In a tiny cell in the Maryland State psychiatric ward , Eugene Toomssat on the narrow prison bed. He was holding a newspaper. He began to ripthe paper into long, narrow strips.
Tooms lifted one of the strips and ran his tongue across it. He crumpledthe slimy paper in his hand. Then he tossed it at the wall in the corner ofhis cell. It slid to the floor at the base of a growing mound of shreddedpapers. Tooms picked up another strip of paper and ran it along his tongue.
He gazed at the corner with contentment. It looked a lot like the wall in thebasement of Sixty-six Exeter Street.
Mulder stood outside the door to Tooms's cell and stared through thesmall circular observation window. He knew that the door was made of steel.
And that the barred cell was fortified by a strong chain link. Tooms wassafely imprisoned. So why did he still seem so scary11?
Mulder watched as Tooms methodically shredded12 the newspaper andadded the pieces to the pile on the wall. Mulder didn't look away even whenhe heard Scully's footsteps coming towards him from the other end of thecorridor.
"Look at him," Mulder said in a troubled voice. "He's building anothernest."Just the sight of Tooms made Scully's skin crawl . His building a newnest was not a good sign. Still, he was finally in custody . Scully put a handon Mulder's shoulder. "Come on. It's time to go," she said gently.
Eugene Tooms tore another strip of paper, wet it with saliva , and addedit to his nest.
A narrow slot II in the door opened. A guard slid a food tray into theslot, leaving it open so that Tooms could put the tray back when he hadfinished.
Tooms's eyes glowed red as he gazed at the light pouring through thenarrow opening on the cell's door. A smile crossed his face. It was a verynarrow slot. Maybe only six inches high and nine inches wide. But thatactually wasn't a problem if you knew how to squeeze...
The End

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