"Yes. What yer gawkin' at? He's enough sight better'n my first husband, who was a white man. Isn't he, Sal?"
"You bet, mam!"
The Indian, who had an air of natural dignity, seemed pleased with their tributes to his excellence1.
"Yes," continued Sal's mother, "he's my man now. John, this boy wants you to take him to Giles Packard's ranch2."
"It's a long way," said the Indian, slowly.
"Yes, I know that," answered Rupert, "but I am willing to pay you. That is, I haven't money with me, but Mr. Packard will pay you fifty dollars, and I will give you my gun besides."
[Pg 327]
The Indian seemed most impressed with the last part of the offer. He held out the gun and examined it closely. Then a look of satisfaction overspread his face, and he said "Good."
"He seems straight, though he's only a boy," remarked the woman. "You'd better go. Fifty dollars is a good deal of money."
"Gun good," said the Indian, sententiously.
"Yes, but the money is better."
"When you want to go?" asked John.
"You'd better wait till to-morrow morning," put in the woman. "I'll bake up some bread and fry some bear steak for you to carry."
"That will suit me if you will give me a place to sleep and some supper," said Rupert.
This was readily agreed to.
One of those best pleased with this arrangement was Sal. She seemed so impressed with Rupert that the latter was afraid she would kiss him again, but fortunately she refrained.
She made up her mind, however, to enjoy the boy's companionship, and challenged him[Pg 328] to a trial of speed. Rupert was almost ashamed to compete with a girl, but he found that Sal was a rival by no means to be despised. She kept up well with him in a quarter mile run, and in a running jump she beat him once out of three times.
"You jump very well—for a girl," said Rupert.
"You're taller'n I be, or I'd beat you. Besides, you're older."
"And your mother's older than you. Can she beat you?"
"I'd jump mam out of her boots," said Sal, confidently. "Want to try, mam?"
"Try what?"
"Oh, quit yer foolin'. A nice sight I'd be, jumpin'. Your dad will jump with you."
"Yes," said John, smiling gravely.
"Oh, he can beat me, of course."
"Won't you jump, John?" asked Rupert, thinking the Indian looked desirous of a trial.
"Yes," answered John.
Like most of his race, he was supple3 and[Pg 329] well trained in all athletic4 exercises. He jumped three feet farther than Rupert, though the white boy plumed5 himself on his agility6.
Later Rupert and Sal took a trip down the river on the raft. Sal desired to do the paddling, and Rupert was obliged to confess that she understood the art of paddling a raft better than he.
"You gave it to me, didn't you?" she said.
"Yes, Sal, it is yours."
The girl looked pleased.
"I will go out on it a good deal," she said. "Dad doesn't like me to use his canoe."
"Where does he keep his canoe?"
"Up the river a way. Shall I show you?"
"Yes, if you will."
She kept on paddling till they reached a secluded7 part of the stream, where there was a circular indentation in the bank. Here was the Indian's canoe. It was higher than the skiff in which Rupert had traveled with Ben Boone, and though as long, was narrower.
"It is a beautiful canoe!" said Rupert, admiringly.
[Pg 330]
"Isn't it? Dad's proud of it."
"How long has he been married to your mother?"
"You don't mind having an Indian for a father?" asked Rupert, feeling that he might be on delicate ground.
"No, John's a good man. He never drinks, as my own father did. He's good to mam. Then he is a good hunter, and brings us plenty of bear's meat."
"Would you be willing to marry an Indian yourself?"
"No, I'd rather marry you," was Sal's disconcerting reply.
"I am not old enough to be married," said Rupert, blushing.
"You will be some day."
"Yes. I shall be some day—if I live."
"Then will you come and marry me?"
This was a leap year proposal with a vengeance9. Rupert was hardly prepared with an answer. He replied diplomatically, "I can't tell yet. I must ask my mother."
"Mam would be willing I should marry[Pg 331] you," said Sal. "Where does your mother live?"
"Near New York."
"Won't you ask her?"
"Yes," answered Rupert; "but perhaps you will see some one else you will like better."
"No, I shan't," said Sal, positively10. "You are awful handsome."
"Am I?" said Rupert, in rather an embarrassed tone.
"Yes, you've got such nice red cheeks."
Rupert scanned her critically, but he was unable to return the compliment. Her face was thin and sallow, and the only feature that was passable was her bright black eyes.
The next morning, when Rupert was ready to start, Sal showed an inclination11 to kiss him again, but he hurried off with the Indian, and escaped this affectionate demonstration12.
"You'll come back some time?" said Sal, anxiously, as she looked after him.
"Yes, some day."
Rupert hoped that before he saw Sal again she would have secured a husband in her own station in life.
[Pg 332]
Rupert found the Indian a very satisfactory companion. Compared to Ben he was silent and reserved, but he was willing to answer questions, and the young traveler managed to extract considerable information from him.
There was no unnecessary delay. Rupert had no desire to remain longer in the wilderness13. So on the evening of the third day he reached Red Gulch14 and sought out his friend Giles Packard.
The cattleman eyed his companion with surprise.
"Where have you left Ben?" he said.
"He left me," answered Rupert, and he told the story of Ben Boone's treachery.
Giles Packard was very angry.
"The rascal15!" he said. "I knew he was lazy and shiftless, but I didn't think he was a villain16. If I could get hold of him he'd find it worse than being in a bear's clutches. Have you any idea where he went?"
"No; I thought he might have come home."
"He wouldn't dare to come home without you."
[Pg 333]
"I've got it!" exclaimed Rupert, suddenly.
"What is it?"
"I understand now. He's on his way to New York."
"What do you mean?"
"He asked a great deal about New York, and said he would go there if he only had money enough. I expect he is using my money for traveling expenses."
"Where did you pick up your Indian friend?"
Rupert told of the compact he had made with the Indian, and asked Mr. Packard to lend him money enough to keep it.
"Certainly, lad, and I'd do a great deal more for you, if necessary."
John was paid his money, and received the gun besides as a free gift. With them he started for home happy and proud.
Rupert might have sent his love to Sal, but he refrained.
"By the way, Rupert," said Giles Packard, "I have two letters for you."
Rupert opened them hastily. The first was from his mother. The important part ran thus:
[Pg 334]
"Mr. Strathmore is sick with pneumonia17, and there is little hope of his living. Of course this will make it necessary for me and Grace to seek a new home. I wish we might all be together again. I have been contented18, because I knew you were doing well, but I should be happier to have you with me. Will you be back soon? I will make no arrangements till you return."
The second letter was from Leslie Waters. He wrote:
"Congratulate me, Rupert! I have at last realized my ambition and am to become an actor. I have been engaged to play a part in the comedy of 'Fireflies.' You won't get any idea of the piece from the title. My part is a very good one. I am to represent a Broadway swell19. I can't give you any idea of the plot, but I hope some time you may be able to see it played. Of course I have resigned my position as a bell-boy. We start on the road on Monday, opening at Albany, and going thence to Buffalo20. I will send you my route as soon as I can. Answer this to Cleveland, Ohio."
"I suppose Leslie is happy," thought Rupert. "I hope he will succeed."
"I trust your letters contain good news," said Giles Packard.
"One contains bad news. My mother is about to lose her home, and I am afraid I must start at once for New York."
"Wait till to-morrow, Rupert, and I will go with you. I have a capable superintendent21 who will take my place, and a journey will do me good."
"I shall be delighted to have your company, Mr. Packard."
Giles Packard looked pleased, for the longer he knew Rupert the better he liked him.


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n.优秀,杰出,(pl.)优点,美德 | |
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n.大牧场,大农场 | |
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adj.柔软的,易弯的,逢迎的,顺从的,灵活的;vt.使柔软,使柔顺,使顺从;vi.变柔软,变柔顺 | |
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adj.擅长运动的,强健的;活跃的,体格健壮的 | |
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饰有羽毛的 | |
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n.敏捷,活泼 | |
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adj.与世隔绝的;隐退的;偏僻的v.使隔开,使隐退( seclude的过去式和过去分词) | |
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n.侵袭,发作;一次(阵,回);拳击等比赛 | |
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n.报复,报仇,复仇 | |
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adv.明确地,断然,坚决地;实在,确实 | |
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n.倾斜;点头;弯腰;斜坡;倾度;倾向;爱好 | |
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n.表明,示范,论证,示威 | |
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n.杳无人烟的一片陆地、水等,荒漠 | |
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n.深谷,峡谷 | |
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n.流氓;不诚实的人 | |
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n.反派演员,反面人物;恶棍;问题的起因 | |
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n.肺炎 | |
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adj.满意的,安心的,知足的 | |
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vi.膨胀,肿胀;增长,增强 | |
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n.(北美)野牛;(亚洲)水牛 | |
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n.监督人,主管,总监;(英国)警务长 | |
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