"Your papers do not seem to be altogether regular, Mr. Passford," said the captain, as he held up one of them so that all could see it.
"I see they are not," answered Christy blankly.
"But they are enclosed in an official envelope," added the captain, as he held up the cover of the papers. "In this respect they have the advantage of those presented by the other gentleman. 82 You appear to be as much surprised as any of the rest of us, Mr. Passford. Can you explain the fact that you present nothing but blank papers instead of your commission and orders?"
"At present I cannot; after I have had an opportunity for reflection I may be able to do so," replied Christy, from whom a more decided2 demonstration3 than he made was expected.
"It is evident from what we have heard, and from the documents submitted to me that one of these gentlemen is Lieutenant4 Christopher Passford," said Captain Battleton; "but we have no means of identifying the officer. In what vessels5 have you served, Mr. Passford?"
"My first service was in the Bellevite, and my last in the Bronx, of which I was acting6 commander on her voyage from New York to the Gulf7," answered Christy, to whom the question was addressed.
"Is there any officer on board with whom you have served?"
"So far as I have seen, there is not."
"I have not noticed any seaman whose face was familiar to me."
83 "If I am correctly informed, you came home as prize master of the Vixen, convoying quite a fleet of steamers and schooners," continued Captain Battleton, looking about the cabin as though the inquiry9 had become wearisome to him.
"I did; you were correctly informed," answered Corny, as the wandering gaze of the commander rested upon him.
"Both of you were in command of the Vixen, I suppose," added the captain with a smile.
"I was, captain; but I cannot speak for my cousin Corny," replied the possessor of the commission.
"I can say with entire confidence that I was in command of the Vixen," added Christy.
"A considerable number of officers and seamen10 must have come with you in the Vixen and the other vessels," said the captain, raising his finger to indicate that the question was addressed to Christy.
"Yes, sir; the Vixen was fully11 armed and manned to protect the fleet of prize vessels she convoyed."
"Do you remember the names of the officers who served with you in the Vixen?" asked the captain.
84 "I could not very well forget them in so short a time," replied Corny, upon whom the gaze of the commander had again rested as he looked about him.
"Very well; perhaps you had better answer the question;" and the captain pointed12 at Corny. "Who was your first lieutenant?"
This was a correct answer, and Christy saw that his cousin had fully armed himself for his daring scheme, whatever it was.
"Your second lieutenant?"
"Ensign Frederick Jones," answered Corny, with some hesitation14.
"Now will you inform me, Mr. Passford, who your officers were?" The commander pointed at Christy. "Your executive officer?"
"My cousin gave his name and rank correctly."
"And the second lieutenant?"
"Ensign Philip Bangs."
"Here you differ. Did you make a report of your voyage home, Lieutenant Passford?" continued the captain, pointing at Corny.
"I did, sir; for we captured a privateer on the voyage," answered Corny.
85 "Did you keep a copy of that report?"
"I did, captain; I keep copies of all my reports. I have them in my valise," answered he of the South in a matter-of-fact manner.
Christy laughed in spite of the importance of the investigation15 at the coolness and self-possession of his cousin; but he could not understand how Corny would be able to produce a copy of his report, which was in his valise with several such papers.
"I must trouble you to produce it, Lieutenant Passford," added the commander.
"Perhaps I ought to say in the beginning that it is not in my own handwriting, for after I had written it, Mr. Jones copied it for me," Corny explained, and, perhaps, thought he might be called upon to give a specimen16 of his chirography.
"That is immaterial," added Captain Battleton, as Corny left the cabin to procure17 the document. "Have you a copy of your report, Lieutenant Passford?" He pointed to Christy.
"I have, captain; and it is in my own handwriting," replied the officer addressed.
"Produce it, if you please."
He had placed his valise in the gangway, and 86 he had not far to go to procure the report, his first draft of the document, which he had revised and copied at Bonnydale.
"I don't think we are getting ahead at all, Mr. Salisbury," said the captain, while the cousins were looking for their reports.
"I confess that I am as much in the dark as I was in the beginning," replied the executive officer.
"I can make nothing of it," added the surgeon. "It looks to me as though the commission alone would have to settle this matter."
"I don't see how I can go behind the official documents," replied the commander as Corny presented himself at the door.
A minute later Christy appeared with his report in his hand, and both of them were presented to the captain. The handwriting was as different as possible in the two papers. Corny's was in a large, coarse hand, but it was a fair copy, while Christy's contained several corrections and inter-lineations. No one could recognize the writing of either of the claimants, and the documents proved nothing at all. The captain was evidently weary of the investigation, and nothing but the commission 87 seemed to throw any reliable light upon the claim of either one or the other.
"Any further questions, Mr. Salisbury?" asked the captain, bestowing18 a bored look upon the executive officer.
"Nothing more, Captain Battleton."
"Dr. Connelly?"
"Nothing, captain."
"Now, gentlemen, I will thank you to retire to the ward19 room, and I will send for you to hear my decision," continued the commander, and the cousins retired20 together, and both of them appeared to be as good-natured as though they were in perfect accord on the question in dispute.
"What is your opinion, Mr. Salisbury?" asked the captain, when the claimants had retired, careful not to indicate his own conclusion.
"While I acknowledge that I am somewhat prepossessed in favor of the Lieutenant Passford who came on board this morning, I do not think he has established his claim to be the true Lieutenant Christopher Passford. The other uses some peculiarly Southern phrases, as though he had been 'raised' in the South, and he is not perfect in the geography of Bonnydale. I think 88 the commission is the only evidence upon which you can properly rely," replied the first lieutenant.
"Your views, if you please, Dr. Connelly."
"One of these officers is evidently a Confederate, and the other a loyal citizen. The commission, as Mr. Salisbury suggests, outweighs21 all the rest of the evidence. One or the other of the two men is an impostor, and without the commission, I should decide that my patient was the false Lieutenant Passford," answered the surgeon.
"We appear to agree, gentlemen, for you have expressed my own views as well as I could state them myself," added the captain. "But when I decide that the holder22 of the commission, which I am satisfied is a genuine document, is the loyal officer, and entitled to be received as the future commander of the Bronx, I must declare that the other is a Confederate; and not only that, but also that he is acting as a spy; that he is on board of the Vernon with mischievous23 intentions. It will be my duty to regard him as a prisoner of war, at least. What do you think of it, Mr. Salisbury?"
89 "I do not see how you can escape that conclusion," replied the first lieutenant.
"I am a sort of peace officer," added Dr. Connelly, when the captain glanced at him, "and I will express no opinion as to the status of the officer, though it appears to be as you describe it."
"This is an informal conference, doctor, and I hope you will express your views freely," said the captain.
"There is something in the situation which I cannot explain. I will only say that it is just possible there is a conspiracy24 at the bottom of the whole affair; and I should think it would be well to keep a close watch upon both of these officers. Why, on the voyage of the Bronx to the Gulf, Ensign Passford, as he was then, discovered two Confederate officers in his crew, and squarely defeated their efforts to capture his ship in the action with the Scotian, I believe it was."
"I have heard of it; and in quite a number of instances, Confederates have been put on board of steamers for the purpose of taking them from their officers," added the captain. "At the same time, I do not see that I can decide this question 90 on any other evidence than that of the commission and other official documents."
Both of the other officers assented25 to this view, and the captain sent for the two claimants. Neither of them had spoken a word to the other during their stay in the ward room. Christy looked upon his cousin as a Confederate who was serving what he called his country, and he had not the slightest disposition26 to quarrel with him, and especially not to lead him to utter any unnecessary falsehoods. Possibly Corny was somewhat diffident about playing his assumed character before his cousin when they were alone, for they had always been the best of friends.
"Gentlemen, I have come to a decision in this matter," said the captain, when the two claimants had placed themselves before him in a standing27 position. "I cannot go behind the commission presented by the officer who came on board last evening, and I consider it my duty to regard him as the real Lieutenant Passford, recently promoted to his present rank. There is nothing more to be said."
"Of course I expected that would be your decision," replied Corny, as he took the papers 91 which the captain returned to him, including his commission and report.
"You may retire now, if you please, Mr. Passford," added the commander.
Corny bowed politely to the officers at the table, and left the cabin. He did not even glance at Christy, and his face did not look like that of one who had just won a decided victory. Christy remained standing where he had placed himself; and he began to wonder what disposition would be made of him under present circumstances.


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adj.求知欲强的,好奇的,好寻根究底的 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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n.表明,示范,论证,示威 | |
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n.陆军中尉,海军上尉;代理官员,副职官员 | |
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n.血管( vessel的名词复数 );船;容器;(具有特殊品质或接受特殊品质的)人 | |
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n.演戏,行为,假装;adj.代理的,临时的,演出用的 | |
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n.海湾;深渊,鸿沟;分歧,隔阂 | |
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n.海员,水手,水兵 | |
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n.打听,询问,调查,查问 | |
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n.海员 | |
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adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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adj.尖的,直截了当的 | |
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adv.及时地,敏捷地 | |
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n.犹豫,踌躇 | |
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n.调查,调查研究 | |
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n.样本,标本 | |
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vt.获得,取得,促成;vi.拉皮条 | |
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砖窑中砖堆上层已烧透的砖 | |
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n.守卫,监护,病房,行政区,由监护人或法院保护的人(尤指儿童);vt.守护,躲开 | |
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adj.隐退的,退休的,退役的 | |
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v.在重量上超过( outweigh的第三人称单数 );在重要性或价值方面超过 | |
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n.持有者,占有者;(台,架等)支持物 | |
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adj.调皮的,恶作剧的,有害的,伤人的 | |
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n.阴谋,密谋,共谋 | |
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同意,赞成( assent的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.性情,性格;意向,倾向;排列,部署 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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