THERE was once a Darning-Needle , who thought herself so fine, she imagined she was an embroidering-needle .
“Take care, and mind you hold me tight!” she said to the Fingers which took her out. “Don't let me fall ! If I fall on the ground I shall certainly never be found again , for I am so fine !”
“That' s as it may be,” said the Fingers; and they grasped her round the body .
“See, I' m coming with a train!” said the DarningNeedle, and she drew a long thread after her, but there was no knot in the thread .
The Fingers pointed1 the needle just at the cook' s slipper2, in which the upper leather had burst, and was tobe sewn together.
“That' s vulgar work , ” said the Darning-Needle . “ I shall never get through . I ' m breaking ! I ' m breaking ! ” And she really broke. “Did I not say so?” said the Darning-Needle ; “I' m too fine ! ”
“Now it' s quite useless , ” said the Fingers; ; but they were obliged to hold her fast, all the same; for the cook dropped some sealing-wax upon the needle, and pinned her handkerchief together with it in front.
“So, now I'm a breast-pin !” said the Darning-Needle . “I knew very well that I should come to honour : when one is something, one always comes to something!”
And she laughed inwardly----for no one can ever see outwardly when a darning-needle laughs. There she sat, as proud as if she was in a state coach , and looked all about her.
“May I be permitted to ask if you are of gold?” she inquired of the pin, her neighbour. “You have a very pretty appearance, and a head of your own, but it is only little. You must see that it grows, for it's not every one thathas sealing-wax dropped upon their end.”
And the Darning-Needle drew herself up so proudly that she fell out of the handkerchief right into the sink, which the cook was rinsing3 out .
“Now we're going on a journey,” said the DarningNeedle. ---- “If only I don' t get lost !”
But she really was lost .
“I'm too fine for this world,” she observed, as she lay in the gutter4. “But I know who I am, and there's always something in that !” So the Darning-Needle kept her proud behaviour, and did not lose her good humour. And things of many kinds swam over her, chips and straws and pieces of old newspapers.
“Only look how they sail !” said the Darning-Needle . “They don' t know what is under them ! I' m here , I remain firmly here. See, there goes a chip thinking of nothing in the world but of himself----of a chip! There's astraw going by now. How he turns ! how he twirls about! Don't think so much of yourself, you might easily run up against a stone. There swims a bit of newspaper. What's written upon it has long been forgotten, and yet it gives itself airs. I sit quietly and patiently here. I know who I am, and I shall remain what I am.”
One day something lay close beside her that glittered splendidly; then the Darning-Needle believed that it was a diamond; but it was a Bit of broken Bottle; and because it shone, the Darning-Needle spoke5 to it, introducing herself as a breast-pin.
“I suppose you are a diamond?” she observed.
“Why , yes , something of that kind . ”
And then each believed the other to be a very valuable thing; and they began speaking about the world, and how very conceited6 it was .
“I have been in a lady's box,” said the DarningNeedle, “and this lady was a cook. She had five fingers on each hand, and I never saw anything so conceited as those five fingers . And yet they were only there that they might take me out of the box and put me back into it . ”
“Were they of good birth?” asked the Bit of Bottle .
“No, indeed,” replied the Darning-Needle, “but very haughty7 . There were five brothers , all of the finger family . They kept very proudly together, though they were of different lengths : the outermost8 , the thumbling, was short and fat ; he walked out in front of the ranks , and only had one joint9 in his back, and could only make a single bow; but he said that if he were hacked10 off from a man, that man was useless for service in war. Lick-pot, the second finger, thrust himself into sweet and sour, pointed to sun and moon, and he was the one who held the pen when they wrote . Longman , the third , looked over the heads of the others . Goldborder , the fourth , went about with a golden belt round his waist; and little Peter Playman did nothing at all , and was proud of it . There was nothing but bragging11 among them, and therefore I went away . ”
“And now we sit here and glitter!” said the Bit of Bottle .
At that moment more water came into the gutter, so that it overflowed12, and the Bit of Bottle was carried away.
“So, he is disposed of,” observed the Darning-Nee-dle . “I remain here , I am too fine . But that' s my pride , and my pride is honourable13.” And proudly she sat there, and had many great thoughts .
“I could almost believe I had been born of a sun beam, I' m so fine ! It really appears to me as if the sunbeams were always seeking for me under the water. Ah ! I' m so fine that my mother cannot find me . If I had my old eye , which broke off , I think I should cry ; but , no , I should not do that : it' s not genteel to cry . ”
One day a couple of street boys lay grubbing in the gutter, where they sometimes found old nails, farthings, and similar treasures . It was dirty work , but they took great delight in it .
“Oh !” cried one , who had pricked14 himself with the Darning-Needle , “there' s a fellow for you . ”
“I' m not a fellow, I' m a young lady!” said the Darning-Needle .
But nobody listened to her. The sealing-wax had come off , and she had turned black ; but black makes one look slender, and she thought herself finer even than before .
“Here comes an egg-shell sailing along!” said the boys; and they stuck the Darning-Needle fast in the eggshell .
“White walls, and black myself ! that looks well,” remarked the Darning-Needle. “Now one can see me. I only hope I shall not be sea-sick ! ” But she was not seasick15 at all.
“It is good against sea-sickness, if one has a steel stomach , and does not forget that one is a little more than an ordinary person ! Now my sea-sickness is over. The finer one is, the more one can bear.”
“Crack ! ” went the egg-shell , for a hand-barrow went over her.
“Good heavens, how it crushes one !” said the Darning-Needle . “I' m getting sea-sick now,----I' m quite sick . ”
But she was not really sick, though the hand-barrow, went over her; she lay there at full length, and there she may lie .

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adj.尖的,直截了当的 | |
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n.拖鞋 | |
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n.清水,残渣v.漂洗( rinse的现在分词 );冲洗;用清水漂洗掉(肥皂泡等);(用清水)冲掉 | |
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n.沟,街沟,水槽,檐槽,贫民窟 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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adj.自负的,骄傲自满的 | |
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adj.傲慢的,高傲的 | |
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adj.最外面的,远离中心的 | |
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adj.联合的,共同的;n.关节,接合处;v.连接,贴合 | |
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生气 | |
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v.自夸,吹嘘( brag的现在分词 );大话 | |
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溢出的 | |
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adj.可敬的;荣誉的,光荣的 | |
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刺,扎,戳( prick的过去式和过去分词 ); 刺伤; 刺痛; 使剧痛 | |
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adj.晕船的 | |
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