Every experience through which Lynette Brooke had gone until now seemed suddenly dwarfed1 into insignificance2 by the present. She was so utterly3 wearied out physically4 that muscles all over her body, demanding their hour of relaxation5 and having that relaxation denied them through the nervous stress laid upon her, quivered piteously. Hers was that frame of mind which distorts and magnifies, whipping out of its true semblance7 all actual conditions or building them up into monstrous8, grotesque9 shapes. She was afraid of that great, staring dog on the threshold; more afraid of him than she had ever been of any man, Thor's master not excepted. For here was a fear which she could not throttle10 down. She would have sighed in content and have gone to sleep, her turbulent emotions quieted, if only it had been Bruce Standing11's hard hand on the chain denying her her liberty instead of a great dog lying across the door-step.... Enough here to make her clinch12 her teeth to hold back a scream of panic-swept nerves; yet this was not all. For still that cry, heard through the woods, rang in her ears; still she built up in the picture which her quick fancy limned13 the vision of Mexicali Joe at the mercy of merciless men; Joe, who had lied to them, hoping to deliver them into the hands of one greater than they; Joe, who at the end, with them demanding to see what he had to show them, must be driven to the last extremity14 to fight for time.... And, blurring16 everything else at times, there swept over her another picture; that of Timber-Wolf, wounded and white-faced, stalking in that fearless way of his among them, confronting three armed men ... or four?... and then man-killing17.... They were all wolves! She
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shuddered18. And Thor, watching her, filled the quiet cabin with the sound of his low suspicious growling20.
"Thor!" she called him, hardly above a whisper. Her lips were dry. "Good old Thor!"
His throaty rumble21 of a growl19, telling her of his distrust as eloquently22 as it could have done had Thor the words of man at his command, was her answer.
"Thor!" She called him again, her voice soft, pleading, coaxing23. Then she lifted herself a few inches on her elbow; like a flash Thor was up on his haunches, his growl became a snarl24, a quick glint of his teeth showing, a sharp-pointed gleam of menace.
Yet Lynette held her position, steady upon her elbow; she had never known a tenser moment. Her throat contracted with her fear; and yet she kept telling herself stubbornly that yonder was but a dog, a thing of only brute25 intelligence, while she had the human brain to oppose him with; that, some way, she could outwit him. So she did not lie back; to do so would, she felt, show Thor that she was afraid of him. She made no further forward movement but she held what she had been suffered to gain.
And then she set herself to dominate Thor, a wolf-like dog. She spoke26 to him; but first she waited until she could be sure of her voice. That brute instinct of Thor's would know the slightest quaver of fear when he heard it. She controlled herself and her voice; she made her tones low and soft and gentle; she kept them firm. She told herself: "Thor is but doing his master's bidding because he loves his master! I'll make him love me! He distrusts.... I'll make him trust instead!" And all the while she kept her own eyes steady upon Thor's.
"Thor!" she said quietly. And again: "Thor. Good old Thor. Good old dog!"
... Thor had set her down as an enemy; his master's
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enemy; his master had commanded him: "Watch her, Thor!" Thor's knowledge was not wide; yet what he knew he did know thoroughly27. And yet Thor had had no evidence, beyond that offered by a chain, of any open enmity between his master and this captive; master and girl had travelled all day long together and neither had flown at the other's throat. More than that, it had been at the master's own command this very morning that Thor had felt her hand upon his head; a hand as light as a falling leaf. And now she spoke to him in his master's own words, but with such a different voice, calling him Thor, good old dog....
It was a soothing28 voice, a voice made for tender caresses29. She spoke again and again and again. And she was not afraid; Thor could see no flickering30 sign of fear in her. A voice softer than had been the touch of her hand.
"Thor!" she called him. And his growl was scarcely more growl than whine31. For Thor, before Bruce Standing had been gone twenty minutes, was growing uncertain. Lynette had had dogs of her own; she knew the ways of dogs, and in this she had the advantage, since Thor knew nothing of the ways of women nor of their guile32. The dog was restless; his eyes, upon hers, were no longer so steady. Now and then Thor shook his head and his eyes wandered.
"Thor," said Lynette, and now, though her voice, as before, was low and gentle, there was the note of command in it, "lie down!"
There was an experiment ... and it failed. Thor was on four feet in a flash; his growl was unmistakable now; the snarling33 note came back into it threateningly. She thought that he was going to fly at her throat....
Yet already was the lesser34 intelligence, though coupled with the greater physical power, confused.
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Lynette moved slowly; she put her hands up above her head and stretched out her arms and yawned; Thor growled35, but there was little threat in the growl; just suspicion. Again she moved slowly; close enough, in the restricted area embraced by the cabin walls, was the table; on it some morsels36 of food left from their dinner. Without rising from the bunk37, she reached the tin plate; she took it up, all the while moving with unhastening slowness. Thor's eyes followed her straying hand; Thor had been fed, and yet the dog's capacity for food was enormous. He understood the meaning of her gesture; his eyes hungered.
She dropped the plate to the floor but, before it struck, not three feet in front of the dog, she cried out sharply, her voice ringing, her command at last emphatic38:
"No, Thor! No! No, I tell you!"
Had she offered the dog the food she would have but awaked within him a new and violent distrust; he was not so easily to be tricked. But when she tossed before him something that he was slavering for, and then laid her command upon him to hold back, she achieved something over him; he would have held back in any case, but now he held back at her command.
"Watch it, Thor!" she cried out loudly. "Watch it, sir!"
The big dog stared at her; at the fallen morsels; back at her, plainly at loss. And then again, more sharply, she commanded him:
"Watch it, Thor!... Lie down, Thor!"
And Thor, though he growled, lay down.... And his wolfish eyes now were upon the plate and its spilled contents rather than upon her.
"If I can but have time!" Lynette was telling herself excitedly. "If only I can have time ... I can make
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that dog do what I say to do!... God, give me time!"
When Bruce Standing, rushing through the forest land, came upon them ... Taggart and the others ... they were grouped about a despairing, hopeless Mexicali Joe. For Mexicali Joe's amigo, the great Timber-Wolf, in whom next to God he put all trust, had failed him. And Joe had come to the end of his tether, the end of lies and excuses and empty explanations. And now Taggart, as brutal39 a man as ever wore the badge of the law, was impatient, and meant to make an end of all procrastinations. It was his intention to give Mexicali Joe such a "third degree" as never any man had lived to experience before to-night. Rage, chagrin40, disappointment, and natural, innate41 brutality42 spurred him on. Even Young Gallup, who was no chicken-hearted man at best, demurred43; but Taggart cursed him off and told him to hold his tongue, and planned matters to his own liking44.
"Jim Taggart's got Injun blood in him, you know," muttered Gallup uneasily to Cliff Shipton ... as though that might explain anything.
Even to such as Young Gallup, a man of whose humanity little was to be said, explanations were logical requirements. For Jim Taggart was at his evil worst. With cruelly hard fist he had knocked the little Mexican down; before Joe could get to his feet he booted him; when Joe stood, tottering45, Taggart knocked him down again, jarring the quivering flame of life within him. And only at that did Jim Taggart, a man of no imagination but of colossal46 brutality, count that he was beginning. Then it was that Joe cried out; that his scream pierced through the night's stillness; that he pleaded with Taggart, saying:
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"This time, I tell you the true! I tell you ever'thing...."
"You're damned right you will," shouted Taggart, beside himself with his long baffled rage. "When I get good and ready to listen. And I'm not listening now, you Mexico pup! First you go through hell, and then I'll know that you tell the truth! Fool with me, would you; with me, Jim Taggart? You——"
Then Taggart began his third degree, listening to neither Joe's pleadings nor yet to the voice of Young Gallup.
The four men were in Bruce Standing's old cabin; the door was wide open, since here, so far from the world, in the dense47 outer fringes of Timber-Wolf's isolated48 wilderness49 kingdom, no man of them ... saving Joe alone, who had now given up hope ... had a thought of another human eye to see; Shipton, at a curt50 word from Taggart, had piled the mouth of the fireplace full of dead-wood, for the sole sake of light, and it was hot in the small room. Taggart had bound the Mexican's hands behind him, drawing the thong51 so tight that it cut cruelly into the flesh.... Taggart had knocked Joe down and had booted him to his heart's content; the swarthy face had turned a sick white. Taggart's eyes were glowing like coals raked out from hell's own sulphurous fires; he was sure of the outcome, sure of swift success, and yet now, in pure fiendishness, more absorbed in his own unleashed52 deviltry than in the mere53 matter of raw gold, which he counted securely his as soon as he was ready for it. Whether or not Indian blood ran in his veins54, elemental savagery55 did.
Mexicali Joe, unable to rise, or in fear for his life if he stirred, lay on the floor, his eyes dilated56 with terror, staring up into Taggart's convulsed face.
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"I tell you the true!" he screamed. "This time, before God, I tell——"
"Shut up, you greaser-dog!" Taggart, a man of full measure, kicked him, and under the driving pain inflicted57 by that heavy boot, Joe's eyes flickered58 and closed, and Joe's brain staggered upon the dizzy black verge59 of unconsciousness. Taggart saw and understood and pitched a dipperful of water in his face. Joe gasped60 faintly. Taggart stepped to the fireplace, and snatched out a blazing pine branch.
"I've put my brand on more'n one treacherous61 dog!" he jeered62. "You'll find my stock running across the wild places in seven States! Here's where I plant the sign of the cross on you, Mexico! Right square between the eyes!"
Suddenly he thrust the burning brand toward Joe's forehead. Joe cried out in terror:
"For the love of God!..." His two hands were behind him, but, galvanized, he fought the pine fagot with his whole body. He strove to thrust it aside; he fought against his weakness to roll over; Taggart's heavy foot was in his middle, holding him down; the burning branch in Taggart's heavy hands was as steady as a steel rod set in concrete; Joe's threshing panic disturbed it scarcely more than the wind would have done.... Another scream, shrilling63 through the night; the smell of burnt flesh; a red wound on Joe's forehead; Taggart's ugly laugh; and then suddenly, from just without the open doorway64, a terrible shout from Bruce Standing, and then, in two seconds, Bruce Standing's great bulk among them.
"My God!" roared Standing. "My God! ... You, Jim Taggart!..."
Shipton's rifle stood in a corner; Shipton, as lithe65 as a cat, leaped for it. Gallup's was in his hand; he whipped
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it to his shoulder. Taggart for one instant was stupefied; then he swept high above his head the smoke-emitting, redly glowing pine limb. Joe, weeping hysterically66, writhing67 on the floor, was gasping68: "Jesus Maria!" ... God had heard his prayers; God and Bruce Standing.
But in to-night's game of hazard it was Timber-Wolf who chose to shuffle69, cut, and deal the cards; his rifle was in his hands; it required but the gentlest touch of his finger to send any man of them to his last repose70. His eyes, the roving eyes of rage, were everywhere at once.
"I'd kill you, Taggart, and be glad of the chanth! You, too, Gallup! drop that gun!"
First of them all, it was Cliff Shipton who came to the motionless halt of shocked consternation71; he lifted his hands, his face blanched72; he tried to speak, and only succeeded in making the noise of air gushing73 through dry lips. Gallup stopped midway in his purpose of firing, for Timber Wolf's rifle barrel was trained square upon his chest; at the look in Standing's eye and the timbre74 of his voice, Gallup's gun fell clattering75 to the floor. Taggart mouthed and cursed, and slowly let his blazing fagot sink toward the floor.
For every man of them knew Timber-Wolf well; and they knew that incongruous lisping which surprised him and mastered his utterance76 only when his rage was of the greatest. When Timber-Wolf lisped it was because such a fiery77 storm raged through his breast as to make of him a man who would kill and kill and kill and glory in the killing.
"And I'd have given a million dollars to thee any man of you put up a fight!" he was saying harshly. "God, what a thet of cowardly curth! And you, Jim Taggart, I onth had for bunk-mate and onth thought a man!"
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He reached out suddenly, and with his bare, open palm slapped Taggart's face; and Taggart staggered backward under the blow until his thick shoulders brought up against the wall with such a thud that the cabin shuddered under the impact.
"Get up, Joe!" growled Standing. "You're another yellow dog, but ... get up and come here!"
Joe scrambled78 to his feet and came hurrying. Standing kept his rifle in his right hand. Using his left stiffly, he got out his knife and cut the Mexican's bonds.
"Go!" he cried savagely79. "While you've got legth under you! And thith time keep clear, or hell take you! I'm through with you ... you make me thick!..."
Mexicali Joe, with one last frightened look over his shoulder, fled; they heard his running feet outside. He was jabbering80 unintelligibly81 as he fled: "Señor Caballero! ... Dios! ... those devils!..."
Joe was gone. Bruce Standing's work was done. He looked grim and implacable, a man of iron heated in the red-hot furnace of rage. He yearned82 for Taggart to make a move; or for Gallup. Shipton, as a lesser cur, he ignored.
They saw how white, as white as a clean sheet of paper, his face was; they did not fully83 understand why, since a man's face, when he is in a terrible rage, may whiten, as an effect of the searing emotion; they did not know how he had driven his wounded body all day long nor how sore his wound was. They could not guess that even now he was holding himself upright and towering among them through the fierce bending of his indomitable will. That same will he bent84 terribly for clean-cut articulation85.
"Taggart!" he said, and his voice rang as clear as the striking of an iron hammer upon a resounding86 anvil87. "I'll tempt88 you to be a man such as you once were,
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before you went yellow clean through ... and I'll show you, your self, how dirty a yellow you've gone! Pick up Young Gallup's rifle!"
Taggart glared at him and muttered and hesitated, tugged89 one way by hatred90 and the madness of wrath91, tugged the other way by his fear of the certainty of death. Lights, bluish lights, flickered in Timber-Wolf's eyes. He said again:
"Pick up that rifle! Otherwise, in less than ten seconds you are a dead man!"
Taggart's face was red when Standing began to speak; ashen92 by the last word. Nervously93 and in great haste he stooped and caught up the gun.
"You've got your chance, Jim Taggart! Your last chance! To fight it out, or say, for these men to hear: 'I'm a dirty yellow dog!' If you're game we'll fight it out. I'll give you an even break; and we'll kill each other!"
Taggart held the rifle, not lifted quite to his waist; his hands were rigid94 upon it and did not tremble. He was not a coward; on many an occasion, when he had borne his sheriff's badge recklessly through violence, he had shown himself a brave man. He knew now that it lay within his power, if he were quick and sure, to kill Bruce Standing, whom he had come to hate, so that his hatred was like a running sore. And he knew, too, that killing, he would be killed. If it were any man on earth whom he confronted save Bruce Standing....
So he hesitated, for brave man as Jim Taggart always was, he was a man who did not want to die. And Standing laughed at him and said:
"You've had your chance; you still have it. Now, fight it out or tuck your tail between your legs and do my bidding! And my bidding to you, so that I needn't expect a bullet in the back when I leave you, is to smash
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that rifle into flinders against the rock chimney. And step lively!"
The last words came sharp and sudden, and Taggart started. And then, hesitating no longer, he whirled the rifle up by the barrel and brought it with all his might crashing against the fireplace; the fragments fell from his tingling95 fingers. And again Standing laughed at him and again commanded him, saying:
"There are two more rifles; do the same for each one! And remember, Jim Taggart, every time you touch a gun you've got the even break to fight it out; and every time you smash a gun you are saying out loud: 'I'm a dirty yellow dog!' Only make it snappy, Jim Taggart!"
One after the other, and hastily, Jim Taggart smashed the butts96 off two rifles and jammed trigger and trigger-guard so that from firearms the weapons were resolved into the estate of so much scrap-iron and splintered wood.
"I'll take your two toy guns, Jim," said Standing. "And remember this; at short range the man with the revolver has the edge! When you drag a gun out you've got your chance to come up shooting! Don't overlook that! And remember along with it, that when you hand me a gun, butt-end first, you are saying aloud for the world to hear: 'I'm a dirty yellow dog!'"
"By God...."
"Yes, Jim Taggart, ... by God, you're a dirty dog!"
Lingeringly Taggart drew forth97 the heavy side-arms dragging at his holsters; all the while he was tempted98 almost beyond resistance to avail himself of his opportunity and of that quick sure skill of his; to shoot from the hip6, as he could do with the swiftness of a flash of the wrist; he could shoot and kill. And within his heart, knowing Bruce Standing as he did, he knew, too, that though he shot true to a hair line, none the less, Bruce Standing would kill him.... He gave a gun
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into Standing's left hand and saw it thrust into his belt. Then was Taggart's time to snatch out his other weapon and drill that hole through the big body in front of him which would surely let the life run out; now was his chance, while for an instant one of Standing's hands was busy at his belt!... If it had been any other man in the world there confronting him! Any man but Bruce Standing! Jim Taggart was near weeping. But he drew out his second revolver and saw it bestowed99 as its fellow had been.
"Four times you've said it, plainer than words!" cried Standing ringingly. "Gallup will never forget; and he'll tell the tale! Shipton will remember and will blab! And, what's worse for the soul of a man, Jim Taggart, you'll remember to the last day you live!... And now you three can consider yourselves as so many mongrel curs whose back-biting teeth I've knocked down your throats for you! I'll leave you to your growlings and whinings!"
He swung about and went out. He knew both Gallup and Shipton, knew them and their habits well, and knew that neither man had the habit of carrying a pistol. Further, their coats were off, and he had seen that neither had a holster at his belt. So he turned his back on them to emphasize his contempt and did not turn his head as he plunged100 into the outside night and into the thick dark under the trees, going back to his hidden cabin and Lynette and Thor. He realized that he himself, despite a herculean physique, was near the tether's end of his endurance; he realized that Lynette was also heavily borne down by all that she, a girl, had gone through and that he had left her overlong with his wolfish dog.
What he could not know was that a revolver which had once already shot him in the back had followed him all
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these miles through the wilderness and was now lying on the bunk in the cabin he had just quitted; he could not know how, at the Gallup House after Babe Deveril had flung it in Taggart's face, Lynette's pistol had lain there on the floor until Taggart had been aroused to consciousness; nor how Gallup had picked it up, nor how Taggart had muttered: "Save it, Young. It may come in handy for evidence in court." Gallup had stuck it into his pocket; he had brought it with him; he had tossed it down among the blankets....
Taggart stared after him with terrible eyes; Taggart remembered and, when he dared, flung himself across the room, snatching for it among the covers. Standing, hastening, strode on. Taggart found the weapon; he ran out of the cabin with it in his hand; dodged101 to one side of the open door to be out of way of the firelight. Standing hurried on, he had not seen Taggart; Taggart could scarcely see him, could but make out vaguely102 a blur15 where he heard heavy footfalls.... It was all chance; but now no longer was Taggart himself running the desperate chances. He fired, one shot after another, until he emptied the little gun—four shots altogether; the hammer clicked down on the fifth, the empty shell.
Chance, pure chance; and yet chance is ironical103 and loves its own grim jest. The first bullet, the only one of them all to find its target, struck Timber-Wolf. And it was as though this questing bit of lead were seeking to tread the same path blazed by its angry brother down at the Gallup House in Big Pine. For it, like the other from the same muzzle104, struck him from behind; and it, too, struck him upon the left side, in the outer shoulder, not half a dozen inches from the spot where he had been shot before....
Standing staggered and caught his breath with a grunt105; he lurched into a tree and stood leaning against
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it. For a moment he was dizzied and could not see clearly. Then, turning, he made out the cabin behind him; the bright rectangle of the door; two dark running forms leaping through it, gone into the gulf106 of the black night. He jerked up his rifle, holding it in one hand, unsupported by the other, his shoulder, the right, against the tree. But they were gone before he could shoot. He waited. He heard a breaking through brush; men running. They were running away! They did not know that they had hit him; they could not tell, and they were afraid of his return! He lifted his voice and shouted at them in the sudden grip of a terrible anger. He listened to the noise they made and strove to judge their positions and began shooting after them. He fired until the rifle clip was empty. Then, while awkwardly, with one hand, he put in a fresh clip, he listened again. Silence only.
... He was strangely weak and uncertain; he had to draw his brows down with a steely effort to clear his thoughts. They were gone ... they would not come back ... it was too dark to look for them. And he had left that girl overlong ... and he was shot full of pain. A surge of anger for every surge of weakness....
He started on toward his hidden cabin and Lynette. He blundered into a tree. He could feel the hot blood down his shoulder. He began using his rifle as a man may use a cane107, leaning on it heavily.
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shuddered18. And Thor, watching her, filled the quiet cabin with the sound of his low suspicious growling20.
"Thor!" she called him, hardly above a whisper. Her lips were dry. "Good old Thor!"
His throaty rumble21 of a growl19, telling her of his distrust as eloquently22 as it could have done had Thor the words of man at his command, was her answer.
"Thor!" She called him again, her voice soft, pleading, coaxing23. Then she lifted herself a few inches on her elbow; like a flash Thor was up on his haunches, his growl became a snarl24, a quick glint of his teeth showing, a sharp-pointed gleam of menace.
Yet Lynette held her position, steady upon her elbow; she had never known a tenser moment. Her throat contracted with her fear; and yet she kept telling herself stubbornly that yonder was but a dog, a thing of only brute25 intelligence, while she had the human brain to oppose him with; that, some way, she could outwit him. So she did not lie back; to do so would, she felt, show Thor that she was afraid of him. She made no further forward movement but she held what she had been suffered to gain.
And then she set herself to dominate Thor, a wolf-like dog. She spoke26 to him; but first she waited until she could be sure of her voice. That brute instinct of Thor's would know the slightest quaver of fear when he heard it. She controlled herself and her voice; she made her tones low and soft and gentle; she kept them firm. She told herself: "Thor is but doing his master's bidding because he loves his master! I'll make him love me! He distrusts.... I'll make him trust instead!" And all the while she kept her own eyes steady upon Thor's.
"Thor!" she said quietly. And again: "Thor. Good old Thor. Good old dog!"
... Thor had set her down as an enemy; his master's
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enemy; his master had commanded him: "Watch her, Thor!" Thor's knowledge was not wide; yet what he knew he did know thoroughly27. And yet Thor had had no evidence, beyond that offered by a chain, of any open enmity between his master and this captive; master and girl had travelled all day long together and neither had flown at the other's throat. More than that, it had been at the master's own command this very morning that Thor had felt her hand upon his head; a hand as light as a falling leaf. And now she spoke to him in his master's own words, but with such a different voice, calling him Thor, good old dog....
It was a soothing28 voice, a voice made for tender caresses29. She spoke again and again and again. And she was not afraid; Thor could see no flickering30 sign of fear in her. A voice softer than had been the touch of her hand.
"Thor!" she called him. And his growl was scarcely more growl than whine31. For Thor, before Bruce Standing had been gone twenty minutes, was growing uncertain. Lynette had had dogs of her own; she knew the ways of dogs, and in this she had the advantage, since Thor knew nothing of the ways of women nor of their guile32. The dog was restless; his eyes, upon hers, were no longer so steady. Now and then Thor shook his head and his eyes wandered.
"Thor," said Lynette, and now, though her voice, as before, was low and gentle, there was the note of command in it, "lie down!"
There was an experiment ... and it failed. Thor was on four feet in a flash; his growl was unmistakable now; the snarling33 note came back into it threateningly. She thought that he was going to fly at her throat....
Yet already was the lesser34 intelligence, though coupled with the greater physical power, confused.
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Lynette moved slowly; she put her hands up above her head and stretched out her arms and yawned; Thor growled35, but there was little threat in the growl; just suspicion. Again she moved slowly; close enough, in the restricted area embraced by the cabin walls, was the table; on it some morsels36 of food left from their dinner. Without rising from the bunk37, she reached the tin plate; she took it up, all the while moving with unhastening slowness. Thor's eyes followed her straying hand; Thor had been fed, and yet the dog's capacity for food was enormous. He understood the meaning of her gesture; his eyes hungered.
She dropped the plate to the floor but, before it struck, not three feet in front of the dog, she cried out sharply, her voice ringing, her command at last emphatic38:
"No, Thor! No! No, I tell you!"
Had she offered the dog the food she would have but awaked within him a new and violent distrust; he was not so easily to be tricked. But when she tossed before him something that he was slavering for, and then laid her command upon him to hold back, she achieved something over him; he would have held back in any case, but now he held back at her command.
"Watch it, Thor!" she cried out loudly. "Watch it, sir!"
The big dog stared at her; at the fallen morsels; back at her, plainly at loss. And then again, more sharply, she commanded him:
"Watch it, Thor!... Lie down, Thor!"
And Thor, though he growled, lay down.... And his wolfish eyes now were upon the plate and its spilled contents rather than upon her.
"If I can but have time!" Lynette was telling herself excitedly. "If only I can have time ... I can make
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that dog do what I say to do!... God, give me time!"
When Bruce Standing, rushing through the forest land, came upon them ... Taggart and the others ... they were grouped about a despairing, hopeless Mexicali Joe. For Mexicali Joe's amigo, the great Timber-Wolf, in whom next to God he put all trust, had failed him. And Joe had come to the end of his tether, the end of lies and excuses and empty explanations. And now Taggart, as brutal39 a man as ever wore the badge of the law, was impatient, and meant to make an end of all procrastinations. It was his intention to give Mexicali Joe such a "third degree" as never any man had lived to experience before to-night. Rage, chagrin40, disappointment, and natural, innate41 brutality42 spurred him on. Even Young Gallup, who was no chicken-hearted man at best, demurred43; but Taggart cursed him off and told him to hold his tongue, and planned matters to his own liking44.
"Jim Taggart's got Injun blood in him, you know," muttered Gallup uneasily to Cliff Shipton ... as though that might explain anything.
Even to such as Young Gallup, a man of whose humanity little was to be said, explanations were logical requirements. For Jim Taggart was at his evil worst. With cruelly hard fist he had knocked the little Mexican down; before Joe could get to his feet he booted him; when Joe stood, tottering45, Taggart knocked him down again, jarring the quivering flame of life within him. And only at that did Jim Taggart, a man of no imagination but of colossal46 brutality, count that he was beginning. Then it was that Joe cried out; that his scream pierced through the night's stillness; that he pleaded with Taggart, saying:
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"This time, I tell you the true! I tell you ever'thing...."
"You're damned right you will," shouted Taggart, beside himself with his long baffled rage. "When I get good and ready to listen. And I'm not listening now, you Mexico pup! First you go through hell, and then I'll know that you tell the truth! Fool with me, would you; with me, Jim Taggart? You——"
Then Taggart began his third degree, listening to neither Joe's pleadings nor yet to the voice of Young Gallup.
The four men were in Bruce Standing's old cabin; the door was wide open, since here, so far from the world, in the dense47 outer fringes of Timber-Wolf's isolated48 wilderness49 kingdom, no man of them ... saving Joe alone, who had now given up hope ... had a thought of another human eye to see; Shipton, at a curt50 word from Taggart, had piled the mouth of the fireplace full of dead-wood, for the sole sake of light, and it was hot in the small room. Taggart had bound the Mexican's hands behind him, drawing the thong51 so tight that it cut cruelly into the flesh.... Taggart had knocked Joe down and had booted him to his heart's content; the swarthy face had turned a sick white. Taggart's eyes were glowing like coals raked out from hell's own sulphurous fires; he was sure of the outcome, sure of swift success, and yet now, in pure fiendishness, more absorbed in his own unleashed52 deviltry than in the mere53 matter of raw gold, which he counted securely his as soon as he was ready for it. Whether or not Indian blood ran in his veins54, elemental savagery55 did.
Mexicali Joe, unable to rise, or in fear for his life if he stirred, lay on the floor, his eyes dilated56 with terror, staring up into Taggart's convulsed face.
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"I tell you the true!" he screamed. "This time, before God, I tell——"
"Shut up, you greaser-dog!" Taggart, a man of full measure, kicked him, and under the driving pain inflicted57 by that heavy boot, Joe's eyes flickered58 and closed, and Joe's brain staggered upon the dizzy black verge59 of unconsciousness. Taggart saw and understood and pitched a dipperful of water in his face. Joe gasped60 faintly. Taggart stepped to the fireplace, and snatched out a blazing pine branch.
"I've put my brand on more'n one treacherous61 dog!" he jeered62. "You'll find my stock running across the wild places in seven States! Here's where I plant the sign of the cross on you, Mexico! Right square between the eyes!"
Suddenly he thrust the burning brand toward Joe's forehead. Joe cried out in terror:
"For the love of God!..." His two hands were behind him, but, galvanized, he fought the pine fagot with his whole body. He strove to thrust it aside; he fought against his weakness to roll over; Taggart's heavy foot was in his middle, holding him down; the burning branch in Taggart's heavy hands was as steady as a steel rod set in concrete; Joe's threshing panic disturbed it scarcely more than the wind would have done.... Another scream, shrilling63 through the night; the smell of burnt flesh; a red wound on Joe's forehead; Taggart's ugly laugh; and then suddenly, from just without the open doorway64, a terrible shout from Bruce Standing, and then, in two seconds, Bruce Standing's great bulk among them.
"My God!" roared Standing. "My God! ... You, Jim Taggart!..."
Shipton's rifle stood in a corner; Shipton, as lithe65 as a cat, leaped for it. Gallup's was in his hand; he whipped
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it to his shoulder. Taggart for one instant was stupefied; then he swept high above his head the smoke-emitting, redly glowing pine limb. Joe, weeping hysterically66, writhing67 on the floor, was gasping68: "Jesus Maria!" ... God had heard his prayers; God and Bruce Standing.
But in to-night's game of hazard it was Timber-Wolf who chose to shuffle69, cut, and deal the cards; his rifle was in his hands; it required but the gentlest touch of his finger to send any man of them to his last repose70. His eyes, the roving eyes of rage, were everywhere at once.
"I'd kill you, Taggart, and be glad of the chanth! You, too, Gallup! drop that gun!"
First of them all, it was Cliff Shipton who came to the motionless halt of shocked consternation71; he lifted his hands, his face blanched72; he tried to speak, and only succeeded in making the noise of air gushing73 through dry lips. Gallup stopped midway in his purpose of firing, for Timber Wolf's rifle barrel was trained square upon his chest; at the look in Standing's eye and the timbre74 of his voice, Gallup's gun fell clattering75 to the floor. Taggart mouthed and cursed, and slowly let his blazing fagot sink toward the floor.
For every man of them knew Timber-Wolf well; and they knew that incongruous lisping which surprised him and mastered his utterance76 only when his rage was of the greatest. When Timber-Wolf lisped it was because such a fiery77 storm raged through his breast as to make of him a man who would kill and kill and kill and glory in the killing.
"And I'd have given a million dollars to thee any man of you put up a fight!" he was saying harshly. "God, what a thet of cowardly curth! And you, Jim Taggart, I onth had for bunk-mate and onth thought a man!"
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He reached out suddenly, and with his bare, open palm slapped Taggart's face; and Taggart staggered backward under the blow until his thick shoulders brought up against the wall with such a thud that the cabin shuddered under the impact.
"Get up, Joe!" growled Standing. "You're another yellow dog, but ... get up and come here!"
Joe scrambled78 to his feet and came hurrying. Standing kept his rifle in his right hand. Using his left stiffly, he got out his knife and cut the Mexican's bonds.
"Go!" he cried savagely79. "While you've got legth under you! And thith time keep clear, or hell take you! I'm through with you ... you make me thick!..."
Mexicali Joe, with one last frightened look over his shoulder, fled; they heard his running feet outside. He was jabbering80 unintelligibly81 as he fled: "Señor Caballero! ... Dios! ... those devils!..."
Joe was gone. Bruce Standing's work was done. He looked grim and implacable, a man of iron heated in the red-hot furnace of rage. He yearned82 for Taggart to make a move; or for Gallup. Shipton, as a lesser cur, he ignored.
They saw how white, as white as a clean sheet of paper, his face was; they did not fully83 understand why, since a man's face, when he is in a terrible rage, may whiten, as an effect of the searing emotion; they did not know how he had driven his wounded body all day long nor how sore his wound was. They could not guess that even now he was holding himself upright and towering among them through the fierce bending of his indomitable will. That same will he bent84 terribly for clean-cut articulation85.
"Taggart!" he said, and his voice rang as clear as the striking of an iron hammer upon a resounding86 anvil87. "I'll tempt88 you to be a man such as you once were,
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before you went yellow clean through ... and I'll show you, your self, how dirty a yellow you've gone! Pick up Young Gallup's rifle!"
Taggart glared at him and muttered and hesitated, tugged89 one way by hatred90 and the madness of wrath91, tugged the other way by his fear of the certainty of death. Lights, bluish lights, flickered in Timber-Wolf's eyes. He said again:
"Pick up that rifle! Otherwise, in less than ten seconds you are a dead man!"
Taggart's face was red when Standing began to speak; ashen92 by the last word. Nervously93 and in great haste he stooped and caught up the gun.
"You've got your chance, Jim Taggart! Your last chance! To fight it out, or say, for these men to hear: 'I'm a dirty yellow dog!' If you're game we'll fight it out. I'll give you an even break; and we'll kill each other!"
Taggart held the rifle, not lifted quite to his waist; his hands were rigid94 upon it and did not tremble. He was not a coward; on many an occasion, when he had borne his sheriff's badge recklessly through violence, he had shown himself a brave man. He knew now that it lay within his power, if he were quick and sure, to kill Bruce Standing, whom he had come to hate, so that his hatred was like a running sore. And he knew, too, that killing, he would be killed. If it were any man on earth whom he confronted save Bruce Standing....
So he hesitated, for brave man as Jim Taggart always was, he was a man who did not want to die. And Standing laughed at him and said:
"You've had your chance; you still have it. Now, fight it out or tuck your tail between your legs and do my bidding! And my bidding to you, so that I needn't expect a bullet in the back when I leave you, is to smash
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that rifle into flinders against the rock chimney. And step lively!"
The last words came sharp and sudden, and Taggart started. And then, hesitating no longer, he whirled the rifle up by the barrel and brought it with all his might crashing against the fireplace; the fragments fell from his tingling95 fingers. And again Standing laughed at him and again commanded him, saying:
"There are two more rifles; do the same for each one! And remember, Jim Taggart, every time you touch a gun you've got the even break to fight it out; and every time you smash a gun you are saying out loud: 'I'm a dirty yellow dog!' Only make it snappy, Jim Taggart!"
One after the other, and hastily, Jim Taggart smashed the butts96 off two rifles and jammed trigger and trigger-guard so that from firearms the weapons were resolved into the estate of so much scrap-iron and splintered wood.
"I'll take your two toy guns, Jim," said Standing. "And remember this; at short range the man with the revolver has the edge! When you drag a gun out you've got your chance to come up shooting! Don't overlook that! And remember along with it, that when you hand me a gun, butt-end first, you are saying aloud for the world to hear: 'I'm a dirty yellow dog!'"
"By God...."
"Yes, Jim Taggart, ... by God, you're a dirty dog!"
Lingeringly Taggart drew forth97 the heavy side-arms dragging at his holsters; all the while he was tempted98 almost beyond resistance to avail himself of his opportunity and of that quick sure skill of his; to shoot from the hip6, as he could do with the swiftness of a flash of the wrist; he could shoot and kill. And within his heart, knowing Bruce Standing as he did, he knew, too, that though he shot true to a hair line, none the less, Bruce Standing would kill him.... He gave a gun
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into Standing's left hand and saw it thrust into his belt. Then was Taggart's time to snatch out his other weapon and drill that hole through the big body in front of him which would surely let the life run out; now was his chance, while for an instant one of Standing's hands was busy at his belt!... If it had been any other man in the world there confronting him! Any man but Bruce Standing! Jim Taggart was near weeping. But he drew out his second revolver and saw it bestowed99 as its fellow had been.
"Four times you've said it, plainer than words!" cried Standing ringingly. "Gallup will never forget; and he'll tell the tale! Shipton will remember and will blab! And, what's worse for the soul of a man, Jim Taggart, you'll remember to the last day you live!... And now you three can consider yourselves as so many mongrel curs whose back-biting teeth I've knocked down your throats for you! I'll leave you to your growlings and whinings!"
He swung about and went out. He knew both Gallup and Shipton, knew them and their habits well, and knew that neither man had the habit of carrying a pistol. Further, their coats were off, and he had seen that neither had a holster at his belt. So he turned his back on them to emphasize his contempt and did not turn his head as he plunged100 into the outside night and into the thick dark under the trees, going back to his hidden cabin and Lynette and Thor. He realized that he himself, despite a herculean physique, was near the tether's end of his endurance; he realized that Lynette was also heavily borne down by all that she, a girl, had gone through and that he had left her overlong with his wolfish dog.
What he could not know was that a revolver which had once already shot him in the back had followed him all
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these miles through the wilderness and was now lying on the bunk in the cabin he had just quitted; he could not know how, at the Gallup House after Babe Deveril had flung it in Taggart's face, Lynette's pistol had lain there on the floor until Taggart had been aroused to consciousness; nor how Gallup had picked it up, nor how Taggart had muttered: "Save it, Young. It may come in handy for evidence in court." Gallup had stuck it into his pocket; he had brought it with him; he had tossed it down among the blankets....
Taggart stared after him with terrible eyes; Taggart remembered and, when he dared, flung himself across the room, snatching for it among the covers. Standing, hastening, strode on. Taggart found the weapon; he ran out of the cabin with it in his hand; dodged101 to one side of the open door to be out of way of the firelight. Standing hurried on, he had not seen Taggart; Taggart could scarcely see him, could but make out vaguely102 a blur15 where he heard heavy footfalls.... It was all chance; but now no longer was Taggart himself running the desperate chances. He fired, one shot after another, until he emptied the little gun—four shots altogether; the hammer clicked down on the fifth, the empty shell.
Chance, pure chance; and yet chance is ironical103 and loves its own grim jest. The first bullet, the only one of them all to find its target, struck Timber-Wolf. And it was as though this questing bit of lead were seeking to tread the same path blazed by its angry brother down at the Gallup House in Big Pine. For it, like the other from the same muzzle104, struck him from behind; and it, too, struck him upon the left side, in the outer shoulder, not half a dozen inches from the spot where he had been shot before....
Standing staggered and caught his breath with a grunt105; he lurched into a tree and stood leaning against
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it. For a moment he was dizzied and could not see clearly. Then, turning, he made out the cabin behind him; the bright rectangle of the door; two dark running forms leaping through it, gone into the gulf106 of the black night. He jerked up his rifle, holding it in one hand, unsupported by the other, his shoulder, the right, against the tree. But they were gone before he could shoot. He waited. He heard a breaking through brush; men running. They were running away! They did not know that they had hit him; they could not tell, and they were afraid of his return! He lifted his voice and shouted at them in the sudden grip of a terrible anger. He listened to the noise they made and strove to judge their positions and began shooting after them. He fired until the rifle clip was empty. Then, while awkwardly, with one hand, he put in a fresh clip, he listened again. Silence only.
... He was strangely weak and uncertain; he had to draw his brows down with a steely effort to clear his thoughts. They were gone ... they would not come back ... it was too dark to look for them. And he had left that girl overlong ... and he was shot full of pain. A surge of anger for every surge of weakness....
He started on toward his hidden cabin and Lynette. He blundered into a tree. He could feel the hot blood down his shoulder. He began using his rifle as a man may use a cane107, leaning on it heavily.


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vt.(使)显得矮小(dwarf的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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n.不重要;无价值;无意义 | |
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adv.完全地,绝对地 | |
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adj.物质上,体格上,身体上,按自然规律 | |
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n.松弛,放松;休息;消遣;娱乐 | |
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n.臀部,髋;屋脊 | |
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n.外貌,外表 | |
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adj.巨大的;恐怖的;可耻的,丢脸的 | |
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adj.怪诞的,丑陋的;n.怪诞的图案,怪人(物) | |
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n.节流阀,节气阀,喉咙;v.扼喉咙,使窒息,压 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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v.敲弯,钉牢;确定;扭住对方 [参]clench | |
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v.画( limn的过去式和过去分词 );勾画;描写;描述 | |
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n.末端,尽头;尽力;终极;极度 | |
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n.模糊不清的事物;vt.使模糊,使看不清楚 | |
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n.模糊,斑点甚多,(图像的)混乱v.(使)变模糊( blur的现在分词 );(使)难以区分 | |
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n.巨额利润;突然赚大钱,发大财 | |
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v.战栗( shudder的过去式和过去分词 );发抖;(机器、车辆等)突然震动;颤动 | |
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v.(狗等)嗥叫,(炮等)轰鸣;n.嗥叫,轰鸣 | |
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n.吠声, 咆哮声 v.怒吠, 咆哮, 吼 | |
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n.隆隆声;吵嚷;v.隆隆响;低沉地说 | |
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adv. 雄辩地(有口才地, 富于表情地) | |
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v.哄,用好话劝说( coax的现在分词 );巧言骗取;哄劝,劝诱;“锻炼”效应 | |
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v.吼叫,怒骂,纠缠,混乱;n.混乱,缠结,咆哮 | |
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n.野兽,兽性 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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adv.完全地,彻底地,十足地 | |
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adj.慰藉的;使人宽心的;镇静的 | |
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爱抚,抚摸( caress的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.闪烁的,摇曳的,一闪一闪的 | |
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v.哀号,号哭;n.哀鸣 | |
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n.诈术 | |
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v.(指狗)吠,嗥叫, (人)咆哮( snarl的现在分词 );咆哮着说,厉声地说 | |
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adj.次要的,较小的;adv.较小地,较少地 | |
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v.(动物)发狺狺声, (雷)作隆隆声( growl的过去式和过去分词 );低声咆哮着说 | |
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n.一口( morsel的名词复数 );(尤指食物)小块,碎屑 | |
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n.(车、船等倚壁而设的)铺位;废话 | |
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adj.强调的,着重的;无可置疑的,明显的 | |
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adj.残忍的,野蛮的,不讲理的 | |
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n.懊恼;气愤;委屈 | |
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adj.天生的,固有的,天赋的 | |
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n.野蛮的行为,残忍,野蛮 | |
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v.表示异议,反对( demur的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.爱好;嗜好;喜欢 | |
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adj.蹒跚的,动摇的v.走得或动得不稳( totter的现在分词 );踉跄;蹒跚;摇摇欲坠 | |
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adj.异常的,庞大的 | |
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a.密集的,稠密的,浓密的;密度大的 | |
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adj.与世隔绝的 | |
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n.杳无人烟的一片陆地、水等,荒漠 | |
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adj.简短的,草率的 | |
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n.皮带;皮鞭;v.装皮带 | |
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v.把(感情、力量等)释放出来,发泄( unleash的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adj.纯粹的;仅仅,只不过 | |
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n.纹理;矿脉( vein的名词复数 );静脉;叶脉;纹理 | |
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n.野性 | |
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adj.加宽的,扩大的v.(使某物)扩大,膨胀,张大( dilate的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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把…强加给,使承受,遭受( inflict的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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(通常指灯光)闪烁,摇曳( flicker的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.边,边缘;v.接近,濒临 | |
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v.喘气( gasp的过去式和过去分词 );喘息;倒抽气;很想要 | |
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adj.不可靠的,有暗藏的危险的;adj.背叛的,背信弃义的 | |
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v.嘲笑( jeer的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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(声音)尖锐的,刺耳的,高频率的( shrill的现在分词 ); 凄厉 | |
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n.门口,(喻)入门;门路,途径 | |
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adj.(指人、身体)柔软的,易弯的 | |
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ad. 歇斯底里地 | |
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(因极度痛苦而)扭动或翻滚( writhe的现在分词 ) | |
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adj. 气喘的, 痉挛的 动词gasp的现在分词 | |
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n.拖著脚走,洗纸牌;v.拖曳,慢吞吞地走 | |
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v.(使)休息;n.安息 | |
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n.大为吃惊,惊骇 | |
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v.使变白( blanch的过去式 );使(植物)不见阳光而变白;酸洗(金属)使有光泽;用沸水烫(杏仁等)以便去皮 | |
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adj.迸出的;涌出的;喷出的;过分热情的v.喷,涌( gush的现在分词 );滔滔不绝地说话 | |
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n.音色,音质 | |
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发出咔哒声(clatter的现在分词形式) | |
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n.用言语表达,话语,言语 | |
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adj.燃烧着的,火红的;暴躁的;激烈的 | |
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v.快速爬行( scramble的过去式和过去分词 );攀登;争夺;(军事飞机)紧急起飞 | |
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adv. 野蛮地,残酷地 | |
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v.急切而含混不清地说( jabber的现在分词 );急促兴奋地说话;结结巴巴 | |
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难以理解地 | |
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渴望,切盼,向往( yearn的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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n.爱好,癖好;adj.弯的;决心的,一心的 | |
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n.(清楚的)发音;清晰度,咬合 | |
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adj. 响亮的 | |
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n.铁钻 | |
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vt.引诱,勾引,吸引,引起…的兴趣 | |
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v.用力拉,使劲拉,猛扯( tug的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.憎恶,憎恨,仇恨 | |
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n.愤怒,愤慨,暴怒 | |
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adj.灰的 | |
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adv.神情激动地,不安地 | |
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adj.严格的,死板的;刚硬的,僵硬的 | |
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v.有刺痛感( tingle的现在分词 ) | |
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笑柄( butt的名词复数 ); (武器或工具的)粗大的一端; 屁股; 烟蒂 | |
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adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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v.怂恿(某人)干不正当的事;冒…的险(tempt的过去分词) | |
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赠给,授予( bestow的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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v.颠簸( plunge的过去式和过去分词 );暴跌;骤降;突降 | |
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v.闪躲( dodge的过去式和过去分词 );回避 | |
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adv.含糊地,暖昧地 | |
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adj.讽刺的,冷嘲的 | |
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n.鼻口部;口套;枪(炮)口;vt.使缄默 | |
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v.嘟哝;作呼噜声;n.呼噜声,嘟哝 | |
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n.海湾;深渊,鸿沟;分歧,隔阂 | |
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n.手杖,细长的茎,藤条;v.以杖击,以藤编制的 | |
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