"You have been very fortunate, Harry," said Mr. Howard. "You tell me that you have about five thousand dollars?"
"Yes, sir, and it makes me feel rich."
"Besides the two thousand dollars I have in charge for you."
"No, I mean what I say," replied his friend, with a smile.
"But I don't understand——"
"Don't you remember the fifty shares of mining stock you placed in my hands?"
"Yes, they were given me by my father. I thought them worthless."
"A month ago I learned the contrary. I took the liberty, without consulting you, as you were absent, to sell them. They realized seventeen hundred dollars net, thus carrying up the amount in my hands to two thousand dollars."
"Is it possible that I am worth seven thousand dollars? It seems wonderful!"
"But the best of it is that it is true. Then was there not a sum of money which you received for saving a railroad train?"
"Yes, I have used part of it, but one hundred and fifty dollars remain. It is in the hands of a Mr. Conway, president of the road."
"Then it appears to me, Harry, taken in connection with your offer of employment in New York, you are in a very enviable position. How old are you?"
"I shall soon be seventeen."
"Then you are beginning the world young. Continue to deserve good fortune, and you are likely to prosper3."
Before returning to New York Harry felt inclined to visit his would-be guardian4, John Fox, whose treatment of him has been recorded at length in "Facing the World."
He took the train, as before, to Bolton, and thence went by stage to Colebrook. He walked to the Fox mansion5, and going up to the front door knocked.
The door was opened by Mrs. Fox herself. She did not immediately recognize Harry in his handsome suit, with a gold chain crossing his vest, attached, it may be added, to a handsome gold watch, which he had bought in New York.
"What is your business, young man?" she asked.
"Don't you remember me, Mrs. Fox?" asked Harry.
"Land's sake! It aint Harry Vane!" she exclaimed in wonder.
"Yes, it is," answered Harry, smiling. "I hope Mr. Fox and Joel are well."
"Come in, and I'll call Joel. You've been doing well, aint you?" she asked, surveying him with eager curiosity.
"I have been very fortunate indeed."
"If I was, I have come to life again."
"Well, well, it's strange. I'll call Joel."
Joel, who was at the barn, soon entered.
"How d'y' do?" he said. "I never expected to set eyes on you again. Is that a gold watch you have?"
"Yes, Joel."
"Let me see it. How much did it cost?"
"A hundred dollars, besides the chain."
"Gosh! Aint that a sight of money! Did you spend all your money on it?"
"No, I bought a chain too."
"To my mind you was very foolish to spend all your hard earnin's that way! There's no fool like a young fool," said Mrs. Fox severely8.
"But, Mrs. Fox, I have some money left."
"How much?" asked Joel eagerly.
"Seven thousand dollars."
"Gosh all Jerusalem! you aint yarnin', be you? Seven thousand dollars!"
"Who's talkin' of seven thousand dollars?" asked a familiar voice, as Mr. Fox entered the room.
"Harry Vane says he's worth seven thousand dollars!" exclaimed Joel in a tone made up of amazement, jealousy9, and wonder.
"Is that true?" asked John Fox in equal amazement.
"Yes, Mr. Fox."
"But how on 'arth——"
Then Harry gave a full explanation, with which I don't propose to trouble the reader, as it would be a twice-told tale.
"Some folks seem born to luck!" said Mr. Fox furiously, when Harry had completed his story. "Joel may work and toil10 all his life, and he won't get no seven thousand dollars. It seems hard!"
John Fox had been much impressed by Harry's luck, and his avaricious11 soul was busying itself with some scheme for turning it to his personal advantage.
"I'm glad you've been so lucky, Harry," he said with affected12 cordiality. "It beats all, I must say. I've no doubt you are ready now to carry out your dear father's dyin' wish."
"What was that, Mr. Fox?"
"He wanted me to be your guardeen. It stands to reason a boy of sixteen aint to be trusted with so much money. Now I'm an experienced man of business, and I'm willin' to be your guardeen, and I won't charge you a cent for takin' care of your property except board money."
"Thank you, Mr. Fox," said Harry, with an amused smile, "but I am offered a place in New York at fifteen dollars a week, and I have friends who will advise me about the investment of my money."
"Fifteen dollars a week!" repeated Mr. Fox dolefully. "Can't you get a place for Joel in the same store?"
"If I can find Joel a satisfactory place in the city I will do so," said Harry, "but I ought to say that my employer only pays me high wages out of favor."
"I'll take ten," said Joel eagerly. "You know you and me was always friends, Harry."
"Joel always liked you," said politic13 Mr. FoX. — Harry knew better, but he was on good terms with the world, and he did not dispute this statement.
"I'll do what I can," he said. "Meanwhile, Mr. Fox, I should like to make Joel and his sister a small present."
He gave them each a ten-dollar bill, which made Joel's eyes sparkle with joy.
Mr. Fox renewed his suggestion that Harry select him as a "guardeen," but Harry politely but firmly declined to entertain the proposal. Nevertheless, when he left the house, he was warmly urged to come again and often. He understood the reason of the cordiality, and knew very well that if he had come back poor his reception would have been very different.
Before going back to New York he made a visit of a couple of days to his old friend and employer, Professor Hemmenway, the prestidigitateur, who was delighted with the success of his young friend. He offered Harry a new engagement, but of course it was declined.
"I found my step-father dying," answered Jack. "In fact he drank himself to death after wasting all mother's property. But I have bought her a small house, and insured her an income sufficient to keep her comfortable. The last will require some of my principal, but I shall be earning good wages, and can make it up when I return home."
"When do you sail, Jack?"
"Next week, on one of Mr. Woolson's ships. I am to go to China."
"I never want to see it again, Harry; still it brought us luck."
"I shall be sorry to part with you, Jack. I wish you could be content to stay in New York."
"No, Harry, I can't give up the sea yet. It is my great ambition to command a ship myself some time."
"I think you will accomplish it, Jack, for you stand well with the owners."
Five years have passed. Harry and Jack are each twenty-one. Harry occupies a confidential16 position with the firm, and is likely to be a partner before he is much older. Jack is first mate, and will be a captain before he is twenty-five. His mother is living, and happy in his success, and enjoying the comfortable home he has provided for her.
Harry obtained a position for Joel in the city, but he proved unsatisfactory to his employer and was soon discharged. Another situation he held as brief a time. At last he was obliged to go home and assist his father, who treats him almost as penuriously17 as he would have done Harry. Joel is dissatisfied and unhappy, and his mother thinks he was born to bad luck, but those who know Joel think his want of success springs from a different source. Harry and Jack obtained success because they deserved it. If Joel were more like them he too might succeed. And I am sorry to say he is looking forward impatiently to the time when he shall inherit his father's property. It is very wrong, but perhaps Mr. Fox himself is partly to blame.
Whenever Jack comes home from a voyage he calls upon Harry, and together they talk over their adventures in a New World. Sometimes Obed Stackpole calls also. He has two boys, whom he has named respectively Harry and Jack in honor of his two companions in Australia.


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vt.掠夺,蹂躏,使苦恼 | |
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n.惊奇,惊讶 | |
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v.成功,兴隆,昌盛;使成功,使昌隆,繁荣 | |
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n.监护人;守卫者,保护者 | |
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n.大厦,大楼;宅第 | |
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adj.失事的,遇难的 | |
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adv.有求知欲地;好问地;奇特地 | |
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adv.严格地;严厉地;非常恶劣地 | |
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n.妒忌,嫉妒,猜忌 | |
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vi.辛劳工作,艰难地行动;n.苦工,难事 | |
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adj.贪婪的,贪心的 | |
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adj.不自然的,假装的 | |
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adj.有智虑的;精明的;v.从政 | |
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n.插座,千斤顶,男人;v.抬起,提醒,扛举;n.(Jake)杰克 | |
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vt.驾驶,为…操舵;引导;vi.驾驶 | |
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adj.秘(机)密的,表示信任的,担任机密工作的 | |
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adv.penurious(吝啬的)的变形 | |
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