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Ixion In Heaven

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: Benjamin Disraeli 本杰明·迪斯雷利  

简介: THE thunder groaned, the wind howled, the rain fell in hissing torrents, impenetrable darkness covered the earth. A blue and forky flash darted a momentary light over the landscape. A Doric temple rose in the centre of a small and verdant plain, surr...


类别:英文短篇小说  作者: Benjamin Disraeli 本杰明·迪斯雷利  

简介: As a novelist, Benjamin Disraeli belongs to the early part of the nineteenth century. Vivian Grey (1826-27) and Sybil (1845) mark the beginning and the end of his truly creative period; for the two productions of his latest years, Lothair (1870) and...

Alroy The Prince Of The Captivity

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: Benjamin Disraeli 本杰明·迪斯雷利  

简介: Being at Jerusalem in the year 1831, and visiting the traditionary tombs of the Kings of Israel, my thoughts recurred to a personage whose marvellous career had, even in boyhood, attracted my attention, as one fraught with the richest materials of po...

Through the Wheat

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: Dusk, like soft blue smoke, fell with the dying spring air and settled upon the northern French village. In the uncertain light one and two story buildings set along the crooked street showed crisply, bearing a resemblance to false teeth in an ash-ol...

The Daughter of Virginia Dare

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: The sunbeams were playing hide and seek with the ripples around the prows of three small vessels lying at anchor in the harbor of Portsmouth. Their decks were crowded with the colonists going to seek a home on the soil of Virginia. On the wharf all w...

Memoir of a Brother

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: This Memoir was written for, and at the request of, the near relatives, and intimate friends, of the home-loving country gentleman, whose unlooked-for death had made them all mourners indeed. Had it been meant originally for publication, it would hav...

David Crockett

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: The story of David Crockett stands apart from all others in our historya nebulous collection of traditions about a great array of facts. To the unnumbered thousands to whom his name is familiar he is often as unreal as the hero of a medi?val romance...

London to Ladysmith via Pretoria

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: This small book is mainly a personal record of my adventures and impressions during the first five months of the African War. It may also be found to give a tolerably coherent account of the operations conducted by Sir Redvers Buller for the Relief o...

The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War after the Conquest of Canada

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: I chose the subject of this book as affording better opportunities than any other portion of American history for portraying forest life and the Indian character; and I have never seen reason to change this opinion. In the nineteen years that have pa...

The Elements of Child-protection

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: During the latter half of the nineteenth century, the importance of child-protection gained a far wider recognition.The nineteenth century has been well named The Century of the Child. But there are reasons no less cogent for describing this century...

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