"Get out those cloths, Beeks," said Christy, as soon as the boat had been put into the water. "Every oar1 must be very carefully muffled2, and you will see that it is properly done."
"I will have it done in a few minutes, sir," replied the acting3 coxswain.
213 "As I said before, we are in no hurry, and you may take your time to do it properly," added the lieutenant4.
"Those sounds are still to be heard," said Flint, who had been a short distance from the boat to listen for them.
"I hear them," replied Christy, walking away from the boat to continue the investigation5 while they were waiting. "Some kind of a job is in progress at no great distance from us. From how far off do you calculate that those sounds come?"
"I think they must come a mile; and I don't believe I can guess any nearer to it than that, though it is possible they come two miles. I know little or nothing of the region about here. Suppose we should go a mile north-northeast from this spot, what should we find there, Mr. Passford?" asked Flint, apparently6 greatly interested in the question.
"It would be a point on Pensacola Bay, about half-way between this island, where we stand, and Town Point," replied Christy. "I should say it would be in the channel leading into Santa Rosa Sound."
"Precisely7 so!" exclaimed Flint, in an energetic 214 whisper. "That's the way they are going to take the Teaser out, and they are doing something over there to prepare her for the trip in shallow water."
The master's mate was not aware that Christy had suggested to the captain this way of escape for the Teaser, and he had abandoned the idea himself. Flint had reached his conclusion from his own premises8. They discussed the matter for some time, though it was impossible to arrive at any conclusion for the want of data on which to base their reasoning.
"All ready, sir," reported Beeks, coming up to them at this moment.
"How far is the entrance to the sound from Fort Pickens, Mr. Passford?" asked Flint.
"About four miles."
"Then why should they choose such a night as this for their work?"
"The Bellevite, floating in four fathoms9 of water on the other side of the island, could shell them out if they were seen, as they certainly would be from Fort Pickens," replied Christy.
"That makes it plain enough," added Flint, as they walked towards the boat.
"But I am not quite willing to believe yet that 215 the Teaser will go out through the sound. If she could get through at all, it would only be after getting aground no end of times, and if to-morrow should be a clear day, she could be seen anywhere on her course," persisted Christy. "She cannot expect to make eight or ten knots an hour in that shallow water."
The lieutenant ordered the men into the boat, after she was shoved off the beach. They worked with such care that not a sound came from her. The oars10 were shipped, and the sailors began to row. As instructed, they pulled very slowly, though such work could not be done in perfect silence.
"Look out for that binnacle, Beeks," said Christy. "The light from it may betray us."
"You have not given me the course, sir," replied the coxswain, as he obeyed the order.
"North-northeast," added Christy, as he settled back in the stern sheets.
No one was allowed to speak in the boat, and the lieutenant set the example of silence. But he kept his ears wide open, though the little noise made by the oars and the rippling11 of the water prevented him from hearing anything at first. It 216 was so dark that one could hardly see another in the boat. It was in vain that Christy watched in the gloom for the glow of a light; for all was nearly total darkness in every direction.
In about half an hour they began to hear the sounds which had attracted their attention on the island, and they proceeded from directly ahead, indicating that the operations, whatever they were, came from the entrance to the sound. The workmen were not likely to hear the approach of the boat while they were making so much noise themselves. In addition to the sounds they had heard before, they recognized the noise of escaping steam.
This last discovery made it certain that a steamer was there, though the listeners could not know whether it was the Teaser or not. Both of the officers of the expedition, in the uselessness of their eyes, made the best use they could of their ears. Christy listened to ascertain12 if there was more than one steamer present. In a whisper he asked Flint to consider this question. There was no doubling of the sounds to indicate more than one steamer.
For ten minutes more Christy listened and was silent; but he was doing some very heavy thinking, 217 for by this time the boat was very near the scene of operations, if it could be a scene in that dense13 darkness. Every sound, even to the speech of the men, could be distinctly heard. Still nothing could be seen, and Christy knew that there was a point of nearness where something could be discerned even in any gloom of night. He permitted the boat to continue on its course, till he could very dimly make out an object ahead.
"Way enough," he whispered to Beeks.
The coxswain raised both hands, and made a gesture with them, which was the signal for the men to cease rowing. The sounds were now more tangible14. Occasionally there were a few raps with a hammer, but the most of them were the orders of the person in charge.
"I don't believe there are more than a dozen men there," whispered Flint.
"More than that, I should say; but even if there are two dozen, it is all the same. Take off the mufflers from the oars, Beeks," continued Christy. "Then give way with a will, and run for whatever may come in sight."
Beeks obeyed the order, and in a couple of minutes the boat was driving into the gloom at her 218 ordinary speed. Something came into view a moment later, and it was a small steamer.
"Boat, ahoy!" shouted some one from the steamer.
"On board of the steamer!" replied Christy.
"Are you the pilot?" demanded the speaker from the vessel15.
"Ay, ay, sir," responded the lieutenant.
"I shall not want you now," continued the man on the steamer.
"How is that?" demanded Christy, as though this was an entirely16 unexpected reply.
"I have concluded to make my way out through the sound, Gilder17."
"Then my name is Gilder," added Christy, in a low tone.
"I have a plan of my own, and I reckon I shall make it go," proceeded the captain of the steamer. "The Teaser don't draw much water, and I know how to help her over the shoal places."
"When do you expect to get through the sound?" asked Christy.
"I don't know when; but I shall get through."
"But you will find a blockader at the east end of the island; and then you will be as badly off as you are now," argued Christy.
219 "I don't believe there is any blockader there. Who are all those men in the boat with you, Gilder?"
"They belong to the water guard," replied Christy, at a venture, and he thought that would describe them as well as any terms at his command. "They expected you to go out by the main channel to-night."
"No lie in that," chuckled18 Flint.
"I wish they would come on board of the Teaser and help me out, for my men won't work."
"How many men have you?" asked the lieutenant.
"Just fifteen; the rest of my crew were to come on board at midnight, half an hour before high tide. But the men I have with me won't work, and I shall not be ready for them, I am afraid."
"What is the reason they won't work?"
"They say they shipped to fight the Yankees, and they are not going to do such work as lighting19 up the steamer."
"Perhaps we can bring them to their senses," said Christy, as he ordered Beeks to give way again.
A few strokes of the oars enabled the officers in 220 the stern sheets to obtain a full view of the Teaser, and she looked like a trim little steamer of about two hundred tons. She was rather long, and she had a very sharp bow. The reports gave her the reputation of being a very fast sailer.
"Let every man have his arms in order," said Christy impressively, in a low tone. "Give way with a will, and when you unship your oars have your weapons ready, though I hardly think you will have to use them at present."
As the boat dashed towards the little steamer, the sounds of an altercation20 came over the water. The angry voice of the captain, if the late speaker was the captain, and several others were heard in a dispute; and as the boat came alongside the report of a pistol indicated that the belligerents21 were in earnest.
Christy sprang upon the deck of the Teaser, with his revolver in his hand. Half a dozen men stood in a group by the side of the engine-room, confronting the man who had done the talking with the boat, as Christy knew by the sound of his voice.
"We are not held by any papers we signed!" protested one of the men forward. "We are willing 221 to do our duty, Captain Folkner, but we did not ship to burrow22 through the sand, and run the risk of being captured by the Yankees. We shipped to run the blockade, and that risk is in the papers."
"I shall take my vessel out as I think best, Lonley; and my men are not to dictate23 to me what I am to do," replied Captain Folkner angrily.
"I am willing to leave it to Captain Gilder. You know as well as I do that the rest of the ship's company would not come on board till the Teaser was outside of Santa Rosa Island. We appeal to you, Captain Gilder," said Lonley.
"Why do you object to going out through Santa Rosa Sound?" asked Christy, willing to do the fair thing, since the mutineers had appealed to him.
"The Teaser draws ten feet of water with her coal in, and she cannot get through the sound in a week, if ever."
"Are you willing to go to sea by running the blockade, Lonley?"
"Perfectly24 willing; and so are the whole ship's company."
222 "But I won't take the risk of running the blockade. They put a fast steamer on there to-day, and it is useless," replied Captain Folkner.
The situation was certainly interesting to Christy and his companions.


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n.桨,橹,划手;v.划行 | |
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adj.(声音)被隔的;听不太清的;(衣服)裹严的;蒙住的v.压抑,捂住( muffle的过去式和过去分词 );用厚厚的衣帽包着(自己) | |
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n.演戏,行为,假装;adj.代理的,临时的,演出用的 | |
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n.陆军中尉,海军上尉;代理官员,副职官员 | |
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n.调查,调查研究 | |
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adv.显然地;表面上,似乎 | |
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adv.恰好,正好,精确地,细致地 | |
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n.建筑物,房屋 | |
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英寻( fathom的名词复数 ) | |
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n.桨,橹( oar的名词复数 );划手v.划(行)( oar的第三人称单数 ) | |
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起涟漪的,潺潺流水般声音的 | |
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vt.发现,确定,查明,弄清 | |
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a.密集的,稠密的,浓密的;密度大的 | |
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adj.有形的,可触摸的,确凿的,实际的 | |
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n.船舶;容器,器皿;管,导管,血管 | |
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ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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镀金工人 | |
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轻声地笑( chuckle的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.照明,光线的明暗,舞台灯光 | |
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n.争吵,争论 | |
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n.交战的一方(指国家、集团或个人)( belligerent的名词复数 ) | |
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vt.挖掘(洞穴);钻进;vi.挖洞;翻寻;n.地洞 | |
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v.口授;(使)听写;指令,指示,命令 | |
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adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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