Still he was reluctant to part with a hundred and fifty dollars, for this seemed to him a good deal of money. Yet if it would secure his son a position in the city with a large income it would be worth while. At any rate he would lay the matter before Rupert, and ask his advice.
During the afternoon he had a chance to speak with the bell-boy.
"I've got something to tell you," he said.
"All right, sir."
[Pg 125]
"Did he make you any offer?"
"Yes; he promised to give my son a place in his office at seventy-five dollars a month."
"Where is his office?"
"In Wall Street. It's big and fine. He must do a raft of business."
"He is very kind to give your son a place."
"Yes, but he wants a premium3 of a hundred and fifty dollars. That's what bothers me. A hundred and fifty dollars is a pile of money. What do you think of it?"
"If you could really get a place for your son at seventy-five dollars a month—a permanent place—it would be worth the money."
"So 'twould, so 'twould. Then you'd advise me to pay the money?"
"He wants it in advance, doesn't he?"
"Did you get into the office?"
"How do you know it is his?"
"He told me so," answered Mr. Onthank, in surprise.
[Pg 126]
"Is that all the evidence you have?"
"He went and spoke to one of the men—his cashier, he told me. You don't think there's anything wrong, do you?"
"I think, Mr. Onthank, the man is trying to swindle you."
"You don't say!" ejaculated the farmer.
"Have you given him any money?"
"No. Yes, come to think on't, I have. I gave him five dollars for a refusal of the place. He said another man was after it."
"You haven't lost much yet. If you should give him a hundred and fifty dollars you would lose it all."
"What makes you think so? He seems like a gentleman."
"My information comes from a private detective."
"Well, well, I guess I've been a fool," said the farmer, in a tone of disappointment and mortification4. "What do you advise me to do?"
"I will consult with the detective first, and tell you."
The next day Clarence Clayton made his[Pg 127] appearance. Though, not quite so sanguine5 as at first, he still hoped to carry out his original plan and obtain possession of the bulk of the farmer's money.
He found Mr. Onthank waiting for him in the reading room.
"Well, my friend," he said, "I presume you have made up your mind to secure a position for your son?"
"You don't think you could let me have it for less?" asked Mr. Onthank, who had been instructed what to say.
"I don't see how I can. Nor can I give you long to decide. The other party is waiting for me at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, and if you don't come to terms he will."
"You see it's rather a risk," said the farmer. "Suppose I pay my money and you don't keep your part of the agreement."
"You seem to be very suspicious, Mr. Onthank," returned Clayton, assuming indignation. "I am well known in the city as a man of the highest honor."
"Just so," said the farmer. "Still, I should like to have you give me a paper, agreein' to[Pg 128] give Ephraim a position. Then I should feel safe."
"I see no objection to that," said Clayton. "I'll make it out here."
He sat down at the table, and in a few minutes handed Ezekiel Onthank the following agreement:
"In consideration of a hundred and fifty dollars paid to me by Mr. Ezekiel Onthank, of Orange County, New York, I hereby promise to give his son Ephraim a place in my Wall Street office, with a salary to begin with of seventy-five dollars per month. The engagement is to commence on the first of next month.
Clarence Clayton."
"Is that satisfactory, Mr. Onthank?" he asked.
"I reckon so," said the farmer, reading the document slowly. "Do you want the money to-day?"
"Then I will go and get it."
Mr. Clayton leaned back in his chair in a pleasant frame of mind. He chuckled6 to himself as he thought of the ease with which he had imposed upon his rural dupe.
[Pg 129]
"Mr. Onthank thinks he is sharp," he soliloquized. "He may change his opinion after awhile."
The farmer did not keep him waiting long. He re-entered the reading room, but not alone. Richard Darke was with him.
Clarence Clayton started to his feet in dismay. He recognized the detective at once.
"Sit down, Mr. Clayton," said Darke, smoothly7. "I see you have been doing a stroke of business with my friend, Mr. Onthank."
Clayton did not speak. He did not know what to say.
"Let me see the paper, Mr. Onthank."
The farmer handed it to the detective, who read it aloud slowly.
"You agree to give his son a situation in your Wall Street office? By the way, where is the office?" and the detective bent8 a penetrating9 glance on the face of the adventurer.
"I believe I made a little mistake," muttered Clayton. "Give me back the paper, and I will correct it."
"It is quite immaterial. It will do as it[Pg 130] stands. You have not told me where your office is."
"I took him into it."
"Have you given him any money, Mr. Onthank?"
"I gave him five dollars yesterday."
"What for?"
"To get the refusal of the place."
"Very good. I see Mr. Clayton is a man of business. On the whole, however, I don't think you have got full value for your money. Young man, I will trouble you to return the five dollars to my country friend."
"I—I am afraid I haven't got it with me," said Clayton, uncomfortably.
"How much have you?"
After searching his pockets the adventurer produced two dollars.
"Will it be convenient for you to remain in the city and prosecute10 this man?" asked the detective, turning to the farmer.
"No—no. I want to leave town this afternoon."
"Then I am afraid we shall have to let him go. The three dollars you have lost you must[Pg 131] consider paid for experience. If it makes you more cautious in future it will be well expended11."
"So 'twill, so 'twill," said the farmer. "Much obleeged to ye, squire12, for gettin' me out of a scrape."
"You are still more indebted to the young bell-boy," indicating Rupert. "Let me suggest that you can't do better than to offer him the money you have saved from our sharp friend here."
"I'll do better than that," said the farmer. "I will give him ten dollars. He has saved me from making a fool of myself."
"You see, Clayton," said the detective, "that it is better to be honest than a knave13. The bell-boy has made more in this affair than you."
"Can I go?" asked Clayton, crestfallen14.
"Yes, and don't let me see you here again. I shall have my eye on you, and the next time you won't get off so easily."
Clayton lost no time in availing himself of this permission. In sadness and disappointment he left the hotel, inwardly resolving never to enter it again.
[Pg 132]
"Why wasn't I satisfied with the five dollars?" he asked himself. "Confound that young bell-boy! He has spoiled my game. But for him I would be able to live in clover for a couple of months."
The farmer started on his return to Orange County in the afternoon. Before going he handed Rupert a ten-dollar bill.
The bell-boy was surprised. He knew nothing of Mr. Darke's recommendation, and did not expect such liberality from Ezekiel Onthank, whom he looked upon as a poor man.
"I don't think I ought to take it, Mr. Onthank," he said.
"You needn't hesitate, sonny. I can afford it. I don't wear as good clothes as the young sprig that tried to swindle me, but I ain't a poor man by no means. If you ever have time to pay me a visit in Orange County I'll make you welcome and see that you have a good time."
"Thank you, Mr. Onthank. If I should hear of a good situation for your son I will let you know, and I won't charge a hundred[Pg 133] and fifty dollars for it, either. I haven't got an office in Wall Street, though."
"Ho, ho!" laughed the farmer.
"Shall you invite him to visit you in Orange County, Mr. Onthank?"
"I guess he wouldn't accept. We live plain, and he's a rich Wall Street broker16. But we'll be glad to see you at any time."


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n.前景,前途;景色,视野 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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n.加付款;赠品;adj.高级的;售价高的 | |
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n.耻辱,屈辱 | |
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adj.充满希望的,乐观的,血红色的 | |
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轻声地笑( chuckle的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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adv.平滑地,顺利地,流利地,流畅地 | |
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n.爱好,癖好;adj.弯的;决心的,一心的 | |
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adj.(声音)响亮的,尖锐的adj.(气味)刺激的adj.(思想)敏锐的,有洞察力的 | |
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vt.告发;进行;vi.告发,起诉,作检察官 | |
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v.花费( expend的过去式和过去分词 );使用(钱等)做某事;用光;耗尽 | |
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n.护卫, 侍从, 乡绅 | |
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n.流氓;(纸牌中的)杰克 | |
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adj. 挫败的,失望的,沮丧的 | |
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n.流氓;不诚实的人 | |
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n.中间人,经纪人;v.作为中间人来安排 | |
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