh, weekly, at Merthyr Tydfil; the "Skandinaviens Stierne," in Danish, semi-monthly, at Copenhagen; and "Le Reflecteur," in French, monthly, at Lausanne.
Mr. W. The Latter-day Saints have certainly made a most extraordinary and rapid progress, notwithstanding their persecutions. How many kinds of ministers are there in your Church?
Elder B. In the Church of Christ there are two Priesthoods—the Melchisedec, and the Levitical or Aaronic. The Melchisedec Priesthood is the higher Priesthood, and, as I said before, holds the power to administer in spiritual things. Apostles, Patriarchs or Evangelists, Seventies, High Priests, and Elders, are of this Priesthood. The Levitical Priesthood is the lesser86 Priesthood, and holds authority to administer in temporal things and outward ordinances87. Bishops88, Priests, Teachers, and Deacons are of this Priesthood. The Apostleship is the highest office in the Church, and can officiate in all ordinances and blessings, spiritual or temporal, and build up the kingdom of God. One of the Apostles is chosen to be Prophet, Seer, and Revelator to the Church, and he has authority to give revelations from God for the guidance of the whole Church. Since the organization of the Church, in 1830, this Prophet, Seer, and Revelator has been also the President {61} of the Church in all the world. The President is assisted by two Counsellors holding the Apostleship. These three constitute what is termed the First Presidency90 of the Church. The duty of a Patriarch is to bless the Saints with Patriarchal blessings. Twelve of the Apostles are organized as a Quorum91, whose duty it is to travel in all the world, and introduce the Gospel, and regulate the affairs of the Church in their travels. These Twelve are of course subject to the First Presidency. One of the Twelve is President of the Quorum. There are about thirty-three Quorums of Seventies, seventy in each Quorum, as the name implies. Each Quorum of the Seventies has seven Presidents. One of these seven presides over his associates. The seven Presidents of the first Quorum preside over all the Quorums of Seventies. The duty of the Seventies is to travel in all the world, and introduce the Gospel, under the direction of the Quorum of the Twelve. The High Priests constitute a Quorum, which has a President with two Counsellors. The duty of the High Priests is more particularly to preside. Twelve High Priests are chosen as the High Council of the Church. The duty of the High Council is to try the most serious offences against the laws of the Church. The Elders constitute a Quorum, which has a President with two Counsellors. An Elder has authority to preach the Gospel, baptize, lay on hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and to administer in spiritual blessings. All the officers above an Elder are also called Elders. The duty of a Bishop89 is to administer in the temporal affairs of the Church, and to sit as a judge upon transgressors. The duty of a Priest is to preach the Gospel, and administer in outward ordinances—such as baptism, and the Lord's supper, and to visit the members of the Church, and exhort92 them to faithfulness. The duty of a Teacher is to be as a father to the members, to watch over them continually, and see that there is no lying, backbiting93, evil speaking, or iniquity94 of any kind, in the Church, and that all the members meet together often, do their duty, and live in love and union. The duty of the Deacon is to attend to the temporal well-being95 and comfort of the Church, and to assist the Teacher in his duties when necessary. The Priests, the Teachers, and the Deacons, each constitute a distinct Quorum, having its respective President, with his two Counsellors. The lesser offices of the Priesthood are all embodied96 in the higher, consequently an officer can minister in the duties of any office beneath him. Thus an Apostle can administer in the duties of High Priest, Elder, or Deacon.
{62}Mr. W. You have a most wonderful and elaborate organization.
Elder B. No other organization in the world is so complete, or so beautifully adapted "for the perfecting of the Saints, the work of the ministry97, or the edifying98 of the body of Christ," which St. Paul declares to be the end of the Priesthood.
Mr. W. How was so minute a knowledge of the various offices and their duties obtained? It is not given in the Bible.
Elder B. Neither the Bible nor the Book of Mormon so particularly describe the offices of the Holy Priesthood, or so clearly define their duties. By revelation from God, and by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, was this glorious knowledge given in these last days.
Mr. W. It's passing strange! And yet I feel glad—I cannot but admire your system—But why do the Latter-day Saints leave their native land, and go to America? as I understand they do.
Elder B. In a few words I can show you the propriety99 of that principle. You know very well that righteousness has no fellowship with unrighteousness. The righteous and the wicked can never live in peace and harmony. The laws of God can never be fully obeyed while the people of God are scattered among the wicked. The separation of the people of God from the wicked has been a prominent feature in all dispensations. Salvation can never be realized without this separation. Abraham was commanded to go with his family to a land that he knew not. The children of Israel were commanded to gather out of the land of Egypt, to the land of Canaan, and be separate from their enemies. The Israelites ever considered their dispersion among the nations as a most signal sign of the displeasure of the Lord. Jesus wept over Jerusalem, and said how often he would have gathered her children as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, but the stubborn Jews would not listen to him, consequently they were scattered among all nations, the most fearful curse that ever befell that people. They still look forward, with the strongest confidence, to their gathering100 again to Jerusalem and to Palestine, and regard that gathering as ample recompense for the long, dreary101 night of scattering102 which they are now passing through. And the Lord has promised that the wonders of the last gathering of His people shall totally eclipse, and banish103 from their minds, the wonders of the gathering from Egypt.—Jer. xvi. xxxi. When the Latter-day judgments104 are being sent among the wicked, does not St. John {63} say that a voice is to be heard from heaven—"Come out of her [Babylon-the wicked nations], my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues?"—Rev. xviii. 4. And Joel says, "In Mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, shall be deliverance," in the last days.—Joel ii. 32. We know where Jerusalem is, and God has revealed that the Mount Zion of the last days is in America, and has also commanded His people to gather there, and prepare themselves to dwell in peace when Jesus Christ shall come. The Jews will return to Jerusalem by and bye. At your leisure, read Isaiah ii. v. xi. xliii. xlix. Zech. x. Ezek. xi. xx. xxxiii. Zeph. iii. Jer. xxxii. Many other passages might be named, but these prove that a mighty16 gathering of the people of God was to occur in the last days. It is now being fulfilled.
Mr. W. I will read the passages. But I have one thing more to name. I am told that the Latter-day Saints believe in a man's having more wives than one. This, if true, is opposed to my feelings, and to my ideas of propriety and morality. Is this doctrine believed in and practised by your people? If so, how can you reconcile it with Scripture105 and morality?
Elder B. This doctrine is believed in by the Latter-day Saints. It is practised by them in the Territory of Utah. There is no law there to forbid polygamy. But they do not practise it in England, or in any country where the law of the land forbids the practice. Your feelings, and your ideas of propriety and morality, are induced by your education. In this country, men and women are educated to believe that polygamy is flagrantly immoral106, and nothing more or less than licentiousness107. This is a most erroneous idea. There is an immense difference between a man's holding illegal and promiscuous108 intercourse109 with the other sex, for the pleasure of the moment only, regardless of consequences, and his legally marrying several wives, and honourably110 supporting them and their children. In the first case, there is a grave abuse of the sexual powers, and a grievous violation111 of the highest and holiest principles. In the second case, there is nothing of this kind, but merely an extensive development of those powers and principles. There is far less licentiousness in the East, where polygamy prevails, than in the West, where it is illegal. As regards Scripture, there is not a word in the Bible condemning112 polygamy, not a word. On the contrary, the most righteous men known in sacred history, advocated and practised this principle. Did God favour them the less on that account? Not a jot113. He was the author of the principle. In certain instances, an Israelite could not obey the law of God, without {64} taking more wives than one. For example—a childless widow had legal claim on her deceased husband's brother, or nearest male relative, for the fulfilment of marital114 duties. If the brother or relative refused to fulfil these duties, he was publicly disgraced by the woman. Deut. xxv.
Mr. W. I acknowledge that there is an essential difference between the two cases you mention. But as respects the law in Israel, I thought that Jesus Christ did away with that.
Elder B. There is no record of his doing away with it. He said—"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the Prophets; I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil." Matt. v. 17.
Mr. W. But would not polygamy make the women jealous of each other?
Elder B. There is no cause for it. We are all redeemed115 by one Lord—should that make us jealous of each other? We are all the children of one heavenly Father—should that make us jealous? You have several children—should that make your first-born jealous of the others? Just as little cause exists for the association of jealousy116 with polygamy. Indeed it is calculated to dispel117 jealousy. For instance—In this country, three young women all love the same young man. Being rivals, it is quite natural to suppose that the young women, through their jealousy, hate each other in exact proportion as they love the young man, because they know that the law will not allow him to be married to them all, and consequently when one has obtained him the others have irrecoverably lost him. If polygamy were allowed, this jealousy would not exist, because a woman would know she could be married to any man she loved, if she could win his affection, which part of the business might be safely entrusted to her.
Mr. W. But what advantages would accrue118 through a man's having more wives than one.
Elder B. I have just told you one very great advantage—a woman could, without fear of rivalry119, become the wife of the man on whom she had set the purest and warmest affections of her soul. She would not be compelled, as many are now, to throw herself away on some brute120 in human form, who would scarcely pass the honeymoon121 before he treated her worse than his cattle. Such wretches122 do not deserve a wife at all. But what are women to do? You can't unsex them. Women are women, after all, and they know they have a right to husbands and protectors. If they cannot get as good as they wish, they will get as good as they can. Therefore leave their choice free as to whom they shall have. A woman gives herself wholly and entirely123, body and affections, to a man. She {65} ought surely to be allowed to bestow124 such a gift on whom she pleases. She ought certainly to choose whatever man she pleases to hold unlimited125 and sole control over her person and property. If this were more extensively the case, we should hear less of wife beating and wife murdering, accounts of which figure so conspicuously126 in our newspapers. Now polygamy would grant the advantage named, whereas monogamy is one of the greatest bars to the happiness of the female sex.
Mr. W. But would you have all men marry several wives each?
Elder B. That would not necessarily follow. It would be more likely that good men would each have several wives, and that bad men would find it difficult to get any wife to ill-use and beat. This would bring to men a reward and a punishment, in which the women would be proud to administer, and which would do more for their protection than all the legislative127 enactments128 in the world.
Mr. W. Well, I must think upon this subject. I certainly do not feel to object so much to it as I did before I named it to you.
Mary. [Mr. W.'s daughter.] Dinner's ready, please, father.
Mr. W. Then I suppose we must retire. You shall stay and have dinner with me, and then you shall be at liberty to attend to your business, as I think I shall have detained you long enough to day. By the bye, I have read the tract129 you lent me, I like it very well. I shall certainly go to your meetings, and hear a little more, and I will not promise you that I shall not be a Latter-day Saint yet, for I must say that your religion is more consistent with the Bible than any other which I have examined.
Elder B. You can't do better, sir, I assure you.


1 salvation nC2zC     
  • Salvation lay in political reform.解救办法在于政治改革。
  • Christians hope and pray for salvation.基督教徒希望并祈祷灵魂得救。
2 postpone rP0xq     
  • I shall postpone making a decision till I learn full particulars.在未获悉详情之前我得从缓作出决定。
  • She decided to postpone the converastion for that evening.她决定当天晚上把谈话搁一搁。
3 favourable favourable     
  • The company will lend you money on very favourable terms.这家公司将以非常优惠的条件借钱给你。
  • We found that most people are favourable to the idea.我们发现大多数人同意这个意见。
4 canvassing 076342fa33f5615c22c469e5fe038959     
v.(在政治方面)游说( canvass的现在分词 );调查(如选举前选民的)意见;为讨论而提出(意见等);详细检查
  • He spent the whole month canvassing for votes. 他花了整整一个月四处游说拉选票。
  • I'm canvassing for the Conservative Party. 我在为保守党拉选票。 来自辞典例句
5 conversed a9ac3add7106d6e0696aafb65fcced0d     
v.交谈,谈话( converse的过去式 )
  • I conversed with her on a certain problem. 我与她讨论某一问题。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • She was cheerful and polite, and conversed with me pleasantly. 她十分高兴,也很客气,而且愉快地同我交谈。 来自辞典例句
6 fully Gfuzd     
  • The doctor asked me to breathe in,then to breathe out fully.医生让我先吸气,然后全部呼出。
  • They soon became fully integrated into the local community.他们很快就完全融入了当地人的圈子。
7 revival UWixU     
  • The period saw a great revival in the wine trade.这一时期葡萄酒业出现了很大的复苏。
  • He claimed the housing market was showing signs of a revival.他指出房地产市场正出现复苏的迹象。
8 denominations f2a750794effb127cad2d6b3b9598654     
n.宗派( denomination的名词复数 );教派;面额;名称
  • Christians of all denominations attended the conference. 基督教所有教派的人都出席了这次会议。
  • The service was attended by Christians of all denominations. 这次礼拜仪式各教派的基督徒都参加了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
9 strife NrdyZ     
  • We do not intend to be drawn into the internal strife.我们不想卷入内乱之中。
  • Money is a major cause of strife in many marriages.金钱是造成很多婚姻不和的一个主要原因。
10 contentions 8e5be9e0da735e6c66757d2c55b30896     
n.竞争( contention的名词复数 );争夺;争论;论点
  • Direct tests on individual particles do not support these contentions. 对单个粒子所作的直接试验并不支持这些论点。 来自辞典例句
  • His contentions cannot be laughed out of court. 对他的争辩不能一笑置之。 来自辞典例句
11 contention oZ5yd     
  • The pay increase is the key point of contention. 加薪是争论的焦点。
  • The real bone of contention,as you know,is money.你知道,争论的真正焦点是钱的问题。
12 folly QgOzL     
  • Learn wisdom by the folly of others.从别人的愚蠢行动中学到智慧。
  • Events proved the folly of such calculations.事情的进展证明了这种估计是愚蠢的。
13 retired Njhzyv     
  • The old man retired to the country for rest.这位老人下乡休息去了。
  • Many retired people take up gardening as a hobby.许多退休的人都以从事园艺为嗜好。
14 secluded wj8zWX     
adj.与世隔绝的;隐退的;偏僻的v.使隔开,使隐退( seclude的过去式和过去分词)
  • Some people like to strip themselves naked while they have a swim in a secluded place. 一些人当他们在隐蔽的地方游泳时,喜欢把衣服脱光。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • This charming cottage dates back to the 15th century and is as pretty as a picture, with its thatched roof and secluded garden. 这所美丽的村舍是15世纪时的建筑,有茅草房顶和宁静的花园,漂亮极了,简直和画上一样。 来自《简明英汉词典》
15 almighty dzhz1h     
  • Those rebels did not really challenge Gods almighty power.这些叛徒没有对上帝的全能力量表示怀疑。
  • It's almighty cold outside.外面冷得要命。
16 mighty YDWxl     
  • A mighty force was about to break loose.一股巨大的力量即将迸发而出。
  • The mighty iceberg came into view.巨大的冰山出现在眼前。
17 hover FQSzM     
  • You don't hover round the table.你不要围着桌子走来走去。
  • A plane is hover on our house.有一架飞机在我们的房子上盘旋。
18 descended guQzoy     
  • A mood of melancholy descended on us. 一种悲伤的情绪袭上我们的心头。
  • The path descended the hill in a series of zigzags. 小路呈连续的之字形顺着山坡蜿蜒而下。
19 distressing cuTz30     
  • All who saw the distressing scene revolted against it. 所有看到这种悲惨景象的人都对此感到难过。
  • It is distressing to see food being wasted like this. 这样浪费粮食令人痛心。
20 bondage 0NtzR     
  • Masters sometimes allowed their slaves to buy their way out of bondage.奴隶主们有时允许奴隶为自己赎身。
  • They aim to deliver the people who are in bondage to superstitious belief.他们的目的在于解脱那些受迷信束缚的人。
21 standing 2hCzgo     
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
22 spoke XryyC     
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
23 doctrines 640cf8a59933d263237ff3d9e5a0f12e     
n.教条( doctrine的名词复数 );教义;学说;(政府政策的)正式声明
  • To modern eyes, such doctrines appear harsh, even cruel. 从现代的角度看,这样的教义显得苛刻,甚至残酷。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • His doctrines have seduced many into error. 他的学说把许多人诱入歧途。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
24 doctrine Pkszt     
  • He was impelled to proclaim his doctrine.他不得不宣扬他的教义。
  • The council met to consider changes to doctrine.宗教议会开会考虑更改教义。
25 sects a3161a77f8f90b4820a636c283bfe4bf     
n.宗派,教派( sect的名词复数 )
  • Members of these sects are ruthlessly persecuted and suppressed. 这些教派的成员遭到了残酷的迫害和镇压。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He had subdued the religious sects, cleaned up Saigon. 他压服了宗教派别,刷新了西贡的面貌。 来自辞典例句
26 manifestation 0RCz6     
  • Her smile is a manifestation of joy.她的微笑是她快乐的表现。
  • What we call mass is only another manifestation of energy.我们称之为质量的东西只是能量的另一种表现形态。
27 countenance iztxc     
  • At the sight of this photograph he changed his countenance.他一看见这张照片脸色就变了。
  • I made a fierce countenance as if I would eat him alive.我脸色恶狠狠地,仿佛要把他活生生地吞下去。
28 recollect eUOxl     
  • He tried to recollect things and drown himself in them.他极力回想过去的事情而沉浸于回忆之中。
  • She could not recollect being there.她回想不起曾经到过那儿。
29 everlasting Insx7     
  • These tyres are advertised as being everlasting.广告上说轮胎持久耐用。
  • He believes in everlasting life after death.他相信死后有不朽的生命。
30 musing musing     
n. 沉思,冥想 adj. 沉思的, 冥想的 动词muse的现在分词形式
  • "At Tellson's banking-house at nine," he said, with a musing face. “九点在台尔森银行大厦见面,”他想道。 来自英汉文学 - 双城记
  • She put the jacket away, and stood by musing a minute. 她把那件上衣放到一边,站着沉思了一会儿。
31 beheld beheld     
v.看,注视( behold的过去式和过去分词 );瞧;看呀;(叙述中用于引出某人意外的出现)哎哟
  • His eyes had never beheld such opulence. 他从未见过这样的财富。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The soul beheld its features in the mirror of the passing moment. 灵魂在逝去的瞬间的镜子中看到了自己的模样。 来自英汉文学 - 红字
32 pointed Il8zB4     
  • He gave me a very sharp pointed pencil.他给我一支削得非常尖的铅笔。
  • She wished to show Mrs.John Dashwood by this pointed invitation to her brother.她想通过对达茨伍德夫人提出直截了当的邀请向她的哥哥表示出来。
33 entrusted be9f0db83b06252a0a462773113f94fa     
v.委托,托付( entrust的过去式和过去分词 )
  • He entrusted the task to his nephew. 他把这任务托付给了他的侄儿。
  • She was entrusted with the direction of the project. 她受委托负责这项计划。 来自《简明英汉词典》
34 simplicity Vryyv     
  • She dressed with elegant simplicity.她穿着朴素高雅。
  • The beauty of this plan is its simplicity.简明扼要是这个计划的一大特点。
35 obedience 8vryb     
  • Society has a right to expect obedience of the law.社会有权要求人人遵守法律。
  • Soldiers act in obedience to the orders of their superior officers.士兵们遵照上级军官的命令行动。
36 maturity 47nzh     
  • These plants ought to reach maturity after five years.这些植物五年后就该长成了。
  • This is the period at which the body attains maturity.这是身体发育成熟的时期。
37 qualified DCPyj     
  • He is qualified as a complete man of letters.他有资格当真正的文学家。
  • We must note that we still lack qualified specialists.我们必须看到我们还缺乏有资质的专家。
38 hieroglyphic 5dKxO     
  • For centuries hieroglyphic word pictures painted on Egyptian ruins were a mystery.几世纪以来,刻划在埃及废墟中的象形文字一直是个谜。
  • Dongba is an ancient hieroglyphic language.东巴文是中国一种古老的象形文字。
39 engraved be672d34fc347de7d97da3537d2c3c95     
v.在(硬物)上雕刻(字,画等)( engrave的过去式和过去分词 );将某事物深深印在(记忆或头脑中)
  • The silver cup was engraved with his name. 银杯上刻有他的名字。
  • It was prettily engraved with flowers on the back. 此件雕刻精美,背面有花饰图案。 来自《简明英汉词典》
40 peculiar cinyo     
  • He walks in a peculiar fashion.他走路的样子很奇特。
  • He looked at me with a very peculiar expression.他用一种很奇怪的表情看着我。
41 persecution PAnyA     
n. 迫害,烦扰
  • He had fled from France at the time of the persecution. 他在大迫害时期逃离了法国。
  • Their persecution only serves to arouse the opposition of the people. 他们的迫害只激起人民对他们的反抗。
42 testimony zpbwO     
  • The testimony given by him is dubious.他所作的证据是可疑的。
  • He was called in to bear testimony to what the police officer said.他被传入为警官所说的话作证。
43 apocryphal qwgzZ     
  • Most of the story about his private life was probably apocryphal.有关他私生活的事可能大部分都是虚构的。
  • This may well be an apocryphal story.这很可能是个杜撰的故事。
44 fabulous ch6zI     
  • We had a fabulous time at the party.我们在晚会上玩得很痛快。
  • This is a fabulous sum of money.这是一笔巨款。
45 candid SsRzS     
  • I cannot but hope the candid reader will give some allowance for it.我只有希望公正的读者多少包涵一些。
  • He is quite candid with his friends.他对朋友相当坦诚。
46 condemn zpxzp     
  • Some praise him,whereas others condemn him.有些人赞扬他,而有些人谴责他。
  • We mustn't condemn him on mere suppositions.我们不可全凭臆测来指责他。
47 rumours ba6e2decd2e28dec9a80f28cb99e131d     
n.传闻( rumour的名词复数 );风闻;谣言;谣传
  • The rumours were completely baseless. 那些谣传毫无根据。
  • Rumours of job losses were later confirmed. 裁员的传言后来得到了证实。
48 actively lzezni     
  • During this period all the students were actively participating.在这节课中所有的学生都积极参加。
  • We are actively intervening to settle a quarrel.我们正在积极调解争执。
49 civilized UwRzDg     
  • Racism is abhorrent to a civilized society. 文明社会憎恶种族主义。
  • rising crime in our so-called civilized societies 在我们所谓文明社会中日益增多的犯罪行为
50 degenerated 41e5137359bcc159984e1d58f1f76d16     
衰退,堕落,退化( degenerate的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The march degenerated into a riot. 示威游行变成了暴动。
  • The wide paved road degenerated into a narrow bumpy track. 铺好的宽阔道路渐渐变窄,成了一条崎岖不平的小径。
51 corrupt 4zTxn     
  • The newspaper alleged the mayor's corrupt practices.那家报纸断言市长有舞弊行为。
  • This judge is corrupt.这个法官贪污。
52 utterly ZfpzM1     
  • Utterly devoted to the people,he gave his life in saving his patients.他忠于人民,把毕生精力用于挽救患者的生命。
  • I was utterly ravished by the way she smiled.她的微笑使我完全陶醉了。
53 reign pBbzx     
  • The reign of Queen Elizabeth lapped over into the seventeenth century.伊丽莎白王朝延至17世纪。
  • The reign of Zhu Yuanzhang lasted about 31 years.朱元璋统治了大约三十一年。
54 emigrants 81556c8b392d5ee5732be7064bb9c0be     
n.(从本国移往他国的)移民( emigrant的名词复数 )
  • At last the emigrants got to their new home. 移民们终于到达了他们的新家。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • 'Truly, a decree for selling the property of emigrants.' “有那么回事,是出售外逃人员财产的法令。” 来自英汉文学 - 双城记
55 amalgamated ed85e8e23651662e5e12b2453a8d0f6f     
v.(使)(金属)汞齐化( amalgamate的过去式和过去分词 );(使)合并;联合;结合
  • The company has now amalgamated with another local firm. 这家公司现在已与当地一家公司合并了。
  • Those two organizations have been amalgamated into single one. 那两个组织已合并为一个组织。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
56 scattered 7jgzKF     
  • Gathering up his scattered papers,he pushed them into his case.他把散乱的文件收拾起来,塞进文件夹里。
57 mingled fdf34efd22095ed7e00f43ccc823abdf     
混合,混入( mingle的过去式和过去分词 ); 混进,与…交往[联系]
  • The sounds of laughter and singing mingled in the evening air. 笑声和歌声交织在夜空中。
  • The man and the woman mingled as everyone started to relax. 当大家开始放松的时候,这一男一女就开始交往了。
58 unison gKCzB     
  • The governments acted in unison to combat terrorism.这些国家的政府一致行动对付恐怖主义。
  • My feelings are in unison with yours.我的感情与你的感情是一致的。
59 apostate Evbzz     
  • He is an apostate from Christianity.他是一个基督教的背信者。
  • The most furious anarchist become the most barefaced apostate.最激烈的无政府主义者,居然成了最露骨的变节者。
60 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
61 condemns c3a2b03fc35077b00cf57010edb796f4     
v.(通常因道义上的原因而)谴责( condemn的第三人称单数 );宣判;宣布…不能使用;迫使…陷于不幸的境地
  • Her widowhood condemns her to a lonely old age. 守寡使她不得不过着孤独的晚年生活。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The public opinion condemns prostitution. 公众舆论遣责卖淫。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
62 blessings 52a399b218b9208cade790a26255db6b     
n.(上帝的)祝福( blessing的名词复数 );好事;福分;因祸得福
  • Afflictions are sometimes blessings in disguise. 塞翁失马,焉知非福。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • We don't rely on blessings from Heaven. 我们不靠老天保佑。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
63 primitive vSwz0     
  • It is a primitive instinct to flee a place of danger.逃离危险的地方是一种原始本能。
  • His book describes the march of the civilization of a primitive society.他的著作描述了一个原始社会的开化过程。
64 perversion s3tzJ     
  • In its most general sense,corruption means the perversion or abandonment.就其最一般的意义上说,舞弊就是堕落,就是背离准则。
  • Her account was a perversion of the truth.她所讲的歪曲了事实。
65 narrative CFmxS     
  • He was a writer of great narrative power.他是一位颇有记述能力的作家。
  • Neither author was very strong on narrative.两个作者都不是很善于讲故事。
66 ordained 629f6c8a1f6bf34be2caf3a3959a61f1     
v.任命(某人)为牧师( ordain的过去式和过去分词 );授予(某人)圣职;(上帝、法律等)命令;判定
  • He was ordained in 1984. 他在一九八四年被任命为牧师。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He was ordained priest. 他被任命为牧师。 来自辞典例句
67 repentance ZCnyS     
  • He shows no repentance for what he has done.他对他的所作所为一点也不懊悔。
  • Christ is inviting sinners to repentance.基督正在敦请有罪的人悔悟。
68 immersion baIxf     
  • The dirt on the bottom of the bath didn't encourage total immersion.浴缸底有污垢,不宜全身浸泡于其中。
  • The wood had become swollen from prolonged immersion.因长时间浸泡,木头发胀了。
69 prophesied 27251c478db94482eeb550fc2b08e011     
v.预告,预言( prophesy的过去式和过去分词 )
  • She prophesied that she would win a gold medal. 她预言自己将赢得金牌。
  • She prophesied the tragic outcome. 她预言有悲惨的结果。 来自《简明英汉词典》
70 ordination rJQxr     
  • His ordination gives him the right to conduct a marriage or a funeral.他的晋升圣职使他有权主持婚礼或葬礼。
  • The vatican said the ordination places the city's catholics in a "very delicate and difficult decision."教廷说,这个任命使得这个城市的天主教徒不得不做出“非常棘手和困难的决定”。
71 forth Hzdz2     
  • The wind moved the trees gently back and forth.风吹得树轻轻地来回摇晃。
  • He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.他很快连续发表了一系列的作品。
72 remarkable 8Vbx6     
  • She has made remarkable headway in her writing skills.她在写作技巧方面有了长足进步。
  • These cars are remarkable for the quietness of their engines.这些汽车因发动机没有噪音而不同凡响。
73 brutality MSbyb     
  • The brutality of the crime has appalled the public. 罪行之残暴使公众大为震惊。
  • a general who was infamous for his brutality 因残忍而恶名昭彰的将军
74 relentless VBjzv     
  • The traffic noise is relentless.交通车辆的噪音一刻也不停止。
  • Their training has to be relentless.他们的训练必须是无情的。
75 dedicated duHzy2     
  • He dedicated his life to the cause of education.他献身于教育事业。
  • His whole energies are dedicated to improve the design.他的全部精力都放在改进这项设计上了。
76 isles 4c841d3b2d643e7e26f4a3932a4a886a     
岛( isle的名词复数 )
  • the geology of the British Isles 不列颠群岛的地质
  • The boat left for the isles. 小船驶向那些小岛。
77 embroiled 77258f75da8d0746f3018b2caba91b5f     
  • He became embroiled in a dispute with his neighbours. 他与邻居们发生了争执。
  • John and Peter were quarrelling, but Mary refused to get embroiled. 约翰和彼得在争吵,但玛丽不愿卷入。 来自《简明英汉词典》
78 assailed cca18e858868e1e5479e8746bfb818d6     
v.攻击( assail的过去式和过去分词 );困扰;质问;毅然应对
  • He was assailed with fierce blows to the head. 他的头遭到猛烈殴打。
  • He has been assailed by bad breaks all these years. 这些年来他接二连三地倒霉。 来自《用法词典》
79 battalion hu0zN     
  • The town was garrisoned by a battalion.该镇由一营士兵驻守。
  • At the end of the drill parade,the battalion fell out.操练之后,队伍解散了。
80 enrolled ff7af27948b380bff5d583359796d3c8     
adj.入学登记了的v.[亦作enrol]( enroll的过去式和过去分词 );登记,招收,使入伍(或入会、入学等),参加,成为成员;记入名册;卷起,包起
  • They have been studying hard from the moment they enrolled. 从入学时起,他们就一直努力学习。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He enrolled with an employment agency for a teaching position. 他在职业介绍所登了记以谋求一个教师的职位。 来自《简明英汉词典》
81 destitute 4vOxu     
  • They were destitute of necessaries of life.他们缺少生活必需品。
  • They are destitute of common sense.他们缺乏常识。
82 chili JOlzm     
  • He helped himself to another two small spoonfuls of chili oil.他自己下手又加了两小勺辣椒油。
  • It has chocolate,chili,and other spices.有巧克力粉,辣椒,和其他的调味品。
83 annually VzYzNO     
  • Many migratory birds visit this lake annually.许多候鸟每年到这个湖上作短期逗留。
  • They celebrate their wedding anniversary annually.他们每年庆祝一番结婚纪念日。
84 covenants 185d08f454ed053be6d340821190beab     
n.(有法律约束的)协议( covenant的名词复数 );盟约;公约;(向慈善事业、信托基金会等定期捐款的)契约书
  • Do I need to review the Deed of mutual Covenants (DMC)? 我是否需要覆核公共契约(DMC)吗? 来自互联网
  • Many listed and unlisted companies need to sell to address covenants. 许多上市公司和非上市公司需要出售手中资产,以满足借贷契约的要求。 来自互联网
85 millennial ef953914f342cb14bd9e488fe460c41e     
  • Both Russia and America looked to the future to fulfill their millennial expectations. 俄国和美国都把实现他们黄金时代的希望寄托于未来。
  • The millennial generation is celebrating the global commons every day, apparently unmindful of Hardin's warning. 千禧一代显然对哈丁的警告不以为然,每天都在颂扬全球“公地”。
86 lesser UpxzJL     
  • Kept some of the lesser players out.不让那些次要的球员参加联赛。
  • She has also been affected,but to a lesser degree.她也受到波及,但程度较轻。
87 ordinances 8cabd02f9b13e5fee6496fb028b82c8c     
n.条例,法令( ordinance的名词复数 )
  • These points of view, however, had not been generally accepted in building ordinances. 然而,这些观点仍未普遍地为其他的建筑条例而接受。 来自辞典例句
  • Great are Your mercies, O Lord; Revive me according to Your ordinances. 诗119:156耶和华阿、你的慈悲本为大.求你照你的典章将我救活。 来自互联网
88 bishops 391617e5d7bcaaf54a7c2ad3fc490348     
(基督教某些教派管辖大教区的)主教( bishop的名词复数 ); (国际象棋的)象
  • Each player has two bishops at the start of the game. 棋赛开始时,每名棋手有两只象。
  • "Only sheriffs and bishops and rich people and kings, and such like. “他劫富济贫,抢的都是郡长、主教、国王之类的富人。
89 bishop AtNzd     
  • He was a bishop who was held in reverence by all.他是一位被大家都尊敬的主教。
  • Two years after his death the bishop was canonised.主教逝世两年后被正式封为圣者。
90 presidency J1HzD     
  • Roosevelt was elected four times to the presidency of the United States.罗斯福连续当选四届美国总统。
  • Two candidates are emerging as contestants for the presidency.两位候选人最终成为总统职位竞争者。
91 quorum r0gzX     
  • The meeting is adjourned since there is no quorum.因为没有法定人数会议休会。
  • Three members shall constitute a quorum.三名成员可组成法定人数。
92 exhort Nh5zl     
  • The opposition can only question and exhort.反对党只能提出质问和告诫。
  • This is why people exhort each other not to step into stock market.这就是为什么许多人互相告诫,不要涉足股市的原因。
93 backbiting d0736e9eb21ad2d1bc00e3a309b2f35c     
  • You should refrain your tongue from backbiting. 你不要背后诽谤人。
  • Refrain your tongue from backbiting. 不要在背后中伤人家。
94 iniquity F48yK     
  • Research has revealed that he is a monster of iniquity.调查结果显示他是一个不法之徒。
  • The iniquity of the transaction aroused general indignation.这笔交易的不公引起了普遍的愤怒。
95 well-being Fe3zbn     
  • He always has the well-being of the masses at heart.他总是把群众的疾苦挂在心上。
  • My concern for their well-being was misunderstood as interference.我关心他们的幸福,却被误解为多管闲事。
96 embodied 12aaccf12ed540b26a8c02d23d463865     
v.表现( embody的过去式和过去分词 );象征;包括;包含
  • a politician who embodied the hopes of black youth 代表黑人青年希望的政治家
  • The heroic deeds of him embodied the glorious tradition of the troops. 他的英雄事迹体现了军队的光荣传统。 来自《简明英汉词典》
97 ministry kD5x2     
  • They sent a deputation to the ministry to complain.他们派了一个代表团到部里投诉。
  • We probed the Air Ministry statements.我们调查了空军部的记录。
98 edifying a97ce6cffd0a5657c9644f46b1c20531     
adj.有教训意味的,教训性的,有益的v.开导,启发( edify的现在分词 )
  • Young students are advised to read edifying books to improve their mind. 建议青年学生们读一些陶冶性情的书籍,以提高自己的心智。 来自辞典例句
  • This edifying spectacle was the final event of the Governor's ball. 这个有启发性的表演便是省长的舞会的最后一个节目了。 来自辞典例句
99 propriety oRjx4     
  • We hesitated at the propriety of the method.我们对这种办法是否适用拿不定主意。
  • The sensitive matter was handled with great propriety.这件机密的事处理得极为适当。
100 gathering ChmxZ     
  • He called on Mr. White to speak at the gathering.他请怀特先生在集会上讲话。
  • He is on the wing gathering material for his novels.他正忙于为他的小说收集资料。
101 dreary sk1z6     
  • They live such dreary lives.他们的生活如此乏味。
  • She was tired of hearing the same dreary tale of drunkenness and violence.她听够了那些关于酗酒和暴力的乏味故事。
102 scattering 91b52389e84f945a976e96cd577a4e0c     
  • The child felle into a rage and began scattering its toys about. 这孩子突发狂怒,把玩具扔得满地都是。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The farmers are scattering seed. 农夫们在播种。 来自《简明英汉词典》
103 banish nu8zD     
  • The doctor advised her to banish fear and anxiety.医生劝她消除恐惧和忧虑。
  • He tried to banish gloom from his thought.他试图驱除心中的忧愁。
104 judgments 2a483d435ecb48acb69a6f4c4dd1a836     
判断( judgment的名词复数 ); 鉴定; 评价; 审判
  • A peculiar austerity marked his judgments of modern life. 他对现代生活的批评带着一种特殊的苛刻。
  • He is swift with his judgments. 他判断迅速。
105 scripture WZUx4     
  • The scripture states that God did not want us to be alone.圣经指出上帝并不是想让我们独身一人生活。
  • They invoked Hindu scripture to justify their position.他们援引印度教的经文为他们的立场辩护。
106 immoral waCx8     
  • She was questioned about his immoral conduct toward her.她被询问过有关他对她的不道德行为的情况。
  • It is my belief that nuclear weapons are immoral.我相信使核武器是不邪恶的。
107 licentiousness d0c16bc4293aa3a7a47ea1e6e01dd660     
  • Without law, liberty also loses its nature and its name, and becomes licentiousness. 没有法律,自由也同样名实具亡,就是无法无天。
108 promiscuous WBJyG     
  • They were taking a promiscuous stroll when it began to rain.他们正在那漫无目的地散步,突然下起雨来。
  • Alec know that she was promiscuous and superficial.亚历克知道她是乱七八糟和浅薄的。
109 intercourse NbMzU     
  • The magazine becomes a cultural medium of intercourse between the two peoples.该杂志成为两民族间文化交流的媒介。
  • There was close intercourse between them.他们过往很密。
110 honourably 0b67e28f27c35b98ec598f359adf344d     
  • Will the time never come when we may honourably bury the hatchet? 难道我们永远不可能有个体面地休战的时候吗? 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The dispute was settled honourably. 争议体面地得到解决。 来自《简明英汉词典》
111 violation lLBzJ     
  • He roared that was a violation of the rules.他大声说,那是违反规则的。
  • He was fined 200 dollars for violation of traffic regulation.他因违反交通规则被罚款200美元。
112 condemning 3c571b073a8d53beeff1e31a57d104c0     
v.(通常因道义上的原因而)谴责( condemn的现在分词 );宣判;宣布…不能使用;迫使…陷于不幸的境地
  • The government issued a statement condemning the killings. 政府发表声明谴责这些凶杀事件。
  • I concur with the speaker in condemning what has been done. 我同意发言者对所做的事加以谴责。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
113 jot X3Cx3     
  • I'll jot down their address before I forget it.我得赶快把他们的地址写下来,免得忘了。
  • There is not a jot of evidence to say it does them any good.没有丝毫的证据显示这对他们有任何好处。
114 marital SBixg     
  • Her son had no marital problems.她的儿子没有婚姻问题。
  • I regret getting involved with my daughter's marital problems;all its done is to bring trouble about my ears.我后悔干涉我女儿的婚姻问题, 现在我所做的一切将给我带来无穷的烦恼。
115 redeemed redeemed     
adj. 可赎回的,可救赎的 动词redeem的过去式和过去分词形式
  • She has redeemed her pawned jewellery. 她赎回了当掉的珠宝。
  • He redeemed his watch from the pawnbroker's. 他从当铺赎回手表。
116 jealousy WaRz6     
  • Some women have a disposition to jealousy.有些女人生性爱妒忌。
  • I can't support your jealousy any longer.我再也无法忍受你的嫉妒了。
117 dispel XtQx0     
  • I tried in vain to dispel her misgivings.我试图消除她的疑虑,但没有成功。
  • We hope the programme will dispel certain misconceptions about the disease.我们希望这个节目能消除对这种疾病的一些误解。
118 accrue iNGzp     
  • Ability to think will accrue to you from good habits of study.思考能力将因良好的学习习惯而自然增强。
  • Money deposited in banks will accrue to us with interest.钱存在银行,利息自生。
119 rivalry tXExd     
  • The quarrel originated in rivalry between the two families.这次争吵是两家不和引起的。
  • He had a lot of rivalry with his brothers and sisters.他和兄弟姐妹间经常较劲。
120 brute GSjya     
  • The aggressor troops are not many degrees removed from the brute.侵略军简直象一群野兽。
  • That dog is a dangerous brute.It bites people.那条狗是危险的畜牲,它咬人。
121 honeymoon ucnxc     
  • While on honeymoon in Bali,she learned to scuba dive.她在巴厘岛度蜜月时学会了带水肺潜水。
  • The happy pair are leaving for their honeymoon.这幸福的一对就要去度蜜月了。
122 wretches 279ac1104342e09faf6a011b43f12d57     
n.不幸的人( wretch的名词复数 );可怜的人;恶棍;坏蛋
  • The little wretches were all bedraggledfrom some roguery. 小淘气们由于恶作剧而弄得脏乎乎的。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • The best courage for us poor wretches is to fly from danger. 对我们这些可怜虫说来,最好的出路还是躲避危险。 来自辞典例句
123 entirely entirely     
  • The fire was entirely caused by their neglect of duty. 那场火灾完全是由于他们失职而引起的。
  • His life was entirely given up to the educational work. 他的一生统统献给了教育工作。
124 bestow 9t3zo     
  • He wished to bestow great honors upon the hero.他希望将那些伟大的荣誉授予这位英雄。
  • What great inspiration wiII you bestow on me?你有什么伟大的灵感能馈赠给我?
125 unlimited MKbzB     
  • They flew over the unlimited reaches of the Arctic.他们飞过了茫茫无边的北极上空。
  • There is no safety in unlimited technological hubris.在技术方面自以为是会很危险。
126 conspicuously 3vczqb     
  • France remained a conspicuously uneasy country. 法国依然是个明显不太平的国家。
  • She figured conspicuously in the public debate on the issue. 她在该问题的公开辩论中很引人注目。
127 legislative K9hzG     
  • Congress is the legislative branch of the U.S. government.国会是美国政府的立法部门。
  • Today's hearing was just the first step in the legislative process.今天的听证会只是展开立法程序的第一步。
128 enactments 5611b24d947882759eed5c32a8d7c62a     
n.演出( enactment的名词复数 );展现;规定;通过
  • The enactments specified in Part 3 of Schedule 5 are repealed. 附表5第3部指明的成文法则现予废除。 来自互联网
  • On and after April 1st the new enactments shall be enforced. 从4月1日起实施新法令。 来自互联网
129 tract iJxz4     
  • He owns a large tract of forest.他拥有一大片森林。
  • He wrote a tract on this subject.他曾对此写了一篇短文。


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