1 After this Satan, the hater of all good, took the form of an angel, and with him two others, so that they looked like the three angels who had brought to Adam gold, incense2, and myrrh.
2 They passed before Adam and Eve while they were under the tree, and greeted Adam and Eve with fair words that were full of deceit.
3 But when Adam and Eve saw their pleasant expression, and heard their sweet speech, Adam rose, welcomed them, and brought them to Eve, and they remained all together; Adam's heart the while, being glad because he thought concerning them, that they were the same angels, who had brought him gold, incense, and myrrh.
4 Because, when they came to Adam the first time, there came over him from them, peace and joy, through their bringing him good tokens; so Adam thought that they had come a second time to give him other tokens for him to rejoice therewith. For he did not know it was Satan; therefore he received them with joy and consorted3 with them.
5 Then Satan, the tallest of them, said, "Rejoice, O Adam, and be glad. Look, God has sent us to you to tell you something."
6 And Adam said, "What is it?" Then Satan answered, "It is a simple thing, yet it is the Word of God, will you accept it from us and do it? But if you will not accept it, we will return to God, and tell Him that you would not receive His Word."
7 And Satan said again to Adam, "Don't be afraid and don't tremble; don't you know us?"
8 But Adam said, "I do not know you."
9 Then Satan said to him, "I am the angel that brought you gold, and took it to the cave; this other angel is the one that brought you incense; and that third angel, is the one who brought you myrrh when you were on top of the mountain, and who carried you to the cave.
10 But as to the other angels our fellows, who bare you to the cave, God has not sent them with us this time; for He said to us, 'You will be enough'."
11 So when Adam heard these words he believed them, and said to these angels, "Speak the Word of God, that I may receive it."
12 And Satan said to him, "Swear, and promise me that you will receive it."
13 Then Adam said, "I do not know how to swear and promise."
14 And Satan said to him, "Hold out your hand, and put it inside my hand."
15 Then Adam held out his hand, and put it into Satan's hand; when Satan said to him, "Say, now—So true as God is living, rational, and speaking, who raised the stars in heaven, and established the dry ground on the waters, and has created me out of the four elements*, and out of the dust of the earth—I will not break my promise, nor renounce4 my word."
16 And Adam swore thus.
17 Then Satan said to him, "Look, it is now some time since you came out of the garden, and you know neither wickedness nor evil. But now God says to you, to take Eve who came out of your side, and to marry her so that she will bear you children, to comfort you, and to drive from you trouble and sorrow; now this thing is not difficult, neither is there any scandal in it to you.
* See the previous footnote in chapter XXXIV regarding the 'four elements'.


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n.幽灵,神奇的现象 | |
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v.激怒;n.香,焚香时的烟,香气 | |
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v.结伴( consort的过去式和过去分词 );交往;相称;调和 | |
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v.放弃;拒绝承认,宣布与…断绝关系 | |
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