"What's the need of that?" asked Tarbox, impatiently.
"We don't know what may happen," said Spriggins, solemnly. "I'm ready to do my duty by the gover'ment; but it's a risky2 business, arrestin' a giant."
"Oh, well, be quick about it. I don't believe Mrs. Spriggins will mind."
This remark did not seem to encourage or soothe3 the constable, but he made no remark. He went into the house, and Mrs. Spriggins followed him when he came out.
"Nathan Tarbox," she said, "you're real mean to get my husband into trouble."
"You want to get him into a fight with a giant. He ain't fit to wrestle5 with any one, bein' in poor health, least of all a giant."
"Ain't he a officer of the law? That's what I want to know," said Tarbox.
"Why, yes."
"Then let him do his duty. I've put a warrant into his hands, and Squire6 Price and I expect him to execute it."
"Suppose he's killed?" suggested Mrs. Spriggins.
Her husband looked nervous at the possibility hinted at, but Tarbox was inexorable.
"Then you can be proud of his dyin' while doin' his duty. Come, constable, I've no time to waste. Come along!"
"You're real mean!" ejaculated Mrs. Spriggins, tearfully.
Few words were said, but when they were half way to the circus grounds a bright idea struck Spriggins.
"I say, Mr. Tarbox," he said, eagerly, "can't we compromise this thing?"
"I don't know what you mean."
"You might authorize8 me to say to the giant in a friendly kind of way that your feelin's are hurt, that it's probably all a misunderstandin', and propose to make up."
"Spriggins, are you a fool? Do you think I'm goin' to compromise after I've been shaken almost to pieces and my dog has been kicked to death?"
"He might agree to buy you a new dog, if it was properly set before him."
"A new dog wouldn't make up for Bruiser. He scared all the children in the neighborhood. I shan't see his like again. What I want is—revenge!"
"Why don't you lay for him then yourself, and not drag me into it?"
"Spriggins, I believe you're a coward—you're afraid of this Enoch."
"Who wouldn't be afraid of a man eight or nine feet high?"
Seeing that there was no disposition10 to yield on the part of his client, if I may so designate Mr.44 Tarbox, the constable continued on his way, grasping the warrant in uneasy fingers.
It was some distance to the circus grounds, but the way seemed all too short for Constable Spriggins, who felt like a man approaching an enemy's battery.
At length they came in sight of the circus grounds. Around the big tent were congregated11 a crowd of men and boys, and a stream of people was already marching up to the box office to buy tickets, while hitched12 to trees and posts were carriages and wagons13 of all descriptions which had been employed to convey intending spectators from the town round about. Nothing draws like a circus in the country, or perhaps we may add in the city also.
"There's goin' to be a crowd," remarked the constable.
"Yes; fools and their money are soon parted. I never went to a circus in all my life. It's all foolery."
"I went once when I was a boy, and I liked it. I little thought under what circumstances I should make my second visit," said Spriggins, ruefully.
"Circuses are wicked, in my opinion," said Tarbox. "I'd close 'em all up if I could; we'll do what we can to stop this."
By this time they had got into the crowd at the entrance.
Instead of going up to the ticket office to purchase tickets they passed on, and reached the doorway14 where stood a man to receive tickets.
"Where's your tickets?" demanded he of Spriggins and his companion.
Mr. Spriggins turned to Tarbox expecting him to explain.
"We don't need no tickets," said he in an impressive manner. "This man is an officer of the law."
"No deadheads—no free list," said the ticket-taker shortly. "Stand aside!"
"You don't understand me," said Tarbox. "This is Constable Spriggins, and he demands admission in the name of the United States and the Commonwealth15 of Massachusetts."
"The United States don't own this show, nor yet the State of Massachusetts. Stand aside and let those who have tickets enter."
"It's no use," said the constable, rather relieved. "They won't let us in."
"This officer wants to make an arrest in your building," said Tarbox, trying again.
"Can't help it! He can't get in without a ticket."
"You see how 'tis," said Spriggins, cheerfully. "We can't get in."
"Force your way in!" said Tarbox, indignantly. "You've got the law on your side."
This the constable positively16 refused to do.
"Then buy a ticket and go in. The State will pay you back."
"I've no call to do it, and I don't believe I'd get my money back."
"You refuse to do your duty, do you?"
"No I don't. I've tried, and I can't. You know how it is yourself."
Mr. Tarbox was nonplussed17. He didn't like to give up his cherished scheme of vengeance18, yet how was he to carry it out?
"I'll tell you what I'll do," he said; "I'll buy you a ticket, and trust to the State to pay me."
"You can't collect it of me," said the constable,47 "even if the State don't pay you. You can buy me a ticket if you want to."
But Tarbox was seized with a sudden suspicion. Spriggins might go in and see the show at his expense, and leave his duty unperformed. There was nothing to do but to go in with him, and that would involve the purchase of two tickets, and the expenditure19 of an entire dollar, which Tarbox, who was a close man, could not think of without mentally groaning20. Nevertheless, his soul thirsted for revenge, and it was clear that revenge could not be had without expense.
"Spriggins," he said, "I'll buy two tickets, and we'll go in together."
The constable would have preferred to go in alone. He wanted to see the show, and if he had been unaccompanied he could have done so without any troublesome duties disturbing his enjoyment21.
Mr. Tarbox joined the line, and gradually worked his way to the ticket office.
"A couple of tickets," he said, handing a dollar bill to the ticket agent.
Two tickets were immediately passed to him, and he and the constable entered the tent.
Opposed as he was to the circus, Tarbox could not forbear looking about him with considerable curiosity. They were not yet in the main room, but were in an outer lobby where were ranged the cages of animals. Mr. Tarbox started as an African lion, whose cage he was passing, roared, and he regarded with some apprehension23 the gratings of the cage.
"It's rather resky," he said. "Suppose the lions or tigers should break out."
The constable trembled at the suggestion, but still seemed interested in looking about him.
"Come, Mr. Tarbox," he said, "let's go and look at the elephants."
"Do you think I came here to see elephants?" he said, sternly. "Constable, I call upon you to do your duty."
"How can I?" asked the constable; "I don't see the giant."
One of the canvas men happened to be passing, and Mr. Tarbox, rightly concluding that he was connected with the show, asked, "Where's Enoch?"
"Enoch!" repeated the canvas man, staring; "I guess you're off. I don't know any Enoch."
"I mean the Norwegian giant."
"Oh!" said the attendant, smiling. "You just follow round to the left, and you'll see him. He's sittin' next to the fat lady."
"Constable," said Mr. Tarbox, grasping his companion by the arm, "we are on the scent24. Come along, and we'll see what the villain25 has to say to the law."


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n.(英国)警察,警官 | |
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adj.有风险的,冒险的 | |
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v.安慰;使平静;使减轻;缓和;奉承 | |
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adv.顽强地,固执地 | |
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vi.摔跤,角力;搏斗;全力对付 | |
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n.护卫, 侍从, 乡绅 | |
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v.屈尊,俯就( deign的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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v.授权,委任;批准,认可 | |
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adv.牢固地,粗壮的 | |
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n.性情,性格;意向,倾向;排列,部署 | |
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(使)集合,聚集( congregate的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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(免费)搭乘他人之车( hitch的过去式和过去分词 ); 搭便车; 攀上; 跃上 | |
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n.四轮的运货马车( wagon的名词复数 );铁路货车;小手推车 | |
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n.门口,(喻)入门;门路,途径 | |
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n.共和国,联邦,共同体 | |
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adv.明确地,断然,坚决地;实在,确实 | |
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adj.不知所措的,陷于窘境的v.使迷惑( nonplus的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.报复,报仇,复仇 | |
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n.(时间、劳力、金钱等)支出;使用,消耗 | |
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adj. 呜咽的, 呻吟的 动词groan的现在分词形式 | |
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n.乐趣;享有;享用 | |
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adv.神情激动地,不安地 | |
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n.理解,领悟;逮捕,拘捕;忧虑 | |
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n.气味,香味,香水,线索,嗅觉;v.嗅,发觉 | |
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n.反派演员,反面人物;恶棍;问题的起因 | |
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