THREE weeks later Paul sat on the veranda1 of Margot's villa2, with his evening apéritif before him, watching the sunset on the Albanian hills across the water change, with the crude brilliance3 of a German picture postcard, from green to violet. He looked at his watch, which had that morning arrived from England. It was half past six.
Below him in the harbour a ship had come in from Greece and was unloading her cargo4. The little boats hung round her like flies, plying5 their trade of olive wood souvenirs and forged francs. There were two hours before dinner. Paul rose and descended6 the arcaded7 street into the square, drawing his scarf tight about his throat; the evenings began to get cold about this time. It was odd being dead. That morning Margot had sent him a bunch of Press cuttings about himself, most of them headed 'Wedding Sensation Echo' or 'Death of Society Bridegroom Convict'. With them were his tie pin and the rest of his possessions which had been sent to her from Egdon. He felt the need of the bustle8 at the cafés and the quayside to convince him fully9 of his existence. He stopped at a stall and bought some Turkish delight. It was odd being dead.
Suddenly he was aware of a familiar figure approaching him across the square.
'Hullo!' said Paul.
'Hullol' said Otto Silenus. He was carrying on his shoulder a shapeless knapsack of canvas.
'Why don't you give that to one of the boys? They'll take it for a few drachmas.'
'I have no money. Will you pay him?'
'Yes '
'All right! Then that will be best. I suppose you are staying with Margot?'
'I'm staying at her house. She's in England.'
'That's a pity. I hoped I should find her here. Still I will stay for a little, I think. Will there be room for me?'
'I suppose so. I'm all alone here.'
'I have changed my mind. I think, after all, I will marry Margot.'
'I'm afraid it's too late.'
'Too late?'
'Yes, she married someone else.'
'I never thought of that. Oh well, it doesn't matter really. Whom did she marry? That sensible Maltravers?'
'Yes, he's changed his name now. He's called Viscount Metroland.'
'What a funny name!'
They walked up the hill together. 'I've just been to Greece to see the buildings there,' said Professor Silenus.
'Did you like them?'
'They are unspeakably ugly. But there were some nice goats. I thought they sent you to prison.'
'Yes, they did, but I got out.'
'Yes, you must have, I suppose. Wasn't it nice?'
'Not terribly.'
'Funny! I thought it would suit you so well. You never can tell with people, can you, what's going to suit them?'
Margot's servants did not seem surprised at the arrival of another guest.
'I think I shall stay here a long time,' said Professor Silenus after dinner. 'I have no money left. Are you going soon?'
'Yes, I'm going back to Oxford10 again to learn theology.'
'That will be a good thing. You used not to have a moustache, used you?' he asked after a time.
'No,' said Paul. 'I'm just growing one now. I don't want people to recognize me when I go back to England.'
'I think it's uglier,' said Professor Silenus. 'Well, I must go to bed.'
'Have you slept any better lately?'
'Twice since I saw you. It's about my average. Good night.'
Ten minutes later he came back on to the terrace, wearing silk pyjamas11 and a tattered12 old canvas dressing13-gown.
'Can you lend me a nail file?' he asked.
'There's one on my dressing table.'
'Thank you.' But he did not go. Instead he walked to the parapet and leant out, looking across the sea. 'It's a good thing for you to be a clergyman,' he said at last. 'People get ideas about a thing they call life. It sets them all wrong. I think it's poets that are responsible chiefly. Shall I tell you about life?'
'Yes, do,' said Paul politely.
'Well, it's like the big wheel at Luna Park. Havc you seen the big wheel?'
'No, I'm afraid not.'
'You pay five francs and go into a room with tiers of seats all round, and in the centre the floor is made of a great disc of polished wood that revolves14 quickly. At first you sit down and watch the others. They are all trying to sit in the wheel, and they keep getting flung off, and that makes them laugh, and you laugh too. It's great fun.'
'I don't think that sounds very much like life,' said Paul rather sadly.
'Oh, but it is, though. You see, the nearer you can get to the hub of the wheel the slower it is moving and the easier it is to stay on. There's generally someone in the centre who stands up and sometimes does a sort of dance. Often he's paid by the management, though, or, at any rate, he's allowed in free. Of course at the very centre there's a point completely at rest, if one could only find it: I'm not sure I am not very near that point myself. Of course the professional men get in the way. Lots of people just enjoy scrambling15 on and being whisked off and scrambling on again. How they all shriek16 and giggle17! Then there are others, like Margot, who sit as far out as they can and hold on for dear life and enjoy that. But the whole point about the wheel is that you needn't get on it at all, if you don't want to. People get hold of ideas about life, and that makes them think they've got to join in the game, even if they don't enjoy it. It doesn't suit everyone.
'People don't see that when they say "life" they mean two different things. They can mean simply existence, with its physiological18 implications of growth and organic change. They can't escape that even by death, but because that's inevitable19 they think the other idea of life is too the scrambling and excitement and bumps and the effort to get to the middle, and when we do get to the middle, it's just as if we never started. It's so odd.
'Now you're a person who was clearly meant to stay in the seats and sit still and if you get bored watch the others. Somehow you got on to the wheel, and you got thrown off again at once with a hard bump. It's all right for Margot, who can cling on, and for me, at the centre, but you're static. Instead of this absurd division into sexes they ought to class people as static and dynamic. There's a real distinction there, though I can't tell you how it comes. I think we're probably two quite different species spiritually.
'I used that idea of the wheel in a cinema film once. I think it rather sounds like it, don't you? What was it I came back for?'
'A nail file.'
'Oh yes, of course. I know of no more utterly20 boring and futile21 occupation than generalizing about life. Did you take in what I was saying?'
'Yes, I think so.'
'I think I shall have my meals alone in future. Will you tell the servants? It makes me feel quite ill to talk so much. Good night.'
'Good night,' said Paul.
Some months later Paul returned to Scone22 College after the absence of little more than a year. His death, though depriving him of his certificates, left him his knowledge. He sat successfully for smalls and Matriculation and entered his old college once more, wearing a commoner's gown and a heavy cavalry23 moustache. This and his natural diffidence formed a complete disguise. Nobody recognized him. After much doubt and deliberation he retained the name of Pennyfeather, explaining to the Chaplain that he had, he believed, had a distant cousin at Scone a short time ago.
'He came to a very sad end,' said the Chaplain, 'a wild young man.'
'He was a very distant cousin,' said Paul hastily.
'Yes, yes, I am sure he was. There is no resemblance between you. He was a thoroughly24 degenerate25 type, I am afraid.'
Paul's scout26 also remembered the name.
'There used to be another Mr Pennyfeather on this staircase once,' he said, 'a very queer gentleman indeed. Would you believe it, sir, he used to take off all his clothes and go out and dance in the quad27 at night. Nice quiet gentleman, too, he was, except for his dancing. He must have been a little queer in his head, I suppose. I don't know what became of him. They say he died in prison.' Then he procceded to tell Paul about an Annamese student who had attempted to buy one of the Senior Tutor's daughters.
On the second Sunday of term the Chaplain asked Paul to breakfast. 'It's a sad thing,' he said, 'the way that the 'Varsity breakfast "brekker" we used to call it in my day is dying out. People haven't time for it. Always off to lectures at nine o'clock, except on Sundays. Have another kidney, won't you?'
There was another don present, called Mr Sniggs, who addressed the Chaplain rather superciliously28, Paul thought, as 'Padre'.
There was also an undergraduate from another college, a theological student called Stubbs, a grave young man with a quiet voice and with carefully formed opinions. He had a little argument with Mr Sniggs about the plans for rebuilding the Bodleian. Paul supported him.
Next day Paul found Stubbs' card on his table, the corner turned up. Paul went to Hertford to call on Stubbs, but found him out. He left his card, the corner turned up. Two days later a little note came from Hertford:
Dear Pennyfeather,
I wonder if you would care to come to tea next Tuesday, to meet the College Secretary of the League of Nations Union and the Chaplain of the Oxford prison. It would be so nice if you could.
Paul went and ate honey buns and anchovy29 toast. He liked the ugly, subdued30 little College, and he liked Stubbs.
As term went on Paul and Stubbs took to going for walks together, over Mesopotamia to Old Marston and Beckley. One afternoon, quite lighthearted at the fresh weather, and their long walk, and their tea, Stubbs signed Randall Cantuar in the visitors' book.
Paul rejoined the League of Nations Union and the O.S.C.U. On one occasion he and Stubbs and some other friends went to the prison to visit the criminals there and sing part songs to them.
'It opens the mind,' said Stubbs, 'to see all sides of life. How those unfortunate men appreciated our singing!'
One day in Blackwell's bookshop Paul found a stout31 volume, which, the assistant told him, was rapidly becoming a best seller. It was called Mother Wales, by Augustus Fagan. Paul bought it and took it back with him. Stubbs had already read it.
'Most illuminating,' he said. 'The hospital statistics are terrible. Do you think it would be a good idea to organize a joint32 debate with Jesus on the subject?' The book was dedicated33 'To my wife, a wedding present'. It was eloquently34 written. When he had read it Paul put it on his shelves next to Dean Stanley's Eastern Church.
One other incident recalled momentarily Paul's past life.
One day at the beginning of his second year, as Paul and Stubbs were bicycling down the High as from one lecture to another, they nearly ran into an open Rolls-Royce that swung out of Oriel Street at a dangerous speed. In the back, a heavy fur rug over his knees, sat Philbrick. He turned round as he passed and waved a gloved hand to Paul over the hood35.
'Hullo!' he said; 'hullo! How are you! Come and look me up one day. I'm living on the river Skindle's.'
Then the car disappeared down the High Street, and Paul went on to the lecture.
'Who was your opulent frient?' asked Stubbs, rather impresed.
'Arnold Bennet,' said Paul.
'I thought I knew his face,' said Stubbs.
Then the lecturer came in, arranged his papers, and began a lucid36 exposition of the heresies37 of the second century. There was a bishop38 of Bithynia, Paul learned, who had denied the Divinity of Christ, the immortality39 of the soul, the existence of good, the legality of marriage, and the validity of the Sacrament of Extreme Unction. How right they had been to condemn40 him!

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n.走廊;阳台 | |
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n.别墅,城郊小屋 | |
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n.光辉,辉煌,壮丽,(卓越的)才华,才智 | |
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n.(一只船或一架飞机运载的)货物 | |
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v.使用(工具)( ply的现在分词 );经常供应(食物、饮料);固定往来;经营生意 | |
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a.为...后裔的,出身于...的 | |
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adj.成为拱廊街道的,有列拱的 | |
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v.喧扰地忙乱,匆忙,奔忙;n.忙碌;喧闹 | |
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adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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n.牛津(英国城市) | |
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n.(宽大的)睡衣裤 | |
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adj.破旧的,衣衫破的 | |
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n.(食物)调料;包扎伤口的用品,敷料 | |
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v.(使)旋转( revolve的第三人称单数 );细想 | |
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v.快速爬行( scramble的现在分词 );攀登;争夺;(军事飞机)紧急起飞 | |
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v./n.尖叫,叫喊 | |
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n.痴笑,咯咯地笑;v.咯咯地笑着说 | |
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adj.生理学的,生理学上的 | |
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adj.不可避免的,必然发生的 | |
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adv.完全地,绝对地 | |
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adj.无效的,无用的,无希望的 | |
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n.圆饼,甜饼,司康饼 | |
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n.骑兵;轻装甲部队 | |
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adv.完全地,彻底地,十足地 | |
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v.退步,堕落;adj.退步的,堕落的;n.堕落者 | |
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n.童子军,侦察员;v.侦察,搜索 | |
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n.四方院;四胞胎之一;v.在…填补空铅 | |
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adv.高傲地;傲慢地 | |
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n.凤尾鱼 | |
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adj. 屈服的,柔和的,减弱的 动词subdue的过去式和过去分词 | |
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adj.联合的,共同的;n.关节,接合处;v.连接,贴合 | |
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adj.一心一意的;献身的;热诚的 | |
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adv. 雄辩地(有口才地, 富于表情地) | |
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n.头巾,兜帽,覆盖;v.罩上,以头巾覆盖 | |
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adj.明白易懂的,清晰的,头脑清楚的 | |
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n.异端邪说,异教( heresy的名词复数 ) | |
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n.主教,(国际象棋)象 | |
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n.不死,不朽 | |
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vt.谴责,指责;宣判(罪犯),判刑 | |
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