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In the Garden

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: The protozoic recorder chirped like a bird. Not only would there be life traces on that little moon, but it would be a lively place. So they skipped several steps in the procedure....

Floating Fancies among the Weird and the Occult

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: Very many years ago, in an age when departures from the regular line of thought were accounted but vagaries of a diseased brain, when science was a thing of dread, and great knowledge deemed but sorcery, Nordhung Nordjansen was born, and grew to earl...

Misinforming a Nation

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: The intellectual colonization of America by England has been going on for generations. Taking advantage of her position of authoritya position built on centuries of ?sthetic traditionEngland has let pass few opportunities to ridicule and disparage ou...

February Strawberries

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: Linton lay down his steel fork beside the massively solid transparency of the restaurant water glass....

The Useless Bugbreeders

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: The previous case was a Weeper, and he lost. So the Space Zoning Commissioners were damp and irritable before I opened pleadings for my client. I tried not to squelch as I approached the bench....

Spiritual Energies In Daily Life

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: Religion is an experience which no definition exhausts. One writer with expert knowledge of anthropology tells us what it is, and we know as we read his account that, however true it may be as far as it goes, it yet leaves untouched much undiscovered...

The Soul of Abraham Lincoln

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: The author is aware that he is dipping his net into a stream already darkened by too much ink. The fact that there are so many books on the religion of Abraham Lincoln is a chief reason why there should be one more. Books on this subject are largely...

Stories of Tragedy

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: The faculty of re-solution is possibly much invigorated[8] by mathematical study, and especially by that highest branch of it which, unjustly, and merely on account of its retrograde operations, has been called, as if par excellence, analysis. Yet to...

The Queen of Farrandale

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: The fashionably dressed man, with graying hair on his temples who sat opposite him at the table, left his own foaming mug untouched as he watched the handsome, rough-looking boy of twenty-four with a half smile....

The Sportman's Club Afloat

类别:英文短篇小说  作者: 未知  

简介: I assure you, gentlemen, that you do not regret this mistake more than I do. I would not have had it happen for anything....

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