"Why do you look so woebegone?" asked the Kite.
"I want to get married," replied the Eagle, "and I can't find a mate who can provide for me as I should like."
"Take me," said the Kite; "I am very strong, stronger even than you!"
"Do you really think you can provide for me?" asked the Eagle eagerly.
"Why, of course," replied the Kite. "That would be a very simple matter. I am so strong I can carry away an Ostrich2 in my talons3 as if it were a feather!"
The Eagle accepted the Kite immediately. But after the wedding, when the Kite flew away to find something to eat for his bride, all he had when he returned, was a tiny Mouse.
"Is that the Ostrich you talked about?" said the Eagle in disgust.
"To win you I would have said and promised anything," replied the Kite.
Everything is fair in love.
One day a Stag came to a Sheep and asked her to lend him a measure of wheat. The Sheep knew him for a very swift runner, who could easily take himself out of reach, were he so inclined. So she asked him if he knew someone who would answer for him.
"Yes, yes," answered the Stag confidently, "the Wolf has promised to be my surety."
"The Wolf!" exclaimed the Sheep indignantly. "Do you think I would trust you on such security? I know the Wolf! He takes what he wants and runs off with it without paying. As for you, you can use your legs so well that I should have little chance of collecting the debt if I had to catch you for it!"
Two blacks do not make a white.
Once upon a time a severe plague raged among the animals. Many died, and those who lived were so ill, that they cared for neither food nor drink, and dragged themselves about listlessly. No longer could a fat young hen tempt4 Master Fox to dinner, nor a tender lamb rouse greedy Sir Wolf's appetite.
At last the Lion decided5 to call a council. When all the animals were gathered together he arose and said:
"Dear friends, I believe the gods have sent this plague upon us as a punishment for our sins. Therefore, the most guilty one of us must be offered in sacrifice. Perhaps we may thus obtain forgiveness and cure for all.
"I will confess all my sins first. I admit that I have been very greedy and have devoured6 many sheep. They had done me no harm. I have eaten goats and bulls and stags. To tell the truth, I even ate up a shepherd now and then.
"Now, if I am the most guilty, I am ready to be sacrificed. But I think it best that each one confess his sins as I have done. Then we can decide in all justice who is the most guilty."
"Your majesty7," said the Fox, "you are too good. Can it be a crime to eat sheep, such stupid mutton heads? No, no, your majesty. You have done them great honor by eating them up.
"And so far as shepherds are concerned, we all know they belong to that puny8 race that pretends to be our masters."
All the animals applauded the Fox loudly. Then, though the Tiger, the Bear, the Wolf, and all the savage9 beasts recited the most wicked deeds, all were excused and made to appear very saint-like and innocent.
"I remember," he said guiltily, "that one day as I was passing a field belonging to some priests, I was so tempted11 by the tender grass and my hunger, that I could not resist nibbling12 a bit of it. I had no right to do it, I admit—"
A great uproar13 among the beasts interrupted him. Here was the culprit who had brought misfortune on all of them! What a horrible crime it was to eat grass that belonged to someone else! It was enough to hang anyone for, much more an Ass.
Immediately they all fell upon him, the Wolf in the lead, and soon had made an end to him, sacrificing him to the gods then and there, and without the formality of an altar.
The weak are made to suffer for the misdeeds of the powerful.
A Shepherd, counting his Sheep one day, discovered that a number of them were missing.
Much irritated, he very loudly and boastfully declared that he would catch the thief and punish him as he deserved. The Shepherd suspected a Wolf of the deed and so set out toward a rocky region among the hills, where there were caves infested14 by Wolves. But before starting out he made a vow15 to Jupiter that if he would help him find the thief he would offer a fat Calf16 as a sacrifice.
The Shepherd searched a long time without finding any Wolves, but just as he was passing near a large cave on the mountain side, a huge Lion stalked out, carrying a Sheep. In great terror the Shepherd fell on his knees.
"Alas17, O Jupiter, man does not know what he asks! To find the thief I offered to sacrifice a fat Calf. Now I promise you a full-grown Bull, if you but make the thief go away!"
We are often not so eager for what we seek, after we have found it.
Do not foolishly ask for things that would bring ruin if they were granted.
A Dog, to whom the butcher had thrown a bone, was hurrying home with his prize as fast as he could go. As he crossed a narrow footbridge, he happened to look down and saw himself reflected in the quiet water as if in a mirror. But the greedy Dog thought he saw a real Dog carrying a bone much bigger than his own.
If he had stopped to think he would have known better. But instead of thinking, he dropped his bone and sprang at the Dog in the river, only to find himself swimming for dear life to reach the shore. At last he managed to scramble18 out, and as he stood sadly thinking about the good bone he had lost, he realized what a stupid Dog he had been.
It is very foolish to be greedy.


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adj. 下垂的,无力的 动词droop的现在分词 | |
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n.鸵鸟 | |
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n.(尤指猛禽的)爪( talon的名词复数 );(如爪般的)手指;爪状物;锁簧尖状突出部 | |
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vt.引诱,勾引,吸引,引起…的兴趣 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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吞没( devour的过去式和过去分词 ); 耗尽; 津津有味地看; 狼吞虎咽地吃光 | |
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n.雄伟,壮丽,庄严,威严;最高权威,王权 | |
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adj.微不足道的,弱小的 | |
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adj.野蛮的;凶恶的,残暴的;n.未开化的人 | |
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n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 | |
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v.怂恿(某人)干不正当的事;冒…的险(tempt的过去分词) | |
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v.啃,一点一点地咬(吃)( nibble的现在分词 );啃出(洞),一点一点咬出(洞);慢慢减少;小口咬 | |
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n.骚动,喧嚣,鼎沸 | |
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adj.为患的,大批滋生的(常与with搭配)v.害虫、野兽大批出没于( infest的过去式和过去分词 );遍布于 | |
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n.誓(言),誓约;v.起誓,立誓 | |
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n.小牛,犊,幼仔,小牛皮 | |
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int.唉(表示悲伤、忧愁、恐惧等) | |
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v.爬行,攀爬,杂乱蔓延,碎片,片段,废料 | |
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