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Chapter 11 Emil's Thanksgiving

 The Brenda was scudding1 along with all sail set to catch the risingwind, and everyone on board was rejoicing, for the long voyage wasdrawing towards an end.

  'Four weeks more, Mrs Hardy2, and we'll give you a cup of tea such asyou never had before,' said second mate Hoffmann, as he paused besidetwo ladies sitting in a sheltered corner of the deck.
  'I shall be glad to get it, and still gladder to put my feet on solidground,' answered the elder lady, smiling; for our friend Emil was afavourite, as well he might be, since he devoted3 himself to thecaptain's wife and daughter, who were the only passengers on board.
  'So shall I, even if I have to wear a pair of shoes like Chinesejunks. I've tramped up and down the deck so much, I shall bebarefooted if we don't arrive soon,' laughed Mary, the daughter,showing two shabby little boots as she glanced up at the companion ofthese tramps, remembering gratefully how pleasant he had made them.
  'Don't think there are any small enough in China,' answered Emil,with a sailor's ready gallantry, privately4 resolving to hunt up thehandsomest shoes he could find the moment he landed.
  'I don't know what you would have done for exercise, dear, if MrHoffmann had not made you walk every day. This lazy life is bad foryoung people, though it suits an old body like me well enough in calmweather. Is this likely to be a gale5, think ye?' added Mrs Hardy,with an anxious glance at the west, where the sun was setting redly.
  'Only a capful of wind, ma'am, just enough to send us along lively,'
  answered Emil, with a comprehensive glance aloft and alow.
  'Please sing, Mr Hoffmann, it's so pleasant to have music at thistime. We shall miss it very much when we get ashore,' said Mary, in apersuasive tone which would have won melody from a shark, if such athing were possible.
  Emil had often blessed his one accomplishment6 during these months,for it cheered the long days, and made the twilight7 hour his happiesttime, wind and weather permitting. So now he gladly tuned8 his pipe,and leaning on the taffrail near the girl, watched the brown locksblowing in the wind as he sang her favourite song:
  'Give me freshening breeze, my boys,A white and swelling10 sail,A ship that cuts the dashing waves,And weathers every gale.
  What life is like a sailor's life,So free, so bold, so brave?
  His home the ocean's wide expanse,A coral bed his grave.'
  Just as the last notes of the clear, strong voice died away, MrsHardy suddenly exclaimed: 'What's that?' Emil's quick eye saw at oncethe little puff11 of smoke coming up a hatchway where no smoke shouldbe, and his heart seemed to stand still for an instant as the dreadword 'Fire!' flashed through his mind. Then he was quite steady, andstrolled away saying quietly:
  'Smoking not allowed there, I'll go and stop it.' But the instant hewas out of sight his face changed, and he leaped down the hatchway,thinking, with a queer smile on his lips: 'If we are afire, shouldn'twonder if I did make a coral bed my grave!'
  He was gone a few minutes, and when he came up, half stifled12 withsmoke, he was as white as a very brown man could be, but calm andcool as he went to report to the captain.
  'Fire in the hold, sir.'
  'Don't frighten the women,' was Captain Hardy's first order; thenboth be stirred themselves to discover how strong the treacherousenemy was, and to rout13 it if possible.
  The Brenda's cargo14 was a very combustible15 one, and in spite of thestreams of water poured into the hold it was soon evident that theship was doomed16. Smoke began to ooze17 up between the plankseverywhere, and the rising gale soon fanned the smouldering fire toflames that began to break out here and there, telling the dreadfultruth too plainly for anyone to hide. Mrs Hardy and Mary bore theshock bravely when told to be ready to quit the ship at a minute'snotice; the boats were hastily prepared, and the men worked with awill to batten down every loophole whence the fire might escape. Soonthe poor Brenda was a floating furnace, and the order to 'Take to theboats!' came for all. The women first, of course, and it wasfortunate that, being a merchantman, there were no more passengers onboard, so there was no panic, and one after the other the boatspushed off. That in which the women were lingered near, for the bravecaptain would be the last to leave his ship.
  Emil stayed by him till ordered away, and reluctantly obeyed; but itwas well for him he went, for just as he had regained18 the boat,rocking far below, half hidden by a cloud of smoke, a mast,undermined by the fire now raging in the bowels20 of the ship, fellwith a crash, knocking Captain Hardy overboard. The boat soon reachedhim as he floated out from the wreck21, and Emil sprung into the sea torescue him, for he was wounded and senseless. This accident made itnecessary for the young man to take command, and he at once orderedthe men to pull for their lives, as an explosion might occur at anymoment.
  The other boats were out of danger and all lingered to watch thesplendid yet awesome22 spectacle of the burning ship alone on the widesea, reddening the night and casting a lurid23 glare upon the water,where floated the frail9 boats filled with pale faces, all turned fora last look at the fated Brenda, slowly settling to her watery24 grave.
  No one saw the end, however, for the gale soon swept the watchers faraway and separated them, some never to meet again till the sea givesup its dead.
  The boat whose fortunes we must follow was alone when dawn came up,showing these survivors25 all the dangers of their situation. Food andwater had been put in, and such provision for comfort and safety astime allowed; but it was evident that with a badly wounded man, twowomen, and seven sailors, their supply would not last long, and helpwas sorely needed. Their only hope was in meeting a ship, althoughthe gale, which had raged all night, had blown them out of theircourse. To this hope all clung, and wiled27 away the weary hours,watching the horizon and cheering one another with prophecies ofspeedy rescue.
  Second mate Hoffmann was very brave and helpful, though hisunexpected responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders; for thecaptain's state seemed desperate, the poor wife's grief wrung28 hisheart, and the blind confidence of the young girl in his power tosave them made him feel that no sign of doubt or fear must lessen29 it.
  The men did their part readily now, but Emil knew that if starvationand despair made brutes30 of them, his task might be a terrible one. Sohe clutched his courage with both handg, kept up a manly31 front, andspoke so cheerily of their good chances, that all instinctivelyturned to him for guidance and support.
  The first day and night passed in comparative comfort, but when thethird came, things looked dark and hope began to fail. The woundedman was delirious33, the wife worn out with anxiety and suspense34, thegirl weak for want of food, having put away half her biscuit for hermother, and given her share of water to wet her father's feverishlips. The sailors ceased rowing and sat grimly waiting, openlyreproaching their leader for not following their advice, othersdemanding more food, all waxing dangerous as privation and painbrought out the animal instincts lurking35 in them. Emil did his best,but mortal man was helpless there, and he could only turn his haggardface from the pitiless sky, that dropped no rain for their thirst, tothe boundless36 sea where no sail appeared to gladden their longingeyes. All day he tried to cheer and comfort them, while hungergnawed, thirst parched37, and growing fear lay heavy at his heart. Hetold stories to the men, implored38 them to bear up for the helplesswomen's sake, and promised rewards if they would pull while they hadstrength to regain19 the lost route, as nearly as he could make it out,and increase their chance of rescue. He rigged an awning39 ofsailcloth over the suffering man and tended him like a son, comfortedthe wife, and tried to make the pale girl forget herself, by singingevery song he knew or recounting his adventures by land and sea, tillshe smiled and took heart; for all ended well.
  The fourth day came and the supply of food and water was nearly gone.
  Emil proposed to keep it for the sick man and the women, but two ofthe men rebelled, demanding their share. Emil gave up his as anexample, and several of the good fellows followed it, with the quietheroism which so often crops up in rough but manly natures. Thisshamed the others, and for another day an ominous40 peace reigned41 inthat little world of suffering and suspense. But during the night,while Emil, worn out with fatigue42, left the watch to the mosttrustworthy sailor, that he might snatch an hour's rest, these twomen got at the stores and stole the last of the bread and water, andthe one bottle of brandy, which was carefully hoarded43 to keep uptheir strength and make the brackish44 water drinkable. Half mad withthirst, they drank greedily and by morning one was in a stupor45, fromwhich he never woke; the other so crazed by the strong stimulant,that when Emil tried to control him, he leaped overboard and waslost. Horror-stricken by this terrible scene, the other men weresubmissive henceforth, and the boat floated on and on with its sadfreight of suffering souls and bodies.
  Another trial came to them that left all more despairing than before.
  A sail appeared, and for a time a frenzy46 of joy prevailed, to beturned to bitterest disappointment when it passed by, too far away tosee the signals waved to them or hear the frantic47 cries for help thatrang across the sea. Emil's heart sank then, for the captain seemeddying, and the women could not hold out much longer. He kept up tillnight came; then in the darkness, broken only by the feeble murmuringof the sick man, the whispered prayers of the poor wife, theceaseless swash of waves, Emil hid his face, and had an hour ofsilent agony that aged26 him more than years of happy life could havedone. It was not the physical hardship that daunted48 him, though wantand weakness tortured him; it was his dreadful powerlessness toconquer the cruel fate that seemed hanging over them. The men hecared little for, since these perils49 were but a part of the life theychose; but the master he loved, the good woman who had been so kindto him, the sweet girl whose winsome50 presence had made the longvoyage so pleasant for them all--if he could only save these dear andinnocent creatures from a cruel death, he felt that he couldwillingly give his life for them.
  As he sat there with his head in his hands, bowed down by the firstgreat trial of his young life, the starless sky overhead, therestless sea beneath, and all around him suffering, for which he hadno help, a soft sound broke the silence, and he listened like one ina dream. It was Mary singing to her mother, who lay sobbing51 in herarms, spent with this long anguish52. A very faint and broken voice itwas, for the poor girl's lips were parched with thirst; but theloving heart turned instinctively32 to the great Helper in this hour ofdespair, and He heard her feeble cry. It was a sweet old hynm oftensung at Plumfield; and as he listened, all the happy past came backso clearly that Emil forgot the bitter present, and was at homeagain. His talk on the housetop with Aunt Jo seemed but yesterday,and, with a pang53 of self-reproach, he thought:
  'The scarlet54 strand55! I must remember it, and do my duty to the end.
  Steer straight, old boy; and if you can't come into port, go downwith all sail set.'
  Then, as the soft voice crooned on to lull56 the weary woman to afitful sleep, Emil for a little while forgot his burden in a dream ofPlumfield. He saw them all, heard the familiar voices, felt the gripof welcoming hands, and seemed to say to himself: 'Well, they shallnot be ashamed of me if I never see them any more.'
  A sudden shout startled him from that brief rest, and a drop on hisforehead told him that the blessed rain had come at last, bringingsalvation with it; for thirst is harder to bear than hunger, heat, orcold. Welcomed by cries of joy, all lifted up their parched lips,held out their hands, and spread their garments to catch the greatdrops that soon came pouring down to cool the sick man's fever,quench the agony of thirst, and bring refreshment57 to every weary bodyin the boat. All night it fell, all night the castaways revelled58 inthe saving shower, and took heart again, like dying plants revived byheaven's dew. The clouds broke away at dawn, and Emil sprung up,wonderfully braced59 and cheered by those hours of silent gratitude60 forthis answer to their cry for help. But this was not all; as his eyeswept the horizon, clear against the rosy61 sky shone the white sailsof a ship, so near that they could see the pennon at her mast-headand black figures moving on the deck.
  One cry broke from all those eager throats, and rang across the sea,as every man waved hat or handkerchief and the women stretchedimploring hands towards this great white angel of deliverance comingdown upon them as if the fresh wind filled every sail to help her on.
  No disappointment now; answering signals assured them of help; and inthe rapture62 of that moment the happy women fell on Emil's neck,giving him his reward in tears and blessings63 as their grateful heartsoverflowed. He always said that was the proudest moment of his life,as he stood there holding Mary in his arms; for the brave girl, whohad kept up so long, broke down then, and clung to him half fainting;while her mother busied herself about the invalid64, who seemed to feelthe joyful65 stir, and gave an order, as if again on the deck of hislost ship.
  It was soon over; and then all were safely aboard the good Urania,homeward bound. Emil saw his friends in tender hands, his men amongtheir mates, and told the story of the wreck before he thought ofhimself. The savoury odour of the soup, carried by to the cabin forthe ladies, reminded him that he was starving, and a sudden staggerbetrayed his weakness. He was instantly borne away, to be half killedby kindness, and being fed, clothed, and comforted, was left to rest.
  Just as the surgeon left the state-room, he asked in his brokenvoice: 'What day is this? My head is so confused, I've lost myreckoning.'
  'Thanksgiving Day, man! And we'll give you a regular New Englanddinner, if you'll eat it,' answered the surgeon heartily66.
  But Emil was too spent to do anything, except lie still and givethanks, more fervently67 and gratefully than ever before, for theblessed gift of life, which was the sweeter for a sense of dutyfaithfully performed.


1 scudding ae56c992b738e4f4a25852d1f96fe4e8     
n.刮面v.(尤指船、舰或云彩)笔直、高速而平稳地移动( scud的现在分词 )
  • Clouds were scudding across the sky. 云飞越天空。 来自辞典例句
  • China Advertising Photo Market-Like a Rising Wind and Scudding Clouds. 中国广告图片市场:风起云涌。 来自互联网
2 hardy EenxM     
  • The kind of plant is a hardy annual.这种植物是耐寒的一年生植物。
  • He is a hardy person.他是一个能吃苦耐劳的人。
3 devoted xu9zka     
  • He devoted his life to the educational cause of the motherland.他为祖国的教育事业贡献了一生。
  • We devoted a lengthy and full discussion to this topic.我们对这个题目进行了长时间的充分讨论。
4 privately IkpzwT     
  • Some ministers admit privately that unemployment could continue to rise.一些部长私下承认失业率可能继续升高。
  • The man privately admits that his motive is profits.那人私下承认他的动机是为了牟利。
5 gale Xf3zD     
  • We got our roof blown off in the gale last night.昨夜的大风把我们的房顶给掀掉了。
  • According to the weather forecast,there will be a gale tomorrow.据气象台预报,明天有大风。
6 accomplishment 2Jkyo     
  • The series of paintings is quite an accomplishment.这一系列的绘画真是了不起的成就。
  • Money will be crucial to the accomplishment of our objectives.要实现我们的目标,钱是至关重要的。
7 twilight gKizf     
  • Twilight merged into darkness.夕阳的光辉融于黑暗中。
  • Twilight was sweet with the smell of lilac and freshly turned earth.薄暮充满紫丁香和新翻耕的泥土的香味。
8 tuned b40b43fd5af2db4fbfeb4e83856e4876     
adj.调谐的,已调谐的v.调音( tune的过去式和过去分词 );调整;(给收音机、电视等)调谐;使协调
  • The resort is tuned in to the tastes of young and old alike. 这个度假胜地适合各种口味,老少皆宜。
  • The instruments should be tuned up before each performance. 每次演出开始前都应将乐器调好音。 来自《简明英汉词典》
9 frail yz3yD     
  • Mrs. Warner is already 96 and too frail to live by herself.华纳太太已经九十六岁了,身体虚弱,不便独居。
  • She lay in bed looking particularly frail.她躺在床上,看上去特别虚弱。
10 swelling OUzzd     
  • Use ice to reduce the swelling. 用冰敷消肿。
  • There is a marked swelling of the lymph nodes. 淋巴结处有明显的肿块。
11 puff y0cz8     
  • He took a puff at his cigarette.他吸了一口香烟。
  • They tried their best to puff the book they published.他们尽力吹捧他们出版的书。
12 stifled 20d6c5b702a525920b7425fe94ea26a5     
(使)窒息, (使)窒闷( stifle的过去式和过去分词 ); 镇压,遏制; 堵
  • The gas stifled them. 煤气使他们窒息。
  • The rebellion was stifled. 叛乱被镇压了。
13 rout isUye     
  • The enemy was put to rout all along the line.敌人已全线崩溃。
  • The people's army put all to rout wherever they went.人民军队所向披靡。
14 cargo 6TcyG     
  • The ship has a cargo of about 200 ton.这条船大约有200吨的货物。
  • A lot of people discharged the cargo from a ship.许多人从船上卸下货物。
15 combustible yqizS     
a. 易燃的,可燃的; n. 易燃物,可燃物
  • Don't smoke near combustible materials. 别在易燃的材料附近吸烟。
  • We mustn't take combustible goods aboard. 我们不可带易燃品上车。
16 doomed EuuzC1     
  • The court doomed the accused to a long term of imprisonment. 法庭判处被告长期监禁。
  • A country ruled by an iron hand is doomed to suffer. 被铁腕人物统治的国家定会遭受不幸的。
17 ooze 7v2y3     
  • Soon layer of oceanic ooze began to accumulate above the old hard layer.不久后海洋软泥层开始在老的硬地层上堆积。
  • Drip or ooze systems are common for pot watering.滴灌和渗灌系统一般也用于盆栽灌水。
18 regained 51ada49e953b830c8bd8fddd6bcd03aa     
复得( regain的过去式和过去分词 ); 赢回; 重回; 复至某地
  • The majority of the people in the world have regained their liberty. 世界上大多数人已重获自由。
  • She hesitated briefly but quickly regained her poise. 她犹豫片刻,但很快恢复了镇静。
19 regain YkYzPd     
  • He is making a bid to regain his World No.1 ranking.他正为重登世界排名第一位而努力。
  • The government is desperate to regain credibility with the public.政府急于重新获取公众的信任。
20 bowels qxMzez     
n.肠,内脏,内部;肠( bowel的名词复数 );内部,最深处
  • Salts is a medicine that causes movements of the bowels. 泻盐是一种促使肠子运动的药物。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The cabins are in the bowels of the ship. 舱房设在船腹内。 来自《简明英汉词典》
21 wreck QMjzE     
  • Weather may have been a factor in the wreck.天气可能是造成这次失事的原因之一。
  • No one can wreck the friendship between us.没有人能够破坏我们之间的友谊。
22 awesome CyCzdV     
  • The church in Ireland has always exercised an awesome power.爱尔兰的教堂一直掌握着令人敬畏的权力。
  • That new white convertible is totally awesome.那辆新的白色折篷汽车简直棒极了.
23 lurid 9Atxh     
  • The paper gave all the lurid details of the murder.这份报纸对这起凶杀案耸人听闻的细节描写得淋漓尽致。
  • The lurid sunset puts a red light on their faces.血红一般的夕阳映红了他们的脸。
24 watery bU5zW     
  • In his watery eyes there is an expression of distrust.他那含泪的眼睛流露出惊惶失措的神情。
  • Her eyes became watery because of the smoke.因为烟熏,她的双眼变得泪汪汪的。
25 survivors 02ddbdca4c6dba0b46d9d823ed2b4b62     
幸存者,残存者,生还者( survivor的名词复数 )
  • The survivors were adrift in a lifeboat for six days. 幸存者在救生艇上漂流了六天。
  • survivors clinging to a raft 紧紧抓住救生筏的幸存者
26 aged 6zWzdI     
  • He had put on weight and aged a little.他胖了,也老点了。
  • He is aged,but his memory is still good.他已年老,然而记忆力还好。
27 wiled 92d1ef847c63e44eb4321f58e0c696f9     
v.引诱( wile的过去式和过去分词 );诱惑;消遣;消磨
  • The music wiled him from his study. 诱人的音乐使他无心学习下去。 来自辞典例句
  • The sunshine wiled me from my work. 阳光引诱我放下了工作。 来自辞典例句
28 wrung b11606a7aab3e4f9eebce4222a9397b1     
绞( wring的过去式和过去分词 ); 握紧(尤指别人的手); 把(湿衣服)拧干; 绞掉(水)
  • He has wrung the words from their true meaning. 他曲解这些字的真正意义。
  • He wrung my hand warmly. 他热情地紧握我的手。
29 lessen 01gx4     
  • Regular exercise can help to lessen the pain.经常运动有助于减轻痛感。
  • They've made great effort to lessen the noise of planes.他们尽力减小飞机的噪音。
30 brutes 580ab57d96366c5593ed705424e15ffa     
兽( brute的名词复数 ); 畜生; 残酷无情的人; 兽性
  • They're not like dogs; they're hideous brutes. 它们不像狗,是丑陋的畜牲。
  • Suddenly the foul musty odour of the brutes struck his nostrils. 突然,他的鼻尖闻到了老鼠的霉臭味。 来自英汉文学
31 manly fBexr     
  • The boy walked with a confident manly stride.这男孩以自信的男人步伐行走。
  • He set himself manly tasks and expected others to follow his example.他给自己定下了男子汉的任务,并希望别人效之。
32 instinctively 2qezD2     
  • As he leaned towards her she instinctively recoiled. 他向她靠近,她本能地往后缩。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He knew instinctively where he would find her. 他本能地知道在哪儿能找到她。 来自《简明英汉词典》
33 delirious V9gyj     
  • He was delirious,murmuring about that matter.他精神恍惚,低声叨念着那件事。
  • She knew that he had become delirious,and tried to pacify him.她知道他已经神志昏迷起来了,极力想使他镇静下来。
34 suspense 9rJw3     
  • The suspense was unbearable.这样提心吊胆的状况实在叫人受不了。
  • The director used ingenious devices to keep the audience in suspense.导演用巧妙手法引起观众的悬念。
35 lurking 332fb85b4d0f64d0e0d1ef0d34ebcbe7     
  • Why are you lurking around outside my house? 你在我房子外面鬼鬼祟祟的,想干什么?
  • There is a suspicious man lurking in the shadows. 有一可疑的人躲在阴暗中。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
36 boundless kt8zZ     
  • The boundless woods were sleeping in the deep repose of nature.无边无际的森林在大自然静寂的怀抱中酣睡着。
  • His gratitude and devotion to the Party was boundless.他对党无限感激、无限忠诚。
37 parched 2mbzMK     
  • Hot winds parched the crops.热风使庄稼干透了。
  • The land in this region is rather dry and parched.这片土地十分干燥。
38 implored 0b089ebf3591e554caa381773b194ff1     
恳求或乞求(某人)( implore的过去式和过去分词 )
  • She implored him to stay. 她恳求他留下。
  • She implored him with tears in her eyes to forgive her. 她含泪哀求他原谅她。
39 awning LeVyZ     
  • A large green awning is set over the glass window to shelter against the sun.在玻璃窗上装了个绿色的大遮棚以遮挡阳光。
  • Several people herded under an awning to get out the shower.几个人聚集在门栅下避阵雨
40 ominous Xv6y5     
  • Those black clouds look ominous for our picnic.那些乌云对我们的野餐来说是个不祥之兆。
  • There was an ominous silence at the other end of the phone.电话那头出现了不祥的沉默。
41 reigned d99f19ecce82a94e1b24a320d3629de5     
  • Silence reigned in the hall. 全场肃静。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • Night was deep and dead silence reigned everywhere. 夜深人静,一片死寂。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
42 fatigue PhVzV     
  • The old lady can't bear the fatigue of a long journey.这位老妇人不能忍受长途旅行的疲劳。
  • I have got over my weakness and fatigue.我已从虚弱和疲劳中恢复过来了。
43 hoarded fe2d6b65d7be4a89a7f38b012b9a0b1b     
v.积蓄并储藏(某物)( hoard的过去式和过去分词 )
  • It owned great properties and often hoarded huge treasures. 它拥有庞大的财产,同时往往窖藏巨额的财宝。 来自辞典例句
  • Sylvia among them, good-naturedly applaud so much long-hoarded treasure of useless knowing. 西尔维亚也在他们中间,为那些长期珍藏的无用知识,友好地、起劲地鼓掌。 来自互联网
44 brackish 4R8yW     
  • Brackish waters generally support only a small range of faunas.咸水水域通常只能存活为数不多的几种动物。
  • The factory has several shallow pools of brackish water.工厂有几个浅的咸水池。
45 stupor Kqqyx     
  • As the whisky took effect, he gradually fell into a drunken stupor.随着威士忌酒力发作,他逐渐醉得不省人事。
  • The noise of someone banging at the door roused her from her stupor.梆梆的敲门声把她从昏迷中唤醒了。
46 frenzy jQbzs     
  • He was able to work the young students up into a frenzy.他能激起青年学生的狂热。
  • They were singing in a frenzy of joy.他们欣喜若狂地高声歌唱。
47 frantic Jfyzr     
  • I've had a frantic rush to get my work done.我急急忙忙地赶完工作。
  • He made frantic dash for the departing train.他发疯似地冲向正开出的火车。
48 daunted 7ffb5e5ffb0aa17a7b2333d90b452257     
使(某人)气馁,威吓( daunt的过去式和过去分词 )
  • She was a brave woman but she felt daunted by the task ahead. 她是一个勇敢的女人,但对面前的任务却感到信心不足。
  • He was daunted by the high quality of work they expected. 他被他们对工作的高品质的要求吓倒了。
49 perils 3c233786f6fe7aad593bf1198cc33cbe     
极大危险( peril的名词复数 ); 危险的事(或环境)
  • The commander bade his men be undaunted in the face of perils. 指挥员命令他的战士要临危不惧。
  • With how many more perils and disasters would he load himself? 他还要再冒多少风险和遭受多少灾难?
50 winsome HfTwx     
  • She gave him her best winsome smile.她给了他一个最为迷人的微笑。
  • She was a winsome creature.她十分可爱。
51 sobbing df75b14f92e64fc9e1d7eaf6dcfc083a     
<主方>Ⅰ adj.湿透的
  • I heard a child sobbing loudly. 我听见有个孩子在呜呜地哭。
  • Her eyes were red with recent sobbing. 她的眼睛因刚哭过而发红。
52 anguish awZz0     
  • She cried out for anguish at parting.分手时,她由于痛苦而失声大哭。
  • The unspeakable anguish wrung his heart.难言的痛苦折磨着他的心。
53 pang OKixL     
  • She experienced a sharp pang of disappointment.她经历了失望的巨大痛苦。
  • She was beginning to know the pang of disappointed love.她开始尝到了失恋的痛苦。
54 scarlet zD8zv     
  • The scarlet leaves of the maples contrast well with the dark green of the pines.深红的枫叶和暗绿的松树形成了明显的对比。
  • The glowing clouds are growing slowly pale,scarlet,bright red,and then light red.天空的霞光渐渐地淡下去了,深红的颜色变成了绯红,绯红又变为浅红。
55 strand 7GAzH     
  • She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ears.她把一缕散发夹到了耳后。
  • The climbers had been stranded by a storm.登山者被暴风雨困住了。
56 lull E8hz7     
  • The drug put Simpson in a lull for thirty minutes.药物使辛普森安静了30分钟。
  • Ground fighting flared up again after a two-week lull.经过两个星期的平静之后,地面战又突然爆发了。
57 refreshment RUIxP     
  • He needs to stop fairly often for refreshment.他须时不时地停下来喘口气。
  • A hot bath is a great refreshment after a day's work.在一天工作之后洗个热水澡真是舒畅。
58 revelled 3945e33567182dd7cea0e01a208cc70f     
v.作乐( revel的过去式和过去分词 );狂欢;着迷;陶醉
  • The foreign guests revelled in the scenery of the lake. 外宾们十分喜爱湖上的景色。 来自辞典例句
  • He revelled in those moments of idleness stolen from his work. 他喜爱学习之余的闲暇时刻。 来自辞典例句
59 braced 4e05e688cf12c64dbb7ab31b49f741c5     
adj.拉牢的v.支住( brace的过去式和过去分词 );撑牢;使自己站稳;振作起来
  • They braced up the old house with balks of timber. 他们用梁木加固旧房子。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The house has a wooden frame which is braced with brick. 这幢房子是木结构的砖瓦房。 来自《简明英汉词典》
60 gratitude p6wyS     
  • I have expressed the depth of my gratitude to him.我向他表示了深切的谢意。
  • She could not help her tears of gratitude rolling down her face.她感激的泪珠禁不住沿着面颊流了下来。
61 rosy kDAy9     
  • She got a new job and her life looks rosy.她找到一份新工作,生活看上去很美好。
  • She always takes a rosy view of life.她总是对生活持乐观态度。
62 rapture 9STzG     
  • His speech was received with rapture by his supporters.他的演说受到支持者们的热烈欢迎。
  • In the midst of his rapture,he was interrupted by his father.他正欢天喜地,被他父亲打断了。
63 blessings 52a399b218b9208cade790a26255db6b     
n.(上帝的)祝福( blessing的名词复数 );好事;福分;因祸得福
  • Afflictions are sometimes blessings in disguise. 塞翁失马,焉知非福。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • We don't rely on blessings from Heaven. 我们不靠老天保佑。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
64 invalid V4Oxh     
  • He will visit an invalid.他将要去看望一个病人。
  • A passport that is out of date is invalid.护照过期是无效的。
65 joyful N3Fx0     
  • She was joyful of her good result of the scientific experiments.她为自己的科学实验取得好成果而高兴。
  • They were singing and dancing to celebrate this joyful occasion.他们唱着、跳着庆祝这令人欢乐的时刻。
66 heartily Ld3xp     
  • He ate heartily and went out to look for his horse.他痛快地吃了一顿,就出去找他的马。
  • The host seized my hand and shook it heartily.主人抓住我的手,热情地和我握手。
67 fervently 8tmzPw     
  • "Oh, I am glad!'she said fervently. “哦,我真高兴!”她热烈地说道。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • O my dear, my dear, will you bless me as fervently to-morrow?' 啊,我亲爱的,亲爱的,你明天也愿这样热烈地为我祝福么?” 来自英汉文学 - 双城记


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