"Upon the journey that thou shalt one day take riding upon no horse, this beggar has set out before thee and is labouring up the crystal steps towards the moon as a man goeth up the steps of a high tower in the dark. On the moon's edge beneath the shadow of Mount Angises he shall rest awhile and then shall climb the crystal steps again. Then a great journey lies before him before he may rest again till he come to that star that is called the left eye of Gundo. Then a journey of many crystal steps lieth before him again with nought3 to guide him but the light of Omrazu. On the edge of Omrazu shall Yeb tarry long, for the most dreadful part of his journey lieth before him. Up the crystal steps that lie beyond Omrazu he must go, and any that follow, though the howling of all the meteors that ride the sky; for in that part of the crystal space go many meteors up and down all squealing4 in the dark, which greatly perplex all travellers. And, if he may see though the gleaming of the meteors and in spite of their uproar5 come safely through, he shall come to the star Omrund at the edge of the Track of Stars. And from star to star along the Track of Stars the soul of a man may travel with more ease, and there the journey lies no more straight forward, but curves to the right."
Then said King Ebalon:
"Of this beggar whom my horse smote6 down thou hast spoken much, but I sought to know by what road a King should go when he taketh his last royal journey, and what princes and what people should meet him upon another shore."
Then answered Monith:
"All knowledge is with the King. It hath been doomed8 by the gods, who speak not in jest, that thou shalt follow the soul that thou didst send alone upon its journey, that that soul go not unattended up the crystal steps.
"Moreover, as this beggar went upon his lonely journey he dared to curse the King, and his curses lie like a red mist along the valleys and hollows wherever he uttered them. By these red mists, O King, thou shalt track him as a man follows a river by night until thou shalt fare at last to the land wherein he hath blessed thee (repenting of anger at last), and thou shalt see his blessing9 lie over the land like a blaze of golden sunshine illumining fields and gardens."
Then said the King:
"The gods have spoken hard above the snowy peak of this mountain
And Monith said:
"How a man may come to the shore of space beyond the tides of time I know not, but it is doomed that thou shalt certainly first follow the beggar past the moon, Omrund and Omrazu till thou comest to the Track of Stars, and up the Track of Stars coming towards the right along the edge of it till thou comest to Ingazi. There the soul of the beggar Yeb sat long, then, breathing deep, set off on his great journey earthward adown the crystal steps. Straight through the spaces where no stars are found to rest at, following the dull gleam of earth and her fields till he come at last where journeys end and start."
Then said King Ebalon:
"If this hard tale be true, how shall I find the beggar that I must follow when I come again to the earth?"
And the Prophet answered:
"Thou shalt know him by his name and find him in this place, for that beggar shall be called King Ebalon and he shall be sitting upon the throne of the Kings of Zarkandhu."
And the King answered:
"If one sit upon this throne whom men call King Ebalon, who then shall
I be?"
And the Prophet answered:
"Thou shalt be a beggar and thy name shall be Yeb, and thou shalt ever tread the road before the palace waiting for alms from the King whom men shall call Ebalon."
Then said the King:
"Hard gods indeed are those that tramp the snows of Ahmoon about the temple of Azure, for if I sinned against this beggar called Yeb, they too have sinned against him when they doomed him to travel on this weary journey though he hath not offended."
And Monith said:
"He too hath offended, for he was angry as thy horse struck him, and the gods smite10 anger. And his anger and his curses doom7 him to journey without rest as also they doom thee."
Then said the King:
"Thou that sittest upon Ahmoon in the Temple of Azure, dreaming thy dreams and making prophecies, foresee the ending of this weary quest and tell me where it shall be?"
And Monith answered:
"As a man looks across great lakes I have gazed into the days to be, and as the great flies come upon four wings of gauze to skim over blue waters, so have my dreams come sailing two by two out of the days to be. And I dreamed that King Ebalon, whose soul was not thy soul, stood in his palace in a time far hence, and beggars thronged11 the street outside, and among them was Yeb, a beggar, having thy soul. And it was on the morning of a festival and the King came robed in white, with all his prophets and his seers and magicians, all down the marble steps to bless the land and all that stood therein as far as the purple hills, because it was the morning of festival. And as the King raised up his hand over the beggars' heads to bless the fields and rivers and all that stood therein, I dreamed that the quest was ended.
"All knowledge is with the King."


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adj.天蓝色的,蔚蓝色的 | |
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v.听某人的劝告,听从( heed的过去式和过去分词 );变平,使(某物)变平( flatten的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n./adj.无,零 | |
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v.长声尖叫,用长而尖锐的声音说( squeal的现在分词 ) | |
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n.骚动,喧嚣,鼎沸 | |
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v.猛打,重击,打击( smite的过去式 ) | |
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n.厄运,劫数;v.注定,命定 | |
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命定的 | |
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n.祈神赐福;祷告;祝福,祝愿 | |
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v.重击;彻底击败;n.打;尝试;一点儿 | |
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v.成群,挤满( throng的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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