One morning about this time Ben carefully counted up his deposits, and found they amounted to fifty dollars and thirty-seven cents. It was a joyful3 moment, which he had long looked forward to. He had been tempted4 to rest satisfied with forty when he had reached that sum, but he resisted the temptation.
"I aint goin' to do things by halves," he said to[Pg 268] himself. "I can't do it for less'n fifty dollars. I must wait awhile."
But the moment had arrived when he could accomplish his purpose. As Ben looked down at his ragged5 attire6, which was in a considerably7 worse condition then when he was first presented to the reader, he felt that it was high time he got a new suit.
The first thing to be done was to get his money. He made his way to the savings-bank, and presented himself at the counter.
"I want all of my money," he said.
"I hope you're not going to spend it all," said the bank officer, who by this time had come to feel acquainted with Ben, from his frequent calls to make deposits.
"I'm goin' to buy some new clothes," said Ben. "Don't I look as if I needed some?"
"Yes, you are rather out at elbows, I must admit. But new clothes won't cost all the money you have in the bank."
"I'm goin' home to my friends," said Ben, "after I've got dressed decently."[Pg 269]
"That's a good resolution, my boy; I hope you'll stick to it."
"It's what I've been workin' for, for a long time," said Ben.
He filled out the order for the money, and it was delivered to him.
The next thing was to buy a new suit of clothes. Usually Ben had procured8 his outfit9 in Chatham Street, but he soared higher now. He made his way to a large ready-made clothing warehouse10 on Broadway, and entered. The main apartment was spacious11, the counters were heaped with articles of dress, and numerous clerks were ready to wait upon customers.
"Well, what's wanted?" asked one, glancing superciliously12 at the ragged boy entering.
"Have you got any clothes that will fit me?" asked Ben.
"I guess you've lost your way, Johnny, haven't you?"
"What makes you think so?" asked Ben.
"This isn't Chatham Street."
"Thank you for the information," said Ben. "I thought it was when I saw you here."[Pg 270]
There was a laugh, at the clerk's expense, among those who heard the retort.
"To buy some clothes," said Ben; "but you needn't show 'em to me. I'll go to somebody else."
"Have you got any money?"
"You'll know soon enough."
He went to another part of the store, and applied14 to a salesman whose appearance he liked better. After some hesitation15, Ben made choice of a suit of substantial warm cloth, a dark mixed sack-coat, vest of the same material, and a pair of pants of neat pattern.
"I won't trouble you to send 'em," said Ben, "as my house is closed for the season."
The bundle was made up, and handed to him. The price of the entire suit was twenty dollars, which was a good price for those days. Ben took the bundle under his arm and went out.
His purchases were not yet all made. He went next to a furnishing store, and bought three shirts, three pairs of stockings, some collars, and a necktie,[Pg 271] finishing up with a pair of gloves. These cost him eight dollars. A neat felt hat and a pair of shoes, which he procured elsewhere, completed his outfit. On counting up, Ben found that he had expended16 thirty-six dollars, leaving in his hands a balance of fourteen dollars and thirty-seven cents.
Before putting on his new purchases, Ben felt that he must go through a process of purification. He went, therefore, to a barber's basement shop, with which baths were connected, and, going down the steps, said to the barber's assistant, who happened to be alone at the time, "I want a warm bath."
"Pay in advance," said the young man, surveying the ragged figure before him with some hesitation.
"All right," said Ben. "How much is it?"
"Twenty-five cents."
"Here it is," said Ben, producing the exact amount from his vest-pocket.
Such ragged customers were not usual; but there seemed to be no good excuse for refusing Ben, as he had the money to pay. In five minutes the bath was declared to be ready, and Ben, entering the small room assigned to him, joyfully17 divested18 himself of[Pg 272] the ragged garments which he was never again to put on, and got into the tub. It probably will not excite surprise when I say that Ben stood in need of a bath. His street life had not been particularly favorable to cleanliness, nor had he been provided with such facilities for attending to his toilet as are usual in well-regulated families. However, he was quite aware of his deficiencies in this way, and spared neither pains nor soap to remedy them. It was a work of time; but finally he felt satisfied with the result of his efforts, and, after drying himself, proceeded to put on his new clothes. They proved to fit excellently. Indeed, they wrought19 such a change in our hero's appearance that he could hardly believe in his own identity when he stood before the glass, and saw reflected the form of a well-dressed boy, in place of the ragged figure which he saw on entering. The only thing which marred20 his good appearance was his hair, which had grown to undue21 length. He determined22 to have it cut before he left the barber's shop.
He tied up the clothes he had taken off in the paper which had contained his new suit, and, opening[Pg 273] the door, went out into the main room with the bundle under his arm.
Meanwhile the proprietor23 of the shop had returned.
"Who is taking a bath?" he asked of his assistant.
"A ragged street boy," said the latter.
"What did you let him in for?"
"He paid in advance."
"I don't care about such customers any way," said the barber. "Remember next time."
"All right."
At this moment Ben made his appearance; but that appearance was so much altered that the young man looked at him in astonishment24. He looked thoroughly25 well dressed, and might have passed readily for the scion26 of a wealthy family.
"Were two bath-rooms occupied?" asked the proprietor.
"I thought you said—"
"I was never so surprised in my life," said the[Pg 274] assistant. "Did you get changed in the bath?" he asked of Ben.
"Yes," said Ben.
"What made you wear such a ragged suit?"
"I was in disguise," said Ben; "but I've got tired of it, and thrown it off. I think I'll have my hair cut."
"Take a seat," said the proprietor. "I'll cut your hair myself. How will you have it cut?"
"I want to be in the fashion," said Ben. "Make it look as well as you can."
He took his seat, and the task commenced. The barber was skilful27 in his art, and he saw at once what style would become Ben best. He exerted himself to the utmost, and when at the end of half an hour he withdrew the cloth from around our hero's neck, he had effected a change almost marvellous in Ben's appearance.
I have already said that Ben was naturally good-looking. But even good looks need fair play, and rags and neglect are apt to obscure the gifts of nature. So Ben had never looked his best till now. But when his hair was cut and arranged, and he[Pg 275] looked in the mirror to observe the effect, he was himself surprised. It was some like the change that transformed Cinderella into a princess.
"I shan't be ashamed to tell my cousin who I am now," he said.


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adv.稳定地;不变地;持续地 | |
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n.工资收人;利润,利益,所得 | |
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adj.欢乐的,令人欢欣的 | |
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v.怂恿(某人)干不正当的事;冒…的险(tempt的过去分词) | |
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adj.衣衫褴褛的,粗糙的,刺耳的 | |
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v.穿衣,装扮[同]array;n.衣着;盛装 | |
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adv.极大地;相当大地;在很大程度上 | |
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v.(努力)取得, (设法)获得( procure的过去式和过去分词 );拉皮条 | |
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n.(为特殊用途的)全套装备,全套服装 | |
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n.仓库;vt.存入仓库 | |
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adj.广阔的,宽敞的 | |
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adv.高傲地;傲慢地 | |
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n.雄伟,壮丽,庄严,威严;最高权威,王权 | |
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adj.应用的;v.应用,适用 | |
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n.犹豫,踌躇 | |
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v.花费( expend的过去式和过去分词 );使用(钱等)做某事;用光;耗尽 | |
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adv. 喜悦地, 高兴地 | |
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v.剥夺( divest的过去式和过去分词 );脱去(衣服);2。从…取去…;1。(给某人)脱衣服 | |
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v.引起;以…原料制作;运转;adj.制造的 | |
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adj. 被损毁, 污损的 | |
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adj.过分的;不适当的;未到期的 | |
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adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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n.所有人;业主;经营者 | |
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n.惊奇,惊异 | |
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adv.完全地,彻底地,十足地 | |
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n.嫩芽,子孙 | |
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(=skillful)adj.灵巧的,熟练的 | |
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