"Where is Mrs. Oakley, Jane?" he asked of a servant whom he met in the hall.
"She's in the sitting-room1, Master John," said Jane. "She wants to see you immediately."
"Very well; I'll go in."
He heard steps behind him, and, turning, found that Ben was following him.
"He wants to hear me scolded," thought John. "However, I won't take any notice."
Mrs. Oakley was sitting in a rocking-chair. She looked up with a frown as John entered. She had never liked him, but since Ben had declared, falsely, as we know, that John had no more respect for her than a servant, this dislike was greatly increased.
[37] She was inwardly determined2 to make his life as uncomfortable as possible.
"Well, sir," she said, "so you have come at last."
"I came as soon as Ben told me you wished to see me," said John. "I only waited till I had put my horse into the stable."
"His horse!" repeated Ben, by way of calling his mother's attention to the claim to ownership expressed in those words.
"I suppose I ought to consider it lucky that you paid any attention to my words," said Mrs. Oakley.
"I hope I have not failed in proper respect," said John.
"It was very respectful in you to ride off with the horse, when I had told Ben he might use it."
"It was my horse," said John, firmly. "If Ben wanted it, he might ask me."
"Ask you, indeed!" repeated Ben, scornfully; "you won't catch me doing that."
"It was enough that I told him that he might ride. Didn't he tell you that?"
"Then what right had you to refuse?"
"The horse is mine," said John. "It was given me by my father."
"He allowed you to use it."
"He gave it to me. At the same time he gave Ben a watch, which he is wearing now. He has no more right to demand my horse than I have to claim his watch."
"You seem to forget," said Mrs. Oakley, coldly, "that your father saw fit to leave me his property. The horse forms a part of that property, and belongs to me, and it is for me to say who shall ride on it. Ben, you may ride on the horse to-morrow."
"Do you hear that?" demanded Ben, triumphantly3, looking towards John.
"I suppose," said John, quietly, "you will order Ben to let me have his watch to-morrow."
"I shall do no such thing," said Mrs. Oakley, sharply, "and it is impudent4 in you to ask such a thing."
"I don't see why it isn't fair," said John. "It appears to me rather mean in Ben to want both, and leave me neither."
"That is for me to decide," said Mrs. Oakley. "There is one thing more I have to speak to you about. My son tells me you were brutal5 enough to strike him with the whip. Do you deny that?"
"I never deny what's true."
"Then you did strike him."
"Yes, I struck him twice."
"You asked me, and I have answered you. I don't see why that should be called impudent."
"You glory in your disgraceful action," said Mrs. Oakley, sharply.
"Did Ben tell you that he struck me first?" asked John.
"I am very glad to hear it. It was what you deserved," said Mrs. Oakley.
"Then," said John, firmly, "I gave him what he deserved. You can't expect me to stand still and be struck without returning it."
"The only fault I find with Ben is, that he did not strike you more than once," said Mrs. Oakley, in an excited tone.
John glanced from the mother to her son, who was evidently pleased with the reproaches John was receiving, and said, quietly:—
"I think Ben had better not attempt it."
"What do you mean by that?" demanded Mrs. Oakley, quickly.
"I don't want to strike Ben, or injure him in any way," said John; "but I mean to defend myself if I am attacked."
And Ben, though he chose to sneer7, knew very well[40] that, quietly as John spoke8, he was thoroughly9 in earnest, and would do precisely10 as he said. He knew very well, too, that, though he was older and taller than John, he would very likely be worsted in an encounter. He preferred, therefore, that his mother should fight his battles for him.
"You hear, mother," he said. "He defies you. I knew he would. You remember what I told you."
Mrs. Oakley did remember very well, and the recollection made her angry.
"John Oakley," she said, "you will find that it won't do to insult me."
"I have no wish to insult you, Mrs. Oakley," said John. "I have not forgotten who you are, and I shall try to treat you accordingly."
"What do you mean by that?" said Mrs. Oakley, turning pale with rage.
She was misled by the statement Ben had made, and she thought John referred to the fact that she had been his father's house-keeper,—a point on which she felt sensitive.
"I mean," said John, a little surprised at this outburst, "that I have not forgotten that you are my father's widow, and as such are entitled to my respect."
"Was that what you meant?" asked Mrs. Oakley, suspiciously.
"Certainly," said John. "What else could I mean?"
"All very fine," said his mother, "but words are cheap. If you think I am entitled to your respect, you will do as I require. Will you promise this?"
"I would rather not promise," said John. "If it is anything I ought to do, I will do it."
"It is something you ought to do," said Mrs. Oakley.
"What is it?"
"I require you immediately to apologize to my son Benjamin, for the blows you struck him with the whip this afternoon."
"I cannot do this," said John, firmly.
"Why can't you do it?"
"Because I had a good reason for striking him. He ought to apologize to me for striking me first."
"Catch me doing it!" said Ben, scornfully.
"I have no fault to find with him for striking you," said Mrs. Oakley. "On the contrary, I think him perfectly12 justified13 in doing so. You forced him off the horse after I had given him permission to ride, and I should have been ashamed of him if he had not resisted. I am glad he gave you such a lesson."
Once more John looked at Ben, and was not surprised to see the smile of triumph that rose to his face as he listened to these words of his mother.
"Well," said Mrs. Oakley, impatiently, "what have you to say?"
"What can I say? You are determined to find me in the wrong."
"It is because you are wrong. I demand once more, John Oakley, will you apologize to my son?"
"I will not," said John, firmly.
"Please to remember that you are left dependent upon me, and that your future comfort will be a good deal affected14 by the way in which you decide."
"Whatever happens," said John, who partly understood the threat, "I refuse to apologize, unless—"
"Unless what?"
"If Ben will say that he is sorry that he struck me, I will say the same to him."
"Ben will do nothing of the kind," said Mrs. Oakley, promptly15. "I should be ashamed of him if he did."
"Catch me apologizing to such a whipper-snapper as you!" muttered Ben.
"Then I have no more to say," said John.
"But I have," said Mrs. Oakley, angrily. "You have chosen to defy me to my face, but you will bitterly repent16 of it. I'll break your proud spirit for you!"
John certainly did not feel very comfortable as he left the room. He was not afraid of what his stepmother could do, although he knew she could annoy him in many ways, but it was disagreeable to him to feel at variance17 with any one.
"If my poor father had only lived," he thought, "how different all would have been!"
But it was useless to wish for this. His father was no longer on earth to protect and shield him from the malice18 of Ben and his mother. Trials awaited him, but he determined to be true to himself, and to the good principles which he had been taught.
As for Mrs. Oakley, having once resolved to annoy John, she lost no time in beginning her persecutions. She had a small, mean nature, and nothing was too petty for her to stoop to.
John and Ben had been accustomed to occupy bedrooms on the second floor, very prettily19 furnished, and alike in every respect. It had been the policy of Squire20 Oakley to treat the two boys precisely[44] alike, although Ben had no claim upon him, except as the son of the woman whom he had married. Now that he was dead, Mrs. Oakley determined that Ben should occupy a superior position, and should be recognized throughout the house as the eldest21 son and heir. After her unsatisfactory interview with John, just described, in which he had refused to apologize, she summoned Jane, and said:—
"Jane, you may remove John's clothes from the bedchamber where he has slept to the attic23 room next to your own."
"And shall I move Master Ben's things upstairs, also?"
"Of course not," said Mrs. Oakley, sharply. "What made you think of such a thing?"
"Beg pardon, ma'am; but who is going to have Master John's room?"
"You ask too many questions, Jane. It is no concern of yours that I am aware of."
Jane did not venture to reply, but went out muttering:—
"It's a shame, so it is, to put Master John upstairs in that poor room, while Ben stays downstairs.[45] He's a young reprobate25, so he is, just for all the world, like his mother."
The fact was, that John was a favorite in the house, and Ben was not. The latter was in the habit of domineering over the servants, and making all the trouble in his power, while John was naturally considerate, and always had a pleasant word for them. However, Mrs. Oakley's commands must be obeyed, and Jane, much against her will, found herself obliged to remove John's things to the attic. She found John already in his chamber22.
"Excuse me, Master John," she said, "but I have orders to move your things up to the attic."
"What!" exclaimed John, in amazement.
Jane repeated her words.
"Did Mrs. Oakley tell you to do that?"
"Yes, Master John, and a shame it is."
"Is Ben to go up into the attic too?"
"The mistress said no."
"Wait a minute, Jane; I'll go and speak to Mrs. Oakley."
John went downstairs, and found his stepmother in the room where he had left her.
"May I speak to you a moment, Mrs. Oakley?" he said.
"Have you come to apologize for your impertinence to me, and your rudeness to my son?"
"No, I have not," said John.
"Then I don't care to speak to you."
"Excuse me, Mrs. Oakley, but Jane tells me that you have ordered her to remove my things to the attic."
"Is Ben to go into the attic too?"
"No, he is not."
"Then why are you driving me from my room?"
"You seem to forget that you are only a boy. This house is mine, and I shall make what arrangements I please."
"The room in the attic is not nearly as good as my present room."
"It is good enough for you."
"I am willing to go up there if Ben goes up, but I claim to be treated as well as he."
"Ben is older than you. Besides, he is respectful and dutiful, while you are impertinent and disobedient. I shall treat you as well as you deserve."
"Why did you not make this change while my father was alive, Mrs. Oakley?" said John, significantly.
Mrs. Oakley colored, for she understood very well the meaning of this question.
"I do not intend to be catechised by you," she said, sharply. "I intend to do what I please in my own house, and I shall not submit to have my arrangements questioned."
"May I ask how my room is going to be used?" said John, who wanted to be sure whether his stepmother had any motive26 for the change except hostility27 to himself.
"No, you may not ask," she said, angrily; "or if you do, you need not expect any answer. And now I will thank you to leave the room, as I have something else to do besides answering impertinent questions."
There was nothing more to say, and John left the room.
"Well, Master John," said Jane, who had waited till his return, "what will I do?"
"You may move the things upstairs, Jane," said John.
"It's a shame," said Jane, warmly.
"Never mind, Jane," said John. "I don't like it much myself, but I dare say it'll all come out right after a while. I'll help you with that trunk. It's rather heavy to carry alone."
"Thank you, Master John. Ben wouldn't offer to help if he saw me breakin' my back under it. It's easy to see which is the gentleman."
The room to which John's things were removed was uncarpeted, the floor being painted yellow. It had been used during Squire Oakley's life by a boy who was employed to run errands, but who had been dismissed by Mrs. Oakley, who was disposed to be economical and save his wages. The bed was a common cot bedstead, comfortable indeed, but of course quite inferior to the neat French bed in which John had been accustomed to sleep. There was a plain pine table and bureau, in which John stored his things. There was a small cracked mirror, and a wash-stand with the paint rubbed off in spots. Altogether it was hardly suitable for a gentleman's son to sleep in. John, however, was not proud, and would not have minded if there had not been malice on the part of his stepmother. He had scarcely got moved when a step was heard on the attic stairs, and Ben came up to enjoy the sight of John's humiliation28.
"So you've got a new room, John?" he said, smiling maliciously29.
"So it seems," said John, quietly.
"I'm sorry to lose so agreeable a neighbor," he continued.
"Are you?" said John, looking at him searchingly.
"But you'll be more at home up here," said Ben.
"What do you mean by that?"
"I mean it's more suitable for you."
"Ben Brayton," said John, his eyes flashing, "if you have come up here to insult me, the sooner you go down the better. Your mother has moved me up here, for what reason I don't know. The only satisfaction I have in the change is, that it removes me further from you."
"Elegant or not, it is mine, and I want it to myself," said John. "Leave the room!"
He advanced towards Ben as he spoke. Ben thought a moment of standing33 his ground, but there was something in John's eye that looked threatening, and he concluded that it would be the best policy to obey. With a parting taunt32 he backed out of the chamber, and John was left to himself.


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n.(BrE)客厅,起居室 | |
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adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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ad.得意洋洋地;得胜地;成功地 | |
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adj.鲁莽的,卑鄙的,厚颜无耻的 | |
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adj.残忍的,野蛮的,不讲理的 | |
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n.厚颜无耻;冒失;无礼 | |
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v.轻蔑;嘲笑;n.嘲笑,讥讽的言语 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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adv.完全地,彻底地,十足地 | |
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adv.恰好,正好,精确地,细致地 | |
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vt.耸肩(shrug的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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a.正当的,有理的 | |
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adj.不自然的,假装的 | |
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adv.及时地,敏捷地 | |
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v.悔悟,悔改,忏悔,后悔 | |
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n.矛盾,不同 | |
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n.恶意,怨恨,蓄意;[律]预谋 | |
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adv.优美地;可爱地 | |
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n.护卫, 侍从, 乡绅 | |
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adj.最年长的,最年老的 | |
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n.房间,寝室;会议厅;议院;会所 | |
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n.顶楼,屋顶室 | |
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n.惊奇,惊讶 | |
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n.无赖汉;堕落的人 | |
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n.动机,目的;adv.发动的,运动的 | |
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n.敌对,敌意;抵制[pl.]交战,战争 | |
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n.羞辱 | |
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adv.有敌意地 | |
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adj.罕见的,非凡的,不平常的 | |
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嘲笑地,辱骂地; 嘲骂地 | |
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n.辱骂,嘲弄;v.嘲弄 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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