1 When Adam and Eve went down to the land of black mud and came near to the wheat God had showed them and saw that it was ripe and ready for reaping2, they did not have a sickle3 to reap1 it with. So they readied themselves, and began to pull up the wheat by hand, until it was all done.
2 Then they heaped it into a pile; and, faint from heat and from thirst, they went under a shady4 tree, where the breeze fanned them to sleep.
3 But Satan saw what Adam and Eve had done. And he called his hosts, and said to them, "Since God has shown to Adam and Eve all about this wheat, wherewith to strengthen their bodies—and, look, they have come and made a big pile of it, and faint from the toil5 are now asleep—come, let us set fire to this heap of corn, and burn it, and let us take that bottle of water that is by them, and empty it out, so that they may find nothing to drink, and we kill them with hunger and thirst.
4 Then, when they wake up from their sleep, and seek to return to the cave, we will come to them in the way, and will lead them astray; so that they die of hunger and thirst; when they may, perhaps, deny God, and He destroy them. So shall we be rid of them."
5 Then Satan and his hosts set the wheat on fire and burned it up.
6 But from the heat of the flame Adam and Eve awoke from their sleep, and saw the wheat burning, and the bucket of water by them, poured out.
7 Then they cried and went back to the cave.
8 But as they were going up from below the mountain where they were, Satan and his hosts met them in the form of angels, praising God.
9 Then Satan said to Adam, "O Adam, why are you so pained with hunger and thirst? It seems to me that Satan has burnt up the wheat." And Adam said to him, "Yes."
10 Again Satan said to Adam, "Come back with us; we are angels of God. God sent us to you, to show you another field of corn, better than that; and beyond it is a fountain of good water, and many trees, where you shall live near it, and work the corn field to better purpose than that which Satan has consumed."
11 Adam thought that he was true, and that they were angels who talked with him; and he went back with them.
12 Then Satan began to lead astray Adam and Eve eight days, until they both fell down as if dead, from hunger, thirst, and faintness. Then he fled with his hosts, and left them.


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v.得到,获得(报酬、成果等),收割,收获 | |
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收割; 收割庄稼,收获( reap的现在分词 ); (因自己或他人所为)获得(某事物) | |
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n.镰刀 | |
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adj.成荫的,多荫的,可疑的,靠不住的 | |
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vi.辛劳工作,艰难地行动;n.苦工,难事 | |
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