Frank's misgivings1 were not without good cause.
The housekeeper2's call at the store was connectedwith him. How, will be understood from a conversationwhich took place that morning betweenher and John Wade3.
``It's a relief to get that boy out of the house, Mrs.
Bradley,'' he said at the breakfast table.
``That it is, Mr. John,'' she replied. ``But he'll betrying to get back, take my word for it.''
``He won't dare to,'' said John Wade,incredulously. ``I told him if he came near the house Iwould give him up to the police.''
``I am afraid he will write to your uncle. He'sbold enough for anything.''
``I didn't think of that,'' said John, thoughtfully.
``Do you know his handwriting, Mrs. Bradley?''
``I think I should know it.''
``Then if any letters come which you know to befrom him, keep them back from my uncle.''
``What shall I do with them?''
``Give them to me. I don't want my uncle worriedby his appeals.''
``Your uncle seems to be very attached to him.
He may go to the store to see him.''
``That is true. I should not like that. How shallwe prevent it, that's the question.''
``If Gilbert & Mack knew that he was not honestthey would discharge him.''
``Exactly,'' said John Wade; ``and as probably hewould be unable to get another situation, he wouldbe compelled to leave the city, and we should get ridof him. I commend your shrewdness, Mrs. Bradley.
Your plan is most excellent.''
John Wade had more reasons than the housekeeperknew of for desiring the removal of our young herofrom the city--reasons which the reader has probablyguessed. There was a dark secret in his lifeconnected with a wrong done in years past, from whichhe hoped some day to reap personal benefit. UnconsciouslyFrank Fowler stood in his way, and mustbe removed. Such was his determination.
``I am going out this morning,'' said thehousekeeper. ``I will make it in my way to call at Gilbert& Mack's. My nephew is a salesman there, as Ihave told you. I will drop a word in his ear, andthat will be enough to settle that boy's hash.''
``Your language is professional, Mrs. Bradley,''
said John Wade, laughing, ``but you shouldn't alludeto hash in an aristocratic household. I shall be gladto have you carry out your plan.''
``I hope you'll speak to your uncle about mynephew, Mr. John. He gets very poor pay wherehe is.''
``I won't forget him,'' said John, carelessly.
In his heart he thought Thomas Bradley a verylow, obtrusive4 fellow, whom he felt by no meansinclined to assist, but it was cheap to make promises.
The reader understands now why Mrs. Bradleymade a morning call at Gilbert &; Mack's store.
She knew at what part of the counter her nephewwas stationed, and made her way thither5 at once.
He did not at first recognize her, until she said:
``Good-morning, Thomas.''
``Good-morning, aunt. What brings you here thismorning? Any good news for me? Has the oldgentleman come around and concluded to do something handsome?''
``Mr. Wharton is not in the city. He has gone toWashington. But that isn't what I came about thismorning. You remember that boy who has beenreading to Mr. Wharton?''
``One of our cash-boys. Yes; there he is, justgone by.''
``Well, he has stolen Mr. John's pocketbook andsome jewelry6 belonging to him.''
``What have you done about it? What does Mr.
Wharton say?''
``He's away from home. He doesn't know yet. Mr.
John gave him a lecture, and ordered him to leavethe house.''
``Does he admit that he took the things?''
``No; he denied it as bold as brass7, but it didn'tdo him any good. There were the things in histrunk. He couldn't get over that.''
Thomas fastened a shrewd glance on his aunt'sface, for he suspected the truth.
``So you've got rid of him?'' he said. ``What doyou propose to do next?''
``Mr. John thinks your employer ought to knowthat he is a thief.''
``Are you going to tell them?''
``I want you to do it.''
``You must tell them yourself, aunt. I shan't.''
``Then introduce me to Mr. Gilbert, Thomas, andI'll do it.''
``Follow me, aunt.''
He led his aunt to the rear of the store, whereMr. Gilbert was standing8.
``Mr. Gilbert,'' he said, ``allow me to introduce myaunt, Mrs. Bradley.''
The housekeeper was courteously9 received, andinvited to be seated. She soon opened her business,and blackened poor Frank's character as she had intended.
``Really, Mrs. Bradley, I am sorry to hear this,''
said Mr. Gilbert. ``You think there is no doubt ofthe boy's guilt10?''
``I am sorry to say that I have no doubt at all,''
said the housekeeper, hypocritically.
``Mr. Mack and myself have had a very good opinionof him. He is faithful and prompt.''
``Of course, sir, you will retain him in youremploy if you are willing to take the risk, but I thoughtit my duty to put you on your guard.''
``I am obliged to you, Mrs. Bradley; though, asI said, I regret to find that my confidence in the boyhas been misplaced.''
Late in the afternoon, Frank was called to thecashier's desk.
``I am directed by Mr. Gilbert to say that yourservices will not be required after to-day,'' he said.
``Here are the week's wages.''
``Why am I discharged? What have I done?''
demanded Frank, while his heart sank within him.
``I don't know. You must ask Mr. Gilbert,''
answered the cashier.
``I will speak to him, at any rate,'' and Frankwalked up to the senior partner, and addressed tohim the same question.
``Can you not guess?'' asked Mr. Gilbert, sternly.
``I can guess that a false accusation11 has beenbrought against me,'' said Frank.
``A respectable lady has informed me that youare not honest. I regret it, for I have been pleasedwith your diligence. Of course, I cannot retain youin my employ.''
``Mr. Gilbert,'' said Frank, earnestly, ``the chargeis false. Mrs. Bradley is my enemy, and wishes meharm. I don't understand how the things came intomy trunk, but I didn't put them there.''
``I hope you are innocent, but I must dischargeyou. Business is dull now, and I had decided12 to partwith four of my cash-boys. I won't pass judgmentupon you, but you must go.''
Frank bowed in silence, for he saw that furtherentreaty would be vain, and left the store moredispirited than at any moment since he had been inthe city.
Ten days Frank spent in fruitless efforts to obtaina place.
All this time his money steadily13 diminished. Heperceived that he would soon be penniless. Evidently,something must be done. He formed two determinations.
The first was to write to Mr. Wharton,who, he thought, must now have returned fromWashington, asserting his innocence14 and appealingto him to see Gilbert & Mack, and re-establish himin their confidence. The second was, since he couldnot obtain a regular place, to frequent the wharvesand seek chances to carry bundles. In this way hemight earn enough, with great economy, to pay forhis board and lodging15.
One morning the housekeeper entered the librarywhere John Wade sat reading the daily papers.
``Mr. John,'' she said, holding out a letter, ``hereis a letter from that boy. I expected he would writeto your uncle.''
John Wade deliberately16 opened the letter.
``Sit down, Mrs. Bradley, and I will read the letteraloud.''
It will be only necessary to quote the concludingsentences:
`` `I hope, Mr. Wharton, you will not be influencedagainst me by what Mrs. Bradley and your nephewsay. I don't know why it is, but they are my enemies,though I have always treated them with respect.
I am afraid they have a desire to injure me in yourestimation. If they had not been, they would havebeen content with driving me from your house, withoutalso slandering17 me to my employers, and inducingthem to discharge me. Since I was discharged,I have tried very hard to get another place, but asI cannot bring a recommendation from Gilbert &Mack, I have everywhere been refused. I ask you,Mr. Wharton to consider my situation. Already mysmall supply of money is nearly gone, and I do notknow how I am to pay my expenses. If it was anyfault of mine that had brought me into this situation,I would not complain, but it seems hard tosuffer when I am innocent.
`` `I do not ask to return to your house, Mr.
Wharton, for it would not be pleasant, since your nephewand Mrs. Bradley dislike me, but I have a right toask that the truth may be told to my employers, sothat if they do not wish me to return to their service,they may, at least, be willing to give me a recommendationthat will give me a place elsewhere.'''
``I must prevent the boy communicating with myuncle, if it is a possible thing. `Strike while the ironis hot,' I say.''
``I think that is very judicious18, Mr. John. I haveno doubt you will know how to manage matters.''
John Wade dressed himself for a walk, and drawingout a cigar, descended19 the steps of his uncle'shouse into the street.
He reached Fifth Avenue, and walked slowlydowntown. He was about opposite Twenty-eighth Street,when he came face to face with the subject of histhoughts.
``Where are you going?'' John Wade demandedsternly.
``I don't know that I am bound to answer yourquestion,'' answered Frank, quietly, ``but I have noobjection. I am going to Thirty-ninth Street withthis bundle.''
``Hark you, boy! I have something to say to you,''
continued John Wade, harshly. ``You have had theimpudence to write to my uncle.''
``What did he say?''
``Nothing that you would like to hear. He looksupon you as a thief.''
``You have slandered21 me to him, Mr. Wade,'' hesaid, angrily. ``You might be in better business thanaccusingly a poor boy falsely.''
``Hark you, young man! I have had enough ofyour impudence20. I will give you a bit of advice,which you will do well to follow. Leave this city fora place where you are not known, or I may feeldisposed to shut you up on a charge of theft.''
``I shall not leave the city, Mr. Wade,'' returnedFrank, firmly. ``I shall stay here in spite of you,''
and without waiting for an answer, he walked on.

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n.疑虑,担忧,害怕;疑虑,担心,恐惧( misgiving的名词复数 );疑惧 | |
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n.管理家务的主妇,女管家 | |
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v.跋涉,涉水;n.跋涉 | |
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adj.显眼的;冒失的 | |
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adv.向那里;adj.在那边的,对岸的 | |
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n.(jewllery)(总称)珠宝 | |
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n.黄铜;黄铜器,铜管乐器 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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adv.有礼貌地,亲切地 | |
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n.犯罪;内疚;过失,罪责 | |
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n.控告,指责,谴责 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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adv.稳定地;不变地;持续地 | |
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n.无罪;天真;无害 | |
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n.寄宿,住所;(大学生的)校外宿舍 | |
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adv.审慎地;蓄意地;故意地 | |
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[法]口头诽谤行为 | |
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adj.明智的,明断的,能作出明智决定的 | |
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a.为...后裔的,出身于...的 | |
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n.厚颜无耻;冒失;无礼 | |
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造谣中伤( slander的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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